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This directory stores the configuration for building our data catalog using dbt.

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🖼️ Background: What does the data catalog do?

The data catalog accomplishes a few main goals:

1. Store our data transformations as a directed acyclic graph (DAG)

The models defined in models/ represent the SQL operations that we run in order to transform raw data into output data for use in statistical modeling and reporting. These transformations comprise a DAG that we use for documenting our data and rebuilding it efficiently. We use the dbt run command to build these models into views and tables in AWS Athena.


When we talk about "models" in these docs, we generally mean the resources that dbt calls "models", namely the definitions of the tables and views in our Athena warehouse. In contrast, we will use the phrase "statistical models" wherever we mean to discuss the algorithms that we use to predict property values.

2. Define integrity checks that specify the correct format for our data

The tests defined in the schema.yml files in the models/ directory set the specification for our source data and its transformations. These specs allow us to build confidence in the integrity of the data that we use and publish. We use the dbt test command to run these tests against our Athena warehouse.

3. Generate documentation for our data

The DAG definition is parsed by dbt and used to build our data documentation. We use the dbt docs generate command to generate these docs.

4. Automation for all of the above using GitHub Actions

The workflows, actions, and scripts defined in the .github/ directory work together to perform all of our dbt operations automatically, and to integrate with the development cycle such that new commits to the main branch of this repository automatically deploy changes to our tables, views, tests, and docs. Automated tasks include:

  • (Re)building any models that have been added or modified since the last commit to the main branch (the build-and-test-dbt workflow)
  • Running tests for any models that have been added or modified since the last commit, including tests that have themselves been added or modified (the build-and-test-dbt workflow)
  • Running tests for all models once per day (the test-dbt-models workflow)
  • Checking the freshness of our source data once per day (the test-dbt-source-freshness workflow)
  • Generating and deploying data documentation to our docs site on every commit to the main branch (the deploy-dbt-docs workflow)
  • Cleaning up temporary resources in our Athena warehouse whenever a pull request is merged into the main branch (the cleanup-dbt-resources workflow)

💻 How to develop the catalog


These instructions are for Ubuntu, which is the only platform we've tested.

For background, see the docs on installing dbt with pip. (You don't need to follow these docs in order to install dbt; the steps that follow will take care of that for you.)


Install dependencies

Run the following commands in this directory:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
dbt deps

Useful commands

To run dbt commands, make sure you have the virtual environment activated:

source venv/bin/activate

You must also authenticate with AWS using MFA if you haven't already today:


Build tables and views

We use the dbt build command to build tables and views (called models and seeds in dbt jargon) in our Athena data warehouse. See the following sections for specific instructions on how to build development and production models.

Build tables and views in development

When passed no arguments, dbt build will default to building all tables and views in development schemas dedicated to your user. The full build takes about three hours and thirty minutes, so we don't recommend running it from scratch.

Instead, start by copying the production dbt state file (also known as the manifest file):

aws s3 cp s3://ccao-dbt-cache-us-east-1/master-cache/manifest.json master-cache/manifest.json

Then, use dbt clone to clone the production tables and views into your development environment:

dbt clone --state master-cache

This will copy all production views and tables into a new set of Athena schemas prefixed with your Unix $USER name (e.g. z_dev_jecochr_default for the default schema when dbt is run on Jean's machine).

Once you've copied prod tables and views into your development schemas, you can rebuild specific tables and views using dbt's node selection syntax.

Use --select to build one specific table/view, or a group of tables/views. Here are some example commands that use --select to build a subset of all tables/views:

# This builds just the vw_pin_universe view
dbt build --select default.vw_pin_universe --resource-types model

# This builds vw_pin_universe as well as vw_pin10_location
dbt build --select default.vw_pin_universe location.vw_pin10_location --resource-types model

# This builds all models and seeds in the default schema
dbt build --select default.* --resource-types model seed


If you are building a Python model, your model may require external dependencies be available on S3. To make these dependencies available to your model, run the build-and-test-dbt workflow on your branch to deploy any Python dependencies that you've added to the config.packages attribute on your model.

