- Added Event Type support for events (under a new tab called Type). The default event types are:
- Normal (default)
- Meeting
- Birthday
- Holiday
- Task
- Added a side menu for the whole Calendar, which allows visibility of Days, Event Types, and Groups to be toggled easily (the days area is open by default).
- Updating configuration will no longer close your current view (All Events, Full Day, Weekly). They will be automatically updated.
- You can now drag & drop events between calendars (the source one will not be removed, just copied).
- When events are added/updated/set, the group they are assigned (if new) is made visible by default.
- The "locked" property is now included in the CSV export result.
- Events visible in the active display now contain attributes "event-id" and "event-type".
- The "Duplicate" event context menu item now has "..." at the end.
- The border color that can be set for Events now allows sets the whole border, not just the left side.
- When a template event is added (when "useTemplateWhenAddingNewEvent" is on), the "Title" text in the Event Editor dialog is now highlighted.
- Events that are locked can no longer be Cut, Copy, or Duplicated.
- Fixed a fault that prevented overlapping events (in the Full Day view) resizing when the window is resized.
- Added left margin spacing to the "Advanced" options in the "Search" dialog.
- Added a light border around the "Advanced" area on the "Search" dialog.
- Added a dropdown button to the "For" field on the "Search" dialog, which will show the full search history (only if available).
- The sorting order used for the search history in the "Search" dialog is now much more accurate.
- Fixed a fault that sometimes caused the "Next" button in the "Search" dialog to remain disabled after selecting a history item.
- Search history will now check for any case when adding new items (so Match Case searches work).
- You can now minimize/restore a Month/Day in the All Events/Weekly views (this is remembered between opens/closes).
- Added a new custom trigger "onVisibleGroupsChanged", which is triggered when the visible groups are changed (passes the visible group names).
- Added a new custom trigger "onVisibleEventTypesChanged", which is triggered when the visible event types are changed (passes the visible event type IDs).
- Added a new setting "addYearButtonsInDatePickerMode" (defaults to false) which adds year-jumping buttons to DatePicker title bar.
- Added a new setting "workingDays" (defaults to []), which states the days of the week that are considered working days (some format as weekendDays).
- Added new public functions "addEventType()" and "removeEventType()", for adding adding and removing event types.
- Added new public function "setVisibleGroups()", which will set the group names that are visible.
- Added new public function "setVisibleEventTypes()", which will set the event types that are visible.
- The DatePicker mode now supports smaller mobile screens (and increased the default width to 330px).
- The DatePicker mode now supports form posts. A new hidden input is created that stores the parse-supported selected date.
- Added "date" input type support for DatePicker mode. This is a good fallback if something goes wrong.
- Fixed an error occurring when resizing the browser window while the DatePicker is open.
- Removed the "Groups" tab from the "Configuration" dialog (as it's all in the side menu now).
- Removed the "Visible Days" tab from the "Configuration" dialog (as it's all in the side menu now).
- The "View Current Week Events" button is now the same, but flipped.
- The public function "refresh()" will now refresh any view that is visible.
- Added global Ctrl/Command + Shift + E support to open the Export Events dialog (when exporting is enabled).
- All tab containers now use the custom scroll bar styles whenever they are required.
- Fixed some issues around the z-indexes used for dialogs. The search dialog is now shown under the main disabled background.
- Changed the default background color for the tooltips shown through the Calendar (slightly lighter now).
- The "Today" button in the Full-Day view is now only shown if todays day is visible (changed from all days having to be visible).
- Removed the "Configuration" button from the main toolbars. This is now available on the new Side Menu.
- The selected tab on the dialogs now uses a slightly larger padding to indicate more clearly which one is selected.
- Fixed a fault that caused the Year dropdown years to be unclickable once a different year is selected.
- Fixed the context menus not loading in the right position when the browser page has been scrolled.
- Changed some of the default menu icons around (Duplicate and Hide Day, for example).
- Removed all deprecated SASS math divide usages.
- The SCSS files now use a slightly better style rule for opening/closing brackets.
- Less repetitive JS code.
- The main display Day Name header context menu is now shown when only one day is visible (Hide Day is hidden).
- Fixed a fault that caused the calendar to rebuild when double-clicking on a day name when all other days are hidden (not in single-day toggle mode).
- Added shared size variable for the focus border for all input elements (slightly larger size now).
- When the option "showExtraToolbarButtons" is set to false, the "View All Events" and "View Current Week Event" toolbar buttons now remain visible.
- Fixed the testing HTML for the minimized version of Calendar.js.
- Renamed the following CSS classes (sorry, this will cause some style breakages):
- "checkboxContainer" is now "checkbox-container".
- "textHeader" is now "text-header".
- "radioButtonsContainer" is now "radio-buttons-container".
- "radioButtonContainer" is now "radio-button-container".
- "radioButton" is now "radio-button".
- Improvements to the documentation and added support to show which parameters are option for public functions.
- Fixed a fault that caused the expand button in the main display (in the cells) to remain visible when dragging an event.
- Added a new custom event "onEventClick", which is triggered when an event is clicked (passes the event details).
- Added a new custom event "onEventDoubleClick", which is triggered when an event is double clicked (passes the event details). This event is only fired if event editing is disabled.
- Added improved documentation for custom triggers (explains what can be passed, when they are called, etc).
- Added a custom CSS class for the text headers used in the Advanced area of the Search dialog.
- Added a new custom event "onEventDragStart", which is triggered when dragging an event is started (the event details are passed to the function).
- Added a new custom event "onEventDragStop", which is triggered when dragging an event is stopped (the event details are passed to the function).
- Fixed a fault that allowed locked events to be dragged (in all views).
- Added a new custom event "onEventDragDrop", which is triggered an event being dragged is dropped (the event details and target drop date are passed to the function).
- The public function setCurrentDisplayDate() will now only accept a valid date object.
- The public function setSelectedDatePickerDate() will now only accept a valid date object.
- The public function getEvent() will now only accept a valid string ID.
- The public function removeGroup() will now only accept a valid string group name.
- The public function setClipboardEvent() will now only accept a valid object event.
- The public function addHolidays() will now only accept a valid array of holidays.
- The public function removeHolidays() will now only accept a valid array of string holiday names.
- Added "locked" property support for events, which states if an event can be edited (it can still be removed).
- Added disabled text color support for input fields.
- Improved the disabled CSS that is applied to check boxes/radio buttons that are disabled.
