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Example step

Create a THREEJS scene


Understand how THREEJS relates to HTML and the Canvas


Some prerequisites required to understand this (and next) chapters:

  • Element of HTML pages
  • Basis of JavaScript language


Write a simple HTML page with a div named "theContainer". Then, using Javascript:

  • retrieve your container with document.getElementById(id)

  • create new renderer with

    new THREE.WebGLRenderer();
  • set renderer's size, keeping it the same as the canvas in order to avoid distortions

    renderer.setSize(width, height);
  • then create a brand new scene, which will be the containers of all objects

    new THREE.Scene();
  • create new THREE.Camera with the right parameters: it requires the field of view (FOV), the ratio between renderer's width and height, the near and far clipping planes; These are typical common parameters but you can adjust them as you wish

    new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(75, width / height, 0.1, 1000);
  • now set the camera position a bit behind the center, in order to be able to see it later: let's use (0,0,10) as coordinates (remember, Z axis goes outside the monitor)

  • and finally, append the canvas created by ThreeJS to the container

  • congratulations! You have just created your first ThreeJS scene.

  • add CSS (size, border or background) to the webgl canvas and/or add more HTML elements


The scene is basically composed by the camera, the renderer and the scene object. But of course, it is an empty scene and is not being rendered yet. Let's see what is missing!

Concept: creating a scene.

Working with: THREE.WebGLRenderer, THREE.Scene, THREE.Camera.
