diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df545c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+name: Release
+ push:
+ branches: [ main ]
+ paths:
+ - 'version.txt'
+ build:
+ name: Build
+ runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: true
+ matrix:
+ name:
+ - python
+ - python-async
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ - name: Install build
+ run: pip install --break-system-packages build
+ - name: Build dist
+ run: python -m build ${{ matrix.name }}
+ - name: Store the distribution packages
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: ${{ matrix.name }}
+ path: ${{ matrix.name }}/dist/
+ publish:
+ name: Publish
+ runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
+ needs: build
+ steps:
+ - name: Download distributions packages
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ path: dist
+ pattern: python*
+ merge-multiple: true
+ - name: Parse PEP 508 requirement strings
+ id: requirements
+ run: |
+ find dist -type f -name '*.whl' -printf "%f\n" \
+ | sed 's/-py3-none-any.whl//' \
+ | sed 's/-/==/' \
+ | xargs -I '%' sh -c 'echo "$(sed "s/==.*//" <<< %)=%"' \
+ | tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+ - name: Assert PEP 508 requirement strings are not empty
+ run: |
+ if [ -z '${{ steps.requirements.outputs.chris_oag}}' ]; then
+ echo "::error ::steps.requirements.outputs.chris_oag is empty"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ if [ -z '${{ steps.requirements.outputs.aiochris_oag}}' ]; then
+ echo "::error ::steps.requirements.outputs.aiochris_oag is empty"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ - name: Publish package distributions to PyPI
+ uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@release/v1
+ with:
+ # TODO change to prod PyPI
+ repository-url: https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
+ password: '${{ secrets.TEST_PYPI_TOKEN }}'
+ # password: '${{ secrets.PYPI_API_TOKEN }}'
+ outputs:
+ pep508_chris_oag: ${{ steps.requirements.outputs.chris_oag }}
+ pep508_aiochris_oag: ${{ steps.requirements.outputs.aiochris_oag }}
+ oci-image:
+ name: Push OCI Image
+ runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
+ needs: build
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ name:
+ - python
+ - python-async
+ outputs:
+ python-image: ${{ steps.info.outputs.python-image }}
+ python-version: ${{ steps.info.outputs.python-version }}
+ python-async-image: ${{ steps.info.outputs.python-async-image }}
+ python-async-version: ${{ steps.info.outputs.python-async-version }}
+ steps:
+ - name: Download distributions packages
+ uses: actions/download-artifact@v4
+ with:
+ name: ${{ matrix.name }}
+ path: dist
+ - name: Create Dockerfile
+ run: |
+ tee Dockerfile << EOF
+ FROM docker.io/library/python:3.12.7-alpine3.20
+ RUN --mount=source=dist,target=/dist PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 pip install --no-cache-dir /dist/*.whl
+ - name: Get version
+ id: info
+ run: |
+ version="$(
+ find dist -type f -name '*.whl' -printf "%f\n" \
+ | head -n 1 \
+ | grep -Eom 1 '[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+(a|b)*[[:digit:]]*'
+ )"
+ image='ghcr.io/${{ github.repository_owner }}/${{ matrix.name }}-client'
+ image="${image,,}"
+ tee -a "$GITHUB_OUTPUT" << EOF
+ version=$version
+ ${{ matrix.name }}-version=$version
+ image=$image
+ ${{ matrix.name }}-image=$image
+ - name: Docker meta
+ id: meta
+ uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
+ with:
+ images: ${{ steps.info.outputs.image }}
+ tags: |
+ type=semver,pattern={{version}}
+ type=raw,value=${{ steps.info.outputs.version }}
+ type=raw,value=latest,enable={{is_default_branch}}
+ - name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
+ uses: docker/login-action@v3
+ with:
+ registry: ghcr.io
+ username: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
+ password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ - name: Build and push
+ uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
+ with:
+ push: true
+ context: .
+ file: ./Dockerfile
+ platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
+ tags: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
+ labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
+ gh-release:
+ name: Create GitHub Release
+ runs-on: ubuntu-24.04
+ needs:
+ - oci-image
+ - publish
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout
+ uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ with:
+ sparse-checkout: version.txt
+ sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
+ - name: Get version
+ id: version
+ run: echo "version=$(< version.txt)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
+ - uses: softprops/action-gh-release@v2
+ with:
+ draft: false
+ prerelease: ${{ contains(steps.version.outputs.version, '-') }}
+ name: ChRIS Clients - version ${{ steps.version.outputs.version }}
+ body: |
+ ## Python Async Client
+ ```shell
+ # using uv - https://docs.astral.sh/uv/
+ uv pip install ${{ needs.publish.outputs.pep508_aiochris_oag }}
+ # using rye - https://rye.astral.sh/
+ rye add ${{ needs.publish.outputs.pep508_aiochris_oag }}
+ # using pip
+ pip install ${{ needs.publish.outputs.pep508_aiochris_oag }}
+ # using Docker
+ docker pull ${{ needs.oci-image.outputs.python-async-image }}:${{ needs.oci-image.outputs.python-async-version }}
+ # using Podman
+ docker pull ${{ needs.oci-image.outputs.python-async-image }}:${{ needs.oci-image.outputs.python-async-version }}
+ ```
+ ## Python urllib3 Client
+ ```shell
+ # using uv - https://docs.astral.sh/uv/
+ uv pip install ${{ needs.publish.outputs.pep508_chris_oag }}
+ # using rye - https://rye.astral.sh/
+ rye add ${{ needs.publish.outputs.pep508_chris_oag }}
+ # using pip
+ pip install ${{ needs.publish.outputs.pep508_chris_oag }}
+ # using Docker
+ docker pull ${{ needs.oci-image.outputs.python-image }}:${{ needs.oci-image.outputs.python-version }}
+ # using Podman
+ docker pull ${{ needs.oci-image.outputs.python-image }}:${{ needs.oci-image.outputs.python-version }}
+ ```
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4264ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..033f549
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# OpenAPI Generated Clients for _CUBE_
+This repository contains client libraries for the [_ChRIS_ backend](https://github.com/fnndsc/ChRIS_ultron_backEnd)
+created using the [OpenAPI generator](https://openapi-generator.tech/).
diff --git a/justfile b/justfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..036ba92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/justfile
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+file := "schema_split.yaml"
+releases_url := "https://github.com/FNNDSC/ChRIS_ultron_backEnd/releases"
+ @just generate python -g python -p packageName=chris_oag,projectName=chris-oag -p library=urllib3,packageVersion=$(just get-version-pep440)
+ @just generate python-async -g python -p packageName=aiochris_oag,projectName=aiochris-oag -p library=asyncio,packageVersion=$(just get-version-pep440)
+ # @just generate typescript-fetch -g typescript-fetch -p npmName=@fnndsc/chris-openapi-generated -p withInterfaces=true
+ # @just generate rust -g rust -p packageName=chris-openapi-generated -p library=reqwest,preferUnsignedInt=true,supportMiddleware=true
+# generate an OpenAPI client
+generate output +options:
+ @if ! [ -e "{{file}}" ]; then \
+ error="$(tput setaf 1)error$(tput sgr0): {{file}} not found."; \
+ suggestion="Please download the OpenAPI specification YAML from {{releases_url}} and save it as $(pwd)/{{file}}"; \
+ echo "$error $suggestion"; \
+ exit 1; \
+ fi
+ if ! [ -d {{output}} ]; then mkdir -v {{output}}; fi
+ podman run --rm --userns=keep-id:uid=100100,gid=100100 -u 100100:100100 \
+ -v "$(pwd)/{{output}}:/out:rw" -v "$(pwd)/{{file}}:/{{file}}:ro" \
+ docker.io/openapitools/openapi-generator-cli:v7.8.0 \
+ generate {{options}} -i "/{{file}}" -o "/out"
+ @./semver2pep440.sh < version.txt
+ @cat version.txt
diff --git a/python-async/.github/workflows/python.yml b/python-async/.github/workflows/python.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a7f4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/.github/workflows/python.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# NOTE: This file is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.
+# URL: https://openapi-generator.tech
+# ref: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/automating-builds-and-tests/building-and-testing-python
+name: aiochris_oag Python package
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: ["3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ pip install flake8 pytest
+ if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi
+ if [ -f test-requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r test-requirements.txt; fi
+ - name: Lint with flake8
+ run: |
+ # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
+ flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
+ # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
+ flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
+ - name: Test with pytest
+ run: |
+ pytest
diff --git a/python-async/.gitignore b/python-async/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43995bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+#Ipython Notebook
diff --git a/python-async/.gitlab-ci.yml b/python-async/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f68fccd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# NOTE: This file is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.
+# URL: https://openapi-generator.tech
+# ref: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/README.html
+# ref: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Python.gitlab-ci.yml
+ - test
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - pip install -r requirements.txt
+ - pip install -r test-requirements.txt
+ - pytest --cov=aiochris_oag
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.7-alpine
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.8-alpine
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.9-alpine
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.10-alpine
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.11-alpine
diff --git a/python-async/.openapi-generator-ignore b/python-async/.openapi-generator-ignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7484ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/.openapi-generator-ignore
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# OpenAPI Generator Ignore
+# Generated by openapi-generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator
+# Use this file to prevent files from being overwritten by the generator.
+# The patterns follow closely to .gitignore or .dockerignore.
+# As an example, the C# client generator defines ApiClient.cs.
+# You can make changes and tell OpenAPI Generator to ignore just this file by uncommenting the following line:
+# You can match any string of characters against a directory, file or extension with a single asterisk (*):
+# The above matches foo/bar/qux and foo/baz/qux, but not foo/bar/baz/qux
+# You can recursively match patterns against a directory, file or extension with a double asterisk (**):
+# This matches foo/bar/qux, foo/baz/qux, and foo/bar/baz/qux
+# You can also negate patterns with an exclamation (!).
+# For example, you can ignore all files in a docs folder with the file extension .md:
+# Then explicitly reverse the ignore rule for a single file:
diff --git a/python-async/.openapi-generator/FILES b/python-async/.openapi-generator/FILES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dcc238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/.openapi-generator/FILES
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
diff --git a/python-async/.openapi-generator/VERSION b/python-async/.openapi-generator/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a6d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/.openapi-generator/VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/python-async/.travis.yml b/python-async/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4155a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# ref: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/python
+language: python
+ - "3.7"
+ - "3.8"
+ - "3.9"
+ - "3.10"
+ - "3.11"
+ # uncomment the following if needed
+ #- "3.11-dev" # 3.11 development branch
+ #- "nightly" # nightly build
+# command to install dependencies
+ - "pip install -r requirements.txt"
+ - "pip install -r test-requirements.txt"
+# command to run tests
+script: pytest --cov=aiochris_oag
diff --git a/python-async/README.md b/python-async/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7efe1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+# aiochris-oag
+The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+This Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project:
+- API version: 0.0.0+unknown
+- Package version: 0.0.1a1
+- Generator version: 7.8.0
+- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
+For more information, please visit [https://chrisproject.org](https://chrisproject.org)
+## Requirements.
+Python 3.7+
+## Installation & Usage
+### pip install
+If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
+pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
+(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git`)
+Then import the package:
+import aiochris_oag
+### Setuptools
+Install via [Setuptools](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools).
+python setup.py install --user
+(or `sudo python setup.py install` to install the package for all users)
+Then import the package:
+import aiochris_oag
+### Tests
+Execute `pytest` to run the tests.
+## Getting Started
+Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.AuthTokenApi(api_client)
+ username = 'username_example' # str |
+ password = 'password_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.auth_token_create(username, password)
+ print("The response of AuthTokenApi->auth_token_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except ApiException as e:
+ print("Exception when calling AuthTokenApi->auth_token_create: %s\n" % e)
+## Documentation for API Endpoints
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+*AuthTokenApi* | [**auth_token_create**](docs/AuthTokenApi.md#auth_token_create) | **POST** /api/v1/auth-token/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create) | **POST** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy) | **DELETE** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_create**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_create) | **POST** /chris-admin/api/v1/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_destroy**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_destroy) | **DELETE** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_list**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_list) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_update**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_update) | **PUT** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+*ChrisinstanceApi* | [**chrisinstance_retrieve**](docs/ChrisinstanceApi.md#chrisinstance_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/chrisinstance/{id}/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_create**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/comments/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_destroy**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_list**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/comments/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_retrieve**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_search_list**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/comments/search/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_update**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+*ComputeresourcesApi* | [**computeresources_list**](docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_list) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/ |
+*ComputeresourcesApi* | [**computeresources_retrieve**](docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+*ComputeresourcesApi* | [**computeresources_search_list**](docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/search/ |
+*DefaultApi* | [**root_destroy**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+*DefaultApi* | [**root_list**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_list) | **GET** /api/v1/ |
+*DefaultApi* | [**root_retrieve**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+*DefaultApi* | [**root_update**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+*DownloadtokensApi* | [**downloadtokens_create**](docs/DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_create) | **POST** /api/v1/downloadtokens/ |
+*DownloadtokensApi* | [**downloadtokens_list**](docs/DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_list) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/ |
+*DownloadtokensApi* | [**downloadtokens_retrieve**](docs/DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/{id}/ |
+*DownloadtokensApi* | [**downloadtokens_search_list**](docs/DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_children_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_children_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/children/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/files/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_retrieve_0**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/. |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/linkfiles/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/. |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_create**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_destroy**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_list**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_retrieve**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_search_list**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_create**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_create) | **POST** /api/v1/groups/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_destroy**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/groups/{id}/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_list**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_retrieve**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_search_list**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/search/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_create**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_create) | **POST** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_destroy**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/groups/users/{id}/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_list**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_retrieve**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/users/{id}/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_search_list**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/search/ |
+*NoteApi* | [**note_retrieve**](docs/NoteApi.md#note_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/note{id}/ |
+*NoteApi* | [**note_update**](docs/NoteApi.md#note_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/note{id}/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_files_list**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_files_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_files_retrieve**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_files_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_files_retrieve_0**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_files_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/. |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_files_search_list**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_files_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/search/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_series_list**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_series_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_series_retrieve**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_series_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/{id}/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_series_search_list**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_series_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/search/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**all_workflows_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#all_workflows_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_boolean_parameter_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_boolean_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_create**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_destroy**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_float_parameter_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_float_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_integer_parameter_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_integer_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_json_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_json_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/json/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_parameters_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/parameters/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_pipings_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_pipings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/pipings/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_pipings_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_pipings_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/pipings/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_plugins_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/plugins/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_search_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/search/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_create**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/. |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/search/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_string_parameter_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_string_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_create**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_destroy**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/plugininstances/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_search_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/search/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**workflows_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#workflows_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/ |
+*PlugininstancesApi* | [**plugininstances_list**](docs/PlugininstancesApi.md#plugininstances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/plugininstances/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**all_plugins_instances_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#all_plugins_instances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_computeresources_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_computeresources_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/computeresources/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_float_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_float_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_create**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_create) | **POST** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_descendants_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_descendants_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/descendants/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_destroy**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_parameters_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/parameters/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_search_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/search/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_splits_create**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_create) | **POST** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_splits_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_splits_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/splits/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_update**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_metas_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_metas_plugins_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/plugins/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_metas_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_metas_search_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/search/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_parameters_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/parameters/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_parameters_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_parameters_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/parameters/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_path_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_path_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/path-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_search_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/search/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_string_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_string_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/unextpath-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PublicfeedsApi* | [**publicfeeds_list**](docs/PublicfeedsApi.md#publicfeeds_list) | **GET** /api/v1/publicfeeds/ |
+*PublicfeedsApi* | [**publicfeeds_search_list**](docs/PublicfeedsApi.md#publicfeeds_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/publicfeeds/search/ |
+*SchemaApi* | [**schema_retrieve**](docs/SchemaApi.md#schema_retrieve) | **GET** /schema/ |
+*SearchApi* | [**search_list**](docs/SearchApi.md#search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/search/ |
+*TaggingsApi* | [**taggings_create**](docs/TaggingsApi.md#taggings_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/taggings/ |
+*TaggingsApi* | [**taggings_destroy**](docs/TaggingsApi.md#taggings_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/taggings/{id}/ |
+*TaggingsApi* | [**taggings_list**](docs/TaggingsApi.md#taggings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/taggings/ |
+*TaggingsApi* | [**taggings_retrieve**](docs/TaggingsApi.md#taggings_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/taggings/{id}/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**feed_tags_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#feed_tags_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/tags/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_create**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_create) | **POST** /api/v1/tags/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_destroy**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_feeds_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_feeds_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/feeds/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_retrieve**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_search_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/search/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_taggings_create**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_taggings_create) | **POST** /api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_taggings_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_taggings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_update**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_create**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_create) | **POST** /api/v1/userfiles/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_destroy**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_list**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_retrieve**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_retrieve_0**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/. |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_search_list**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/search/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_update**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_create**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_destroy**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_list**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_retrieve**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_search_list**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_create**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_create) | **POST** /api/v1/users/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_groups_list**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_groups_list) | **GET** /api/v1/users/{id}/groups/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_list**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_list) | **GET** /api/v1/users/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_retrieve**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/users/{id}/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_update**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/users/{id}/ |
+## Documentation For Models
+ - [AuthToken](docs/AuthToken.md)
+ - [AuthTokenRequest](docs/AuthTokenRequest.md)
+ - [BlankEnum](docs/BlankEnum.md)
+ - [BoolParameter](docs/BoolParameter.md)
+ - [ChrisInstance](docs/ChrisInstance.md)
+ - [Comment](docs/Comment.md)
+ - [CommentRequest](docs/CommentRequest.md)
+ - [ComputeResource](docs/ComputeResource.md)
+ - [ComputeResourceRequest](docs/ComputeResourceRequest.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingBoolParameter](docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameter.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest](docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingFloatParameter](docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameter.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest](docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingIntParameter](docs/DefaultPipingIntParameter.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest](docs/DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingStrParameter](docs/DefaultPipingStrParameter.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest](docs/DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md)
+ - [Feed](docs/Feed.md)
+ - [FeedGroupPermission](docs/FeedGroupPermission.md)
+ - [FeedGroupPermissionRequest](docs/FeedGroupPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FeedRequest](docs/FeedRequest.md)
+ - [FeedUserPermission](docs/FeedUserPermission.md)
+ - [FeedUserPermissionRequest](docs/FeedUserPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFile](docs/FileBrowserFile.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileGroupPermission](docs/FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileRequest](docs/FileBrowserFileRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileUserPermission](docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolder](docs/FileBrowserFolder.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission](docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderRequest](docs/FileBrowserFolderRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderUserPermission](docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFile](docs/FileBrowserLinkFile.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileRequest](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileDownloadToken](docs/FileDownloadToken.md)
+ - [FileDownloadTokenRequest](docs/FileDownloadTokenRequest.md)
+ - [FloatParameter](docs/FloatParameter.md)
+ - [FtypeEnum](docs/FtypeEnum.md)
+ - [GenericDefaultPipingParameter](docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md)
+ - [GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue](docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md)
+ - [GenericParameter](docs/GenericParameter.md)
+ - [Group](docs/Group.md)
+ - [GroupRequest](docs/GroupRequest.md)
+ - [GroupUser](docs/GroupUser.md)
+ - [GroupUserRequest](docs/GroupUserRequest.md)
+ - [IntParameter](docs/IntParameter.md)
+ - [Note](docs/Note.md)
+ - [NoteRequest](docs/NoteRequest.md)
+ - [PACSFile](docs/PACSFile.md)
+ - [PACSSeries](docs/PACSSeries.md)
+ - [PACSSeriesPatientSex](docs/PACSSeriesPatientSex.md)
+ - [PaginatedCommentList](docs/PaginatedCommentList.md)
+ - [PaginatedComputeResourceList](docs/PaginatedComputeResourceList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFeedList](docs/PaginatedFeedList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFileList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList](docs/PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.md)
+ - [PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList](docs/PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.md)
+ - [PaginatedGenericParameterList](docs/PaginatedGenericParameterList.md)
+ - [PaginatedGroupList](docs/PaginatedGroupList.md)
+ - [PaginatedGroupUserList](docs/PaginatedGroupUserList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPACSFileList](docs/PaginatedPACSFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPACSSeriesList](docs/PaginatedPACSSeriesList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPipelineList](docs/PaginatedPipelineList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList](docs/PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginAdminList](docs/PaginatedPluginAdminList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginInstanceList](docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList](docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginList](docs/PaginatedPluginList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginMetaList](docs/PaginatedPluginMetaList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginParameterList](docs/PaginatedPluginParameterList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginPipingList](docs/PaginatedPluginPipingList.md)
+ - [PaginatedTagList](docs/PaginatedTagList.md)
+ - [PaginatedTaggingList](docs/PaginatedTaggingList.md)
+ - [PaginatedUserFileList](docs/PaginatedUserFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedUserList](docs/PaginatedUserList.md)
+ - [PaginatedWorkflowList](docs/PaginatedWorkflowList.md)
+ - [PathParameter](docs/PathParameter.md)
+ - [PatientSexEnum](docs/PatientSexEnum.md)
+ - [PermissionEnum](docs/PermissionEnum.md)
+ - [Pipeline](docs/Pipeline.md)
+ - [PipelineCustomJson](docs/PipelineCustomJson.md)
+ - [PipelineRequest](docs/PipelineRequest.md)
+ - [PipelineSourceFile](docs/PipelineSourceFile.md)
+ - [PipelineSourceFileFtype](docs/PipelineSourceFileFtype.md)
+ - [PipelineSourceFileRequest](docs/PipelineSourceFileRequest.md)
+ - [Plugin](docs/Plugin.md)
+ - [PluginAdmin](docs/PluginAdmin.md)
+ - [PluginAdminRequest](docs/PluginAdminRequest.md)
+ - [PluginInstance](docs/PluginInstance.md)
+ - [PluginInstanceRequest](docs/PluginInstanceRequest.md)
+ - [PluginInstanceSplit](docs/PluginInstanceSplit.md)
+ - [PluginInstanceSplitRequest](docs/PluginInstanceSplitRequest.md)
+ - [PluginMeta](docs/PluginMeta.md)
+ - [PluginParameter](docs/PluginParameter.md)
+ - [PluginParameterDefault](docs/PluginParameterDefault.md)
+ - [PluginParameterType](docs/PluginParameterType.md)
+ - [PluginPiping](docs/PluginPiping.md)
+ - [PluginType](docs/PluginType.md)
+ - [StatusEnum](docs/StatusEnum.md)
+ - [StrParameter](docs/StrParameter.md)
+ - [Tag](docs/Tag.md)
+ - [TagRequest](docs/TagRequest.md)
+ - [Tagging](docs/Tagging.md)
+ - [UnextpathParameter](docs/UnextpathParameter.md)
+ - [User](docs/User.md)
+ - [UserFile](docs/UserFile.md)
+ - [UserFileRequest](docs/UserFileRequest.md)
+ - [UserRequest](docs/UserRequest.md)
+ - [Workflow](docs/Workflow.md)
+ - [WorkflowRequest](docs/WorkflowRequest.md)
+## Documentation For Authorization
+Authentication schemes defined for the API:
+### DownloadTokenInQueryString
+- **Type**: API key
+- **API key parameter name**: download_token
+- **Location**: HTTP header
+### basicAuth
+- **Type**: HTTP basic authentication
+### cookieAuth
+- **Type**: API key
+- **API key parameter name**: sessionid
+- **Location**:
+### tokenAuth
+- **Type**: API key
+- **API key parameter name**: Authorization
+- **Location**: HTTP header
+## Author
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/__init__.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2bbbdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# flake8: noqa
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+__version__ = "0.0.1a1"
+# import apis into sdk package
+from aiochris_oag.api.auth_token_api import AuthTokenApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.chris_admin_api import ChrisAdminApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.chrisinstance_api import ChrisinstanceApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.comments_api import CommentsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.computeresources_api import ComputeresourcesApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.default_api import DefaultApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.downloadtokens_api import DownloadtokensApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.filebrowser_api import FilebrowserApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.grouppermissions_api import GrouppermissionsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.groups_api import GroupsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.note_api import NoteApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.pacs_api import PacsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.pipelines_api import PipelinesApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.plugininstances_api import PlugininstancesApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.plugins_api import PluginsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.publicfeeds_api import PublicfeedsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.schema_api import SchemaApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.search_api import SearchApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.taggings_api import TaggingsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.tags_api import TagsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.userfiles_api import UserfilesApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.userpermissions_api import UserpermissionsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.users_api import UsersApi
+# import ApiClient
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient
+from aiochris_oag.configuration import Configuration
+from aiochris_oag.exceptions import OpenApiException
+from aiochris_oag.exceptions import ApiTypeError
+from aiochris_oag.exceptions import ApiValueError
+from aiochris_oag.exceptions import ApiKeyError
+from aiochris_oag.exceptions import ApiAttributeError
+from aiochris_oag.exceptions import ApiException
+# import models into sdk package
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token_request import AuthTokenRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.ftype_enum import FtypeEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.group import Group
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.note import Note
+from aiochris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from aiochris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.patient_sex_enum import PatientSexEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from aiochris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from aiochris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.user import User
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/__init__.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44d1f92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# flake8: noqa
+# import apis into api package
+from aiochris_oag.api.auth_token_api import AuthTokenApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.chris_admin_api import ChrisAdminApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.chrisinstance_api import ChrisinstanceApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.comments_api import CommentsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.computeresources_api import ComputeresourcesApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.default_api import DefaultApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.downloadtokens_api import DownloadtokensApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.filebrowser_api import FilebrowserApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.grouppermissions_api import GrouppermissionsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.groups_api import GroupsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.note_api import NoteApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.pacs_api import PacsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.pipelines_api import PipelinesApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.plugininstances_api import PlugininstancesApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.plugins_api import PluginsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.publicfeeds_api import PublicfeedsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.schema_api import SchemaApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.search_api import SearchApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.taggings_api import TaggingsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.tags_api import TagsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.userfiles_api import UserfilesApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.userpermissions_api import UserpermissionsApi
+from aiochris_oag.api.users_api import UsersApi
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/auth_token_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/auth_token_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0047276
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/auth_token_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class AuthTokenApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def auth_token_create(
+ self,
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> AuthToken:
+ """auth_token_create
+ :param username: (required)
+ :type username: str
+ :param password: (required)
+ :type password: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._auth_token_create_serialize(
+ username=username,
+ password=password,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "AuthToken",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def auth_token_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[AuthToken]:
+ """auth_token_create
+ :param username: (required)
+ :type username: str
+ :param password: (required)
+ :type password: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._auth_token_create_serialize(
+ username=username,
+ password=password,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "AuthToken",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def auth_token_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """auth_token_create
+ :param username: (required)
+ :type username: str
+ :param password: (required)
+ :type password: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._auth_token_create_serialize(
+ username=username,
+ password=password,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "AuthToken",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _auth_token_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ username,
+ password,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ if username is not None:
+ _form_params.append(('username', username))
+ if password is not None:
+ _form_params.append(('password', password))
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data',
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/auth-token/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/chris_admin_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/chris_admin_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..652fe74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/chris_admin_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2478 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class ChrisAdminApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create(
+ self,
+ compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ComputeResource:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param compute_resource_request: (required)
+ :type compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_serialize(
+ compute_resource_request=compute_resource_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ComputeResource]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param compute_resource_request: (required)
+ :type compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_serialize(
+ compute_resource_request=compute_resource_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param compute_resource_request: (required)
+ :type compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_serialize(
+ compute_resource_request=compute_resource_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ compute_resource_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if compute_resource_request is not None:
+ _body_params = compute_resource_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedComputeResourceList]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ComputeResource:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ComputeResource]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_create(
+ self,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginAdmin:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_create_serialize(
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginAdmin]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_create_serialize(
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_create_serialize(
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_admin_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_admin_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_destroy
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_destroy
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_destroy
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginAdminList:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginAdminList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginAdminList]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginAdminList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginAdminList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginAdmin:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginAdmin]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginAdmin:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_update
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginAdmin]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_update
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chris_admin_api_v1_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_update
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_admin_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_admin_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/chrisinstance_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/chrisinstance_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a696d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/chrisinstance_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import StrictInt
+from aiochris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class ChrisinstanceApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def chrisinstance_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ChrisInstance:
+ """chrisinstance_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chrisinstance_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ChrisInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def chrisinstance_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ChrisInstance]:
+ """chrisinstance_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chrisinstance_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ChrisInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def chrisinstance_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chrisinstance_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chrisinstance_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ChrisInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chrisinstance_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/chrisinstance/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/comments_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/comments_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7bda69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/comments_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1746 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class CommentsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Comment:
+ """comments_create
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Comment]:
+ """comments_create
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_create
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ comment_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if comment_request is not None:
+ _body_params = comment_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/comments/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """comments_destroy
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """comments_destroy
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_destroy
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/comments/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedCommentList:
+ """comments_list
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedCommentList]:
+ """comments_list
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_list
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/comments/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Comment:
+ """comments_retrieve
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Comment]:
+ """comments_retrieve
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_retrieve
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/comments/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedCommentList:
+ """comments_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific comments resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedCommentList]:
+ """comments_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific comments resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific comments resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/comments/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Comment:
+ """comments_update
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Comment]:
+ """comments_update
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def comments_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_update
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ comment_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if comment_request is not None:
+ _body_params = comment_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/comments/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/computeresources_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/computeresources_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e816824
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/computeresources_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,947 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class ComputeresourcesApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def computeresources_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """computeresources_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def computeresources_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedComputeResourceList]:
+ """computeresources_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def computeresources_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """computeresources_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _computeresources_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/computeresources/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def computeresources_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ComputeResource:
+ """computeresources_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def computeresources_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ComputeResource]:
+ """computeresources_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def computeresources_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """computeresources_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def computeresources_search_list(
+ self,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """computeresources_search_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources resulting from a query search.
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_search_list_serialize(
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ offset=offset,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def computeresources_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedComputeResourceList]:
+ """computeresources_search_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources resulting from a query search.
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_search_list_serialize(
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ offset=offset,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def computeresources_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """computeresources_search_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources resulting from a query search.
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_search_list_serialize(
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ offset=offset,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _computeresources_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ description,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ name,
+ name_exact,
+ offset,
+ plugin_id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('description', description))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if plugin_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_id', plugin_id))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/computeresources/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/default_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/default_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9909a86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/default_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1128 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class DefaultApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """root_destroy
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """root_destroy
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """root_destroy
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _root_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """root_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds. This is also the API's \"homepage\".
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """root_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds. This is also the API's \"homepage\".
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """root_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds. This is also the API's \"homepage\".
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _root_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Feed:
+ """root_retrieve
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Feed]:
+ """root_retrieve
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """root_retrieve
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _root_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_request: Optional[FeedRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Feed:
+ """root_update
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_request:
+ :type feed_request: FeedRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_request=feed_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_request: Optional[FeedRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Feed]:
+ """root_update
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_request:
+ :type feed_request: FeedRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_request=feed_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def root_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_request: Optional[FeedRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """root_update
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_request:
+ :type feed_request: FeedRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_request=feed_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _root_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ feed_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if feed_request is not None:
+ _body_params = feed_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/downloadtokens_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/downloadtokens_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c74ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/downloadtokens_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class DownloadtokensApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_create(
+ self,
+ file_download_token_request: Optional[FileDownloadTokenRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileDownloadToken:
+ """downloadtokens_create
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param file_download_token_request:
+ :type file_download_token_request: FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_create_serialize(
+ file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ file_download_token_request: Optional[FileDownloadTokenRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileDownloadToken]:
+ """downloadtokens_create
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param file_download_token_request:
+ :type file_download_token_request: FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_create_serialize(
+ file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ file_download_token_request: Optional[FileDownloadTokenRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """downloadtokens_create
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param file_download_token_request:
+ :type file_download_token_request: FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_create_serialize(
+ file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _downloadtokens_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ file_download_token_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_download_token_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_download_token_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/downloadtokens/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList:
+ """downloadtokens_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList]:
+ """downloadtokens_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """downloadtokens_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _downloadtokens_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/downloadtokens/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileDownloadToken:
+ """downloadtokens_retrieve
+ A file download token view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileDownloadToken]:
+ """downloadtokens_retrieve
+ A file download token view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """downloadtokens_retrieve
+ A file download token view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _downloadtokens_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/downloadtokens/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList:
+ """downloadtokens_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList]:
+ """downloadtokens_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def downloadtokens_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """downloadtokens_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _downloadtokens_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/downloadtokens/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/filebrowser_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/filebrowser_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36917e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/filebrowser_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15053 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class FilebrowserApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_children_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList:
+ """filebrowser_children_list
+ A view for the collection of folders that are the children of this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_children_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_children_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList]:
+ """filebrowser_children_list
+ A view for the collection of folders that are the children of this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_children_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_children_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_children_list
+ A view for the collection of folders that are the children of this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_children_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_children_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/children/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_create(
+ self,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolder:
+ """filebrowser_create
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_create_serialize(
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolder]:
+ """filebrowser_create
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_create_serialize(
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_create
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_create_serialize(
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_destroy
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_destroy
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_destroy
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_files_destroy
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_files_destroy
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_destroy
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_name,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if group_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('group_name', group_name))
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileList:
+ """filebrowser_files_list
+ A view for the collection of all the files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_list
+ A view for the collection of all the files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_list
+ A view for the collection of all the files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/files/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFile:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFile]:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFile:
+ """filebrowser_files_update
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_request: FileBrowserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFile]:
+ """filebrowser_files_update
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_request: FileBrowserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_update
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_request: FileBrowserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_name,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if group_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('group_name', group_name))
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_name,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if group_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('group_name', group_name))
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of all the ChRIS link files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of all the ChRIS link files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of all the ChRIS link files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/linkfiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFile:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFile]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFile:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_update
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_request: FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFile]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_update
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_request: FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_update
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_request: FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList:
+ """filebrowser_list
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList]:
+ """filebrowser_list
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_list
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolder:
+ """filebrowser_retrieve
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolder]:
+ """filebrowser_retrieve
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_retrieve
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_search_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList:
+ """filebrowser_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file browser folders resulting from a query search. The returned collection only has at most one element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_search_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList]:
+ """filebrowser_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file browser folders resulting from a query search. The returned collection only has at most one element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_search_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file browser folders resulting from a query search. The returned collection only has at most one element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_search_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolder:
+ """filebrowser_update
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolder]:
+ """filebrowser_update
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_update
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def filebrowser_userpermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/grouppermissions_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/grouppermissions_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..752e068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/grouppermissions_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class GrouppermissionsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FeedGroupPermission:
+ """grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_group_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_group_permission_request=feed_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FeedGroupPermission]:
+ """grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_group_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_group_permission_request=feed_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_group_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_group_permission_request=feed_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ feed_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if feed_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = feed_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList:
+ """grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList]:
+ """grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FeedGroupPermission:
+ """grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FeedGroupPermission]:
+ """grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList:
+ """grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList]:
+ """grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def grouppermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_name,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if group_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('group_name', group_name))
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/groups_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/groups_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64e7a80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/groups_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2877 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.group import Group
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class GroupsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_create(
+ self,
+ group_request: GroupRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Group:
+ """groups_create
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param group_request: (required)
+ :type group_request: GroupRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_create_serialize(
+ group_request=group_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ group_request: GroupRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Group]:
+ """groups_create
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param group_request: (required)
+ :type group_request: GroupRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_create_serialize(
+ group_request=group_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ group_request: GroupRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_create
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param group_request: (required)
+ :type group_request: GroupRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_create_serialize(
+ group_request=group_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ group_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if group_request is not None:
+ _body_params = group_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """groups_destroy
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """groups_destroy
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_destroy
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupList:
+ """groups_list
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupList]:
+ """groups_list
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_list
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Group:
+ """groups_retrieve
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Group]:
+ """groups_retrieve
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_retrieve
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupList:
+ """groups_search_list
+ A view for the collection of groups resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_icontains:
+ :type name_icontains: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_icontains=name_icontains,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupList]:
+ """groups_search_list
+ A view for the collection of groups resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_icontains:
+ :type name_icontains: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_icontains=name_icontains,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_search_list
+ A view for the collection of groups resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_icontains:
+ :type name_icontains: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_icontains=name_icontains,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ name,
+ name_icontains,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_icontains', name_icontains))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_user_request: GroupUserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> GroupUser:
+ """groups_users_create
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_user_request: (required)
+ :type group_user_request: GroupUserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_user_request=group_user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_user_request: GroupUserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[GroupUser]:
+ """groups_users_create
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_user_request: (required)
+ :type group_user_request: GroupUserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_user_request=group_user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_user_request: GroupUserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_create
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_user_request: (required)
+ :type group_user_request: GroupUserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_user_request=group_user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_user_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if group_user_request is not None:
+ _body_params = group_user_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/users/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """groups_users_destroy
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """groups_users_destroy
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_destroy
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/users/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupUserList:
+ """groups_users_list
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupUserList]:
+ """groups_users_list
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_list
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/users/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> GroupUser:
+ """groups_users_retrieve
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[GroupUser]:
+ """groups_users_retrieve
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_retrieve
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/users/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupUserList:
+ """groups_users_search_list
+ A view for the collection of group users resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupUserList]:
+ """groups_users_search_list
+ A view for the collection of group users resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def groups_users_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_search_list
+ A view for the collection of group users resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/users/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/note_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/note_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d17d7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/note_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.note import Note
+from aiochris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class NoteApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def note_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Note:
+ """note_retrieve
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def note_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Note]:
+ """note_retrieve
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def note_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """note_retrieve
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _note_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/note{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def note_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ note_request: Optional[NoteRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Note:
+ """note_update
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param note_request:
+ :type note_request: NoteRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ note_request=note_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def note_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ note_request: Optional[NoteRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Note]:
+ """note_update
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param note_request:
+ :type note_request: NoteRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ note_request=note_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def note_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ note_request: Optional[NoteRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """note_update
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param note_request:
+ :type note_request: NoteRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ note_request=note_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _note_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ note_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if note_request is not None:
+ _body_params = note_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/note{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/pacs_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/pacs_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0e5686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/pacs_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2443 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import date, datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PacsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPACSFileList:
+ """pacs_files_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPACSFileList]:
+ """pacs_files_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_files_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_files_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/files/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PACSFile:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve
+ A PACS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PACSFile]:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve
+ A PACS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve
+ A PACS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_search_list(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPACSFileList:
+ """pacs_files_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_topdir_unique:
+ :type fname_icontains_topdir_unique: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPACSFileList]:
+ """pacs_files_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_topdir_unique:
+ :type fname_icontains_topdir_unique: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_files_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_files_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_topdir_unique:
+ :type fname_icontains_topdir_unique: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_files_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ fname,
+ fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique,
+ fname_nslashes,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if fname is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname', fname))
+ if fname_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_exact', fname_exact))
+ if fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains', fname_icontains))
+ if fname_icontains_topdir_unique is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains_topdir_unique', fname_icontains_topdir_unique))
+ if fname_nslashes is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_nslashes', fname_nslashes))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/files/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_series_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPACSSeriesList:
+ """pacs_series_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_series_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPACSSeriesList]:
+ """pacs_series_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_series_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_series_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_series_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/series/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_series_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PACSSeries:
+ """pacs_series_retrieve
+ A PACS Series view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSSeries",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_series_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PACSSeries]:
+ """pacs_series_retrieve
+ A PACS Series view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSSeries",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_series_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_series_retrieve
+ A PACS Series view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSSeries",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_series_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/series/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_series_search_list(
+ self,
+ accession_number: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ patient_birth_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ patient_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_sex: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other")] = None,
+ protocol_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ study_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ pacs_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPACSSeriesList:
+ """pacs_series_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series resulting from a query search.
+ :param accession_number:
+ :type accession_number: str
+ :param patient_age:
+ :type patient_age: int
+ :param patient_birth_date:
+ :type patient_birth_date: date
+ :param patient_id:
+ :type patient_id: str
+ :param patient_name:
+ :type patient_name: str
+ :param patient_sex: * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+ :type patient_sex: str
+ :param protocol_name:
+ :type protocol_name: str
+ :param series_description:
+ :type series_description: str
+ :param series_instance_uid:
+ :type series_instance_uid: str
+ :param study_date:
+ :type study_date: date
+ :param study_description:
+ :type study_description: str
+ :param study_instance_uid:
+ :type study_instance_uid: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_patient_age:
+ :type max_patient_age: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_patient_age:
+ :type min_patient_age: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param pacs_identifier:
+ :type pacs_identifier: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_search_list_serialize(
+ accession_number=accession_number,
+ patient_age=patient_age,
+ patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date,
+ patient_id=patient_id,
+ patient_name=patient_name,
+ patient_sex=patient_sex,
+ protocol_name=protocol_name,
+ series_description=series_description,
+ series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid,
+ study_date=study_date,
+ study_description=study_description,
+ study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_patient_age=max_patient_age,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_patient_age=min_patient_age,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_series_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ accession_number: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ patient_birth_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ patient_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_sex: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other")] = None,
+ protocol_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ study_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ pacs_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPACSSeriesList]:
+ """pacs_series_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series resulting from a query search.
+ :param accession_number:
+ :type accession_number: str
+ :param patient_age:
+ :type patient_age: int
+ :param patient_birth_date:
+ :type patient_birth_date: date
+ :param patient_id:
+ :type patient_id: str
+ :param patient_name:
+ :type patient_name: str
+ :param patient_sex: * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+ :type patient_sex: str
+ :param protocol_name:
+ :type protocol_name: str
+ :param series_description:
+ :type series_description: str
+ :param series_instance_uid:
+ :type series_instance_uid: str
+ :param study_date:
+ :type study_date: date
+ :param study_description:
+ :type study_description: str
+ :param study_instance_uid:
+ :type study_instance_uid: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_patient_age:
+ :type max_patient_age: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_patient_age:
+ :type min_patient_age: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param pacs_identifier:
+ :type pacs_identifier: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_search_list_serialize(
+ accession_number=accession_number,
+ patient_age=patient_age,
+ patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date,
+ patient_id=patient_id,
+ patient_name=patient_name,
+ patient_sex=patient_sex,
+ protocol_name=protocol_name,
+ series_description=series_description,
+ series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid,
+ study_date=study_date,
+ study_description=study_description,
+ study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_patient_age=max_patient_age,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_patient_age=min_patient_age,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pacs_series_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ accession_number: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ patient_birth_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ patient_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_sex: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other")] = None,
+ protocol_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ study_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ pacs_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_series_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series resulting from a query search.