- Fixed some script errors occurring when an invalid element, or element ID, is passed to the constructor.
- Added {dddd} Date Format support (for DatePicker mode), which will show the full name of the day of the week.
- Added {y} Date Format support (for DatePicker mode), which shows the year, from 0 to 99.
- Improved Date Format documentation (makes a little more sense now).
- Added {yyy} Date Format support (for DatePicker mode), which shows the year, from 000 to 999.
- Renamed {mmm} Date Format to {mmmm} (it still shows the full name of the month).
- Added a new setting "dayNamesAbbreviated" (defaults to "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun").
- Added a new setting "monthNamesAbbreviated" (defaults to "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec").
- Added {ddd} Date Format support (for DatePicker mode), which will show the abbreviated name of the day of the week.
- Added {mmm} Date Format support (for DatePicker mode), which will show the abbreviated name of the month.
- The "Advanced" criteria in the "Search" dialog is now styled to standout from the rest of the options (much clearer).
- Fixed a fault that allowed the year selected (in the year drop-down) to be selected again (removed hover, active, and click event).
- Added new setting "applyCssToEventsNotInCurrentMonth" (defaults to true), which adds extra CSS to events not in the current month (on the main display).
- Removed code duplication for setting CSS classes for events when specific actions have been performed.
- Fixed a fault that caused all other views to be rendered in DatePicker mode (never shown, but not needed).
- Fixed a fault that caused an error to occur when initializing Calendar.js without any options.
- Fixed a fault that caused holiday link hover effect to use the full cell width (now just the text size).
- Added a separator CSS class and object that gets added between each holiday item in the main display.
- Fixed a fault that caused full-screen mode to be closed updating configuration from the "Configuration" dialog.
- Added full search history support on the "Search Dialog".
- Added a new search setting "history", which is used to state the existing search history (is updated when new entries are added).
- Added single-day (in the month) view toggle support (simply double-click on the day name header you want to view).
- Added "Cut" support across events (like copy, but instead moves the event to the desired date).
- Added a "Copy" CSS class, which is applied to the event in the UI that you are copying.
- Added the "Configuration" toolbar button on all views (with the same visibility rules at the main display).
- Added support to move all dialogs around the browser (instead of just the "Search" dialog).
- Holiday links in the main display are now hidden on mobiles by default (CSS controlled).
- Pressing escape (once all other actions are done) will clear the Copied/Cut event from the internal clipboard.
- More documentation improvements.
- Fixed a fault that caused the testing styles to override the main calendar styles.
- Added missing version header for the minimized CSS file.
- Fixed a fault that caused the last event dot to appear slightly below the line.
- Added holiday property "onClickUrl" (overrides "onClick"), which will open the URL is a configured target window.
- Added default "onClickUrl" properties for the holidays that are built in (default to Wiki links).
- Added public function "getHolidays()", which will return all the holidays in the Options.
- Binding test HTML file now shows the right Calendar.js version.
- Added "src" and "dist" testing HTML files (will do this a clean way in the future).
- "dist" now contains undocumented versions of the JS files, whereas "src" contains the full documented JS files.
- Moved all the testing HTML files into a new subfolder called "test".
- Moved all compiled code into a new folder called "dist". "src" now only contains SASS files.
- Improved the testing HTML files. They now state what each one is for at the top.
- Added a new custom event "onRender", which is triggered when a Calendar is rendered for the first time (the Calendar ID is passed).
- Added Data-Binding support to quickly create new Calendars without writing Javascript.
- Added a new setting "initialDateTime" (defaults to today's Date), which states the selected date the calendar should display.
- Removed calendarJs() constructor parameter "startDateTime" (use the new "initialDateTime" instead).
- Added a new setting "searchOptions" (defaults to an empty object), which is an alternate way to get Search Options into the calendar instance.
- Fixed a fault that caused DatePicker mode to overwrite the DOM element ID it is being assigned to (now only set if not available).
- Added multiple DOM element support to the jQuery plugin (will return all the calendarJs instances created).
- Removed the "loadOptions" from the jQuery plugin (no longer needed) and added documentation.
- Documentation improvements across the core project.
- Added a new setting "events" (defaults to null), which states the initial events that should be rendered in the calendar when it's first rendered.
- Added basic NPM support (as requested).
- Added support to pass an element directly to the constructor (instead of an ID, which is still supported).
- Added jQuery plugin support (will load a new instance of the calendar against any DOM element).
- Improved documentation header for the main JS file.
- Added public function "getId()", which will return the element ID of the calendar instance.
- Added back in version stamp into the minimized version of the main JS file.
- Added a new custom event "onDestroy", which is triggered when a Calendar instance is destroyed (the Calendar ID is passed).
- Added a new custom event "onRefresh", which is triggered when the Calendar is manually refreshed.
- Updated documentation regarding use within Internet Explorer.
- Added new custom event "onDatePickerOpened", which is triggered when a DatePicker is opened (the Calendar ID is passed).
- Added new custom event "onDatePickerClosed", which is triggered when a DatePicker is closed (the Calendar ID is passed).
- Fixed a spacing issue in the "Search" dialog that pressed the advanced options right up to the contents before it.
- Changed the default value for setting "extraSelectableYearsAhead", which is now 100 instead of 51.
- Fixed a fault that allowed the Calendar to be skipped over the minimum/maximum year specified in the year drop-down.
- Added a new setting "currentMonthTooltipText" (defaults to "Current Month") which is used for the "Today" button on the main display.
- Fixed a fault that caused the "duration" label to be added to the displays when empty (was causing some spacing issues).
- Minor CSS assignment improvements when events are dragged and dropped via the main display.
- Fixed a fault that caused the optional parameters for public functions to be checked multiple times.
- Fixed a script error that occurred when resizing the browser window while Date Picker mode is enabled.
- Fixed a fault that caused the checkout/radio button input boxes to show up in the display.
- The "Organizer Email" field in the "Configuration" dialog is now an email input field.
- Fixed a fault that allowed the DatePicker input box to have its margin-bottom overridden by other CSS selectors.
- When selecting "Advanced" in the "Search" dialog, the dialog is now centred in the window (if it has not been moved manually).
- Overlay views (Full Day, All Events, Weekly) now have their titles centred and the buttons on both sides (like the main display).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the "Refresh" button on the main displays title bar from doing anything.
- Added "Refresh" title bar button support across available views (on the left side, as with the main display).
- Added a new setting "dropDownMenuSymbol", which states the drop-down menu character to use on the main display (defaults to "▾").
