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FuzzPEG: A Context-Free Random Program Generator

FuzzPEG is a random program generator. It takes as input a context-free grammar in EBNF and efficiently generates syntactically valid programs for it. These programs can then be used to detect bugs in compilers and other language processors.

To make FuzzPEG usable for practical purposes, it offers some advanced features:

  • FuzzPEG not only tracks which parts of the input grammar have already been covered by previously generated programs, but can also guide the generation process towards uncovered parts of the grammar. This increases the diversity of the generated programs.
  • To give the user more control over the size and shape of the generated programs, FuzzPEG supports probabilistic grammars. Such grammars include weights that determine the probability that certain alternatives are chosen.
  • To avoid the construction of "infinitely" large programs in case of recursive grammars, FuzzPEG uses a height limit and only chooses alternatives that fit into this limit. FuzzPEG automatically chooses a height limit that allows to cover all parts of the input grammar (but the height limit can also be specified manually via a command line option).
  • FuzzPEG ensures that the serialized programs are lexically valid (this is a necessary precondition for being syntactically valid):
    • When FuzzPEG generates a random token (e.g., an identifier), it makes sure that the randomly generated string does not collide with a different terminal (e.g., a keyword).
    • Simply concatenating two adjacent tokens may lead to an invalid result (e.g., if two adjacent identifiers foo and bar are concatenated, the resulting foobar no longer consists of two identifiers). Thus, FuzzPEG automatically determines if two adjacent tokens require a separator; by default, this separator consists of a single space (but the separator may also be specified via a command line option).

Although performance is not its top-most priority, FuzzPEG is reasonably efficient. On a standard desktop computer and for a typical real-world grammar, FuzzPEG should be able to generate several hundred KiB of syntactically valid output per second.

Building FuzzPEG

FuzzPEG uses the j-PEG library for parsing and analyzing the input grammar, which is included as a Git submodule in libs/j-PEG. Use one of the following ways to correctly set up this submodule:

  • When cloning the FuzzPEG repository, add the command line option --recurse-submodules.
  • If you already cloned the FuzzPEG repository without the aforementioned command line option, simply type git submodule update --init to set up the submodule.

When the submodule is correctly set up, simply type ./gradlew build in the root directory of the FuzzPEG repository to build the FuzzPEG framework. After a successful build, there should be a file build/libs/FuzzPEG.jar. The instructions below assume that this file exists.


  • You need a working JDK installation to build and run FuzzPEG (tested with OpenJDK 8 and 11).
  • Building FuzzPEG requires an internet connection to resolve external dependencies.

Input Grammars

FuzzPEG takes as input a context-free grammar that describes the lexical and syntactical rules that the generated programs should conform to. The following is an example for such a grammar in the notation of the j-PEG library that FuzzPEG uses (to be more precise, the grammars that j-PEG takes as input are so-called Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs); see below for a more detailed discussion):

calculation: statement* EOF ;

statement: ( VAR_NAME ASSIGN )? expression SEMICOLON ;

expression: add_expression ;

add_expression: mul_expression ( ( ADD | SUB ) mul_expression )* ;

mul_expression: factor ( ( MUL | DIV ) factor )* ;

  : NUM
  | LPAREN expression RPAREN

ASSIGN: ':=';

ADD: '+';
SUB: '-';
MUL: '*';
DIV: '/';

LPAREN: '(';
RPAREN: ')';

SPACE: ( ' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' )+ ;

NUM: '0' | ( [1-9][0-9]* ) ;
VAR_NAME: [a-zA-Z] [a-zA-Z0-9]* ;

This grammar matches programs of the following form:

foo := (13 + 3) * 12;
11 + foo;

Terminal Rules

The names of terminal rules consist of upper case letters (e.g., ASSIGN or SPACE).

The right hand side of a terminal rule consists of a single regular expression (please refer to the example above for the exact notation).

If a terminal rule is annotated with @skip (e.g., the SPACE rule from above), its matches are discarded (i.e., its matches do not appear as tokens in the token stream).

The implicitly defined EOF rule matches the end of the input.

Non-Terminal Rules

The names of non-terminal rules consist of lower case letters (e.g., calculation or statement). The first non-terminal rule in the given grammar is the start rule with which the program construction begins.

The right hand side of a non-terminal rule uses a notation similar to that of EBNF:

  • * means zero or more repetitions
  • + means one or more repetitions
  • ? means zero or one occurrences

Use the choice operator | to specify alternatives.

Weighted Alternatives and Quantifiers

To be able to control the probability that FuzzPEG chooses certain alternatives during the program construction, the alternatives can be annotated with a weight:

  : <13> ...
  |  <3> ...

In this example, the probability that FuzzPEG chooses the first alternative of foo is (13 / (13 + 3)), while the probability that it chooses the second one is only (3 / (13 + 3)).

Similarly, it is possible to annotate quantifiers with a weight:

  : ( foo ) <3>+

During the program construction, FuzzPEG always ensures that the requirements induced by a quantifier are met (in the example, FuzzPEG ensures that at least one foo is generated due to the semantics of the + quantifier). However, if FuzzPEG can choose if it generates another element or not, the probability that it generates another one is determined by the given weight (in the example, another foo is generated with a probability of (3 / 4)).

