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index 0a0f8fd..d62d4ec 100644
--- a/SUMMARY.md
+++ b/SUMMARY.md
@@ -21,7 +21,9 @@
* [Query A Contract](developer-guides/cosmwasm-contracts/query-a-contract.md)
* [Send Tokens to a Contract](developer-guides/cosmwasm-contracts/send-tokens-to-a-contract.md)
* [Miscellaneous](developer-guides/miscellaneous/README.md)
+ * [Conversions](developer-guides/miscellaneous/conversions.md)
* [Multi Message Transaction](developer-guides/miscellaneous/multi-message-transaction.md)
+ * [Get & Decode Transactions](developer-guides/miscellaneous/get-and-decode-transactions.md)
* [Get Token Prices](developer-guides/miscellaneous/get-token-prices.md)
* [Get Account Transactions](developer-guides/miscellaneous/get-account-transactions.md)
* [IBC Transfer](developer-guides/miscellaneous/ibc-transfer.md)
@@ -162,7 +164,8 @@
## Governance
* [Before submitting a proposal](governance/before-submitting-a-proposal.md)
-* [Submitting a Proposal (CLI)](governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli.md)
+* [Submitting a Proposal (CLI)](governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli/README.md)
+ * [Formatting Proposal Markdown](governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli/formatting-proposal-markdown.md)
## Command-Line Interface (CLI)
diff --git a/developer-guides/miscellaneous/conversions.md b/developer-guides/miscellaneous/conversions.md
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index 0000000..403df39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/developer-guides/miscellaneous/conversions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+description: How to convert between different aspects of data for
+# Conversions
+## Denominations
+In Cosmos, every denomination amount is formatted as an unsigned integer. With this, the chain does not have to deal with fractions. For an EVM chain this amount is typically `10**18` power, while Juno and other native Cosmos chains use the `10**6` power. This means if I want to send you 1 JUNO, I am actually sending 1,000,000 of the smaller token.\
+You can figure out which power a token uses by its prefix character in the denomination. In the case of JUNO, the actual denomination is shown as `ujuno`. This u signals that it is using any amount times `10**6` to get the human readable amount.
+{% hint style="info" %}
+10JUNO = 10,000,000ujuno\
+0.5 JUNO = 500,000ujuno\
+0.00001 JUNO = 10ujuno\
+This means the smallest amount anyone can send is 0.000001 JUNO
+{% endhint %}
+## Hex address to valcons (validator consensus)
+Sometimes you may want to convert from a hex address found from one of Juno's endpoints to a more readable validators consensus address to get their signing blocks and link to other data. TO do so, here is a Typescript snippet
+// npm i @cosmjs/encoding
+import {fromHex, toBech32} from '@cosmjs/encoding'
+// where junovalcons is the wallet prefix for the chain + valcons
+const prefix = "junovalcons"
+let addr = toBech32(prefix, fromHex("1470B9237056641663CB4DFDEC86B064578B29BF"))
+// This outputs junovalcons1z3ctjgms2ejpvc7tfh77ep4sv3tck2dl30r3mx
+// which matches their page
+// https://ping.pub/juno/staking/junovaloper196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcqcnylw
+With this, you can now make a mapping between a junovaloper and junovalcons address
+## Public Key to Valcons (Validator Consensus)
+{% hint style="info" %}
+You can get the Public Key from the REST/LCD endpoint:
+ cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators
+{% endhint %}
+// npm i @cosmjs/encoding
+import {fromBase64, toBech32} from '@cosmjs/encoding'
+// npm i @cosmjs/crypto
+import { sha256 } from '@cosmjs/crypto'
+let prefix = "junovalcons"
+// Chain Format:
+// {
+// "@type":"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",
+// "key":"/O7BtNW0pafwfvomgR4ZnfldwPXiFfJs9mHg3gwfv5Q="
+// }
+// we just need the .key string from the object
+let pubKey = "/O7BtNW0pafwfvomgR4ZnfldwPXiFfJs9mHg3gwfv5Q="
+const addr = toBech32(prefix, sha256(fromBase64(pubKey)).slice(0, 20))
