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File metadata and controls

268 lines (235 loc) · 15.2 KB


This folder contains all the code created by Katarina Bendtz and Alex Lepauvre in the frame of the COGITATE project


Create a new conda environment by running the following:

conda env create --file=requirements_cogitate_ecog.yaml

The environments are tailored for Linux and the HPC, so some things might break a little if you use windows or Mac (not tested very thoroughly).

The different analyses work with a master script that then calls functions from different places. As the utilities weren't set as packages, the entire repository must be set as a new PYTHONPATH for python to know it can search for functions in the different folders. You should therefore execute:

export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg

Running on sample data:

For the analysis described below, as single config file is specified for illustration purpose. You can use any of the config files found within a directory. Make sure to adjust the bids root to match the following first: $ROOT/sample_data/bids

Running preprocessing:

In the file ieeg/Preprocessing/configs/PreprocessingParameters_task-Duration_Alex.json, set the parameters "BIDS_root" to $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids In the command line, enter:

python REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/Preprocessing/ REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/Preprocessing/configs/PreprocessingParameters_task-Duration_Alex.json --subject SF102 --interactive

Expected output: the script should generate a directory under: $ROOT/sample_data/bids/derivatives/preprocessing/sub-SF102 containing several subfolders, one for each preprocessing steps. The epoching folder contains the final state of the data ready for the next analysis steps (note that these are already available)

Run time ~= 10min

Running analyses:

Visual responsiveness:

In the file ieeg/visual_responsiveness_analysis/super_subject_config/visual_responsivness_config_parameters_site-HPC_task-Duration_sig-highgamma_trti_wilcoxon_onset_two_tailed.json, set the parameters "BIDS_root" to $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids In the command line, enter:

python REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/visual_responsiveness_analysis/ --config REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/visual_responsiveness_analysis/super_subject_config/visual_responsivness_config_parameters_site-HPC_task-Duration_sig-highgamma_trti_wilcoxon_onset_two_tailed.json

This will run the visual responsiveness analysis on all subjects available in the bids folder. It will extend the derivatives: $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids/derivatives/visual_responsiveness/sub-super/ses-V1/ieeg This folder contains 3 subfolders:

  • data: contains the data formated for the test
  • figure: contains the figures generated at the end of the analysis pipeline
  • results: contains csv tables containing the results of the analysis Within each of these folders, a subfolder will be found, with a name identifying the specific parameters of the analysis

Run time ~= 30min

Category selectivity:

In the file ieeg/category_selectivity_analysis/super_subject_config/category_selectivity_config_parameters_site-HPC_task-Duration_sig-highgamma_dprime_test_ti.json, set the parameters "BIDS_root" to $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids In the command line, enter:

python REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/category_selectivity_analysis/ --config REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/category_selectivity_analysis/super_subject_config/category_selectivity_config_parameters_site-HPC_task-Duration_sig-highgamma_dprime_test_ti.json

This will run the category selectivity analysis on all subjects available in the bids folder. It will extend the derivatives: $REPO_ROOT$ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids/derivatives/category_selectivity_analysis/sub-super/ses-V1/ieeg This folder contains 3 subfolders:

  • data: contains the data formated for the test
  • figure: contains the figures generated at the end of the analysis pipeline
  • results: contains csv tables containing the results of the analysis Within each of these folders, a subfolder will be found, with a name identifying the specific parameters of the analysis

Run time ~= 1h


In the file ieeg/rsa/super_subject_config/rsa_config_iit_face_vs_obj_ti_1500ms_all_to_all.json, set the parameters "BIDS_root" to $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids In the command line, enter:

python REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/rsa/ --config REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/rsa/super_subject_config/rsa_config_iit_face_vs_obj_ti_1500ms_all_to_all.json

This will run the RSA on all subjects available in the bids folder. It will extend the derivatives: $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids/derivatives/rsa/sub-super/ses-V1/ieeg This folder contains 3 subfolders:

