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MiniC: A Toy SUT for Compiler Testing Techniques

This repository contains the implementation of an interpreter for the MiniC toy programming language (see below for a brief introduction to MiniC). When running the interpreter, one or more bugs can be injected into different parts of the interpreter pipeline. This can be used to evaluate and test different compiler testing techniques (e.g., compiler fuzzers or test case reducers).

Building MiniC

Simply type ./gradlew build in the root directory of the MiniC repository to build the MiniC application. After a successful build, there should be a file build/libs/MiniC.jar. The instructions below assume that this file exists.


  • You need a working JDK installation to build and run MiniC (tested with OpenJDK 8 and 11).
  • Building MiniC requires an internet connection to resolve external dependencies.

A Quick Tour of MiniC

The MiniC toy programming language is inspired by a (small) subset of the C programming language. Its features include function definitions, global and local variables (of type int), assignments, if statements (with an optional else branch), while loops, and an implicitly defined print() function for program output. For example, the following program computes and prints the 8th Fibonacci number in two different ways:

int fib_rec(int n, int a, int b) {
  if (n == 0) {
    return a;
  if (n == 1) {
    return b;
  return fib_rec(n - 1, b, a + b);

int fib_it(int n) {
  int a;
  int b;
  int i;

  a = 1;
  b = 1;
  i = 2;

  while (i < n) {
    int t;
    t = a + b;
    a = b;
    b = t;
    i = i + 1;

  return b;

int main() {
  print(fib_rec(8, 0, 1));
  return 0;

The file grammar/minic.txt contains the full context-free grammar for the MiniC programming language (in the format used by the j-PEG parser library).

Expressions and Types

Expressions (e.g., on the right hand side of an assignment or in the condition of an if statement or a while loop) may use the following binary operators (in order of increasing precedence):

Precedence Operators Associativity Operand Types Result Type
0 || (shortcut evaluation) left bool, bool bool
1 && (shortcut evaluation) left bool, bool bool
2 ==, <, <=, >, >=, != left int, int bool
3 +, - left int, int int
4 *, / left int, int int

Note that MiniC does not support a type conversion/coercion from int to bool or from bool to int. Also note that all int values are defined to be 64 bit wide values in two's complement (overflows lead to a wrap around).

Undefined Behavior

Just like the C programming language, MiniC contains some undefined behavior:

  • While all global variables are initialized with 0, the initial value of local variables is undefined. Thus, reading a local variable before it has been defined results in an undefined value.
  • Divisions by zero result in an undefined value.
  • Non-void functions that terminate without reaching a return statement return an undefined value.

Note that the MiniC interpreter can check if it encounters undefined behavior during execution (see below).

Running the MiniC Interpreter

Use the script in the root directory to run the MiniC interpreter. Besides the path to the input program (mandatory), it supports the following command line options:

  • --lazyLexer: By default, the lexer works in an eager fashion (i.e., the lexer first lexes the complete input program before the parser begins its work). If the --lazyLexer command line option is set, the lexer works in a lazy fashion instead (i.e., lexing and parsing are interwoven and the lexer only lexes parts of a program when required by the parser).
  • --prettyPrint <file name>: If enabled, the parsed input program is pretty printed and the result is written to the specified file (or to stdout if - is given as file name).
  • --toDot <file name>: If enabled, a Dot description for the input program's AST is generated and written to the specified file (or to stdout if - is given as file name).
  • --interpret: If enabled, the input program is interpreted and the program's output and exit code are written to stdout; note that the interpreter runs indefinitely in case of infinite loops in the input program.
  • --checkUndef: If enabled, the MiniC interpreter checks if it encounters undefined behavior during execution that leads to an undefined control flow, program output or exit code; note that this requires a full interpreter run (which runs indefinitely in case of infinite loops in the input program).
  • --maxNumberOfSteps <number>: Specifies the maximum number of steps that the interpreter should perform before aborting (unbounded by default).
  • --maxNumberOfLoopIterations <number>: Specifies the maximum number of loop iterations that the interpreter should perform for each loop before aborting (unbounded by default).

Additionally, the MiniC interpreter supports several command line flags that inject certain bugs into the interpreter pipeline (see below).