+ :param accession_number:
+ :type accession_number: str
+ :param patient_age:
+ :type patient_age: int
+ :param patient_birth_date:
+ :type patient_birth_date: date
+ :param patient_id:
+ :type patient_id: str
+ :param patient_name:
+ :type patient_name: str
+ :param patient_sex: * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+ :type patient_sex: str
+ :param protocol_name:
+ :type protocol_name: str
+ :param series_description:
+ :type series_description: str
+ :param series_instance_uid:
+ :type series_instance_uid: str
+ :param study_date:
+ :type study_date: date
+ :param study_description:
+ :type study_description: str
+ :param study_instance_uid:
+ :type study_instance_uid: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_patient_age:
+ :type max_patient_age: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_patient_age:
+ :type min_patient_age: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param pacs_identifier:
+ :type pacs_identifier: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_search_list_serialize(
+ accession_number=accession_number,
+ patient_age=patient_age,
+ patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date,
+ patient_id=patient_id,
+ patient_name=patient_name,
+ patient_sex=patient_sex,
+ protocol_name=protocol_name,
+ series_description=series_description,
+ series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid,
+ study_date=study_date,
+ study_description=study_description,
+ study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_patient_age=max_patient_age,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_patient_age=min_patient_age,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_series_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ accession_number,
+ patient_age,
+ patient_birth_date,
+ patient_id,
+ patient_name,
+ patient_sex,
+ protocol_name,
+ series_description,
+ series_instance_uid,
+ study_date,
+ study_description,
+ study_instance_uid,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_patient_age,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_patient_age,
+ min_creation_date,
+ offset,
+ pacs_identifier,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if accession_number is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('AccessionNumber', accession_number))
+ if patient_age is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientAge', patient_age))
+ if patient_birth_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(patient_birth_date, date):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'PatientBirthDate',
+ patient_birth_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.date_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientBirthDate', patient_birth_date))
+ if patient_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientID', patient_id))
+ if patient_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientName', patient_name))
+ if patient_sex is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientSex', patient_sex))
+ if protocol_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('ProtocolName', protocol_name))
+ if series_description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('SeriesDescription', series_description))
+ if series_instance_uid is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('SeriesInstanceUID', series_instance_uid))
+ if study_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(study_date, date):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'StudyDate',
+ study_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.date_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('StudyDate', study_date))
+ if study_description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('StudyDescription', study_description))
+ if study_instance_uid is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('StudyInstanceUID', study_instance_uid))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_patient_age is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('max_PatientAge', max_patient_age))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_patient_age is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('min_PatientAge', min_patient_age))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if pacs_identifier is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('pacs_identifier', pacs_identifier))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/series/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/pipelines_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/pipelines_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab8ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/pipelines_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9284 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PipelinesApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def all_workflows_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedWorkflowList:
+ """all_workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of all workflows.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_workflows_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def all_workflows_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedWorkflowList]:
+ """all_workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of all workflows.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_workflows_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def all_workflows_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """all_workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of all workflows.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_workflows_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _all_workflows_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingBoolParameter:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingBoolParameter]:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_boolean_parameter_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingBoolParameter:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_update
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_bool_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_bool_parameter_request: DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingBoolParameter]:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_update
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_bool_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_bool_parameter_request: DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_update
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_bool_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_bool_parameter_request: DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if default_piping_bool_parameter_request is not None:
+ _body_params = default_piping_bool_parameter_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_create(
+ self,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Pipeline:
+ """pipelines_create
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Pipeline]:
+ """pipelines_create
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_create
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if pipeline_request is not None:
+ _body_params = pipeline_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """pipelines_destroy
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """pipelines_destroy
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_destroy
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingFloatParameter:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingFloatParameter]:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_float_parameter_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingFloatParameter:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_update
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_float_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_float_parameter_request: DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_float_parameter_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingFloatParameter]:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_update
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_float_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_float_parameter_request: DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_float_parameter_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_update
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_float_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_float_parameter_request: DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_float_parameter_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if default_piping_float_parameter_request is not None:
+ _body_params = default_piping_float_parameter_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingIntParameter:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingIntParameter]:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_integer_parameter_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingIntParameter:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_update
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_int_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_int_parameter_request: DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_integer_parameter_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingIntParameter]:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_update
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_int_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_int_parameter_request: DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_integer_parameter_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_update
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_int_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_int_parameter_request: DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_integer_parameter_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if default_piping_int_parameter_request is not None:
+ _body_params = default_piping_int_parameter_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_json_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PipelineCustomJson:
+ """pipelines_json_retrieve
+ A pipeline with a custom JSON view resembling the originally submitted pipeline data.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_json_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineCustomJson",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_json_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PipelineCustomJson]:
+ """pipelines_json_retrieve
+ A pipeline with a custom JSON view resembling the originally submitted pipeline data.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_json_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineCustomJson",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_json_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_json_retrieve
+ A pipeline with a custom JSON view resembling the originally submitted pipeline data.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_json_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineCustomJson",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_json_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/json/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPipelineList:
+ """pipelines_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPipelineList]:
+ """pipelines_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_parameters_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList:
+ """pipelines_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin parameters' defaults.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_parameters_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList]:
+ """pipelines_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin parameters' defaults.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_parameters_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin parameters' defaults.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_parameters_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/parameters/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_pipings_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginPipingList:
+ """pipelines_pipings_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin pipings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginPipingList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_pipings_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginPipingList]:
+ """pipelines_pipings_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin pipings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginPipingList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_pipings_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_pipings_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin pipings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginPipingList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_pipings_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/pipings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_pipings_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginPiping:
+ """pipelines_pipings_retrieve
+ A plugin piping view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginPiping",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_pipings_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginPiping]:
+ """pipelines_pipings_retrieve
+ A plugin piping view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginPiping",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_pipings_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_pipings_retrieve
+ A plugin piping view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginPiping",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_pipings_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/pipings/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_plugins_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """pipelines_plugins_list
+ A view for a pipeline-specific collection of plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_plugins_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginList]:
+ """pipelines_plugins_list
+ A view for a pipeline-specific collection of plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_plugins_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_plugins_list
+ A view for a pipeline-specific collection of plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_plugins_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/plugins/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Pipeline:
+ """pipelines_retrieve
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Pipeline]:
+ """pipelines_retrieve
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_retrieve
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_search_list(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPipelineList:
+ """pipelines_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPipelineList]:
+ """pipelines_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ authors,
+ category,
+ description,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ name,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if authors is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('authors', authors))
+ if category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('category', category))
+ if description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('description', description))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_create(
+ self,
+ pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PipelineSourceFile:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param pipeline_source_file_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_source_file_request=pipeline_source_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PipelineSourceFile]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param pipeline_source_file_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_source_file_request=pipeline_source_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param pipeline_source_file_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_source_file_request=pipeline_source_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ pipeline_source_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if pipeline_source_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = pipeline_source_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PipelineSourceFile:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve
+ A pipeline source file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PipelineSourceFile]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve
+ A pipeline source file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve
+ A pipeline source file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ uploader_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param uploader_username:
+ :type uploader_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ uploader_username=uploader_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ uploader_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param uploader_username:
+ :type uploader_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ uploader_username=uploader_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ uploader_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param uploader_username:
+ :type uploader_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ uploader_username=uploader_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ fname,
+ fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ offset,
+ uploader_username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if fname is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname', fname))
+ if fname_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_exact', fname_exact))
+ if fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains', fname_icontains))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if uploader_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('uploader_username', uploader_username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingStrParameter:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingStrParameter]:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_string_parameter_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingStrParameter:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_update
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_str_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_str_parameter_request: DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_string_parameter_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingStrParameter]:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_update
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_str_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_str_parameter_request: DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_string_parameter_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_update
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_str_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_str_parameter_request: DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_string_parameter_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if default_piping_str_parameter_request is not None:
+ _body_params = default_piping_str_parameter_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Pipeline:
+ """pipelines_update
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Pipeline]:
+ """pipelines_update
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_update
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if pipeline_request is not None:
+ _body_params = pipeline_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Workflow:
+ """pipelines_workflows_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Workflow]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ workflow_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if workflow_request is not None:
+ _body_params = workflow_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """pipelines_workflows_destroy
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_destroy
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_destroy
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that compose the workflow.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that compose the workflow.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that compose the workflow.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/plugininstances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Workflow:
+ """pipelines_workflows_retrieve
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Workflow]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_retrieve
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_retrieve
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedWorkflowList:
+ """pipelines_workflows_search_list
+ A view for the collection of workflows resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param pipeline_name:
+ :type pipeline_name: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ pipeline_name=pipeline_name,
+ title=title,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedWorkflowList]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_search_list
+ A view for the collection of workflows resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param pipeline_name:
+ :type pipeline_name: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ pipeline_name=pipeline_name,
+ title=title,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_search_list
+ A view for the collection of workflows resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param pipeline_name:
+ :type pipeline_name: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ pipeline_name=pipeline_name,
+ title=title,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ pipeline_name,
+ title,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ if pipeline_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('pipeline_name', pipeline_name))
+ if title is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('title', title))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Workflow:
+ """pipelines_workflows_update
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Workflow]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_update
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def pipelines_workflows_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_update
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ workflow_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if workflow_request is not None:
+ _body_params = workflow_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def workflows_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedWorkflowList:
+ """workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._workflows_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def workflows_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedWorkflowList]:
+ """workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._workflows_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def workflows_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._workflows_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _workflows_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/plugininstances_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/plugininstances_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..843c275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/plugininstances_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PlugininstancesApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugininstances_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugininstances_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugininstances_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/plugininstances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/plugins_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/plugins_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2292288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/plugins_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8555 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PluginsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def all_plugins_instances_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """all_plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of all plugin instances.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def all_plugins_instances_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """all_plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of all plugin instances.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def all_plugins_instances_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """all_plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of all plugin instances.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _all_plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> BoolParameter:
+ """plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A boolean parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "BoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[BoolParameter]:
+ """plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A boolean parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "BoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A boolean parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "BoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/boolean-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_computeresources_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """plugins_computeresources_list
+ A view for a plugin-specific collection of compute resources.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_computeresources_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedComputeResourceList]:
+ """plugins_computeresources_list
+ A view for a plugin-specific collection of compute resources.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_computeresources_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_computeresources_list
+ A view for a plugin-specific collection of compute resources.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/computeresources/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_float_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FloatParameter:
+ """plugins_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A float parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FloatParameter]:
+ """plugins_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A float parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A float parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/float-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstance:
+ """plugins_instances_create
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstance]:
+ """plugins_instances_create
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_create
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_instance_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_instance_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_descendants_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """plugins_instances_descendants_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that are a descendant of this plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_descendants_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_descendants_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """plugins_instances_descendants_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that are a descendant of this plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_descendants_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_descendants_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_descendants_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that are a descendant of this plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_descendants_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_descendants_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/descendants/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """plugins_instances_destroy
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """plugins_instances_destroy
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_destroy
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_parameters_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGenericParameterList:
+ """plugins_instances_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of parameters that the plugin instance was run with.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_parameters_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGenericParameterList]:
+ """plugins_instances_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of parameters that the plugin instance was run with.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_parameters_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of parameters that the plugin instance was run with.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_parameters_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/parameters/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstance:
+ """plugins_instances_retrieve
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstance]:
+ """plugins_instances_retrieve
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_retrieve
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_search_list(
+ self,
+ feed_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ root_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ status: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ workflow_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """plugins_instances_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances resulting from a query search.
+ :param feed_id:
+ :type feed_id: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_end_date:
+ :type max_end_date: datetime
+ :param max_start_date:
+ :type max_start_date: datetime
+ :param min_end_date:
+ :type min_end_date: datetime
+ :param min_start_date:
+ :type min_start_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param plugin_name:
+ :type plugin_name: str
+ :param plugin_name_exact:
+ :type plugin_name_exact: str
+ :param plugin_version:
+ :type plugin_version: str
+ :param previous_id:
+ :type previous_id: str
+ :param root_id:
+ :type root_id: str
+ :param status: * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+ :type status: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param workflow_id:
+ :type workflow_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_search_list_serialize(
+ feed_id=feed_id,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_end_date=max_end_date,
+ max_start_date=max_start_date,
+ min_end_date=min_end_date,
+ min_start_date=min_start_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ plugin_name=plugin_name,
+ plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact,
+ plugin_version=plugin_version,
+ previous_id=previous_id,
+ root_id=root_id,
+ status=status,
+ title=title,
+ workflow_id=workflow_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ feed_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ root_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ status: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ workflow_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """plugins_instances_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances resulting from a query search.
+ :param feed_id:
+ :type feed_id: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_end_date:
+ :type max_end_date: datetime
+ :param max_start_date:
+ :type max_start_date: datetime
+ :param min_end_date:
+ :type min_end_date: datetime
+ :param min_start_date:
+ :type min_start_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param plugin_name:
+ :type plugin_name: str
+ :param plugin_name_exact:
+ :type plugin_name_exact: str
+ :param plugin_version:
+ :type plugin_version: str
+ :param previous_id:
+ :type previous_id: str
+ :param root_id:
+ :type root_id: str
+ :param status: * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+ :type status: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param workflow_id:
+ :type workflow_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_search_list_serialize(
+ feed_id=feed_id,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_end_date=max_end_date,
+ max_start_date=max_start_date,
+ min_end_date=min_end_date,
+ min_start_date=min_start_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ plugin_name=plugin_name,
+ plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact,
+ plugin_version=plugin_version,
+ previous_id=previous_id,
+ root_id=root_id,
+ status=status,
+ title=title,
+ workflow_id=workflow_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ feed_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ root_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ status: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ workflow_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances resulting from a query search.
+ :param feed_id:
+ :type feed_id: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_end_date:
+ :type max_end_date: datetime
+ :param max_start_date:
+ :type max_start_date: datetime
+ :param min_end_date:
+ :type min_end_date: datetime
+ :param min_start_date:
+ :type min_start_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param plugin_name:
+ :type plugin_name: str
+ :param plugin_name_exact:
+ :type plugin_name_exact: str
+ :param plugin_version:
+ :type plugin_version: str
+ :param previous_id:
+ :type previous_id: str
+ :param root_id:
+ :type root_id: str
+ :param status: * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+ :type status: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param workflow_id:
+ :type workflow_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_search_list_serialize(
+ feed_id=feed_id,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_end_date=max_end_date,
+ max_start_date=max_start_date,
+ min_end_date=min_end_date,
+ min_start_date=min_start_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ plugin_name=plugin_name,
+ plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact,
+ plugin_version=plugin_version,
+ previous_id=previous_id,
+ root_id=root_id,
+ status=status,
+ title=title,
+ workflow_id=workflow_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ feed_id,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_end_date,
+ max_start_date,
+ min_end_date,
+ min_start_date,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ plugin_id,
+ plugin_name,
+ plugin_name_exact,
+ plugin_version,
+ previous_id,
+ root_id,
+ status,
+ title,
+ workflow_id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if feed_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('feed_id', feed_id))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_end_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_end_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_end_date',
+ max_end_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_end_date', max_end_date))
+ if max_start_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_start_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_start_date',
+ max_start_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_start_date', max_start_date))
+ if min_end_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_end_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_end_date',
+ min_end_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_end_date', min_end_date))
+ if min_start_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_start_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_start_date',
+ min_start_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_start_date', min_start_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ if plugin_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_id', plugin_id))
+ if plugin_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_name', plugin_name))
+ if plugin_name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_name_exact', plugin_name_exact))
+ if plugin_version is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_version', plugin_version))
+ if previous_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('previous_id', previous_id))
+ if root_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('root_id', root_id))
+ if status is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('status', status))
+ if title is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('title', title))
+ if workflow_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('workflow_id', workflow_id))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_splits_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_split_request: Optional[PluginInstanceSplitRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstanceSplit:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_create
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_split_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_split_request: PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_splits_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_split_request: Optional[PluginInstanceSplitRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstanceSplit]:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_create
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_split_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_split_request: PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_splits_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_split_request: Optional[PluginInstanceSplitRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_create
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_split_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_split_request: PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_splits_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ plugin_instance_split_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_instance_split_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_instance_split_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_splits_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_list
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_splits_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList]:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_list
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_splits_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_list
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_splits_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_splits_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstanceSplit:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_retrieve
+ A view for a plugin instance split.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstanceSplit]:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_retrieve
+ A view for a plugin instance split.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_retrieve
+ A view for a plugin instance split.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/splits/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstance:
+ """plugins_instances_update
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstance]:
+ """plugins_instances_update
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_instances_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_update
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_instance_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_instance_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> IntParameter:
+ """plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ An integer parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "IntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[IntParameter]:
+ """plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ An integer parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "IntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ An integer parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "IntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/integer-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginList]:
+ """plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginMetaList:
+ """plugins_metas_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginMetaList]:
+ """plugins_metas_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_metas_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_metas_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/metas/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_plugins_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """plugins_metas_plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of meta-specific plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_plugins_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginList]:
+ """plugins_metas_plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of meta-specific plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_plugins_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_metas_plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of meta-specific plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_metas_plugins_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/plugins/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginMeta:
+ """plugins_metas_retrieve
+ A plugin meta view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginMeta",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginMeta]:
+ """plugins_metas_retrieve
+ A plugin meta view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginMeta",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_metas_retrieve
+ A plugin meta view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginMeta",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_metas_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_search_list(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_authors_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginMetaList:
+ """plugins_metas_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_authors_category:
+ :type name_authors_category: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_authors_category=name_authors_category,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_authors_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginMetaList]:
+ """plugins_metas_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_authors_category:
+ :type name_authors_category: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_authors_category=name_authors_category,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_metas_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_authors_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_metas_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_authors_category:
+ :type name_authors_category: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_authors_category=name_authors_category,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_metas_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ authors,
+ category,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ name,
+ name_authors_category,
+ name_exact,
+ name_title_category,
+ offset,
+ title,
+ type,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if authors is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('authors', authors))
+ if category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('category', category))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_authors_category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_authors_category', name_authors_category))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if name_title_category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_title_category', name_title_category))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if title is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('title', title))
+ if type is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('type', type))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/metas/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_parameters_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginParameterList:
+ """plugins_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin parameters.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_parameters_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginParameterList]:
+ """plugins_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin parameters.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_parameters_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin parameters.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_parameters_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/parameters/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_parameters_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginParameter:
+ """plugins_parameters_retrieve
+ A plugin parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_parameters_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginParameter]:
+ """plugins_parameters_retrieve
+ A plugin parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_parameters_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_parameters_retrieve
+ A plugin parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_parameters_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/parameters/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_path_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PathParameter:
+ """plugins_path_parameter_retrieve
+ A path parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PathParameter]:
+ """plugins_path_parameter_retrieve
+ A path parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_path_parameter_retrieve
+ A path parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/path-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Plugin:
+ """plugins_retrieve
+ A plugin view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Plugin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Plugin]:
+ """plugins_retrieve
+ A plugin view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Plugin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_retrieve
+ A plugin view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Plugin",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_search_list(
+ self,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ compute_resource_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ dock_image: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """plugins_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins resulting from a query search.
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param compute_resource_id:
+ :type compute_resource_id: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param dock_image:
+ :type dock_image: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param version:
+ :type version: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_search_list_serialize(
+ category=category,
+ compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id,
+ description=description,
+ dock_image=dock_image,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ version=version,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ compute_resource_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ dock_image: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginList]:
+ """plugins_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins resulting from a query search.
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param compute_resource_id:
+ :type compute_resource_id: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param dock_image:
+ :type dock_image: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param version:
+ :type version: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_search_list_serialize(
+ category=category,
+ compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id,
+ description=description,
+ dock_image=dock_image,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ version=version,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ compute_resource_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ dock_image: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins resulting from a query search.
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param compute_resource_id:
+ :type compute_resource_id: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param dock_image:
+ :type dock_image: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param version:
+ :type version: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_search_list_serialize(
+ category=category,
+ compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id,
+ description=description,
+ dock_image=dock_image,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ version=version,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ category,
+ compute_resource_id,
+ description,
+ dock_image,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ name,
+ name_exact,
+ name_title_category,
+ offset,
+ title,
+ type,
+ version,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('category', category))
+ if compute_resource_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('compute_resource_id', compute_resource_id))
+ if description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('description', description))
+ if dock_image is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('dock_image', dock_image))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if name_title_category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_title_category', name_title_category))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if title is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('title', title))
+ if type is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('type', type))
+ if version is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('version', version))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_string_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> StrParameter:
+ """plugins_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A string parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "StrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[StrParameter]:
+ """plugins_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A string parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "StrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A string parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "StrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/string-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> UnextpathParameter:
+ """plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve
+ A unextpath parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UnextpathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[UnextpathParameter]:
+ """plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve
+ A unextpath parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UnextpathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve
+ A unextpath parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UnextpathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/unextpath-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/publicfeeds_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/publicfeeds_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..267d698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/publicfeeds_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PublicfeedsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def publicfeeds_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """publicfeeds_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def publicfeeds_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """publicfeeds_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def publicfeeds_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """publicfeeds_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _publicfeeds_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/publicfeeds/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def publicfeeds_search_list(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """publicfeeds_search_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def publicfeeds_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """publicfeeds_search_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def publicfeeds_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """publicfeeds_search_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _publicfeeds_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ max_id,
+ min_creation_date,
+ min_id,
+ name,
+ name_exact,
+ name_startswith,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if files_fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('files_fname_icontains', files_fname_icontains))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if max_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('max_id', max_id))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if min_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('min_id', min_id))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if name_startswith is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_startswith', name_startswith))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/publicfeeds/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/schema_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/schema_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc45301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/schema_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class SchemaApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def schema_retrieve(
+ self,
+ format: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ lang: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Dict[str, object]:
+ """schema_retrieve
+ OpenApi3 schema for this API. Format can be selected via content negotiation. - YAML: application/vnd.oai.openapi - JSON: application/vnd.oai.openapi+json
+ :param format:
+ :type format: str
+ :param lang:
+ :type lang: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._schema_retrieve_serialize(
+ format=format,
+ lang=lang,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Dict[str, object]",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def schema_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ format: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ lang: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Dict[str, object]]:
+ """schema_retrieve
+ OpenApi3 schema for this API. Format can be selected via content negotiation. - YAML: application/vnd.oai.openapi - JSON: application/vnd.oai.openapi+json
+ :param format:
+ :type format: str
+ :param lang:
+ :type lang: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._schema_retrieve_serialize(
+ format=format,
+ lang=lang,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Dict[str, object]",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def schema_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ format: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ lang: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """schema_retrieve
+ OpenApi3 schema for this API. Format can be selected via content negotiation. - YAML: application/vnd.oai.openapi - JSON: application/vnd.oai.openapi+json
+ :param format:
+ :type format: str
+ :param lang:
+ :type lang: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._schema_retrieve_serialize(
+ format=format,
+ lang=lang,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Dict[str, object]",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _schema_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ format,
+ lang,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if format is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('format', format))
+ if lang is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('lang', lang))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/vnd.oai.openapi',
+ 'application/yaml',
+ 'application/vnd.oai.openapi+json',
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/schema/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/search_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/search_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0ef798
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/search_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class SearchApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def search_list(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """search_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """search_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """search_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ max_id,
+ min_creation_date,
+ min_id,
+ name,
+ name_exact,
+ name_startswith,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if files_fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('files_fname_icontains', files_fname_icontains))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if max_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('max_id', max_id))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if min_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('min_id', min_id))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if name_startswith is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_startswith', name_startswith))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/taggings_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/taggings_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1fa67c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/taggings_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class TaggingsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tagging:
+ """taggings_create
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tagging]:
+ """taggings_create
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """taggings_create
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _taggings_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/taggings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """taggings_destroy
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """taggings_destroy
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """taggings_destroy
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _taggings_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/taggings/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTaggingList:
+ """taggings_list
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTaggingList]:
+ """taggings_list
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """taggings_list
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _taggings_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/taggings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tagging:
+ """taggings_retrieve
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tagging]:
+ """taggings_retrieve
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def taggings_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """taggings_retrieve
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _taggings_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/taggings/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/tags_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/tags_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..297ec7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/tags_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2901 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class TagsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def feed_tags_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTagList:
+ """feed_tags_list
+ A view for a feed-specific collection of user-specific tags.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._feed_tags_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def feed_tags_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTagList]:
+ """feed_tags_list
+ A view for a feed-specific collection of user-specific tags.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._feed_tags_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def feed_tags_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """feed_tags_list
+ A view for a feed-specific collection of user-specific tags.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._feed_tags_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _feed_tags_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/tags/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_create(
+ self,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tag:
+ """tags_create
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_create_serialize(
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tag]:
+ """tags_create
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_create_serialize(
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_create
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_create_serialize(
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ tag_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if tag_request is not None:
+ _body_params = tag_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """tags_destroy
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """tags_destroy
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_destroy
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_feeds_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """tags_feeds_list
+ A view for the tag-specific collection of feeds.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_feeds_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_feeds_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """tags_feeds_list
+ A view for the tag-specific collection of feeds.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_feeds_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_feeds_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_feeds_list
+ A view for the tag-specific collection of feeds.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_feeds_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_feeds_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/feeds/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTagList:
+ """tags_list
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTagList]:
+ """tags_list
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_list
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tag:
+ """tags_retrieve
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tag]:
+ """tags_retrieve
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_retrieve
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_search_list(
+ self,
+ color: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTagList:
+ """tags_search_list
+ A view for the collection of tags resulting from a query search.
+ :param color:
+ :type color: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_search_list_serialize(
+ color=color,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ color: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTagList]:
+ """tags_search_list
+ A view for the collection of tags resulting from a query search.
+ :param color:
+ :type color: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_search_list_serialize(
+ color=color,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ color: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_search_list
+ A view for the collection of tags resulting from a query search.
+ :param color:
+ :type color: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_search_list_serialize(
+ color=color,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ color,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ name,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if color is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('color', color))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_taggings_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tagging:
+ """tags_taggings_create
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_taggings_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tagging]:
+ """tags_taggings_create
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_taggings_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_taggings_create
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_taggings_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_taggings_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTaggingList:
+ """tags_taggings_list
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_taggings_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTaggingList]:
+ """tags_taggings_list
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_taggings_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_taggings_list
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_taggings_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tag:
+ """tags_update
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tag]:
+ """tags_update
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def tags_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_update
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ tag_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if tag_request is not None:
+ _body_params = tag_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/userfiles_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/userfiles_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afabd6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/userfiles_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2117 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class UserfilesApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_create(
+ self,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> UserFile:
+ """userfiles_create
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_create_serialize(
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[UserFile]:
+ """userfiles_create
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_create_serialize(
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_create
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_create_serialize(
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ user_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if user_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = user_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """userfiles_destroy
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """userfiles_destroy
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_destroy
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedUserFileList:
+ """userfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedUserFileList]:
+ """userfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> UserFile:
+ """userfiles_retrieve
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[UserFile]:
+ """userfiles_retrieve
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_retrieve
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """userfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """userfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_search_list(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_multiple: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedUserFileList:
+ """userfiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_multiple:
+ :type fname_icontains_multiple: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_multiple: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedUserFileList]:
+ """userfiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_multiple:
+ :type fname_icontains_multiple: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_multiple: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_multiple:
+ :type fname_icontains_multiple: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ fname,
+ fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_multiple,
+ fname_nslashes,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if fname is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname', fname))
+ if fname_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_exact', fname_exact))
+ if fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains', fname_icontains))
+ if fname_icontains_multiple is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains_multiple', fname_icontains_multiple))
+ if fname_nslashes is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_nslashes', fname_nslashes))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> UserFile:
+ """userfiles_update
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[UserFile]:
+ """userfiles_update
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userfiles_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_update
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ user_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if user_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = user_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/userpermissions_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/userpermissions_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a85f232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/userpermissions_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class UserpermissionsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FeedUserPermission:
+ """userpermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_user_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_user_permission_request=feed_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FeedUserPermission]:
+ """userpermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_user_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_user_permission_request=feed_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_user_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_user_permission_request=feed_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ feed_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if feed_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = feed_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList:
+ """userpermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList]:
+ """userpermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FeedUserPermission:
+ """userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FeedUserPermission]:
+ """userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList:
+ """userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList]:
+ """userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def userpermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/users_api.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/users_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8a6227
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api/users_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1434 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+from aiochris_oag.models.user import User
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from aiochris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from aiochris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class UsersApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_create(
+ self,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> User:
+ """users_create
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_create_serialize(
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[User]:
+ """users_create
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_create_serialize(
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_create
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_create_serialize(
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ user_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if user_request is not None:
+ _body_params = user_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_groups_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupList:
+ """users_groups_list
+ A view for a user-specific collection of groups.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_groups_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_groups_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupList]:
+ """users_groups_list
+ A view for a user-specific collection of groups.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_groups_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_groups_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_groups_list
+ A view for a user-specific collection of groups.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_groups_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_groups_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/{id}/groups/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedUserList:
+ """users_list
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedUserList]:
+ """users_list
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_list
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> User:
+ """users_retrieve
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[User]:
+ """users_retrieve
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_retrieve
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> User:
+ """users_update
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[User]:
+ """users_update
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ await response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ async def users_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_update
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = await self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ user_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if user_request is not None:
+ _body_params = user_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api_client.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..470dd30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,792 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import datetime
+from dateutil.parser import parse
+from enum import Enum
+import decimal
+import json
+import mimetypes
+import os
+import re
+import tempfile
+from urllib.parse import quote
+from typing import Tuple, Optional, List, Dict, Union
+from pydantic import SecretStr
+from aiochris_oag.configuration import Configuration
+from aiochris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse, T as ApiResponseT
+import aiochris_oag.models
+from aiochris_oag import rest
+from aiochris_oag.exceptions import (
+ ApiValueError,
+ ApiException,
+ BadRequestException,
+ UnauthorizedException,
+ ForbiddenException,
+ NotFoundException,
+ ServiceException
+RequestSerialized = Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, str], Optional[str], List[str]]
+class ApiClient:
+ """Generic API client for OpenAPI client library builds.
+ OpenAPI generic API client. This client handles the client-
+ server communication, and is invariant across implementations. Specifics of
+ the methods and models for each application are generated from the OpenAPI
+ templates.
+ :param configuration: .Configuration object for this client
+ :param header_name: a header to pass when making calls to the API.
+ :param header_value: a header value to pass when making calls to
+ the API.
+ :param cookie: a cookie to include in the header when making calls
+ to the API
+ """
+ PRIMITIVE_TYPES = (float, bool, bytes, str, int)
+ 'int': int,
+ 'long': int, # TODO remove as only py3 is supported?
+ 'float': float,
+ 'str': str,
+ 'bool': bool,
+ 'date': datetime.date,
+ 'datetime': datetime.datetime,
+ 'decimal': decimal.Decimal,
+ 'object': object,
+ }
+ _pool = None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ configuration=None,
+ header_name=None,
+ header_value=None,
+ cookie=None
+ ) -> None:
+ # use default configuration if none is provided
+ if configuration is None:
+ configuration = Configuration.get_default()
+ self.configuration = configuration
+ self.rest_client = rest.RESTClientObject(configuration)
+ self.default_headers = {}
+ if header_name is not None:
+ self.default_headers[header_name] = header_value
+ self.cookie = cookie
+ # Set default User-Agent.
+ self.user_agent = 'OpenAPI-Generator/0.0.1a1/python'
+ self.client_side_validation = configuration.client_side_validation
+ async def __aenter__(self):
+ return self
+ async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ await self.close()
+ async def close(self):
+ await self.rest_client.close()
+ @property
+ def user_agent(self):
+ """User agent for this API client"""
+ return self.default_headers['User-Agent']
+ @user_agent.setter
+ def user_agent(self, value):
+ self.default_headers['User-Agent'] = value
+ def set_default_header(self, header_name, header_value):
+ self.default_headers[header_name] = header_value
+ _default = None
+ @classmethod
+ def get_default(cls):
+ """Return new instance of ApiClient.
+ This method returns newly created, based on default constructor,
+ object of ApiClient class or returns a copy of default
+ ApiClient.
+ :return: The ApiClient object.
+ """
+ if cls._default is None:
+ cls._default = ApiClient()
+ return cls._default
+ @classmethod
+ def set_default(cls, default):
+ """Set default instance of ApiClient.
+ It stores default ApiClient.
+ :param default: object of ApiClient.
+ """
+ cls._default = default
+ def param_serialize(
+ self,
+ method,
+ resource_path,
+ path_params=None,
+ query_params=None,
+ header_params=None,
+ body=None,
+ post_params=None,
+ files=None, auth_settings=None,
+ collection_formats=None,
+ _host=None,
+ _request_auth=None
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ """Builds the HTTP request params needed by the request.
+ :param method: Method to call.
+ :param resource_path: Path to method endpoint.
+ :param path_params: Path parameters in the url.
+ :param query_params: Query parameters in the url.
+ :param header_params: Header parameters to be
+ placed in the request header.
+ :param body: Request body.
+ :param post_params dict: Request post form parameters,
+ for `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data`.
+ :param auth_settings list: Auth Settings names for the request.
+ :param files dict: key -> filename, value -> filepath,
+ for `multipart/form-data`.
+ :param collection_formats: dict of collection formats for path, query,
+ header, and post parameters.
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the authentication
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :return: tuple of form (path, http_method, query_params, header_params,
+ body, post_params, files)
+ """
+ config = self.configuration
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = header_params or {}
+ header_params.update(self.default_headers)
+ if self.cookie:
+ header_params['Cookie'] = self.cookie
+ if header_params:
+ header_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(header_params)
+ header_params = dict(
+ self.parameters_to_tuples(header_params,collection_formats)
+ )
+ # path parameters
+ if path_params:
+ path_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(path_params)
+ path_params = self.parameters_to_tuples(
+ path_params,
+ collection_formats
+ )
+ for k, v in path_params:
+ # specified safe chars, encode everything
+ resource_path = resource_path.replace(
+ '{%s}' % k,
+ quote(str(v), safe=config.safe_chars_for_path_param)
+ )
+ # post parameters
+ if post_params or files:
+ post_params = post_params if post_params else []
+ post_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(post_params)
+ post_params = self.parameters_to_tuples(
+ post_params,
+ collection_formats
+ )
+ if files:
+ post_params.extend(self.files_parameters(files))
+ # auth setting
+ self.update_params_for_auth(
+ header_params,
+ query_params,
+ auth_settings,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ # body
+ if body:
+ body = self.sanitize_for_serialization(body)
+ # request url
+ if _host is None or self.configuration.ignore_operation_servers:
+ url = self.configuration.host + resource_path
+ else:
+ # use server/host defined in path or operation instead
+ url = _host + resource_path
+ # query parameters
+ if query_params:
+ query_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(query_params)
+ url_query = self.parameters_to_url_query(
+ query_params,
+ collection_formats
+ )
+ url += "?" + url_query
+ return method, url, header_params, body, post_params
+ async def call_api(
+ self,
+ method,
+ url,
+ header_params=None,
+ body=None,
+ post_params=None,
+ _request_timeout=None
+ ) -> rest.RESTResponse:
+ """Makes the HTTP request (synchronous)
+ :param method: Method to call.
+ :param url: Path to method endpoint.
+ :param header_params: Header parameters to be
+ placed in the request header.
+ :param body: Request body.
+ :param post_params dict: Request post form parameters,
+ for `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data`.
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request.
+ :return: RESTResponse
+ """
+ try:
+ # perform request and return response
+ response_data = await self.rest_client.request(
+ method, url,
+ headers=header_params,
+ body=body, post_params=post_params,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ except ApiException as e:
+ raise e
+ return response_data
+ def response_deserialize(
+ self,
+ response_data: rest.RESTResponse,
+ response_types_map: Optional[Dict[str, ApiResponseT]]=None
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ApiResponseT]:
+ """Deserializes response into an object.
+ :param response_data: RESTResponse object to be deserialized.
+ :param response_types_map: dict of response types.
+ :return: ApiResponse
+ """
+ msg = "RESTResponse.read() must be called before passing it to response_deserialize()"
+ assert response_data.data is not None, msg
+ response_type = response_types_map.get(str(response_data.status), None)
+ if not response_type and isinstance(response_data.status, int) and 100 <= response_data.status <= 599:
+ # if not found, look for '1XX', '2XX', etc.
+ response_type = response_types_map.get(str(response_data.status)[0] + "XX", None)
+ # deserialize response data
+ response_text = None
+ return_data = None
+ try:
+ if response_type == "bytearray":
+ return_data = response_data.data
+ elif response_type == "file":
+ return_data = self.__deserialize_file(response_data)
+ elif response_type is not None:
+ match = None
+ content_type = response_data.getheader('content-type')
+ if content_type is not None:
+ match = re.search(r"charset=([a-zA-Z\-\d]+)[\s;]?", content_type)
+ encoding = match.group(1) if match else "utf-8"
+ response_text = response_data.data.decode(encoding)
+ return_data = self.deserialize(response_text, response_type, content_type)
+ finally:
+ if not 200 <= response_data.status <= 299:
+ raise ApiException.from_response(
+ http_resp=response_data,
+ body=response_text,
+ data=return_data,
+ )
+ return ApiResponse(
+ status_code = response_data.status,
+ data = return_data,
+ headers = response_data.getheaders(),
+ raw_data = response_data.data
+ )
+ def sanitize_for_serialization(self, obj):
+ """Builds a JSON POST object.
+ If obj is None, return None.
+ If obj is SecretStr, return obj.get_secret_value()
+ If obj is str, int, long, float, bool, return directly.
+ If obj is datetime.datetime, datetime.date
+ convert to string in iso8601 format.
+ If obj is decimal.Decimal return string representation.
+ If obj is list, sanitize each element in the list.
+ If obj is dict, return the dict.
+ If obj is OpenAPI model, return the properties dict.
+ :param obj: The data to serialize.
+ :return: The serialized form of data.
+ """
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ elif isinstance(obj, Enum):
+ return obj.value
+ elif isinstance(obj, SecretStr):
+ return obj.get_secret_value()
+ elif isinstance(obj, self.PRIMITIVE_TYPES):
+ return obj
+ elif isinstance(obj, list):
+ return [
+ self.sanitize_for_serialization(sub_obj) for sub_obj in obj
+ ]
+ elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
+ return tuple(
+ self.sanitize_for_serialization(sub_obj) for sub_obj in obj
+ )
+ elif isinstance(obj, (datetime.datetime, datetime.date)):
+ return obj.isoformat()
+ elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
+ return str(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ obj_dict = obj
+ else:
+ # Convert model obj to dict except
+ # attributes `openapi_types`, `attribute_map`
+ # and attributes which value is not None.
+ # Convert attribute name to json key in
+ # model definition for request.
+ if hasattr(obj, 'to_dict') and callable(getattr(obj, 'to_dict')):
+ obj_dict = obj.to_dict()
+ else:
+ obj_dict = obj.__dict__
+ return {
+ key: self.sanitize_for_serialization(val)
+ for key, val in obj_dict.items()
+ }
+ def deserialize(self, response_text: str, response_type: str, content_type: Optional[str]):
+ """Deserializes response into an object.
+ :param response: RESTResponse object to be deserialized.
+ :param response_type: class literal for
+ deserialized object, or string of class name.
+ :param content_type: content type of response.
+ :return: deserialized object.
+ """
+ # fetch data from response object
+ if content_type is None:
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(response_text)
+ except ValueError:
+ data = response_text
+ elif content_type.startswith("application/json"):
+ if response_text == "":
+ data = ""
+ else:
+ data = json.loads(response_text)
+ elif content_type.startswith("text/plain"):
+ data = response_text
+ else:
+ raise ApiException(
+ status=0,
+ reason="Unsupported content type: {0}".format(content_type)
+ )
+ return self.__deserialize(data, response_type)
+ def __deserialize(self, data, klass):
+ """Deserializes dict, list, str into an object.
+ :param data: dict, list or str.
+ :param klass: class literal, or string of class name.
+ :return: object.
+ """
+ if data is None:
+ return None
+ if isinstance(klass, str):
+ if klass.startswith('List['):
+ m = re.match(r'List\[(.*)]', klass)
+ assert m is not None, "Malformed List type definition"
+ sub_kls = m.group(1)
+ return [self.__deserialize(sub_data, sub_kls)
+ for sub_data in data]
+ if klass.startswith('Dict['):
+ m = re.match(r'Dict\[([^,]*), (.*)]', klass)
+ assert m is not None, "Malformed Dict type definition"
+ sub_kls = m.group(2)
+ return {k: self.__deserialize(v, sub_kls)
+ for k, v in data.items()}
+ # convert str to class
+ if klass in self.NATIVE_TYPES_MAPPING:
+ klass = self.NATIVE_TYPES_MAPPING[klass]
+ else:
+ klass = getattr(aiochris_oag.models, klass)
+ if klass in self.PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
+ return self.__deserialize_primitive(data, klass)
+ elif klass == object:
+ return self.__deserialize_object(data)
+ elif klass == datetime.date:
+ return self.__deserialize_date(data)
+ elif klass == datetime.datetime:
+ return self.__deserialize_datetime(data)
+ elif klass == decimal.Decimal:
+ return decimal.Decimal(data)
+ elif issubclass(klass, Enum):
+ return self.__deserialize_enum(data, klass)
+ else:
+ return self.__deserialize_model(data, klass)
+ def parameters_to_tuples(self, params, collection_formats):
+ """Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting collections.
+ :param params: Parameters as dict or list of two-tuples
+ :param dict collection_formats: Parameter collection formats
+ :return: Parameters as list of tuples, collections formatted
+ """
+ new_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ if collection_formats is None:
+ collection_formats = {}
+ for k, v in params.items() if isinstance(params, dict) else params:
+ if k in collection_formats:
+ collection_format = collection_formats[k]
+ if collection_format == 'multi':
+ new_params.extend((k, value) for value in v)
+ else:
+ if collection_format == 'ssv':
+ delimiter = ' '
+ elif collection_format == 'tsv':
+ delimiter = '\t'
+ elif collection_format == 'pipes':
+ delimiter = '|'
+ else: # csv is the default
+ delimiter = ','
+ new_params.append(
+ (k, delimiter.join(str(value) for value in v)))
+ else:
+ new_params.append((k, v))
+ return new_params
+ def parameters_to_url_query(self, params, collection_formats):
+ """Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting collections.
+ :param params: Parameters as dict or list of two-tuples
+ :param dict collection_formats: Parameter collection formats
+ :return: URL query string (e.g. a=Hello%20World&b=123)
+ """
+ new_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ if collection_formats is None:
+ collection_formats = {}
+ for k, v in params.items() if isinstance(params, dict) else params:
+ if isinstance(v, bool):
+ v = str(v).lower()
+ if isinstance(v, (int, float)):
+ v = str(v)
+ if isinstance(v, dict):
+ v = json.dumps(v)
+ if k in collection_formats:
+ collection_format = collection_formats[k]
+ if collection_format == 'multi':
+ new_params.extend((k, str(value)) for value in v)
+ else:
+ if collection_format == 'ssv':
+ delimiter = ' '
+ elif collection_format == 'tsv':
+ delimiter = '\t'
+ elif collection_format == 'pipes':
+ delimiter = '|'
+ else: # csv is the default
+ delimiter = ','
+ new_params.append(
+ (k, delimiter.join(quote(str(value)) for value in v))
+ )
+ else:
+ new_params.append((k, quote(str(v))))
+ return "&".join(["=".join(map(str, item)) for item in new_params])
+ def files_parameters(self, files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]]):
+ """Builds form parameters.
+ :param files: File parameters.
+ :return: Form parameters with files.
+ """
+ params = []
+ for k, v in files.items():
+ if isinstance(v, str):
+ with open(v, 'rb') as f:
+ filename = os.path.basename(f.name)
+ filedata = f.read()
+ elif isinstance(v, bytes):
+ filename = k
+ filedata = v
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported file value")
+ mimetype = (
+ mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
+ or 'application/octet-stream'
+ )
+ params.append(
+ tuple([k, tuple([filename, filedata, mimetype])])
+ )
+ return params
+ def select_header_accept(self, accepts: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Returns `Accept` based on an array of accepts provided.
+ :param accepts: List of headers.
+ :return: Accept (e.g. application/json).
+ """
+ if not accepts:
+ return None
+ for accept in accepts:
+ if re.search('json', accept, re.IGNORECASE):
+ return accept
+ return accepts[0]
+ def select_header_content_type(self, content_types):
+ """Returns `Content-Type` based on an array of content_types provided.
+ :param content_types: List of content-types.
+ :return: Content-Type (e.g. application/json).
+ """
+ if not content_types:
+ return None
+ for content_type in content_types:
+ if re.search('json', content_type, re.IGNORECASE):
+ return content_type
+ return content_types[0]
+ def update_params_for_auth(
+ self,
+ headers,
+ queries,
+ auth_settings,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ request_auth=None
+ ) -> None:
+ """Updates header and query params based on authentication setting.
+ :param headers: Header parameters dict to be updated.
+ :param queries: Query parameters tuple list to be updated.
+ :param auth_settings: Authentication setting identifiers list.
+ :resource_path: A string representation of the HTTP request resource path.
+ :method: A string representation of the HTTP request method.
+ :body: A object representing the body of the HTTP request.
+ The object type is the return value of sanitize_for_serialization().
+ :param request_auth: if set, the provided settings will
+ override the token in the configuration.
+ """
+ if not auth_settings:
+ return
+ if request_auth:
+ self._apply_auth_params(
+ headers,
+ queries,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ request_auth
+ )
+ else:
+ for auth in auth_settings:
+ auth_setting = self.configuration.auth_settings().get(auth)
+ if auth_setting:
+ self._apply_auth_params(
+ headers,
+ queries,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ auth_setting
+ )
+ def _apply_auth_params(
+ self,
+ headers,
+ queries,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ auth_setting
+ ) -> None:
+ """Updates the request parameters based on a single auth_setting
+ :param headers: Header parameters dict to be updated.
+ :param queries: Query parameters tuple list to be updated.
+ :resource_path: A string representation of the HTTP request resource path.
+ :method: A string representation of the HTTP request method.
+ :body: A object representing the body of the HTTP request.
+ The object type is the return value of sanitize_for_serialization().
+ :param auth_setting: auth settings for the endpoint
+ """
+ if auth_setting['in'] == 'cookie':
+ headers['Cookie'] = auth_setting['value']
+ elif auth_setting['in'] == 'header':
+ if auth_setting['type'] != 'http-signature':
+ headers[auth_setting['key']] = auth_setting['value']
+ elif auth_setting['in'] == 'query':
+ queries.append((auth_setting['key'], auth_setting['value']))
+ else:
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ 'Authentication token must be in `query` or `header`'
+ )
+ def __deserialize_file(self, response):
+ """Deserializes body to file
+ Saves response body into a file in a temporary folder,
+ using the filename from the `Content-Disposition` header if provided.
+ handle file downloading
+ save response body into a tmp file and return the instance
+ :param response: RESTResponse.
+ :return: file path.
+ """
+ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.configuration.temp_folder_path)
+ os.close(fd)
+ os.remove(path)
+ content_disposition = response.getheader("Content-Disposition")
+ if content_disposition:
+ m = re.search(
+ r'filename=[\'"]?([^\'"\s]+)[\'"]?',
+ content_disposition
+ )
+ assert m is not None, "Unexpected 'content-disposition' header value"
+ filename = m.group(1)
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), filename)
+ with open(path, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(response.data)
+ return path
+ def __deserialize_primitive(self, data, klass):
+ """Deserializes string to primitive type.
+ :param data: str.
+ :param klass: class literal.
+ :return: int, long, float, str, bool.
+ """
+ try:
+ return klass(data)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ return str(data)
+ except TypeError:
+ return data
+ def __deserialize_object(self, value):
+ """Return an original value.
+ :return: object.
+ """
+ return value
+ def __deserialize_date(self, string):
+ """Deserializes string to date.
+ :param string: str.
+ :return: date.
+ """
+ try:
+ return parse(string).date()
+ except ImportError:
+ return string
+ except ValueError:
+ raise rest.ApiException(
+ status=0,
+ reason="Failed to parse `{0}` as date object".format(string)
+ )
+ def __deserialize_datetime(self, string):
+ """Deserializes string to datetime.
+ The string should be in iso8601 datetime format.
+ :param string: str.
+ :return: datetime.
+ """
+ try:
+ return parse(string)
+ except ImportError:
+ return string
+ except ValueError:
+ raise rest.ApiException(
+ status=0,
+ reason=(
+ "Failed to parse `{0}` as datetime object"
+ .format(string)
+ )
+ )
+ def __deserialize_enum(self, data, klass):
+ """Deserializes primitive type to enum.
+ :param data: primitive type.
+ :param klass: class literal.
+ :return: enum value.
+ """
+ try:
+ return klass(data)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise rest.ApiException(
+ status=0,
+ reason=(
+ "Failed to parse `{0}` as `{1}`"
+ .format(data, klass)
+ )
+ )
+ def __deserialize_model(self, data, klass):
+ """Deserializes list or dict to model.
+ :param data: dict, list.
+ :param klass: class literal.
+ :return: model object.
+ """
+ return klass.from_dict(data)
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/api_response.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api_response.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc7c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/api_response.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+"""API response object."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Optional, Generic, Mapping, TypeVar
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictBytes, BaseModel
+T = TypeVar("T")
+class ApiResponse(BaseModel, Generic[T]):
+ """
+ API response object
+ """
+ status_code: StrictInt = Field(description="HTTP status code")
+ headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = Field(None, description="HTTP headers")
+ data: T = Field(description="Deserialized data given the data type")
+ raw_data: StrictBytes = Field(description="Raw data (HTTP response body)")
+ model_config = {
+ "arbitrary_types_allowed": True
+ }
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/configuration.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/configuration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d64d0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/configuration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import copy
+import logging
+from logging import FileHandler
+import sys
+from typing import Optional
+import urllib3
+import http.client as httplib
+ 'multipleOf', 'maximum', 'exclusiveMaximum',
+ 'minimum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'maxLength',
+ 'minLength', 'pattern', 'maxItems', 'minItems'
+class Configuration:
+ """This class contains various settings of the API client.
+ :param host: Base url.
+ :param ignore_operation_servers
+ Boolean to ignore operation servers for the API client.
+ Config will use `host` as the base url regardless of the operation servers.
+ :param api_key: Dict to store API key(s).
+ Each entry in the dict specifies an API key.
+ The dict key is the name of the security scheme in the OAS specification.
+ The dict value is the API key secret.
+ :param api_key_prefix: Dict to store API prefix (e.g. Bearer).
+ The dict key is the name of the security scheme in the OAS specification.
+ The dict value is an API key prefix when generating the auth data.
+ :param username: Username for HTTP basic authentication.
+ :param password: Password for HTTP basic authentication.
+ :param access_token: Access token.
+ :param server_index: Index to servers configuration.
+ :param server_variables: Mapping with string values to replace variables in
+ templated server configuration. The validation of enums is performed for
+ variables with defined enum values before.
+ :param server_operation_index: Mapping from operation ID to an index to server
+ configuration.
+ :param server_operation_variables: Mapping from operation ID to a mapping with
+ string values to replace variables in templated server configuration.
+ The validation of enums is performed for variables with defined enum
+ values before.
+ :param ssl_ca_cert: str - the path to a file of concatenated CA certificates
+ in PEM format.
+ :param retries: Number of retries for API requests.
+ :Example:
+ API Key Authentication Example.
+ Given the following security scheme in the OpenAPI specification:
+ components:
+ securitySchemes:
+ cookieAuth: # name for the security scheme
+ type: apiKey
+ in: cookie
+ name: JSESSIONID # cookie name
+ You can programmatically set the cookie:
+conf = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ api_key={'cookieAuth': 'abc123'}
+ api_key_prefix={'cookieAuth': 'JSESSIONID'}
+ The following cookie will be added to the HTTP request:
+ Cookie: JSESSIONID abc123
+ HTTP Basic Authentication Example.
