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706 lines (667 loc) · 82 KB

File metadata and controls

706 lines (667 loc) · 82 KB


Convert API lets you effortlessly convert file formats and types.

Cloudmersive Document and Data Conversion API provides advanced document conversion, editing and generation capabilities.

  • API version: v1
  • Package version: 3.2.0


PHP 5.5 and later

Installation & Usage


To install the bindings via Composer, add the following to composer.json:

  "repositories": [
      "type": "git",
      "url": ""
  "require": {
    "cloudmersive/cloudmersive_document_convert_api_client": "*@dev"

Then run composer install

Manual Installation

Download the files and include autoload.php:



To run the unit tests:

composer install

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');

// Configure API key authorization: Apikey
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Apikey', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
// Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
// $config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKeyPrefix('Apikey', 'Bearer');

$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\CompareDocumentApi(
    // If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
    // This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
    new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$input_file1 = "/path/to/file.txt"; // \SplFileObject | First input file to perform the operation on.
$input_file2 = "/path/to/file.txt"; // \SplFileObject | Second input file to perform the operation on (more than 2 can be supplied).
$autorepair = true; // bool | Optional; automatically repair input documents that have errors (default is true)

try {
    $result = $apiInstance->compareDocumentDocx($input_file1, $input_file2, $autorepair);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo 'Exception when calling CompareDocumentApi->compareDocumentDocx: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;


Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
CompareDocumentApi compareDocumentDocx POST /convert/compare/docx Compare Two Word DOCX
ConvertDataApi convertDataCsvToJson POST /convert/csv/to/json Convert CSV to JSON conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataCsvToXml POST /convert/csv/to/xml Convert CSV to XML conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataJsonStringToXml POST /convert/json-string/to/xml Convert JSON String to XML conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataJsonToXml POST /convert/json/to/xml Convert JSON Object to XML conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXlsToJson POST /convert/xls/to/json Convert Excel (97-2003) XLS to JSON conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXlsxToJson POST /convert/xlsx/to/json Convert Excel XLSX to JSON conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXlsxToXml POST /convert/xlsx/to/xml Convert Excel XLSX to XML conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditAddAttributeWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/add-attribute Adds an attribute to all XML nodes matching XPath expression
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditAddChildWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/add-child Adds an XML node as a child to XML nodes matching XPath expression
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditRemoveAllChildNodesWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/remove-all-children Removes, deletes all children of nodes matching XPath expression, but does not remove the nodes
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditReplaceWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/replace Replaces XML nodes matching XPath expression with new node
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlEditSetValueWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/set-value Sets the value contents of XML nodes matching XPath expression
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlFilterWithXPath POST /convert/xml/select/xpath Filter, select XML nodes using XPath expression, get results
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlQueryWithXQuery POST /convert/xml/query/xquery Query an XML file using XQuery query, get results
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlQueryWithXQueryMulti POST /convert/xml/query/xquery/multi Query multiple XML files using XQuery query, get results
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlRemoveWithXPath POST /convert/xml/edit/xpath/remove Remove, delete XML nodes and items matching XPath expression
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlToJson POST /convert/xml/to/json Convert XML to JSON conversion
ConvertDataApi convertDataXmlTransformWithXsltToXml POST /convert/xml/transform/xslt/to/xml Transform XML document file with XSLT into a new XML document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectGetInfo POST /convert/autodetect/get-info Get document type information
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToJpg POST /convert/autodetect/to/jpg Convert Document to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToPdf POST /convert/autodetect/to/pdf Convert Document to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToPdfBatchJob POST /convert/autodetect/to/pdf/batch-job Convert Document to PDF as Batch Job
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToPngArray POST /convert/autodetect/to/png Convert Document to PNG array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToThumbnail POST /convert/autodetect/to/thumbnail Convert File to Thumbnail Image
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToThumbnailsAdvanced POST /convert/autodetect/to/thumbnail/advanced Convert File to Thumbnail Image Object
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentAutodetectToTxt POST /convert/autodetect/to/txt Convert Document to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentCsvMultiToXlsx POST /convert/csv/multi/to/xlsx Convert Multiple CSV Files into a Single XLSX Spreadsheet
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentCsvToHtml POST /convert/csv/to/html Convert CSV to HTML document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentCsvToPdf POST /convert/csv/to/pdf Convert CSV to PDF document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentCsvToXlsx POST /convert/csv/to/xlsx Convert CSV to Excel XLSX Spreadsheet
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocToDocx POST /convert/doc/to/docx Convert Word DOC (97-03) Document to DOCX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocToPdf POST /convert/doc/to/pdf Convert Word DOC (97-03) Document to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocToTxt POST /convert/doc/to/txt Convert Word DOC (97-03) Document to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToDoc POST /convert/docx/to/doc Convert Word DOCX Document to Legacy Word DOC (97-03)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToHtml POST /convert/docx/to/html Convert Word DOCX Document to HTML Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToJpg POST /convert/docx/to/jpg Convert Word DOCX Document to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToPdf POST /convert/docx/to/pdf Convert Word DOCX Document to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToPng POST /convert/docx/to/png Convert Word DOCX Document to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToRtf POST /convert/docx/to/rtf Convert Word DOCX Document to RTF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentDocxToTxt POST /convert/docx/to/txt Convert Word DOCX Document to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentEmlToHtml POST /convert/eml/to/html Convert Email EML file to HTML string
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentEmlToJpg POST /convert/eml/to/jpg Convert Email EML file to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentEmlToPdf POST /convert/eml/to/pdf Convert Email EML file to PDF document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentEmlToPng POST /convert/eml/to/png Convert Email EML file to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentGetAsyncJobStatus GET /convert/batch-job/status Get the status and result of a Convert Document Batch Job