Build tables and views in production

By default, all dbt commands will run against the dev environment (called a target in dbt jargon), which namespaces the resources it creates by prefixing database names with z_dev_ and your Unix $USER name.

You should almost never have to manually build tables and views in our production environment, since this repository is configured to automatically deploy production models using GitHub Actions for continuous integration. However, in the rare case that you need to manually build models in production, see 🔨 How to rebuild models using GitHub Actions.

Clean up development resources

If you'd like to remove your development resources to keep our Athena data sources tidy, you have two options: Delete all of your development Athena databases, or delete a selection of Athena databases.

To delete all the resources in your local environment (i.e. every Athena database with a name matching the pattern z_dev_$USER_$SCHEMA):

../.github/scripts/ dev

To instead delete a selected database, use the aws glue delete-database command:

aws glue delete-database z_dev_jecochr_default

Note that these two operations will only delete Athena databases, and will leave intact any parquet files that your queries created in S3. If you would like to remove those files as well, delete them in the S3 console or using the aws s3 rm command.

Run tests

Run tests for all models:

dbt test

Run all tests for one model:

dbt test --select default.vw_pin_universe

Run only one test:

dbt test --select default_vw_pin_universe_unique_by_14_digit_pin_and_year

Run a test against the prod models:

dbt test --select default_vw_pin_universe_unique_by_14_digit_pin_and_year --target prod

Run tests for dbt macros:

dbt run-operation test_all

Generate documentation

Note that we configure dbt's asset-paths attribute in order to link to images in our documentation. Some of those images, like the Mermaid diagram defined in assets/, are generated automatically during the deploy-dbt-docs deployment workflow. To generate them locally, make sure you have mermaid-cli installed (we recommend a local installation) and run the following command:

for file in assets/*.mmd; do
  ./node_modules/.bin/mmdc -i "$file" -o "${file/.mmd/.svg}"

Then, generate the documentation:

dbt docs generate

This will create a set of static files in the target/ subdirectory that can be used to serve the docs site.

To serve the docs locally:

dbt docs serve

Then, navigate to http://localhost:8080 to view the site.

➕ How to add a new model

To request the addition of a new model, open an issue using the Add a new dbt model issue template. The assignee should follow the checklist in the body of the issue in order to add the model to the DAG.

There are a few subtleties to consider when requesting a new model, outlined below.

Model type (SQL or Python)

We default to SQL models, since they are simple and well-supported, but in some cases we make use of Python models instead. Prefer a Python model if all of the following conditions are true:

  • The model requires complex transformations that are simpler to express using pandas than using SQL
  • The model only depends on (i.e. joins to) other models materialized as tables, and does not depend on any models materialized as views
  • The model's pandas code only imports third-party packages that are either preinstalled in the Athena PySpark environment or that are pure Python (i.e. that do not include any C extensions or code in other languages)
    • The most common packages that we need that are not pure Python are geospatial analysis packages like geopandas

A note on third-party pure Python dependencies for Python models

If your Python model needs to use a third-party pure Python package that is not preinstalled in the Athena PySpark environment, you can configure the dependency to be automatically deployed to our S3 bucket that stores PySpark dependencies as part of the dbt build workflow on GitHub Actions. Follow these steps to include your dependency:

  1. Update the config.packages array on your model definition in your model's schema.yml file to add elements for each of the packages you want to install
    • Make sure to provide a specific version for each package so that our builds are deterministic
    • Unlike a typical pip install call, the dependency resolver will not automatically install your dependency's dependencies, so check the dependency's documentation to see if you need to manually specify any other dependencies in order for your dependency to work
# Example -- replace `` with your model name, `dependency_name` with
# your dependency name, and `X.Y.Z` with the version of the dependency you want
# to install
  - name: database_name.table_name
        - "dependency_name==X.Y.Z"
  1. Add an sc.addPyFile call to the top of the Python code that represents your model's query definition so that PySpark will make the dependency available in the context of your code
# Example -- replace `dependency_name` with your dependency name and `X.Y.Z`
# with the version of the dependency you want to import
# type: ignore
sc.addPyFile(  # noqa: F821
  1. Call import dependency_name as normal in your script to make use of the dependency
# Example -- replace `dependency_name` with your dependency name
import dependency_name

See the reporting.ratio_stats model for an example of this type of configuration.