- Added new setting "searchTextBoxPlaceholder", which states the placeholder text for "Search" dialogs input field.
- Fixed a spacing issue with the last Group Name checkbox in the "Configuration" dialog (in the "Groups" tab).
- Renamed the setting "showExtraMainDisplayToolbarButtons" to "showExtraToolbarButtons" (this now applies to overlay views as well).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the Full Day view from option when "showExtraToolbarButtons" is set to false.
- Fixed a fault that caused the "+" button on the event Tooltip to be visible when manual event editing is disabled.
- Fixed the holiday/month names links not working in the main display (CSS fault, sorry).
- Fixed a fault that caused DatePicker mode to render all the dialogs and drop-down menus when they are not needed.
- Fixed a fault that would cause the DatePicker mode to show only the current month when opened (not the selected).
- Fixed a fault that caused DatePicker mode to show the default date when an invalid value is specified in the input value.
- Fixed a fault that caused hours, minutes, and seconds, to be included in Dates returned in DatePicker mode.
- Fixed a fault in the public function setOptions() which triggered a full rebuild in DatePicker mode (and it's hidden).
- Public functions that affect the date displayed will only fire if not in DatePicker mode, or the DatePicker is visible.
- Fixed a fault that allowed all Event, Group, Holiday (and others) public functions to trigger rebuilds in DatePicker mode.
- Fixed a fault that caused input boxes to have the wrong line height. They now all use one SCSS value.
- Added new setting "weekendDays", which states the day numbers that should be treated as weekend days.
- Fixed a fault that causes the drop-down menus and tooltips to move around when scrolling the document body.
- Fixed the spacing used in the title bar when the calendar is viewed on a mobile device.
- Added a colon to the "Advanced" checkbox on the "Search" dialog (to make it more obvious that it opens up).
- Documentation improvements in the code and the .md documentation files to match up to JSDoc specifications.
- Fixed a fault that caused an invalid date to be formed when dragging & dropping in the "All Events" view.
- Fixed a fault that allowed events to be dropped on the title bars in the "Weekly" and "All Events" views.
- Fixed a fault that caused the drop content areas to be too small, while increasing the spacing for empty days (in "Weekly" view).
- Added support for the drag & drop disabled stripped effect to the "Weekly" and "All Events" views.
- Any area that cannot have an event dropped onto it no longer shows the drop status on the mouse pointer.
- Fixed more flicking effects when dragging events in the "Weekly" view.
- The "+ More" link shown in the main display cells now only allows the actual text to be clicked (not the entire width).
- The link shown in the event tooltips now only allows a hover and click event for the actual text (not the entire width).
- Fixed a fault that caused the "Advanced" area on the "Search" dialog to remain visible when turned off (when loaded).
- The "Advanced" option for the "Search" dialog is now turned off by default.
- Improved the spacing that is shown in different views for the last item in the list.
- Added full support for the bootstrap library (the "row" CSS selector has been renamed to "row-cells").
- Fixed the spacing used in the title bar when the calendar is in DatePicker mode.
- The DatePicker mode now adds a base style called "calendar-date-picker-input" to the input box.
- Added a new setting "datePickerSelectedDateFormat", which allows the selected date (in the input field) in DatePicker mode to be formatted (see documentation).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the public function setSelectedDatePickerDate() from setting the DatePicker date.
- The "Search" button on all toolbars is now only visible when events are available.
- The keyboard shortcut keys for Left, Right, Control+Left, Control+Right, and Down are now supported in DatePicker mode.
- Added protective check around showing the selected DatePicker date.
- Clicking on an event link in the tooltips will now force the tooltip to close after opening the new tab/window.
- Added "DOCTYPE html" support to testing files and fixed rendering issues occurring in this mode (sorry for the delay in this).
- Fixed a fault that would cause the "Search" dialog to appear in the top-left when first opened.
- Fixed some spacing issues that caused scroll bars to appear in some of the tabs.
- All public functions will now only accept the right types for parameters (including the constructor).
- Fixed a fault that caused the wrong input field to be focused when an invalid Url is entered in the Event Editor dialog.
- The Url input field in the Event Editor dialog is now of type "URL".
- When dragging an event, the day it was dragged from now shows a disabled stripped effect (as it cannot be dropped there).
- Fixed a fault that caused the Tooltips to show up when dragging events in FireFox.
- Fixed the flicking that occurs when dragging events over other days (when hovering over text and events).
- Fixed a fault in Safari that caused the day names header to not resize correctly on initial load.
- Clicking the currently displayed year in the year drop-down menu no longer causes an update to the display.
- The public function setCurrentDisplayDate() will only set the date if it's different from the display date.
- The public function setSelectedDatePickerDate() will now close the DatePicker (if it's open).
- Fixed a fault that caused the DatePicker to show the incorrect selected date (until it's opened again).
- The public function setSelectedDatePickerDate() will only set the date if it's different from the DatePickers selected date.
- Added Url support to event tooltips (can be clicked, which opens the Url in a new window/tab).
- Only valid URLs can now be entered in the Event Editor dialog (an error message is shown for invalid entries).
- Events that contain an invalid Url when added/updated via public functions are now cleared.
- Added new setting "allowHtmlInDisplay", which allows HTML to be used in the display (defaults to false).
- Fixed a fault that caused the year drop-down menu to jump around when a year is clicked (and not set the year).
- Added new event "onEventUrlClicked", which is triggered when an event Url is clicked (passes the Url to the function).
- Added new setting "minimumDatePickerDate", which states the minimum date to use while in DatePicker mode.
- Added new setting "maximumDatePickerDate", which states the maximum date to use while in DatePicker mode.
- The date selected in DatePicker mode is now highlighted in the calendar display.
- Fixed a fault that caused the calendar to close when clicking in the days header (in DatePicker mode).
- Fixed a fault that caused the Search dialog to move uncontrollably when a context menu is opened on the title bar.
- Minor comment updates to headers.
- Added parameter "updateEvents" support to the public function addHolidays().
- Added new setting "useEscapeKeyToExitFullScreenMode", which states if the Escape key should exit full-screen mode (if enabled).
- Added global Ctrl/Command + Shift + F11 support to toggle between full-screen mode (if enabled).
- Fixed a fault that caused the display to refresh and tooltips to be shown when one of the drop-down menus is open.
- In the Full Day view, when clicking an event that overlaps another, it will now be brought to the front.
