Manage protections of a certain arena region. When a protection is enabled, player actions are prevented.
Command | Definition |
/pa [arena] protection [region] [protection] (true/false) | toggle a protection of an arena region |
Example: /pa main protection battlefield DROP
- toggle the DROP protection of the arena "main"s region called "battlefield"
Here is a quick list supported flags, they include:
- BREAK - prevent player block breaking
- FIRE - prevent fire spreading/burning
- MOBS - prevent mob spawning
- NATURE - prevent water flow/growth
- PAINTING - prevent painting/itemframe breakage
- PISTON - prevent piston usage
- PLACE - prevent player block placing
- TNT - prevent tnt interaction
- TNTBREAK - prevent tnt block damage (explosion still hurts)
- DROP - prevent player item dropping
- INVENTORY - prevent inventory interaction
- PICKUP - prevent player item pickup
- TELEPORT - prevent player teleportation
🚩 Tip:
Check your protections with/pa [arenaname] !rs [regionname]