Model materialization

There are a number of different ways of materializing tables in Athena using dbt; see the dbt docs for more detail.

So far our DAG only uses view and table materialization, although we are interested in eventually incorporating incremental materialization as well.

The choice between view and table materialization depends on the runtime and downstream consumption of the model query. There is no hard and fast rule, but as a general guideline, consider materializing a model as a table if queries using the table take longer than 30s to execute, or if the model is consumed by another model that is itself computationally intensive.

Our DAG is configured to materialize models as views by default, so extra configuration is only required for non-view materialization.

Model naming

Models should be namespaced according to the database that the model lives in (e.g. for the tax table in the location database.) Since dbt does not yet support namespacing for refs, we include the database as a prefix in the model name to simulate real namespacing, and we override the generate_alias_name macro to strip out this fake namespace when generating names of tables and views in Athena (docs).

In addition to database namespacing, views should be named with a vw_ prefix (e.g. location.vw_pin10_location) to mark them as a view, while tables do not require any prefix (e.g.

Finally, for the sake of consistency and ease of interpretation, all tables and views should be named using the singular case e.g. rather than location.taxes.

Model location

Models are generally defined in the schema.yml file within each database subdirectory. Resources related to each model should be defined inline (with the exception of columns, see Column descriptions.

For complicated models with many columns or tests, we split schema.yml files into individual files per model. These files should be contained in a schema/ subdirectory within each database directory, and should be named using the fully namespaced model name. For example, the model definition for iasworld.sales lives in models/iasworld/schema/iasworld.sales.yml.

Model description

All new models should include, at minimum, a description of the model itself. We store these model-level descriptions as docs blocks within the file of each schema subdirectory.

Descriptions related to models in a schema/ subdirectory should still live in For example, the description for default.vw_pin_universe lives in models/default/

Column descriptions

New models should also include descriptions for each column. Since the first few characters of a column description will be shown in the documentation in a dedicated column on the "Columns" table, column descriptions should always start with a sentence that is short and simple. This allows docs readers to scan the "Columns" table and understand what the column represents at a high level.

Column descriptions can live in three separate places with the following hierarchy:

  1. models/ - Definitions shared across all databases and models
  2. models/$DATABASE/ - Definitions shared across a single database
  3. models/$DATABASE/schema.yml OR models/$DATABASE/schema/$DATABASE-$MODEL.yml - Definitions specific to a single model

We use the following pattern to determine where to define each column description:

  1. If a description is shared by three or more resources across multiple databases, its text should be defined as a docs block in models/ The docs block identifier for each column should have a shared_column_ prefix.
  2. If a description is shared by three or more resources across multiple models in the same database, its text should be defined as a docs block in models/$DATABASE/ The docs block identifier for each column should have a column_ prefix.
  3. If a description is shared between two or fewer columns, its text should be defined inline in the schema.yml file under the description key for the column.

Model tests

New models should generally be added with accompanying tests to ensure the underlying data and transformations are correct. For more information on testing, see 🧪 How to add and run tests and QC reports.

🔨 How to rebuild models using GitHub Actions

GitHub Actions can be used to manually rebuild part or all of our dbt DAG. To use this functionality:

  • Go to the build-and-test-dbt workflow page
  • Click the Run workflow dropdown on the right-hand side of the screen
  • Populate the input box following the instructions below
  • Click Run workflow, then click the created workflow run to view progress

The workflow input box expects a space-separated list of dbt model names or selectors. Multiple models can be passed at the same time, as the input box values are passed directly to dbt build. Model names must include the database schema name. Some possible inputs include:

  • default.vw_pin_sale - Rebuild a single view
  • default.vw_pin_sale default.vw_pin_universe - Rebuild two views at once
  • +default.vw_pin_history - Rebuild a view and all its upstream dependencies
  • location.* - Rebuild all views under the location schema
  • path:models - Rebuild the full DAG (:warning: takes a long time!)