  • data: contains the data formated for the test
  • figure: contains the figures generated at the end of the analysis pipeline
  • results: contains csv tables containing the results of the analysis Within each of these folders, a subfolder will be found, with a name identifying the specific parameters of the analysis

Run time ~= 2h

Activation analysis:

In the file ieeg/Experiment1ActivationAnalysis/lmm_configs/linear_mixed_model_high_gamma_iit_roi_ti.json, set the parameters "BIDS_root" to $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids In the command line, enter:

python REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/rsa/ --config REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/Experiment1ActivationAnalysis/lmm_configs/linear_mixed_model_high_gamma_iit_roi_ti.json

This will run the activation analysis on all subjects available in the bids folder. It will extend the derivatives: $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids/derivatives/rsa/sub-super/ses-V1/ieeg This folder contains 3 subfolders:

  • data: contains the data formated for the test
  • figure: contains the figures generated at the end of the analysis pipeline
  • results: contains csv tables containing the results of the analysis Within each of these folders, a subfolder will be found, with a name identifying the specific parameters of the analysis

Run time ~= 1h

Decoding analysis:

In the file ieeg/decoding/configs/decoding_category_face_object_duration_cross_decoding.json, set the parameters "BIDS_root" to $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids In the command line, enter:

python REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/decoding/ --config REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/configs/decoding_category_face_object_duration_cross_decoding.json

This will run the decoding on all subjects available in the bids folder. It will extend the derivatives: $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids/derivatives/decoding/sub-super/ses-V1/ieeg This folder contains 3 subfolders:

  • data: contains the data formated for the test
  • figure: contains the figures generated at the end of the analysis pipeline
  • results: contains csv tables containing the results of the analysis Within each of these folders, a subfolder will be found, with a name identifying the specific parameters of the analysis

Run time ~= 2h

Synchrony analysis:

In the file ieeg/synchrony/configs/synchrony_roi_ppc.json, set the parameters "BIDS_root" to $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids In the command line, enter:

python REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/synchrony/ --config REPO_ROOT/cogitate-msp1/ieeg/configs/synchrony_roi_ppc.json

This will run the synchrony on all subjects available in the bids folder. It will extend the derivatives: $ROOT/ieeg/sample_data/bids/derivatives/decoding/sub-super/ses-V1/ieeg This folder contains 3 subfolders:

  • data: contains the data formated for the test
  • figure: contains the figures generated at the end of the analysis pipeline
  • results: contains csv tables containing the results of the analysis Within each of these folders, a subfolder will be found, with a name identifying the specific parameters of the analysis

Run time ~= 30min

General architecture:

The repository is organized in folders corresponding to different analyses. In each folder, you will find a subfolder called *_config, containing json files which contains all the parameters required for a given analysis. These are being loaded by the master scripts (see below) to perform the analysis according to the parameters. The only exception is the general_helper_functions folder, which contains functions called by several analyses. The ending of the .py files indicate the "function" of the script:

* OR *

Main scripts for a given analysis, calling functions from elsewhere (see below) to load the data, perform the computations, save the results and plot the results. These can be called in several ways: From the command line: python {analyis} --"config.json" From a python shell or editor: super_subject_rsa(["Subject1", "Subject2"], save_folder="super") while passing the config as a parameter The scripts can be modified at the bottom to select subjects on whom to run as well as the name of the folder in which to save the results, or by calling the scripts from a python shell directly with the corresponding parameters.


Contains various functions relevant for a particular analysis and are being called by the master scripts.


Python scripts listing all the configs found in the config of each respective analyses and launching SLURM jobs for each. In some analyses folders, there are several different analysis and controls. In this case, the batch runners have flags controlling which ones to run.


Contains functions to plot the results of a given analysis. These are automatically called at the end of the master scripts but can also be launched separately, provided the respective analysis was ran already.


Slurms jobs to run the analysis on an HPC with scheduler.

config file structure

The analyses parameters are controlled by the config file. To replicate our analysis, only the parameters in bold below should be adjusted.

