Thank you for considering contributing to CogniGuard! We welcome your help in making this project even better.
Here are the key points to guide your contributions:
Fork the Repository: Start by forking the MuskanAi repository to your own GitHub account. 🍴
Clone the Repository: Clone the forked repository to your local machine using . 💻
git clone
Create a Branch: Create a branch for your contributions using a descriptive branch name. 🌿
Make Changes: Implement your changes or additions, ensuring they align with the project's goals. 🚀
Testing: Test your changes thoroughly to ensure functionality and prevent regressions. ✔️
Commit Changes: Commit your changes with clear, concise messages. 💬
Create Pull Request: Push your changes to your forked repository and create a Pull Request (PR) to the main CogniGuard repository. 🎉
Follow Code Standards: Adhere to coding standards and guidelines defined in the project. 📋
Provide Detailed PR Description: Clearly explain the purpose and impact of your PR. 📝
Participate in Discussions: Engage in discussions related to your PR and address feedback promptly. 💬
By following these guidelines, you contribute to the growth and improvement of CogniGuard. Thank you for your valuable contributions! 🚀