For more possible inputs using dbt node selection, see the documentation site.

🧪 How to add and run tests and QC reports

We test the integrity of our raw data and our transformations using a few different types of tests and reports, described below.

Different types of tests and reports

There are three types of products that we use to check the integrity of our data and the transformations we apply on top of that data:

  1. Data tests check that hard-and-fast assumptions about our raw data are correct. These tests correspond to dbt data tests.
    • For example: Test that a table is unique by parid and taxyr.
  2. Unit tests check that transformation logic inside a model definition produces the correct output on a specific set of input data. These tests correspond to dbt unit tests.
    • For example: Test that an enum column computed by a CASE... WHEN expression in a view produces the correct output for a given input string.
  3. QC reports check for suspicious cases that might indicate a problem with our data, but that can't be confirmed automatically. We implement these reports using dbt models.
    • For example: Query for all parcels whose market value increased by more than $500k in the last year.

The following sections describe how to add and run each of these types of products.

Data tests

We implement data tests using dbt tests to check that hard-and-fast assumptions about our raw data are correct. We prefer adding tests inline in schema.yml config files using generic tests, rather than singular tests.

Currently, our primary use of data tests is to check assumptions about iasWorld data. We refer to this set of tests as "iasWorld data tests", and we've built a system for running and interpreting them that we will explain in the sections to follow. Other types of data tests do exist, and we primarily run them via automated GitHub workflows during CI when models change. However, we anticipate that in the future we will likely build out similar infrastructure for running and interpreting non-iasWorld data tests to accompany the infrastructure we have built for iasWorld data tests.

Running iasWorld data tests

The iasWorld data test suite can be run using the dbt test command with a dedicated selector and the --store-failures flag, and its output can be transformed for review and analysis using the transform_dbt_test_results script. This script reads the metadata for the most recent dbt test run and outputs a number of different artifacts with information about the tests:

  • An Excel workbook with detailed information on each failure to aid in resolving data problems
  • Parquet files representing metadata tables that can be uploaded to S3 for aggregate analysis

There are two instances when iasWorld data tests typically run:

  1. Once per day by the test-dbt-models GitHub workflow, which pushes Parquet output to S3 in order to support our analysis of test failures over time
  2. On demand by a Data team member whenever a Valuations staff member requests a copy of the Excel workbook for a township, usually right before the town closes

Since the first instance is a scheduled job that requires no intervention, the following steps describe how to respond to a request from Valuations staff for a fresh copy of the test failure output before town closing.

Typically, Valuations staff will ask for test output for a specific township. We'll refer to the township code for this township using the bash variable $TOWNSHIP_CODE.

First, run the tests locally using dbt and the iasWorld data test selector:

# Make sure you're in the dbt subdirectory with the virtualenv activated
cd dbt
source venv/bin/activate

# Run the tests and store failures in Athena
dbt test --selector qc_tests --store-failures

Next, transform the results for the township that Valuations staff requested:

python3 scripts/ --township $TOWNSHIP_CODE

Finally, spot check the Excel workbook that the script produced to make sure it's formatted correctly, and send it to Valuations staff for review.