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentGetFileTypeIcon POST /convert/autodetect/get-icon Get PNG icon file for the file extension
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentGetFileTypeIconAdvanced POST /convert/autodetect/get-icon/advanced Get PNG icon byte array for the file extension
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentHtmlToPdf POST /convert/html/to/pdf Convert HTML document file to PDF Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentHtmlToPng POST /convert/html/to/png Convert HTML document file to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentHtmlToTxt POST /convert/html/to/txt HTML Document file to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentKeynoteToJpg POST /convert/key/to/jpg Convert Keynote Presentation (KEY) to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentKeynoteToPdf POST /convert/key/to/pdf Convert Keynote Presentation (KEY) to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentKeynoteToPng POST /convert/key/to/png Convert Keynote Presentation (KEY) to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentKeynoteToPptx POST /convert/key/to/pptx Convert Keynote Presentation (KEY) to PPTX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentMsgToHtml POST /convert/msg/to/html Convert Email MSG file to HTML string
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentMsgToJpg POST /convert/msg/to/jpg Convert Email MSG file to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentMsgToPdf POST /convert/msg/to/pdf Convert Email MSG file to PDF document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentMsgToPng POST /convert/msg/to/png Convert Email MSG file to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdpToJpg POST /convert/odp/to/jpg Convert ODP Presentation to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdpToPdf POST /convert/odp/to/pdf Convert ODP Presentation to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdpToPng POST /convert/odp/to/png Convert ODP Presentation to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdpToPptx POST /convert/odp/to/pptx Convert ODP Presentation to PPTX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdsToJpg POST /convert/ods/to/jpg Convert ODS Spreadsheet to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdsToPdf POST /convert/ods/to/pdf Convert ODS Spreadsheet to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdsToPng POST /convert/ods/to/png Convert ODS Spreadsheet to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdsToXlsx POST /convert/ods/to/xlsx Convert ODS Spreadsheet to XLSX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdtToDocx POST /convert/odt/to/docx Convert ODT Text File to Word DOCX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdtToJpg POST /convert/odt/to/jpg Convert ODT Text File to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdtToPdf POST /convert/odt/to/pdf Convert ODT Text File to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentOdtToPng POST /convert/odt/to/png Convert ODT Text File to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToDocx POST /convert/pdf/to/docx Convert PDF to Word DOCX Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToDocxRasterize POST /convert/pdf/to/docx/rasterize Convert PDF to Word DOCX Document based on rasterized version of the PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToJpg POST /convert/pdf/to/jpg Convert PDF to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToPngArray POST /convert/pdf/to/png Convert PDF to PNG Image Array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToPngArrayDirect POST /convert/pdf/to/png/direct Convert PDF to PNG Image Array (Direct)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToPngSingle POST /convert/pdf/to/png/merge-single Convert PDF to Single PNG image
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToPptx POST /convert/pdf/to/pptx Convert PDF to PowerPoint PPTX Presentation
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToTiff POST /convert/pdf/to/tiff Convert PDF to TIFF image
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPdfToTxt POST /convert/pdf/to/txt Convert PDF Document to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPngArrayToPdf POST /convert/png/to/pdf Convert PNG Array to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPngArrayToPdfFlattenTransparency POST /convert/png/to/pdf/remove-transparency Convert PNG Array to PDF and remove transparency
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptToPdf POST /convert/ppt/to/pdf Convert PowerPoint PPT (97-03) Presentation to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptToPptx POST /convert/ppt/to/pptx Convert PowerPoint PPT (97-03) Presentation to PPTX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptxToPdf POST /convert/pptx/to/pdf Convert PowerPoint PPTX Presentation to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptxToPng POST /convert/pptx/to/png Convert PowerPoint PPTX to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptxToPpt POST /convert/pptx/to/ppt Convert PowerPoint PPTX presentation to Legacy PowerPoint PPT (97-03)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentPptxToTxt POST /convert/pptx/to/txt Convert PowerPoint PPTX Presentation to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToDocx POST /convert/rtf/to/docx Convert Rich Text Format RTF to DOCX Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToHtml POST /convert/rtf/to/html Convert Rich Text Format RTF to HTML Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToJpg POST /convert/rtf/to/jpg Convert Rich Text Format RTF to JPG/JPEG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToPdf POST /convert/rtf/to/pdf Convert Rich Text Format RTF to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentRtfToPng POST /convert/rtf/to/png Convert Rich Text Format RTF to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentTxtToPdf POST /convert/txt/to/pdf Convert TXT text file to PDF Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsToCsv POST /convert/xls/to/csv Convert Excel XLS (97-03) Spreadsheet to CSV
