Author: @jnovikov
The service is a platform that can allow users to create the vaccines and upload the ML-models that other users can use to check does the vaccine work for them.
The models are uploaded in the ONNX-format and encrypted using ChaCha20 algorithm.
There is no vulnerabilities in the provided code, the vulnerability itself in the onnxruntime library.
- User can upload any correct onnx model to the service that have 1 input (scalar of 5 elements) and 1 or 2 outputs.
- The onnx model itself is just a encoded protobuf that have a VM-like operations and described inputs/outputs tensors.
- ONNX Tensor proto have a "external_data" field. This field has a "location" key which references to the relative path at the FS.
- There is no checks in the onnxruntime that will block the malicious file-paths (but there are some in the onnx python-library which is not used by onnxruntime).
To do the exploitation you will need to create ML model that will read the contents of the /app/config.env file which has a JWT secret key used to sign user-requests.
You should build the model that will not fail with the data provided from service (5 values).
- Create const tensor that will reference to the ../../../app/config.env of size 8 type INT64. This will help us to leak 40 bytes of the file (you also can set "offset" field to leak any part of the file).
- Sum this tensor with the user-provided tensor/input.
- Output the result (pls note there is no checks on output tensor size, the output should have 1 or 2 output tensors, but there is no restrictions on the size of these tensors).
- Call the model using service (test the vaccine) with all zeros data to leak the config file.
- Convert int bytes to string and find the JWT key.
- Use the JWT key to sign requests and login as any user.
Find '../' pattern in the decrypted bytes of the uploaded model (the strings can be found as is in the protocol buffers).