Adding iasWorld data tests

There are a few specific modifications a test author needs to make to ensure that a new iasWorld data test can be run by the workflow and interpreted by the script:

  • One of either the test or the model that the test is defined on must be tagged with the tag test_qc_iasworld
    • Prefer tagging the model, and fall back to tagging the test if for some reason the model cannot be tagged (e.g. if it has some non-QC tests defined on it)
    • If you would like to disable a data test but you don't want to remove it altogether, you can tag it or its model with test_qc_exclude_from_workbook, which will prevent the test (or all of the model's tests, if you tagged the model) from running as part of the qc_tests selector
  • The test definition must supply a few specific parameters:
    • name must be set and follow the pattern iasworld_<table_name>_<test_description>
    • additional_select_columns must be set to an array of strings representing any extra columns that need to be output by the test for display in the workbook
      • Generics typically select any columns mentioned by other parameters, but if you are unsure which columns will be selected by default (meaning they do not need to be included in additional_select_columns), consult our documentation for the generic test you're using
    • config.where should typically set to provide a filter expression that restricts tests to unique rows and to rows matching a date range set by the test_qc_year_start and test_qc_year_end project variables
    • meta should be set with a few specific string attributes:
      • description (required): A short human-readable description of the test
      • category (optional): A workbook category for the test, required if a category is not defined for the test's generic in the TEST_CATEGORIES constant in the transform_dbt_test_results script
      • table_name (optional): The name of the table to report in the output workbook, if the workbook should report a different table name than the name of the model that the test is defined on

See the iasworld_pardat_class_in_ccao_class_dict test for an example of a test that sets these attributes.

Due to the similarity of parameters defined on iasWorld data tests, we make extensive use of YAML anchors and aliases to define symbols for commonly-used values. See here for a brief explanation of the YAML anchor and alias syntax.

Choosing a generic test for your data test

Writing a data test in a schema.yml file requires a generic test to define the underlying test logic. Our generic tests are defined in the tests/generic/ directory. Before writing a test, look at the documentation for our generics to see if any of them meet your needs.

If a generic test does not meet your needs but seems like it could be easily extended to meet your needs (say, if it inner joins two tables but you would like to be able to configure it to left join those tables instead) you can modify the macro that defines the generic test as part of your PR to make the change that you need.

If no generic tests meet your needs and none can be easily modified to do so, you have two options:

  1. Define a new model in the models/qc/ directory that can use a pre-existing generic. This is a good option if, say, you need to join two or more tables in a complex way that is specific to your test and not easily generalizable. With this approach, you can perform that join in the model, and then the generic test doesn't need to know anything about it.
  2. Write a new generic test. If you decide to take this approach, make sure to read the docs on writing custom generic tests. This is a good option if you think that the logic you need for your test will be easily generalizable to other models and other tests. You'll also need to follow a few extra steps that are specific to our environment:
    1. Add a default category for your generic test in the TEST_CATEGORIES constant in the transform_dbt_test_results script
    2. Make sure that your generic test supports the additional_select_columns parameter that most of our generic tests support, making use of the format_additional_select_columns macro to format the parameter when applying it to your SELECT condition

Unit tests

Unit tests help ensure that the transformations we apply on top of our raw data do not introduce errors. Unit testing is available in dbt as of the 1.8 release, but there is a bug that prevents it from working with the schema alias system that we use to namespace our models, so we do not yet have a process for adding or running unit tests. Jean is leading the effort to contribute to dbt Core in order to support unit tests in projects that follow our schema alias system, so she will update this section with documentation once that effort is resolved.

QC reports

QC reports help us investigate suspicious data that might indicate a problem, but that can't be confirmed automatically. We implement QC reports using dedicated dbt models that are configured with attributes that can be parsed by the export_models script.

Running QC reports

We run QC reports when Valuations staff ask for them, which most often occurs before a major event in the Valuations calendar like the close of a township.

The export_models script exposes a few options that help to export the right data:

  • --select: This option controls which models the script will export. This option is equivalent to the dbt --select option, and any valid dbt --select expression will work for this option.
  • --where: This option controls which rows the script will return for the selected model in a similar fashion as a SQL WHERE clause. Any expression that could follow a WHERE keyword in a SQL filter condition will work for this option.
  • --rebuild or --no-rebuild: This flag determines whether or not the script will rebuild the selected models using dbt run prior to export. It defaults to false (--no-rebuild) and is most useful in rare cases where the underlying models that comprise the reports have been edited since the last run, typically during the period when a QC report is under active development.