- Added public function removeHolidays(), which removes a list of holidays by name.
- Fixed a fault that caused string arrays to not include speech marks when exporting (prevented excluded repeat days importing).
- Fixed a fault that allowed HTML to be injected into the display for events, tooltips, overlays, etc.
- Added "Visible Days..." drop-down menu support to the Day headers in the main display (opens the "Configuration" dialog).
- Added new setting "useTemplateWhenAddingNewEvent" which adds a template event when "Add Event" is pressed (defaults to true).
- Sorry for the long pause between releases...
- The Search dialogs text field is no longer cleared when closed and re-opened. It is now focused and all the text is selected.
- Added "lastSearchText" support to the Search Options used in the Search dialog (configurable setting).
- The event "onSearchOptionsUpdated" now only sets the settings when the timer runs.
- Added a "Close" button to the main display toolbar when the calendar is in DatePicker mode.
- The "Export Events" dialog is now split into two columns to side height spacing on smaller screens.
- Added support for custom events for holidays shown in the main display (using a new "onClick" holiday property).
- Added search support to the Full Day, Weekly, and All Events views.
- Fixed a fault that caused the Search dialog to iterate through the events in the wrong order.
- Removed the "," shown in the title bars in the Weekly view.
- More KeyCodes are now shared via the common object.
- Pressing escape while one of the overlays is open (when no other dialog is open) will close them.
- Holidays are now shown in the Weekly view day title bars.
- The holiday text shown in the title bars now uses a new custom CSS block called "light-title-bar-text" (which is lighter).
- Added new setting "showHolidays", which states if the holidays should be shown (defaults to true).
- Added new option "Show holidays in the main display and title bars" to Configuration > Display.
- Added default holiday for "Remembrance Day".
- Added public function removeGroup(), which removes a group by name (and fires a new custom event).
- Organized the public functions into more areas to make them easier to find.
- Moved all test files to use console.log() instead of alert() so that the details can be fully seen.
- Added public function setClipboardEvent(), which sets the internal clipboard event.
- Added new setting "showEmptyDaysInWeekView", which states if empty days should be shown in the week view (defaults to true).
- Added new option "Show empty days in the week view" to Configuration > Display.
- Added new setting "hideEventsWithoutGroupAssigned", which states if events without a group should be hidden (defaults to false).
- Added public function isFullScreenActivated(), which states if full-screen mode is activated.
- The "Remove Events" context menu item in the Full Day view is only visible when events are available.
- Added support for "Not (opposite)" searches in the "Search" dialog (with custom setting support included).
- Added public function clearClipboard(), which clears the internal clipboard.
- Added public function getClipboardEvent(), which returns the event details that have been copied to the internal clipboard.
- Fixed a fault that prevented the Calendar from jumping to the previous/next month when clicking the months in the main display.
- All settings passed to the constructor now have to use the right type (otherwise they will be rejected).
- The constructor now accepts the search options as the 3rd parameter (startDateTime is now the 4th).
- Added support to check the default search options passed via the constructor and apply defaults if anything is wrong.
- In DatePicker mode, pressing escape in the text field will now close the calendar.
- Fixed a fault that caused getSelectedDatePickerDate() to return the wrong date (set internally incorrectly).
- Added new setting "openInFullScreenMode", which states if the calendar should be rendered in full-screen mode.
- The "Enable browser notifications" options in the "Configuration" dialog is now tabbed in slightly (shows which it belongs to).
- Added new search settings "left" and "top", which states the left/top positions that should be used for the "Search" dialog.
- Added "Edit" button support on the event tooltips (next to the "Close" button). They are now stacked are CSS controlled.
- Calling the public function setSearchOptions() will now close the "Search" dialog and reset the last search.
- Fixed a fault that prevented the auto-refresh timer from being disabled from the "Configuration" dialog.
- Added clearEvents() parameter "triggerEvent", which will fire the "onEventsCleared" event (if available).
- Added clearAllGroups() parameter "triggerEvent", which will fire the "onGroupsCleared" event (if available).
- The "Today" button on the main display toolbar is now shown when in DatePicker mode.
- When the calendar is in DatePicker mode, the current day is now highlighted fully in the display.
- Added public function setSelectedDatePickerDate(), which will set the currently selected a date in DatePicker mode.
- Fixed a fault that caused the repeating event images to have an :hover and :active behaviour.
- Added "Hide Day" context menu support for the day headers (when more than 1 day is visible).
- The "useOnlyDotEventsForMainDisplay" setting now overrides the "maximumEventsPerDayDisplay" setting.
- Removed lots of duplicate code from the core that was no longer required.
- Added addHolidays() parameter "triggerEvent", which will fire the "onOptionsUpdated" event (if available).
- Fixed a fault that allowed holidays with the same text to be added to the same day.
- Added missing background-color and color CSS values for tabs and tab contents.
- Fixed a fault that caused the main display toolbar buttons to not update correctly when the options are set manually.
- Added new setting "showExtraMainDisplayToolbarButtons", which states if the extra toolbar buttons are visible (defaults to true).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the Full Day view from refreshing when the Calendar goes to and from full-screen mode.
- Added new setting event "onFullScreenModeChanged", which is triggered when the full-screen mode is changed (if enabled).
- Added new public function setEventsFromJson(), which sets new events from a JSON string (clears all others).
- Added new public function addEventsFromJson(), which adds new events from a JSON string.
- Added new setting events "onEventsSetFromJSON" and "onEventsAddedFromJSON" for the new public functions.
- Added DatePicker mode support (the element to assign to is checked and made a DatePicker if it's an input field).
- Added support to use more than 1 Calendar in a page (sorry for the delay).
- Fixed a fault that caused the Years drop-down list to appear strange when inside a node with the same class name.
- Added a close button to the event tooltips.
- Events must now be double-clicked to be edited (removed the hover effects, which caused display issues in the views).
- Fixed a fault that would cause the main display to update when dropping an event on its original date.
- Internal changes for content variables defined in the base of the class.
- Added CLASS.md to the project to explain the parameters available for the class constructor.
- Mass documentation improvements are based on some of the more recent changes.
- Fixed a fault that would cause removeElementsClassName() to fail when handling more than one DOM element.
- Internal structure changes for constant values and code cleanups, enhancements, etc.
- Fixed a fault that allowed the "repeatEnds" date to be smaller than the events "to" date.
- The "Remove Events" buttons on the Title Bar for the Weekly/All Event views are now on the left side.