+// junovalcons1z3ctjgms2ejpvc7tfh77ep4sv3tck2dl30r3mx
+## Validator Operator (Valoper) to normal account
+// npm i @cosmjs/encoding
+import {toBech32, fromBech32} from '@cosmjs/encoding'
+let toPrefix = "juno"
+let initial = "junovaloper196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcqcnylw"
+let converted = toBech32(toPrefix, fromBech32(initial).data)
+// juno196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcl99tyh
+## JUNO Address to another chain
+For an easy UI, you can use [https://bech32.scrtlabs.com/](https://bech32.scrtlabs.com/) for address conversions. If you need a more programmatic version
+#### Typescript
+// Typescript
+// npm i @cosmjs/encoding
+import {toBech32, fromBech32} from '@cosmjs/encoding'
+let toPrefix = "cosmos"
+let initial = "juno196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcl99tyh"
+let converted = toBech32(toPrefix, fromBech32(initial).data)
+// cosmos196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcfhxsrt
+#### Python
+# pip install bech32 - https://pypi.org/project/bech32/
+import bech32
+address = "juno196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcl99tyh"
+def address_convert(address=address, prefix="cosmos"):
+ _, data = bech32.bech32_decode(address)
+ return bech32.bech32_encode(prefix, data)
+converted_addr = address_convert(address, "cosmos")
+# cosmos196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcfhxsrt
+#### Command Line
+junod debug bech32-convert juno196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcl99tyh --prefix cosmos
+# cosmos196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcfhxsrt
+Here we take SG-1's JUNO address and convert it to a cosmoshub address since these are both 118 coin types. Other 118 coin types include Juno, Osmosis, Chihuahua, and others. You can only convert between the same cointype, so converting a JUNO to EVM address such as EVMOS or INJECTIVE will not function.\
+Once converted, [you can see that SG-1 cosmos address](https://www.mintscan.io/cosmos/account/cosmos196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcfhxsrt) also has funds just like their JUNO account by using a UI explorer like mintscan.
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+++ b/developer-guides/miscellaneous/get-and-decode-transactions.md
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# Get & Decode Transactions
+## Get Transactions
+You can get a blocks transactions both via the RPC and REST API. You can find other public endpoints on the [https://cosmos.directory/juno/nodes](https://cosmos.directory/juno/nodes) website
+### Get with RPC:
+URL: [https://rpc.juno.strange.love/block](https://rpc.juno.strange.love/block)\
+Transaction Array: result.block.data.txs\[]
+### Get with REST API:
+URL: [https://api.juno.strange.love/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/latest](https://api.juno.strange.love/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/latest)\
+Transaction Array: block.data.txs\[]
+### Get with CLI:
+# apt install jq | pacman -S jq
+junod q block | jq .block.data.txs
+## Decode: Command Line
+You can decode transaction data using the `junod` command:
+junod tx decode --output=json
+For example
+junod tx decode CoMECvwBCiQvY29zbXdhc20ud2FzbS52MS5Nc2dFeGVjdXRlQ29udHJhY3QS0wEKK2p1bm8xaHRzOGdnMHdudXhxazl4ZXJ1a3djNHB4ZG1ncmdoZG5qdjhnZGcSP2p1bm8xZzVqOXZkNzZjcXQ3ZnNxMjJuZTdqcWZrejR2OXB0a3ZoNGprbnN2d2NocGo3NTNhdHdmczk0MmEyNRpOeyJzd2FwIjp7ImlucHV0X3Rva2VuIjoiVG9rZW4yIiwiaW5wdXRfYW1vdW50IjoiNDUyOTAwMDAwMCIsIm1pbl9vdXRwdXQiOiIwIn19KhMKBXVqdW5vEgo0NTI5MDAwMDAwCoECCiQvY29zbXdhc20ud2FzbS52MS5Nc2dFeGVjdXRlQ29udHJhY3QS2AEKK2p1bm8xaHRzOGdnMHdudXhxazl4ZXJ1a3djNHB4ZG1ncmdoZG5qdjhnZGcSP2p1bm8xZThuNmNoN21za3M0ODdlY3pueWVhZ216ZDVtbDJwcTl0Z2VkcXQydTYzdnJhMHEwcjltcXJqeTZ5cxpUeyJzd2FwIjp7ImlucHV0X3Rva2VuIjoiVG9rZW4xIiwiaW5wdXRfYW1vdW50IjoiNDUyOTAwMDAwMCIsIm1pbl9vdXRwdXQiOiI2MDAwMDAwIn19KhIKBXVqdW5vEgk5NjkwMDAwMDASZgpQCkYKHy9jb3Ntb3MuY3J5cHRvLnNlY3AyNTZrMS5QdWJLZXkSIwohA2IKqvhI5iJwjhzNfy90VKT/UKcn7hQtmJD2WtPxiIY5EgQKAggBGEsSEgoMCgV1anVubxIDNjAwEMOaDBpAh+kKHSm07sTOYe8K/m7GhSGgmciMjGPD7eTLtLHX2x1Rp5e0m+cHK2rFB9f9ZNRITrf0L7E/emsOKjdFkUFbnA== --output json