Example: Running town close QC reports

We tag the models that comprise our town close QC reports using the qc_report_town_close tag, and we filter them for a specific township code (like "70") and tax year during export.

Here's an example of how to export those models for a township code defined by $TOWNSHIP_CODE and a tax year defined by $TAXYR:

python3 scripts/ --select tag:qc_report_town_close --where "taxyr = '$TAXYR' and township_code = '$TOWNSHIP_CODE'"

The script will output the reports to the dbt/export/output/ directory, and will print the names of the reports that it exports during execution.

Example: Running the AHSAP change in value QC report

We define the AHSAP change in value QC report using one model, qc.vw_change_in_ahsap_values, which we filter for a specific township name (like "Hyde Park") and tax year during export.

Here's an example of how to export that model for a township name defined by $TOWNSHIP_NAME and a tax year defined by $TAXYR:

python3 scripts/ --select qc.vw_change_in_ahsap_values --where "taxyr = '$TAXYR' and township_name = '$TOWNSHIP_NAME'"

The script will output the reports to the dbt/export/output/ directory, and will print the name of the report that it exports during execution.

Adding QC reports

Since QC reports are built on top of models, adding a new QC report can be as simple as adding a new model and exporting it using the export_models script. You should default to adding your model to the qc schema and subdirectory, unless there is a good reason to define it elsewhere. For details on how to add a model, see ➕ How to add a new model.

There are a number of configuration options that allow you to control the format of your model during export:

  • Tagging: Model tags are not required for QC reports, but they are helpful in cases where we need to export more than one report at a time. For example, Valuations typically requests all of the town close QC reports at the same time, so we tag each model with the qc_report_town_close tag such that we can select them all at once when running the export_models script using --select tag:qc_report_town_close. For consistency, prefer tags that start with the qc_report_* prefix, but beware not to use the test_qc_* prefix, which is instead used for QC tests.
  • Filtering: Since the export_models script can filter your model using the --where option, you should define your model such that it selects any fields that you want to use for filtering in the SELECT clause. It's common to filter reports by taxyr and one of either township_name or township_code.
  • Formatting: You can set a few different optional configs on the meta attribute of your model's schema definition in order to control the format of the output workbook:
    • meta.export_name: The base name that the script will use for the output file, not including the file extension. The script will output the file to dbt/export/output/{meta.export_name}.xlsx. If unset, defaults to the name of the model.
    • meta.export_template: The base name for an Excel file that the script will use as a template to populate with data, not including the file extension. The script will read this file from dbt/export/templates/{meta.export_template}.xlsx. Templates are useful if you want to apply custom headers, column widths, or other column formatting to the output that are not otherwise configurable by the meta.export_format config attribute described below. If unset, the script will search for a template with the same name as the model; if it does not find a template, it will default to a simple layout with filterable columns and striped rows.
    • meta.export_format: An object with the following schema that controls the format of the output workbook:
      • columns (required): A list of one or more columns to format, each of which should be an object with the following schema:
        • index (required): The letter index of the column to be formatted, like A or AB.
        • name (optional): The name of the column as it appears in the header of the workbook. The script does not use this attribute and instead uses index, but we set it in order to make the column config object more readable.
        • horizontal_align (optional): The horizontal alignment to set on the column, one of left or right.

Example: Adding a new QC report

Here's an example of a model schema definition that sets all of the different optional and required formatting options for a new QC report:

  - name: qc.vw_qc_report_new
    description: '{{ doc("view_vw_qc_report_new") }}'
        - qc_report_new
      export_name: QC Report (New)
      export_template: qc_report_new.xslx
          - index: B
            name: Class
            horizontal_align: left

In the case of this model, the export_models script:

  • Will export the model if either --select qc.vw_qc_report_new or --select tag:qc_report_new is set
  • Will use the template dbt/export/templates/qc_report_new.xlsx to populate data
  • Will export the output workbook to dbt/export/output/QC Report (New).xlsx
  • Will left-align column B, a column with the name Class

🐛 Debugging tips

How do I debug a failing test?

