After a 'regular' installation via the script, Freqtrade does not have a graphical user interface or REST API that you can reach from another server.
The best security is NOT to use the API!
However, if you do use REST API or a UI, then be extra aware that you use a good API Server username and password.
U can use the following oneliner to create a random 12 character password:
date +%s | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 12 ; echo
Yuo can leave the config of the API like this if you want to use nginx as a proxy server.
"api_server": {
"enabled": true,
"listen_ip_address": "",
"listen_port": 8080,
"verbosity": "error",
"enable_openapi": false,
"CORS_origins": [],
"username": "<YOURUSERNAME",
If you do not want to use nginx, then consider using a obscure port for your web API.
"api_server": {
"enabled": true,
"listen_ip_address": "",
"listen_port": 3665,
"verbosity": "error",
"enable_openapi": false,
"CORS_origins": [],
"username": "<YOURUSERNAME",
Change your firewall to allow traffic to that port:
sudo ufw allow 3665/tcp