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1. Quickstart Guide Excel

Rikke edited this page Oct 27, 2024 · 8 revisions


testcases.xlsx is used as the model-independent toolbox interface to input model-specific information and set up the different test cases. The file contains XX premade cases used by Energinet to review models, with the option to add or disable cases as needed. testcases.xlsx consists of the following sheets explained in depth in the sections beneath:

  • Settings
  • Area values
  • RfG cases
  • DCC cases
  • Unit cases
  • Custom cases
  • Event types



The Settings sheet is the interface to input model-specific information. Most of the inputs are pretty self-explanatory. The project name must not contain any spaces as this causes an error in the plotter Python script as it cannot find the output files.

There are three types of SCR and corresponding X/R-ratios:
 - min, corresponding to the minimum short-circuit level
 - tuning, corresponding to an intermediate short-circuit level between the minimum and the maximum short-circuit level. If the tuning parameters arenot needed, leaving it blank will result in the MTB omitting them from the simulation.
 - max, corresponding to the maximum short-circuit level
The SCR- and X/R tuning are used to evaluate the model's voltage control mode during a more usual operation scenario. (mere forklaring måske?)

PSCAD Timestep and Volley are PSCAD-specific.
The Volley dictates how many parallel simulations can be run at a time for PSCAD. (Er dette noget e skal tænke over ift. deres egen computers ydeevne/processorkraft (hvis det er de rigtige ord?)?)

The inputs below the red line are all settings of the park voltage- and frequency protection.
These are used in specific predefined cases to evaluate the modeled protection and if it corresponds to the input settings.

Area values

The Area sheet contains the specific data for the two connection areas in Denmark. In the selected column you can see what area you have picked from the drop-down selection in the "Input" sheet by the "Area" row and based on the voltage values given the relevant column in the "Area" sheet is selected.


The Cases sheet contains data to set up each case. Rows represent individual cases and the columns specify the setup of each of those cases. More rows can be added to run user-defined cases.


As an example, case 30 (Rank, column C) is made to demonstrate the model's ability to step reactive power.

Firstly, the case is active (Included, column D) and will control the reactive power reference signal (QrefCtrl, column I) throughout the case. Active power is initialized to 1 p.u. (P0, column E) with reactive power controlmode, Qmode = 0 (Qmode, column F). In this case, Qmode = 0 corresponds to reactive power setpoint control, this is specified in the Input sheet. The reactive power is then initialized to 0 (InitValue, column G).

Only ´QrefCtrl, column I is activated while columns H, M, N, and O are deactivated (= 0). Since the case seeks to control the reactive power setpoint, there is no need for simulating a fault, so columns J, K, and L are also deactivated (= 0).

The grid impedance is then scaled to 1 (GridImped, column P), and the total simulation time is set to 145 seconds (Tstop (s), column Q).

The reactive power setpoint is then controlled throughout the simulation, in this case only in the negative direction. This is done by specifying setpoints in the value sets in column R - AL.

  • The first point (C1start + C1setpoint + C1ramp, columns R, S and T) starting at the time 3 seconds, drops the reactive power setpoint to -0.1 p.u. with no ramp, i.e. as a step.
  • Next point (C2start + C2setpoint + C2ramp, columns U, V and W) starts at the time 40 seconds and drops the setpoint to -0.2 p.u. also with no ramp.
  • Next point (C3start + C3setpoint + C3ramp, columns X, Y and Z) starts at the time 75 seconds and further drops the setpoint to -0.3 p.u. with no ramp.
  • The final point (C4start + C4setpoint + C4ramp, columns AA, AB and AC) starts at 110 seconds, returning the reactive power setpoint to 0 p.u. in a step. Since this is the final point, the setpoint will stay unchanged until the end of the simulation.

PSCAD Compilers

The PSCAD Compilers sheet contains additional information on the different PSCAD compilers. The figure below shows the different PSCAD compilers that are usable.

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