- Decreased the font-weight for the years drop-down menu (on the main display).
- The title bars now use a shared font weight (defaults to 900), which fixes some dialogs using the wrong value.
- Added Copy and Paste support of events (events can be pasted on the main display, or Full Day view).
- Context drop-down menu items that open dialogs now have a "..." at the end to indicate this.
- Decreased the default padding size that is used for the drop-down context menus.
- Added Duplicate context menu support for events (will show the details in the Event Editor dialog).
- Added new setting "defaultEventBackgroundColor", which states the default event background color that should be used.
- Added new setting "defaultEventTextColor", which states the default event text color that should be used.
- Added new setting "defaultEventBorderColor", which states the default event border color that should be used.
- Added "showAlerts" property support to Events with UI support (states if browser alerts should be shown, defaults to true).
- Added stacking of overlapping events support to the Full Day view (2 columns to start with).
- The Full Day view no longer shows days that are hidden (the Today button is also hidden to prevent jumping to a hidden day).
- Renamed the CSS class "current-year-selector" to "year-selected".
- Added support to show the years that contain events in the year's down-down menu (new CSS class "year-has-events").
- Added support to search by Group and Url in the Search dialog.
- Added a new checkbox called "Advanced" to the Search dialog, which will hide the additional search options (saves screen space).
- When opening the Search dialog via the global key, all open overlays (Day, Weekly and All) views are closed.
- Search options now has its own internal configuration and can be set by the new public function "setSearchOptions()".
- Added base documentation for the new search options and new "SEARCH_OPTIONS.md".
- Added new event "onSearchOptionsUpdated", which is fired every time the search options are changed (via UI or code).
- Fixed some spelling issues in some more spelling and grammar mistakes in the existing documentation.
- Decreased the width/height of the hour/half hour display shown on the side in the Full Day view.
- Fixed the font size for the drop-down menus not adhering to the default font-size media rules.
- The headers in the exported file types (except CSV/TSV/MD) are now sorted in alphabetical order.
- Massive improvements to the README.md file.
- When attempting to fire a browser notification, if the API is not supported, errors are no longer reported (see the console).
- Added double-click support to the Full Day view to add new events, showing the correct time based on the area clicked.
- Added support for custom repeat periods for events (either by Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly).
- Fixed base documentation for the "repeatsEvery" property for events.
- Fixed the input fields showing a hover effect when they are disabled.
- Fixed the radio buttons showing a hover effect when they are disabled.
- Fixed some overload SCSS issues when styling the tab content containers.
- Added "lastUpdated" support for events (only updated if the event is actually changed).
- Added "LAST-MODIFIED" support for iCal exports, and "lastUpdated" to all other export types.
- Fixed some very bad spelling mistakes in the documentation.
- The events onPreviousMonth, onNextMonth, onPreviousYear, onNextYear, and onSetDate now have the new date passed to them.
- Added global Escape key support for open dialogs (not Confirmation Messages or Search).
- Added global Ctrl/Command + Shift + A support to open the Add Event window (when manual editing is enabled).
- Code changes to make the KeyCodes a little easier to read.
- Added global Ctrl/Command + Shift + F support to open the Search dialog (instead of Ctrl/Command + F in full-screen mode).
- Added :active CSS selector for the tab control headers (for all dialogs that use them).
- Fixed a fault that allowed all the visible days in the Configuration window to be turned off (causing huge display issues).
- The public function destroy() will now remove all drop-down menus and dialogs from the document body.
- Fixed a sizing issue for overlays that caused them to be 1 pixel out (causing a slight gap).
- Added half-hour separator lines on the Full Day view (dashed and CSS controlled).
- Fixed a fault that prevented new events (without a group name assigned) from showing up (after saving configuration changes).
- Fixed all export dates for content and filenames being 1 month out every time.
- A selectable "To" date can no longer be smaller than a "From" date (in browsers where the DatePicker is supported).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the main display from building correctly when manual event editing is disabled.
- Fixed a fault that prevented the event context menu showing (for showing Open Url option) when manual editing is disabled.
- Fixed some very bad naming for internal objects (no functional changes).
- Added context menu support to the Full Day view (allowing events to be cleared, or added).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the event context menu from rebuilding when manual editing is re-enabled.
- Reordered the event context menu and added new icons.
- When using the "Remove Events" option (anywhere), it now only removes non-repeating events (confirmation text updated).
- Array options are now checked correctly to make sure they are an array and contain the right number of items.
- The "visibleDays" option is now taken into account when showing the Weekly view (so only visible days will show).
- Fixed a fault that allowed events to be added in the Weekly view when manual event adding/editing is disabled.
- Added new event "onNotificationClicked", which is triggered when an event notification is clicked.
- Added new option "allowEventScrollingOnMainDisplay", which allows days in the main display to be scrolled (see documentation).
- Added new public function addHolidays, which will add new holidays and re-draw the calendar.
- Added "Open Url" support to the event context menu (only available if a Url has been set for the event).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the cached window object from being used to open new windows.
- Added "Visible Days" tab to the Configuration dialog, allowing the visible days in the display to be toggled.
- Added new option "urlWindowTarget", which states the target for an event Url that is opened (defaults to _blank for a new window).
- Added "Enable day name headers in the main display" option to "Display" on the Configuration dialog.
- Added the "Today" button to the Full Day view for quickly jumping to the current date.
- Added a "This Week" button to the Weekly view for quickly jumping to the current week.
- Optimizations and cleanups to the core code (less repeating code, more functions, etc).
- The context menus now open with a minor fade effect.
- The local timezone is now determined when adding a new event, ensuring that it's added to the right day.
- The "Add Event" context menu item is now bold by default.
- The "Remove Events" buttons (shown in the views) are now only shown when manual event editing is enabled.
- The month names shown in the main display (for the previous/next month) can now be clicked to quickly jump to that month.
- The "Expand Day" button on the main display is now only shown on larger screens (prevents overlapping).
- The "Expand Day" button on the main display now uses a new expand button (similar to other buttons).
- Added support to export events to the TSV (tab-separated values) file format.
- The CSS class names used for the tabs (in the Configuration dialog) have been moved and renamed.
- The "Add Event" dialog has been split up into separate tabs (due to the size getting too large for smaller displays).
- Added "url" support for events (when a notification is clicked, if set, the URL will be opened in a new window).
- Reverted date changes from 0.9.8.
- Tooltips now stay open when an event is hovered over (moving the mouse again over the vent will not close it).