+ Given the following security scheme in the OpenAPI specification:
+ components:
+ securitySchemes:
+ http_basic_auth:
+ type: http
+ scheme: basic
+ Configure API client with HTTP basic authentication:
+conf = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username='the-user',
+ password='the-password',
+ """
+ _default = None
+ def __init__(self, host=None,
+ api_key=None, api_key_prefix=None,
+ username=None, password=None,
+ access_token=None,
+ server_index=None, server_variables=None,
+ server_operation_index=None, server_operation_variables=None,
+ ignore_operation_servers=False,
+ ssl_ca_cert=None,
+ retries=None,
+ *,
+ debug: Optional[bool] = None
+ ) -> None:
+ """Constructor
+ """
+ self._base_path = "http://localhost" if host is None else host
+ """Default Base url
+ """
+ self.server_index = 0 if server_index is None and host is None else server_index
+ self.server_operation_index = server_operation_index or {}
+ """Default server index
+ """
+ self.server_variables = server_variables or {}
+ self.server_operation_variables = server_operation_variables or {}
+ """Default server variables
+ """
+ self.ignore_operation_servers = ignore_operation_servers
+ """Ignore operation servers
+ """
+ self.temp_folder_path = None
+ """Temp file folder for downloading files
+ """
+ # Authentication Settings
+ self.api_key = {}
+ if api_key:
+ self.api_key = api_key
+ """dict to store API key(s)
+ """
+ self.api_key_prefix = {}
+ if api_key_prefix:
+ self.api_key_prefix = api_key_prefix
+ """dict to store API prefix (e.g. Bearer)
+ """
+ self.refresh_api_key_hook = None
+ """function hook to refresh API key if expired
+ """
+ self.username = username
+ """Username for HTTP basic authentication
+ """
+ self.password = password
+ """Password for HTTP basic authentication
+ """
+ self.access_token = access_token
+ """Access token
+ """
+ self.logger = {}
+ """Logging Settings
+ """
+ self.logger["package_logger"] = logging.getLogger("aiochris_oag")
+ self.logger["urllib3_logger"] = logging.getLogger("urllib3")
+ self.logger_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
+ """Log format
+ """
+ self.logger_stream_handler = None
+ """Log stream handler
+ """
+ self.logger_file_handler: Optional[FileHandler] = None
+ """Log file handler
+ """
+ self.logger_file = None
+ """Debug file location
+ """
+ if debug is not None:
+ self.debug = debug
+ else:
+ self.__debug = False
+ """Debug switch
+ """
+ self.verify_ssl = True
+ """SSL/TLS verification
+ Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate when calling API
+ from https server.
+ """
+ self.ssl_ca_cert = ssl_ca_cert
+ """Set this to customize the certificate file to verify the peer.
+ """
+ self.cert_file = None
+ """client certificate file
+ """
+ self.key_file = None
+ """client key file
+ """
+ self.assert_hostname = None
+ """Set this to True/False to enable/disable SSL hostname verification.
+ """
+ self.tls_server_name = None
+ """SSL/TLS Server Name Indication (SNI)
+ Set this to the SNI value expected by the server.
+ """
+ self.connection_pool_maxsize = 100
+ """This value is passed to the aiohttp to limit simultaneous connections.
+ Default values is 100, None means no-limit.
+ """
+ self.proxy: Optional[str] = None
+ """Proxy URL
+ """
+ self.proxy_headers = None
+ """Proxy headers
+ """
+ self.safe_chars_for_path_param = ''
+ """Safe chars for path_param
+ """
+ self.retries = retries
+ """Adding retries to override urllib3 default value 3
+ """
+ # Enable client side validation
+ self.client_side_validation = True
+ self.socket_options = None
+ """Options to pass down to the underlying urllib3 socket
+ """
+ self.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z"
+ """datetime format
+ """
+ self.date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
+ """date format
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+ cls = self.__class__
+ result = cls.__new__(cls)
+ memo[id(self)] = result
+ for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
+ if k not in ('logger', 'logger_file_handler'):
+ setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
+ # shallow copy of loggers
+ result.logger = copy.copy(self.logger)
+ # use setters to configure loggers
+ result.logger_file = self.logger_file
+ result.debug = self.debug
+ return result
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+ @classmethod
+ def set_default(cls, default):
+ """Set default instance of configuration.
+ It stores default configuration, which can be
+ returned by get_default_copy method.
+ :param default: object of Configuration
+ """
+ cls._default = default
+ @classmethod
+ def get_default_copy(cls):
+ """Deprecated. Please use `get_default` instead.
+ Deprecated. Please use `get_default` instead.
+ :return: The configuration object.
+ """
+ return cls.get_default()
+ @classmethod
+ def get_default(cls):
+ """Return the default configuration.
+ This method returns newly created, based on default constructor,
+ object of Configuration class or returns a copy of default
+ configuration.
+ :return: The configuration object.
+ """
+ if cls._default is None:
+ cls._default = Configuration()
+ return cls._default
+ @property
+ def logger_file(self):
+ """The logger file.
+ If the logger_file is None, then add stream handler and remove file
+ handler. Otherwise, add file handler and remove stream handler.
+ :param value: The logger_file path.
+ :type: str
+ """
+ return self.__logger_file
+ @logger_file.setter
+ def logger_file(self, value):
+ """The logger file.
+ If the logger_file is None, then add stream handler and remove file
+ handler. Otherwise, add file handler and remove stream handler.
+ :param value: The logger_file path.
+ :type: str
+ """
+ self.__logger_file = value
+ if self.__logger_file:
+ # If set logging file,
+ # then add file handler and remove stream handler.
+ self.logger_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.__logger_file)
+ self.logger_file_handler.setFormatter(self.logger_formatter)
+ for _, logger in self.logger.items():
+ logger.addHandler(self.logger_file_handler)
+ @property
+ def debug(self):
+ """Debug status
+ :param value: The debug status, True or False.
+ :type: bool
+ """
+ return self.__debug
+ @debug.setter
+ def debug(self, value):
+ """Debug status
+ :param value: The debug status, True or False.
+ :type: bool
+ """
+ self.__debug = value
+ if self.__debug:
+ # if debug status is True, turn on debug logging
+ for _, logger in self.logger.items():
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ # turn on httplib debug
+ httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
+ else:
+ # if debug status is False, turn off debug logging,
+ # setting log level to default `logging.WARNING`
+ for _, logger in self.logger.items():
+ logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ # turn off httplib debug
+ httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 0
+ @property
+ def logger_format(self):
+ """The logger format.
+ The logger_formatter will be updated when sets logger_format.
+ :param value: The format string.
+ :type: str
+ """
+ return self.__logger_format
+ @logger_format.setter
+ def logger_format(self, value):
+ """The logger format.
+ The logger_formatter will be updated when sets logger_format.
+ :param value: The format string.
+ :type: str
+ """
+ self.__logger_format = value
+ self.logger_formatter = logging.Formatter(self.__logger_format)
+ def get_api_key_with_prefix(self, identifier, alias=None):
+ """Gets API key (with prefix if set).
+ :param identifier: The identifier of apiKey.
+ :param alias: The alternative identifier of apiKey.
+ :return: The token for api key authentication.
+ """
+ if self.refresh_api_key_hook is not None:
+ self.refresh_api_key_hook(self)
+ key = self.api_key.get(identifier, self.api_key.get(alias) if alias is not None else None)
+ if key:
+ prefix = self.api_key_prefix.get(identifier)
+ if prefix:
+ return "%s %s" % (prefix, key)
+ else:
+ return key
+ def get_basic_auth_token(self):
+ """Gets HTTP basic authentication header (string).
+ :return: The token for basic HTTP authentication.
+ """
+ username = ""
+ if self.username is not None:
+ username = self.username
+ password = ""
+ if self.password is not None:
+ password = self.password
+ return urllib3.util.make_headers(
+ basic_auth=username + ':' + password
+ ).get('authorization')
+ def auth_settings(self):
+ """Gets Auth Settings dict for api client.
+ :return: The Auth Settings information dict.
+ """
+ auth = {}
+ if 'DownloadTokenInQueryString' in self.api_key:
+ auth['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = {
+ 'type': 'api_key',
+ 'in': 'header',
+ 'key': 'download_token',
+ 'value': self.get_api_key_with_prefix(
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString',
+ ),
+ }
+ if self.username is not None and self.password is not None:
+ auth['basicAuth'] = {
+ 'type': 'basic',
+ 'in': 'header',
+ 'key': 'Authorization',
+ 'value': self.get_basic_auth_token()
+ }
+ if 'cookieAuth' in self.api_key:
+ auth['cookieAuth'] = {
+ 'type': 'api_key',
+ 'in': 'cookie',
+ 'key': 'sessionid',
+ 'value': self.get_api_key_with_prefix(
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ ),
+ }
+ if 'tokenAuth' in self.api_key:
+ auth['tokenAuth'] = {
+ 'type': 'api_key',
+ 'in': 'header',
+ 'key': 'Authorization',
+ 'value': self.get_api_key_with_prefix(
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ ),
+ }
+ return auth
+ def to_debug_report(self):
+ """Gets the essential information for debugging.
+ :return: The report for debugging.
+ """
+ return "Python SDK Debug Report:\n"\
+ "OS: {env}\n"\
+ "Python Version: {pyversion}\n"\
+ "Version of the API: 0.0.0+unknown\n"\
+ "SDK Package Version: 0.0.1a1".\
+ format(env=sys.platform, pyversion=sys.version)
+ def get_host_settings(self):
+ """Gets an array of host settings
+ :return: An array of host settings
+ """
+ return [
+ {
+ 'url': "",
+ 'description': "No description provided",
+ }
+ ]
+ def get_host_from_settings(self, index, variables=None, servers=None):
+ """Gets host URL based on the index and variables
+ :param index: array index of the host settings
+ :param variables: hash of variable and the corresponding value
+ :param servers: an array of host settings or None
+ :return: URL based on host settings
+ """
+ if index is None:
+ return self._base_path
+ variables = {} if variables is None else variables
+ servers = self.get_host_settings() if servers is None else servers
+ try:
+ server = servers[index]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid index {0} when selecting the host settings. "
+ "Must be less than {1}".format(index, len(servers)))
+ url = server['url']
+ # go through variables and replace placeholders
+ for variable_name, variable in server.get('variables', {}).items():
+ used_value = variables.get(
+ variable_name, variable['default_value'])
+ if 'enum_values' in variable \
+ and used_value not in variable['enum_values']:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The variable `{0}` in the host URL has invalid value "
+ "{1}. Must be {2}.".format(
+ variable_name, variables[variable_name],
+ variable['enum_values']))
+ url = url.replace("{" + variable_name + "}", used_value)
+ return url
+ @property
+ def host(self):
+ """Return generated host."""
+ return self.get_host_from_settings(self.server_index, variables=self.server_variables)
+ @host.setter
+ def host(self, value):
+ """Fix base path."""
+ self._base_path = value
+ self.server_index = None
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/exceptions.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..877c37b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from typing import Any, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class OpenApiException(Exception):
+ """The base exception class for all OpenAPIExceptions"""
+class ApiTypeError(OpenApiException, TypeError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, path_to_item=None, valid_classes=None,
+ key_type=None) -> None:
+ """ Raises an exception for TypeErrors
+ Args:
+ msg (str): the exception message
+ Keyword Args:
+ path_to_item (list): a list of keys an indices to get to the
+ current_item
+ None if unset
+ valid_classes (tuple): the primitive classes that current item
+ should be an instance of
+ None if unset
+ key_type (bool): False if our value is a value in a dict
+ True if it is a key in a dict
+ False if our item is an item in a list
+ None if unset
+ """
+ self.path_to_item = path_to_item
+ self.valid_classes = valid_classes
+ self.key_type = key_type
+ full_msg = msg
+ if path_to_item:
+ full_msg = "{0} at {1}".format(msg, render_path(path_to_item))
+ super(ApiTypeError, self).__init__(full_msg)
+class ApiValueError(OpenApiException, ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, path_to_item=None) -> None:
+ """
+ Args:
+ msg (str): the exception message
+ Keyword Args:
+ path_to_item (list) the path to the exception in the
+ received_data dict. None if unset
+ """
+ self.path_to_item = path_to_item
+ full_msg = msg
+ if path_to_item:
+ full_msg = "{0} at {1}".format(msg, render_path(path_to_item))
+ super(ApiValueError, self).__init__(full_msg)
+class ApiAttributeError(OpenApiException, AttributeError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, path_to_item=None) -> None:
+ """
+ Raised when an attribute reference or assignment fails.
+ Args:
+ msg (str): the exception message
+ Keyword Args:
+ path_to_item (None/list) the path to the exception in the
+ received_data dict
+ """
+ self.path_to_item = path_to_item
+ full_msg = msg
+ if path_to_item:
+ full_msg = "{0} at {1}".format(msg, render_path(path_to_item))
+ super(ApiAttributeError, self).__init__(full_msg)
+class ApiKeyError(OpenApiException, KeyError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, path_to_item=None) -> None:
+ """
+ Args:
+ msg (str): the exception message
+ Keyword Args:
+ path_to_item (None/list) the path to the exception in the
+ received_data dict
+ """
+ self.path_to_item = path_to_item
+ full_msg = msg
+ if path_to_item:
+ full_msg = "{0} at {1}".format(msg, render_path(path_to_item))
+ super(ApiKeyError, self).__init__(full_msg)
+class ApiException(OpenApiException):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ status=None,
+ reason=None,
+ http_resp=None,
+ *,
+ body: Optional[str] = None,
+ data: Optional[Any] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self.status = status
+ self.reason = reason
+ self.body = body
+ self.data = data
+ self.headers = None
+ if http_resp:
+ if self.status is None:
+ self.status = http_resp.status
+ if self.reason is None:
+ self.reason = http_resp.reason
+ if self.body is None:
+ try:
+ self.body = http_resp.data.decode('utf-8')
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.headers = http_resp.getheaders()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_response(
+ cls,
+ *,
+ http_resp,
+ body: Optional[str],
+ data: Optional[Any],
+ ) -> Self:
+ if http_resp.status == 400:
+ raise BadRequestException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ if http_resp.status == 401:
+ raise UnauthorizedException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ if http_resp.status == 403:
+ raise ForbiddenException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ if http_resp.status == 404:
+ raise NotFoundException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ if 500 <= http_resp.status <= 599:
+ raise ServiceException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ raise ApiException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Custom error messages for exception"""
+ error_message = "({0})\n"\
+ "Reason: {1}\n".format(self.status, self.reason)
+ if self.headers:
+ error_message += "HTTP response headers: {0}\n".format(
+ self.headers)
+ if self.data or self.body:
+ error_message += "HTTP response body: {0}\n".format(self.data or self.body)
+ return error_message
+class BadRequestException(ApiException):
+ pass
+class NotFoundException(ApiException):
+ pass
+class UnauthorizedException(ApiException):
+ pass
+class ForbiddenException(ApiException):
+ pass
+class ServiceException(ApiException):
+ pass
+def render_path(path_to_item):
+ """Returns a string representation of a path"""
+ result = ""
+ for pth in path_to_item:
+ if isinstance(pth, int):
+ result += "[{0}]".format(pth)
+ else:
+ result += "['{0}']".format(pth)
+ return result
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/__init__.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01a3581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# flake8: noqa
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+# import models into model package
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token_request import AuthTokenRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.ftype_enum import FtypeEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.group import Group
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.note import Note
+from aiochris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from aiochris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.patient_sex_enum import PatientSexEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from aiochris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from aiochris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.user import User
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/auth_token.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/auth_token.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4d964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/auth_token.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class AuthToken(BaseModel):
+ """
+ AuthToken
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ token: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["token"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of AuthToken from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "token",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of AuthToken from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "token": obj.get("token")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/auth_token_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/auth_token_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0601365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/auth_token_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class AuthTokenRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ AuthTokenRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["username", "password"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of AuthTokenRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of AuthTokenRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "username": obj.get("username"),
+ "password": obj.get("password")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/blank_enum.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/blank_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68c25e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/blank_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class BlankEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ BlankEnum
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ EMPTY = ''
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of BlankEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/bool_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/bool_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b46c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/bool_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class BoolParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ BoolParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: StrictBool
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of BoolParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of BoolParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/chris_instance.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/chris_instance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47c0d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/chris_instance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class ChrisInstance(BaseModel):
+ """
+ ChrisInstance
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ uuid: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ job_id_prefix: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "name", "uuid", "job_id_prefix", "description"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ChrisInstance from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ChrisInstance from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "uuid": obj.get("uuid"),
+ "job_id_prefix": obj.get("job_id_prefix"),
+ "description": obj.get("description")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/comment.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/comment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66cd78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/comment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Comment(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Comment
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ content: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ feed: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "title", "owner_username", "content", "feed"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Comment from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "owner_username",
+ "feed",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Comment from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "content": obj.get("content"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/comment_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/comment_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a099944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/comment_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class CommentRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ CommentRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ content: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["title", "content"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of CommentRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of CommentRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "content": obj.get("content")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/compute_resource.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/compute_resource.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dff590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/compute_resource.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class ComputeResource(BaseModel):
+ """
+ ComputeResource
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ modification_date: datetime
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ compute_url: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=300)]
+ compute_auth_url: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=350)]] = None
+ compute_innetwork: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ max_job_exec_seconds: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "modification_date", "name", "compute_url", "compute_auth_url", "compute_innetwork", "description", "max_job_exec_seconds"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ComputeResource from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "modification_date",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ComputeResource from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "modification_date": obj.get("modification_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "compute_url": obj.get("compute_url"),
+ "compute_auth_url": obj.get("compute_auth_url"),
+ "compute_innetwork": obj.get("compute_innetwork"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "max_job_exec_seconds": obj.get("max_job_exec_seconds")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/compute_resource_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/compute_resource_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dac13a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/compute_resource_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class ComputeResourceRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ ComputeResourceRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ compute_url: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=300)]
+ compute_auth_url: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=350)]] = None
+ compute_innetwork: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ compute_user: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ compute_password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=8, strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ compute_auth_token: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=500)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ max_job_exec_seconds: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "compute_url", "compute_auth_url", "compute_innetwork", "compute_user", "compute_password", "compute_auth_token", "description", "max_job_exec_seconds"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ComputeResourceRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ComputeResourceRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "compute_url": obj.get("compute_url"),
+ "compute_auth_url": obj.get("compute_auth_url"),
+ "compute_innetwork": obj.get("compute_innetwork"),
+ "compute_user": obj.get("compute_user"),
+ "compute_password": obj.get("compute_password"),
+ "compute_auth_token": obj.get("compute_auth_token"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "max_job_exec_seconds": obj.get("max_job_exec_seconds")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bdbb85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingBoolParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b459e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ value: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["value"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "value": obj.get("value")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b236834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingFloatParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd40f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictFloat, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ value: Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["value"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "value": obj.get("value")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51cdcc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingIntParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingIntParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b0c545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ value: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["value"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "value": obj.get("value")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e0ed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingStrParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingStrParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..798bdd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ value: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["value"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "value": obj.get("value")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61315be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Feed(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Feed
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ modification_date: datetime
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ folder_path: Optional[StrictStr]
+ created_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'created' status.")
+ waiting_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'waiting' status.")
+ scheduled_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'scheduled' status.")
+ started_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'started' status.")
+ registering_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'registeringFiles' status.")
+ finished_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedSuccessfully' status.")
+ errored_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedWithError' status.")
+ cancelled_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'cancelled' status.")
+ folder: StrictStr
+ note: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ tags: StrictStr
+ taggings: StrictStr
+ comments: StrictStr
+ plugin_instances: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "modification_date", "name", "public", "owner_username", "folder_path", "created_jobs", "waiting_jobs", "scheduled_jobs", "started_jobs", "registering_jobs", "finished_jobs", "errored_jobs", "cancelled_jobs", "folder", "note", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "tags", "taggings", "comments", "plugin_instances", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Feed from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "modification_date",
+ "owner_username",
+ "folder_path",
+ "created_jobs",
+ "waiting_jobs",
+ "scheduled_jobs",
+ "started_jobs",
+ "registering_jobs",
+ "finished_jobs",
+ "errored_jobs",
+ "cancelled_jobs",
+ "folder",
+ "note",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "tags",
+ "taggings",
+ "comments",
+ "plugin_instances",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if folder_path (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.folder_path is None and "folder_path" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['folder_path'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Feed from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "modification_date": obj.get("modification_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "folder_path": obj.get("folder_path"),
+ "created_jobs": obj.get("created_jobs"),
+ "waiting_jobs": obj.get("waiting_jobs"),
+ "scheduled_jobs": obj.get("scheduled_jobs"),
+ "started_jobs": obj.get("started_jobs"),
+ "registering_jobs": obj.get("registering_jobs"),
+ "finished_jobs": obj.get("finished_jobs"),
+ "errored_jobs": obj.get("errored_jobs"),
+ "cancelled_jobs": obj.get("cancelled_jobs"),
+ "folder": obj.get("folder"),
+ "note": obj.get("note"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "tags": obj.get("tags"),
+ "taggings": obj.get("taggings"),
+ "comments": obj.get("comments"),
+ "plugin_instances": obj.get("plugin_instances"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_group_permission.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a5617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedGroupPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedGroupPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ feed_id: StrictInt
+ feed_name: StrictStr
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ feed: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "feed_id", "feed_name", "group_id", "group_name", "feed", "group"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedGroupPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "feed_id",
+ "feed_name",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "feed",
+ "group",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedGroupPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "feed_id": obj.get("feed_id"),
+ "feed_name": obj.get("feed_name"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed"),
+ "group": obj.get("group")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_group_permission_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78e5433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedGroupPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ grp_name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["grp_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedGroupPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "grp_name": obj.get("grp_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42aebb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "public"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "public": obj.get("public")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_user_permission.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb7da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedUserPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedUserPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ feed_id: StrictInt
+ feed_name: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ feed: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "feed_id", "feed_name", "user_id", "user_username", "feed", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedUserPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "feed_id",
+ "feed_name",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "feed",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedUserPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "feed_id": obj.get("feed_id"),
+ "feed_name": obj.get("feed_name"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_user_permission_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86ff6ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/feed_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedUserPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedUserPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c99154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "fname", "fsize", "public", "owner_username", "file_resource", "parent_folder", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "owner_username",
+ "file_resource",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08d82f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileGroupPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ file_id: StrictInt
+ file_fname: StrictStr
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ file: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "file_id", "file_fname", "group_id", "group_name", "file", "group"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "file_id",
+ "file_fname",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "file",
+ "group",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "file_id": obj.get("file_id"),
+ "file_fname": obj.get("file_fname"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "file": obj.get("file"),
+ "group": obj.get("group")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0809ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ grp_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "grp_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "grp_name": obj.get("grp_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..849034c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictBytes, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ fname: Optional[Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ new_file_path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["fname", "public", "new_file_path"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "new_file_path": obj.get("new_file_path")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b27af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileUserPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ file_id: StrictInt
+ file_fname: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "file_id", "file_fname", "user_id", "user_username", "file", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "file_id",
+ "file_fname",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "file",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "file_id": obj.get("file_id"),
+ "file_fname": obj.get("file_fname"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "file": obj.get("file"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9687912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ username: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b822d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolder(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolder
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ parent: StrictStr
+ children: StrictStr
+ files: StrictStr
+ link_files: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "path", "public", "owner_username", "parent", "children", "files", "link_files", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolder from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "owner_username",
+ "parent",
+ "children",
+ "files",
+ "link_files",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolder from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "path": obj.get("path"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "parent": obj.get("parent"),
+ "children": obj.get("children"),
+ "files": obj.get("files"),
+ "link_files": obj.get("link_files"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11b6bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ folder_id: StrictInt
+ folder_path: StrictStr
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ folder: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "folder_id", "folder_path", "group_id", "group_name", "folder", "group"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "folder_id",
+ "folder_path",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "folder",
+ "group",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "folder_id": obj.get("folder_id"),
+ "folder_path": obj.get("folder_path"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "folder": obj.get("folder"),
+ "group": obj.get("group")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35a630a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ grp_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "grp_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "grp_name": obj.get("grp_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dcd732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["path", "public"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "path": obj.get("path"),
+ "public": obj.get("public")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13e6c14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderUserPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ folder_id: StrictInt
+ folder_path: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ folder: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "folder_id", "folder_path", "user_id", "user_username", "folder", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "folder_id",
+ "folder_path",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "folder",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "folder_id": obj.get("folder_id"),
+ "folder_path": obj.get("folder_path"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "folder": obj.get("folder"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c1f5a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ username: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14fa245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ linked_folder: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the linked folder if the ChRIS link points to a folder.")
+ linked_file: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the linked file if the ChRIS link points to a file.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "path", "fname", "fsize", "public", "owner_username", "file_resource", "linked_folder", "linked_file", "parent_folder", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "owner_username",
+ "file_resource",
+ "linked_folder",
+ "linked_file",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "path": obj.get("path"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "linked_folder": obj.get("linked_folder"),
+ "linked_file": obj.get("linked_file"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..734d158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ link_file_id: StrictInt
+ link_file_fname: StrictStr
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ link_file: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "link_file_id", "link_file_fname", "group_id", "group_name", "link_file", "group"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "link_file_id",
+ "link_file_fname",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "link_file",
+ "group",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "link_file_id": obj.get("link_file_id"),
+ "link_file_fname": obj.get("link_file_fname"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "link_file": obj.get("link_file"),
+ "group": obj.get("group")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4effc3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ grp_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "grp_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "grp_name": obj.get("grp_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd8c1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictBytes, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ fname: Optional[Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ new_link_file_path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["path", "fname", "public", "new_link_file_path"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "path": obj.get("path"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "new_link_file_path": obj.get("new_link_file_path")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ad1fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ link_file_id: StrictInt
+ link_file_fname: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ link_file: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "link_file_id", "link_file_fname", "user_id", "user_username", "link_file", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "link_file_id",
+ "link_file_fname",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "link_file",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "link_file_id": obj.get("link_file_id"),
+ "link_file_fname": obj.get("link_file_fname"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "link_file": obj.get("link_file"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f077ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ username: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_download_token.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_download_token.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930613b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_download_token.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileDownloadToken(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileDownloadToken
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ token: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "token", "owner_username", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileDownloadToken from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "owner_username",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileDownloadToken from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "token": obj.get("token"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_download_token_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_download_token_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f44f675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/file_download_token_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileDownloadTokenRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ token: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["token"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileDownloadTokenRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileDownloadTokenRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "token": obj.get("token")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/float_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/float_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4607029
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/float_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Union
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FloatParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FloatParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FloatParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FloatParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/ftype_enum.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/ftype_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f82f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/ftype_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FtypeEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `yaml` - YAML file * `json` - JSON file
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ YAML = 'yaml'
+ JSON = 'json'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of FtypeEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3ea4da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GenericDefaultPipingParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the correct url for the serialized object regardless of its type.")
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of value
+ if self.value:
+ _dict['value'] = self.value.to_dict()
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.from_dict(obj["value"]) if obj.get("value") is not None else None,
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d021ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import pprint
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr, ValidationError, field_validator
+from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
+from pydantic import StrictStr, Field
+from typing import Union, List, Set, Optional, Dict
+from typing_extensions import Literal, Self
+class GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Overriden to get the default parameter value regardless of its type.
+ """
+ # data type: str
+ oneof_schema_1_validator: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ # data type: int
+ oneof_schema_2_validator: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ # data type: float
+ oneof_schema_3_validator: Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]] = None
+ # data type: bool
+ oneof_schema_4_validator: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ actual_instance: Optional[Union[bool, float, int, str]] = None
+ one_of_schemas: Set[str] = { "bool", "float", "int", "str" }
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if args:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, only 1 is allowed to set `actual_instance`")
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, keyword arguments cannot be used.")
+ super().__init__(actual_instance=args[0])
+ else:
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ @field_validator('actual_instance')
+ def actual_instance_must_validate_oneof(cls, v):
+ instance = GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # validate data type: str
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_1_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: int
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_2_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: float
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_3_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: bool
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_4_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when setting `actual_instance` in GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when setting `actual_instance` in GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return v
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Self:
+ return cls.from_json(json.dumps(obj))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Returns the object represented by the json string"""
+ instance = cls.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # deserialize data into str
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_1_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_1_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into int
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_2_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_2_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into float
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_3_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_3_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into bool
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_4_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_4_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when deserializing the JSON string into GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when deserializing the JSON string into GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return instance
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return "null"
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_json") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_json):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_json()
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(self.actual_instance)
+ def to_dict(self) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], bool, float, int, str]]:
+ """Returns the dict representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return None
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_dict") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_dict):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_dict()
+ else:
+ # primitive type
+ return self.actual_instance
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the actual instance"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump())
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/generic_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/generic_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03e5302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/generic_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GenericParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GenericParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the correct url for the serialized object regardless of its type.")
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GenericParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of value
+ if self.value:
+ _dict['value'] = self.value.to_dict()
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GenericParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.from_dict(obj["value"]) if obj.get("value") is not None else None,
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0eeacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Group(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Group
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=150)]
+ users: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "name", "users"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Group from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "users",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Group from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "users": obj.get("users")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f4fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GroupRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GroupRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=150)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group_user.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group_user.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43b7bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group_user.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GroupUser(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GroupUser
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ user_email: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "group_id", "group_name", "user_id", "user_username", "user_email", "group", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupUser from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "user_email",
+ "group",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupUser from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "user_email": obj.get("user_email"),
+ "group": obj.get("group"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group_user_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group_user_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5836ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/group_user_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GroupUserRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GroupUserRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupUserRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupUserRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/int_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/int_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..553d20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/int_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class IntParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ IntParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of IntParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of IntParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/note.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/note.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7c7c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/note.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Note(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Note
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ content: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ feed: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "title", "content", "feed"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Note from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "feed",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Note from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "content": obj.get("content"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/note_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/note_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e617c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/note_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class NoteRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ NoteRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ content: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["title", "content"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of NoteRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of NoteRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "content": obj.get("content")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pacs_file.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pacs_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af3231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pacs_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PACSFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PACSFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ fname: StrictStr
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "fname", "fsize", "public", "owner_username", "file_resource", "parent_folder", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PACSFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "owner_username",
+ "file_resource",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PACSFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pacs_series.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pacs_series.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cb2a1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pacs_series.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import date, datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PACSSeries(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PACSSeries
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ patient_id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)] = Field(alias="PatientID")
+ patient_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=150)]] = Field(default=None, alias="PatientName")
+ patient_birth_date: Optional[date] = Field(default=None, alias="PatientBirthDate")
+ patient_age: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = Field(default=None, alias="PatientAge")
+ patient_sex: Optional[PACSSeriesPatientSex] = Field(default=None, alias="PatientSex")
+ study_date: date = Field(alias="StudyDate")
+ accession_number: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = Field(default=None, alias="AccessionNumber")
+ modality: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=15)]] = Field(default=None, alias="Modality")
+ protocol_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=64)]] = Field(default=None, alias="ProtocolName")
+ study_instance_uid: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)] = Field(alias="StudyInstanceUID")
+ study_description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=400)]] = Field(default=None, alias="StudyDescription")
+ series_instance_uid: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)] = Field(alias="SeriesInstanceUID")
+ series_description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=400)]] = Field(default=None, alias="SeriesDescription")
+ pacs_identifier: StrictStr
+ folder: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "PatientID", "PatientName", "PatientBirthDate", "PatientAge", "PatientSex", "StudyDate", "AccessionNumber", "Modality", "ProtocolName", "StudyInstanceUID", "StudyDescription", "SeriesInstanceUID", "SeriesDescription", "pacs_identifier", "folder"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PACSSeries from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "pacs_identifier",
+ "folder",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of patient_sex
+ if self.patient_sex:
+ _dict['PatientSex'] = self.patient_sex.to_dict()
+ # set to None if patient_birth_date (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.patient_birth_date is None and "patient_birth_date" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['PatientBirthDate'] = None
+ # set to None if patient_age (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.patient_age is None and "patient_age" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['PatientAge'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PACSSeries from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "PatientID": obj.get("PatientID"),
+ "PatientName": obj.get("PatientName"),
+ "PatientBirthDate": obj.get("PatientBirthDate"),
+ "PatientAge": obj.get("PatientAge"),
+ "PatientSex": PACSSeriesPatientSex.from_dict(obj["PatientSex"]) if obj.get("PatientSex") is not None else None,
+ "StudyDate": obj.get("StudyDate"),
+ "AccessionNumber": obj.get("AccessionNumber"),
+ "Modality": obj.get("Modality"),
+ "ProtocolName": obj.get("ProtocolName"),
+ "StudyInstanceUID": obj.get("StudyInstanceUID"),
+ "StudyDescription": obj.get("StudyDescription"),
+ "SeriesInstanceUID": obj.get("SeriesInstanceUID"),
+ "SeriesDescription": obj.get("SeriesDescription"),
+ "pacs_identifier": obj.get("pacs_identifier"),
+ "folder": obj.get("folder")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pacs_series_patient_sex.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pacs_series_patient_sex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f5d52e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pacs_series_patient_sex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import pprint
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr, ValidationError, field_validator
+from typing import Any, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.patient_sex_enum import PatientSexEnum
+from pydantic import StrictStr, Field
+from typing import Union, List, Set, Optional, Dict
+from typing_extensions import Literal, Self
+class PACSSeriesPatientSex(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PACSSeriesPatientSex
+ """
+ # data type: PatientSexEnum
+ oneof_schema_1_validator: Optional[PatientSexEnum] = None
+ # data type: BlankEnum
+ oneof_schema_2_validator: Optional[BlankEnum] = None
+ actual_instance: Optional[Union[BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum]] = None
+ one_of_schemas: Set[str] = { "BlankEnum", "PatientSexEnum" }
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if args:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, only 1 is allowed to set `actual_instance`")
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, keyword arguments cannot be used.")
+ super().__init__(actual_instance=args[0])
+ else:
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ @field_validator('actual_instance')
+ def actual_instance_must_validate_oneof(cls, v):
+ instance = PACSSeriesPatientSex.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # validate data type: PatientSexEnum
+ if not isinstance(v, PatientSexEnum):
+ error_messages.append(f"Error! Input type `{type(v)}` is not `PatientSexEnum`")
+ else:
+ match += 1
+ # validate data type: BlankEnum
+ if not isinstance(v, BlankEnum):
+ error_messages.append(f"Error! Input type `{type(v)}` is not `BlankEnum`")
+ else:
+ match += 1
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when setting `actual_instance` in PACSSeriesPatientSex with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when setting `actual_instance` in PACSSeriesPatientSex with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return v
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Self:
+ return cls.from_json(json.dumps(obj))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Returns the object represented by the json string"""
+ instance = cls.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # deserialize data into PatientSexEnum
+ try:
+ instance.actual_instance = PatientSexEnum.from_json(json_str)
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into BlankEnum
+ try:
+ instance.actual_instance = BlankEnum.from_json(json_str)
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when deserializing the JSON string into PACSSeriesPatientSex with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when deserializing the JSON string into PACSSeriesPatientSex with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return instance
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return "null"
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_json") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_json):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_json()
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(self.actual_instance)
+ def to_dict(self) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum]]:
+ """Returns the dict representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return None
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_dict") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_dict):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_dict()
+ else:
+ # primitive type
+ return self.actual_instance
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the actual instance"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump())
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_comment_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_comment_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eee7d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_comment_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedCommentList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedCommentList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Comment]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedCommentList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedCommentList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Comment.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_compute_resource_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_compute_resource_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..648a762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_compute_resource_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedComputeResourceList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedComputeResourceList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[ComputeResource]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedComputeResourceList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedComputeResourceList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [ComputeResource.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee96bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FeedGroupPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FeedGroupPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_feed_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_feed_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e1e559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_feed_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFeedList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFeedList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Feed]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Feed.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df2df3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FeedUserPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FeedUserPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582d4f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea42f43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebe0505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFileUserPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fabf651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..961124e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFolder]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFolder.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6815e77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8de5817
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9964c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserLinkFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserLinkFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3cce74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_download_token_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_download_token_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b824dd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_file_download_token_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileDownloadToken]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileDownloadToken.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b674969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[GenericDefaultPipingParameter]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [GenericDefaultPipingParameter.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_generic_parameter_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_generic_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dbdbcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_generic_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedGenericParameterList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedGenericParameterList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[GenericParameter]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGenericParameterList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGenericParameterList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [GenericParameter.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_group_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_group_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e51ea00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_group_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.group import Group
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedGroupList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedGroupList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Group]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGroupList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGroupList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Group.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_group_user_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_group_user_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94388c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_group_user_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedGroupUserList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedGroupUserList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[GroupUser]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGroupUserList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGroupUserList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [GroupUser.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_file_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..355f4aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPACSFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPACSFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PACSFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPACSFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPACSFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PACSFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_series_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_series_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d35c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_series_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPACSSeriesList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PACSSeries]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPACSSeriesList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPACSSeriesList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PACSSeries.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..017fb5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPipelineList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPipelineList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Pipeline]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPipelineList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPipelineList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Pipeline.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d6f5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PipelineSourceFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PipelineSourceFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_admin_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_admin_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b373bc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_admin_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginAdminList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginAdminList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginAdmin]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginAdminList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginAdminList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginAdmin.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9d60ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginInstanceList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginInstance]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginInstance.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36aa98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginInstanceSplit]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginInstanceSplit.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fab15b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Plugin]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Plugin.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_meta_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_meta_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b41aecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_meta_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginMetaList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginMetaList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginMeta]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginMetaList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginMetaList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginMeta.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fddf93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginParameterList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginParameterList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginParameter]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginParameterList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginParameterList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginParameter.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_piping_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_piping_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9a186b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_piping_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginPipingList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginPipingList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginPiping]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginPipingList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginPipingList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginPiping.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_tag_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_tag_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db59542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_tag_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedTagList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedTagList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Tag]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedTagList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedTagList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Tag.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_tagging_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_tagging_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..818ff9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_tagging_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedTaggingList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedTaggingList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Tagging]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedTaggingList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedTaggingList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Tagging.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_user_file_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_user_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8bdfc6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_user_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedUserFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedUserFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[UserFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedUserFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedUserFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [UserFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_user_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_user_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3ea823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_user_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.user import User
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedUserList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedUserList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[User]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedUserList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedUserList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [User.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_workflow_list.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_workflow_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8b6cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/paginated_workflow_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedWorkflowList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedWorkflowList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Workflow]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedWorkflowList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedWorkflowList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Workflow.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/path_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/path_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..387b755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/path_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PathParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PathParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=16000)]
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PathParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PathParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/patient_sex_enum.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/patient_sex_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c92622e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/patient_sex_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PatientSexEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ M = 'M'
+ F = 'F'
+ O = 'O'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of PatientSexEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/permission_enum.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/permission_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83097e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/permission_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PermissionEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `r` - Read * `w` - Write
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ R = 'r'
+ W = 'w'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of PermissionEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cdb315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Pipeline(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Pipeline
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ locked: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ authors: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ category: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=800)]] = None
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ creation_date: datetime
+ modification_date: datetime
+ plugins: StrictStr
+ plugin_pipings: StrictStr
+ default_parameters: StrictStr
+ workflows: StrictStr
+ json_repr: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "name", "locked", "authors", "category", "description", "owner_username", "creation_date", "modification_date", "plugins", "plugin_pipings", "default_parameters", "workflows", "json_repr"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Pipeline from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "owner_username",
+ "creation_date",
+ "modification_date",
+ "plugins",
+ "plugin_pipings",
+ "default_parameters",
+ "workflows",
+ "json_repr",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if owner_username (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.owner_username is None and "owner_username" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['owner_username'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Pipeline from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "locked": obj.get("locked"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "modification_date": obj.get("modification_date"),
+ "plugins": obj.get("plugins"),
+ "plugin_pipings": obj.get("plugin_pipings"),
+ "default_parameters": obj.get("default_parameters"),
+ "workflows": obj.get("workflows"),
+ "json_repr": obj.get("json_repr")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_custom_json.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_custom_json.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc3d2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_custom_json.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PipelineCustomJson(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineCustomJson
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ locked: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ authors: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ category: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=800)]] = None
+ plugin_tree: StrictStr = Field(description="Overriden to get the plugin_tree JSON string.")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "name", "locked", "authors", "category", "description", "plugin_tree"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineCustomJson from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "plugin_tree",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineCustomJson from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "locked": obj.get("locked"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "plugin_tree": obj.get("plugin_tree")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17396cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PipelineRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ locked: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ authors: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ category: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=800)]] = None
+ plugin_tree: Optional[Any] = None
+ plugin_inst_id: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(strict=True, ge=1)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "locked", "authors", "category", "description", "plugin_tree", "plugin_inst_id"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if plugin_tree (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.plugin_tree is None and "plugin_tree" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['plugin_tree'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "locked": obj.get("locked"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "plugin_tree": obj.get("plugin_tree"),
+ "plugin_inst_id": obj.get("plugin_inst_id")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c4f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PipelineSourceFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineSourceFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ fname: StrictStr
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ ftype: Optional[PipelineSourceFileFtype]
+ uploader_username: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ pipeline_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr]
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "fname", "fsize", "public", "ftype", "uploader_username", "owner_username", "pipeline_id", "pipeline_name", "file_resource", "parent_folder", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineSourceFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "uploader_username",
+ "owner_username",
+ "pipeline_id",
+ "pipeline_name",
+ "file_resource",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of ftype
+ if self.ftype:
+ _dict['ftype'] = self.ftype.to_dict()
+ # set to None if ftype (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.ftype is None and "ftype" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['ftype'] = None
+ # set to None if uploader_username (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.uploader_username is None and "uploader_username" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['uploader_username'] = None
+ # set to None if pipeline_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.pipeline_id is None and "pipeline_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['pipeline_id'] = None
+ # set to None if pipeline_name (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.pipeline_name is None and "pipeline_name" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['pipeline_name'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineSourceFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "ftype": PipelineSourceFileFtype.from_dict(obj["ftype"]) if obj.get("ftype") is not None else None,
+ "uploader_username": obj.get("uploader_username"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "pipeline_id": obj.get("pipeline_id"),
+ "pipeline_name": obj.get("pipeline_name"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_ftype.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_ftype.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f2695c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_ftype.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import pprint
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr, ValidationError, field_validator
+from typing import Any, List, Optional
+from aiochris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+from aiochris_oag.models.ftype_enum import FtypeEnum
+from pydantic import StrictStr, Field
+from typing import Union, List, Set, Optional, Dict
+from typing_extensions import Literal, Self
+class PipelineSourceFileFtype(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineSourceFileFtype
+ """
+ # data type: FtypeEnum
+ oneof_schema_1_validator: Optional[FtypeEnum] = None
+ # data type: BlankEnum
+ oneof_schema_2_validator: Optional[BlankEnum] = None
+ actual_instance: Optional[Union[BlankEnum, FtypeEnum]] = None
+ one_of_schemas: Set[str] = { "BlankEnum", "FtypeEnum" }
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if args:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, only 1 is allowed to set `actual_instance`")
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, keyword arguments cannot be used.")
