The Collective Knowledge project consists of two sub-projects to facilitate reproducible research and transfer to production across rapidly evolving models, software, hardware and data Collective Mind language (MLCommons CM) and Collective Knowledge platform (MLCommons CK).
- Introduction
- Installation and customization
- Unified CLI and Python API
- Tutorials
- Specifications
- Source code
Note that this platform is under heavy development. Documentation will come soon. In the meantime, please check our presentation and the Forbes article about our vision and development plans.
This open-source technology is being developed by the open MLCommons task force on automation and reproducibility led by Grigori Fursin and Arjun Suresh:
- Join our public Discord server.
- Join our public conf-calls.
- Check our news.
- Check our presentation and Forbes article about our development plans.
- Read about our CK concept (previous version before MLCommons).
2021-2023 MLCommons
This project is currently supported by MLCommons, cTuning foundation, cKnowledge and individual contributors. We thank HiPEAC and OctoML for sponsoring initial development.