In the previous sections background and sketch we have proposed recursive (functional) algorithms to define the deposit()
and get_deposit_root()
The algorithms use the binary encoding (sequence of bits) of a path p
in the tree to compute the results.
In this section we explain how to compute the results using only the index of the leaf that is at the end of the path p
Consider the tree in Figure 1 below and assume that the next available leaf if l5
We have seen in the sketch section how to compute the values of the left siblings of the blue
path, nextpath(green)
using the bit encoding of green
with the function computeLeftSiblingOnNextPathFromLeftRight
function computeLeftSiblingOnNextPathFromLeftRight(p: seq<bit>, left : seq<int>, right : seq<int>, seed : int) : seq<int>
requires 1 <= |p|
requires |left| == |right| == |p|
decreases p
if |p| == 1 then
if first(p) == 0 then [seed] else left
assert(|p| >= 2);
if last(p) == 0 then
init(left) + [seed]
assert(last(p) == 1);
computeLeftSiblingOnNextPathFromLeftRight(init(p), init(left), init(right), diff(last(left), seed))
+ [last(left)]
We can prove that the index of the leaf at the end of the path p
is the natural (unsigned int) number
represented in binary by p
(little-endian). For instance the green
path is [1, 0, 1]
which is
1 * 2^2 + 0 * 2^1 + 1 * 2^0 = 5
. Let bitToNat(p)
be the natural number represented by p
Conversely the successive values of last(p)
in the previous algorithms correspond to the
modulus of the successive values of bitToNat(p)
, bitToNat(p) / 2
, bitToNat(p) / 4
and so on.
Now assume the height of the tree is h
Given a natural number k < power2(h)
we let natToBitList(k , h)
be the binary representation
of k
on h
bits (little-endian).
This enables us to rewrite the previous algorithm using the index of the leaf of p
instead of p
as follows:
function method computeLeftSiblingsOnNextpathWithIndex<T>(
h : nat, k : nat, left : seq<T>, right : seq<T>, f : (T, T) -> T, seed: T) : seq<T>
requires |left| == |right| == h
requires k < power2(h)
/** Post-condition that ensures correctness. */
ensures h >= 1 ==>
computeLeftSiblingsOnNextpathWithIndex(h, k, left, right, f, seed)
computeLeftSiblingOnNextPathFromLeftRight(natToBitList(k, h), left, right, f, seed)
decreases h
if h == 0 then
computeWithIndexFromZeroIsCorrect(h, k, left, right, f, seed);
// Hint for the correctness proof: pre-condition for recursive call is satisfied.
power2Div2LessThan(k, h);
assert(k / 2 < power2(h - 1));
if k % 2 == 0 then
init(left) + [seed]
var r := computeLeftSiblingsOnNextpathWithIndex(
h - 1, k / 2, init(left), init(right), f, f(last(left), seed));
r + [last(left)]
Dafny can verify that this algorithm is correct given the simple annotation (that is checked by the Dafny verifier) assert(k / 2 < power2(h - 1))
. The fact that this holds is a consequence of a lemma
power2Div2LessThan(k, h)
defined here.
The previous function is defined here.
Figure 1: The next path of a path to right leaf.Just as we have hinted before, we can use the index of the leaf at the end of the path p
to compute the value of the root.
The corresponding version of the algorithm is:
function method computeRootLeftRightUpWithIndex<T>(h : nat, k : nat, left : seq<T>, right: seq<T>, f : (T, T) -> T, seed: T) : T
requires |left| == |right| == h
requires k < power2(h)
ensures computeRootLeftRightUpWithIndex(h, k, left, right, f, seed) ==
computeRootLeftRightUp(natToBitList2(k, h), left, right, f, seed)
decreases h
if h == 0 then
// Hint for the correctness proof: pre-condition for recursive call is satisfied.
power2Div2LessThan(k, h);
assert(k / 2 < power2(h - 1));
h - 1, k / 2, init(left), init(right), f,
if k % 2 == 0 then f(seed, last(right)) else f(last(left), seed)
and the function is defined here.