+ super().__init__(actual_instance=args[0])
+ else:
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ @field_validator('actual_instance')
+ def actual_instance_must_validate_oneof(cls, v):
+ if v is None:
+ return v
+ instance = PipelineSourceFileFtype.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # validate data type: FtypeEnum
+ if not isinstance(v, FtypeEnum):
+ error_messages.append(f"Error! Input type `{type(v)}` is not `FtypeEnum`")
+ else:
+ match += 1
+ # validate data type: BlankEnum
+ if not isinstance(v, BlankEnum):
+ error_messages.append(f"Error! Input type `{type(v)}` is not `BlankEnum`")
+ else:
+ match += 1
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when setting `actual_instance` in PipelineSourceFileFtype with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, FtypeEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when setting `actual_instance` in PipelineSourceFileFtype with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, FtypeEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return v
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Self:
+ return cls.from_json(json.dumps(obj))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: Optional[str]) -> Self:
+ """Returns the object represented by the json string"""
+ instance = cls.model_construct()
+ if json_str is None:
+ return instance
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # deserialize data into FtypeEnum
+ try:
+ instance.actual_instance = FtypeEnum.from_json(json_str)
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into BlankEnum
+ try:
+ instance.actual_instance = BlankEnum.from_json(json_str)
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when deserializing the JSON string into PipelineSourceFileFtype with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, FtypeEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when deserializing the JSON string into PipelineSourceFileFtype with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, FtypeEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return instance
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return "null"
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_json") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_json):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_json()
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(self.actual_instance)
+ def to_dict(self) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], BlankEnum, FtypeEnum]]:
+ """Returns the dict representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return None
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_dict") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_dict):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_dict()
+ else:
+ # primitive type
+ return self.actual_instance
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the actual instance"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump())
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86f0849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictBytes, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PipelineSourceFileRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ fname: Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ type: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["fname", "public", "type"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineSourceFileRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineSourceFileRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "type": obj.get("type")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b2ab99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Plugin(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Plugin
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ name: StrictStr
+ version: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=10)]
+ dock_image: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=500)]
+ public_repo: StrictStr
+ icon: StrictStr
+ type: PluginType
+ stars: Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]
+ authors: StrictStr
+ title: StrictStr
+ category: StrictStr
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=2000)]] = None
+ documentation: StrictStr
+ license: StrictStr
+ execshell: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=50)]
+ selfpath: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=512)]
+ selfexec: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=50)]
+ min_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ min_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ meta: StrictStr
+ parameters: StrictStr
+ instances: StrictStr
+ compute_resources: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "name", "version", "dock_image", "public_repo", "icon", "type", "stars", "authors", "title", "category", "description", "documentation", "license", "execshell", "selfpath", "selfexec", "min_number_of_workers", "max_number_of_workers", "min_cpu_limit", "max_cpu_limit", "min_memory_limit", "max_memory_limit", "min_gpu_limit", "max_gpu_limit", "meta", "parameters", "instances", "compute_resources"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Plugin from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "name",
+ "public_repo",
+ "icon",
+ "type",
+ "stars",
+ "authors",
+ "title",
+ "category",
+ "documentation",
+ "license",
+ "meta",
+ "parameters",
+ "instances",
+ "compute_resources",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if min_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_number_of_workers is None and "min_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if max_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_number_of_workers is None and "max_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if min_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_cpu_limit is None and "min_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_cpu_limit is None and "max_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_memory_limit is None and "min_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_memory_limit is None and "max_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_gpu_limit is None and "min_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_gpu_limit is None and "max_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_gpu_limit'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Plugin from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "version": obj.get("version"),
+ "dock_image": obj.get("dock_image"),
+ "public_repo": obj.get("public_repo"),
+ "icon": obj.get("icon"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "stars": obj.get("stars"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "documentation": obj.get("documentation"),
+ "license": obj.get("license"),
+ "execshell": obj.get("execshell"),
+ "selfpath": obj.get("selfpath"),
+ "selfexec": obj.get("selfexec"),
+ "min_number_of_workers": obj.get("min_number_of_workers"),
+ "max_number_of_workers": obj.get("max_number_of_workers"),
+ "min_cpu_limit": obj.get("min_cpu_limit"),
+ "max_cpu_limit": obj.get("max_cpu_limit"),
+ "min_memory_limit": obj.get("min_memory_limit"),
+ "max_memory_limit": obj.get("max_memory_limit"),
+ "min_gpu_limit": obj.get("min_gpu_limit"),
+ "max_gpu_limit": obj.get("max_gpu_limit"),
+ "meta": obj.get("meta"),
+ "parameters": obj.get("parameters"),
+ "instances": obj.get("instances"),
+ "compute_resources": obj.get("compute_resources")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_admin.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_admin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a58d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_admin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginAdmin(BaseModel):
+ """
+ A Plugin serializer for the PluginAdminList JSON view.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ name: StrictStr
+ version: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ dock_image: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ public_repo: StrictStr
+ icon: StrictStr
+ type: PluginType
+ stars: Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]
+ authors: StrictStr
+ title: StrictStr
+ category: StrictStr
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=2000)]] = None
+ documentation: StrictStr
+ license: StrictStr
+ execshell: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ selfpath: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ selfexec: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ min_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ min_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ meta: StrictStr
+ parameters: StrictStr
+ instances: StrictStr
+ compute_resources: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "name", "version", "dock_image", "public_repo", "icon", "type", "stars", "authors", "title", "category", "description", "documentation", "license", "execshell", "selfpath", "selfexec", "min_number_of_workers", "max_number_of_workers", "min_cpu_limit", "max_cpu_limit", "min_memory_limit", "max_memory_limit", "min_gpu_limit", "max_gpu_limit", "meta", "parameters", "instances", "compute_resources"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginAdmin from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "name",
+ "public_repo",
+ "icon",
+ "type",
+ "stars",
+ "authors",
+ "title",
+ "category",
+ "documentation",
+ "license",
+ "meta",
+ "parameters",
+ "instances",
+ "compute_resources",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if min_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_number_of_workers is None and "min_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if max_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_number_of_workers is None and "max_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if min_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_cpu_limit is None and "min_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_cpu_limit is None and "max_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_memory_limit is None and "min_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_memory_limit is None and "max_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_gpu_limit is None and "min_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_gpu_limit is None and "max_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_gpu_limit'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginAdmin from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "version": obj.get("version"),
+ "dock_image": obj.get("dock_image"),
+ "public_repo": obj.get("public_repo"),
+ "icon": obj.get("icon"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "stars": obj.get("stars"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "documentation": obj.get("documentation"),
+ "license": obj.get("license"),
+ "execshell": obj.get("execshell"),
+ "selfpath": obj.get("selfpath"),
+ "selfexec": obj.get("selfexec"),
+ "min_number_of_workers": obj.get("min_number_of_workers"),
+ "max_number_of_workers": obj.get("max_number_of_workers"),
+ "min_cpu_limit": obj.get("min_cpu_limit"),
+ "max_cpu_limit": obj.get("max_cpu_limit"),
+ "min_memory_limit": obj.get("min_memory_limit"),
+ "max_memory_limit": obj.get("max_memory_limit"),
+ "min_gpu_limit": obj.get("min_gpu_limit"),
+ "max_gpu_limit": obj.get("max_gpu_limit"),
+ "meta": obj.get("meta"),
+ "parameters": obj.get("parameters"),
+ "instances": obj.get("instances"),
+ "compute_resources": obj.get("compute_resources")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_admin_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_admin_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c316a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_admin_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginAdminRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ A Plugin serializer for the PluginAdminList JSON view.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ version: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ dock_image: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=2000)]] = None
+ execshell: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ selfpath: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ selfexec: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ min_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ min_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ fname: Optional[Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]] = None
+ plugin_store_url: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ compute_names: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=2000)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["version", "dock_image", "description", "execshell", "selfpath", "selfexec", "min_number_of_workers", "max_number_of_workers", "min_cpu_limit", "max_cpu_limit", "min_memory_limit", "max_memory_limit", "min_gpu_limit", "max_gpu_limit", "fname", "plugin_store_url", "compute_names"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginAdminRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if min_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_number_of_workers is None and "min_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if max_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_number_of_workers is None and "max_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if min_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_cpu_limit is None and "min_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_cpu_limit is None and "max_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_memory_limit is None and "min_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_memory_limit is None and "max_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_gpu_limit is None and "min_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_gpu_limit is None and "max_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_gpu_limit'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginAdminRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "version": obj.get("version"),
+ "dock_image": obj.get("dock_image"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "execshell": obj.get("execshell"),
+ "selfpath": obj.get("selfpath"),
+ "selfexec": obj.get("selfexec"),
+ "min_number_of_workers": obj.get("min_number_of_workers"),
+ "max_number_of_workers": obj.get("max_number_of_workers"),
+ "min_cpu_limit": obj.get("min_cpu_limit"),
+ "max_cpu_limit": obj.get("max_cpu_limit"),
+ "min_memory_limit": obj.get("min_memory_limit"),
+ "max_memory_limit": obj.get("max_memory_limit"),
+ "min_gpu_limit": obj.get("min_gpu_limit"),
+ "max_gpu_limit": obj.get("max_gpu_limit"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "plugin_store_url": obj.get("plugin_store_url"),
+ "compute_names": obj.get("compute_names")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fb48e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from aiochris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginInstance(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginInstance
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ compute_resource_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_type: PluginType
+ feed_id: StrictInt
+ start_date: datetime
+ end_date: datetime
+ output_path: Optional[StrictStr]
+ status: Optional[StatusEnum] = None
+ pipeline_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr]
+ workflow_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ summary: StrictStr
+ raw: StrictStr
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ size: Annotated[int, Field(le=9223372036854775807, strict=True, ge=-9223372036854775808)]
+ error_code: StrictStr
+ output_folder: StrictStr
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr]
+ feed: StrictStr
+ plugin: StrictStr
+ workflow: Optional[StrictStr]
+ compute_resource: StrictStr
+ descendants: StrictStr
+ parameters: StrictStr
+ splits: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "title", "previous_id", "compute_resource_name", "plugin_id", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_type", "feed_id", "start_date", "end_date", "output_path", "status", "pipeline_id", "pipeline_name", "workflow_id", "summary", "raw", "owner_username", "cpu_limit", "memory_limit", "number_of_workers", "gpu_limit", "size", "error_code", "output_folder", "previous", "feed", "plugin", "workflow", "compute_resource", "descendants", "parameters", "splits"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstance from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "previous_id",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_type",
+ "feed_id",
+ "start_date",
+ "end_date",
+ "output_path",
+ "pipeline_id",
+ "pipeline_name",
+ "workflow_id",
+ "summary",
+ "raw",
+ "owner_username",
+ "size",
+ "error_code",
+ "output_folder",
+ "previous",
+ "feed",
+ "plugin",
+ "workflow",
+ "compute_resource",
+ "descendants",
+ "parameters",
+ "splits",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if previous_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_id is None and "previous_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_id'] = None
+ # set to None if output_path (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.output_path is None and "output_path" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['output_path'] = None
+ # set to None if pipeline_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.pipeline_id is None and "pipeline_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['pipeline_id'] = None
+ # set to None if pipeline_name (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.pipeline_name is None and "pipeline_name" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['pipeline_name'] = None
+ # set to None if workflow_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.workflow_id is None and "workflow_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['workflow_id'] = None
+ # set to None if cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.cpu_limit is None and "cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.memory_limit is None and "memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.number_of_workers is None and "number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.gpu_limit is None and "gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ # set to None if workflow (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.workflow is None and "workflow" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['workflow'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstance from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "previous_id": obj.get("previous_id"),
+ "compute_resource_name": obj.get("compute_resource_name"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_type": obj.get("plugin_type"),
+ "feed_id": obj.get("feed_id"),
+ "start_date": obj.get("start_date"),
+ "end_date": obj.get("end_date"),
+ "output_path": obj.get("output_path"),
+ "status": obj.get("status"),
+ "pipeline_id": obj.get("pipeline_id"),
+ "pipeline_name": obj.get("pipeline_name"),
+ "workflow_id": obj.get("workflow_id"),
+ "summary": obj.get("summary"),
+ "raw": obj.get("raw"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "cpu_limit": obj.get("cpu_limit"),
+ "memory_limit": obj.get("memory_limit"),
+ "number_of_workers": obj.get("number_of_workers"),
+ "gpu_limit": obj.get("gpu_limit"),
+ "size": obj.get("size"),
+ "error_code": obj.get("error_code"),
+ "output_folder": obj.get("output_folder"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed"),
+ "plugin": obj.get("plugin"),
+ "workflow": obj.get("workflow"),
+ "compute_resource": obj.get("compute_resource"),
+ "descendants": obj.get("descendants"),
+ "parameters": obj.get("parameters"),
+ "splits": obj.get("splits")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bdf9897
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginInstanceRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginInstanceRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ compute_resource_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ status: Optional[StatusEnum] = None
+ cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ previous_id: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=1)]] = None
+ additional_properties: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["title", "compute_resource_name", "status", "cpu_limit", "memory_limit", "number_of_workers", "gpu_limit", "previous_id"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * Fields in `self.additional_properties` are added to the output dict.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "additional_properties",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # puts key-value pairs in additional_properties in the top level
+ if self.additional_properties is not None:
+ for _key, _value in self.additional_properties.items():
+ _dict[_key] = _value
+ # set to None if cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.cpu_limit is None and "cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.memory_limit is None and "memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.number_of_workers is None and "number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.gpu_limit is None and "gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_id is None and "previous_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "compute_resource_name": obj.get("compute_resource_name"),
+ "status": obj.get("status"),
+ "cpu_limit": obj.get("cpu_limit"),
+ "memory_limit": obj.get("memory_limit"),
+ "number_of_workers": obj.get("number_of_workers"),
+ "gpu_limit": obj.get("gpu_limit"),
+ "previous_id": obj.get("previous_id")
+ })
+ # store additional fields in additional_properties
+ for _key in obj.keys():
+ if _key not in cls.__properties:
+ _obj.additional_properties[_key] = obj.get(_key)
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8fbb4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginInstanceSplit(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginInstanceSplit
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ filter: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ plugin_inst_id: StrictInt
+ created_plugin_inst_ids: StrictStr
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "filter", "plugin_inst_id", "created_plugin_inst_ids", "plugin_inst"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceSplit from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "plugin_inst_id",
+ "created_plugin_inst_ids",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceSplit from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "filter": obj.get("filter"),
+ "plugin_inst_id": obj.get("plugin_inst_id"),
+ "created_plugin_inst_ids": obj.get("created_plugin_inst_ids"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d7c61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginInstanceSplitRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ filter: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ compute_resource_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["filter", "compute_resource_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceSplitRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceSplitRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "filter": obj.get("filter"),
+ "compute_resource_name": obj.get("compute_resource_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_meta.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_meta.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13e174a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_meta.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginMeta(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginMeta
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ modification_date: datetime
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=400)]] = None
+ stars: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ public_repo: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=300)]] = None
+ license: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=50)]] = None
+ type: Optional[PluginType] = None
+ icon: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=300)]] = None
+ category: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ authors: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ documentation: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=800)]] = None
+ plugins: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "modification_date", "name", "title", "stars", "public_repo", "license", "type", "icon", "category", "authors", "documentation", "plugins"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginMeta from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "modification_date",
+ "plugins",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginMeta from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "modification_date": obj.get("modification_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "stars": obj.get("stars"),
+ "public_repo": obj.get("public_repo"),
+ "license": obj.get("license"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "icon": obj.get("icon"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "documentation": obj.get("documentation"),
+ "plugins": obj.get("plugins")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99339a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=50)]
+ type: Optional[PluginParameterType] = None
+ optional: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ default: Optional[PluginParameterDefault]
+ flag: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=52)]
+ short_flag: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=52)]] = None
+ action: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=20)]] = None
+ help: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ ui_exposed: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ plugin: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "name", "type", "optional", "default", "flag", "short_flag", "action", "help", "ui_exposed", "plugin"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "plugin",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of default
+ if self.default:
+ _dict['default'] = self.default.to_dict()
+ # set to None if default (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.default is None and "default" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['default'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "optional": obj.get("optional"),
+ "default": PluginParameterDefault.from_dict(obj["default"]) if obj.get("default") is not None else None,
+ "flag": obj.get("flag"),
+ "short_flag": obj.get("short_flag"),
+ "action": obj.get("action"),
+ "help": obj.get("help"),
+ "ui_exposed": obj.get("ui_exposed"),
+ "plugin": obj.get("plugin")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_default.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_default.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27dccb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_default.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import pprint
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr, ValidationError, field_validator
+from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
+from pydantic import StrictStr, Field
+from typing import Union, List, Set, Optional, Dict
+from typing_extensions import Literal, Self
+PLUGINPARAMETERDEFAULT_ONE_OF_SCHEMAS = ["bool", "float", "int", "str"]
+class PluginParameterDefault(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Overriden to get the default parameter value regardless of type.
+ """
+ # data type: str
+ oneof_schema_1_validator: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ # data type: int
+ oneof_schema_2_validator: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ # data type: float
+ oneof_schema_3_validator: Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]] = None
+ # data type: bool
+ oneof_schema_4_validator: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ actual_instance: Optional[Union[bool, float, int, str]] = None
+ one_of_schemas: Set[str] = { "bool", "float", "int", "str" }
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if args:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, only 1 is allowed to set `actual_instance`")
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, keyword arguments cannot be used.")
+ super().__init__(actual_instance=args[0])
+ else:
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ @field_validator('actual_instance')
+ def actual_instance_must_validate_oneof(cls, v):
+ if v is None:
+ return v
+ instance = PluginParameterDefault.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # validate data type: str
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_1_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: int
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_2_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: float
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_3_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: bool
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_4_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when setting `actual_instance` in PluginParameterDefault with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when setting `actual_instance` in PluginParameterDefault with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return v
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Self:
+ return cls.from_json(json.dumps(obj))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: Optional[str]) -> Self:
+ """Returns the object represented by the json string"""
+ instance = cls.model_construct()
+ if json_str is None:
+ return instance
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # deserialize data into str
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_1_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_1_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into int
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_2_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_2_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into float
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_3_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_3_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into bool
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_4_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_4_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when deserializing the JSON string into PluginParameterDefault with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when deserializing the JSON string into PluginParameterDefault with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return instance
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return "null"
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_json") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_json):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_json()
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(self.actual_instance)
+ def to_dict(self) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], bool, float, int, str]]:
+ """Returns the dict representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return None
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_dict") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_dict):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_dict()
+ else:
+ # primitive type
+ return self.actual_instance
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the actual instance"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump())
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_type.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db98145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginParameterType(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `string` - String values * `float` - Float values * `boolean` - Boolean values * `integer` - Integer values * `path` - Path values * `unextpath` - Unextracted path values
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ STRING = 'string'
+ FLOAT = 'float'
+ BOOLEAN = 'boolean'
+ INTEGER = 'integer'
+ PATH = 'path'
+ UNEXTPATH = 'unextpath'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of PluginParameterType from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_piping.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_piping.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70f7334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_piping.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginPiping(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginPiping
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ title: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ pipeline_id: StrictInt
+ previous: StrictStr
+ plugin: StrictStr
+ pipeline: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "previous_id", "title", "plugin_id", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "pipeline_id", "previous", "plugin", "pipeline"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginPiping from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "previous_id",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "pipeline_id",
+ "previous",
+ "plugin",
+ "pipeline",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if previous_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_id is None and "previous_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginPiping from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "previous_id": obj.get("previous_id"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "pipeline_id": obj.get("pipeline_id"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "plugin": obj.get("plugin"),
+ "pipeline": obj.get("pipeline")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_type.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efdad9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/plugin_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginType(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `ds` - Data synthesis * `fs` - Feed synthesis * `ts` - Topology synthesis
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ DS = 'ds'
+ FS = 'fs'
+ TS = 'ts'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of PluginType from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/status_enum.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/status_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3de54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/status_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class StatusEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ CREATED = 'created'
+ WAITING = 'waiting'
+ SCHEDULED = 'scheduled'
+ STARTED = 'started'
+ REGISTERINGFILES = 'registeringFiles'
+ FINISHEDSUCCESSFULLY = 'finishedSuccessfully'
+ FINISHEDWITHERROR = 'finishedWithError'
+ CANCELLED = 'cancelled'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of StatusEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/str_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/str_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4352210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/str_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class StrParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ StrParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of StrParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of StrParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/tag.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/tag.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29701ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/tag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Tag(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Tag
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ color: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=20)]
+ feeds: StrictStr
+ taggings: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "name", "owner_username", "color", "feeds", "taggings"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Tag from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "owner_username",
+ "feeds",
+ "taggings",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Tag from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "color": obj.get("color"),
+ "feeds": obj.get("feeds"),
+ "taggings": obj.get("taggings")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/tag_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/tag_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d7addd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/tag_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class TagRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ TagRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ color: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=20)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "color"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of TagRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of TagRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "color": obj.get("color")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/tagging.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/tagging.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02843e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/tagging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Tagging(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Tagging
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ tag_id: StrictInt
+ feed_id: StrictInt
+ tag: StrictStr
+ feed: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "tag_id", "feed_id", "tag", "feed"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Tagging from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "tag_id",
+ "feed_id",
+ "tag",
+ "feed",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Tagging from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "tag_id": obj.get("tag_id"),
+ "feed_id": obj.get("feed_id"),
+ "tag": obj.get("tag"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/unextpath_parameter.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/unextpath_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ce06ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/unextpath_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class UnextpathParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ UnextpathParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=16000)]
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UnextpathParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UnextpathParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da88fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class User(BaseModel):
+ """
+ User
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ email: StrictStr
+ is_staff: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Designates whether the user can log into this admin site.")
+ groups: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "username", "email", "is_staff", "groups"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of User from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "groups",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of User from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "username": obj.get("username"),
+ "email": obj.get("email"),
+ "is_staff": obj.get("is_staff"),
+ "groups": obj.get("groups")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user_file.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ed485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class UserFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ UserFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "fname", "fsize", "public", "owner_username", "file_resource", "parent_folder", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "owner_username",
+ "file_resource",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user_file_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8546f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictBytes, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class UserFileRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ UserFileRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ upload_path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ fname: Optional[Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["upload_path", "fname", "public"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserFileRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserFileRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "upload_path": obj.get("upload_path"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "public": obj.get("public")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8256dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/user_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class UserRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ UserRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ email: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=8, strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ is_staff: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Designates whether the user can log into this admin site.")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["username", "email", "password", "is_staff"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "username": obj.get("username"),
+ "email": obj.get("email"),
+ "password": obj.get("password"),
+ "is_staff": obj.get("is_staff")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/workflow.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/workflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e7e29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/workflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Workflow(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Workflow
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ pipeline_id: StrictInt
+ pipeline_name: StrictStr
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ created_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'created' status.")
+ waiting_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'waiting' status.")
+ scheduled_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'scheduled' status.")
+ started_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'started' status.")
+ registering_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'registeringFiles' status.")
+ finished_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedSuccessfully' status.")
+ errored_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedWithError' status.")
+ cancelled_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'cancelled' status.")
+ pipeline: StrictStr
+ plugin_instances: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "title", "pipeline_id", "pipeline_name", "owner_username", "created_jobs", "waiting_jobs", "scheduled_jobs", "started_jobs", "registering_jobs", "finished_jobs", "errored_jobs", "cancelled_jobs", "pipeline", "plugin_instances"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Workflow from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "pipeline_id",
+ "pipeline_name",
+ "owner_username",
+ "created_jobs",
+ "waiting_jobs",
+ "scheduled_jobs",
+ "started_jobs",
+ "registering_jobs",
+ "finished_jobs",
+ "errored_jobs",
+ "cancelled_jobs",
+ "pipeline",
+ "plugin_instances",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Workflow from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "pipeline_id": obj.get("pipeline_id"),
+ "pipeline_name": obj.get("pipeline_name"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "created_jobs": obj.get("created_jobs"),
+ "waiting_jobs": obj.get("waiting_jobs"),
+ "scheduled_jobs": obj.get("scheduled_jobs"),
+ "started_jobs": obj.get("started_jobs"),
+ "registering_jobs": obj.get("registering_jobs"),
+ "finished_jobs": obj.get("finished_jobs"),
+ "errored_jobs": obj.get("errored_jobs"),
+ "cancelled_jobs": obj.get("cancelled_jobs"),
+ "pipeline": obj.get("pipeline"),
+ "plugin_instances": obj.get("plugin_instances")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/workflow_request.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/workflow_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9c63ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/models/workflow_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class WorkflowRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ WorkflowRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ previous_plugin_inst_id: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(strict=True, ge=1)]] = None
+ nodes_info: Optional[Any] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["title", "previous_plugin_inst_id", "nodes_info"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of WorkflowRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if nodes_info (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.nodes_info is None and "nodes_info" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['nodes_info'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of WorkflowRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "previous_plugin_inst_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_inst_id"),
+ "nodes_info": obj.get("nodes_info")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/py.typed b/python-async/aiochris_oag/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/python-async/aiochris_oag/rest.py b/python-async/aiochris_oag/rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..210b46c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/aiochris_oag/rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import io
+import json
+import re
+import ssl
+from typing import Optional, Union
+import aiohttp
+import aiohttp_retry
+from aiochris_oag.exceptions import ApiException, ApiValueError
+RESTResponseType = aiohttp.ClientResponse
+class RESTResponse(io.IOBase):
+ def __init__(self, resp) -> None:
+ self.response = resp
+ self.status = resp.status
+ self.reason = resp.reason
+ self.data = None
+ async def read(self):
+ if self.data is None:
+ self.data = await self.response.read()
+ return self.data
+ def getheaders(self):
+ """Returns a CIMultiDictProxy of the response headers."""
+ return self.response.headers
+ def getheader(self, name, default=None):
+ """Returns a given response header."""
+ return self.response.headers.get(name, default)
+class RESTClientObject:
+ def __init__(self, configuration) -> None:
+ # maxsize is number of requests to host that are allowed in parallel
+ maxsize = configuration.connection_pool_maxsize
+ ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(
+ cafile=configuration.ssl_ca_cert
+ )
+ if configuration.cert_file:
+ ssl_context.load_cert_chain(
+ configuration.cert_file, keyfile=configuration.key_file
+ )
+ if not configuration.verify_ssl:
+ ssl_context.check_hostname = False
+ ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
+ connector = aiohttp.TCPConnector(
+ limit=maxsize,
+ ssl=ssl_context
+ )
+ self.proxy = configuration.proxy
+ self.proxy_headers = configuration.proxy_headers
+ # https pool manager
+ self.pool_manager = aiohttp.ClientSession(
+ connector=connector,
+ trust_env=True
+ )
+ retries = configuration.retries
+ self.retry_client: Optional[aiohttp_retry.RetryClient]
+ if retries is not None:
+ self.retry_client = aiohttp_retry.RetryClient(
+ client_session=self.pool_manager,
+ retry_options=aiohttp_retry.ExponentialRetry(
+ attempts=retries,
+ factor=2.0,
+ start_timeout=0.1,
+ max_timeout=120.0
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ self.retry_client = None
+ async def close(self):
+ await self.pool_manager.close()
+ if self.retry_client is not None:
+ await self.retry_client.close()
+ async def request(
+ self,
+ method,
+ url,
+ headers=None,
+ body=None,
+ post_params=None,
+ _request_timeout=None
+ ):
+ """Execute request
+ :param method: http request method
+ :param url: http request url
+ :param headers: http request headers
+ :param body: request json body, for `application/json`
+ :param post_params: request post parameters,
+ `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
+ and `multipart/form-data`
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ """
+ method = method.upper()
+ assert method in [
+ 'GET',
+ 'HEAD',
+ 'POST',
+ 'PUT',
+ 'PATCH',
+ ]
+ if post_params and body:
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "body parameter cannot be used with post_params parameter."
+ )
+ post_params = post_params or {}
+ headers = headers or {}
+ # url already contains the URL query string
+ timeout = _request_timeout or 5 * 60
+ if 'Content-Type' not in headers:
+ headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
+ args = {
+ "method": method,
+ "url": url,
+ "timeout": timeout,
+ "headers": headers
+ }
+ if self.proxy:
+ args["proxy"] = self.proxy
+ if self.proxy_headers:
+ args["proxy_headers"] = self.proxy_headers
+ if method in ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE']:
+ if re.search('json', headers['Content-Type'], re.IGNORECASE):
+ if body is not None:
+ body = json.dumps(body)
+ args["data"] = body
+ elif headers['Content-Type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
+ args["data"] = aiohttp.FormData(post_params)
+ elif headers['Content-Type'] == 'multipart/form-data':
+ # must del headers['Content-Type'], or the correct
+ # Content-Type which generated by aiohttp
+ del headers['Content-Type']
+ data = aiohttp.FormData()
+ for param in post_params:
+ k, v = param
+ if isinstance(v, tuple) and len(v) == 3:
+ data.add_field(
+ k,
+ value=v[1],
+ filename=v[0],
+ content_type=v[2]
+ )
+ else:
+ data.add_field(k, v)
+ args["data"] = data
+ # Pass a `bytes` or `str` parameter directly in the body to support
+ # other content types than Json when `body` argument is provided
+ # in serialized form
+ elif isinstance(body, str) or isinstance(body, bytes):
+ args["data"] = body
+ else:
+ # Cannot generate the request from given parameters
+ msg = """Cannot prepare a request message for provided
+ arguments. Please check that your arguments match
+ declared content type."""
+ raise ApiException(status=0, reason=msg)
+ pool_manager: Union[aiohttp.ClientSession, aiohttp_retry.RetryClient]
+ if self.retry_client is not None and method in ALLOW_RETRY_METHODS:
+ pool_manager = self.retry_client
+ else:
+ pool_manager = self.pool_manager
+ r = await pool_manager.request(**args)
+ return RESTResponse(r)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/AuthToken.md b/python-async/docs/AuthToken.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4de7551
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/AuthToken.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# AuthToken
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**token** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of AuthToken from a JSON string
+auth_token_instance = AuthToken.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+auth_token_dict = auth_token_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of AuthToken from a dict
+auth_token_from_dict = AuthToken.from_dict(auth_token_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/AuthTokenApi.md b/python-async/docs/AuthTokenApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29dc229
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/AuthTokenApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# aiochris_oag.AuthTokenApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**auth_token_create**](AuthTokenApi.md#auth_token_create) | **POST** /api/v1/auth-token/ |
+# **auth_token_create**
+> AuthToken auth_token_create(username, password)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.AuthTokenApi(api_client)
+ username = 'username_example' # str |
+ password = 'password_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.auth_token_create(username, password)
+ print("The response of AuthTokenApi->auth_token_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling AuthTokenApi->auth_token_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **username** | **str**| |
+ **password** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/AuthTokenRequest.md b/python-async/docs/AuthTokenRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f23898
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/AuthTokenRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# AuthTokenRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**username** | **str** | |
+**password** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token_request import AuthTokenRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of AuthTokenRequest from a JSON string
+auth_token_request_instance = AuthTokenRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+auth_token_request_dict = auth_token_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of AuthTokenRequest from a dict
+auth_token_request_from_dict = AuthTokenRequest.from_dict(auth_token_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/BlankEnum.md b/python-async/docs/BlankEnum.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..569c661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/BlankEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# BlankEnum
+## Enum
+* `EMPTY` (value: `''`)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/BoolParameter.md b/python-async/docs/BoolParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8354aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/BoolParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# BoolParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **bool** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of BoolParameter from a JSON string
+bool_parameter_instance = BoolParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+bool_parameter_dict = bool_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of BoolParameter from a dict
+bool_parameter_from_dict = BoolParameter.from_dict(bool_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/ChrisAdminApi.md b/python-async/docs/ChrisAdminApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc65b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/ChrisAdminApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+# aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create) | **POST** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy) | **DELETE** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_create**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_create) | **POST** /chris-admin/api/v1/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_destroy**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_destroy) | **DELETE** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_list**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_list) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_update**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_update) | **PUT** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create**
+> ComputeResource chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create(compute_resource_request)
+A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ compute_resource_request = aiochris_oag.ComputeResourceRequest() # ComputeResourceRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create(compute_resource_request)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **compute_resource_request** | [**ComputeResourceRequest**](ComputeResourceRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy**
+> chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy(id)
+A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list**
+> PaginatedComputeResourceList chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve**
+> ComputeResource chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve(id)
+A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_create**
+> PluginAdmin chris_admin_api_v1_create(plugin_admin_request)
+A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ plugin_admin_request = aiochris_oag.PluginAdminRequest() # PluginAdminRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_create(plugin_admin_request)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **plugin_admin_request** | [**PluginAdminRequest**](PluginAdminRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_destroy**
+> chris_admin_api_v1_destroy(id)
+A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_list**
+> PaginatedPluginAdminList chris_admin_api_v1_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve**
+> PluginAdmin chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve(id)
+A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_update**
+> PluginAdmin chris_admin_api_v1_update(id, plugin_admin_request)
+A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ plugin_admin_request = aiochris_oag.PluginAdminRequest() # PluginAdminRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_update(id, plugin_admin_request)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **plugin_admin_request** | [**PluginAdminRequest**](PluginAdminRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/ChrisInstance.md b/python-async/docs/ChrisInstance.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..623626d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/ChrisInstance.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# ChrisInstance
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**uuid** | **str** | | [optional]
+**job_id_prefix** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of ChrisInstance from a JSON string
+chris_instance_instance = ChrisInstance.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+chris_instance_dict = chris_instance_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of ChrisInstance from a dict
+chris_instance_from_dict = ChrisInstance.from_dict(chris_instance_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/ChrisinstanceApi.md b/python-async/docs/ChrisinstanceApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd090fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/ChrisinstanceApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# aiochris_oag.ChrisinstanceApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**chrisinstance_retrieve**](ChrisinstanceApi.md#chrisinstance_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/chrisinstance/{id}/ |
+# **chrisinstance_retrieve**
+> ChrisInstance chrisinstance_retrieve(id)
+A compute resource view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ChrisinstanceApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.chrisinstance_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of ChrisinstanceApi->chrisinstance_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisinstanceApi->chrisinstance_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/Comment.md b/python-async/docs/Comment.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9309768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/Comment.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Comment
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**content** | **str** | | [optional]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Comment from a JSON string
+comment_instance = Comment.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+comment_dict = comment_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Comment from a dict
+comment_from_dict = Comment.from_dict(comment_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/CommentRequest.md b/python-async/docs/CommentRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7091365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/CommentRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# CommentRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**content** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of CommentRequest from a JSON string
+comment_request_instance = CommentRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+comment_request_dict = comment_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of CommentRequest from a dict
+comment_request_from_dict = CommentRequest.from_dict(comment_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/CommentsApi.md b/python-async/docs/CommentsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4ae24c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/CommentsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+# aiochris_oag.CommentsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**comments_create**](CommentsApi.md#comments_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/comments/ |
+[**comments_destroy**](CommentsApi.md#comments_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+[**comments_list**](CommentsApi.md#comments_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/comments/ |
+[**comments_retrieve**](CommentsApi.md#comments_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+[**comments_search_list**](CommentsApi.md#comments_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/comments/search/ |
+[**comments_update**](CommentsApi.md#comments_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+# **comments_create**
+> Comment comments_create(id, comment_request=comment_request)
+A view for the collection of comments.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ comment_request = aiochris_oag.CommentRequest() # CommentRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.comments_create(id, comment_request=comment_request)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **comment_request** | [**CommentRequest**](CommentRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_destroy**
+> comments_destroy(id)
+A comment view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.comments_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_list**
+> PaginatedCommentList comments_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of comments.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.comments_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_retrieve**
+> Comment comments_retrieve(id)
+A comment view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.comments_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_search_list**
+> PaginatedCommentList comments_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feed-specific comments resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.comments_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_update**
+> Comment comments_update(id, comment_request=comment_request)
+A comment view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ comment_request = aiochris_oag.CommentRequest() # CommentRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.comments_update(id, comment_request=comment_request)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **comment_request** | [**CommentRequest**](CommentRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/ComputeResource.md b/python-async/docs/ComputeResource.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c94625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/ComputeResource.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ComputeResource
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**modification_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**compute_url** | **str** | |
+**compute_auth_url** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_innetwork** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**max_job_exec_seconds** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of ComputeResource from a JSON string
+compute_resource_instance = ComputeResource.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+compute_resource_dict = compute_resource_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of ComputeResource from a dict
+compute_resource_from_dict = ComputeResource.from_dict(compute_resource_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/ComputeResourceRequest.md b/python-async/docs/ComputeResourceRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..476171c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/ComputeResourceRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# ComputeResourceRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | |
+**compute_url** | **str** | |
+**compute_auth_url** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_innetwork** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**compute_user** | **str** | |
+**compute_password** | **str** | |
+**compute_auth_token** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**max_job_exec_seconds** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of ComputeResourceRequest from a JSON string
+compute_resource_request_instance = ComputeResourceRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+compute_resource_request_dict = compute_resource_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of ComputeResourceRequest from a dict
+compute_resource_request_from_dict = ComputeResourceRequest.from_dict(compute_resource_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md b/python-async/docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32b20cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# aiochris_oag.ComputeresourcesApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**computeresources_list**](ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_list) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/ |
+[**computeresources_retrieve**](ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+[**computeresources_search_list**](ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/search/ |
+# **computeresources_list**
+> PaginatedComputeResourceList computeresources_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of compute resources.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ComputeresourcesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.computeresources_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **computeresources_retrieve**
+> ComputeResource computeresources_retrieve(id)
+A compute resource view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ComputeresourcesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.computeresources_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **computeresources_search_list**
+> PaginatedComputeResourceList computeresources_search_list(description=description, id=id, limit=limit, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, offset=offset, plugin_id=plugin_id)
+A view for the collection of compute resources resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.ComputeresourcesApi(api_client)
+ description = 'description_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ plugin_id = 'plugin_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.computeresources_search_list(description=description, id=id, limit=limit, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, offset=offset, plugin_id=plugin_id)
+ print("The response of ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **plugin_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DefaultApi.md b/python-async/docs/DefaultApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b291264
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/DefaultApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# aiochris_oag.DefaultApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**root_destroy**](DefaultApi.md#root_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+[**root_list**](DefaultApi.md#root_list) | **GET** /api/v1/ |
+[**root_retrieve**](DefaultApi.md#root_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+[**root_update**](DefaultApi.md#root_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+# **root_destroy**
+> root_destroy(id)
+A feed view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.DefaultApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.root_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->root_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **root_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList root_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feeds. This is also the API's \"homepage\".
