Entity | Emoji short code | HTML | Solution |
♣ |
U+2663+FE0F | U+2663 | ♣&emoji; or ♣&VS16; |
♥ |
U+2665+FE0F | U+2665 | ♥&emoji; or ♥&VS16; |
♠ |
U+2660+FE0F | U+2660 | ♠&emoji; or ♠&VS16; |
☎ |
U+260E+FE0F | U+260E | &telephone; or ☎&emoji; or ☎&VS16; |
¥ |
U+1F4B4 | U+00A5 | new &Yen; or ¥note; |
$ |
U+1F4B5 | U+0024 | new &Dollar; or &dollarnote; |
€ |
U+1F4B6 | U+20AC | new &Euro; or &euronote; |
£ |
U+1F4B7 | U+00A3 | new &Pound; or £note; |
⁢ |
U+1F1EE+1F1F9 | U+2062 | &flag_it; or new ⁢ |
‐ |
U+1F4A8 | U+2010 | ? |
˚ |
U+1F48D | U+02DA | ? |
⌣ |
U+1F604 | U+2323 | ? |
⊤ |
U+1F51D | U+22A4 | ? |
This topic should not be brought forward to the Unicode Consortium but either W3C or WHATWG. There already is an incubation topic at WICG for this.