- Assign each article a document id
- Chunk the articles
- Assign each chunk a unique chunk id (could be doc_id + chunk_number)
- Evaluate retrieval: separate hitrate for both doc_id and chunk_id
- Evaluate RAG: LLM as a Judge
- Tuning chunk size: use metrics from Evaluate RAG
Example JSON structure for a chunk:
"doc_id": "ashdiasdh",
"chunk_id": "ashdiasdh_1",
"text": "actual text"
Example: the user provides YouTubeID, you initialize the system and now you can talk to it
- Chunk it
- Evaluation as for multiple articles
- Experiment with it
- Each chapter / section can be a separate document
- Use LLM as a Judge to see which approach works best
- Describe the images using gpt-4o-mini
- Each image is a separate document
- Same as with images + multiple articles
- "Chunking": slide deck = document, slide = chunk