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.DefaultApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.root_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of DefaultApi->root_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->root_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **root_retrieve**
+> Feed root_retrieve(id)
+A feed view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.DefaultApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.root_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of DefaultApi->root_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->root_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **root_update**
+> Feed root_update(id, feed_request=feed_request)
+A feed view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.DefaultApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ feed_request = aiochris_oag.FeedRequest() # FeedRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.root_update(id, feed_request=feed_request)
+ print("The response of DefaultApi->root_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->root_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **feed_request** | [**FeedRequest**](FeedRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameter.md b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7ef5c1
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameter from a JSON string
+default_piping_bool_parameter_instance = DefaultPipingBoolParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_bool_parameter_dict = default_piping_bool_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameter from a dict
+default_piping_bool_parameter_from_dict = DefaultPipingBoolParameter.from_dict(default_piping_bool_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.md b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.md
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index 0000000..828d8c6
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**value** | **bool** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest from a JSON string
+default_piping_bool_parameter_request_instance = DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_bool_parameter_request_dict = default_piping_bool_parameter_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest from a dict
+default_piping_bool_parameter_request_from_dict = DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.from_dict(default_piping_bool_parameter_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameter.md b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..667dd6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **float** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameter from a JSON string
+default_piping_float_parameter_instance = DefaultPipingFloatParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_float_parameter_dict = default_piping_float_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameter from a dict
+default_piping_float_parameter_from_dict = DefaultPipingFloatParameter.from_dict(default_piping_float_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..692e114
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**value** | **float** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest from a JSON string
+default_piping_float_parameter_request_instance = DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_float_parameter_request_dict = default_piping_float_parameter_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest from a dict
+default_piping_float_parameter_request_from_dict = DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.from_dict(default_piping_float_parameter_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameter.md b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38c905b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# DefaultPipingIntParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **int** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameter from a JSON string
+default_piping_int_parameter_instance = DefaultPipingIntParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_int_parameter_dict = default_piping_int_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameter from a dict
+default_piping_int_parameter_from_dict = DefaultPipingIntParameter.from_dict(default_piping_int_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfaec79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**value** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest from a JSON string
+default_piping_int_parameter_request_instance = DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_int_parameter_request_dict = default_piping_int_parameter_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest from a dict
+default_piping_int_parameter_request_from_dict = DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.from_dict(default_piping_int_parameter_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameter.md b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..782de4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# DefaultPipingStrParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **str** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameter from a JSON string
+default_piping_str_parameter_instance = DefaultPipingStrParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_str_parameter_dict = default_piping_str_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameter from a dict
+default_piping_str_parameter_from_dict = DefaultPipingStrParameter.from_dict(default_piping_str_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md
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index 0000000..9c7db8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**value** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest from a JSON string
+default_piping_str_parameter_request_instance = DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_str_parameter_request_dict = default_piping_str_parameter_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest from a dict
+default_piping_str_parameter_request_from_dict = DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.from_dict(default_piping_str_parameter_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/DownloadtokensApi.md b/python-async/docs/DownloadtokensApi.md
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index 0000000..feab436
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@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+# aiochris_oag.DownloadtokensApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**downloadtokens_create**](DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_create) | **POST** /api/v1/downloadtokens/ |
+[**downloadtokens_list**](DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_list) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/ |
+[**downloadtokens_retrieve**](DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/{id}/ |
+[**downloadtokens_search_list**](DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/search/ |
+# **downloadtokens_create**
+> FileDownloadToken downloadtokens_create(file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request)
+A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.DownloadtokensApi(api_client)
+ file_download_token_request = aiochris_oag.FileDownloadTokenRequest() # FileDownloadTokenRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.downloadtokens_create(file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request)
+ print("The response of DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **file_download_token_request** | [**FileDownloadTokenRequest**](FileDownloadTokenRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **downloadtokens_list**
+> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList downloadtokens_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.DownloadtokensApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.downloadtokens_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **downloadtokens_retrieve**
+> FileDownloadToken downloadtokens_retrieve(id)
+A file download token view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.DownloadtokensApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.downloadtokens_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **downloadtokens_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList downloadtokens_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.DownloadtokensApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.downloadtokens_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/Feed.md b/python-async/docs/Feed.md
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Feed
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**modification_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**folder_path** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**created_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'created' status. | [readonly]
+**waiting_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'waiting' status. | [readonly]
+**scheduled_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'scheduled' status. | [readonly]
+**started_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'started' status. | [readonly]
+**registering_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'registeringFiles' status. | [readonly]
+**finished_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedSuccessfully' status. | [readonly]
+**errored_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedWithError' status. | [readonly]
+**cancelled_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'cancelled' status. | [readonly]
+**folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**note** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**tags** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**taggings** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**comments** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_instances** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Feed from a JSON string
+feed_instance = Feed.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_dict = feed_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Feed from a dict
+feed_from_dict = Feed.from_dict(feed_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FeedGroupPermission.md b/python-async/docs/FeedGroupPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cec13b
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+++ b/python-async/docs/FeedGroupPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# FeedGroupPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedGroupPermission from a JSON string
+feed_group_permission_instance = FeedGroupPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_group_permission_dict = feed_group_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedGroupPermission from a dict
+feed_group_permission_from_dict = FeedGroupPermission.from_dict(feed_group_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FeedGroupPermissionRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FeedGroupPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca8c353
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FeedGroupPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**grp_name** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+feed_group_permission_request_instance = FeedGroupPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_group_permission_request_dict = feed_group_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedGroupPermissionRequest from a dict
+feed_group_permission_request_from_dict = FeedGroupPermissionRequest.from_dict(feed_group_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FeedRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FeedRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9cc785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FeedRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FeedRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedRequest from a JSON string
+feed_request_instance = FeedRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_request_dict = feed_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedRequest from a dict
+feed_request_from_dict = FeedRequest.from_dict(feed_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FeedUserPermission.md b/python-async/docs/FeedUserPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5465055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FeedUserPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# FeedUserPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedUserPermission from a JSON string
+feed_user_permission_instance = FeedUserPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_user_permission_dict = feed_user_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedUserPermission from a dict
+feed_user_permission_from_dict = FeedUserPermission.from_dict(feed_user_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FeedUserPermissionRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FeedUserPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18f5a3d
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+++ b/python-async/docs/FeedUserPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# FeedUserPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**username** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+feed_user_permission_request_instance = FeedUserPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_user_permission_request_dict = feed_user_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedUserPermissionRequest from a dict
+feed_user_permission_request_from_dict = FeedUserPermissionRequest.from_dict(feed_user_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFile.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5f7e90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# FileBrowserFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**fname** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFile from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_instance = FileBrowserFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_dict = file_browser_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFile from a dict
+file_browser_file_from_dict = FileBrowserFile.from_dict(file_browser_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a04f4d
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**file_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**file_fname** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**file** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_group_permission_instance = FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_group_permission_dict = file_browser_file_group_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermission from a dict
+file_browser_file_group_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.from_dict(file_browser_file_group_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**grp_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_group_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_group_permission_request_dict = file_browser_file_group_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_file_group_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_file_group_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae0ffab
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# FileBrowserFileRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**fname** | **bytearray** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**new_file_path** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_request_instance = FileBrowserFileRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_request_dict = file_browser_file_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileRequest from a dict
+file_browser_file_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFileRequest.from_dict(file_browser_file_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermission.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7e2574
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**file_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**file_fname** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_user_permission_instance = FileBrowserFileUserPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_user_permission_dict = file_browser_file_user_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermission from a dict
+file_browser_file_user_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserFileUserPermission.from_dict(file_browser_file_user_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91e3335
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**username** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_user_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_user_permission_request_dict = file_browser_file_user_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_file_user_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_file_user_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolder.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolder.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1a2bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolder.md
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# FileBrowserFolder
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**parent** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**children** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**files** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**link_files** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolder from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_instance = FileBrowserFolder.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_dict = file_browser_folder_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolder from a dict
+file_browser_folder_from_dict = FileBrowserFolder.from_dict(file_browser_folder_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9425a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**folder_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**folder_path** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_instance = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_dict = file_browser_folder_group_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission from a dict
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.from_dict(file_browser_folder_group_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0f0033
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**grp_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_dict = file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3711a60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_request_instance = FileBrowserFolderRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_request_dict = file_browser_folder_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderRequest from a dict
+file_browser_folder_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderRequest.from_dict(file_browser_folder_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ab399c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**folder_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**folder_path** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_instance = FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_dict = file_browser_folder_user_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermission from a dict
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.from_dict(file_browser_folder_user_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7441ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**username** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_dict = file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFile.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18019a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fname** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**linked_folder** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the linked folder if the ChRIS link points to a folder. | [readonly]
+**linked_file** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the linked file if the ChRIS link points to a file. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFile from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_instance = FileBrowserLinkFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_dict = file_browser_link_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFile from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFile.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..439bb8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**link_file_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**link_file_fname** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**link_file** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_dict = file_browser_link_file_group_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_group_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7445af4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**grp_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_dict = file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73ac78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fname** | **bytearray** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**new_link_file_path** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_request_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_request_dict = file_browser_link_file_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileRequest from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_request_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f3b041
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**link_file_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**link_file_fname** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**link_file** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_dict = file_browser_link_file_user_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_user_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45c01a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**username** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_dict = file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileDownloadToken.md b/python-async/docs/FileDownloadToken.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65a4705
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileDownloadToken.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# FileDownloadToken
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**token** | **str** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileDownloadToken from a JSON string
+file_download_token_instance = FileDownloadToken.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_download_token_dict = file_download_token_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileDownloadToken from a dict
+file_download_token_from_dict = FileDownloadToken.from_dict(file_download_token_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FileDownloadTokenRequest.md b/python-async/docs/FileDownloadTokenRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e5553a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FileDownloadTokenRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# FileDownloadTokenRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**token** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileDownloadTokenRequest from a JSON string
+file_download_token_request_instance = FileDownloadTokenRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_download_token_request_dict = file_download_token_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileDownloadTokenRequest from a dict
+file_download_token_request_from_dict = FileDownloadTokenRequest.from_dict(file_download_token_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FilebrowserApi.md b/python-async/docs/FilebrowserApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f08d977
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FilebrowserApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5042 @@
+# aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**filebrowser_children_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_children_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/children/ |
+[**filebrowser_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/ |
+[**filebrowser_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/files/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_retrieve_0**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/. |
+[**filebrowser_files_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/linkfiles/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/. |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/ |
+[**filebrowser_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+# **filebrowser_children_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList filebrowser_children_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of folders that are the children of this folder.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_children_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_children_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_children_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_create**
+> FileBrowserFolder filebrowser_create(file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request)
+A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ file_browser_folder_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFolderRequest() # FileBrowserFolderRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_create(file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **file_browser_folder_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderRequest**](FileBrowserFolderRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_destroy**
+> filebrowser_destroy(id)
+A ChRIS folder view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.filebrowser_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_destroy**
+> filebrowser_files_destroy(id)
+A ChRIS file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.filebrowser_files_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request)
+A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_name = 'group_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request)
+A view for a file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileList filebrowser_files_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of all the files directly under this folder.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFile filebrowser_files_retrieve(id)
+A ChRIS file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray filebrowser_files_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (DownloadTokenInQueryString):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: DownloadTokenInQueryString
+configuration.api_key['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth), [DownloadTokenInQueryString](../README.md#DownloadTokenInQueryString)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_update**
+> FileBrowserFile filebrowser_files_update(id, file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request)
+A ChRIS file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFileRequest() # FileBrowserFileRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_update(id, file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_request** | [**FileBrowserFileRequest**](FileBrowserFileRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserFileUserPermission filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request)
+A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFileUserPermission filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserFileUserPermission filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request)
+A view for a file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission filebrowser_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request)
+A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a folder's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList filebrowser_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a folder's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of folder-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_name = 'group_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission filebrowser_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request)
+A view for a folder's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy**
+> filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy(id)
+A ChRIS link file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request)
+A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a link file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a link file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of link file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_name = 'group_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request)
+A view for a link file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList filebrowser_linkfiles_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of all the ChRIS link files directly under this folder.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserLinkFile filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve(id)
+A ChRIS link file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (DownloadTokenInQueryString):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: DownloadTokenInQueryString
+configuration.api_key['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth), [DownloadTokenInQueryString](../README.md#DownloadTokenInQueryString)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_update**
+> FileBrowserLinkFile filebrowser_linkfiles_update(id, file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request)
+A ChRIS link file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_update(id, file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request)
+A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a link file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a link file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of link file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request)
+A view for a link file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList filebrowser_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFolder filebrowser_retrieve(id)
+A ChRIS folder view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList filebrowser_search_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of file browser folders resulting from a query search. The returned collection only has at most one element.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_search_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_update**
+> FileBrowserFolder filebrowser_update(id, file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request)
+A ChRIS folder view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFolderRequest() # FileBrowserFolderRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_update(id, file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderRequest**](FileBrowserFolderRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission filebrowser_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request)
+A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a folder's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList filebrowser_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a folder's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of folder-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission filebrowser_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request)
+A view for a folder's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FloatParameter.md b/python-async/docs/FloatParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d43c386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FloatParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# FloatParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **float** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FloatParameter from a JSON string
+float_parameter_instance = FloatParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+float_parameter_dict = float_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FloatParameter from a dict
+float_parameter_from_dict = FloatParameter.from_dict(float_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/FtypeEnum.md b/python-async/docs/FtypeEnum.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b7be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/FtypeEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# FtypeEnum
+* `yaml` - YAML file * `json` - JSON file
+## Enum
+* `YAML` (value: `'yaml'`)
+* `JSON` (value: `'json'`)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md b/python-async/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8230e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | Custom method to get the correct url for the serialized object regardless of its type. | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | [**GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue**](GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md) | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameter from a JSON string
+generic_default_piping_parameter_instance = GenericDefaultPipingParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+generic_default_piping_parameter_dict = generic_default_piping_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameter from a dict
+generic_default_piping_parameter_from_dict = GenericDefaultPipingParameter.from_dict(generic_default_piping_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md b/python-async/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53deac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+Overriden to get the default parameter value regardless of its type.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue from a JSON string
+generic_default_piping_parameter_value_instance = GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+generic_default_piping_parameter_value_dict = generic_default_piping_parameter_value_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue from a dict
+generic_default_piping_parameter_value_from_dict = GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.from_dict(generic_default_piping_parameter_value_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/GenericParameter.md b/python-async/docs/GenericParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3c08bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/GenericParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# GenericParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | Custom method to get the correct url for the serialized object regardless of its type. | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | [**GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue**](GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md) | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GenericParameter from a JSON string
+generic_parameter_instance = GenericParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+generic_parameter_dict = generic_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GenericParameter from a dict
+generic_parameter_from_dict = GenericParameter.from_dict(generic_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/Group.md b/python-async/docs/Group.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ddb860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/Group.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Group
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**users** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.group import Group
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Group from a JSON string
+group_instance = Group.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+group_dict = group_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Group from a dict
+group_from_dict = Group.from_dict(group_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/GroupRequest.md b/python-async/docs/GroupRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69479ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/GroupRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# GroupRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GroupRequest from a JSON string
+group_request_instance = GroupRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+group_request_dict = group_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GroupRequest from a dict
+group_request_from_dict = GroupRequest.from_dict(group_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/GroupUser.md b/python-async/docs/GroupUser.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42f1bc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/GroupUser.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# GroupUser
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**user_email** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GroupUser from a JSON string
+group_user_instance = GroupUser.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+group_user_dict = group_user_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GroupUser from a dict
+group_user_from_dict = GroupUser.from_dict(group_user_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/GroupUserRequest.md b/python-async/docs/GroupUserRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4e9180d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/GroupUserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# GroupUserRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**username** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GroupUserRequest from a JSON string
+group_user_request_instance = GroupUserRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+group_user_request_dict = group_user_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GroupUserRequest from a dict
+group_user_request_from_dict = GroupUserRequest.from_dict(group_user_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md b/python-async/docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c122ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# aiochris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**grouppermissions_create**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**grouppermissions_destroy**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**grouppermissions_list**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**grouppermissions_retrieve**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**grouppermissions_search_list**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+# **grouppermissions_create**
+> FeedGroupPermission grouppermissions_create(id, feed_group_permission_request)
+A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ feed_group_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FeedGroupPermissionRequest() # FeedGroupPermissionRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.grouppermissions_create(id, feed_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **feed_group_permission_request** | [**FeedGroupPermissionRequest**](FeedGroupPermissionRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **grouppermissions_destroy**
+> grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a feed's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **grouppermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **grouppermissions_retrieve**
+> FeedGroupPermission grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a feed's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **grouppermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feed-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_name = 'group_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/GroupsApi.md b/python-async/docs/GroupsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6482389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/GroupsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+# aiochris_oag.GroupsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**groups_create**](GroupsApi.md#groups_create) | **POST** /api/v1/groups/ |
+[**groups_destroy**](GroupsApi.md#groups_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/groups/{id}/ |
+[**groups_list**](GroupsApi.md#groups_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/ |
+[**groups_retrieve**](GroupsApi.md#groups_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/ |
+[**groups_search_list**](GroupsApi.md#groups_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/search/ |
+[**groups_users_create**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_create) | **POST** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/ |
+[**groups_users_destroy**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/groups/users/{id}/ |
+[**groups_users_list**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/ |
+[**groups_users_retrieve**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/users/{id}/ |
+[**groups_users_search_list**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/search/ |
+# **groups_create**
+> Group groups_create(group_request)
+A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.group import Group
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ group_request = aiochris_oag.GroupRequest() # GroupRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.groups_create(group_request)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **group_request** | [**GroupRequest**](GroupRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_destroy**
+> groups_destroy(id)
+A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.groups_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_list**
+> PaginatedGroupList groups_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.groups_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_retrieve**
+> Group groups_retrieve(id)
+A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.group import Group
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.groups_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_search_list**
+> PaginatedGroupList groups_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, name=name, name_icontains=name_icontains, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of groups resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_icontains = 'name_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.groups_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, name=name, name_icontains=name_icontains, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_create**
+> GroupUser groups_users_create(id, group_user_request)
+A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_user_request = aiochris_oag.GroupUserRequest() # GroupUserRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.groups_users_create(id, group_user_request)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_users_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_user_request** | [**GroupUserRequest**](GroupUserRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_destroy**
+> groups_users_destroy(id)
+A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.groups_users_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_list**
+> PaginatedGroupUserList groups_users_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.groups_users_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_users_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_retrieve**
+> GroupUser groups_users_retrieve(id)
+A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.groups_users_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_users_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_search_list**
+> PaginatedGroupUserList groups_users_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of group users resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.groups_users_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_users_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/IntParameter.md b/python-async/docs/IntParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94fce23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/IntParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# IntParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **int** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of IntParameter from a JSON string
+int_parameter_instance = IntParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+int_parameter_dict = int_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of IntParameter from a dict
+int_parameter_from_dict = IntParameter.from_dict(int_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/Note.md b/python-async/docs/Note.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2fe42b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/Note.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Note
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**content** | **str** | | [optional]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.note import Note
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Note from a JSON string
+note_instance = Note.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+note_dict = note_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Note from a dict
+note_from_dict = Note.from_dict(note_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/NoteApi.md b/python-async/docs/NoteApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2501e87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/NoteApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# aiochris_oag.NoteApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**note_retrieve**](NoteApi.md#note_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/note{id}/ |
+[**note_update**](NoteApi.md#note_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/note{id}/ |
+# **note_retrieve**
+> Note note_retrieve(id)
+A note view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.note import Note
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.NoteApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.note_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of NoteApi->note_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling NoteApi->note_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **note_update**
+> Note note_update(id, note_request=note_request)
+A note view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.note import Note
+from aiochris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.NoteApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ note_request = aiochris_oag.NoteRequest() # NoteRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.note_update(id, note_request=note_request)
+ print("The response of NoteApi->note_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling NoteApi->note_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **note_request** | [**NoteRequest**](NoteRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/NoteRequest.md b/python-async/docs/NoteRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbf9ac0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/NoteRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# NoteRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**content** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of NoteRequest from a JSON string
+note_request_instance = NoteRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+note_request_dict = note_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of NoteRequest from a dict
+note_request_from_dict = NoteRequest.from_dict(note_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PACSFile.md b/python-async/docs/PACSFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27743a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PACSFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# PACSFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**fname** | **str** | |
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PACSFile from a JSON string
+pacs_file_instance = PACSFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pacs_file_dict = pacs_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PACSFile from a dict
+pacs_file_from_dict = PACSFile.from_dict(pacs_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PACSSeries.md b/python-async/docs/PACSSeries.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee6bee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PACSSeries.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# PACSSeries
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**patient_id** | **str** | |
+**patient_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**patient_birth_date** | **date** | | [optional]
+**patient_age** | **int** | | [optional]
+**patient_sex** | [**PACSSeriesPatientSex**](PACSSeriesPatientSex.md) | | [optional]
+**study_date** | **date** | |
+**accession_number** | **str** | | [optional]
+**modality** | **str** | | [optional]
+**protocol_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**study_instance_uid** | **str** | |
+**study_description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**series_instance_uid** | **str** | |
+**series_description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**pacs_identifier** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PACSSeries from a JSON string
+pacs_series_instance = PACSSeries.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pacs_series_dict = pacs_series_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PACSSeries from a dict
+pacs_series_from_dict = PACSSeries.from_dict(pacs_series_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PACSSeriesPatientSex.md b/python-async/docs/PACSSeriesPatientSex.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf6e480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PACSSeriesPatientSex.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# PACSSeriesPatientSex
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PACSSeriesPatientSex from a JSON string
+pacs_series_patient_sex_instance = PACSSeriesPatientSex.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pacs_series_patient_sex_dict = pacs_series_patient_sex_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PACSSeriesPatientSex from a dict
+pacs_series_patient_sex_from_dict = PACSSeriesPatientSex.from_dict(pacs_series_patient_sex_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PacsApi.md b/python-async/docs/PacsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f16bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PacsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+# aiochris_oag.PacsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**pacs_files_list**](PacsApi.md#pacs_files_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/ |
+[**pacs_files_retrieve**](PacsApi.md#pacs_files_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/ |
+[**pacs_files_retrieve_0**](PacsApi.md#pacs_files_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/. |
+[**pacs_files_search_list**](PacsApi.md#pacs_files_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/search/ |
+[**pacs_series_list**](PacsApi.md#pacs_series_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/ |
+[**pacs_series_retrieve**](PacsApi.md#pacs_series_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/{id}/ |
+[**pacs_series_search_list**](PacsApi.md#pacs_series_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/search/ |
+# **pacs_files_list**
+> PaginatedPACSFileList pacs_files_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of PACS files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pacs_files_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_files_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_files_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_files_retrieve**
+> PACSFile pacs_files_retrieve(id)
+A PACS file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pacs_files_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_files_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_files_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_files_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray pacs_files_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (DownloadTokenInQueryString):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: DownloadTokenInQueryString
+configuration.api_key['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pacs_files_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_files_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_files_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth), [DownloadTokenInQueryString](../README.md#DownloadTokenInQueryString)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_files_search_list**
+> PaginatedPACSFileList pacs_files_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique, fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of PACS files resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ fname = 'fname_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_exact = 'fname_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains = 'fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique = 'fname_icontains_topdir_unique_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_nslashes = 'fname_nslashes_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pacs_files_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique, fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_files_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_files_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **fname** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains_topdir_unique** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_nslashes** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_series_list**
+> PaginatedPACSSeriesList pacs_series_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of PACS Series.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pacs_series_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_series_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_series_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_series_retrieve**
+> PACSSeries pacs_series_retrieve(id)
+A PACS Series view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pacs_series_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_series_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_series_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_series_search_list**
+> PaginatedPACSSeriesList pacs_series_search_list(accession_number=accession_number, patient_age=patient_age, patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date, patient_id=patient_id, patient_name=patient_name, patient_sex=patient_sex, protocol_name=protocol_name, series_description=series_description, series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid, study_date=study_date, study_description=study_description, study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid, id=id, limit=limit, max_patient_age=max_patient_age, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_patient_age=min_patient_age, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier)
+A view for the collection of PACS Series resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ accession_number = 'accession_number_example' # str | (optional)
+ patient_age = 56 # int | (optional)
+ patient_birth_date = '2013-10-20' # date | (optional)
+ patient_id = 'patient_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ patient_name = 'patient_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ patient_sex = 'patient_sex_example' # str | * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other (optional)
+ protocol_name = 'protocol_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ series_description = 'series_description_example' # str | (optional)
+ series_instance_uid = 'series_instance_uid_example' # str | (optional)
+ study_date = '2013-10-20' # date | (optional)
+ study_description = 'study_description_example' # str | (optional)
+ study_instance_uid = 'study_instance_uid_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_patient_age = 56 # int | (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_patient_age = 56 # int | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ pacs_identifier = 'pacs_identifier_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pacs_series_search_list(accession_number=accession_number, patient_age=patient_age, patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date, patient_id=patient_id, patient_name=patient_name, patient_sex=patient_sex, protocol_name=protocol_name, series_description=series_description, series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid, study_date=study_date, study_description=study_description, study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid, id=id, limit=limit, max_patient_age=max_patient_age, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_patient_age=min_patient_age, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_series_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_series_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **accession_number** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **patient_age** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **patient_birth_date** | **date**| | [optional]
+ **patient_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **patient_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **patient_sex** | **str**| * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other | [optional]
+ **protocol_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **series_description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **series_instance_uid** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **study_date** | **date**| | [optional]
+ **study_description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **study_instance_uid** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_patient_age** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_patient_age** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **pacs_identifier** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedCommentList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedCommentList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e19a231
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedCommentList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Comment]**](Comment.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedCommentList from a JSON string
+paginated_comment_list_instance = PaginatedCommentList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_comment_list_dict = paginated_comment_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedCommentList from a dict
+paginated_comment_list_from_dict = PaginatedCommentList.from_dict(paginated_comment_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedComputeResourceList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedComputeResourceList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cef8e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedComputeResourceList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedComputeResourceList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[ComputeResource]**](ComputeResource.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedComputeResourceList from a JSON string
+paginated_compute_resource_list_instance = PaginatedComputeResourceList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_compute_resource_list_dict = paginated_compute_resource_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedComputeResourceList from a dict
+paginated_compute_resource_list_from_dict = PaginatedComputeResourceList.from_dict(paginated_compute_resource_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..260fdca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FeedGroupPermission]**](FeedGroupPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_feed_group_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_feed_group_permission_list_dict = paginated_feed_group_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_feed_group_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_feed_group_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFeedList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFeedList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4aa22db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFeedList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFeedList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Feed]**](Feed.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedList from a JSON string
+paginated_feed_list_instance = PaginatedFeedList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_feed_list_dict = paginated_feed_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedList from a dict
+paginated_feed_list_from_dict = PaginatedFeedList.from_dict(paginated_feed_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..438b7f5
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+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FeedUserPermission]**](FeedUserPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_feed_user_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_feed_user_permission_list_dict = paginated_feed_user_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_feed_user_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_feed_user_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8989fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]**](FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..822f686
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+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFile]**](FileBrowserFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_file_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef82515
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]**](FileBrowserFileUserPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ec6cc1
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+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]**](FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..16f8129
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFolder]**](FileBrowserFolder.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_folder_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_folder_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_folder_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dbdf0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]**](FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ac7e84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]**](FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c97e1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserLinkFile]**](FileBrowserLinkFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cb4a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]**](FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dc8a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileDownloadToken]**](FileDownloadToken.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_download_token_list_instance = PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_download_token_list_dict = paginated_file_download_token_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList from a dict
+paginated_file_download_token_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.from_dict(paginated_file_download_token_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab419b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[GenericDefaultPipingParameter]**](GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList from a JSON string
+paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_instance = PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_dict = paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList from a dict
+paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_from_dict = PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.from_dict(paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedGenericParameterList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedGenericParameterList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7f4df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedGenericParameterList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedGenericParameterList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[GenericParameter]**](GenericParameter.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedGenericParameterList from a JSON string
+paginated_generic_parameter_list_instance = PaginatedGenericParameterList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_generic_parameter_list_dict = paginated_generic_parameter_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedGenericParameterList from a dict
+paginated_generic_parameter_list_from_dict = PaginatedGenericParameterList.from_dict(paginated_generic_parameter_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedGroupList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedGroupList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80b4ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedGroupList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedGroupList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Group]**](Group.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedGroupList from a JSON string
+paginated_group_list_instance = PaginatedGroupList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_group_list_dict = paginated_group_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedGroupList from a dict
+paginated_group_list_from_dict = PaginatedGroupList.from_dict(paginated_group_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedGroupUserList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedGroupUserList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61ed1e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedGroupUserList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedGroupUserList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[GroupUser]**](GroupUser.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedGroupUserList from a JSON string
+paginated_group_user_list_instance = PaginatedGroupUserList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_group_user_list_dict = paginated_group_user_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedGroupUserList from a dict
+paginated_group_user_list_from_dict = PaginatedGroupUserList.from_dict(paginated_group_user_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPACSFileList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPACSFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51cf362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPACSFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPACSFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PACSFile]**](PACSFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPACSFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_pacs_file_list_instance = PaginatedPACSFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_pacs_file_list_dict = paginated_pacs_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPACSFileList from a dict
+paginated_pacs_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedPACSFileList.from_dict(paginated_pacs_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPACSSeriesList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPACSSeriesList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7ae91a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPACSSeriesList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PACSSeries]**](PACSSeries.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPACSSeriesList from a JSON string
+paginated_pacs_series_list_instance = PaginatedPACSSeriesList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_pacs_series_list_dict = paginated_pacs_series_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPACSSeriesList from a dict
+paginated_pacs_series_list_from_dict = PaginatedPACSSeriesList.from_dict(paginated_pacs_series_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPipelineList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPipelineList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d434bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPipelineList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPipelineList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Pipeline]**](Pipeline.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPipelineList from a JSON string
+paginated_pipeline_list_instance = PaginatedPipelineList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_pipeline_list_dict = paginated_pipeline_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPipelineList from a dict
+paginated_pipeline_list_from_dict = PaginatedPipelineList.from_dict(paginated_pipeline_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d95aea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PipelineSourceFile]**](PipelineSourceFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_instance = PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_dict = paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList from a dict
+paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.from_dict(paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginAdminList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginAdminList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0337ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginAdminList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginAdminList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginAdmin]**](PluginAdmin.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginAdminList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_admin_list_instance = PaginatedPluginAdminList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_admin_list_dict = paginated_plugin_admin_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginAdminList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_admin_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginAdminList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_admin_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2da716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginInstance]**](PluginInstance.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_instance_list_instance = PaginatedPluginInstanceList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_instance_list_dict = paginated_plugin_instance_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_instance_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginInstanceList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_instance_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b1c382
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginInstanceSplit]**](PluginInstanceSplit.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_instance = PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_dict = paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c305fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Plugin]**](Plugin.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_list_instance = PaginatedPluginList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_list_dict = paginated_plugin_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginMetaList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginMetaList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..431a889
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginMetaList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginMetaList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginMeta]**](PluginMeta.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginMetaList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_meta_list_instance = PaginatedPluginMetaList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_meta_list_dict = paginated_plugin_meta_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginMetaList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_meta_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginMetaList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_meta_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginParameterList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginParameterList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..659a1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginParameterList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginParameterList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginParameter]**](PluginParameter.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginParameterList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_parameter_list_instance = PaginatedPluginParameterList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_parameter_list_dict = paginated_plugin_parameter_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginParameterList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_parameter_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginParameterList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_parameter_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginPipingList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginPipingList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a4f70c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedPluginPipingList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginPipingList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginPiping]**](PluginPiping.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginPipingList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_piping_list_instance = PaginatedPluginPipingList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_piping_list_dict = paginated_plugin_piping_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginPipingList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_piping_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginPipingList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_piping_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedTagList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedTagList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4ce0e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedTagList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedTagList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Tag]**](Tag.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedTagList from a JSON string
+paginated_tag_list_instance = PaginatedTagList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_tag_list_dict = paginated_tag_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedTagList from a dict
+paginated_tag_list_from_dict = PaginatedTagList.from_dict(paginated_tag_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedTaggingList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedTaggingList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c32f7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedTaggingList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedTaggingList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Tagging]**](Tagging.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedTaggingList from a JSON string
+paginated_tagging_list_instance = PaginatedTaggingList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_tagging_list_dict = paginated_tagging_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedTaggingList from a dict
+paginated_tagging_list_from_dict = PaginatedTaggingList.from_dict(paginated_tagging_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedUserFileList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedUserFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..459aeaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedUserFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedUserFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[UserFile]**](UserFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedUserFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_user_file_list_instance = PaginatedUserFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_user_file_list_dict = paginated_user_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedUserFileList from a dict
+paginated_user_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedUserFileList.from_dict(paginated_user_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedUserList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedUserList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6b53b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedUserList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedUserList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[User]**](User.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedUserList from a JSON string
+paginated_user_list_instance = PaginatedUserList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_user_list_dict = paginated_user_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedUserList from a dict
+paginated_user_list_from_dict = PaginatedUserList.from_dict(paginated_user_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PaginatedWorkflowList.md b/python-async/docs/PaginatedWorkflowList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00cc261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PaginatedWorkflowList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedWorkflowList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Workflow]**](Workflow.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedWorkflowList from a JSON string
+paginated_workflow_list_instance = PaginatedWorkflowList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_workflow_list_dict = paginated_workflow_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedWorkflowList from a dict
+paginated_workflow_list_from_dict = PaginatedWorkflowList.from_dict(paginated_workflow_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PathParameter.md b/python-async/docs/PathParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c89796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PathParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# PathParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **str** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PathParameter from a JSON string
+path_parameter_instance = PathParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+path_parameter_dict = path_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PathParameter from a dict
+path_parameter_from_dict = PathParameter.from_dict(path_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PatientSexEnum.md b/python-async/docs/PatientSexEnum.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1c7670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PatientSexEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# PatientSexEnum
+* `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+## Enum
+* `M` (value: `'M'`)
+* `F` (value: `'F'`)
+* `O` (value: `'O'`)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PermissionEnum.md b/python-async/docs/PermissionEnum.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a16f2f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PermissionEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# PermissionEnum
+* `r` - Read * `w` - Write
+## Enum
+* `R` (value: `'r'`)
+* `W` (value: `'w'`)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/Pipeline.md b/python-async/docs/Pipeline.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..57f9e18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/Pipeline.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Pipeline
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**locked** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**authors** | **str** | | [optional]
+**category** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**modification_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**plugins** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_pipings** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**default_parameters** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**workflows** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**json_repr** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Pipeline from a JSON string
+pipeline_instance = Pipeline.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_dict = pipeline_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Pipeline from a dict
+pipeline_from_dict = Pipeline.from_dict(pipeline_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PipelineCustomJson.md b/python-async/docs/PipelineCustomJson.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1534281
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PipelineCustomJson.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# PipelineCustomJson
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**locked** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**authors** | **str** | | [optional]
+**category** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugin_tree** | **str** | Overriden to get the plugin_tree JSON string. | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineCustomJson from a JSON string
+pipeline_custom_json_instance = PipelineCustomJson.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_custom_json_dict = pipeline_custom_json_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineCustomJson from a dict
+pipeline_custom_json_from_dict = PipelineCustomJson.from_dict(pipeline_custom_json_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PipelineRequest.md b/python-async/docs/PipelineRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..151ab19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PipelineRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# PipelineRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | |
+**locked** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**authors** | **str** | | [optional]
+**category** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugin_tree** | **object** | | [optional]
+**plugin_inst_id** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineRequest from a JSON string
+pipeline_request_instance = PipelineRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_request_dict = pipeline_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineRequest from a dict
+pipeline_request_from_dict = PipelineRequest.from_dict(pipeline_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PipelineSourceFile.md b/python-async/docs/PipelineSourceFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03626c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PipelineSourceFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# PipelineSourceFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**fname** | **str** | |
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**ftype** | [**PipelineSourceFileFtype**](PipelineSourceFileFtype.md) | |
+**uploader_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**pipeline_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFile from a JSON string
+pipeline_source_file_instance = PipelineSourceFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_source_file_dict = pipeline_source_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFile from a dict
+pipeline_source_file_from_dict = PipelineSourceFile.from_dict(pipeline_source_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PipelineSourceFileFtype.md b/python-async/docs/PipelineSourceFileFtype.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ed04fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PipelineSourceFileFtype.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# PipelineSourceFileFtype
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFileFtype from a JSON string
+pipeline_source_file_ftype_instance = PipelineSourceFileFtype.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_source_file_ftype_dict = pipeline_source_file_ftype_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFileFtype from a dict
+pipeline_source_file_ftype_from_dict = PipelineSourceFileFtype.from_dict(pipeline_source_file_ftype_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PipelineSourceFileRequest.md b/python-async/docs/PipelineSourceFileRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2e164d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PipelineSourceFileRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# PipelineSourceFileRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**fname** | **bytearray** | |
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**type** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFileRequest from a JSON string
+pipeline_source_file_request_instance = PipelineSourceFileRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_source_file_request_dict = pipeline_source_file_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFileRequest from a dict
+pipeline_source_file_request_from_dict = PipelineSourceFileRequest.from_dict(pipeline_source_file_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PipelinesApi.md b/python-async/docs/PipelinesApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9802ecf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PipelinesApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3070 @@
+# aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**all_workflows_list**](PipelinesApi.md#all_workflows_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/ |
+[**pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_boolean_parameter_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_boolean_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_create**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/ |
+[**pipelines_destroy**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_float_parameter_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_float_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_integer_parameter_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_integer_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_json_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_json_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/json/ |
+[**pipelines_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/ |
+[**pipelines_parameters_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/parameters/ |
+[**pipelines_pipings_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_pipings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/pipings/ |
+[**pipelines_pipings_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_pipings_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/pipings/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_plugins_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/plugins/ |
+[**pipelines_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_search_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/search/ |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_create**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/ |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/ |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/. |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/search/ |
+[**pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_string_parameter_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_string_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_create**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_destroy**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/plugininstances/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_search_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/search/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+[**workflows_list**](PipelinesApi.md#workflows_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/ |
+# **all_workflows_list**
+> PaginatedWorkflowList all_workflows_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of all workflows.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.all_workflows_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->all_workflows_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->all_workflows_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve**
+> DefaultPipingBoolParameter pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_boolean_parameter_update**
+> DefaultPipingBoolParameter pipelines_boolean_parameter_update(id, default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request)
+A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request = aiochris_oag.DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest() # DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_boolean_parameter_update(id, default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_boolean_parameter_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_boolean_parameter_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **default_piping_bool_parameter_request** | [**DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest**](DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_create**
+> Pipeline pipelines_create(pipeline_request)
+A view for the collection of pipelines.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ pipeline_request = aiochris_oag.PipelineRequest() # PipelineRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_create(pipeline_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **pipeline_request** | [**PipelineRequest**](PipelineRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_destroy**
+> pipelines_destroy(id)
+A pipeline view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.pipelines_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve**
+> DefaultPipingFloatParameter pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_float_parameter_update**
+> DefaultPipingFloatParameter pipelines_float_parameter_update(id, default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request)
+A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request = aiochris_oag.DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest() # DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_float_parameter_update(id, default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_float_parameter_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_float_parameter_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **default_piping_float_parameter_request** | [**DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest**](DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve**
+> DefaultPipingIntParameter pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_integer_parameter_update**
+> DefaultPipingIntParameter pipelines_integer_parameter_update(id, default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request)
+A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request = aiochris_oag.DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest() # DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_integer_parameter_update(id, default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_integer_parameter_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_integer_parameter_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **default_piping_int_parameter_request** | [**DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest**](DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_json_retrieve**
+> PipelineCustomJson pipelines_json_retrieve(id)
+A pipeline with a custom JSON view resembling the originally submitted pipeline data.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_json_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_json_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_json_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_list**
+> PaginatedPipelineList pipelines_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipelines.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_parameters_list**
+> PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList pipelines_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin parameters' defaults.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_parameters_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_parameters_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_pipings_list**
+> PaginatedPluginPipingList pipelines_pipings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin pipings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_pipings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_pipings_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_pipings_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_pipings_retrieve**
+> PluginPiping pipelines_pipings_retrieve(id)
+A plugin piping view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_pipings_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_pipings_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_pipings_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_plugins_list**
+> PaginatedPluginList pipelines_plugins_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a pipeline-specific collection of plugins.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_plugins_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_plugins_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_plugins_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_retrieve**
+> Pipeline pipelines_retrieve(id)
+A pipeline view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_search_list**
+> PaginatedPipelineList pipelines_search_list(authors=authors, category=category, description=description, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+A view for the collection of pipelines resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ authors = 'authors_example' # str | (optional)
+ category = 'category_example' # str | (optional)
+ description = 'description_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_search_list(authors=authors, category=category, description=description, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **authors** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_create**
+> PipelineSourceFile pipelines_sourcefiles_create(pipeline_source_file_request)
+A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ pipeline_source_file_request = aiochris_oag.PipelineSourceFileRequest() # PipelineSourceFileRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_create(pipeline_source_file_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **pipeline_source_file_request** | [**PipelineSourceFileRequest**](PipelineSourceFileRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_list**
+> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList pipelines_sourcefiles_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve**
+> PipelineSourceFile pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve(id)
+A pipeline source file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list**
+> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, uploader_username=uploader_username)
+A view for the collection of pipeline source files resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ fname = 'fname_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_exact = 'fname_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains = 'fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ uploader_username = 'uploader_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, uploader_username=uploader_username)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **fname** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **uploader_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve**
+> DefaultPipingStrParameter pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_string_parameter_update**
+> DefaultPipingStrParameter pipelines_string_parameter_update(id, default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request)
+A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request = aiochris_oag.DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest() # DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_string_parameter_update(id, default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_string_parameter_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_string_parameter_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **default_piping_str_parameter_request** | [**DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest**](DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_update**
+> Pipeline pipelines_update(id, pipeline_request)
+A pipeline view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ pipeline_request = aiochris_oag.PipelineRequest() # PipelineRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_update(id, pipeline_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **pipeline_request** | [**PipelineRequest**](PipelineRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_create**
+> Workflow pipelines_workflows_create(id, workflow_request=workflow_request)
+A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ workflow_request = aiochris_oag.WorkflowRequest() # WorkflowRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_workflows_create(id, workflow_request=workflow_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **workflow_request** | [**WorkflowRequest**](WorkflowRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_destroy**
+> pipelines_workflows_destroy(id)
+A workflow view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.pipelines_workflows_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances that compose the workflow.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_retrieve**
+> Workflow pipelines_workflows_retrieve(id)
+A workflow view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_workflows_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_search_list**
+> PaginatedWorkflowList pipelines_workflows_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username, pipeline_name=pipeline_name, title=title)
+A view for the collection of workflows resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ pipeline_name = 'pipeline_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ title = 'title_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_workflows_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username, pipeline_name=pipeline_name, title=title)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **pipeline_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **title** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_update**
+> Workflow pipelines_workflows_update(id, workflow_request=workflow_request)
+A workflow view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ workflow_request = aiochris_oag.WorkflowRequest() # WorkflowRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.pipelines_workflows_update(id, workflow_request=workflow_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **workflow_request** | [**WorkflowRequest**](WorkflowRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **workflows_list**
+> PaginatedWorkflowList workflows_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.workflows_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->workflows_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->workflows_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/Plugin.md b/python-async/docs/Plugin.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a55aae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/Plugin.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Plugin
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**version** | **str** | |
+**dock_image** | **str** | |
+**public_repo** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**icon** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**type** | [**PluginType**](PluginType.md) | | [readonly]
+**stars** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**authors** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**category** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**documentation** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**license** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**execshell** | **str** | |
+**selfpath** | **str** | |
+**selfexec** | **str** | |
+**min_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**meta** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**parameters** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**instances** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**compute_resources** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Plugin from a JSON string
+plugin_instance = Plugin.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_dict = plugin_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Plugin from a dict
+plugin_from_dict = Plugin.from_dict(plugin_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginAdmin.md b/python-async/docs/PluginAdmin.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..479a458
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+++ b/python-async/docs/PluginAdmin.md
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# PluginAdmin
+A Plugin serializer for the PluginAdminList JSON view.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**version** | **str** | | [optional]
+**dock_image** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public_repo** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**icon** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**type** | [**PluginType**](PluginType.md) | | [readonly]
+**stars** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**authors** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**category** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**documentation** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**license** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**execshell** | **str** | | [optional]
+**selfpath** | **str** | | [optional]
+**selfexec** | **str** | | [optional]
+**min_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**meta** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**parameters** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**instances** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**compute_resources** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginAdmin from a JSON string
+plugin_admin_instance = PluginAdmin.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_admin_dict = plugin_admin_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginAdmin from a dict
+plugin_admin_from_dict = PluginAdmin.from_dict(plugin_admin_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginAdminRequest.md b/python-async/docs/PluginAdminRequest.md
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+++ b/python-async/docs/PluginAdminRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# PluginAdminRequest
+A Plugin serializer for the PluginAdminList JSON view.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**version** | **str** | | [optional]
+**dock_image** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**execshell** | **str** | | [optional]
+**selfpath** | **str** | | [optional]
+**selfexec** | **str** | | [optional]
+**min_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**fname** | **bytearray** | | [optional]
+**plugin_store_url** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_names** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginAdminRequest from a JSON string
+plugin_admin_request_instance = PluginAdminRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_admin_request_dict = plugin_admin_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginAdminRequest from a dict
+plugin_admin_request_from_dict = PluginAdminRequest.from_dict(plugin_admin_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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+# PluginInstance
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**compute_resource_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_type** | [**PluginType**](PluginType.md) | | [readonly]
+**feed_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**start_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**end_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**output_path** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**status** | [**StatusEnum**](StatusEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**pipeline_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**workflow_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**summary** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**raw** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**size** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**error_code** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**output_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**workflow** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**compute_resource** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**descendants** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**parameters** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**splits** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginInstance from a JSON string
+plugin_instance_instance = PluginInstance.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_instance_dict = plugin_instance_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginInstance from a dict
+plugin_instance_from_dict = PluginInstance.from_dict(plugin_instance_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# PluginInstanceRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_resource_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**status** | [**StatusEnum**](StatusEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**previous_id** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceRequest from a JSON string
+plugin_instance_request_instance = PluginInstanceRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_instance_request_dict = plugin_instance_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceRequest from a dict
+plugin_instance_request_from_dict = PluginInstanceRequest.from_dict(plugin_instance_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginInstanceSplit.md b/python-async/docs/PluginInstanceSplit.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# PluginInstanceSplit
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**filter** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugin_inst_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**created_plugin_inst_ids** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceSplit from a JSON string
+plugin_instance_split_instance = PluginInstanceSplit.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_instance_split_dict = plugin_instance_split_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceSplit from a dict
+plugin_instance_split_from_dict = PluginInstanceSplit.from_dict(plugin_instance_split_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**filter** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_resource_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceSplitRequest from a JSON string
+plugin_instance_split_request_instance = PluginInstanceSplitRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_instance_split_request_dict = plugin_instance_split_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceSplitRequest from a dict
+plugin_instance_split_request_from_dict = PluginInstanceSplitRequest.from_dict(plugin_instance_split_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginMeta.md b/python-async/docs/PluginMeta.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# PluginMeta
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**modification_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**stars** | **int** | | [optional]
+**public_repo** | **str** | | [optional]
+**license** | **str** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginType**](PluginType.md) | | [optional]
+**icon** | **str** | | [optional]
+**category** | **str** | | [optional]
+**authors** | **str** | | [optional]
+**documentation** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugins** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginMeta from a JSON string
+plugin_meta_instance = PluginMeta.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_meta_dict = plugin_meta_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginMeta from a dict
+plugin_meta_from_dict = PluginMeta.from_dict(plugin_meta_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginParameter.md b/python-async/docs/PluginParameter.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# PluginParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [optional]
+**optional** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**default** | [**PluginParameterDefault**](PluginParameterDefault.md) | |
+**flag** | **str** | |
+**short_flag** | **str** | | [optional]
+**action** | **str** | | [optional]
+**help** | **str** | | [optional]
+**ui_exposed** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**plugin** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginParameter from a JSON string
+plugin_parameter_instance = PluginParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_parameter_dict = plugin_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginParameter from a dict
+plugin_parameter_from_dict = PluginParameter.from_dict(plugin_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginParameterDefault.md b/python-async/docs/PluginParameterDefault.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# PluginParameterDefault
+Overriden to get the default parameter value regardless of type.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginParameterDefault from a JSON string
+plugin_parameter_default_instance = PluginParameterDefault.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_parameter_default_dict = plugin_parameter_default_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginParameterDefault from a dict
+plugin_parameter_default_from_dict = PluginParameterDefault.from_dict(plugin_parameter_default_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginParameterType.md b/python-async/docs/PluginParameterType.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# PluginParameterType
+* `string` - String values * `float` - Float values * `boolean` - Boolean values * `integer` - Integer values * `path` - Path values * `unextpath` - Unextracted path values
+## Enum
+* `STRING` (value: `'string'`)
+* `FLOAT` (value: `'float'`)
+* `BOOLEAN` (value: `'boolean'`)
+* `INTEGER` (value: `'integer'`)
+* `PATH` (value: `'path'`)
+* `UNEXTPATH` (value: `'unextpath'`)
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diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginPiping.md b/python-async/docs/PluginPiping.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# PluginPiping
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**previous_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | |
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**previous** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginPiping from a JSON string
+plugin_piping_instance = PluginPiping.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_piping_dict = plugin_piping_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginPiping from a dict
+plugin_piping_from_dict = PluginPiping.from_dict(plugin_piping_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginType.md b/python-async/docs/PluginType.md
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+# PluginType
+* `ds` - Data synthesis * `fs` - Feed synthesis * `ts` - Topology synthesis
+## Enum
+* `DS` (value: `'ds'`)
+* `FS` (value: `'fs'`)
+* `TS` (value: `'ts'`)
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diff --git a/python-async/docs/PlugininstancesApi.md b/python-async/docs/PlugininstancesApi.md
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+# aiochris_oag.PlugininstancesApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**plugininstances_list**](PlugininstancesApi.md#plugininstances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/plugininstances/ |
+# **plugininstances_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList plugininstances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feed-specific plugin instances.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PlugininstancesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugininstances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PlugininstancesApi->plugininstances_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PlugininstancesApi->plugininstances_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
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diff --git a/python-async/docs/PluginsApi.md b/python-async/docs/PluginsApi.md
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+# aiochris_oag.PluginsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**all_plugins_instances_list**](PluginsApi.md#all_plugins_instances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/ |
+[**plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_computeresources_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_computeresources_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/computeresources/ |
+[**plugins_float_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_float_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_instances_create**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_create) | **POST** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/ |
+[**plugins_instances_descendants_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_descendants_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/descendants/ |
+[**plugins_instances_destroy**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_instances_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/ |
+[**plugins_instances_parameters_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/parameters/ |
+[**plugins_instances_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_instances_search_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/search/ |
+[**plugins_instances_splits_create**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_create) | **POST** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/ |
+[**plugins_instances_splits_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/ |
+[**plugins_instances_splits_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/splits/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_instances_update**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/ |
+[**plugins_metas_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/ |
+[**plugins_metas_plugins_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/plugins/ |
+[**plugins_metas_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_metas_search_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/search/ |
+[**plugins_parameters_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/parameters/ |
+[**plugins_parameters_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_parameters_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/parameters/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_path_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_path_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/path-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_search_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/search/ |
+[**plugins_string_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_string_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/unextpath-parameter/{id}/ |
+# **all_plugins_instances_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList all_plugins_instances_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of all plugin instances.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.all_plugins_instances_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->all_plugins_instances_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->all_plugins_instances_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve**
+> BoolParameter plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A boolean parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_computeresources_list**
+> PaginatedComputeResourceList plugins_computeresources_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a plugin-specific collection of compute resources.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_computeresources_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_computeresources_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_computeresources_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_float_parameter_retrieve**
+> FloatParameter plugins_float_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A float parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_float_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_float_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_float_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_create**
+> PluginInstance plugins_instances_create(id, plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ plugin_instance_request = aiochris_oag.PluginInstanceRequest() # PluginInstanceRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_create(id, plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **plugin_instance_request** | [**PluginInstanceRequest**](PluginInstanceRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_descendants_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList plugins_instances_descendants_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances that are a descendant of this plugin instance.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_descendants_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_descendants_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_descendants_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_destroy**
+> plugins_instances_destroy(id)
+A plugin instance view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.plugins_instances_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList plugins_instances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_parameters_list**
+> PaginatedGenericParameterList plugins_instances_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of parameters that the plugin instance was run with.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_parameters_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_parameters_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_retrieve**
+> PluginInstance plugins_instances_retrieve(id)
+A plugin instance view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_search_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList plugins_instances_search_list(feed_id=feed_id, id=id, limit=limit, max_end_date=max_end_date, max_start_date=max_start_date, min_end_date=min_end_date, min_start_date=min_start_date, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username, plugin_id=plugin_id, plugin_name=plugin_name, plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact, plugin_version=plugin_version, previous_id=previous_id, root_id=root_id, status=status, title=title, workflow_id=workflow_id)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ feed_id = 'feed_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_end_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ max_start_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_end_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_start_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ plugin_id = 'plugin_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ plugin_name = 'plugin_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ plugin_name_exact = 'plugin_name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ plugin_version = 'plugin_version_example' # str | (optional)
+ previous_id = 'previous_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ root_id = 'root_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ status = 'status_example' # str | * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled (optional)
+ title = 'title_example' # str | (optional)
+ workflow_id = 'workflow_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_search_list(feed_id=feed_id, id=id, limit=limit, max_end_date=max_end_date, max_start_date=max_start_date, min_end_date=min_end_date, min_start_date=min_start_date, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username, plugin_id=plugin_id, plugin_name=plugin_name, plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact, plugin_version=plugin_version, previous_id=previous_id, root_id=root_id, status=status, title=title, workflow_id=workflow_id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **feed_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_end_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **max_start_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_end_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_start_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **plugin_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **plugin_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **plugin_name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **plugin_version** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **previous_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **root_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **status** | **str**| * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled | [optional]
+ **title** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **workflow_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_splits_create**
+> PluginInstanceSplit plugins_instances_splits_create(id, plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request)
+A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ plugin_instance_split_request = aiochris_oag.PluginInstanceSplitRequest() # PluginInstanceSplitRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_splits_create(id, plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **plugin_instance_split_request** | [**PluginInstanceSplitRequest**](PluginInstanceSplitRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_splits_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList plugins_instances_splits_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_splits_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_splits_retrieve**
+> PluginInstanceSplit plugins_instances_splits_retrieve(id)
+A view for a plugin instance split.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_splits_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_update**
+> PluginInstance plugins_instances_update(id, plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request)
+A plugin instance view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ plugin_instance_request = aiochris_oag.PluginInstanceRequest() # PluginInstanceRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_instances_update(id, plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **plugin_instance_request** | [**PluginInstanceRequest**](PluginInstanceRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve**
+> IntParameter plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve(id)
+An integer parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_list**
+> PaginatedPluginList plugins_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugins.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_metas_list**
+> PaginatedPluginMetaList plugins_metas_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin metas.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_metas_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_metas_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_metas_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_metas_plugins_list**
+> PaginatedPluginList plugins_metas_plugins_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of meta-specific plugins.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_metas_plugins_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_metas_plugins_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_metas_plugins_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_metas_retrieve**
+> PluginMeta plugins_metas_retrieve(id)
+A plugin meta view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_metas_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_metas_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_metas_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_metas_search_list**
+> PaginatedPluginMetaList plugins_metas_search_list(authors=authors, category=category, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, name_authors_category=name_authors_category, name_exact=name_exact, name_title_category=name_title_category, offset=offset, title=title, type=type)
+A view for the collection of plugin metas resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ authors = 'authors_example' # str | (optional)
+ category = 'category_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_authors_category = 'name_authors_category_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_title_category = 'name_title_category_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ title = 'title_example' # str | (optional)
+ type = 'type_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_metas_search_list(authors=authors, category=category, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, name_authors_category=name_authors_category, name_exact=name_exact, name_title_category=name_title_category, offset=offset, title=title, type=type)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_metas_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_metas_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **authors** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_authors_category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_title_category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **title** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **type** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_parameters_list**
+> PaginatedPluginParameterList plugins_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin parameters.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_parameters_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_parameters_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_parameters_retrieve**
+> PluginParameter plugins_parameters_retrieve(id)
+A plugin parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_parameters_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_parameters_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_parameters_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_path_parameter_retrieve**
+> PathParameter plugins_path_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A path parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_path_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_path_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_path_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_retrieve**
+> Plugin plugins_retrieve(id)
+A plugin view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_search_list**
+> PaginatedPluginList plugins_search_list(category=category, compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id, description=description, dock_image=dock_image, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_title_category=name_title_category, offset=offset, title=title, type=type, version=version)
+A view for the collection of plugins resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ category = 'category_example' # str | (optional)
+ compute_resource_id = 'compute_resource_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ description = 'description_example' # str | (optional)
+ dock_image = 'dock_image_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_title_category = 'name_title_category_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ title = 'title_example' # str | (optional)
+ type = 'type_example' # str | (optional)
+ version = 'version_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_search_list(category=category, compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id, description=description, dock_image=dock_image, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_title_category=name_title_category, offset=offset, title=title, type=type, version=version)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **compute_resource_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **dock_image** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_title_category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **title** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **type** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **version** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_string_parameter_retrieve**
+> StrParameter plugins_string_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A string parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_string_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_string_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_string_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve**
+> UnextpathParameter plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A unextpath parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/PublicfeedsApi.md b/python-async/docs/PublicfeedsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53d0c9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/PublicfeedsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# aiochris_oag.PublicfeedsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**publicfeeds_list**](PublicfeedsApi.md#publicfeeds_list) | **GET** /api/v1/publicfeeds/ |
+[**publicfeeds_search_list**](PublicfeedsApi.md#publicfeeds_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/publicfeeds/search/ |
+# **publicfeeds_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList publicfeeds_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of public feeds.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PublicfeedsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.publicfeeds_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PublicfeedsApi->publicfeeds_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PublicfeedsApi->publicfeeds_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **publicfeeds_search_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList publicfeeds_search_list(files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, max_id=max_id, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, min_id=min_id, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_startswith=name_startswith, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of public feeds resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.PublicfeedsApi(api_client)
+ files_fname_icontains = 'files_fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ max_id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_startswith = 'name_startswith_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.publicfeeds_search_list(files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, max_id=max_id, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, min_id=min_id, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_startswith=name_startswith, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PublicfeedsApi->publicfeeds_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PublicfeedsApi->publicfeeds_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **files_fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **max_id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/SchemaApi.md b/python-async/docs/SchemaApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33eb1f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/SchemaApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# aiochris_oag.SchemaApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**schema_retrieve**](SchemaApi.md#schema_retrieve) | **GET** /schema/ |
+# **schema_retrieve**
+> Dict[str, object] schema_retrieve(format=format, lang=lang)
+OpenApi3 schema for this API. Format can be selected via content negotiation. - YAML: application/vnd.oai.openapi - JSON: application/vnd.oai.openapi+json
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.SchemaApi(api_client)
+ format = 'format_example' # str | (optional)
+ lang = 'lang_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.schema_retrieve(format=format, lang=lang)
+ print("The response of SchemaApi->schema_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling SchemaApi->schema_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **format** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **lang** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+**Dict[str, object]**
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/vnd.oai.openapi, application/yaml, application/vnd.oai.openapi+json, application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/SearchApi.md b/python-async/docs/SearchApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..937cf9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/SearchApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# aiochris_oag.SearchApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**search_list**](SearchApi.md#search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/search/ |
+# **search_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList search_list(files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, max_id=max_id, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, min_id=min_id, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_startswith=name_startswith, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feeds resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.SearchApi(api_client)
+ files_fname_icontains = 'files_fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ max_id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_startswith = 'name_startswith_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.search_list(files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, max_id=max_id, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, min_id=min_id, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_startswith=name_startswith, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of SearchApi->search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling SearchApi->search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **files_fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **max_id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/StatusEnum.md b/python-async/docs/StatusEnum.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76e8904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/StatusEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# StatusEnum
+* `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+## Enum
+* `CREATED` (value: `'created'`)
+* `WAITING` (value: `'waiting'`)
+* `SCHEDULED` (value: `'scheduled'`)
+* `STARTED` (value: `'started'`)
+* `REGISTERINGFILES` (value: `'registeringFiles'`)
+* `FINISHEDSUCCESSFULLY` (value: `'finishedSuccessfully'`)
+* `FINISHEDWITHERROR` (value: `'finishedWithError'`)
+* `CANCELLED` (value: `'cancelled'`)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/StrParameter.md b/python-async/docs/StrParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f37bdc
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+++ b/python-async/docs/StrParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# StrParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **str** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of StrParameter from a JSON string
+str_parameter_instance = StrParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+str_parameter_dict = str_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of StrParameter from a dict
+str_parameter_from_dict = StrParameter.from_dict(str_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/Tag.md b/python-async/docs/Tag.md
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index 0000000..36be961
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+++ b/python-async/docs/Tag.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Tag
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**color** | **str** | |
+**feeds** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**taggings** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Tag from a JSON string
+tag_instance = Tag.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+tag_dict = tag_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Tag from a dict
+tag_from_dict = Tag.from_dict(tag_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/TagRequest.md b/python-async/docs/TagRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec475da
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+++ b/python-async/docs/TagRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# TagRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**color** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of TagRequest from a JSON string
+tag_request_instance = TagRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+tag_request_dict = tag_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of TagRequest from a dict
+tag_request_from_dict = TagRequest.from_dict(tag_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/Tagging.md b/python-async/docs/Tagging.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d814611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/Tagging.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Tagging
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**tag_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**tag** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Tagging from a JSON string
+tagging_instance = Tagging.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+tagging_dict = tagging_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Tagging from a dict
+tagging_from_dict = Tagging.from_dict(tagging_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/TaggingsApi.md b/python-async/docs/TaggingsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8594289
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/TaggingsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# aiochris_oag.TaggingsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**taggings_create**](TaggingsApi.md#taggings_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/taggings/ |
+[**taggings_destroy**](TaggingsApi.md#taggings_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/taggings/{id}/ |
+[**taggings_list**](TaggingsApi.md#taggings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/taggings/ |
+[**taggings_retrieve**](TaggingsApi.md#taggings_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/taggings/{id}/ |
+# **taggings_create**
+> Tagging taggings_create(id)
+A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TaggingsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.taggings_create(id)
+ print("The response of TaggingsApi->taggings_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TaggingsApi->taggings_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **taggings_destroy**
+> taggings_destroy(id)
+A tagging view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TaggingsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.taggings_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TaggingsApi->taggings_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **taggings_list**
+> PaginatedTaggingList taggings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TaggingsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.taggings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TaggingsApi->taggings_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TaggingsApi->taggings_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **taggings_retrieve**
+> Tagging taggings_retrieve(id)
+A tagging view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TaggingsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.taggings_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of TaggingsApi->taggings_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TaggingsApi->taggings_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/TagsApi.md b/python-async/docs/TagsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72dae2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/TagsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+# aiochris_oag.TagsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**feed_tags_list**](TagsApi.md#feed_tags_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/tags/ |
+[**tags_create**](TagsApi.md#tags_create) | **POST** /api/v1/tags/ |
+[**tags_destroy**](TagsApi.md#tags_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+[**tags_feeds_list**](TagsApi.md#tags_feeds_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/feeds/ |
+[**tags_list**](TagsApi.md#tags_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/ |
+[**tags_retrieve**](TagsApi.md#tags_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+[**tags_search_list**](TagsApi.md#tags_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/search/ |
+[**tags_taggings_create**](TagsApi.md#tags_taggings_create) | **POST** /api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/ |
+[**tags_taggings_list**](TagsApi.md#tags_taggings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/ |
+[**tags_update**](TagsApi.md#tags_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+# **feed_tags_list**
+> PaginatedTagList feed_tags_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a feed-specific collection of user-specific tags.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.feed_tags_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->feed_tags_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->feed_tags_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_create**
+> Tag tags_create(tag_request)
+A view for the collection of tags.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ tag_request = aiochris_oag.TagRequest() # TagRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.tags_create(tag_request)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **tag_request** | [**TagRequest**](TagRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_destroy**
+> tags_destroy(id)
+A tag view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.tags_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_feeds_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList tags_feeds_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the tag-specific collection of feeds.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.tags_feeds_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_feeds_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_feeds_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_list**
+> PaginatedTagList tags_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of tags.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.tags_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_retrieve**
+> Tag tags_retrieve(id)
+A tag view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.tags_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_search_list**
+> PaginatedTagList tags_search_list(color=color, id=id, limit=limit, name=name, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+A view for the collection of tags resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ color = 'color_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.tags_search_list(color=color, id=id, limit=limit, name=name, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **color** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_taggings_create**
+> Tagging tags_taggings_create(id)
+A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.tags_taggings_create(id)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_taggings_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_taggings_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_taggings_list**
+> PaginatedTaggingList tags_taggings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.tags_taggings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_taggings_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_taggings_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_update**
+> Tag tags_update(id, tag_request)
+A tag view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ tag_request = aiochris_oag.TagRequest() # TagRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.tags_update(id, tag_request)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **tag_request** | [**TagRequest**](TagRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/UnextpathParameter.md b/python-async/docs/UnextpathParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c1aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/UnextpathParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# UnextpathParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **str** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of UnextpathParameter from a JSON string
+unextpath_parameter_instance = UnextpathParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+unextpath_parameter_dict = unextpath_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of UnextpathParameter from a dict
+unextpath_parameter_from_dict = UnextpathParameter.from_dict(unextpath_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/User.md b/python-async/docs/User.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e3d31e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/User.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# User
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**username** | **str** | |
+**email** | **str** | |
+**is_staff** | **bool** | Designates whether the user can log into this admin site. | [optional]
+**groups** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.user import User
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of User from a JSON string
+user_instance = User.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+user_dict = user_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of User from a dict
+user_from_dict = User.from_dict(user_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/UserFile.md b/python-async/docs/UserFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e113420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/UserFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# UserFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**fname** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of UserFile from a JSON string
+user_file_instance = UserFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+user_file_dict = user_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of UserFile from a dict
+user_file_from_dict = UserFile.from_dict(user_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/UserFileRequest.md b/python-async/docs/UserFileRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b4fee3
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+++ b/python-async/docs/UserFileRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# UserFileRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**upload_path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fname** | **bytearray** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of UserFileRequest from a JSON string
+user_file_request_instance = UserFileRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+user_file_request_dict = user_file_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of UserFileRequest from a dict
+user_file_request_from_dict = UserFileRequest.from_dict(user_file_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/UserRequest.md b/python-async/docs/UserRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2ccd33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/UserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# UserRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**username** | **str** | |
+**email** | **str** | |
+**password** | **str** | |
+**is_staff** | **bool** | Designates whether the user can log into this admin site. | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of UserRequest from a JSON string
+user_request_instance = UserRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+user_request_dict = user_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of UserRequest from a dict
+user_request_from_dict = UserRequest.from_dict(user_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/UserfilesApi.md b/python-async/docs/UserfilesApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f657370
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+++ b/python-async/docs/UserfilesApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+# aiochris_oag.UserfilesApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**userfiles_create**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_create) | **POST** /api/v1/userfiles/ |
+[**userfiles_destroy**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+[**userfiles_list**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/ |
+[**userfiles_retrieve**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+[**userfiles_retrieve_0**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/. |
+[**userfiles_search_list**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/search/ |
+[**userfiles_update**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+# **userfiles_create**
+> UserFile userfiles_create(user_file_request=user_file_request)
+A view for the collection of user files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ user_file_request = aiochris_oag.UserFileRequest() # UserFileRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userfiles_create(user_file_request=user_file_request)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **user_file_request** | [**UserFileRequest**](UserFileRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_destroy**
+> userfiles_destroy(id)
+A user file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.userfiles_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_list**
+> PaginatedUserFileList userfiles_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of user files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userfiles_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_retrieve**
+> UserFile userfiles_retrieve(id)
+A user file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userfiles_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray userfiles_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (DownloadTokenInQueryString):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: DownloadTokenInQueryString
+configuration.api_key['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userfiles_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth), [DownloadTokenInQueryString](../README.md#DownloadTokenInQueryString)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_search_list**
+> PaginatedUserFileList userfiles_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple, fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+A view for the collection of user files resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ fname = 'fname_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_exact = 'fname_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains = 'fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains_multiple = 'fname_icontains_multiple_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_nslashes = 'fname_nslashes_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userfiles_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple, fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **fname** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains_multiple** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_nslashes** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_update**
+> UserFile userfiles_update(id, user_file_request=user_file_request)
+A user file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ user_file_request = aiochris_oag.UserFileRequest() # UserFileRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userfiles_update(id, user_file_request=user_file_request)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **user_file_request** | [**UserFileRequest**](UserFileRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/UserpermissionsApi.md b/python-async/docs/UserpermissionsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a9e19c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/UserpermissionsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# aiochris_oag.UserpermissionsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**userpermissions_create**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**userpermissions_destroy**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**userpermissions_list**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**userpermissions_retrieve**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**userpermissions_search_list**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+# **userpermissions_create**
+> FeedUserPermission userpermissions_create(id, feed_user_permission_request)
+A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ feed_user_permission_request = aiochris_oag.FeedUserPermissionRequest() # FeedUserPermissionRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userpermissions_create(id, feed_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **feed_user_permission_request** | [**FeedUserPermissionRequest**](FeedUserPermissionRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userpermissions_destroy**
+> userpermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a feed's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ await api_instance.userpermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userpermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userpermissions_retrieve**
+> FeedUserPermission userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a feed's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userpermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of feed-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/UsersApi.md b/python-async/docs/UsersApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f379141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/UsersApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# aiochris_oag.UsersApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**users_create**](UsersApi.md#users_create) | **POST** /api/v1/users/ |
+[**users_groups_list**](UsersApi.md#users_groups_list) | **GET** /api/v1/users/{id}/groups/ |
+[**users_list**](UsersApi.md#users_list) | **GET** /api/v1/users/ |
+[**users_retrieve**](UsersApi.md#users_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/users/{id}/ |
+[**users_update**](UsersApi.md#users_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/users/{id}/ |
+# **users_create**
+> User users_create(user_request)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.user import User
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ user_request = aiochris_oag.UserRequest() # UserRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.users_create(user_request)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **user_request** | [**UserRequest**](UserRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **users_groups_list**
+> PaginatedGroupList users_groups_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a user-specific collection of groups.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.users_groups_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_groups_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_groups_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **users_list**
+> PaginatedUserList users_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.users_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **users_retrieve**
+> User users_retrieve(id)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.user import User
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.users_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **users_update**
+> User users_update(id, user_request)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import aiochris_oag
+from aiochris_oag.models.user import User
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from aiochris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = aiochris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+async with aiochris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = aiochris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ user_request = aiochris_oag.UserRequest() # UserRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = await api_instance.users_update(id, user_request)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **user_request** | [**UserRequest**](UserRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/Workflow.md b/python-async/docs/Workflow.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ef1704
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/Workflow.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Workflow
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**pipeline_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**created_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'created' status. | [readonly]
+**waiting_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'waiting' status. | [readonly]
+**scheduled_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'scheduled' status. | [readonly]
+**started_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'started' status. | [readonly]
+**registering_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'registeringFiles' status. | [readonly]
+**finished_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedSuccessfully' status. | [readonly]
+**errored_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedWithError' status. | [readonly]
+**cancelled_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'cancelled' status. | [readonly]
+**pipeline** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_instances** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Workflow from a JSON string
+workflow_instance = Workflow.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+workflow_dict = workflow_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Workflow from a dict
+workflow_from_dict = Workflow.from_dict(workflow_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/docs/WorkflowRequest.md b/python-async/docs/WorkflowRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86d8e98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/docs/WorkflowRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# WorkflowRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous_plugin_inst_id** | **int** | | [optional]
+**nodes_info** | **object** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of WorkflowRequest from a JSON string
+workflow_request_instance = WorkflowRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+workflow_request_dict = workflow_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of WorkflowRequest from a dict
+workflow_request_from_dict = WorkflowRequest.from_dict(workflow_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python-async/git_push.sh b/python-async/git_push.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f53a75d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/git_push.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# ref: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-an-existing-project-to-github-using-the-command-line/
+# Usage example: /bin/sh ./git_push.sh wing328 openapi-petstore-perl "minor update" "gitlab.com"
+if [ "$git_host" = "" ]; then
+ git_host="github.com"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_host to $git_host"
+if [ "$git_user_id" = "" ]; then
+ git_user_id="GIT_USER_ID"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_user_id to $git_user_id"
+if [ "$git_repo_id" = "" ]; then
+ git_repo_id="GIT_REPO_ID"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_repo_id to $git_repo_id"
+if [ "$release_note" = "" ]; then
+ release_note="Minor update"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$release_note to $release_note"
+# Initialize the local directory as a Git repository
+git init
+# Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit.