- Fixed another fault that caused dates selected for events to be out by one day.
- Fixed a fault that caused an extra ":" character to appear in the exported JSON data.
- Events exported to JSON now use proper value types so they can be re-used for imports.
- Added drop support to all views that will allow a file (containing JSON, or an array of events) to be added.
- Added support to remove all the events on a specific day in the Weekly View (new X button on the day title bar).
- Added support to remove all the events on a specific day in the All Events View (new X button on the day title bar).
- The iCal property DTSTAMP has been changed to CREATED.
- Fixed a fault that caused the CREATED, DTSTART and DTEND values in the exported iCal events to be in the wrong format.
- Fixed a fault that caused repeating events that are ignored (for specific dates) to still show up in all other views.
- Added repeat Every 2 Weeks support (please update your events, the IDs for the others have been changed. Sorry).
- Added "Enable drag & drop for events" option to the Configuration dialog.
- Renamed the tabs and setting names for the Configuration dialog (smaller and better).
- Added "Organizer" to the Configuration dialog, with support to change the name and email address.
- When using drag & drop, the "repeatEnds" property on the event is now updated to reflect the changes.
- Extended the function updateEventDateTimes() to allow updating the "repeatEnds" property on the event.
- The Search dialog is now hidden whenever you which to an overlay view (weekly, all events, full-day).
- Fixed a fault that caused the Search dialog to appear over the modal dialogs.
- The dialog drop shadows can now be changed per dialog (the base CSS class has been removed).
- Added new option visibleDays, which states the days that are visible (defaults to all days, see documentation).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the first event in a repeating series from being removed.
- Extended the Configuration dialog to include tabs, with a new one called Display Options that contains:
- Enable auto-refresh for events
- Enable browser notifications
- Enable tooltips
- New translatable string options have also been added for the new text.
- The Configuration dialog is now available at all times.
- Fixed a fault that prevented the Configuration dialog from using the right font and font-sizes.
- Added new event onOptionsUpdated, which is triggered when setOptions() is called and in the Configuration dialog.
- Added drag & drop support within the all-event view (same as the main display).
- Events in the views, and the main tooltip, now show the total duration (in days, hours and minutes).
- New translation string options added for the event duration text.
- Changed the base styles for the dialogs can now be done in calendar-dialog CSS class.
- Added a drop shadow to all the dialogs.
- The disabled background colour is now a few shades lighter.
- Fixed standard border sizes now being shared within the SCSS files.
- Fixed a fault that caused the public function addEvents() to fire the wrong event.
- Double-clicking the headers in the Week/All Events views (for a week/month) will now activate the expand button.
- Improved the "No events available" default text display in the Week view.
- An error log is now shown in the developer console when an input type is not supported by the browser.
- Added public function updateEvents(), which will update an array of existing events.
- Fixed a fault that prevented the tooltip title for an event to be cleared before being shown again.
- Fixed a fault that prevented the event found via the Search dialog from being focused when pressing Previous.
- Pressing Ctrl+Enter in the Search dialog will now move back to the previously found event.
- The "Contains" option on the Search dialog is now the default selection.
- Added support to show the events in the main display as dots (optional, to save space; defaults to false).
- Added options "Starts With", "Ends With" and "Contains" to the Search dialog (defaults to the first one).
- Repeating events now show an icon in the display to indicate this (including the overlay views).
- Removed the "For:" label from the Search dialog (with option support), as it's not needed.
- Fixed a fault that caused new events to be added to the wrong date when added from the Event Editor.
- Fixed a fault that caused the wrong date to be used when setting the end of a repeating event.
- Fixed a fault that caused the wrong dates to be used when the date picker is now compatible with the browser.
- Faster rendering of the years drop-down menu (no longer sets classes when not required).
- Fixed the vertical scrollbar not showing up in the group's list on the Configuration dialog.
- Added export to MD (markdown) file support.
- Added export to HTML file support.
- Added public function getVersion(), which returns the current version of Calendar.js.
- Fixed some documentation errors for functions (return types not being shown correctly).
- Fixed the PRODID for iCAL exports showing the wrong product data.
- Added gregorian time format support for iCAL export type.
- Added new option tooltipsEnabled, which allows the tooltips throughout the calendar to be disabled (on by default).
- Fixed a fault that caused the holidays to appear within the Day number text element (now placed under it).
- The first day of each month is now highlighted (the same style as the current day of the month).
- Added support to show the previous/next month names in the days on the main display (optional, on by default).
- Added a new option "showDayNamesInMainDisplay" to disable the day names header in the main display (optional, on by default).
- Split out the documentation for strings shown in the display and fixed some of the types.
- Added new public function destroy(), which clears and removes the calendar from the DOM.
- The year's drop-down menu list now fades in when shown.
- Removed code that should be using the quick-build functions (less code).
- Added close (X) buttons to all dialogs (except the confirmation dialog) with full tooltip support.
- Added tooltip support to the ... buttons on the Event Editor dialog (more obvious which one does what).
- Added border hover effect to all input controls (text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, etc).
- Added new public function getAllGroups(), which returns all the groups.
- Added new public function clearAllGroups(), which clears all the groups assigned to the events.
- Added Valentine's Day, Halloween, April Fools' Day and Earth Day to default holidays.
- Added a plus button to the Weekly View internal header panel for quickly adding new events.
- Added a plus button to the All Events View internal header panel for quickly adding new events.
- Added new public function updateEventDateTimes().
- Drag & Drop now uses the new updateEventDateTimes() function (much faster).
- Double-clicking on the Search dialogs title bar will now toggle its minimized state.
- Fixed a fault that caused the event ID property to be overridden when updated in the Event Editor.
- Fixed a fault that prevented all-day events from being exported from the Full Day view.
- Added grouping support for events (a new property called "group").
- Added a new configuration dialog, which can be used to control the visible groups (at this time).
- Added a timeline arrow that is shown in the Full Day view when the viewable date is the current date (optional, on by default).
- Removed the options "startsOnText" and "andFinishesOnText" as the text displays for times are now shorter.
- Decreased the height of the hours shown in the Full Day view to allow more events to be shown.
- Fixed a fault that caused an error when opening the Year drop-down menu when the current year is not available in the list.
- Fixed a fault that allowed the padding on the Years drop-down menu to be overridden.
- Added new options to set the maximum length allowed for event fields (each default to zero, which allows any length):
- maximumEventTitleLength
- maximumEventDescriptionLength
- maximumEventLocationLength
- maximumEventGroupLength
- Week numbers are now calculated more accurately for the title bar text.