If the input program is invalid (or if it is falsely rejected due to an injected bug), the MiniC interpreter terminates with the following exit code:

  • 130, if the input program is lexically invalid.
  • 131, if the input program is syntactically invalid.
  • 132, if the input program is semantically invalid (i.e., if it violates the naming and/or typing rules).
  • 133, if the input program is dynamically invalid (i.e., if it contains undefined behavior; only applicable if the --checkUndef command line flag is enabled).
  • 134, if the interpreter reached the maximum allowed number of steps or loop iterations (only applicable if the --maxNumberOfSteps or --maxNumberOfLoopIterations command line option is set).

Injecting Bugs

The MiniC implementation contains several bugs that can be enabled via the command line:

Name Category Description
missing_token_else Lexer If enabled, the lexer still recognizes else tokens, but does not add them to the token stream.
missing_token_while Lexer If enabled, the lexer still recognizes while tokens, but does not add them to the token stream.
wrong_token_if Lexer If enabled, the lexer falsely recognizes if tokens as identifiers.
wrong_token_plus Lexer If enabled, the lexer falsely recognizes + tokens as * tokens.
no_equals_token Lexer If enabled, the lexer does not recognize == tokens.
wrong_regex_and Lexer If enabled, the lexer tries to match &| instead of &&.
additional_skip Lexer If enabled, the lexer falsely consumes one character too much when lexing numbers and identifiers.
missing_tree_else Parser If enabled, the parser still parses else branches, but does not add them to the AST.
missing_alternative_not_equals Parser If enabled, the parser does not accept the != operator in comparisons.
missing_alternative_call_stmt Parser If enabled, the parser does not accept function call statements.
additional_semicolon_return Parser If enabled, the parser expects an additional semicolon at the end of return statements.
missing_comma_arguments Parser If enabled, the parser does not skip , tokens in argument lists correctly.
swapped_operands_plus Parser If enabled, the operands of + operations are swapped in the AST.
right_associative_add_expr Parser If enabled, the parser parses + and - operations as right-associative.
missing_symbol_callee Analysis If enabled, the semantic analysis does not annotate the callees of function calls with the respective symbol (which the interpreter requires).
missing_type_type_name Analysis If enabled, the semantic analysis does not annotate the AST nodes that represent type names (int, void) with the respective type (which the interpreter requires).
missing_check_return_void Analysis If enabled, the semantic analysis does not enforce that no value is returned from void functions.
missing_check_return_non_void Analysis If enabled, the semantic analysis does not enforce that a value is returned from non-void functions.
wrong_order_symbol_table Analysis If enabled, the semantic analysis traverses the symbol table in the wrong order (and may therefore falsely choose a shadowed symbol).
div_by_zero Interp. If enabled, the interpreter crashes when encountering a division by zero.
no_shortcut_or Interp. If enabled, the interpreter does not perform a shortcut evaluation for || operations.
no_shortcut_and Interp. If enabled, the interpreter does not perform a shortcut evaluation for && operations.
missing_init_globals Interp. If enabled, the interpreter does not initialize the global variables.
wrong_shift_mul Interp. If enabled, the interpreter computes the wrong result for mutiplications where the right operand is a power of two.

To enable one or more bugs, use the --bugs command line option and pass the names of the bugs as comma-separated list (e.g., --bugs 'swapped_operands_plus,no_shortcut_or').

Additionally, the MiniC interpreter supports the following command line flags to enable different groups of bugs:

  • --allLexerBugs: Enables all bugs in the lexer.
  • --allParserBugs: Enables all bugs in the parser.
  • --allAnalysisBugs: Enables all bugs in the semantic analysis.
  • --allInterpreterBugs: Enables all bugs in the interpreter.
  • --allBugs: Enables all bugs.