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsToPdf POST /convert/xls/to/pdf Convert Excel XLS (97-03) Spreadsheet to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsToXlsx POST /convert/xls/to/xlsx Convert Excel XLS (97-03) Spreadsheet to XLSX
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToCsv POST /convert/xlsx/to/csv Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to CSV, Single Worksheet
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToCsvMulti POST /convert/xlsx/to/csv/multi Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to CSV, Multiple Worksheets
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToHtml POST /convert/xlsx/to/html Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to HTML Document
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToPdf POST /convert/xlsx/to/pdf Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to PDF
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToPng POST /convert/xlsx/to/png Convert Excel XLSX spreadsheet to PNG image array
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToTxt POST /convert/xlsx/to/txt Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to Text (txt)
ConvertDocumentApi convertDocumentXlsxToXls POST /convert/xlsx/to/xls Convert Excel XLSX Spreadsheet to Legacy Excel XLS (97-03)
ConvertImageApi convertImageGetImageInfo POST /convert/image/get-info Get information about an image
ConvertImageApi convertImageImageFormatConvert POST /convert/image/{format1}/to/{format2} Image format conversion
ConvertImageApi convertImageImageSetDPI POST /convert/image/set-dpi/{dpi} Change image DPI
ConvertImageApi convertImageMultipageImageFormatConvert POST /convert/image-multipage/{format1}/to/{format2} Multi-page image format conversion
ConvertTemplateApi convertTemplateApplyDocxTemplate POST /convert/template/docx/apply Apply Word DOCX template
ConvertTemplateApi convertTemplateApplyHtmlTemplate POST /convert/template/html/apply Apply HTML template
ConvertWebApi convertWebHtmlToDocx POST /convert/html/to/docx Convert HTML to Word DOCX Document
ConvertWebApi convertWebHtmlToPdf POST /convert/web/html/to/pdf Convert HTML string to PDF
ConvertWebApi convertWebHtmlToPng POST /convert/web/html/to/png Convert HTML string to PNG screenshot
ConvertWebApi convertWebHtmlToTxt POST /convert/web/html/to/txt Convert HTML string to text (txt)
ConvertWebApi convertWebMdToHtml POST /convert/web/md/to/html Convert Markdown to HTML
ConvertWebApi convertWebUrlToPdf POST /convert/web/url/to/pdf Convert a URL to PDF
ConvertWebApi convertWebUrlToScreenshot POST /convert/web/url/to/screenshot Take screenshot of URL
ConvertWebApi convertWebUrlToTxt POST /convert/web/url/to/txt Convert website URL page to text (txt)
EditDocumentApi editDocumentBeginEditing POST /convert/edit/begin-editing Begin editing a document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxAcceptAllTrackChanges POST /convert/edit/docx/track-changes/accept-all Accept all tracked changes, revisions in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxBody POST /convert/edit/docx/get-body Get body from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxCreateBlankDocument POST /convert/edit/docx/create/blank Create a blank Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxDeletePages POST /convert/edit/docx/delete-pages Delete, remove pages from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxDeleteTableRow POST /convert/edit/docx/delete-table-row Deletes a table row in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxDeleteTableRowRange POST /convert/edit/docx/delete-table-row/range Deletes a range of multiple table rows in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxDisableTrackChanges POST /convert/edit/docx/track-changes/disable Disable track changes, revisions in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxEnableTrackChanges POST /convert/edit/docx/track-changes/enable Enable track changes, revisions in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxFindParagraph POST /convert/edit/docx/find/paragraph Find matching paragraphs in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetComments POST /convert/edit/docx/get-comments/flat-list Get comments from a Word DOCX document as a flat list
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetCommentsHierarchical POST /convert/edit/docx/get-comments/hierarchical Get comments from a Word DOCX document hierarchically
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetContentControls POST /convert/edit/docx/get-content-controls Get all content controls (form fields) and values in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetFormFields POST /convert/edit/docx/get-form-fields Get all form fields in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetHeadersAndFooters POST /convert/edit/docx/get-headers-and-footers Get content of a footer from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetImages POST /convert/edit/docx/get-images Get images from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetMacroInformation POST /convert/edit/docx/get-macros Get macro information from a Word DOCX/DOCM document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetMetadataProperties POST /convert/edit/docx/get-metadata Get all metadata properties in Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetSections POST /convert/edit/docx/get-sections Get sections from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetStyles POST /convert/edit/docx/get-styles Get styles from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetTableByIndex POST /convert/edit/docx/get-table/by-index Get a specific table by index in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetTableRow POST /convert/edit/docx/get-table-row Gets the contents of an existing table row in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxGetTables POST /convert/edit/docx/get-tables Get all tables in Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertCommentOnParagraph POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-comment/on/paragraph Insert a new comment into a Word DOCX document attached to a paragraph
