This is a legacy software library for specific use with ROMS grids.
NOTE: This is a very limited environment with netcdf4 and matplotlib's basemap to review former functionality. This should be migrated ASAP to utilize modern libraries.
# The current path is your SRC directory
$ git clone
# The cloned directory is ${SRC}/pyroms
Install the pyroms conda environment. This installs the appropriate fortran compiler for netcdf.
If you need
$ cd ${SRC}/pyroms/pyroms/external/scrip/source
# edit makefile
# change PREFIX = /usr/local
# to PREFIX ?= /usr/local
$ make DEVELOP=1
$ cp ${SRC}/pyroms/pyroms/pyroms/
$ cd ${SRC}
$ cd pyroms
$ pip install -e .
$ cd ../pyroms_toolbox
$ pip install -e .
$ cd ../bathy_smoother
$ pip install -e .
Using pyroms:
# define the location of gridid.txt
# edit gridid.txt to point to Arctic6 nc file
$ export PYROMS_GRIDID_FILE=/home/cermak/workdir/configs/Arctic6/roms/gridid.txt
For now the only known working way to run is via:
$ ipython --pylab
Cut and paste line by line into the interactive command above. The last line in saves any edits made to the grid.
However, this should also work in jupyterlab via ipympl which is untested at the moment.