+git add .
+# Commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository.
+git commit -m "$release_note"
+# Sets the new remote
+git_remote=$(git remote)
+if [ "$git_remote" = "" ]; then # git remote not defined
+ if [ "$GIT_TOKEN" = "" ]; then
+ echo "[INFO] \$GIT_TOKEN (environment variable) is not set. Using the git credential in your environment."
+ git remote add origin https://${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git
+ else
+ git remote add origin https://${git_user_id}:"${GIT_TOKEN}"@${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git
+ fi
+git pull origin master
+# Pushes (Forces) the changes in the local repository up to the remote repository
+echo "Git pushing to https://${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git"
+git push origin master 2>&1 | grep -v 'To https'
diff --git a/python-async/pyproject.toml b/python-async/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd75f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+name = "aiochris_oag"
+version = "0.0.1a1"
+description = "ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API"
+authors = ["Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging Developmental Science Center "]
+license = "MIT"
+readme = "README.md"
+repository = "https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID"
+keywords = ["OpenAPI", "OpenAPI-Generator", "ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API"]
+include = ["aiochris_oag/py.typed"]
+python = "^3.7"
+urllib3 = ">= 1.25.3"
+python-dateutil = ">=2.8.2"
+aiohttp = ">= 3.8.4"
+aiohttp-retry = ">= 2.8.3"
+pydantic = ">=2"
+typing-extensions = ">=4.7.1"
+pytest = ">=7.2.1"
+tox = ">=3.9.0"
+flake8 = ">=4.0.0"
+types-python-dateutil = ">="
+mypy = "1.4.1"
+requires = ["setuptools"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+[tool.pylint.'MESSAGES CONTROL']
+extension-pkg-whitelist = "pydantic"
+files = [
+ "aiochris_oag",
+ #"test", # auto-generated tests
+ "tests", # hand-written tests
+# TODO: enable "strict" once all these individual checks are passing
+# strict = true
+# List from: https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/existing_code.html#introduce-stricter-options
+warn_unused_configs = true
+warn_redundant_casts = true
+warn_unused_ignores = true
+## Getting these passing should be easy
+strict_equality = true
+strict_concatenate = true
+## Strongly recommend enabling this one as soon as you can
+check_untyped_defs = true
+## These shouldn't be too much additional work, but may be tricky to
+## get passing if you use a lot of untyped libraries
+disallow_subclassing_any = true
+disallow_untyped_decorators = true
+disallow_any_generics = true
+### These next few are various gradations of forcing use of type annotations
+#disallow_untyped_calls = true
+#disallow_incomplete_defs = true
+#disallow_untyped_defs = true
+### This one isn't too hard to get passing, but return on investment is lower
+#no_implicit_reexport = true
+### This one can be tricky to get passing if you use a lot of untyped libraries
+#warn_return_any = true
diff --git a/python-async/requirements.txt b/python-async/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbada26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+python_dateutil >= 2.5.3
+setuptools >= 21.0.0
+urllib3 >= 1.25.3, < 2.1.0
+pydantic >= 2
+typing-extensions >= 4.7.1
+aiohttp >= 3.0.0
+aiohttp-retry >= 2.8.3
diff --git a/python-async/setup.cfg b/python-async/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11433ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/python-async/setup.py b/python-async/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37f52e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages # noqa: H301
+# To install the library, run the following
+# python setup.py install
+# prerequisite: setuptools
+# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
+NAME = "aiochris-oag"
+VERSION = "0.0.1a1"
+ "urllib3 >= 1.25.3, < 2.1.0",
+ "python-dateutil",
+ "aiohttp >= 3.0.0",
+ "aiohttp-retry >= 2.8.3",
+ "pydantic >= 2",
+ "typing-extensions >= 4.7.1",
+ name=NAME,
+ version=VERSION,
+ description="ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API",
+ author="Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging Developmental Science Center",
+ author_email="dev@babymri.org",
+ url="",
+ keywords=["OpenAPI", "OpenAPI-Generator", "ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API"],
+ install_requires=REQUIRES,
+ packages=find_packages(exclude=["test", "tests"]),
+ include_package_data=True,
+ license="MIT",
+ long_description_content_type='text/markdown',
+ long_description="""\
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ """, # noqa: E501
+ package_data={"aiochris_oag": ["py.typed"]},
diff --git a/python-async/test-requirements.txt b/python-async/test-requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6d8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test-requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/python-async/test/__init__.py b/python-async/test/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_auth_token.py b/python-async/test/test_auth_token.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2be1070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_auth_token.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+class TestAuthToken(unittest.TestCase):
+ """AuthToken unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> AuthToken:
+ """Test AuthToken
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `AuthToken`
+ """
+ model = AuthToken()
+ if include_optional:
+ return AuthToken(
+ token = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return AuthToken(
+ token = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testAuthToken(self):
+ """Test AuthToken"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_auth_token_api.py b/python-async/test/test_auth_token_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df5b9db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_auth_token_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.auth_token_api import AuthTokenApi
+class TestAuthTokenApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """AuthTokenApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = AuthTokenApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_auth_token_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for auth_token_create
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_auth_token_request.py b/python-async/test/test_auth_token_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34e4cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_auth_token_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.auth_token_request import AuthTokenRequest
+class TestAuthTokenRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """AuthTokenRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> AuthTokenRequest:
+ """Test AuthTokenRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `AuthTokenRequest`
+ """
+ model = AuthTokenRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return AuthTokenRequest(
+ username = '0',
+ password = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return AuthTokenRequest(
+ username = '0',
+ password = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testAuthTokenRequest(self):
+ """Test AuthTokenRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_blank_enum.py b/python-async/test/test_blank_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cbda83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_blank_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+class TestBlankEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """BlankEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testBlankEnum(self):
+ """Test BlankEnum"""
+ # inst = BlankEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_bool_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_bool_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f86403
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_bool_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+class TestBoolParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """BoolParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> BoolParameter:
+ """Test BoolParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `BoolParameter`
+ """
+ model = BoolParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return BoolParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = True,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return BoolParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = True,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testBoolParameter(self):
+ """Test BoolParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_chris_admin_api.py b/python-async/test/test_chris_admin_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79f310a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_chris_admin_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.chris_admin_api import ChrisAdminApi
+class TestChrisAdminApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ChrisAdminApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = ChrisAdminApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_chris_instance.py b/python-async/test/test_chris_instance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3dff9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_chris_instance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+class TestChrisInstance(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ChrisInstance unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> ChrisInstance:
+ """Test ChrisInstance
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `ChrisInstance`
+ """
+ model = ChrisInstance()
+ if include_optional:
+ return ChrisInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ uuid = '',
+ job_id_prefix = '',
+ description = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return ChrisInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ )
+ """
+ def testChrisInstance(self):
+ """Test ChrisInstance"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_chrisinstance_api.py b/python-async/test/test_chrisinstance_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..205d670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_chrisinstance_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.chrisinstance_api import ChrisinstanceApi
+class TestChrisinstanceApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ChrisinstanceApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = ChrisinstanceApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_chrisinstance_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chrisinstance_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_comment.py b/python-async/test/test_comment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46f38b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_comment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+class TestComment(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Comment unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Comment:
+ """Test Comment
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Comment`
+ """
+ model = Comment()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Comment(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ content = '',
+ feed = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Comment(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ feed = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testComment(self):
+ """Test Comment"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_comment_request.py b/python-async/test/test_comment_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b3fbb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_comment_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+class TestCommentRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """CommentRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> CommentRequest:
+ """Test CommentRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `CommentRequest`
+ """
+ model = CommentRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return CommentRequest(
+ title = '',
+ content = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return CommentRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testCommentRequest(self):
+ """Test CommentRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_comments_api.py b/python-async/test/test_comments_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14fbc96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_comments_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.comments_api import CommentsApi
+class TestCommentsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """CommentsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = CommentsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_comments_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_compute_resource.py b/python-async/test/test_compute_resource.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3d02cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_compute_resource.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+class TestComputeResource(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ComputeResource unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> ComputeResource:
+ """Test ComputeResource
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `ComputeResource`
+ """
+ model = ComputeResource()
+ if include_optional:
+ return ComputeResource(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ compute_url = '',
+ compute_auth_url = '',
+ compute_innetwork = True,
+ description = '',
+ max_job_exec_seconds = -2147483648
+ )
+ else:
+ return ComputeResource(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ compute_url = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testComputeResource(self):
+ """Test ComputeResource"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_compute_resource_request.py b/python-async/test/test_compute_resource_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7de8937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_compute_resource_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+class TestComputeResourceRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ComputeResourceRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> ComputeResourceRequest:
+ """Test ComputeResourceRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `ComputeResourceRequest`
+ """
+ model = ComputeResourceRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return ComputeResourceRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ compute_url = '0',
+ compute_auth_url = '',
+ compute_innetwork = True,
+ compute_user = '0123',
+ compute_password = '01234567',
+ compute_auth_token = '0',
+ description = '',
+ max_job_exec_seconds = -2147483648
+ )
+ else:
+ return ComputeResourceRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ compute_url = '0',
+ compute_user = '0123',
+ compute_password = '01234567',
+ )
+ """
+ def testComputeResourceRequest(self):
+ """Test ComputeResourceRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_computeresources_api.py b/python-async/test/test_computeresources_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..280ff88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_computeresources_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.computeresources_api import ComputeresourcesApi
+class TestComputeresourcesApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ComputeresourcesApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = ComputeresourcesApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_computeresources_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for computeresources_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_computeresources_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for computeresources_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_computeresources_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for computeresources_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_default_api.py b/python-async/test/test_default_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f817a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_default_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.default_api import DefaultApi
+class TestDefaultApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = DefaultApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_root_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for root_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_root_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for root_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_root_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for root_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_root_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for root_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..facbd17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+class TestDefaultPipingBoolParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingBoolParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingBoolParameter:
+ """Test DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingBoolParameter`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingBoolParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingBoolParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = True,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingBoolParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingBoolParameter(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingBoolParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd7f2dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+class TestDefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest:
+ """Test DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(
+ value = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5289d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+class TestDefaultPipingFloatParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingFloatParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingFloatParameter:
+ """Test DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingFloatParameter`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingFloatParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingFloatParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = 1.337,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingFloatParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingFloatParameter(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingFloatParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter_request.py b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcf49fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+class TestDefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest:
+ """Test DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(
+ value = 1.337
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7d144e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+class TestDefaultPipingIntParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingIntParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingIntParameter:
+ """Test DefaultPipingIntParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingIntParameter`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingIntParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingIntParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = -2147483648,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingIntParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingIntParameter(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingIntParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter_request.py b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d12892d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+class TestDefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest:
+ """Test DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(
+ value = -2147483648
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7ec74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+class TestDefaultPipingStrParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingStrParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingStrParameter:
+ """Test DefaultPipingStrParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingStrParameter`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingStrParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingStrParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingStrParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingStrParameter(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingStrParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter_request.py b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c23d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+class TestDefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest:
+ """Test DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(
+ value = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_downloadtokens_api.py b/python-async/test/test_downloadtokens_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c1107f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_downloadtokens_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.downloadtokens_api import DownloadtokensApi
+class TestDownloadtokensApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DownloadtokensApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = DownloadtokensApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_downloadtokens_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for downloadtokens_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_downloadtokens_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for downloadtokens_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_downloadtokens_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for downloadtokens_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_downloadtokens_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for downloadtokens_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_feed.py b/python-async/test/test_feed.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fa5048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_feed.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+class TestFeed(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Feed unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Feed:
+ """Test Feed
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Feed`
+ """
+ model = Feed()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Feed(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ folder_path = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ folder = '',
+ note = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ tags = '',
+ taggings = '',
+ comments = '',
+ plugin_instances = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Feed(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ owner_username = '',
+ folder_path = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ folder = '',
+ note = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ tags = '',
+ taggings = '',
+ comments = '',
+ plugin_instances = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeed(self):
+ """Test Feed"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_feed_group_permission.py b/python-async/test/test_feed_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..302eb71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_feed_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+class TestFeedGroupPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedGroupPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedGroupPermission:
+ """Test FeedGroupPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedGroupPermission`
+ """
+ model = FeedGroupPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ feed = '',
+ group = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ feed = '',
+ group = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedGroupPermission(self):
+ """Test FeedGroupPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_feed_group_permission_request.py b/python-async/test/test_feed_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbb06a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_feed_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+class TestFeedGroupPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedGroupPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedGroupPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedGroupPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FeedGroupPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedGroupPermissionRequest(
+ grp_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedGroupPermissionRequest(
+ grp_name = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedGroupPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FeedGroupPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_feed_request.py b/python-async/test/test_feed_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6bae1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_feed_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+class TestFeedRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedRequest:
+ """Test FeedRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedRequest`
+ """
+ model = FeedRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedRequest(
+ name = '',
+ public = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedRequest(self):
+ """Test FeedRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_feed_user_permission.py b/python-async/test/test_feed_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bddf521
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_feed_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+class TestFeedUserPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedUserPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedUserPermission:
+ """Test FeedUserPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedUserPermission`
+ """
+ model = FeedUserPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ feed = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ feed = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedUserPermission(self):
+ """Test FeedUserPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_feed_user_permission_request.py b/python-async/test/test_feed_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d85eafc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_feed_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+class TestFeedUserPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedUserPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedUserPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedUserPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FeedUserPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedUserPermissionRequest(
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedUserPermissionRequest(
+ username = '0123',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedUserPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FeedUserPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b297f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+class TestFileBrowserFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFile:
+ """Test FileBrowserFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFile`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fsize = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFile(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe3c854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+class TestFileBrowserFileGroupPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileGroupPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileGroupPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileGroupPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ file = '',
+ group = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ file = '',
+ group = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileGroupPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileGroupPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c04c6e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ grp_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b91c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFileRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileRequest(
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ public = True,
+ new_file_path = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2cf275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+class TestFileBrowserFileUserPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileUserPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileUserPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileUserPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ file = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ file = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileUserPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileUserPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10dcaf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86cbcda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+class TestFileBrowserFolder(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolder unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolder:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolder
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolder`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolder()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolder(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ path = '',
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ parent = '',
+ children = '',
+ files = '',
+ link_files = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolder(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ owner_username = '',
+ parent = '',
+ children = '',
+ files = '',
+ link_files = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolder(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolder"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..996a2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+class TestFileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ folder = '',
+ group = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ folder = '',
+ group = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..983bddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ grp_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96890df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFolderRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderRequest(
+ path = '0',
+ public = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a44a75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+class TestFileBrowserFolderUserPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderUserPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderUserPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderUserPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ folder = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ folder = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderUserPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderUserPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03270cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5412366
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFile:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFile`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ path = '',
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ linked_folder = '',
+ linked_file = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fsize = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ linked_folder = '',
+ linked_file = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFile(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b95962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ group = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ group = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3001d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ grp_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23ad31b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileRequest(
+ path = '0',
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ public = True,
+ new_link_file_path = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eebb224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99de3ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_download_token.py b/python-async/test/test_file_download_token.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf1cd3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_download_token.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+class TestFileDownloadToken(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileDownloadToken unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileDownloadToken:
+ """Test FileDownloadToken
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileDownloadToken`
+ """
+ model = FileDownloadToken()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileDownloadToken(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ token = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileDownloadToken(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ owner_username = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileDownloadToken(self):
+ """Test FileDownloadToken"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_file_download_token_request.py b/python-async/test/test_file_download_token_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fdf673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_file_download_token_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+class TestFileDownloadTokenRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileDownloadTokenRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileDownloadTokenRequest:
+ """Test FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileDownloadTokenRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileDownloadTokenRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileDownloadTokenRequest(
+ token = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileDownloadTokenRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileDownloadTokenRequest(self):
+ """Test FileDownloadTokenRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_filebrowser_api.py b/python-async/test/test_filebrowser_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f474c15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_filebrowser_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.filebrowser_api import FilebrowserApi
+class TestFilebrowserApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FilebrowserApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = FilebrowserApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_children_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_children_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_float_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_float_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb6c435
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_float_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+class TestFloatParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FloatParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FloatParameter:
+ """Test FloatParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FloatParameter`
+ """
+ model = FloatParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FloatParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = 1.337,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FloatParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = 1.337,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFloatParameter(self):
+ """Test FloatParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_ftype_enum.py b/python-async/test/test_ftype_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930db61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_ftype_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.ftype_enum import FtypeEnum
+class TestFtypeEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FtypeEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testFtypeEnum(self):
+ """Test FtypeEnum"""
+ # inst = FtypeEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2451b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+class TestGenericDefaultPipingParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GenericDefaultPipingParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GenericDefaultPipingParameter:
+ """Test GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GenericDefaultPipingParameter`
+ """
+ model = GenericDefaultPipingParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GenericDefaultPipingParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = None,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return GenericDefaultPipingParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = None,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGenericDefaultPipingParameter(self):
+ """Test GenericDefaultPipingParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py b/python-async/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5390c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+class TestGenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue:
+ """Test GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue`
+ """
+ model = GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(
+ )
+ else:
+ return GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(
+ )
+ """
+ def testGenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(self):
+ """Test GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_generic_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_generic_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dc84b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_generic_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+class TestGenericParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GenericParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GenericParameter:
+ """Test GenericParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GenericParameter`
+ """
+ model = GenericParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GenericParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = None,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return GenericParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = None,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGenericParameter(self):
+ """Test GenericParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_group.py b/python-async/test/test_group.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0c4232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.group import Group
+class TestGroup(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Group unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Group:
+ """Test Group
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Group`
+ """
+ model = Group()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Group(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ users = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Group(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ users = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGroup(self):
+ """Test Group"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_group_request.py b/python-async/test/test_group_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20a3003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_group_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+class TestGroupRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GroupRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GroupRequest:
+ """Test GroupRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GroupRequest`
+ """
+ model = GroupRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GroupRequest(
+ name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return GroupRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGroupRequest(self):
+ """Test GroupRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_group_user.py b/python-async/test/test_group_user.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b8fcb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_group_user.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+class TestGroupUser(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GroupUser unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GroupUser:
+ """Test GroupUser
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GroupUser`
+ """
+ model = GroupUser()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GroupUser(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ user_email = '',
+ group = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return GroupUser(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ user_email = '',
+ group = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGroupUser(self):
+ """Test GroupUser"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_group_user_request.py b/python-async/test/test_group_user_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..947ddfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_group_user_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+class TestGroupUserRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GroupUserRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GroupUserRequest:
+ """Test GroupUserRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GroupUserRequest`
+ """
+ model = GroupUserRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GroupUserRequest(
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return GroupUserRequest(
+ username = '0123',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGroupUserRequest(self):
+ """Test GroupUserRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_grouppermissions_api.py b/python-async/test/test_grouppermissions_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d2e73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_grouppermissions_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.grouppermissions_api import GrouppermissionsApi
+class TestGrouppermissionsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GrouppermissionsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = GrouppermissionsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_groups_api.py b/python-async/test/test_groups_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ceb5565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_groups_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.groups_api import GroupsApi
+class TestGroupsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GroupsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = GroupsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_groups_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_int_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_int_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc01300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_int_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+class TestIntParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """IntParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> IntParameter:
+ """Test IntParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `IntParameter`
+ """
+ model = IntParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return IntParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = -2147483648,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return IntParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = -2147483648,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testIntParameter(self):
+ """Test IntParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_note.py b/python-async/test/test_note.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd90960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_note.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.note import Note
+class TestNote(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Note unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Note:
+ """Test Note
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Note`
+ """
+ model = Note()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Note(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ content = '',
+ feed = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Note(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testNote(self):
+ """Test Note"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_note_api.py b/python-async/test/test_note_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..654e3f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_note_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.note_api import NoteApi
+class TestNoteApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """NoteApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = NoteApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_note_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for note_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_note_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for note_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_note_request.py b/python-async/test/test_note_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..794ec6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_note_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+class TestNoteRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """NoteRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> NoteRequest:
+ """Test NoteRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `NoteRequest`
+ """
+ model = NoteRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return NoteRequest(
+ title = '',
+ content = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return NoteRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testNoteRequest(self):
+ """Test NoteRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pacs_api.py b/python-async/test/test_pacs_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1107b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pacs_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.pacs_api import PacsApi
+class TestPacsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PacsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PacsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_files_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_files_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_files_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_files_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_files_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_files_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_files_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_files_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_series_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_series_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_series_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_series_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_series_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_series_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pacs_file.py b/python-async/test/test_pacs_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f40412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pacs_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+class TestPACSFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PACSFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PACSFile:
+ """Test PACSFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PACSFile`
+ """
+ model = PACSFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PACSFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PACSFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPACSFile(self):
+ """Test PACSFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pacs_series.py b/python-async/test/test_pacs_series.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a03d03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pacs_series.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+class TestPACSSeries(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PACSSeries unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PACSSeries:
+ """Test PACSSeries
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PACSSeries`
+ """
+ model = PACSSeries()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PACSSeries(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ patient_id = '',
+ patient_name = '',
+ patient_birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ patient_age = -2147483648,
+ patient_sex = None,
+ study_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ accession_number = '',
+ modality = '',
+ protocol_name = '',
+ study_instance_uid = '',
+ study_description = '',
+ series_instance_uid = '',
+ series_description = '',
+ pacs_identifier = '',
+ folder = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PACSSeries(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ patient_id = '',
+ study_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ study_instance_uid = '',
+ series_instance_uid = '',
+ pacs_identifier = '',
+ folder = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPACSSeries(self):
+ """Test PACSSeries"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pacs_series_patient_sex.py b/python-async/test/test_pacs_series_patient_sex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc6f511
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pacs_series_patient_sex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+class TestPACSSeriesPatientSex(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PACSSeriesPatientSex unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PACSSeriesPatientSex:
+ """Test PACSSeriesPatientSex
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PACSSeriesPatientSex`
+ """
+ model = PACSSeriesPatientSex()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PACSSeriesPatientSex(
+ )
+ else:
+ return PACSSeriesPatientSex(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPACSSeriesPatientSex(self):
+ """Test PACSSeriesPatientSex"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_comment_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_comment_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ae6c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_comment_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+class TestPaginatedCommentList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedCommentList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedCommentList:
+ """Test PaginatedCommentList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedCommentList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedCommentList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedCommentList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.comment.Comment(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ content = '',
+ feed = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedCommentList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedCommentList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedCommentList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_compute_resource_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_compute_resource_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83c3389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_compute_resource_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+class TestPaginatedComputeResourceList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedComputeResourceList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """Test PaginatedComputeResourceList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedComputeResourceList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedComputeResourceList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedComputeResourceList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.compute_resource.ComputeResource(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ compute_url = '',
+ compute_auth_url = '',
+ compute_innetwork = True,
+ description = '',
+ max_job_exec_seconds = -2147483648, )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedComputeResourceList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedComputeResourceList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedComputeResourceList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97339e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.feed_group_permission.FeedGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ feed = '',
+ group = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_feed_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_feed_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32cc47b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_feed_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+class TestPaginatedFeedList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFeedList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """Test PaginatedFeedList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFeedList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFeedList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFeedList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.feed.Feed(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ folder_path = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ folder = '',
+ note = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ tags = '',
+ taggings = '',
+ comments = '',
+ plugin_instances = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFeedList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFeedList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFeedList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..056be3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.feed_user_permission.FeedUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ feed = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed28d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission.FileBrowserFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ file = '',
+ group = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a704da9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file.FileBrowserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a275e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission.FileBrowserFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ file = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e28a302
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission.FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ folder = '',
+ group = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d91f456
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder.FileBrowserFolder(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ path = '',
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ parent = '',
+ children = '',
+ files = '',
+ link_files = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..721194a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission.FileBrowserFolderUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ folder = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1e8aba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission.FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ group = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517567d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file.FileBrowserLinkFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ path = '',
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ linked_folder = '',
+ linked_file = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f9f0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission.FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_download_token_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_download_token_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcc3d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_file_download_token_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+class TestPaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.file_download_token.FileDownloadToken(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ token = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d12f4c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+class TestPaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList:
+ """Test PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter.GenericDefaultPipingParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = null,
+ type = null,
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_generic_parameter_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_generic_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e71abfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_generic_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+class TestPaginatedGenericParameterList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedGenericParameterList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedGenericParameterList:
+ """Test PaginatedGenericParameterList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedGenericParameterList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedGenericParameterList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedGenericParameterList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.generic_parameter.GenericParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = null,
+ type = null,
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedGenericParameterList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedGenericParameterList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedGenericParameterList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_group_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_group_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c283f92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_group_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+class TestPaginatedGroupList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedGroupList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedGroupList:
+ """Test PaginatedGroupList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedGroupList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedGroupList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedGroupList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.group.Group(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ users = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedGroupList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedGroupList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedGroupList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_group_user_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_group_user_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5f2253
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_group_user_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+class TestPaginatedGroupUserList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedGroupUserList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedGroupUserList:
+ """Test PaginatedGroupUserList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedGroupUserList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedGroupUserList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedGroupUserList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.group_user.GroupUser(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ user_email = '',
+ group = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedGroupUserList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedGroupUserList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedGroupUserList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_pacs_file_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_pacs_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5430920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_pacs_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+class TestPaginatedPACSFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPACSFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPACSFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedPACSFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPACSFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPACSFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPACSFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.pacs_file.PACSFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPACSFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPACSFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPACSFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_pacs_series_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_pacs_series_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a584635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_pacs_series_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+class TestPaginatedPACSSeriesList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPACSSeriesList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPACSSeriesList:
+ """Test PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPACSSeriesList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPACSSeriesList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPACSSeriesList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.pacs_series.PACSSeries(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ patient_id = '',
+ patient_name = '',
+ patient_birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ patient_age = -2147483648,
+ patient_sex = null,
+ study_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ accession_number = '',
+ modality = '',
+ protocol_name = '',
+ study_instance_uid = '',
+ study_description = '',
+ series_instance_uid = '',
+ series_description = '',
+ pacs_identifier = '',
+ folder = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPACSSeriesList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPACSSeriesList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPACSSeriesList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_pipeline_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_pipeline_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e18532
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_pipeline_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+class TestPaginatedPipelineList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPipelineList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPipelineList:
+ """Test PaginatedPipelineList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPipelineList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPipelineList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPipelineList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.pipeline.Pipeline(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ locked = True,
+ authors = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ plugins = '',
+ plugin_pipings = '',
+ default_parameters = '',
+ workflows = '',
+ json_repr = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPipelineList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPipelineList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPipelineList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c41a28f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+class TestPaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file.PipelineSourceFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ ftype = null,
+ uploader_username = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_admin_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_admin_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1380f3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_admin_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+class TestPaginatedPluginAdminList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginAdminList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginAdminList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginAdminList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginAdminList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginAdminList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginAdminList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin.PluginAdmin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = null,
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginAdminList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginAdminList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginAdminList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8edf184
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+class TestPaginatedPluginInstanceList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginInstanceList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginInstanceList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginInstanceList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginInstanceList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance.PluginInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ previous_id = 56,
+ compute_resource_name = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_type = null,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ output_path = '',
+ status = 'created',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ workflow_id = 56,
+ summary = '',
+ raw = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ cpu_limit = 56,
+ memory_limit = 56,
+ number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ size = -9223372036854775808,
+ error_code = '',
+ output_folder = '',
+ previous = '',
+ feed = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ workflow = '',
+ compute_resource = '',
+ descendants = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ splits = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginInstanceList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginInstanceList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginInstanceList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e7cab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+class TestPaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split.PluginInstanceSplit(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ filter = '',
+ plugin_inst_id = 56,
+ created_plugin_inst_ids = '',
+ plugin_inst = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08d0d28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+class TestPaginatedPluginList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.plugin.Plugin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = null,
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_meta_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_meta_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c1cf97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_meta_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+class TestPaginatedPluginMetaList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginMetaList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginMetaList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginMetaList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginMetaList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginMetaList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginMetaList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.plugin_meta.PluginMeta(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ title = '',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ public_repo = '',
+ license = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ icon = '',
+ category = '',
+ authors = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ plugins = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginMetaList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginMetaList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginMetaList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63baed2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+class TestPaginatedPluginParameterList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginParameterList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginParameterList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginParameterList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginParameterList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginParameterList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginParameterList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter.PluginParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ optional = True,
+ default = null,
+ flag = '',
+ short_flag = '',
+ action = '',
+ help = '',
+ ui_exposed = True,
+ plugin = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginParameterList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginParameterList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginParameterList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_piping_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_piping_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50adff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_plugin_piping_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+class TestPaginatedPluginPipingList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginPipingList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginPipingList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginPipingList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginPipingList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginPipingList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginPipingList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.plugin_piping.PluginPiping(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ previous_id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ previous = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ pipeline = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginPipingList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginPipingList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginPipingList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_tag_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_tag_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..833c7ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_tag_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+class TestPaginatedTagList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedTagList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedTagList:
+ """Test PaginatedTagList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedTagList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedTagList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedTagList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.tag.Tag(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ color = '',
+ feeds = '',
+ taggings = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedTagList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedTagList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedTagList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_tagging_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_tagging_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..309a34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_tagging_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+class TestPaginatedTaggingList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedTaggingList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedTaggingList:
+ """Test PaginatedTaggingList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedTaggingList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedTaggingList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedTaggingList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.tagging.Tagging(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ tag_id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ tag = '',
+ feed = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedTaggingList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedTaggingList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedTaggingList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_user_file_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_user_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05a2317
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_user_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+class TestPaginatedUserFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedUserFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedUserFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedUserFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedUserFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedUserFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedUserFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.user_file.UserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedUserFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedUserFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedUserFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_user_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_user_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..986a71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_user_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+class TestPaginatedUserList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedUserList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedUserList:
+ """Test PaginatedUserList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedUserList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedUserList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedUserList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.user.User(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '',
+ is_staff = True,
+ groups = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedUserList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedUserList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedUserList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_paginated_workflow_list.py b/python-async/test/test_paginated_workflow_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ddbdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_paginated_workflow_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+class TestPaginatedWorkflowList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedWorkflowList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedWorkflowList:
+ """Test PaginatedWorkflowList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedWorkflowList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedWorkflowList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedWorkflowList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ aiochris_oag.models.workflow.Workflow(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ title = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ pipeline = '',
+ plugin_instances = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedWorkflowList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedWorkflowList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedWorkflowList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_path_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_path_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8e30ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_path_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+class TestPathParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PathParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PathParameter:
+ """Test PathParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PathParameter`
+ """
+ model = PathParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PathParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PathParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPathParameter(self):
+ """Test PathParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_patient_sex_enum.py b/python-async/test/test_patient_sex_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5c8e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_patient_sex_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.patient_sex_enum import PatientSexEnum
+class TestPatientSexEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PatientSexEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testPatientSexEnum(self):
+ """Test PatientSexEnum"""
+ # inst = PatientSexEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_permission_enum.py b/python-async/test/test_permission_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e14a1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_permission_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+class TestPermissionEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PermissionEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testPermissionEnum(self):
+ """Test PermissionEnum"""
+ # inst = PermissionEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pipeline.py b/python-async/test/test_pipeline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7cdf323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pipeline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+class TestPipeline(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Pipeline unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Pipeline:
+ """Test Pipeline
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Pipeline`
+ """
+ model = Pipeline()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Pipeline(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ locked = True,
+ authors = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ plugins = '',
+ plugin_pipings = '',
+ default_parameters = '',
+ workflows = '',
+ json_repr = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Pipeline(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ plugins = '',
+ plugin_pipings = '',
+ default_parameters = '',
+ workflows = '',
+ json_repr = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipeline(self):
+ """Test Pipeline"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pipeline_custom_json.py b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_custom_json.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4504448
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_custom_json.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+class TestPipelineCustomJson(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineCustomJson unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineCustomJson:
+ """Test PipelineCustomJson
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineCustomJson`
+ """
+ model = PipelineCustomJson()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineCustomJson(
+ url = '',
+ name = '',
+ locked = True,
+ authors = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ plugin_tree = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineCustomJson(
+ url = '',
+ name = '',
+ plugin_tree = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineCustomJson(self):
+ """Test PipelineCustomJson"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pipeline_request.py b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9918cc0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+class TestPipelineRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineRequest:
+ """Test PipelineRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineRequest`
+ """
+ model = PipelineRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ locked = True,
+ authors = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ plugin_tree = None,
+ plugin_inst_id = 1
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineRequest(self):
+ """Test PipelineRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pipeline_source_file.py b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_source_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..537fb01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_source_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+class TestPipelineSourceFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineSourceFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineSourceFile:
+ """Test PipelineSourceFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineSourceFile`
+ """
+ model = PipelineSourceFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineSourceFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ ftype = None,
+ uploader_username = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineSourceFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ ftype = None,
+ uploader_username = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineSourceFile(self):
+ """Test PipelineSourceFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pipeline_source_file_ftype.py b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_source_file_ftype.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b8eb60a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_source_file_ftype.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+class TestPipelineSourceFileFtype(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineSourceFileFtype unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineSourceFileFtype:
+ """Test PipelineSourceFileFtype
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineSourceFileFtype`
+ """
+ model = PipelineSourceFileFtype()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineSourceFileFtype(
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineSourceFileFtype(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineSourceFileFtype(self):
+ """Test PipelineSourceFileFtype"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pipeline_source_file_request.py b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_source_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c581c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pipeline_source_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+class TestPipelineSourceFileRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineSourceFileRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineSourceFileRequest:
+ """Test PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineSourceFileRequest`
+ """
+ model = PipelineSourceFileRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineSourceFileRequest(
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ public = True,
+ type = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineSourceFileRequest(
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineSourceFileRequest(self):
+ """Test PipelineSourceFileRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_pipelines_api.py b/python-async/test/test_pipelines_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f9d7a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_pipelines_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.pipelines_api import PipelinesApi
+class TestPipelinesApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelinesApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PipelinesApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_all_workflows_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for all_workflows_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_boolean_parameter_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_boolean_parameter_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_float_parameter_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_float_parameter_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_integer_parameter_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_integer_parameter_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_json_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_json_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_parameters_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_parameters_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_pipings_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_pipings_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_pipings_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_pipings_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_plugins_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_plugins_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_string_parameter_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_string_parameter_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_workflows_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for workflows_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27d8ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+class TestPlugin(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Plugin unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Plugin:
+ """Test Plugin
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Plugin`
+ """
+ model = Plugin()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Plugin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Plugin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPlugin(self):
+ """Test Plugin"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_admin.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_admin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13f92a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_admin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+class TestPluginAdmin(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginAdmin unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginAdmin:
+ """Test PluginAdmin
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginAdmin`
+ """
+ model = PluginAdmin()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginAdmin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginAdmin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginAdmin(self):
+ """Test PluginAdmin"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_admin_request.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_admin_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce06d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_admin_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+class TestPluginAdminRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginAdminRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginAdminRequest:
+ """Test PluginAdminRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginAdminRequest`
+ """
+ model = PluginAdminRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginAdminRequest(
+ version = '0',
+ dock_image = '0',
+ description = '',
+ execshell = '0',
+ selfpath = '0',
+ selfexec = '0',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ plugin_store_url = '0',
+ compute_names = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginAdminRequest(
+ compute_names = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginAdminRequest(self):
+ """Test PluginAdminRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b25eba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+class TestPluginInstance(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginInstance unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginInstance:
+ """Test PluginInstance
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginInstance`
+ """
+ model = PluginInstance()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ previous_id = 56,
+ compute_resource_name = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_type = 'ds',
+ feed_id = 56,
+ start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ output_path = '',
+ status = 'created',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ workflow_id = 56,
+ summary = '',
+ raw = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ cpu_limit = 56,
+ memory_limit = 56,
+ number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ size = -9223372036854775808,
+ error_code = '',
+ output_folder = '',
+ previous = '',
+ feed = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ workflow = '',
+ compute_resource = '',
+ descendants = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ splits = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ previous_id = 56,
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_type = 'ds',
+ feed_id = 56,
+ start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ output_path = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ workflow_id = 56,
+ summary = '',
+ raw = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ size = -9223372036854775808,
+ error_code = '',
+ output_folder = '',
+ previous = '',
+ feed = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ workflow = '',
+ compute_resource = '',
+ descendants = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ splits = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginInstance(self):
+ """Test PluginInstance"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance_request.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e02dd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+class TestPluginInstanceRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginInstanceRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginInstanceRequest:
+ """Test PluginInstanceRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginInstanceRequest`
+ """
+ model = PluginInstanceRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginInstanceRequest(
+ title = '',
+ compute_resource_name = '0',
+ status = 'created',
+ cpu_limit = 56,
+ memory_limit = 56,
+ number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ previous_id = 1
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginInstanceRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginInstanceRequest(self):
+ """Test PluginInstanceRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance_split.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance_split.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf8938f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance_split.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+class TestPluginInstanceSplit(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginInstanceSplit unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginInstanceSplit:
+ """Test PluginInstanceSplit
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginInstanceSplit`
+ """
+ model = PluginInstanceSplit()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginInstanceSplit(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ filter = '',
+ plugin_inst_id = 56,
+ created_plugin_inst_ids = '',
+ plugin_inst = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginInstanceSplit(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ plugin_inst_id = 56,
+ created_plugin_inst_ids = '',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginInstanceSplit(self):
+ """Test PluginInstanceSplit"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance_split_request.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance_split_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..353a0e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_instance_split_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+class TestPluginInstanceSplitRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginInstanceSplitRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginInstanceSplitRequest:
+ """Test PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginInstanceSplitRequest`
+ """
+ model = PluginInstanceSplitRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginInstanceSplitRequest(
+ filter = '',
+ compute_resource_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginInstanceSplitRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginInstanceSplitRequest(self):
+ """Test PluginInstanceSplitRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_meta.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_meta.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..290604f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_meta.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+class TestPluginMeta(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginMeta unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginMeta:
+ """Test PluginMeta
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginMeta`
+ """
+ model = PluginMeta()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginMeta(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ title = '',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ public_repo = '',
+ license = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ icon = '',
+ category = '',
+ authors = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ plugins = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginMeta(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ plugins = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginMeta(self):
+ """Test PluginMeta"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d99cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+class TestPluginParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginParameter:
+ """Test PluginParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginParameter`
+ """
+ model = PluginParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ optional = True,
+ default = None,
+ flag = '',
+ short_flag = '',
+ action = '',
+ help = '',
+ ui_exposed = True,
+ plugin = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ default = None,
+ flag = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginParameter(self):
+ """Test PluginParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_parameter_default.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_parameter_default.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c8c9e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_parameter_default.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+class TestPluginParameterDefault(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginParameterDefault unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginParameterDefault:
+ """Test PluginParameterDefault
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginParameterDefault`
+ """
+ model = PluginParameterDefault()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginParameterDefault(
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginParameterDefault(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginParameterDefault(self):
+ """Test PluginParameterDefault"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_parameter_type.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_parameter_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b526808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_parameter_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+class TestPluginParameterType(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginParameterType unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testPluginParameterType(self):
+ """Test PluginParameterType"""
+ # inst = PluginParameterType()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_piping.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_piping.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee121d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_piping.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+class TestPluginPiping(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginPiping unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginPiping:
+ """Test PluginPiping
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginPiping`
+ """
+ model = PluginPiping()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginPiping(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ previous_id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ previous = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ pipeline = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginPiping(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ previous_id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ previous = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ pipeline = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginPiping(self):
+ """Test PluginPiping"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugin_type.py b/python-async/test/test_plugin_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..902bcb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugin_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+class TestPluginType(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginType unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testPluginType(self):
+ """Test PluginType"""
+ # inst = PluginType()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugininstances_api.py b/python-async/test/test_plugininstances_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c148c16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugininstances_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.plugininstances_api import PlugininstancesApi
+class TestPlugininstancesApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PlugininstancesApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PlugininstancesApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_plugininstances_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugininstances_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_plugins_api.py b/python-async/test/test_plugins_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..602f90f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_plugins_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.plugins_api import PluginsApi
+class TestPluginsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PluginsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_all_plugins_instances_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for all_plugins_instances_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_computeresources_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_computeresources_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_float_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_float_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_descendants_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_descendants_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_parameters_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_parameters_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_splits_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_splits_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_splits_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_splits_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_splits_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_splits_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_metas_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_metas_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_metas_plugins_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_metas_plugins_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_metas_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_metas_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_metas_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_metas_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_parameters_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_parameters_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_parameters_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_parameters_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_path_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_path_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_string_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_string_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_publicfeeds_api.py b/python-async/test/test_publicfeeds_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5d871b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_publicfeeds_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.publicfeeds_api import PublicfeedsApi
+class TestPublicfeedsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PublicfeedsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PublicfeedsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_publicfeeds_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for publicfeeds_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_publicfeeds_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for publicfeeds_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_schema_api.py b/python-async/test/test_schema_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f6ae134
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_schema_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.schema_api import SchemaApi
+class TestSchemaApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """SchemaApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = SchemaApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_schema_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for schema_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_search_api.py b/python-async/test/test_search_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5066e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_search_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.search_api import SearchApi
+class TestSearchApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """SearchApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = SearchApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_status_enum.py b/python-async/test/test_status_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4ae766
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_status_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+class TestStatusEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """StatusEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testStatusEnum(self):
+ """Test StatusEnum"""
+ # inst = StatusEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_str_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_str_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56d88b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_str_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+class TestStrParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """StrParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> StrParameter:
+ """Test StrParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `StrParameter`
+ """
+ model = StrParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return StrParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return StrParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testStrParameter(self):
+ """Test StrParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_tag.py b/python-async/test/test_tag.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e865c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_tag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+class TestTag(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tag unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Tag:
+ """Test Tag
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Tag`
+ """
+ model = Tag()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Tag(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ color = '',
+ feeds = '',
+ taggings = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Tag(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ color = '',
+ feeds = '',
+ taggings = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testTag(self):
+ """Test Tag"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_tag_request.py b/python-async/test/test_tag_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0752bdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_tag_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+class TestTagRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """TagRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TagRequest:
+ """Test TagRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `TagRequest`
+ """
+ model = TagRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return TagRequest(
+ name = '',
+ color = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return TagRequest(
+ color = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testTagRequest(self):
+ """Test TagRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_tagging.py b/python-async/test/test_tagging.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c481e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_tagging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+class TestTagging(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tagging unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Tagging:
+ """Test Tagging
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Tagging`
+ """
+ model = Tagging()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Tagging(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ tag_id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ tag = '',
+ feed = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Tagging(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ tag_id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ tag = '',
+ feed = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testTagging(self):
+ """Test Tagging"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_taggings_api.py b/python-async/test/test_taggings_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1637df2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_taggings_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.taggings_api import TaggingsApi
+class TestTaggingsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """TaggingsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = TaggingsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_taggings_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for taggings_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_taggings_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for taggings_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_taggings_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for taggings_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_taggings_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for taggings_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_tags_api.py b/python-async/test/test_tags_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2713dda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_tags_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.tags_api import TagsApi
+class TestTagsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """TagsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = TagsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_feed_tags_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for feed_tags_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_feeds_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_feeds_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_taggings_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_taggings_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_taggings_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_taggings_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_unextpath_parameter.py b/python-async/test/test_unextpath_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a244b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_unextpath_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+class TestUnextpathParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UnextpathParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> UnextpathParameter:
+ """Test UnextpathParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `UnextpathParameter`
+ """
+ model = UnextpathParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return UnextpathParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return UnextpathParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testUnextpathParameter(self):
+ """Test UnextpathParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_user.py b/python-async/test/test_user.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a304324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_user.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.user import User
+class TestUser(unittest.TestCase):
+ """User unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> User:
+ """Test User
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `User`
+ """
+ model = User()
+ if include_optional:
+ return User(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '',
+ is_staff = True,
+ groups = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return User(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '',
+ groups = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testUser(self):
+ """Test User"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_user_file.py b/python-async/test/test_user_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1735349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_user_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+class TestUserFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> UserFile:
+ """Test UserFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `UserFile`
+ """
+ model = UserFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return UserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return UserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fsize = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testUserFile(self):
+ """Test UserFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_user_file_request.py b/python-async/test/test_user_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b68208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_user_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+class TestUserFileRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserFileRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> UserFileRequest:
+ """Test UserFileRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `UserFileRequest`
+ """
+ model = UserFileRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return UserFileRequest(
+ upload_path = '0',
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ public = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return UserFileRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testUserFileRequest(self):
+ """Test UserFileRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_user_request.py b/python-async/test/test_user_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88d5aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_user_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+class TestUserRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> UserRequest:
+ """Test UserRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `UserRequest`
+ """
+ model = UserRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return UserRequest(
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '0',
+ password = '01234567',
+ is_staff = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return UserRequest(
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '0',
+ password = '01234567',
+ )
+ """
+ def testUserRequest(self):
+ """Test UserRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_userfiles_api.py b/python-async/test/test_userfiles_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..954fec0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_userfiles_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.userfiles_api import UserfilesApi
+class TestUserfilesApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserfilesApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = UserfilesApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_userpermissions_api.py b/python-async/test/test_userpermissions_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a10768a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_userpermissions_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.userpermissions_api import UserpermissionsApi
+class TestUserpermissionsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserpermissionsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = UserpermissionsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_users_api.py b/python-async/test/test_users_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc6f91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_users_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.api.users_api import UsersApi
+class TestUsersApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UsersApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = UsersApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_users_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_users_groups_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_groups_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_users_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_users_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_users_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_workflow.py b/python-async/test/test_workflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b656d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_workflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+class TestWorkflow(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Workflow unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Workflow:
+ """Test Workflow
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Workflow`
+ """
+ model = Workflow()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Workflow(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ title = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ pipeline = '',
+ plugin_instances = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Workflow(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ pipeline = '',
+ plugin_instances = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testWorkflow(self):
+ """Test Workflow"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/test/test_workflow_request.py b/python-async/test/test_workflow_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f78d6ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/test/test_workflow_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from aiochris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+class TestWorkflowRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """WorkflowRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> WorkflowRequest:
+ """Test WorkflowRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `WorkflowRequest`
+ """
+ model = WorkflowRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return WorkflowRequest(
+ title = '',
+ previous_plugin_inst_id = 1,
+ nodes_info = None
+ )
+ else:
+ return WorkflowRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testWorkflowRequest(self):
+ """Test WorkflowRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python-async/tox.ini b/python-async/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e541ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python-async/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+envlist = py3
+ -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
+ pytest --cov=aiochris_oag
diff --git a/python/.github/workflows/python.yml b/python/.github/workflows/python.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f317de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/.github/workflows/python.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# NOTE: This file is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.