+ "body":{
+ "messages":[
+ {
+ "@type":"/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgExecuteContract",
+ "sender":"juno1hts8gg0wnuxqk9xerukwc4pxdmgrghdnjv8gdg",
+ "contract":"juno1g5j9vd76cqt7fsq22ne7jqfkz4v9ptkvh4jknsvwchpj753atwfs942a25",
+ "msg":{
+ "swap":{
+ "input_token":"Token2",
+ "input_amount":"4529000000",
+ "min_output":"0"
+ }
+ },
+ "funds":[
+ {
+ "denom":"ujuno",
+ "amount":"4529000000"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "@type":"/cosmwasm.wasm.v1.MsgExecuteContract",
+ "sender":"juno1hts8gg0wnuxqk9xerukwc4pxdmgrghdnjv8gdg",
+ "contract":"juno1e8n6ch7msks487ecznyeagmzd5ml2pq9tgedqt2u63vra0q0r9mqrjy6ys",
+ "msg":{
+ "swap":{
+ "input_token":"Token1",
+ "input_amount":"4529000000",
+ "min_output":"6000000"
+ }
+ },
+ "funds":[
+ {
+ "denom":"ujuno",
+ "amount":"969000000"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ "memo":"",
+ "timeout_height":"0",
+ "extension_options":[
+ ],
+ "non_critical_extension_options":[
+ ]
+ },
+ "auth_info":{
+ "signer_infos":[
+ {
+ "public_key":{
+ "@type":"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
+ "key":"A2IKqvhI5iJwjhzNfy90VKT/UKcn7hQtmJD2WtPxiIY5"
+ },
+ "mode_info":{
+ "single":{
+ }
+ },
+ "sequence":"75"
+ }
+ ],
+ "fee":{
+ "amount":[
+ {
+ "denom":"ujuno",
+ "amount":"600"
+ }
+ ],
+ "gas_limit":"200003",
+ "payer":"",
+ "granter":""
+ }
+ },
+ "signatures":[
+ "h+kKHSm07sTOYe8K/m7GhSGgmciMjGPD7eTLtLHX2x1Rp5e0m+cHK2rFB9f9ZNRITrf0L7E/emsOKjdFkUFbnA=="
+ ]
+## Decode with Python (junod)
+Using junod and python, we can save this JSON data for later using the following example.\
+This excerpt was taken from the [juno-analysis repo](https://github.com/Reecepbcups/juno-analysis/blob/main/main.py)
+# python3 -m pip install httpx
+import httpx, json, os
+RPC_URL = "https://rpc.juno.strange.love:443"
+height = 7_000_000
+client = httpx.Client()
+tx_data: dict[int, dict] = {}
+def run_cmd(cmd) -> str:
+ return os.popen(cmd).read()
+def get_block_transactions(height: int) -> list[str]:
+ block = client.get(f"{RPC_URL}/block?height={height}").json()
+ block_txs = block["result"]["block"]["data"]["txs"]
+ return block_txs
+def main():
+ version = run_cmd("junod version")
+ if len(version) == 0:
+ print("Junod not installed. Please install junod and try again.")
+ exit(1)
+ txs = get_block_transactions(height=height)
+ for tx in txs:
+ txs_json = json.loads(run_cmd(f"junod tx decode {tx} --output json"))
+ tx_data[height] = txs_json.get("body", {}).get("messages", [])
+ # Do somethign with that tx data here
+ print(tx_data)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
+## Decode with Python (protobuf)
+If you have experience with protobuf, you can use cosmospy to decode transaction data and decode is from base64 strings
+# python -m pip install cosmospy-protobuf
+import base64
+import cosmospy_protobuf.cosmos.tx.v1beta1.tx_pb2 as tx_pb2
+tx = "CpMBCpABChwvY29zbW9zLmJhbmsudjFiZXRhMS5Nc2dTZW5kEnAKLWNvc21vczEweGw5cXV1Z2N2amhsMGdsamplaG1oeHhhN3cwaDM5ZTJ2aGFndhItY29zbW9zMThsemp0NWpwcjdtd3U0dHlkbGNmZ2N1dHI2Z25ycGsweWo4ZnNjGhAKBXVhdG9tEgcxMDAwMDAwEmcKUApGCh8vY29zbW9zLmNyeXB0by5zZWNwMjU2azEuUHViS2V5EiMKIQM+g5XXnqLLelLxz8CTy+vG5aO7SohNKS78OtL9ysdcEhIECgIIARgCEhMKDQoFdWF0b20SBDIyNzUQ+MYFGkBbTDHP0mn8d2hxQnNUE/SeudBrXMgjyRO5Bv12D4iWgk4cPsczc6EaDQD3v7cqqD22HL8ZZXVMF3GKi1SNAGNT"
+decode64 = base64.b64decode(tx)
+tx = tx_pb2.Tx()
+# print(tx.body.messages)
diff --git a/governance/before-submitting-a-proposal.md b/governance/before-submitting-a-proposal.md
index 4b7cb2f..520cebf 100644
--- a/governance/before-submitting-a-proposal.md
+++ b/governance/before-submitting-a-proposal.md
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Consider making appropriate changes to your proposal based on feedback from the
### Submit your proposal on-chain
-Once you are confident about your proposal, you can submit on-chain for voting. You can find guidance on submitting your proposal [here](submitting-a-proposal-cli.md).