Alternatives and quantifiers without explicit weight have an implicit weight of 1.

A Note on Grammar Classes

FuzzPEG does not check (or care) which grammar class the input grammar belongs to (or if it is ambiguous or not). In particular, although the j-PEG library that FuzzPEG uses treats the input grammar as a so-called Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG), it is possible that the programs generated with FuzzPEG cannot be parsed successfully with a parser for this PEG (but other parsing algorithms might be able to successfully parse them). This is due to the fact that (in contrast to "traditional" context-free grammars in EBNF) the choice operator (|) of PEGs is ordered (i.e., if the first alternative matches during parsing, the second one is ignored). For example, consider the following PEG:

foo: A | A B ;
A: 'A' ;
B: 'B' ;

Since FuzzPEG chooses alternatives randomly and "locally", FuzzPEG may generate the program AB, which cannot be parsed according to this PEG: since the choice operator is ordered, the parser strictly applies the first alternative of foo to match the A in AB, after which a single B remains that cannot be parsed.

Whether this is a problem or not depends on your use case. If your goal is to generate programs that can be parsed according to the given PEG, you have to rewrite the PEG such that it does not include such cases. In the example, the following PEG can be used instead:

foo: A B | A ;
A: 'A' ;
B: 'B' ;

If you are unsure whether a PEG contains such cases, you can use the --testPEG command line option (see below); if this option is set, FuzzPEG tries to parse each randomly generated program according to the given PEG and prints an error message in case of a failure.

Grammar Graphs and Coverage

The input grammar induces a bi-partite graph, which we refer to as grammar graph and which is the main data structure that FuzzPEG operates on (basically, FuzzPEG traverses this graph structure during the program construction). Each node of such a grammar graph is either a Choice (this includes all terminals and non-terminals of the grammar) or a Sequence (which, as the name implies, represent sequences in the grammar). The edges from a Choice to a Sequence are called Alternatives and the edges from a Sequence to a Choice are called Elements (such Elements are annotated with the respective quantifier from the grammar, if any).

For the example grammar from above, the grammar graph looks as follows (rectangular nodes are Choices and circular nodes are Sequences):

grammar graph

FuzzPEG can not only track which Alternatives (dashed arrows in the picture) have already been chosen (covered), but can also guide the generation process towards uncovered Alternatives (see below).

Generating Random Programs With FuzzPEG

To just generate a single random program for a given grammar and to print it to stdout, simply call the helper script and pass the path to the grammar file as argument:

./ --grammar grammars/c.txt

A more typical run of FuzzPEG might look as follows:

./ --grammar grammars/c.txt \
  --seed 0 --count 100 \
  --selection 'reachesUncov(rand, small, true)' \
  --resetCoverage \
  --out out/prog_#{INDEX}.c

In this case, FuzzPEG generates 100 programs (using an initial random seed of 0) and writes them to out/prog_#{INDEX}.c (where #{INDEX} is replaced by the index of each program). During the program generation FuzzPEG favors alternatives that have not been covered yet or that may lead to other uncovered alternatives (--selection). Once full coverage has been reached, FuzzPEG resets the coverage such that the following program generations try to cover all alternatives again (--resetCoverage).

The following sections give a more detailed overview of the command line options that FuzzPEG supports.

General Options

FuzzPEG supports the following command line options that configure some general properties of the program generation:

  • --count <number>: Specifies the number of programs that should be generated.
  • --seed <value>: Specifies the initial random seed for the program generation. If multiple programs are generated, the seed is increased by one for each program.
  • --maxHeight <value>: Specifies the height limit for the generated program trees; FuzzPEG prints a warning if the specified limit does not suffice to cover all possible alternatives (and terminates with an error if the specified limit does not suffice to generate any program at all). If this option is not set, FuzzPEG automatically chooses a height limit that suffices to cover all alternatives.
  • --onlyAdditionalCoverage: If this option is set, all generated programs that do not add any additional coverage are discarded; when all alternatives have been covered (or if the maximum number of programs as specified via the --count command line option is reached), the program generation terminates (unless the --resetCoverage option is set, see below).
  • --resetCoverage: If this option is set, the coverage is reset when all alternatives have been covered.
  • --join <separator>: Specifies the separator that two adjacent tokens should be separated with in the serialized output (if necessary); the default separator consists of a single space.
  • --logCoverage <file name>: If this option is set, FuzzPEG writes a log of the achieved coverage to the CSV file given as argument. Each row consists of three columns: the number of attempts, the number of programs (this excludes all discarded attempts), and the total number of covered alternatives so far.