+# URL: https://openapi-generator.tech
+# ref: https://docs.github.com/en/actions/automating-builds-and-tests/building-and-testing-python
+name: chris_oag Python package
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ python-version: ["3.7", "3.8", "3.9", "3.10", "3.11"]
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: ${{ matrix.python-version }}
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
+ pip install flake8 pytest
+ if [ -f requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r requirements.txt; fi
+ if [ -f test-requirements.txt ]; then pip install -r test-requirements.txt; fi
+ - name: Lint with flake8
+ run: |
+ # stop the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
+ flake8 . --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
+ # exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
+ flake8 . --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics
+ - name: Test with pytest
+ run: |
+ pytest
diff --git a/python/.gitignore b/python/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43995bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files
+# C extensions
+# Distribution / packaging
+# PyInstaller
+# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
+# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.
+# Installer logs
+# Unit test / coverage reports
+# Translations
+# Django stuff:
+# Sphinx documentation
+# PyBuilder
+#Ipython Notebook
diff --git a/python/.gitlab-ci.yml b/python/.gitlab-ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b4c8aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# NOTE: This file is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator.
+# URL: https://openapi-generator.tech
+# ref: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/README.html
+# ref: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Python.gitlab-ci.yml
+ - test
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - pip install -r requirements.txt
+ - pip install -r test-requirements.txt
+ - pytest --cov=chris_oag
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.7-alpine
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.8-alpine
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.9-alpine
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.10-alpine
+ extends: .pytest
+ image: python:3.11-alpine
diff --git a/python/.openapi-generator-ignore b/python/.openapi-generator-ignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7484ee5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/.openapi-generator-ignore
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# OpenAPI Generator Ignore
+# Generated by openapi-generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator
+# Use this file to prevent files from being overwritten by the generator.
+# The patterns follow closely to .gitignore or .dockerignore.
+# As an example, the C# client generator defines ApiClient.cs.
+# You can make changes and tell OpenAPI Generator to ignore just this file by uncommenting the following line:
+# You can match any string of characters against a directory, file or extension with a single asterisk (*):
+# The above matches foo/bar/qux and foo/baz/qux, but not foo/bar/baz/qux
+# You can recursively match patterns against a directory, file or extension with a double asterisk (**):
+# This matches foo/bar/qux, foo/baz/qux, and foo/bar/baz/qux
+# You can also negate patterns with an exclamation (!).
+# For example, you can ignore all files in a docs folder with the file extension .md:
+# Then explicitly reverse the ignore rule for a single file:
diff --git a/python/.openapi-generator/FILES b/python/.openapi-generator/FILES
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e6ecbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/.openapi-generator/FILES
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
diff --git a/python/.openapi-generator/VERSION b/python/.openapi-generator/VERSION
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09a6d30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/.openapi-generator/VERSION
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/python/.travis.yml b/python/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b93536b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# ref: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/python
+language: python
+ - "3.7"
+ - "3.8"
+ - "3.9"
+ - "3.10"
+ - "3.11"
+ # uncomment the following if needed
+ #- "3.11-dev" # 3.11 development branch
+ #- "nightly" # nightly build
+# command to install dependencies
+ - "pip install -r requirements.txt"
+ - "pip install -r test-requirements.txt"
+# command to run tests
+script: pytest --cov=chris_oag
diff --git a/python/README.md b/python/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..831c2c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+# chris-oag
+The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+This Python package is automatically generated by the [OpenAPI Generator](https://openapi-generator.tech) project:
+- API version: 0.0.0+unknown
+- Package version: 0.0.1a1
+- Generator version: 7.8.0
+- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen
+For more information, please visit [https://chrisproject.org](https://chrisproject.org)
+## Requirements.
+Python 3.7+
+## Installation & Usage
+### pip install
+If the python package is hosted on a repository, you can install directly using:
+pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git
+(you may need to run `pip` with root permission: `sudo pip install git+https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID.git`)
+Then import the package:
+import chris_oag
+### Setuptools
+Install via [Setuptools](http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools).
+python setup.py install --user
+(or `sudo python setup.py install` to install the package for all users)
+Then import the package:
+import chris_oag
+### Tests
+Execute `pytest` to run the tests.
+## Getting Started
+Please follow the [installation procedure](#installation--usage) and then run the following:
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.AuthTokenApi(api_client)
+ username = 'username_example' # str |
+ password = 'password_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.auth_token_create(username, password)
+ print("The response of AuthTokenApi->auth_token_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except ApiException as e:
+ print("Exception when calling AuthTokenApi->auth_token_create: %s\n" % e)
+## Documentation for API Endpoints
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Class | Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+*AuthTokenApi* | [**auth_token_create**](docs/AuthTokenApi.md#auth_token_create) | **POST** /api/v1/auth-token/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create) | **POST** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy) | **DELETE** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_create**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_create) | **POST** /chris-admin/api/v1/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_destroy**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_destroy) | **DELETE** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_list**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_list) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+*ChrisAdminApi* | [**chris_admin_api_v1_update**](docs/ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_update) | **PUT** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+*ChrisinstanceApi* | [**chrisinstance_retrieve**](docs/ChrisinstanceApi.md#chrisinstance_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/chrisinstance/{id}/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_create**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/comments/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_destroy**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_list**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/comments/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_retrieve**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_search_list**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/comments/search/ |
+*CommentsApi* | [**comments_update**](docs/CommentsApi.md#comments_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+*ComputeresourcesApi* | [**computeresources_list**](docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_list) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/ |
+*ComputeresourcesApi* | [**computeresources_retrieve**](docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+*ComputeresourcesApi* | [**computeresources_search_list**](docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/search/ |
+*DefaultApi* | [**root_destroy**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+*DefaultApi* | [**root_list**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_list) | **GET** /api/v1/ |
+*DefaultApi* | [**root_retrieve**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+*DefaultApi* | [**root_update**](docs/DefaultApi.md#root_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+*DownloadtokensApi* | [**downloadtokens_create**](docs/DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_create) | **POST** /api/v1/downloadtokens/ |
+*DownloadtokensApi* | [**downloadtokens_list**](docs/DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_list) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/ |
+*DownloadtokensApi* | [**downloadtokens_retrieve**](docs/DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/{id}/ |
+*DownloadtokensApi* | [**downloadtokens_search_list**](docs/DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_children_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_children_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/children/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/files/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_retrieve_0**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/. |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_grouppermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/linkfiles/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/. |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_create**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+*FilebrowserApi* | [**filebrowser_userpermissions_update**](docs/FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_create**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_destroy**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_list**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_retrieve**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+*GrouppermissionsApi* | [**grouppermissions_search_list**](docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_create**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_create) | **POST** /api/v1/groups/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_destroy**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/groups/{id}/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_list**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_retrieve**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_search_list**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/search/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_create**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_create) | **POST** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_destroy**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/groups/users/{id}/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_list**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_retrieve**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/users/{id}/ |
+*GroupsApi* | [**groups_users_search_list**](docs/GroupsApi.md#groups_users_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/search/ |
+*NoteApi* | [**note_retrieve**](docs/NoteApi.md#note_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/note{id}/ |
+*NoteApi* | [**note_update**](docs/NoteApi.md#note_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/note{id}/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_files_list**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_files_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_files_retrieve**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_files_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_files_retrieve_0**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_files_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/. |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_files_search_list**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_files_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/search/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_series_list**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_series_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_series_retrieve**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_series_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/{id}/ |
+*PacsApi* | [**pacs_series_search_list**](docs/PacsApi.md#pacs_series_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/search/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**all_workflows_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#all_workflows_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_boolean_parameter_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_boolean_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_create**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_destroy**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_float_parameter_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_float_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_integer_parameter_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_integer_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_json_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_json_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/json/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_parameters_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/parameters/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_pipings_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_pipings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/pipings/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_pipings_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_pipings_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/pipings/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_plugins_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/plugins/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_search_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/search/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_create**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/. |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/search/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_string_parameter_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_string_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_create**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_destroy**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/plugininstances/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_retrieve**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_search_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/search/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**pipelines_workflows_update**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+*PipelinesApi* | [**workflows_list**](docs/PipelinesApi.md#workflows_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/ |
+*PlugininstancesApi* | [**plugininstances_list**](docs/PlugininstancesApi.md#plugininstances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/plugininstances/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**all_plugins_instances_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#all_plugins_instances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_computeresources_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_computeresources_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/computeresources/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_float_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_float_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_create**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_create) | **POST** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_descendants_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_descendants_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/descendants/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_destroy**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_parameters_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/parameters/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_search_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/search/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_splits_create**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_create) | **POST** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_splits_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_splits_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/splits/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_instances_update**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_metas_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_metas_plugins_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/plugins/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_metas_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_metas_search_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/search/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_parameters_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/parameters/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_parameters_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_parameters_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/parameters/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_path_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_path_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/path-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_search_list**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/search/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_string_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_string_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PluginsApi* | [**plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve**](docs/PluginsApi.md#plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/unextpath-parameter/{id}/ |
+*PublicfeedsApi* | [**publicfeeds_list**](docs/PublicfeedsApi.md#publicfeeds_list) | **GET** /api/v1/publicfeeds/ |
+*PublicfeedsApi* | [**publicfeeds_search_list**](docs/PublicfeedsApi.md#publicfeeds_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/publicfeeds/search/ |
+*SchemaApi* | [**schema_retrieve**](docs/SchemaApi.md#schema_retrieve) | **GET** /schema/ |
+*SearchApi* | [**search_list**](docs/SearchApi.md#search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/search/ |
+*TaggingsApi* | [**taggings_create**](docs/TaggingsApi.md#taggings_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/taggings/ |
+*TaggingsApi* | [**taggings_destroy**](docs/TaggingsApi.md#taggings_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/taggings/{id}/ |
+*TaggingsApi* | [**taggings_list**](docs/TaggingsApi.md#taggings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/taggings/ |
+*TaggingsApi* | [**taggings_retrieve**](docs/TaggingsApi.md#taggings_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/taggings/{id}/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**feed_tags_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#feed_tags_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/tags/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_create**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_create) | **POST** /api/v1/tags/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_destroy**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_feeds_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_feeds_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/feeds/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_retrieve**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_search_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/search/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_taggings_create**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_taggings_create) | **POST** /api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_taggings_list**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_taggings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/ |
+*TagsApi* | [**tags_update**](docs/TagsApi.md#tags_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_create**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_create) | **POST** /api/v1/userfiles/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_destroy**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_list**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_retrieve**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_retrieve_0**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/. |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_search_list**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/search/ |
+*UserfilesApi* | [**userfiles_update**](docs/UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_create**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_destroy**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_list**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_retrieve**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+*UserpermissionsApi* | [**userpermissions_search_list**](docs/UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_create**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_create) | **POST** /api/v1/users/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_groups_list**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_groups_list) | **GET** /api/v1/users/{id}/groups/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_list**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_list) | **GET** /api/v1/users/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_retrieve**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/users/{id}/ |
+*UsersApi* | [**users_update**](docs/UsersApi.md#users_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/users/{id}/ |
+## Documentation For Models
+ - [AuthToken](docs/AuthToken.md)
+ - [AuthTokenRequest](docs/AuthTokenRequest.md)
+ - [BlankEnum](docs/BlankEnum.md)
+ - [BoolParameter](docs/BoolParameter.md)
+ - [ChrisInstance](docs/ChrisInstance.md)
+ - [Comment](docs/Comment.md)
+ - [CommentRequest](docs/CommentRequest.md)
+ - [ComputeResource](docs/ComputeResource.md)
+ - [ComputeResourceRequest](docs/ComputeResourceRequest.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingBoolParameter](docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameter.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest](docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingFloatParameter](docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameter.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest](docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingIntParameter](docs/DefaultPipingIntParameter.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest](docs/DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingStrParameter](docs/DefaultPipingStrParameter.md)
+ - [DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest](docs/DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md)
+ - [Feed](docs/Feed.md)
+ - [FeedGroupPermission](docs/FeedGroupPermission.md)
+ - [FeedGroupPermissionRequest](docs/FeedGroupPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FeedRequest](docs/FeedRequest.md)
+ - [FeedUserPermission](docs/FeedUserPermission.md)
+ - [FeedUserPermissionRequest](docs/FeedUserPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFile](docs/FileBrowserFile.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileGroupPermission](docs/FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileRequest](docs/FileBrowserFileRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileUserPermission](docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolder](docs/FileBrowserFolder.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission](docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderRequest](docs/FileBrowserFolderRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderUserPermission](docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFile](docs/FileBrowserLinkFile.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileRequest](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md)
+ - [FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest](docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md)
+ - [FileDownloadToken](docs/FileDownloadToken.md)
+ - [FileDownloadTokenRequest](docs/FileDownloadTokenRequest.md)
+ - [FloatParameter](docs/FloatParameter.md)
+ - [FtypeEnum](docs/FtypeEnum.md)
+ - [GenericDefaultPipingParameter](docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md)
+ - [GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue](docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md)
+ - [GenericParameter](docs/GenericParameter.md)
+ - [Group](docs/Group.md)
+ - [GroupRequest](docs/GroupRequest.md)
+ - [GroupUser](docs/GroupUser.md)
+ - [GroupUserRequest](docs/GroupUserRequest.md)
+ - [IntParameter](docs/IntParameter.md)
+ - [Note](docs/Note.md)
+ - [NoteRequest](docs/NoteRequest.md)
+ - [PACSFile](docs/PACSFile.md)
+ - [PACSSeries](docs/PACSSeries.md)
+ - [PACSSeriesPatientSex](docs/PACSSeriesPatientSex.md)
+ - [PaginatedCommentList](docs/PaginatedCommentList.md)
+ - [PaginatedComputeResourceList](docs/PaginatedComputeResourceList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFeedList](docs/PaginatedFeedList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFileList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList](docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.md)
+ - [PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList](docs/PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.md)
+ - [PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList](docs/PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.md)
+ - [PaginatedGenericParameterList](docs/PaginatedGenericParameterList.md)
+ - [PaginatedGroupList](docs/PaginatedGroupList.md)
+ - [PaginatedGroupUserList](docs/PaginatedGroupUserList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPACSFileList](docs/PaginatedPACSFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPACSSeriesList](docs/PaginatedPACSSeriesList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPipelineList](docs/PaginatedPipelineList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList](docs/PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginAdminList](docs/PaginatedPluginAdminList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginInstanceList](docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList](docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginList](docs/PaginatedPluginList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginMetaList](docs/PaginatedPluginMetaList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginParameterList](docs/PaginatedPluginParameterList.md)
+ - [PaginatedPluginPipingList](docs/PaginatedPluginPipingList.md)
+ - [PaginatedTagList](docs/PaginatedTagList.md)
+ - [PaginatedTaggingList](docs/PaginatedTaggingList.md)
+ - [PaginatedUserFileList](docs/PaginatedUserFileList.md)
+ - [PaginatedUserList](docs/PaginatedUserList.md)
+ - [PaginatedWorkflowList](docs/PaginatedWorkflowList.md)
+ - [PathParameter](docs/PathParameter.md)
+ - [PatientSexEnum](docs/PatientSexEnum.md)
+ - [PermissionEnum](docs/PermissionEnum.md)
+ - [Pipeline](docs/Pipeline.md)
+ - [PipelineCustomJson](docs/PipelineCustomJson.md)
+ - [PipelineRequest](docs/PipelineRequest.md)
+ - [PipelineSourceFile](docs/PipelineSourceFile.md)
+ - [PipelineSourceFileFtype](docs/PipelineSourceFileFtype.md)
+ - [PipelineSourceFileRequest](docs/PipelineSourceFileRequest.md)
+ - [Plugin](docs/Plugin.md)
+ - [PluginAdmin](docs/PluginAdmin.md)
+ - [PluginAdminRequest](docs/PluginAdminRequest.md)
+ - [PluginInstance](docs/PluginInstance.md)
+ - [PluginInstanceRequest](docs/PluginInstanceRequest.md)
+ - [PluginInstanceSplit](docs/PluginInstanceSplit.md)
+ - [PluginInstanceSplitRequest](docs/PluginInstanceSplitRequest.md)
+ - [PluginMeta](docs/PluginMeta.md)
+ - [PluginParameter](docs/PluginParameter.md)
+ - [PluginParameterDefault](docs/PluginParameterDefault.md)
+ - [PluginParameterType](docs/PluginParameterType.md)
+ - [PluginPiping](docs/PluginPiping.md)
+ - [PluginType](docs/PluginType.md)
+ - [StatusEnum](docs/StatusEnum.md)
+ - [StrParameter](docs/StrParameter.md)
+ - [Tag](docs/Tag.md)
+ - [TagRequest](docs/TagRequest.md)
+ - [Tagging](docs/Tagging.md)
+ - [UnextpathParameter](docs/UnextpathParameter.md)
+ - [User](docs/User.md)
+ - [UserFile](docs/UserFile.md)
+ - [UserFileRequest](docs/UserFileRequest.md)
+ - [UserRequest](docs/UserRequest.md)
+ - [Workflow](docs/Workflow.md)
+ - [WorkflowRequest](docs/WorkflowRequest.md)
+## Documentation For Authorization
+Authentication schemes defined for the API:
+### DownloadTokenInQueryString
+- **Type**: API key
+- **API key parameter name**: download_token
+- **Location**: HTTP header
+### basicAuth
+- **Type**: HTTP basic authentication
+### cookieAuth
+- **Type**: API key
+- **API key parameter name**: sessionid
+- **Location**:
+### tokenAuth
+- **Type**: API key
+- **API key parameter name**: Authorization
+- **Location**: HTTP header
+## Author
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/__init__.py b/python/chris_oag/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1531e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# flake8: noqa
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+__version__ = "0.0.1a1"
+# import apis into sdk package
+from chris_oag.api.auth_token_api import AuthTokenApi
+from chris_oag.api.chris_admin_api import ChrisAdminApi
+from chris_oag.api.chrisinstance_api import ChrisinstanceApi
+from chris_oag.api.comments_api import CommentsApi
+from chris_oag.api.computeresources_api import ComputeresourcesApi
+from chris_oag.api.default_api import DefaultApi
+from chris_oag.api.downloadtokens_api import DownloadtokensApi
+from chris_oag.api.filebrowser_api import FilebrowserApi
+from chris_oag.api.grouppermissions_api import GrouppermissionsApi
+from chris_oag.api.groups_api import GroupsApi
+from chris_oag.api.note_api import NoteApi
+from chris_oag.api.pacs_api import PacsApi
+from chris_oag.api.pipelines_api import PipelinesApi
+from chris_oag.api.plugininstances_api import PlugininstancesApi
+from chris_oag.api.plugins_api import PluginsApi
+from chris_oag.api.publicfeeds_api import PublicfeedsApi
+from chris_oag.api.schema_api import SchemaApi
+from chris_oag.api.search_api import SearchApi
+from chris_oag.api.taggings_api import TaggingsApi
+from chris_oag.api.tags_api import TagsApi
+from chris_oag.api.userfiles_api import UserfilesApi
+from chris_oag.api.userpermissions_api import UserpermissionsApi
+from chris_oag.api.users_api import UsersApi
+# import ApiClient
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient
+from chris_oag.configuration import Configuration
+from chris_oag.exceptions import OpenApiException
+from chris_oag.exceptions import ApiTypeError
+from chris_oag.exceptions import ApiValueError
+from chris_oag.exceptions import ApiKeyError
+from chris_oag.exceptions import ApiAttributeError
+from chris_oag.exceptions import ApiException
+# import models into sdk package
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token_request import AuthTokenRequest
+from chris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+from chris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+from chris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+from chris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from chris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+from chris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+from chris_oag.models.ftype_enum import FtypeEnum
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+from chris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+from chris_oag.models.group import Group
+from chris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+from chris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from chris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+from chris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+from chris_oag.models.note import Note
+from chris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from chris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+from chris_oag.models.patient_sex_enum import PatientSexEnum
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from chris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+from chris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+from chris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from chris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from chris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+from chris_oag.models.user import User
+from chris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from chris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from chris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from chris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/__init__.py b/python/chris_oag/api/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1389847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# flake8: noqa
+# import apis into api package
+from chris_oag.api.auth_token_api import AuthTokenApi
+from chris_oag.api.chris_admin_api import ChrisAdminApi
+from chris_oag.api.chrisinstance_api import ChrisinstanceApi
+from chris_oag.api.comments_api import CommentsApi
+from chris_oag.api.computeresources_api import ComputeresourcesApi
+from chris_oag.api.default_api import DefaultApi
+from chris_oag.api.downloadtokens_api import DownloadtokensApi
+from chris_oag.api.filebrowser_api import FilebrowserApi
+from chris_oag.api.grouppermissions_api import GrouppermissionsApi
+from chris_oag.api.groups_api import GroupsApi
+from chris_oag.api.note_api import NoteApi
+from chris_oag.api.pacs_api import PacsApi
+from chris_oag.api.pipelines_api import PipelinesApi
+from chris_oag.api.plugininstances_api import PlugininstancesApi
+from chris_oag.api.plugins_api import PluginsApi
+from chris_oag.api.publicfeeds_api import PublicfeedsApi
+from chris_oag.api.schema_api import SchemaApi
+from chris_oag.api.search_api import SearchApi
+from chris_oag.api.taggings_api import TaggingsApi
+from chris_oag.api.tags_api import TagsApi
+from chris_oag.api.userfiles_api import UserfilesApi
+from chris_oag.api.userpermissions_api import UserpermissionsApi
+from chris_oag.api.users_api import UsersApi
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/auth_token_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/auth_token_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ab908e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/auth_token_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class AuthTokenApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def auth_token_create(
+ self,
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> AuthToken:
+ """auth_token_create
+ :param username: (required)
+ :type username: str
+ :param password: (required)
+ :type password: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._auth_token_create_serialize(
+ username=username,
+ password=password,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "AuthToken",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def auth_token_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[AuthToken]:
+ """auth_token_create
+ :param username: (required)
+ :type username: str
+ :param password: (required)
+ :type password: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._auth_token_create_serialize(
+ username=username,
+ password=password,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "AuthToken",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def auth_token_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """auth_token_create
+ :param username: (required)
+ :type username: str
+ :param password: (required)
+ :type password: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._auth_token_create_serialize(
+ username=username,
+ password=password,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "AuthToken",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _auth_token_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ username,
+ password,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ if username is not None:
+ _form_params.append(('username', username))
+ if password is not None:
+ _form_params.append(('password', password))
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data',
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/auth-token/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/chris_admin_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/chris_admin_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc02be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/chris_admin_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2478 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class ChrisAdminApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create(
+ self,
+ compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ComputeResource:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param compute_resource_request: (required)
+ :type compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_serialize(
+ compute_resource_request=compute_resource_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ComputeResource]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param compute_resource_request: (required)
+ :type compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_serialize(
+ compute_resource_request=compute_resource_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param compute_resource_request: (required)
+ :type compute_resource_request: ComputeResourceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_serialize(
+ compute_resource_request=compute_resource_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ compute_resource_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if compute_resource_request is not None:
+ _body_params = compute_resource_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedComputeResourceList]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ComputeResource:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ComputeResource]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_create(
+ self,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginAdmin:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_create_serialize(
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginAdmin]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_create_serialize(
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_create
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_create_serialize(
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_admin_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_admin_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_destroy
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_destroy
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_destroy
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginAdminList:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginAdminList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginAdminList]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginAdminList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_list
+ A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginAdminList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginAdmin:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginAdmin]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginAdmin:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_update
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginAdmin]:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_update
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chris_admin_api_v1_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chris_admin_api_v1_update
+ A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_admin_request: (required)
+ :type plugin_admin_request: PluginAdminRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chris_admin_api_v1_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_admin_request=plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginAdmin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chris_admin_api_v1_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ plugin_admin_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_admin_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_admin_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/chrisinstance_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/chrisinstance_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99878d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/chrisinstance_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import StrictInt
+from chris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class ChrisinstanceApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def chrisinstance_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ChrisInstance:
+ """chrisinstance_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chrisinstance_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ChrisInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def chrisinstance_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ChrisInstance]:
+ """chrisinstance_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chrisinstance_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ChrisInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def chrisinstance_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """chrisinstance_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._chrisinstance_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ChrisInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _chrisinstance_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/chrisinstance/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/comments_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/comments_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5335a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/comments_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1746 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from chris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class CommentsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Comment:
+ """comments_create
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Comment]:
+ """comments_create
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_create
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ comment_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if comment_request is not None:
+ _body_params = comment_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/comments/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """comments_destroy
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """comments_destroy
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_destroy
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/comments/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedCommentList:
+ """comments_list
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedCommentList]:
+ """comments_list
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_list
+ A view for the collection of comments.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/comments/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Comment:
+ """comments_retrieve
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Comment]:
+ """comments_retrieve
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_retrieve
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/comments/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedCommentList:
+ """comments_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific comments resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedCommentList]:
+ """comments_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific comments resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific comments resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedCommentList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/comments/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Comment:
+ """comments_update
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Comment]:
+ """comments_update
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def comments_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ comment_request: Optional[CommentRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """comments_update
+ A comment view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param comment_request:
+ :type comment_request: CommentRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._comments_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ comment_request=comment_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Comment",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _comments_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ comment_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if comment_request is not None:
+ _body_params = comment_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/comments/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/computeresources_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/computeresources_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e43530a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/computeresources_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,947 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class ComputeresourcesApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def computeresources_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """computeresources_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def computeresources_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedComputeResourceList]:
+ """computeresources_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def computeresources_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """computeresources_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _computeresources_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/computeresources/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def computeresources_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ComputeResource:
+ """computeresources_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def computeresources_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ComputeResource]:
+ """computeresources_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def computeresources_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """computeresources_retrieve
+ A compute resource view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "ComputeResource",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _computeresources_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def computeresources_search_list(
+ self,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """computeresources_search_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources resulting from a query search.
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_search_list_serialize(
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ offset=offset,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def computeresources_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedComputeResourceList]:
+ """computeresources_search_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources resulting from a query search.
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_search_list_serialize(
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ offset=offset,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def computeresources_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """computeresources_search_list
+ A view for the collection of compute resources resulting from a query search.
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._computeresources_search_list_serialize(
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ offset=offset,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _computeresources_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ description,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ name,
+ name_exact,
+ offset,
+ plugin_id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('description', description))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if plugin_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_id', plugin_id))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/computeresources/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/default_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/default_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71b8ba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/default_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1128 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from chris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class DefaultApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def root_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """root_destroy
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def root_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """root_destroy
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def root_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """root_destroy
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _root_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def root_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """root_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds. This is also the API's \"homepage\".
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def root_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """root_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds. This is also the API's \"homepage\".
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def root_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """root_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds. This is also the API's \"homepage\".
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _root_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def root_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Feed:
+ """root_retrieve
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def root_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Feed]:
+ """root_retrieve
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def root_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """root_retrieve
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _root_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def root_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_request: Optional[FeedRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Feed:
+ """root_update
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_request:
+ :type feed_request: FeedRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_request=feed_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def root_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_request: Optional[FeedRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Feed]:
+ """root_update
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_request:
+ :type feed_request: FeedRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_request=feed_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def root_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_request: Optional[FeedRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """root_update
+ A feed view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_request:
+ :type feed_request: FeedRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._root_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_request=feed_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Feed",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _root_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ feed_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if feed_request is not None:
+ _body_params = feed_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/downloadtokens_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/downloadtokens_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..266a043
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/downloadtokens_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class DownloadtokensApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_create(
+ self,
+ file_download_token_request: Optional[FileDownloadTokenRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileDownloadToken:
+ """downloadtokens_create
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param file_download_token_request:
+ :type file_download_token_request: FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_create_serialize(
+ file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ file_download_token_request: Optional[FileDownloadTokenRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileDownloadToken]:
+ """downloadtokens_create
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param file_download_token_request:
+ :type file_download_token_request: FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_create_serialize(
+ file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ file_download_token_request: Optional[FileDownloadTokenRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """downloadtokens_create
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param file_download_token_request:
+ :type file_download_token_request: FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_create_serialize(
+ file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _downloadtokens_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ file_download_token_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_download_token_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_download_token_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/downloadtokens/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList:
+ """downloadtokens_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList]:
+ """downloadtokens_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """downloadtokens_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _downloadtokens_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/downloadtokens/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileDownloadToken:
+ """downloadtokens_retrieve
+ A file download token view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileDownloadToken]:
+ """downloadtokens_retrieve
+ A file download token view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """downloadtokens_retrieve
+ A file download token view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileDownloadToken",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _downloadtokens_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/downloadtokens/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList:
+ """downloadtokens_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList]:
+ """downloadtokens_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def downloadtokens_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """downloadtokens_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._downloadtokens_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _downloadtokens_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/downloadtokens/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/filebrowser_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/filebrowser_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff872c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/filebrowser_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15053 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class FilebrowserApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_children_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList:
+ """filebrowser_children_list
+ A view for the collection of folders that are the children of this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_children_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_children_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList]:
+ """filebrowser_children_list
+ A view for the collection of folders that are the children of this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_children_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_children_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_children_list
+ A view for the collection of folders that are the children of this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_children_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_children_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/children/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_create(
+ self,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolder:
+ """filebrowser_create
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_create_serialize(
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolder]:
+ """filebrowser_create
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_create_serialize(
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_create
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_create_serialize(
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_destroy
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_destroy
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_destroy
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_files_destroy
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_files_destroy
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_destroy
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_name,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if group_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('group_name', group_name))
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileList:
+ """filebrowser_files_list
+ A view for the collection of all the files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_list
+ A view for the collection of all the files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_list
+ A view for the collection of all the files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/files/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFile:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFile]:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFile:
+ """filebrowser_files_update
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_request: FileBrowserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFile]:
+ """filebrowser_files_update
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_request: FileBrowserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_update
+ A ChRIS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_request: FileBrowserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_file_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_file_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_name,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if group_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('group_name', group_name))
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_group_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_name,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if group_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('group_name', group_name))
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of all the ChRIS link files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of all the ChRIS link files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of all the ChRIS link files directly under this folder.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/linkfiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFile:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFile]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFile:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_update
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_request: FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFile]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_update
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_request: FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_update
+ A ChRIS link file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_request: FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of link file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a link file's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request: FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList:
+ """filebrowser_list
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList]:
+ """filebrowser_list
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_list
+ A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolder:
+ """filebrowser_retrieve
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolder]:
+ """filebrowser_retrieve
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_retrieve
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_search_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList:
+ """filebrowser_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file browser folders resulting from a query search. The returned collection only has at most one element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_search_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList]:
+ """filebrowser_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file browser folders resulting from a query search. The returned collection only has at most one element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_search_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_search_list
+ A view for the collection of file browser folders resulting from a query search. The returned collection only has at most one element.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_search_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolder:
+ """filebrowser_update
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolder]:
+ """filebrowser_update
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_update
+ A ChRIS folder view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_request: FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolder",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_create
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_list
+ A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of folder-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def filebrowser_userpermissions_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: Optional[FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """filebrowser_userpermissions_update
+ A view for a folder's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param file_browser_folder_user_permission_request:
+ :type file_browser_folder_user_permission_request: FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._filebrowser_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FileBrowserFolderUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _filebrowser_userpermissions_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if file_browser_folder_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = file_browser_folder_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/grouppermissions_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/grouppermissions_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..784d1ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/grouppermissions_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class GrouppermissionsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FeedGroupPermission:
+ """grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_group_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_group_permission_request=feed_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FeedGroupPermission]:
+ """grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_group_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_group_permission_request=feed_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_group_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_group_permission_request: FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_group_permission_request=feed_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ feed_group_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if feed_group_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = feed_group_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList:
+ """grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList]:
+ """grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FeedGroupPermission:
+ """grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FeedGroupPermission]:
+ """grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's group permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedGroupPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList:
+ """grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList]:
+ """grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def grouppermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """grouppermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_name:
+ :type group_name: str
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_name=group_name,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _grouppermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_name,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if group_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('group_name', group_name))
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/groups_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/groups_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5327e3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/groups_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2877 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.group import Group
+from chris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+from chris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from chris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class GroupsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_create(
+ self,
+ group_request: GroupRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Group:
+ """groups_create
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param group_request: (required)
+ :type group_request: GroupRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_create_serialize(
+ group_request=group_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ group_request: GroupRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Group]:
+ """groups_create
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param group_request: (required)
+ :type group_request: GroupRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_create_serialize(
+ group_request=group_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ group_request: GroupRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_create
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param group_request: (required)
+ :type group_request: GroupRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_create_serialize(
+ group_request=group_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ group_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if group_request is not None:
+ _body_params = group_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """groups_destroy
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """groups_destroy
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_destroy
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupList:
+ """groups_list
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupList]:
+ """groups_list
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_list
+ A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Group:
+ """groups_retrieve
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Group]:
+ """groups_retrieve
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_retrieve
+ A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Group",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupList:
+ """groups_search_list
+ A view for the collection of groups resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_icontains:
+ :type name_icontains: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_icontains=name_icontains,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupList]:
+ """groups_search_list
+ A view for the collection of groups resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_icontains:
+ :type name_icontains: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_icontains=name_icontains,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_search_list
+ A view for the collection of groups resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_icontains:
+ :type name_icontains: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ name_icontains=name_icontains,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ name,
+ name_icontains,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_icontains', name_icontains))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_user_request: GroupUserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> GroupUser:
+ """groups_users_create
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_user_request: (required)
+ :type group_user_request: GroupUserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_user_request=group_user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_user_request: GroupUserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[GroupUser]:
+ """groups_users_create
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_user_request: (required)
+ :type group_user_request: GroupUserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_user_request=group_user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ group_user_request: GroupUserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_create
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param group_user_request: (required)
+ :type group_user_request: GroupUserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ group_user_request=group_user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ group_user_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if group_user_request is not None:
+ _body_params = group_user_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/users/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """groups_users_destroy
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """groups_users_destroy
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_destroy
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/users/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupUserList:
+ """groups_users_list
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupUserList]:
+ """groups_users_list
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_list
+ A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/users/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> GroupUser:
+ """groups_users_retrieve
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[GroupUser]:
+ """groups_users_retrieve
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_retrieve
+ A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "GroupUser",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/users/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupUserList:
+ """groups_users_search_list
+ A view for the collection of group users resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupUserList]:
+ """groups_users_search_list
+ A view for the collection of group users resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def groups_users_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """groups_users_search_list
+ A view for the collection of group users resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._groups_users_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _groups_users_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/groups/{id}/users/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/note_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/note_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08b89c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/note_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,592 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from chris_oag.models.note import Note
+from chris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class NoteApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def note_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Note:
+ """note_retrieve
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def note_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Note]:
+ """note_retrieve
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def note_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """note_retrieve
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _note_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/note{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def note_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ note_request: Optional[NoteRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Note:
+ """note_update
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param note_request:
+ :type note_request: NoteRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ note_request=note_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def note_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ note_request: Optional[NoteRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Note]:
+ """note_update
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param note_request:
+ :type note_request: NoteRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ note_request=note_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def note_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ note_request: Optional[NoteRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """note_update
+ A note view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param note_request:
+ :type note_request: NoteRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._note_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ note_request=note_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Note",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _note_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ note_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if note_request is not None:
+ _body_params = note_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/note{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/pacs_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/pacs_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de55254
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/pacs_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2443 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import date, datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PacsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPACSFileList:
+ """pacs_files_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPACSFileList]:
+ """pacs_files_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_files_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_files_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/files/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PACSFile:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve
+ A PACS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PACSFile]:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve
+ A PACS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve
+ A PACS file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_files_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_files_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_files_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_search_list(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPACSFileList:
+ """pacs_files_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_topdir_unique:
+ :type fname_icontains_topdir_unique: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPACSFileList]:
+ """pacs_files_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_topdir_unique:
+ :type fname_icontains_topdir_unique: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_files_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_files_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_topdir_unique:
+ :type fname_icontains_topdir_unique: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_files_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_files_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ fname,
+ fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique,
+ fname_nslashes,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if fname is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname', fname))
+ if fname_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_exact', fname_exact))
+ if fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains', fname_icontains))
+ if fname_icontains_topdir_unique is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains_topdir_unique', fname_icontains_topdir_unique))
+ if fname_nslashes is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_nslashes', fname_nslashes))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/files/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_series_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPACSSeriesList:
+ """pacs_series_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_series_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPACSSeriesList]:
+ """pacs_series_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_series_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_series_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_series_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/series/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_series_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PACSSeries:
+ """pacs_series_retrieve
+ A PACS Series view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSSeries",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_series_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PACSSeries]:
+ """pacs_series_retrieve
+ A PACS Series view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSSeries",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_series_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_series_retrieve
+ A PACS Series view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PACSSeries",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_series_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/series/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_series_search_list(
+ self,
+ accession_number: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ patient_birth_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ patient_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_sex: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other")] = None,
+ protocol_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ study_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ pacs_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPACSSeriesList:
+ """pacs_series_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series resulting from a query search.