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertImage POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-image Insert image into a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertParagraph POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-paragraph Insert a new paragraph into a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertTable POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-table Insert a new table into a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxInsertTableRow POST /convert/edit/docx/insert-table-row Insert a new row into an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxPages POST /convert/edit/docx/get-pages Get pages and content from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxRemoveAllComments POST /convert/edit/docx/comments/remove-all Remove all comments from a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxRemoveHeadersAndFooters POST /convert/edit/docx/remove-headers-and-footers Remove headers and footers from Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxRemoveObject POST /convert/edit/docx/remove-object Delete any object in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxReplace POST /convert/edit/docx/replace-all Replace string in Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxReplaceMulti POST /convert/edit/docx/replace-all/multi Replace multiple strings in Word DOCX document, return result
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxReplaceMultiEditSession POST /convert/edit/docx/replace-all/multi/edit-session Replace multiple strings in Word DOCX document, return edit session
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxReplaceParagraph POST /convert/edit/docx/replace/paragraph Replace matching paragraphs in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetCustomMetadataProperties POST /convert/edit/docx/set-metadata/custom-property Set custom property metadata properties in Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetFooter POST /convert/edit/docx/set-footer Set the footer in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetFooterAddPageNumber POST /convert/edit/docx/set-footer/add-page-number Add page number to footer in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetFormFields POST /convert/edit/docx/set-form-fields Set and fill values for form fields in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxSetHeader POST /convert/edit/docx/set-header Set the header in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxUpdateTableCell POST /convert/edit/docx/update-table-cell Update, set contents of a table cell in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentDocxUpdateTableRow POST /convert/edit/docx/update-table-row Update, set contents of a table row in an existing table in a Word DOCX document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentFinishEditing POST /convert/edit/finish-editing Finish editing document, and download result from document editing
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxDeleteSlides POST /convert/edit/pptx/delete-slides Delete, remove slides from a PowerPoint PPTX presentation document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxEditSizeAndOrientation POST /convert/edit/pptx/set-size-and-orientation Set the size and/or orientation of a PowerPoint PPTX presentation document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxGetMacroInformation POST /convert/edit/pptx/get-macros Get macro information from a PowerPoint PPTX/PPTM presentation document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxGetSizeAndOrientation POST /convert/edit/pptx/get-size-and-orientation Get the page layout information, including size and orientation of a PowerPoint PPTX presentation document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentPptxReplace POST /convert/edit/pptx/replace-all Replace string in PowerPoint PPTX presentation
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxAppendRow POST /convert/edit/xlsx/append-row Append row to a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxClearCellByIndex POST /convert/edit/xlsx/clear-cell/by-index Clear cell contents in an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by index
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxClearRow POST /convert/edit/xlsx/clear-row Clear row from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxCreateBlankSpreadsheet POST /convert/edit/xlsx/create/blank Create a blank Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxCreateSpreadsheetFromData POST /convert/edit/xlsx/create/from/data Create a new Excel XLSX spreadsheet from column and row data
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxDeleteWorksheet POST /convert/edit/xlsx/delete-worksheet Delete, remove worksheet from an Excel XLSX spreadsheet document
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxDisableSharedWorkbook POST /convert/edit/xlsx/configuration/disable-shared-workbook Disable Shared Workbook (legacy) in Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxEnableSharedWorkbook POST /convert/edit/xlsx/configuration/enable-shared-workbook Enable Shared Workbook (legacy) in Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetCellByIdentifier POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-cell/by-identifier Get cell from an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by cell identifier
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetCellByIndex POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-cell/by-index Get cell from an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by index
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetColumns POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-columns Get columns from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetImages POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-images Get images from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetMacroInformation POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-macros Get macro information from a Excel XLSX/XLSM spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetRowsAndCells POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-rows-and-cells Get rows and cells from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetSpecificRow POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-specific-row Get a specific row from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by path