Most of our dbt tests are simple SQL statements that we run against our models in order to confirm that models conform to spec. If a test is failing, you can run or edit the underlying query in order to investigate the failure and determine whether the root cause is a code change we made, new data that was pushed to the system of record, or a misunderstanding about the data specification.

To edit or run the query underlying a test, first run the test in isolation:

dbt test --select <test_name>

Then, navigate to the Recent queries tab in Athena. Your test will likely be one of the most recent queries; it will also start with the string -- /* {"app": "dbt", ..., which can be helpful for spotting it in the list of recent queries.

Open the query in the Athena query editor, and edit or run it as necessary to debug the test failure.

A special note on failures related to code changes

To quickly rule out a failure related to a code change, you can switch to the main branch of this repository (or to an earlier commit where we know tests passed, if tests are failing on the main branch) and rerun the test against prod using the --target prod option. If the test continues to fail in the same fashion, then we can be confident that the root cause is the data and not the code change.

What do I do if the cleanup-dbt-resources workflow fails?

The cleanup-dbt-resources workflow removes all AWS resources that were created by GitHub Actions for a pull request once that pull request has been merged into the main branch of the repository. On rare occasions, this workflow might fail due to changes to our dbt setup that invalidate the assumptions of the workflow.

There are two ways to clean up a PR's resources manually:

  1. Using the AWS console: Login to the AWS console and navigate to the Athena homepage. Select Data sources in the sidebar. Click on the AwsDataCatalog resource. In the Associated databases table, select each data source that matches the database pattern for your pull request (i.e. prefixed with z_ci_ plus the name of your branch) and click the Delete button in the top right-hand corner of the table.
  2. Using the command-line: If the workflow has failed, it most likely means there is a bug in the .github/scripts/ script (source code). Once you've identified and fixed the bug, confirm it works by running the following command to clean up the resources created by the pull request:
HEAD_REF=$(git branch --show-current) ../.github/scripts/ ci

What do I do if dbt found two schema.yml entries for the same resource?

If you get this error:

Compilation Error
  dbt found two schema.yml entries for the same resource named location.vw_pin10_location. Resources and their associated columns may only be described a single time. To fix this, remove one of the resource entries for location.vw_pin10_location in this file:
   - models/location/schema.yml

It usually means that dbt's state has unresolvable conflicts with the current state of your working directory. To resolve this, run dbt clean to clear your dbt state, reinstall dbt dependencies with dbt deps, and then try rerunning the command that raised the error.

What do I do if dbt says a schema or table does not exist?

When attempting to build models, you may occasionally run into the following error indicating that a model that your selected model depends on does not exist:

Runtime Error in model default.vw_card_res_char (models/default/default.vw_card_res_char.sql)
  line 24:10: Table 'awsdatacatalog.z_dev_jecochr_default.vw_pin_land' does not exist

The error may look like this if an entire schema is missing:

Runtime Error in model default.vw_pin_universe (models/default/default.vw_pin_universe.sql)
  line 130:11: Schema 'z_dev_jecochr_location' does not exist

To resolve this error, you can prefix your selected model's names with a plus sign (+) to instruct dbt to (re)build its dependency models as well. However, note that this will rebuild all dependency models, even ones that already exist in your development environment, so if your model depends on another model that is compute-intensive (basically, anything in the location or proximity schemas) you should use the --exclude option to exclude these compute-intensive models from being rebuilt:

dbt build --select +model.vw_pin_shared_input --exclude location.* proximity.* --resource-types model seed

How do I enable debug logging?

If you'd like to know what dbt is doing under the hood, you can use the --log-level parameter to enable debug logging when running dbt commands:

dbt --log-level debug build --select model.vw_pin_shared_input