Classification of Input Programs

The helper script can be used to classify a number of programs (i.e., to count how many of the given input programs are lexically/syntactically/semantically/dynamically invalid, (apparently) non-terminating, and valid). It supports the following command line options:

  • --path <search directory>: The directory that contains the programs that should be classified.
  • --pattern <file name pattern>: Glob pattern that describes which programs should be considered for classification; the pattern may use a * as wildcard symbol (e.g., '*.c').
  • --recursive: If this command line option is set, the classification also considers programs that are contained in subdirectories of the given directory.
  • --lazyLexer: By default, the lexer works in an eager fashion (i.e., the lexer first lexes the complete input program before the parser begins its work). If the --lazyLexer command line option is set, the lexer works in a lazy fashion instead (i.e., lexing and parsing are interwoven and the lexer only lexes parts of a program when required by the parser).
  • --maxNumberOfSteps <number>: Specifies the maximum number of steps that the interpreter should perform for each program before it assumes that the program is non-terminating (unbounded by default).
  • --maxNumberOfLoopIterations <number>: Specifies the maximum number of loop iterations that the interpreter should perform for each loop before it assumes that the program is non-terminating (unbounded by default).

For example, run the following to classify all programs in the examples/ subdirectory:

./ --path examples/ --pattern '*.c' --maxNumberOfSteps 100000

Test Scripts

Many compiler testing techniques (e.g., compiler fuzzers or test case reducers) require a test oracle that tells whether a program triggers a bug in the implementation under test or not. The checks/ subdirectory contains some exemplary scripts that implement such oracles for different kinds of bugs. These scripts work as follows:

  • The scripts take the following command line arguments: [MINIC_OPTIONS...] PROGRAM_PATH:
    • The last argument (PROGRAM_PATH) is the path to the input program.
    • All other arguments (MINIC_OPTIONS) are passed to the "implementation under test" (e.g., to enable certain bugs). The "reference implementation" runs without these additional arguments.
  • The scripts return with exit code 1 if the given program triggers the bug in the "implementation under test" (and 0 otherwise).

The following exemplary scripts are provided in the checks/ subdirectory:

  • Checks if the "implementation under test" crashes (i.e., if it terminates with exit code 1).
  • Checks if the "implementation under test" rejects the input program.
  • Checks if the "implementation under test" rejects the input program, but only if the "reference implementation" accepts the input program.
  • Checks if the lexer or parser of the "implementation under test" rejects the input program (i.e., if it considers the input program lexically or syntactically invalid).
  • Checks if the "implementation under test" produces a different program output or exit code than the "reference implementation".
  • Checks if the "implementation under test" produces a different program output or exit code than the "reference implementation", but only if the "reference implementation" determines that the input program is free of undefined behavior.

Example: The StarSmith Compiler Fuzzer

To provide a working example for a compiler testing technique, the starsmith/ subdirectory contains everything that is required to automatically detect bugs in the MiniC implementation with the language-agnostic StarSmith compiler fuzzer:

  • The file specs/ contains the LaLa specification that describes the syntactic and semantic rules of MiniC. StarSmith takes this specification as input and generates random programs that conform to all of these rules. Note that the specification rules out all undefined behavior by construction (thus, it is not necessary to check if the generated programs are free of undefined behavior afterwards).
  • The out/runtime/ subdirectory contains the runtime classes that the LaLa specification makes use of.

Note: There is also a variant of the LaLa specification that does not try to rule out undefined behavior in the generated programs (i.e., the programs are statically valid, but in general not dynamically valid), see specs/

At first, the LaLa specification and the runtime classes have to be compiled:

./ <path to StarSmith jar>

After this step, execute the following command to generate some random programs with StarSmith:

./out/ <path to StarSmith jar> \
  --count <number of programs> \
  --out programs/prog_#{SEED}.c

This generates the specified number of programs and writes them to the programs/ subdirectory.

To also check if the generated programs trigger a bug in the MiniC implementation, use the --findBugs command line option. For example, run the following to check if the randomly generated programs trigger the no_shortcut_or bug:

./out/ <path to StarSmith jar> \
  --count <number of programs> \
  --out programs/prog_#{SEED}.c \
  --findBugs '../checks/ --bugs no_shortcut_or'

(Note that, if the --findBugs option is set, StarSmith only keeps the programs that trigger a bug.)

Please refer to the StarSmith documentation for further information.


MiniC is licensed under the terms of the MIT license (see

MiniC makes use of the following open-source projects:

  • Gradle (licensed under the terms of Apache License 2.0)