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetStyles POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-styles Get styles from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxGetWorksheets POST /convert/edit/xlsx/get-worksheets Get worksheets from a Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxInsertWorksheet POST /convert/edit/xlsx/insert-worksheet Insert a new worksheet into an Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxRenameWorksheet POST /convert/edit/xlsx/rename-worksheet Rename a specific worksheet in a Excel XLSX spreadsheet
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxSetCellByIdentifier POST /convert/edit/xlsx/set-cell/by-identifier Set, update cell contents in an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by cell identifier
EditDocumentApi editDocumentXlsxSetCellByIndex POST /convert/edit/xlsx/set-cell/by-index Set, update cell contents in an Excel XLSX spreadsheet, worksheet by index
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendHeaderTag POST /convert/edit/html/head/append/tag Append an HTML tag to the HEAD section of an HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendHeading POST /convert/edit/html/append/heading Append a Heading to an HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendImageFromUrl POST /convert/edit/html/append/image/from-url Append an Image to an HTML Document from a URL
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendImageInline POST /convert/edit/html/append/image/inline Append a Base64 Inline Image to an HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlAppendParagraph POST /convert/edit/html/append/paragraph Append a Paragraph to an HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlCreateBlankDocument POST /convert/edit/html/create/blank Create a Blank HTML Document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlGetLanguage POST /convert/edit/html/head/get/language Gets the language for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlGetLinks POST /convert/edit/html/extract/links Extract resolved link URLs from HTML File
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlGetRelCanonical POST /convert/edit/html/head/get/rel-canonical-url Gets the rel canonical URL for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlGetSitemap POST /convert/edit/html/head/get/sitemap-url Gets the sitemap URL for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlSetLanguage POST /convert/edit/html/head/set/language Sets the language for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlSetRelCanonical POST /convert/edit/html/head/set/rel-canonical-url Sets the rel canonical URL for the HTML document
EditHtmlApi editHtmlHtmlSetSitemapUrl POST /convert/edit/html/head/set/sitemap-url Sets the sitemap URL for the HTML document
EditPdfApi editPdfAddAnnotations POST /convert/edit/pdf/annotations/add-item Add one or more PDF annotations, comments in the PDF document
EditPdfApi editPdfConvertToPdfA POST /convert/edit/pdf/optimize/pdf-a Convert a PDF file to PDF/A
EditPdfApi editPdfDecrypt POST /convert/edit/pdf/decrypt Decrypt and password-protect a PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfDeletePages POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/delete Remove, delete pages from a PDF document
EditPdfApi editPdfDeletePagesBatchJob POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/delete/batch-job Remove, delete pages from a PDF document as Batch Job
EditPdfApi editPdfEncrypt POST /convert/edit/pdf/encrypt Encrypt and password-protect a PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfGetAnnotations POST /convert/edit/pdf/annotations/list Get PDF annotations, including comments in the document
EditPdfApi editPdfGetAsyncJobStatus GET /convert/edit/pdf/batch-job/status Get the status and result of a PDF Batch Job
EditPdfApi editPdfGetFormFields POST /convert/edit/pdf/form/get-fields Gets PDF Form fields and values
EditPdfApi editPdfGetMetadata POST /convert/edit/pdf/get-metadata Get PDF document metadata
EditPdfApi editPdfGetPdfTextByPages POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/get-text Get text in a PDF document by page
EditPdfApi editPdfInsertPages POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/insert Insert, copy pages from one PDF document into another
EditPdfApi editPdfInsertPagesBatchJob POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/insert/batch-job Insert, copy pages from one PDF document into another as a batch job
EditPdfApi editPdfLinearize POST /convert/edit/pdf/optimize/linearize Linearize and optimize a PDF for streaming download
EditPdfApi editPdfRasterize POST /convert/edit/pdf/rasterize Rasterize a PDF to an image-based PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfRasterizeBatchJob POST /convert/edit/pdf/rasterize/batch-job Rasterize a PDF to an image-based PDF as Batch Job
EditPdfApi editPdfReduceFileSize POST /convert/edit/pdf/optimize/reduce-file-size Reduce the file size and optimize a PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfRemoveAllAnnotations POST /convert/edit/pdf/annotations/remove-all Remove all PDF annotations, including comments in the document
EditPdfApi editPdfRemoveAnnotationItem POST /convert/edit/pdf/annotations/remove-item Remove a specific PDF annotation, comment in the document
EditPdfApi editPdfResize POST /convert/edit/pdf/resize Change PDF Document's Paper Size
EditPdfApi editPdfRotateAllPages POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/rotate/all Rotate all pages in a PDF document
EditPdfApi editPdfRotatePageRange POST /convert/edit/pdf/pages/rotate/page-range Rotate a range, subset of pages in a PDF document
EditPdfApi editPdfSetFormFields POST /convert/edit/pdf/form/set-fields Sets ands fills PDF Form field values