  • raw_root: The path to the raw data before bids conversion. This is not really relevant, this is just to keep track of where the initial data live
  • BIDS_root: root of the bids converted data. This is very important as it will let the scripts know where to load the data. Because we are adhering to our own set of conventions, it is sufficient to know the root to know where to fetch things
  • session&task_name: these are BIDS fields that specify what session and what task to load
  • preprocessing_folder&preprocess_steps: the preprocessing saves data in a specific preprocessing folder, corresponding to a specific preprocessing operation (i.e. the data right after notch filter, the data after epoching, for all analyses, this is set to epoching). But on top of that, the preprocessing script creates an additional subfolder to keep track of which preprocessing steps were performed on the data before. This is very handy, because say you want to load the epoched data, but specifically those that had as preprocessing step: notch filter, followed by common average referencing, followed by epoching but without bad channels rejection, you can do that (assuming you ran preprocessing with this combination of steps).
  • Additional fields: there are a set of additional fields that is mostly consistent across analyses but might differ a little, though they are mostly self explanatory
  • analysis_parameters: this sets all the run time parameters specific to the actual test you are running. So for example you want to run the visual responsiveness specifically on the high gamma signal, using a wilcoxon signed rank test as opposed to t-test, using AUC as opposed to averaging, this is where you will set it. The analysis parameter contains one or several dictionaries. The name of the dictionary dictates the name of the folder in which the results will be saved. So say you want to run the visual responsiveness in two different ways, you can have the following:
"high_gamma": {
  "signal": "high_gamma",
  "baseline_correction": null,
  "baseline_time": [-0.375, -0.125],
  "crop_time": [-0.3, 2],
  "multitaper_parameters": null,
  "do_zscore": true,
"erp": {
  "signal": "erp",
  "baseline_correction": null,
  "baseline_time": [-0.375, -0.125],
  "crop_time": [-0.3, 2],
  "multitaper_parameters": null,
  "do_zscore": true,

The master script will loop through both these set of parameters, for the first, it will save the results under /high_gamma for the one and under /erp for the other

Single folders description:

The following folders each correspond to a specific processing step in the frame of the cogitate project

###data_preparation: Contains scripts that prepares the data coming from the different hospital to the BIDS format for further processing steps. This includes loading the files, finding the triggers channels, extracting the triggers and aligning to the log files, sanity checks, setting of channels types and montage and BIDS conversion as a final step ###preprocessing: contains the script to clean the signal up (bad channels removal, notch filter, rereferencing), computations of signals of interest (HGB, ERP...) and epoching. In addition, the different scripts plot the electrodes on the brain surface ###visual_responsiveness_analysis: contains scripts to determine which channels are showing a significant response following stimulus onset. This can be done in many different ways, several of which are implemented there. The relevant channels are plotted in several different ways to highlight the significance. ###category_selectivity_analysis: contains the script to determine which electrode show a response tuning to a specific experimental category. The scripts enable to do so in 3 different ways, only one of which we are interested in in the cogitate project. The electrodes are further plotted in different ways to highlight the tuning. ###Experiment1ActivationAnalysis: this folder contains several different analyses that all investigate the theories predictions regarding the neural activation associated with sustained perception. One script computes linear mixed model, averaging signal in predifined time windows and modelling the response with the theories predictions and additional factors. Another computes sliding t-test at onset and offset to test GNW onset offset prediction. Finally, one script computes duration tracking, a method to see how accurately a given electrode tracks stimulus duration. Important: To run the linear mixed model, a separate environment is required, as the pymer4 package that we use is not compatible with the main environment. You should install this separate environment as follows:

conda env create --file=requirements_lmm.yaml


Contains functions computing correlation between vectors of channels in cross temporal fashion to investigate multivariate patterns associated with sustained perception.


@Simon, you can add a quick description here if needed


@Simon, you can add a quick description here if needed

Other folders contain general functions


Contains different freesurfer functions that do different reconstructions and whatnot. ###general_helper_function: Contains collections of functions that are called in several different places throughout the repo to perform specific tasks that are repeated. For example, loading the data has to be done throughout so there is a function that does that in the specific way I want.