Abs |
Abs(x float) float {} |
Returns the absolute value of x |
Acos |
Acos(x float) float {} |
Returns arc cosine of x |
Acosh |
Acosh(x float) float {} |
Returns arc hyperbolic cosine of x |
Asin |
Asin(x float) float {} |
Returns arc sine of x |
Asinh |
Asinh(x float) float {} |
Returns arc hyperbolic sine of x |
Atan |
Atan(x float) float {} |
Returns arc tangent of x |
Atanh |
Atanh(x float) float {} |
Returns arc hyperbolic tangent of x |
Cbrt |
Cbrt(x float) float {} |
Returns the cubic root of x |
Ceil |
Ceil(x float) float {} |
Returns the least integer that it's bigger or equal to x |
Cos |
Cos(x float) float {} |
Returns adjacent / hypotenuse |
Cosh |
Cosh(x float) float {} |
Returns hyperbolic cosine of x |
DegreesToRadians |
DegreesToRadians(x float) float {} |
Returns x value in degrees to radians |
Exp |
Exp(x float) float {} |
Returns e^x (exponential) |
Fact |
Fact(x float) float {} |
Returns the factorial number of x |
Floor |
Floor(x float) float {} |
Returns the greatest integer which is smaller or equal to x |
Ln |
Ln(x float) float {} |
Returns the naturel logarithm of x |
Log10 |
Log10(x float) float {} |
Returns base-10 logarithm of x |
Max |
Max(x float, y float) float {} |
Returns the larger number between x and y |
Min |
Min(x float, y float) float {} |
Returns the smaller number between x and y |
Modulo |
Modulo(x float, y float) float {} |
Returns remainder of x / y |
Pi |
Pi() float {} |
Returns Pi (3.14 ...etc) |
Pow |
Pow(x float, y float) float, error {} |
Returns x^y |
Pow |
Pow(x int, y float) float, error {} |
Returns x^y |
Pow |
Pow(x float, y float) float, error {} |
Returns x^y |
RadiansToDegrees |
RadiansToDegrees(x float) float {} |
Returns x value in radians to degrees |
Random |
Random(x float, y float) float {} |
Returns random number between x and y |
Round |
Round(x float) float {} |
Returns x rounded to the nearest int |
Sin |
Sin(x float) float {} |
Returns opposite / hypotenuse |
Sinh |
Sinh(x float) float {} |
Returns hyperbolic sine of x |
Sqrt |
Sqrt(x float) float {} |
Returns the square root of x |
Tan |
Tan(x float) float {} |
Returns opposite / adjacent |
Tanh |
Tanh(x float) float {} |
Returns hyperbolic tangent of x |
Trunc |
Trunc(x float) float {} |
Returns the integer value of x |