EditPdfApi editPdfSetMetadata POST /convert/edit/pdf/set-metadata Sets PDF document metadata
EditPdfApi editPdfSetPermissions POST /convert/edit/pdf/encrypt/set-permissions Encrypt, password-protect and set restricted permissions on a PDF
EditPdfApi editPdfWatermarkText POST /convert/edit/pdf/watermark/text Add a text watermark to a PDF
EditTextApi editTextBase64Decode POST /convert/edit/text/encoding/base64/decode Base 64 decode, convert base 64 string to binary content
EditTextApi editTextBase64Detect POST /convert/edit/text/encoding/base64/detect Detect, check if text string is base 64 encoded
EditTextApi editTextBase64Encode POST /convert/edit/text/encoding/base64/encode Base 64 encode, convert binary or file data to a text string
EditTextApi editTextChangeLineEndings POST /convert/edit/text/line-endings/change Set, change line endings of a text file
EditTextApi editTextDetectLineEndings POST /convert/edit/text/line-endings/detect Detect line endings of a text file
EditTextApi editTextFindRegex POST /convert/edit/text/find/regex Find a regular expression regex in text input
EditTextApi editTextFindSimple POST /convert/edit/text/find/string Find a string in text input
EditTextApi editTextRemoveAllWhitespace POST /convert/edit/text/remove/whitespace/all Remove whitespace from text string
EditTextApi editTextRemoveHtml POST /convert/edit/text/remove/html Remove HTML from text string
EditTextApi editTextReplaceRegex POST /convert/edit/text/replace/regex Replace a string in text with a regex regular expression string
EditTextApi editTextReplaceSimple POST /convert/edit/text/replace/string Replace a string in text with another string value
EditTextApi editTextTextEncodingDetect POST /convert/edit/text/encoding/detect Detect text encoding of file
EditTextApi editTextTrimWhitespace POST /convert/edit/text/remove/whitespace/trim Trim leading and trailing whitespace from text string
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentBatchJobCreate POST /convert/merge/batch-job/create Merge an array of Documents into a Single Document by Page as a Batch Job
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentDocx POST /convert/merge/docx Merge Two Word DOCX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentDocxMulti POST /convert/merge/docx/multi Merge Multple Word DOCX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentDocxMultiArray POST /convert/merge/docx/multi/array Merge Multple Word DOCX Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentGetAsyncJobStatus GET /convert/merge/batch-job/status Get the status and result of a Merge Document Batch Job
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentHtml POST /convert/merge/html Merge Two HTML (HTM) Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentHtmlMulti POST /convert/merge/html/multi Merge Multple HTML (HTM) Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentHtmlMultiArray POST /convert/merge/html/multi/array Merge Multple HTML (HTM) Files Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPdf POST /convert/merge/pdf Merge Two PDF Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPdfMulti POST /convert/merge/pdf/multi Merge Multple PDF Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPdfMultiArray POST /convert/merge/pdf/multi/array Merge Multple PDF Files Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPng POST /convert/merge/png/vertical Merge Two PNG Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPngMulti POST /convert/merge/png/vertical/multi Merge Multple PNG Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPngMultiArray POST /convert/merge/png/vertical/multi/array Merge Multple PNG Files Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPptx POST /convert/merge/pptx Merge Two PowerPoint PPTX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPptxMulti POST /convert/merge/pptx/multi Merge Multple PowerPoint PPTX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentPptxMultiArray POST /convert/merge/pptx/multi/array Merge Multple PowerPoint PPTX Together from an array
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentTxt POST /convert/merge/txt Merge Two Text (TXT) Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentTxtMulti POST /convert/merge/txt/multi Merge Multple Text (TXT) Files Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentXlsx POST /convert/merge/xlsx Merge Two Excel XLSX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentXlsxMulti POST /convert/merge/xlsx/multi Merge Multple Excel XLSX Together
MergeDocumentApi mergeDocumentXlsxMultiArray POST /convert/merge/xlsx/multi/array Merge Multple Excel XLSX Together from an Array
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentBatchJobCreate POST /convert/split/batch-job/create Split a single Document into Separate Documents by Page as a Batch Job
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentDocx POST /convert/split/docx Split a single Word Document DOCX into Separate Documents by Page
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentGetAsyncJobStatus GET /convert/split/batch-job/status Get the status and result of a Split Document Batch Job
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentPdfByPage POST /convert/split/pdf Split a PDF file into separate PDF files, one per page
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentPptx POST /convert/split/pptx Split a single PowerPoint Presentation PPTX into Separate Slides
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentPptxAdvanced POST /convert/split/pptx/advanced Split a single PowerPoint Presentation PPTX into Separate Presentations
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentTxtByLine POST /convert/split/txt/by-line Split a single Text file (txt) into lines
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentTxtByString POST /convert/split/txt/by-string Split a single Text file (txt) by a string delimiter
SplitDocumentApi splitDocumentXlsx POST /convert/split/xlsx Split a single Excel XLSX into Separate Worksheets
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxReplace POST /convert/transform/docx/replace-all Replace string in Word DOCX document, return result
