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DataDownload Tab
The Download page is an optional component providing Extract Data and Email Task functionality for datasets. The data download interfaces with an ArcGIS Server Map Service and Geoprocessing service to provide the functionality to clip layers and download them. The data download customization does not come standard as part of the default geoportal implementation. The sample discussed in this topic should be used as a starting point to create a customized task that suits your organization's needs.
When downloading data, a user will draw the area they wish to download, select layers for download, select an output format for the data, and supply their E-Mail address. The geoportal data download page will then use the input information as inputs to the data download geoprocessing service. When the request has been completed, an E-Mail message will be sent to the user with an attached ZIP file of their data. See How to Use the Data Download Feature for more details.
The figure below shows the primary components of the Data Download functionality and the communication interfaces among them.
For Data Download to be functional in the geoportal, the following must be present and configured:
- A map service to provide the view of the downloadable data
- A geoprocessing service to extract and process the selected data
- A mail server to send the clipped and zipped data to the requesting user via email
- The ArcGIS SOC account must have access to the data sources used in your map and geoprocessing services. Access must be Full Control (Read, Write, and Execute). If your data is in SDE, then the ArcSOC account must have these same privileges to the data. The ArcSOC account must also have Full Control privileges to the folder where the interim clipped output file is stored, and the arcgisserver folder.
- The ArcGIS Server machine must have access to the JavaScript API referenced in your gpt.xml file at the <interactivemap formats.
- (Optional) Add a mapInitialExtent attribute to the <downloaddata></downloaddata> node: Starting with Geoportal Server 1.2, it is possible to define an initial extent of the map and therefore override the initial extent of the service. The value of that attribute is a JSON complaint definition of the Esri JavaScript API extent (http://help.arcgis.com/en/webapi/javascript/arcgis/help/jsapi/extent.htm#webprint). An example would be: <downloaddata mapInitialExtent="xmin:0,ymin:0,xmax:90,ymax:45,spatialReference:{wkid:4326} *"></downloaddata>id}\scratch\'.
You will likely want to configure the geoportal to offer different output file formats for the feature or raster layers in the Data Download interface. Feature output file formats are defined in the <features></features> tag in the gpt.xml file, and raster output file formats are defined in the <rasters></rasters> tag. Instructions for parameters within each <feature></feature> and <raster></raster> entry are described below. Note: For some output formats, the Esri Data Interoperability extension must be installed and enabled in ArcGIS Desktop for the map service basemap and geoprocessing task basemap, and the Data Interoperability extension for ArcGIS Server must also be installed on the machine hosting ArcGIS Server. You may also need to adjust the Extract Data and Email ArcGIS Desktop task to handle the specified format. Because this customization is not included in the Geoportal Server general documentation, the Geoportal Server User Forum is a good place to find out how other users may have added additional data types for download.
The Data Interoperability extension uses Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) technology from SafeSoftware. To get the information that you will need to update the list of output formats, you will need to reference the FME website. The example below shows adding the ESRI ArcInfo format to the list of <features></features> feature output formats. Use a similar process to add a format to the <rasters></rasters> raster output formats.
- Obtain the format identifier and file extension information by accessing the FEM website and clicking the link next to the format in which you are interested. This will redirect to a .pdf file giving additional details.
- Find Format Identifier and Typical File Extensions. For ESRI ArcInfo Export, format identifier is "E00" and typical file extension is ".e00".
- In gpt.xml, insert an additional <feature></feature> element with the following attributes into the <features></features> element to include the supported output format.
- key: {Format Identifier} - ({typical file extension}). In the ArcInfo example, it should be E00 - (.e00)
- alias: optional - repeat the file extension.
- resKey: assigns the key for referencing the display name as defined in gpt.properties for this format. Should be unique. In this example, resKey is catalog.download.feature.e00.
- The new E00 entry has been added to the default list in the example below:
<feature key="File Geodatabase - GDB - .gdb" alias="gdb" resKey="catalog.download.feature.gdb"/>
<feature key="Shapefile - SHP - .shp" alias="shp" resKey="catalog.download.feature.shp"/>
<feature key="Autodesk AutoCAD - ACAD - .dxf" alias="dxf" resKey="catalog.download.feature.dxf"/>
<feature key="Autodesk AutoCAD - ACAD - .dwg" alias="dwg" resKey="catalog.download.feature.dwg"/>
<feature key="Bentley Microstation Design (V8) - DGN_V8 - .dgn" alias="dgn"
<feature key="E00 - (.e00) " alias = "e00" resKey="catalog.download.feature.e00"/>
Now you need to add the resource key from the new <feature> to gpt.properties.
- Open gpt.properties from /geoportal/WEB-INF/classes/gpt/resources.
- Add the display names for the added format in the download data section, using your resKey described above as a guide. For example, we could add the key below to match the resKey in gpt.xml: catalog.download.feature.e00= E00 - (.e00).
- Save gpt.properties and gpt.xml. Restart the geoportal web application for you changes to take effect.