Selection Strategy

Use the command line option --selection <selection strategy> to specify the strategy that FuzzPEG should use to select alternatives and to determine the number of elements of quantified sub-rules. The following strategies are currently supported (the possible options are also described in misc/selection.txt):

  • rand: A weighted random selection based on the weights given in the input grammar. This is the default strategy if the --selection command line option is not set.
  • uniform: A uniform random selection.
  • small(<probability>, <base strategy>) (where <probability> is a number between 0.0 and 1.0 and <base strategy> is another selection strategy): Chooses the alternative that leads to the smallest possible subtree with the specified <probability> (and uses the <base strategy> to select an alternative with a probability of 1-<probability>). Thus, a larger <probability> generally leads to smaller programs. Note that the <probability> and <base strategy> can also be omitted; in this case, FuzzPEG strictly chooses one of the alternatives that lead to the smallest possible tree at random.
  • uncov(<strategy uncovered>, <strategy covered>) (where <strategy uncovered> and <strategy covered> are other selection strategies): If the current Choice has uncovered alternatives, the <strategy uncovered> is used to select one of them; otherwise, the <strategy covered> is used to select one of the (already covered) alternatives.
  • reachesUncov(<strategy uncovered>, <strategy covered>, <strict quantifiers>) (where <strategy uncovered> and <strategy covered> are other selection strategies and <strict quantifiers> is either true or false): If the current Choice has alternatives that are still uncovered or that may lead to uncovered alternatives further down in the tree, the <strategy uncovered> is used to select one of them; otherwise, the <strategy covered> is used to select one of the alternatives. If <strict quantifiers> is set to true, another element of a quantified sub-rule is generated if (and only if) this may lead to still uncovered alternatives.

Output Options

Use the following command line options to write the generated programs or their syntax trees to disk:

  • --out <file name pattern>: If this option is set, the generated programs are written to disk (instead of stdout). The given <file name pattern> may include the following placeholders, which are expanded for each program individually:
    • #{INDEX}: The number of the generated program (starting at 0).
    • #{SEED}: The random seed that was used for the program generation.
    • #{MAX_HEIGHT}: The height limit that was used for the program generation.
    • #{BATCH}: The generated programs can be split into batches to ease the handling of the generated files (also see --batchSize below). The #{BATCH} placeholder is replaced by the number of the batch that the respective program belongs to.
  • --dot <file name pattern>: If this option is set, a Dot description is generated for each program's syntax tree. The <file name pattern> may use the same placeholders as the pattern for the --out option.
  • --batchSize <size>: Number of programs that each batch consists of; only useful in combination with the #{BATCH} placeholder for file name patterns.

Test Options

FuzzPEG supports the following command line options to evaluate the generated programs:

  • --findBugs <test command> (requires the --out command line option): If this option is set, FuzzPEG checks for each generated program if it triggers a bug (and only keeps those programs that trigger a bug). To this end, FuzzPEG executes the given <test command> (the program's file name is appended to it); if this command returns with a non-zero exit code, FuzzPEG assumes that the program triggers a bug.
  • --testPEG: As explained above, it is possible that the programs generated with FuzzPEG cannot be parsed with a parser for the input PEG. If the --testPEG option is set, FuzzPEG tries to parse the generated programs and prints an error message in case of a failure. This can be used to check if the PEG is "unambiguous".

Output of Additional Information

The following command line options can be used to print additional information related to the input grammar and the fuzzing results:

  • --printGG: If this option is set, a Dot description for the input grammar's grammar graph is written to stdout.
  • --printMinHeights: If this option is set, FuzzPEG prints for each Choice in the input grammar the minimum height of a subtree rooted at this Choice.
  • --printMinMaxHeight: If this option is set, FuzzPEG prints the minimum height limit (see --maxHeight) that suffices to cover all alternatives of the given input grammar.
  • --printReachableChoices: If this option is set, FuzzPEG prints for each Choice in the input grammar which other Choices are reachable from it (and the minimum number of Choices inbetween).
  • --printUncovered: If this option is set, FuzzPEG prints a list of alternatives that have not been covered at the end of the fuzzer run.

Generating Strings of Random Characters or Tokens

The FuzzPEG framework also provides means to generate strings of random characters (misc/ or tokens (misc/ The two helper scripts take the following command line options:

  • --min <min. size> (required): Minimum number of characters or tokens that the randomly generated strings should consist of.
  • --max <max. size> (required): Maximum number of characters or tokens that the randomly generated strings should consist of.
  • --count <count>: The number of strings that should be generated.
  • --seed <seed>: The random seed that should be used for generating the strings.
  • --out <file name pattern>: Same as for FuzzPEG.
  • --batchSize <size>: Same as for FuzzPEG.
  • --findBugs <test command>: Same as for FuzzPEG.

The misc/ helper script takes the following additional command line options:

  • --chars <characters>: Specifies the characters that the randomly generated strings should consist of. Note that it is possible to specify character ranges; for example, use --chars 'a-zA-Z' to generate random strings that only consist of lower-case and upper-case letters.

The misc/ helper script takes the following additional command line options:

  • --grammar <path to grammar> (required): Specifies the path to the grammar that describes the valid tokens.
  • --join <separator>: Specifies the separator that two adjacent tokens should be separated with in the serialized output (if necessary); the default separator consists of a single space.


FuzzPEG is licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see

FuzzPEG makes use of the following open-source projects:

  • Gradle (licensed under the terms of Apache License 2.0)