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxReplaceEditSession POST /convert/transform/docx/replace-all/edit-session Replace string in Word DOCX document, return edit session
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxTableFillIn POST /convert/transform/docx/table/fill/data Fill in data in a table in a Word DOCX document, return result
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxTableFillInEditSession POST /convert/transform/docx/table/fill/data/edit-session Fill in data in a table in a Word DOCX document, return edit session
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentDocxTableFillInMulti POST /convert/transform/docx/table/fill/data/multi Fill in data in multiple tables in a Word DOCX document, return result
TransformDocumentApi transformDocumentPptxReplace POST /convert/transform/pptx/replace-all Replace string in PowerPoint PPTX presentation, return result
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentAutodetectValidation POST /convert/validate/autodetect Autodetect content type and validate
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentCsvValidation POST /convert/validate/csv Validate a CSV file document (CSV)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentDocValidation POST /convert/validate/doc Validate a Word 97-2003 Legacy document (DOC)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentDocxRepair POST /convert/validate/docx/repair Repair a Word document (DOCX) that contains errors
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentDocxValidation POST /convert/validate/docx Validate a Word document (DOCX)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentEmlValidation POST /convert/validate/eml Validate if input file is a valid EML file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentExecutableValidation POST /convert/validate/executable Validate if a file is executable
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentGZipValidation POST /convert/validate/gzip Validate a GZip Archive file (gzip or gz)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentHtmlSsrfValidation POST /convert/validate/html/ssrf-threat-check Validate an HTML file and checks for SSRF threats
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentHtmlValidation POST /convert/validate/html Validate an HTML file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentImageValidation POST /convert/validate/image Validate an Image File
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentJpgValidation POST /convert/validate/jpg Validate a JPG File
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentJsonValidation POST /convert/validate/json Validate a JSON file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentMsgValidation POST /convert/validate/msg Validate if input file is a valid MSG file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPdfValidation POST /convert/validate/pdf Validate a PDF document file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPngValidation POST /convert/validate/png Validate a PNG File
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPptValidation POST /convert/validate/ppt Validate a PowerPoint 97-2003 Legacy presentation (PPT)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPptxRepair POST /convert/validate/pptx/repair Repair a PowerPoint presentation (PPTX) that contains errors
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentPptxValidation POST /convert/validate/pptx Validate a PowerPoint presentation (PPTX)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentRarValidation POST /convert/validate/rar Validate a RAR Archive file (RAR)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentRtfValidation POST /convert/validate/rtf Validate a Rich Text Format document (RTF)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentTarValidation POST /convert/validate/tar Validate a TAR Tarball Archive file (TAR)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentTxtValidation POST /convert/validate/txt Validate an TXT file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXlsValidation POST /convert/validate/xls Validate a Excel 97-2003 Legacy spreadsheet (XLS)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXlsxRepair POST /convert/validate/xlsx/repair Repair an Excel spreadsheet (XLSX) that contains errors
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXlsxValidation POST /convert/validate/xlsx Validate a Excel document (XLSX)
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXmlValidation POST /convert/validate/xml Validate an XML file
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentXmlXxeThreatValidation POST /convert/validate/xml/xxe-threats Validate an XML file for XML External Entity (XXE) threats
ValidateDocumentApi validateDocumentZipValidation POST /convert/validate/zip Validate a Zip Archive file (zip)
ViewerToolsApi viewerToolsCreateSimple POST /convert/viewer/create/web/simple Create a web-based viewer
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipCreate POST /convert/archive/zip/create Compress files to create a new zip archive
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipCreateAdvanced POST /convert/archive/zip/create/advanced Compress files and folders to create a new zip archive with advanced options
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipCreateEncrypted POST /convert/archive/zip/create/encrypted Compress files to create a new, encrypted and password-protected zip archive
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipCreateQuarantine POST /convert/archive/zip/create/quarantine Create an encrypted zip file to quarantine a dangerous file
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipDecrypt POST /convert/archive/zip/decrypt Decrypt and remove password protection on a zip file
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipEncryptAdvanced POST /convert/archive/zip/encrypt/advanced Encrypt and password protect a zip file
ZipArchiveApi zipArchiveZipExtract POST /convert/archive/zip/extract Extract, decompress files and folders from a zip archive

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Apikey
  • Location: HTTP header