+Once you are confident about your proposal, you can submit on-chain for voting. You can find guidance on submitting your proposal [here](submitting-a-proposal-cli/).
Please note that the fee to fully fund a governance deposit is 1,000 JUNO. These funds will be returned to the depositor following completion of the voting period. If there are sufficient `NO WITH VETO` votes, the depositors will lose their funds. The depositor will also lose their funds if quorum of 33.4% is not reached.
diff --git a/governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli.md b/governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli/README.md
similarity index 85%
rename from governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli.md
rename to governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli/README.md
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--- a/governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli.md
+++ b/governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli/README.md
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-cover: ../.gitbook/assets/Discord Invite (1) (6).png
+cover: ../../.gitbook/assets/Discord Invite (1) (6).png
coverY: 261
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ You can query the current setting for that parameter with `junod query params su
junod query params subspace distribution communitytax
-> NB: if you have not set it in config, you will need to add chain-id: `--chain-id uni`.
+{% hint style="info" %}
+if you have not set it in config, you will need to add chain-id: `--chain-id uni-6`
+{% endhint %}
This will return:
@@ -39,7 +41,7 @@ value: '{"max_bytes":"22020096","max_gas":"80000000"}'
Let's take this BlockParams parameter as an example. Say we want to create a proposal that increases this value.
-We can encode the parameter change in a JSON proposal like so:
+We can encode the parameter change in a JSON proposal like so. You can [use the following script](formatting-proposal-markdown.md) to format the description in markdown.
diff --git a/governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli/formatting-proposal-markdown.md b/governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli/formatting-proposal-markdown.md
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/governance/submitting-a-proposal-cli/formatting-proposal-markdown.md
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Formatting Proposal Markdown
+In the CLI, the description accepts markdown text but it must be converted to a single line. This python script helps to convert some text into a single line description.
+proposal_text = f"""
+# Proposal Title Here
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
+Sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
+Ut enim ad minim veniam,
+quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
+## Voting Options
+YES: Agree to with this proposal.
+NO: Disagree with the proposal.
+NO WITH VETO: Disagree with the proposal and want depositors penalized.
+ABSTAIN: Decline to give an opinion on the proposal.
+res = proposal_text.replace("\n", "\\n")
+res = res.replace("’", "'") # when you copy paste from the web
+res = res.replace('"', '\\"')
+res = res.replace("`", "'")
+res = res.replace(" ", "\\t") # tabs
+print("=" * 20)
+if res.startswith("\\n"):
+ res = res[2:]
+if res.endswith("\\n"):
+ res = res[:-2]
+# Then take this description into the proposal JSON
diff --git a/validators/joining-mainnet/README.md b/validators/joining-mainnet/README.md
index 5b3ea72..455222f 100644
--- a/validators/joining-mainnet/README.md
+++ b/validators/joining-mainnet/README.md
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ After creating a new key, the key information and seed phrase will be shown. It
You will require some Juno tokens to bond to your validator. To be in the active set you will need to have enough tokens to be in the top 150 validators by delegation weight.
-If you do not have any Juno tokens for you validator you can purchase tokens on [Osmosis](https://app.osmosis.zone) or [JunoSwap](https://junoswap.com).
+If you do not have any Juno tokens for you validator you can purchase tokens on [Osmosis](https://app.osmosis.zone), [WyndDex](https://app.wynddao.com/), or [kado.money](https://app.kado.money/ramp).
## Setup cosmovisor and start the node