DoIt Esp32 Board 25 RGB LED Strip with WS2812B LED´s
Arduino IDE
In Arduino IDE go to Preferences
to Additional boards manager URLs
Go to Boards Manager, search for esp32
and install it.
On Windows add additional driver from
; download and install as known. Not needed for Mac.
To control the lights we need the Neopixel library.
Go to the Library Manager and search for adafruit neopixel
and install it.
To connect to your board go to the select board and port
dropdown and then on Select other board and port...
Search for doit
in the Boards search field, select the Devkit one without Arduino suffix and selecte a Port. If you can not determine which port is the right one try one after another, just repeat this steps with another port.
Now you should be ready to compile and upload code to your esp32
Open Project 'light_controller.ino' in Arduino SDK
Change SSID and Password to your network
const char* ssid = "";
const char* password = "";
Upload to Esp32 Press Boot Button on Esp32 when compilation finishes and uploading beginns, in console output it starts connecting at this moment
After successful upload, open Serial Monitor to get IP-Address of Esp32
Set IP-Address in Android Ui-Test
endpoint IP/info
returns the current software version
endpoint IP/brightness
query Parameter brightness
changes the brightness value; Values in 0 and 255 are allowed
endpoint IP/color
query Parameters red
, green
and blue
changes the color; Values in 0 and 255 are allowed; All paramters are mandatory