- Added browser notification support for events (modern browsers only, while clicking one will open the Event Editor dialog).
- Details for an All-Day event are now hidden in the Full Day view (can be turned on using "showAllDayEventDetailsInFullDayView").
- Added new option "showWeekNumbersInTitles", which will display the week numbers where applicable (off by default).
- Increased the maximum responsive width so that the default text/icons do not overlap.
- Weekend days in the Weekly view now show the same background colour as the days on the main display.
- Fixed a fault that caused the drag & drop hover effects to activate for objects not dragged in the calendar.
- Dragging an event that repeats (or spans multiple days) takes the day it was dragged from into account (drops more accurately).
- On the Search dialog, the "Title" option is now checked by default.
- Fixed a huge bug that caused events to change dates when searching.
- When searching, the events that are found are now focused and show a pulsing effect on the main display.
- Added public function "setEvents()", which adds an array of events and clears the original (fires onEventsSet, if available).
- The option "autoRefreshTimerDelay" now defaults to 30000 milliseconds.
- When the month on display is the current month/year, the auto-refresh will now jump to the right date when the day changes.
- Added icons to the context menu shown for days on the main display.
- Fixed a fault that allowed HTML to be inserted into text displays (allowing script injection).
- Fixed a fault that caused the Export Events button to always be visible on the List All Events view.
- Fixed a padding fault on the Full Day view (now defaults to 0 to prevent display issues).
- When events are not available in the views, a new centred message is now shown (instead of whitespace).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the opened view from updating when calling one of the public functions.
- Calling "setOptions()" now only sets the ones you have passed (no longer reverts the others to their defaults).
- Renamed the "Select Days To Exclude" dialog to "Repeat Options" (renames settings and CSS classes to match).
- Exported data now shows the days to exclude (for repeating events) as actual day names, instead of numbers.
- Fixed a fault that caused the incorrect dates to be used when showing a Full Day or Full Week (after skipping days/weeks).
- Fixed the context menu not working on the Full Day view events.
- Fixed a fault that prevented events from being removed when the checkbox is not available on the confirmation message.
- Fixed the extra toolbar buttons on the extra views not hiding when used on a smaller screen (as with the main display).
- Added support to expand a day into a Full Day view from the Weekly view.
- Added support to expand a month into the main display from the All Events view.
- The Full Day view now shows the events against a time view instead of a list (sorry for the delay in this).
- Added support to state when repeating events should end (defaults to never).
- If the Search dialog is minimized and the search button is pressed again, it is now restored.
- Fixed a fault that caused events not to appear in the main display when "maximumEventsPerDayDisplay" is set to zero.
- The "1+ More" text shown in the main display for days can now be clicked to expand the full day.
- Fixed a fault that caused the setting "dragAndDropForEventsEnabled" to be ignored.
- Added drag & drop support within the weekly view (same as the main display).
- The weekly view now shows all the days available, enabling better drag & drop support (new text setting available).
- Improved some of the default text for the drop-down menus (via new settings).
- Added Turn On/Off full-screen mode buttons to the toolbars (in any view).
- Fixed the CSS class "ib-plus" being available twice in the master CSS file.
- Fixed full-screen mode appearing odd when used on a very small display (iPhone SE, Galaxy Fold, etc).
- The calendar now has a minimum width of 260px.
- Added public functions "turnOnFullScreen()" and "turnOffFullScreen()".
- Added public function "getEvents()", which returns all the events in an ordered array.
- Added public function "getEvent()", which returns the event details found for an event ID.
- Fixed the ID data being missing from the exported CSV data (it is now the first column shown).
- Added public functions "startTheAutoRefreshTimer()" and "stopTheAutoRefreshTimer()".
- Added public function "getCurrentDisplayDate()", which returns the current date being used in the main display.
- The current date is now always set to the beginning of the day and the 1st day of the month.
- Added public function "setCurrentDisplayDate()", which will set the main display date (fires "onSetDate", if available).
- Changed the mime type for exported JSON to application/json.
- Added FUNCTIONS.md documentation and fixed internal JS documentation for public functions.
- Markdown files for documentation now display correctly and types are italic.
- Added Markdown documentation files for options, events and holidays.
- Fixed some documentation errors.
- Added support to remove an event from a repeating series (asked in the confirmation message).
- Holidays (Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day) are now the default holidays.
- Added navigation key support when full-screen mode is activated:
- Left: Moves to the previous month.
- Right: Moves to the next month.
- Escape: Closes full-screen mode.
- Down: Jumps to the current month.
- F5: Refreshes the current view.
- Ctrl/Command + F: Opens the search dialog.
- Ctrl/Command + Left: Moves to the previous year.
- Ctrl/Command + Right: Moves to the next year.
- Added "created" support to events (set automatically if not available to the current date/time).
- Added "organizerName" support to events (set automatically if not available to options > organizerName).
- Added "organizerEmailAddress" support to events (set automatically if not available to options > organizerEmailAddress).
- Added support to export events to the iCAL format.
- Fixed events being in the wrong order when exported (to any format).
- Added public methods "moveToPreviousYear()" and "moveToNextYear()" (with new "on" events).
- The text "All Day Event" is now "All-Day" (renamed all the settings to match).
- Fixed a fault that allowed text to be selected in a disabled text field (date, time).
- Added "grid-border-color" that states the border color of the internal grid borders (which is now a lighter gray).
- The day name headers now use 3 letters for the short names by default.
- Added holiday support (shown under day numbers and in the Full Day title bar) as a new option called "holidays".
- Transition effects are no longer shown when the Event Editor is opened (stops things jumping around).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the Search dialog from rebuilding when setting new options.
- Fixed a fault that caused the dialogs to become unresponsive when the main display is rebuilt.
- Fixed a script error occurring when nothing is found in the Search dialog.
- Added include "Title", "Description" and "Location" searching support in the Search dialog.
- Added support to minimize and restore the Search dialog (new button on the toolbar).
- Fixed a fault that caused the Search dialog to redraw every time the search button is pressed on the main toolbar.
- Fixed exports (all except CSV) being broken.
- Fixed missing properties on CSV exports.
- Fixed weekly events not showing up in Internet Explorer.
- When an API is called that forces a redraw of the main display, all drop-down menus are now hidden.
- Calling the public method "setOptions()" now rebuilds to the main display using the new settings.
