We believe that testing is fundamental to every production-ready product.
We recommend using BDD(Behavior Driven Development) as it seem to be easier when talking to non tech collegues. However note that this can still be a personal preference - we give this recommendation to promote unity within everyone using this recommendation.
- System via mocha
- Assertions via chai
- Plugin chai-dom-equals
- Mocks via sinon
::: tip This is part of the default open-wc recommendation :::
npm init @open-wc testing
yarn add @open-wc/testing --dev
Add to your test:
import { expect } from '@open-wc/testing';
This will have the following side effects:
- Use the plugin chai-dom-equals
- Enables cleanup after each test for all
Ideally, you'll want some way of automatically running all of your tests. To do that, we recommend karma via @open-wc/testing-karma
and browserstack via @open-wc/testing-karma-bs
If you use a different test runner or a different browser grid you may skip these steps.
::: tip Note
Already part of npm init @open-wc testing
- Install via
yarn add @open-wc/testing-karma --dev
- Copy karma.conf.js to
- Add these scripts to package.json
"scripts": { "test": "karma start", "test:watch": "karma start --auto-watch=true --single-run=false" },
- Copy karma.es5.config.js to
as well
"scripts": {
"test:es5": "karma start karma.es5.config.js",
"test:es5:watch": "karma start karma.es5.config.js --auto-watch=true --single-run=false",
For more details, please see testing-karma.
To make sure your project is production ready, we recommend running tests in all the browsers you want to support. If you do not have access to all browsers, we recommend using a service like Browserstack to make sure your project works as intended.
The following step connects the automatic karma runner with browserstack.
::: tip Note
Already part of npm init @open-wc testing
- Install via
yarn add @open-wc/testing-karma-bs --dev
- Copy karma.es5.bs.config.js to
- Add these scripts to your package.json
"scripts": { "test:es5:bs": "karma start karma.es5.bs.config.js" },
For more details, please see testing-karma-bs.
A typical Web Component test will look something like this:
/* eslint-disable no-unused-expressions */
import {
} from '@open-wc/testing';
import '../src/get-result.js';
describe('True Checking', () => {
it('is false by default', async () => {
const el = await fixture('<get-result></get-result>');
it('false values will have a light-dom of <p>NOPE</p>', async () => {
const el = await fixture('<get-result></get-result>');
it('true values will have a light-dom of <p>YEAH</p>', async () => {
const foo = 1;
const el = await fixture(html`<get-result .success=${foo === 1}></get-result>`);
If you run your tests automatically with npm run test
, the output should look like this:
> karma start demo/karma.conf.js
Webpack bundling...
Hash: 268cd16a4849f1191bd5
Version: webpack 4.26.1
Time: 1590ms
Built at: 12/18/2018 2:01:09 PM
Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names
commons.js 1.93 MiB commons [emitted] commons
get-result.test.js 337 bytes get-result.test [emitted] get-result.test
runtime.js 14.2 KiB runtime [emitted] runtime
Entrypoint get-result.test = runtime.js commons.js get-result.test.js
18 12 2018 14:01:10.156:INFO [karma-server]: Karma v3.1.3 server started at
18 12 2018 14:01:10.160:INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers ChromeHeadlessNoSandbox with concurrency unlimited
18 12 2018 14:01:10.166:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser ChromeHeadless
18 12 2018 14:01:10.833:INFO [HeadlessChrome 70.0.3538 (Windows 10.0.0)]: Connected on socket 6PnebgDwW91bPrHzAAAA with id 55371387
True Checking
✔ is false by default
✔ false values will have a light-dom of <p>NOPE</p>
✔ true values will have a light-dom of <p>YEAH</p>
Finished in 0.12 secs / 0.029 secs @ 14:01:11 GMT+0100 (GMT+01:00)
✔ 3 tests completed
=============================== Coverage summary ===============================
Statements : 100% ( 8/8 )
Branches : 100% ( 2/2 )
Functions : 100% ( 3/3 )
Lines : 100% ( 8/8 )
::: tip Note
Make sure you have Chrome (or Chromium) installed.
Additionally you may need to set your CHROME_BIN env variable export CHROME_BIN=/usr/bin/chromium-browser
For some example tests, please take a look at our Set-Game Example Test Files.
By default, if you import anything via import { ... } from '@open-wc/testing-helpers';
, it will automatically register a side-effect that cleans up your fixtures.
If you want to be in full control you can do so by using
import { fixture, fixtureCleanup } from '@open-wc/testing/index-no-side-effects.js';
it('can instantiate an element with properties', async () => {
const el = await fixture(html`<my-el .foo=${'bar'}></my-el>`);
// Alternatively, you can add the fixtureCleanup in the afterEach function, but note that this is exactly what the automatically registered side-effect does.
afterEach(() => {