In this section we will show you step by step how to add pre commit linting to a repository. You will be able to use this on the command line to lint your code and use it in a github repository. The lab already has git repo created and cloned onto your vscode instance.
If you are using the Workshop, a Workshop project should be available in your VSCode for you to push to the Workshop Gitea server. Create the files in this project folder.
NOTE: If when you click on the Explorer tab that looks like two pieces of paper and you see "Open Folder" click on that. In the popup window click windows-workshop/workshop_project/ (full path is: /home/student/windows-workshop/workshop_project
) then click "ok". If prompted select the check box and "Yes, I trust the authors" option. You should now see a readme that has a typo saying Welcome to Windows Automation workshop.
Ensure that you have pre-commit
installed on your machine. On the VScode toolbar you should see Terminal
then in the dropdown select New Terminal
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip
sudo pip3.9 install pre-commit
NOTE: Normally we would suggest dnf install pre-commit
but in this lab we will have to use pip3
Next, configure pre-commit to a pre-hook action.
pre-commit install
Further documentation for those who are interested to learn more see:
Create a file that links to the pre-commit hooks that you want to use. In our case, some general cleanup hooks, yamllint, and ansible-lint.
Create a file in this folder path .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo: ''
rev: v4.3.0
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: trailing-whitespace
- repo: ''
rev: v6.16.2
- id: ansible-lint
pass_filenames: false
always_run: true
entry: "ansible-lint"
- "--profile=production"
- "ansible-core>=2.13"
- "yamllint>=1.26,<2.0"
Create a yaml lint file .yamllint.yml
to hold our yaml rules.
extends: default
ignore: |
# 80 chars should be enough, but don't fail if a line is longer
line-length: disable
max-spaces-before: 0
max-spaces-after: -1
present: true
present: true
level: error
# Require indentation
spaces: 2
indent-sequences: true
check-multi-line-strings: false
level: error
# Allow only YAML 1.2 booleans
- 'true'
- 'false'
Further documentation for more hooks that can be added can be found here:
To use this in github set the workflow action in a file.
Create a file in this folder path .github/workflows/pre-commit.yml
name: Yaml and Ansible Lint
on: [push, pull_request] # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- name: Install Collections
run: |
sudo apt install software-properties-common
sudo apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
sudo apt install ansible
- uses: pre-commit/[email protected]
Further documentation for more hooks that can be added can be found here:
Now lets create some git files.
Create a file .gitignore
which we will use to tell git to not include some files.
Next let's create a .gitattributes
*.yml linguist-detectable
*.yaml linguist-detectable
Further documentation for more hooks that can be added can be found here:
In your VSCode at the bottom left corner is a gear
, click it and select Settings
. Roughly the 5th option down should be Editor: Render Whitespace
change it from none
to all
. This will help you visualize all the whitespace when you are working with documents.
Commit your current work so far. (note we won't mention it again but you should commit and push at the end of each section)
git add .
git commit -am "task0 complete"
git push origin master
NOTE: It is likely you will get a failed commit the first attempt due to end of line auto fixes taking place, if this happens just run the commit again and everything should be green.
NOTE: also if you get an error about credential helper run git config --global --unset credential.helper
and then do your commit again.