- Fixed a fault that caused events to be assigned to the document/window more than once.
- Fixed a fault that prevented the Day drop-down menu from closing when opening the Year Selector drop-down menu.
- The From/To Date/Times on the Event Editor dialog are now joined up (uses less space).
- Fixed a fault that prevented the views from jumping back to the top of the view when opened again.
- Fixed a fault that caused the Full Day date checker loop to keep going (even after finding the event is on that day).
- Fixed an ordering fault in the Weekly View (the days would be ordered in the order they were found, not by date).
- Better responsive sizes for toolbar icons and font-sizes.
- Added event (repeatsEvery) repeating support (every day, week, month, and year), with new text settings.
- Added event (repeatEveryExcludeDays) exclude days for repeating events support (editable via a new dialog).
- Added a new context menu for events (with quick access to Remove and Edit) to all views.
- Fixed a fault that allowed a To time to be smaller than a From time on the Event Editor (for the same day).
- Fixed some of the editing menus items being available when manual editing of events is disabled.
- Decreased the default width of the "Select Colors" dialog.
- Removed the option "fullDayViewEnabled", as it's no longer needed.
- When dragging an event, the target area now shows a highlighted background color.
- When the "maximumEventsPerDayDisplay" value is reached for events, a new label is shown stating how many more exist.
- Added Previous/Next buttons to the toolbar for the Weekly and Day view, allowing you to skip back and forth.
- Fixed a fault that caused events to appear on the wrong that (start of the week was calculated incorrectly).
- The Year Selector drop-down now auto-scrolls to the selected year.
- Removed unneeded class variables.
- All title-bar icons now use the "PureCSS" generated images, giving a much cleaner look and feel.
- Fixed a fault that caused optional text fields for Events to show up as "undefined" when edited or exported.
- Added "Location" support to events, with the extra information being shown in full events and tooltips.
- Event tooltip widths now auto-size to the available content (saves a lot of empty space).
- Added support to set the event Color, Text Color and Border Color (color, colorText, colorBorder properties).
- The "Title" field is now the first field in the Event Editor dialog.
- Added a new "..." button next to the Title text box on the event editor (allows choosing the colors for the event).
- Decreased the width of the "Select Export Type" dialog.
- Fixed a fault that allowed bad values through from Times on the Event Editor.
- Fixed a fault that caused bad times (characters other than numbers) to be allowed in events, which never show up.
- Fixed a fault that set the toolbar buttons to the wrong display type.
- The extra toolbar buttons on the main display are now hidden on smaller displays (refresh, export, list all, list week).
- Fixed spelling mistakes across the CSS and JS code for CSS class names.
- Renamed all dialog CSS classes to added "calendar-dialog" CSS class (to allow easier use of custom input styles).
- Added full search support (new "Search" button on the main toolbar), with option to Match Case.
- Fixed the text cursor being shown for text that cannot be selected.ß
- Fixed the Today button redrawing the main display even when the current month is in view.
- Added new option "minimumDayHeight", which allows you to set the height of the days in the main view (defaults to 0 - auto).
- Fixed the check/radio boxes using the full width of the container areas.
- The background color used for the headers on the main display is now a slightly lighter shade of gray.ß
- Weekend days in the main display are now shown in a color as the headers.
- The current day is now indicated by the day number being highlighted (instead of the whole day).
- Building events on the main display is now much faster.
- Updating the toolbar icons on the main display is now based on the events already checked, instead of searching again.
- The element that will hold the Calendar is now cleared before building starts (was causing some strange display issues).
- More JSDoc documentation improvements and type fixes.
- Added the custom scrollbar to the textarea on the "Event Editor" dialog.
- The custom scroll-bar now has :hover and :active selectors.
- Added support to use the custom tooltip for every tooltip throughout the views.
- Fixed a fault that prevented the custom tooltips from hiding when the mouse is moved again.
- Fixed a fault that caused the wrong week to be shown when using the calendar on a Sunday.
- Fixed a fault that caused events to not show in the Weekly View when their times are greater than 00:00.
- The Weekly View now shows the From/To dates in the title bar instead of static text (option text removed).
- Fixed the full view content sizes being a few pixels off in height.
- Added transition effects to disabled inputs and check-marks.
- Renamed some of the settings to reflect the default text changes for dates shown on events (starts from, finishes, etc).
- The day name (Monday-Sunday) is now shown on the full day view.
- Fixed a fault that caused the full-screen mode to activate when double clicking on buttons and the year selector.
- Added context menu support for days (Add Event, Expand Day).
- Renamed tooltip "View Week Events" to "View Current Week Events".
- Fixed the tooltip text being selectable.
- Fixed some of the dialogs text being selectable.
- Added support to view any week’s events (available in the new day context menu as "View Current Week Events").
- Fixed the Weekly Events view jumping around dates when auto-updating.
- Fixed the current day being highlighted twice (for example, 1st this month, and then 1st in the next month).
- Added support to highlight the current day in the previous month/next month days.
- Fixed a fault that caused the dates to be shown in the wrong format for the Event Editor in Safari and Internet Explorer.
- Invalid dates entered in Safari and Internet Explorer via the Event Editor are now added to today date.
- Auto-update no longer runs when the Year Selector drop-down is visible.
- Fixed the tooltips being shown when a drop-down menu (Years, Context) is visible.
- The Year Selector drop-down menu now highlights the current year.
- Fixed outline issues when focusing on a input/textarea. They now work in all browsers and have a transition effect.
- Event "id" property values are now maintained when editing or moving the event.
- Fixed an error removing the description from a tooltip when it's not required.
- Safer node adding/removing across the core code.
- The from "Date" field is now focused when the Event Editor is opened.
- A confirmation dialog is now shown when removing an event.
- Added "Select Export Type" dialog, with CSV, XML, JSON and TEXT support now available.
- exportAllEvents() now takes a type parameter (accepts csv (default), xml, json and text).
- Added support for full-screen mode (double click the main title bar) with optional on/off setting.
- Fixed "click" and "resize" events in the document/window being overridden.
- Fixed a fault that prevented the year drop down menu being cantered correctly.
- The "Expand Day" button is now less intrusive and indicates what it will do.
- Added a styled tooltip for the events in the main display (with new settings).
- Improved SASS support for font-sizes, spacing, cell sizes, and border sizes.
- Auto event updating now only runs when the background of the document body is not displayed.
- Added active CSS effects for all clickable elements.
- Minor documentation corrections.
- Everything :)