+ :param accession_number:
+ :type accession_number: str
+ :param patient_age:
+ :type patient_age: int
+ :param patient_birth_date:
+ :type patient_birth_date: date
+ :param patient_id:
+ :type patient_id: str
+ :param patient_name:
+ :type patient_name: str
+ :param patient_sex: * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+ :type patient_sex: str
+ :param protocol_name:
+ :type protocol_name: str
+ :param series_description:
+ :type series_description: str
+ :param series_instance_uid:
+ :type series_instance_uid: str
+ :param study_date:
+ :type study_date: date
+ :param study_description:
+ :type study_description: str
+ :param study_instance_uid:
+ :type study_instance_uid: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_patient_age:
+ :type max_patient_age: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_patient_age:
+ :type min_patient_age: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param pacs_identifier:
+ :type pacs_identifier: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_search_list_serialize(
+ accession_number=accession_number,
+ patient_age=patient_age,
+ patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date,
+ patient_id=patient_id,
+ patient_name=patient_name,
+ patient_sex=patient_sex,
+ protocol_name=protocol_name,
+ series_description=series_description,
+ series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid,
+ study_date=study_date,
+ study_description=study_description,
+ study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_patient_age=max_patient_age,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_patient_age=min_patient_age,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_series_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ accession_number: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ patient_birth_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ patient_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_sex: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other")] = None,
+ protocol_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ study_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ pacs_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPACSSeriesList]:
+ """pacs_series_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series resulting from a query search.
+ :param accession_number:
+ :type accession_number: str
+ :param patient_age:
+ :type patient_age: int
+ :param patient_birth_date:
+ :type patient_birth_date: date
+ :param patient_id:
+ :type patient_id: str
+ :param patient_name:
+ :type patient_name: str
+ :param patient_sex: * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+ :type patient_sex: str
+ :param protocol_name:
+ :type protocol_name: str
+ :param series_description:
+ :type series_description: str
+ :param series_instance_uid:
+ :type series_instance_uid: str
+ :param study_date:
+ :type study_date: date
+ :param study_description:
+ :type study_description: str
+ :param study_instance_uid:
+ :type study_instance_uid: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_patient_age:
+ :type max_patient_age: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_patient_age:
+ :type min_patient_age: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param pacs_identifier:
+ :type pacs_identifier: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_search_list_serialize(
+ accession_number=accession_number,
+ patient_age=patient_age,
+ patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date,
+ patient_id=patient_id,
+ patient_name=patient_name,
+ patient_sex=patient_sex,
+ protocol_name=protocol_name,
+ series_description=series_description,
+ series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid,
+ study_date=study_date,
+ study_description=study_description,
+ study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_patient_age=max_patient_age,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_patient_age=min_patient_age,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pacs_series_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ accession_number: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ patient_birth_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ patient_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ patient_sex: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other")] = None,
+ protocol_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ series_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_date: Optional[date] = None,
+ study_description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ study_instance_uid: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_patient_age: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ pacs_identifier: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pacs_series_search_list
+ A view for the collection of PACS Series resulting from a query search.
+ :param accession_number:
+ :type accession_number: str
+ :param patient_age:
+ :type patient_age: int
+ :param patient_birth_date:
+ :type patient_birth_date: date
+ :param patient_id:
+ :type patient_id: str
+ :param patient_name:
+ :type patient_name: str
+ :param patient_sex: * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+ :type patient_sex: str
+ :param protocol_name:
+ :type protocol_name: str
+ :param series_description:
+ :type series_description: str
+ :param series_instance_uid:
+ :type series_instance_uid: str
+ :param study_date:
+ :type study_date: date
+ :param study_description:
+ :type study_description: str
+ :param study_instance_uid:
+ :type study_instance_uid: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_patient_age:
+ :type max_patient_age: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_patient_age:
+ :type min_patient_age: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param pacs_identifier:
+ :type pacs_identifier: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pacs_series_search_list_serialize(
+ accession_number=accession_number,
+ patient_age=patient_age,
+ patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date,
+ patient_id=patient_id,
+ patient_name=patient_name,
+ patient_sex=patient_sex,
+ protocol_name=protocol_name,
+ series_description=series_description,
+ series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid,
+ study_date=study_date,
+ study_description=study_description,
+ study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_patient_age=max_patient_age,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_patient_age=min_patient_age,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPACSSeriesList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pacs_series_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ accession_number,
+ patient_age,
+ patient_birth_date,
+ patient_id,
+ patient_name,
+ patient_sex,
+ protocol_name,
+ series_description,
+ series_instance_uid,
+ study_date,
+ study_description,
+ study_instance_uid,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_patient_age,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_patient_age,
+ min_creation_date,
+ offset,
+ pacs_identifier,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if accession_number is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('AccessionNumber', accession_number))
+ if patient_age is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientAge', patient_age))
+ if patient_birth_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(patient_birth_date, date):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'PatientBirthDate',
+ patient_birth_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.date_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientBirthDate', patient_birth_date))
+ if patient_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientID', patient_id))
+ if patient_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientName', patient_name))
+ if patient_sex is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('PatientSex', patient_sex))
+ if protocol_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('ProtocolName', protocol_name))
+ if series_description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('SeriesDescription', series_description))
+ if series_instance_uid is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('SeriesInstanceUID', series_instance_uid))
+ if study_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(study_date, date):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'StudyDate',
+ study_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.date_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('StudyDate', study_date))
+ if study_description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('StudyDescription', study_description))
+ if study_instance_uid is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('StudyInstanceUID', study_instance_uid))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_patient_age is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('max_PatientAge', max_patient_age))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_patient_age is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('min_PatientAge', min_patient_age))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if pacs_identifier is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('pacs_identifier', pacs_identifier))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pacs/series/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/pipelines_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/pipelines_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91e91dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/pipelines_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9284 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from chris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from chris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PipelinesApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def all_workflows_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedWorkflowList:
+ """all_workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of all workflows.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_workflows_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def all_workflows_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedWorkflowList]:
+ """all_workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of all workflows.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_workflows_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def all_workflows_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """all_workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of all workflows.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_workflows_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _all_workflows_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingBoolParameter:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingBoolParameter]:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_boolean_parameter_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingBoolParameter:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_update
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_bool_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_bool_parameter_request: DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingBoolParameter]:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_update
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_bool_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_bool_parameter_request: DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_boolean_parameter_update
+ A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_bool_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_bool_parameter_request: DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingBoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_boolean_parameter_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if default_piping_bool_parameter_request is not None:
+ _body_params = default_piping_bool_parameter_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_create(
+ self,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Pipeline:
+ """pipelines_create
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Pipeline]:
+ """pipelines_create
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_create
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if pipeline_request is not None:
+ _body_params = pipeline_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """pipelines_destroy
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """pipelines_destroy
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_destroy
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingFloatParameter:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingFloatParameter]:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_float_parameter_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingFloatParameter:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_update
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_float_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_float_parameter_request: DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_float_parameter_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingFloatParameter]:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_update
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_float_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_float_parameter_request: DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_float_parameter_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_float_parameter_update
+ A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_float_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_float_parameter_request: DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_float_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingFloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_float_parameter_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if default_piping_float_parameter_request is not None:
+ _body_params = default_piping_float_parameter_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingIntParameter:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingIntParameter]:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_integer_parameter_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingIntParameter:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_update
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_int_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_int_parameter_request: DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_integer_parameter_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingIntParameter]:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_update
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_int_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_int_parameter_request: DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_integer_parameter_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_integer_parameter_update
+ A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_int_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_int_parameter_request: DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_integer_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingIntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_integer_parameter_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if default_piping_int_parameter_request is not None:
+ _body_params = default_piping_int_parameter_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_json_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PipelineCustomJson:
+ """pipelines_json_retrieve
+ A pipeline with a custom JSON view resembling the originally submitted pipeline data.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_json_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineCustomJson",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_json_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PipelineCustomJson]:
+ """pipelines_json_retrieve
+ A pipeline with a custom JSON view resembling the originally submitted pipeline data.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_json_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineCustomJson",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_json_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_json_retrieve
+ A pipeline with a custom JSON view resembling the originally submitted pipeline data.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_json_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineCustomJson",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_json_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/json/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPipelineList:
+ """pipelines_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPipelineList]:
+ """pipelines_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_parameters_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList:
+ """pipelines_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin parameters' defaults.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_parameters_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList]:
+ """pipelines_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin parameters' defaults.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_parameters_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin parameters' defaults.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_parameters_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/parameters/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_pipings_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginPipingList:
+ """pipelines_pipings_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin pipings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginPipingList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_pipings_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginPipingList]:
+ """pipelines_pipings_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin pipings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginPipingList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_pipings_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_pipings_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin pipings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginPipingList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_pipings_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/pipings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_pipings_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginPiping:
+ """pipelines_pipings_retrieve
+ A plugin piping view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginPiping",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_pipings_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginPiping]:
+ """pipelines_pipings_retrieve
+ A plugin piping view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginPiping",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_pipings_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_pipings_retrieve
+ A plugin piping view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_pipings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginPiping",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_pipings_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/pipings/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_plugins_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """pipelines_plugins_list
+ A view for a pipeline-specific collection of plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_plugins_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginList]:
+ """pipelines_plugins_list
+ A view for a pipeline-specific collection of plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_plugins_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_plugins_list
+ A view for a pipeline-specific collection of plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_plugins_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/plugins/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Pipeline:
+ """pipelines_retrieve
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Pipeline]:
+ """pipelines_retrieve
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_retrieve
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_search_list(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPipelineList:
+ """pipelines_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPipelineList]:
+ """pipelines_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipelines resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ description=description,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ authors,
+ category,
+ description,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ name,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if authors is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('authors', authors))
+ if category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('category', category))
+ if description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('description', description))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_create(
+ self,
+ pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PipelineSourceFile:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param pipeline_source_file_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_source_file_request=pipeline_source_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PipelineSourceFile]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param pipeline_source_file_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_source_file_request=pipeline_source_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param pipeline_source_file_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_source_file_request: PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_create_serialize(
+ pipeline_source_file_request=pipeline_source_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ pipeline_source_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if pipeline_source_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = pipeline_source_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PipelineSourceFile:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve
+ A pipeline source file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PipelineSourceFile]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve
+ A pipeline source file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve
+ A pipeline source file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PipelineSourceFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ uploader_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param uploader_username:
+ :type uploader_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ uploader_username=uploader_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ uploader_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList]:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param uploader_username:
+ :type uploader_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ uploader_username=uploader_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ uploader_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline source files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param uploader_username:
+ :type uploader_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ uploader_username=uploader_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ fname,
+ fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ offset,
+ uploader_username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if fname is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname', fname))
+ if fname_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_exact', fname_exact))
+ if fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains', fname_icontains))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if uploader_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('uploader_username', uploader_username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingStrParameter:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingStrParameter]:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_string_parameter_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> DefaultPipingStrParameter:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_update
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_str_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_str_parameter_request: DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_string_parameter_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[DefaultPipingStrParameter]:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_update
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_str_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_str_parameter_request: DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_string_parameter_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request: Optional[DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_string_parameter_update
+ A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param default_piping_str_parameter_request:
+ :type default_piping_str_parameter_request: DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_string_parameter_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "DefaultPipingStrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_string_parameter_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if default_piping_str_parameter_request is not None:
+ _body_params = default_piping_str_parameter_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Pipeline:
+ """pipelines_update
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Pipeline]:
+ """pipelines_update
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ pipeline_request: PipelineRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_update
+ A pipeline view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param pipeline_request: (required)
+ :type pipeline_request: PipelineRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ pipeline_request=pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Pipeline",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ pipeline_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if pipeline_request is not None:
+ _body_params = pipeline_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Workflow:
+ """pipelines_workflows_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Workflow]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_create
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ workflow_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if workflow_request is not None:
+ _body_params = workflow_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """pipelines_workflows_destroy
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_destroy
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_destroy
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that compose the workflow.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that compose the workflow.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that compose the workflow.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/plugininstances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Workflow:
+ """pipelines_workflows_retrieve
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Workflow]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_retrieve
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_retrieve
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedWorkflowList:
+ """pipelines_workflows_search_list
+ A view for the collection of workflows resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param pipeline_name:
+ :type pipeline_name: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ pipeline_name=pipeline_name,
+ title=title,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedWorkflowList]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_search_list
+ A view for the collection of workflows resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param pipeline_name:
+ :type pipeline_name: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ pipeline_name=pipeline_name,
+ title=title,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_search_list
+ A view for the collection of workflows resulting from a query search.
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param pipeline_name:
+ :type pipeline_name: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ pipeline_name=pipeline_name,
+ title=title,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ pipeline_name,
+ title,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ if pipeline_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('pipeline_name', pipeline_name))
+ if title is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('title', title))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Workflow:
+ """pipelines_workflows_update
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Workflow]:
+ """pipelines_workflows_update
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def pipelines_workflows_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ workflow_request: Optional[WorkflowRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """pipelines_workflows_update
+ A workflow view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param workflow_request:
+ :type workflow_request: WorkflowRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._pipelines_workflows_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ workflow_request=workflow_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Workflow",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _pipelines_workflows_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ workflow_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if workflow_request is not None:
+ _body_params = workflow_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def workflows_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedWorkflowList:
+ """workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._workflows_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def workflows_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedWorkflowList]:
+ """workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._workflows_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def workflows_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """workflows_list
+ A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._workflows_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedWorkflowList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _workflows_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/plugininstances_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/plugininstances_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfa056c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/plugininstances_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PlugininstancesApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def plugininstances_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugininstances_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugininstances_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugininstances_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugininstances_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/plugininstances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/plugins_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/plugins_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..decf1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/plugins_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8555 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+from chris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+from chris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+from chris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+from chris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from chris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+from chris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PluginsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def all_plugins_instances_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """all_plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of all plugin instances.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def all_plugins_instances_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """all_plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of all plugin instances.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def all_plugins_instances_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """all_plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of all plugin instances.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._all_plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _all_plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> BoolParameter:
+ """plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A boolean parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "BoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[BoolParameter]:
+ """plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A boolean parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "BoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ A boolean parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "BoolParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/boolean-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_computeresources_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """plugins_computeresources_list
+ A view for a plugin-specific collection of compute resources.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_computeresources_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedComputeResourceList]:
+ """plugins_computeresources_list
+ A view for a plugin-specific collection of compute resources.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_computeresources_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_computeresources_list
+ A view for a plugin-specific collection of compute resources.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedComputeResourceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_computeresources_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/computeresources/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_float_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FloatParameter:
+ """plugins_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A float parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FloatParameter]:
+ """plugins_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A float parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_float_parameter_retrieve
+ A float parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FloatParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_float_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/float-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstance:
+ """plugins_instances_create
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstance]:
+ """plugins_instances_create
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_create
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_instance_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_instance_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_descendants_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """plugins_instances_descendants_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that are a descendant of this plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_descendants_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_descendants_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """plugins_instances_descendants_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that are a descendant of this plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_descendants_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_descendants_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_descendants_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances that are a descendant of this plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_descendants_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_descendants_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/descendants/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """plugins_instances_destroy
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """plugins_instances_destroy
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_destroy
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_parameters_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGenericParameterList:
+ """plugins_instances_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of parameters that the plugin instance was run with.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_parameters_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGenericParameterList]:
+ """plugins_instances_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of parameters that the plugin instance was run with.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_parameters_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of parameters that the plugin instance was run with.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGenericParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_parameters_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/parameters/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstance:
+ """plugins_instances_retrieve
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstance]:
+ """plugins_instances_retrieve
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_retrieve
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_search_list(
+ self,
+ feed_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ root_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ status: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ workflow_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """plugins_instances_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances resulting from a query search.
+ :param feed_id:
+ :type feed_id: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_end_date:
+ :type max_end_date: datetime
+ :param max_start_date:
+ :type max_start_date: datetime
+ :param min_end_date:
+ :type min_end_date: datetime
+ :param min_start_date:
+ :type min_start_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param plugin_name:
+ :type plugin_name: str
+ :param plugin_name_exact:
+ :type plugin_name_exact: str
+ :param plugin_version:
+ :type plugin_version: str
+ :param previous_id:
+ :type previous_id: str
+ :param root_id:
+ :type root_id: str
+ :param status: * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+ :type status: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param workflow_id:
+ :type workflow_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_search_list_serialize(
+ feed_id=feed_id,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_end_date=max_end_date,
+ max_start_date=max_start_date,
+ min_end_date=min_end_date,
+ min_start_date=min_start_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ plugin_name=plugin_name,
+ plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact,
+ plugin_version=plugin_version,
+ previous_id=previous_id,
+ root_id=root_id,
+ status=status,
+ title=title,
+ workflow_id=workflow_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ feed_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ root_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ status: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ workflow_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceList]:
+ """plugins_instances_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances resulting from a query search.
+ :param feed_id:
+ :type feed_id: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_end_date:
+ :type max_end_date: datetime
+ :param max_start_date:
+ :type max_start_date: datetime
+ :param min_end_date:
+ :type min_end_date: datetime
+ :param min_start_date:
+ :type min_start_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param plugin_name:
+ :type plugin_name: str
+ :param plugin_name_exact:
+ :type plugin_name_exact: str
+ :param plugin_version:
+ :type plugin_version: str
+ :param previous_id:
+ :type previous_id: str
+ :param root_id:
+ :type root_id: str
+ :param status: * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+ :type status: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param workflow_id:
+ :type workflow_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_search_list_serialize(
+ feed_id=feed_id,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_end_date=max_end_date,
+ max_start_date=max_start_date,
+ min_end_date=min_end_date,
+ min_start_date=min_start_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ plugin_name=plugin_name,
+ plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact,
+ plugin_version=plugin_version,
+ previous_id=previous_id,
+ root_id=root_id,
+ status=status,
+ title=title,
+ workflow_id=workflow_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ feed_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_end_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_start_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ plugin_version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ root_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ status: Annotated[Optional[StrictStr], Field(description="* `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ workflow_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin instances resulting from a query search.
+ :param feed_id:
+ :type feed_id: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_end_date:
+ :type max_end_date: datetime
+ :param max_start_date:
+ :type max_start_date: datetime
+ :param min_end_date:
+ :type min_end_date: datetime
+ :param min_start_date:
+ :type min_start_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param plugin_id:
+ :type plugin_id: str
+ :param plugin_name:
+ :type plugin_name: str
+ :param plugin_name_exact:
+ :type plugin_name_exact: str
+ :param plugin_version:
+ :type plugin_version: str
+ :param previous_id:
+ :type previous_id: str
+ :param root_id:
+ :type root_id: str
+ :param status: * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+ :type status: str
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param workflow_id:
+ :type workflow_id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_search_list_serialize(
+ feed_id=feed_id,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_end_date=max_end_date,
+ max_start_date=max_start_date,
+ min_end_date=min_end_date,
+ min_start_date=min_start_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ plugin_id=plugin_id,
+ plugin_name=plugin_name,
+ plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact,
+ plugin_version=plugin_version,
+ previous_id=previous_id,
+ root_id=root_id,
+ status=status,
+ title=title,
+ workflow_id=workflow_id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ feed_id,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_end_date,
+ max_start_date,
+ min_end_date,
+ min_start_date,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ plugin_id,
+ plugin_name,
+ plugin_name_exact,
+ plugin_version,
+ previous_id,
+ root_id,
+ status,
+ title,
+ workflow_id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if feed_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('feed_id', feed_id))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_end_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_end_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_end_date',
+ max_end_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_end_date', max_end_date))
+ if max_start_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_start_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_start_date',
+ max_start_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_start_date', max_start_date))
+ if min_end_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_end_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_end_date',
+ min_end_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_end_date', min_end_date))
+ if min_start_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_start_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_start_date',
+ min_start_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_start_date', min_start_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ if plugin_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_id', plugin_id))
+ if plugin_name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_name', plugin_name))
+ if plugin_name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_name_exact', plugin_name_exact))
+ if plugin_version is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('plugin_version', plugin_version))
+ if previous_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('previous_id', previous_id))
+ if root_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('root_id', root_id))
+ if status is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('status', status))
+ if title is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('title', title))
+ if workflow_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('workflow_id', workflow_id))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_splits_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_split_request: Optional[PluginInstanceSplitRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstanceSplit:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_create
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_split_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_split_request: PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_splits_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_split_request: Optional[PluginInstanceSplitRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstanceSplit]:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_create
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_split_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_split_request: PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_splits_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_split_request: Optional[PluginInstanceSplitRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_create
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_split_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_split_request: PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_splits_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ plugin_instance_split_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_instance_split_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_instance_split_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_splits_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_list
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_splits_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList]:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_list
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_splits_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_list
+ A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_splits_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_splits_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstanceSplit:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_retrieve
+ A view for a plugin instance split.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstanceSplit]:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_retrieve
+ A view for a plugin instance split.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_splits_retrieve
+ A view for a plugin instance split.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstanceSplit",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_splits_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/splits/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginInstance:
+ """plugins_instances_update
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginInstance]:
+ """plugins_instances_update
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_instances_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ plugin_instance_request: Optional[PluginInstanceRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_instances_update
+ A plugin instance view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param plugin_instance_request:
+ :type plugin_instance_request: PluginInstanceRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_instances_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginInstance",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_instances_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ plugin_instance_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if plugin_instance_request is not None:
+ _body_params = plugin_instance_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> IntParameter:
+ """plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ An integer parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "IntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[IntParameter]:
+ """plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ An integer parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "IntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ An integer parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "IntParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/integer-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginList]:
+ """plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginMetaList:
+ """plugins_metas_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginMetaList]:
+ """plugins_metas_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_metas_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_metas_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/metas/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_plugins_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """plugins_metas_plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of meta-specific plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_plugins_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginList]:
+ """plugins_metas_plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of meta-specific plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_plugins_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_metas_plugins_list
+ A view for the collection of meta-specific plugins.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_plugins_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_metas_plugins_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/plugins/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginMeta:
+ """plugins_metas_retrieve
+ A plugin meta view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginMeta",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginMeta]:
+ """plugins_metas_retrieve
+ A plugin meta view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginMeta",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_metas_retrieve
+ A plugin meta view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginMeta",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_metas_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_search_list(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_authors_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginMetaList:
+ """plugins_metas_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_authors_category:
+ :type name_authors_category: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_authors_category=name_authors_category,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_authors_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginMetaList]:
+ """plugins_metas_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_authors_category:
+ :type name_authors_category: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_authors_category=name_authors_category,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_metas_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ authors: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_authors_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_metas_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin metas resulting from a query search.
+ :param authors:
+ :type authors: str
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_authors_category:
+ :type name_authors_category: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_metas_search_list_serialize(
+ authors=authors,
+ category=category,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_authors_category=name_authors_category,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginMetaList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_metas_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ authors,
+ category,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ name,
+ name_authors_category,
+ name_exact,
+ name_title_category,
+ offset,
+ title,
+ type,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if authors is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('authors', authors))
+ if category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('category', category))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_authors_category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_authors_category', name_authors_category))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if name_title_category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_title_category', name_title_category))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if title is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('title', title))
+ if type is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('type', type))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/metas/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_parameters_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginParameterList:
+ """plugins_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin parameters.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_parameters_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginParameterList]:
+ """plugins_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin parameters.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_parameters_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_parameters_list
+ A view for the collection of plugin parameters.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginParameterList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_parameters_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/parameters/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_parameters_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PluginParameter:
+ """plugins_parameters_retrieve
+ A plugin parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_parameters_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PluginParameter]:
+ """plugins_parameters_retrieve
+ A plugin parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_parameters_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_parameters_retrieve
+ A plugin parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_parameters_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PluginParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_parameters_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/parameters/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_path_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PathParameter:
+ """plugins_path_parameter_retrieve
+ A path parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PathParameter]:
+ """plugins_path_parameter_retrieve
+ A path parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_path_parameter_retrieve
+ A path parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_path_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/path-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Plugin:
+ """plugins_retrieve
+ A plugin view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Plugin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Plugin]:
+ """plugins_retrieve
+ A plugin view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Plugin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_retrieve
+ A plugin view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Plugin",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_search_list(
+ self,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ compute_resource_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ dock_image: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """plugins_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins resulting from a query search.
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param compute_resource_id:
+ :type compute_resource_id: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param dock_image:
+ :type dock_image: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param version:
+ :type version: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_search_list_serialize(
+ category=category,
+ compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id,
+ description=description,
+ dock_image=dock_image,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ version=version,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ compute_resource_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ dock_image: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedPluginList]:
+ """plugins_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins resulting from a query search.
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param compute_resource_id:
+ :type compute_resource_id: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param dock_image:
+ :type dock_image: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param version:
+ :type version: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_search_list_serialize(
+ category=category,
+ compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id,
+ description=description,
+ dock_image=dock_image,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ version=version,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ compute_resource_id: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ description: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ dock_image: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_title_category: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ title: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ version: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_search_list
+ A view for the collection of plugins resulting from a query search.
+ :param category:
+ :type category: str
+ :param compute_resource_id:
+ :type compute_resource_id: str
+ :param description:
+ :type description: str
+ :param dock_image:
+ :type dock_image: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_title_category:
+ :type name_title_category: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param title:
+ :type title: str
+ :param type:
+ :type type: str
+ :param version:
+ :type version: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_search_list_serialize(
+ category=category,
+ compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id,
+ description=description,
+ dock_image=dock_image,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_title_category=name_title_category,
+ offset=offset,
+ title=title,
+ type=type,
+ version=version,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedPluginList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ category,
+ compute_resource_id,
+ description,
+ dock_image,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ name,
+ name_exact,
+ name_title_category,
+ offset,
+ title,
+ type,
+ version,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('category', category))
+ if compute_resource_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('compute_resource_id', compute_resource_id))
+ if description is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('description', description))
+ if dock_image is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('dock_image', dock_image))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if name_title_category is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_title_category', name_title_category))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if title is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('title', title))
+ if type is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('type', type))
+ if version is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('version', version))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_string_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> StrParameter:
+ """plugins_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A string parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "StrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[StrParameter]:
+ """plugins_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A string parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "StrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_string_parameter_retrieve
+ A string parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "StrParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_string_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/string-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> UnextpathParameter:
+ """plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve
+ A unextpath parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UnextpathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[UnextpathParameter]:
+ """plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve
+ A unextpath parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UnextpathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve
+ A unextpath parameter view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UnextpathParameter",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/plugins/unextpath-parameter/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/publicfeeds_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/publicfeeds_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bde63e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/publicfeeds_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,772 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class PublicfeedsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def publicfeeds_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """publicfeeds_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def publicfeeds_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """publicfeeds_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def publicfeeds_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """publicfeeds_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _publicfeeds_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/publicfeeds/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def publicfeeds_search_list(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """publicfeeds_search_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def publicfeeds_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """publicfeeds_search_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def publicfeeds_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """publicfeeds_search_list
+ A view for the collection of public feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._publicfeeds_search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _publicfeeds_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ max_id,
+ min_creation_date,
+ min_id,
+ name,
+ name_exact,
+ name_startswith,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if files_fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('files_fname_icontains', files_fname_icontains))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if max_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('max_id', max_id))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if min_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('min_id', min_id))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if name_startswith is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_startswith', name_startswith))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/publicfeeds/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/schema_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/schema_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2f7d87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/schema_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class SchemaApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def schema_retrieve(
+ self,
+ format: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ lang: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Dict[str, object]:
+ """schema_retrieve
+ OpenApi3 schema for this API. Format can be selected via content negotiation. - YAML: application/vnd.oai.openapi - JSON: application/vnd.oai.openapi+json
+ :param format:
+ :type format: str
+ :param lang:
+ :type lang: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._schema_retrieve_serialize(
+ format=format,
+ lang=lang,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Dict[str, object]",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def schema_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ format: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ lang: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Dict[str, object]]:
+ """schema_retrieve
+ OpenApi3 schema for this API. Format can be selected via content negotiation. - YAML: application/vnd.oai.openapi - JSON: application/vnd.oai.openapi+json
+ :param format:
+ :type format: str
+ :param lang:
+ :type lang: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._schema_retrieve_serialize(
+ format=format,
+ lang=lang,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Dict[str, object]",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def schema_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ format: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ lang: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """schema_retrieve
+ OpenApi3 schema for this API. Format can be selected via content negotiation. - YAML: application/vnd.oai.openapi - JSON: application/vnd.oai.openapi+json
+ :param format:
+ :type format: str
+ :param lang:
+ :type lang: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._schema_retrieve_serialize(
+ format=format,
+ lang=lang,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Dict[str, object]",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _schema_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ format,
+ lang,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if format is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('format', format))
+ if lang is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('lang', lang))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/vnd.oai.openapi',
+ 'application/yaml',
+ 'application/vnd.oai.openapi+json',
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/schema/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/search_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/search_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ec064c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/search_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class SearchApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def search_list(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """search_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """search_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ max_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ name_startswith: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """search_list
+ A view for the collection of feeds resulting from a query search.
+ :param files_fname_icontains:
+ :type files_fname_icontains: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param max_id:
+ :type max_id: int
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_id:
+ :type min_id: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param name_exact:
+ :type name_exact: str
+ :param name_startswith:
+ :type name_startswith: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._search_list_serialize(
+ files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ max_id=max_id,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ min_id=min_id,
+ name=name,
+ name_exact=name_exact,
+ name_startswith=name_startswith,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ files_fname_icontains,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ max_id,
+ min_creation_date,
+ min_id,
+ name,
+ name_exact,
+ name_startswith,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if files_fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('files_fname_icontains', files_fname_icontains))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if max_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('max_id', max_id))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if min_id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('min_id', min_id))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if name_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_exact', name_exact))
+ if name_startswith is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name_startswith', name_startswith))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/taggings_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/taggings_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96a9131
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/taggings_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class TaggingsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tagging:
+ """taggings_create
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tagging]:
+ """taggings_create
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """taggings_create
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _taggings_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/taggings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """taggings_destroy
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """taggings_destroy
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """taggings_destroy
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _taggings_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/taggings/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTaggingList:
+ """taggings_list
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTaggingList]:
+ """taggings_list
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """taggings_list
+ A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _taggings_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/taggings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tagging:
+ """taggings_retrieve
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tagging]:
+ """taggings_retrieve
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def taggings_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """taggings_retrieve
+ A tagging view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._taggings_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _taggings_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/taggings/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/tags_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/tags_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..925a5a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/tags_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2901 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from chris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from chris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class TagsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def feed_tags_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTagList:
+ """feed_tags_list
+ A view for a feed-specific collection of user-specific tags.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._feed_tags_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def feed_tags_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTagList]:
+ """feed_tags_list
+ A view for a feed-specific collection of user-specific tags.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._feed_tags_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def feed_tags_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """feed_tags_list
+ A view for a feed-specific collection of user-specific tags.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._feed_tags_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _feed_tags_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/tags/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_create(
+ self,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tag:
+ """tags_create
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_create_serialize(
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tag]:
+ """tags_create
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_create_serialize(
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_create
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_create_serialize(
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ tag_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if tag_request is not None:
+ _body_params = tag_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """tags_destroy
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """tags_destroy
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_destroy
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_feeds_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """tags_feeds_list
+ A view for the tag-specific collection of feeds.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_feeds_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_feeds_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedList]:
+ """tags_feeds_list
+ A view for the tag-specific collection of feeds.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_feeds_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_feeds_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_feeds_list
+ A view for the tag-specific collection of feeds.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_feeds_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_feeds_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/feeds/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTagList:
+ """tags_list
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTagList]:
+ """tags_list
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_list
+ A view for the collection of tags.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tag:
+ """tags_retrieve
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tag]:
+ """tags_retrieve
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_retrieve
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_search_list(
+ self,
+ color: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTagList:
+ """tags_search_list
+ A view for the collection of tags resulting from a query search.
+ :param color:
+ :type color: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_search_list_serialize(
+ color=color,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ color: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTagList]:
+ """tags_search_list
+ A view for the collection of tags resulting from a query search.
+ :param color:
+ :type color: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_search_list_serialize(
+ color=color,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ color: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ name: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_search_list
+ A view for the collection of tags resulting from a query search.
+ :param color:
+ :type color: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param name:
+ :type name: str
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_search_list_serialize(
+ color=color,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ name=name,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTagList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ color,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ name,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if color is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('color', color))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if name is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('name', name))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_taggings_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tagging:
+ """tags_taggings_create
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_taggings_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tagging]:
+ """tags_taggings_create
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_taggings_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_taggings_create
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "Tagging",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_taggings_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_taggings_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedTaggingList:
+ """tags_taggings_list
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_taggings_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedTaggingList]:
+ """tags_taggings_list
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_taggings_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_taggings_list
+ A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_taggings_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedTaggingList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_taggings_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> Tag:
+ """tags_update
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[Tag]:
+ """tags_update
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def tags_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ tag_request: TagRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """tags_update
+ A tag view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param tag_request: (required)
+ :type tag_request: TagRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._tags_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ tag_request=tag_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "Tag",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _tags_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ tag_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if tag_request is not None:
+ _body_params = tag_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/tags/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/userfiles_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/userfiles_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b1e7b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/userfiles_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,2117 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr, field_validator
+from typing import Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from chris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from chris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class UserfilesApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_create(
+ self,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> UserFile:
+ """userfiles_create
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_create_serialize(
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[UserFile]:
+ """userfiles_create
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_create_serialize(
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_create
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_create_serialize(
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ user_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if user_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = user_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """userfiles_destroy
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """userfiles_destroy
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_destroy
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedUserFileList:
+ """userfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedUserFileList]:
+ """userfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_list
+ A view for the collection of user files.
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> UserFile:
+ """userfiles_retrieve
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[UserFile]:
+ """userfiles_retrieve
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_retrieve
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_retrieve_0(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> bytearray:
+ """userfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_retrieve_0_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[bytearray]:
+ """userfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_retrieve_0_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True)],
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_retrieve_0
+ Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "bytearray",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_retrieve_0_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ '*/*'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/{id}/.',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_search_list(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_multiple: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedUserFileList:
+ """userfiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_multiple:
+ :type fname_icontains_multiple: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_multiple: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedUserFileList]:
+ """userfiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_multiple:
+ :type fname_icontains_multiple: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_exact: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_icontains_multiple: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ fname_nslashes: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ id: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ max_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ min_creation_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_search_list
+ A view for the collection of user files resulting from a query search.
+ :param fname:
+ :type fname: str
+ :param fname_exact:
+ :type fname_exact: str
+ :param fname_icontains:
+ :type fname_icontains: str
+ :param fname_icontains_multiple:
+ :type fname_icontains_multiple: str
+ :param fname_nslashes:
+ :type fname_nslashes: str
+ :param id:
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param max_creation_date:
+ :type max_creation_date: datetime
+ :param min_creation_date:
+ :type min_creation_date: datetime
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param owner_username:
+ :type owner_username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_search_list_serialize(
+ fname=fname,
+ fname_exact=fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains=fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple,
+ fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes,
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ max_creation_date=max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date=min_creation_date,
+ offset=offset,
+ owner_username=owner_username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserFileList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ fname,
+ fname_exact,
+ fname_icontains,
+ fname_icontains_multiple,
+ fname_nslashes,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ max_creation_date,
+ min_creation_date,
+ offset,
+ owner_username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if fname is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname', fname))
+ if fname_exact is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_exact', fname_exact))
+ if fname_icontains is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains', fname_icontains))
+ if fname_icontains_multiple is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_icontains_multiple', fname_icontains_multiple))
+ if fname_nslashes is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('fname_nslashes', fname_nslashes))
+ if id is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if max_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(max_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'max_creation_date',
+ max_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('max_creation_date', max_creation_date))
+ if min_creation_date is not None:
+ if isinstance(min_creation_date, datetime):
+ _query_params.append(
+ (
+ 'min_creation_date',
+ min_creation_date.strftime(
+ self.api_client.configuration.datetime_format
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ _query_params.append(('min_creation_date', min_creation_date))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if owner_username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('owner_username', owner_username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> UserFile:
+ """userfiles_update
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[UserFile]:
+ """userfiles_update
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userfiles_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_file_request: Optional[UserFileRequest] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userfiles_update
+ A user file view.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_file_request:
+ :type user_file_request: UserFileRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userfiles_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_file_request=user_file_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "UserFile",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userfiles_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ user_file_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if user_file_request is not None:
+ _body_params = user_file_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userfiles/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/userpermissions_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/userpermissions_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fc9fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/userpermissions_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1472 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class UserpermissionsApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_create(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FeedUserPermission:
+ """userpermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_user_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_user_permission_request=feed_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FeedUserPermission]:
+ """userpermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_user_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_user_permission_request=feed_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_create
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param feed_user_permission_request: (required)
+ :type feed_user_permission_request: FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ feed_user_permission_request=feed_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ feed_user_permission_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if feed_user_permission_request is not None:
+ _body_params = feed_user_permission_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_destroy(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> None:
+ """userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_destroy_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[None]:
+ """userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_destroy_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_destroy
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '204': None,
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_destroy_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='DELETE',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList:
+ """userpermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList]:
+ """userpermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_list
+ A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> FeedUserPermission:
+ """userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[FeedUserPermission]:
+ """userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_retrieve
+ A view for a feed's user permission.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "FeedUserPermission",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_search_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList:
+ """userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_search_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList]:
+ """userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def userpermissions_search_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ id2: Optional[StrictInt] = None,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ username: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """userpermissions_search_list
+ A view for the collection of feed-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param id2:
+ :type id2: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param username:
+ :type username: str
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ id2=id2,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ username=username,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _userpermissions_search_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ id2,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ username,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if id2 is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('id', id2))
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ if username is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('username', username))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/search/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api/users_api.py b/python/chris_oag/api/users_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbb9b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api/users_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1434 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import warnings
+from pydantic import validate_call, Field, StrictFloat, StrictStr, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+from chris_oag.models.user import User
+from chris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from chris_oag.api_client import ApiClient, RequestSerialized
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse
+from chris_oag.rest import RESTResponseType
+class UsersApi:
+ """NOTE: This class is auto generated by OpenAPI Generator
+ Ref: https://openapi-generator.tech
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, api_client=None) -> None:
+ if api_client is None:
+ api_client = ApiClient.get_default()
+ self.api_client = api_client
+ @validate_call
+ def users_create(
+ self,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> User:
+ """users_create
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_create_serialize(
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def users_create_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[User]:
+ """users_create
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_create_serialize(
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def users_create_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_create
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_create_serialize(
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '201': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_create_serialize(
+ self,
+ user_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if user_request is not None:
+ _body_params = user_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='POST',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def users_groups_list(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedGroupList:
+ """users_groups_list
+ A view for a user-specific collection of groups.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_groups_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def users_groups_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedGroupList]:
+ """users_groups_list
+ A view for a user-specific collection of groups.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_groups_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def users_groups_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_groups_list
+ A view for a user-specific collection of groups.
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_groups_list_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedGroupList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_groups_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/{id}/groups/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def users_list(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> PaginatedUserList:
+ """users_list
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def users_list_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[PaginatedUserList]:
+ """users_list
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def users_list_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ limit: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="Number of results to return per page.")] = None,
+ offset: Annotated[Optional[StrictInt], Field(description="The initial index from which to return the results.")] = None,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_list
+ :param limit: Number of results to return per page.
+ :type limit: int
+ :param offset: The initial index from which to return the results.
+ :type offset: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_list_serialize(
+ limit=limit,
+ offset=offset,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "PaginatedUserList",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_list_serialize(
+ self,
+ limit,
+ offset,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ # process the query parameters
+ if limit is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('limit', limit))
+ if offset is not None:
+ _query_params.append(('offset', offset))
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def users_retrieve(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> User:
+ """users_retrieve
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def users_retrieve_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[User]:
+ """users_retrieve
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def users_retrieve_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_retrieve
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_retrieve_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_retrieve_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='GET',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def users_update(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> User:
+ """users_update
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ ).data
+ @validate_call
+ def users_update_with_http_info(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> ApiResponse[User]:
+ """users_update
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ response_data.read()
+ return self.api_client.response_deserialize(
+ response_data=response_data,
+ response_types_map=_response_types_map,
+ )
+ @validate_call
+ def users_update_without_preload_content(
+ self,
+ id: StrictInt,
+ user_request: UserRequest,
+ _request_timeout: Union[
+ None,
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Tuple[
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)],
+ Annotated[StrictFloat, Field(gt=0)]
+ ]
+ ] = None,
+ _request_auth: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _content_type: Optional[StrictStr] = None,
+ _headers: Optional[Dict[StrictStr, Any]] = None,
+ _host_index: Annotated[StrictInt, Field(ge=0, le=0)] = 0,
+ ) -> RESTResponseType:
+ """users_update
+ :param id: (required)
+ :type id: int
+ :param user_request: (required)
+ :type user_request: UserRequest
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ :type _request_timeout: int, tuple(int, int), optional
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the
+ authentication in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _request_auth: dict, optional
+ :param _content_type: force content-type for the request.
+ :type _content_type: str, Optional
+ :param _headers: set to override the headers for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the headers
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _headers: dict, optional
+ :param _host_index: set to override the host_index for a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the host_index
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :type _host_index: int, optional
+ :return: Returns the result object.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ _param = self._users_update_serialize(
+ id=id,
+ user_request=user_request,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth,
+ _content_type=_content_type,
+ _headers=_headers,
+ _host_index=_host_index
+ )
+ _response_types_map: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = {
+ '200': "User",
+ }
+ response_data = self.api_client.call_api(
+ *_param,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ return response_data.response
+ def _users_update_serialize(
+ self,
+ id,
+ user_request,
+ _request_auth,
+ _content_type,
+ _headers,
+ _host_index,
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ _host = None
+ _collection_formats: Dict[str, str] = {
+ }
+ _path_params: Dict[str, str] = {}
+ _query_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _header_params: Dict[str, Optional[str]] = _headers or {}
+ _form_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ _files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]] = {}
+ _body_params: Optional[bytes] = None
+ # process the path parameters
+ if id is not None:
+ _path_params['id'] = id
+ # process the query parameters
+ # process the header parameters
+ # process the form parameters
+ # process the body parameter
+ if user_request is not None:
+ _body_params = user_request
+ # set the HTTP header `Accept`
+ if 'Accept' not in _header_params:
+ _header_params['Accept'] = self.api_client.select_header_accept(
+ [
+ 'application/json'
+ ]
+ )
+ # set the HTTP header `Content-Type`
+ if _content_type:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _content_type
+ else:
+ _default_content_type = (
+ self.api_client.select_header_content_type(
+ [
+ 'application/json',
+ 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
+ 'multipart/form-data'
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ if _default_content_type is not None:
+ _header_params['Content-Type'] = _default_content_type
+ # authentication setting
+ _auth_settings: List[str] = [
+ 'basicAuth',
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ 'cookieAuth'
+ ]
+ return self.api_client.param_serialize(
+ method='PUT',
+ resource_path='/api/v1/users/{id}/',
+ path_params=_path_params,
+ query_params=_query_params,
+ header_params=_header_params,
+ body=_body_params,
+ post_params=_form_params,
+ files=_files,
+ auth_settings=_auth_settings,
+ collection_formats=_collection_formats,
+ _host=_host,
+ _request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api_client.py b/python/chris_oag/api_client.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62f5b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api_client.py
@@ -0,0 +1,789 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import datetime
+from dateutil.parser import parse
+from enum import Enum
+import decimal
+import json
+import mimetypes
+import os
+import re
+import tempfile
+from urllib.parse import quote
+from typing import Tuple, Optional, List, Dict, Union
+from pydantic import SecretStr
+from chris_oag.configuration import Configuration
+from chris_oag.api_response import ApiResponse, T as ApiResponseT
+import chris_oag.models
+from chris_oag import rest
+from chris_oag.exceptions import (
+ ApiValueError,
+ ApiException,
+ BadRequestException,
+ UnauthorizedException,
+ ForbiddenException,
+ NotFoundException,
+ ServiceException
+RequestSerialized = Tuple[str, str, Dict[str, str], Optional[str], List[str]]
+class ApiClient:
+ """Generic API client for OpenAPI client library builds.
+ OpenAPI generic API client. This client handles the client-
+ server communication, and is invariant across implementations. Specifics of
+ the methods and models for each application are generated from the OpenAPI
+ templates.
+ :param configuration: .Configuration object for this client
+ :param header_name: a header to pass when making calls to the API.
+ :param header_value: a header value to pass when making calls to
+ the API.
+ :param cookie: a cookie to include in the header when making calls
+ to the API
+ """
+ PRIMITIVE_TYPES = (float, bool, bytes, str, int)
+ 'int': int,
+ 'long': int, # TODO remove as only py3 is supported?
+ 'float': float,
+ 'str': str,
+ 'bool': bool,
+ 'date': datetime.date,
+ 'datetime': datetime.datetime,
+ 'decimal': decimal.Decimal,
+ 'object': object,
+ }
+ _pool = None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ configuration=None,
+ header_name=None,
+ header_value=None,
+ cookie=None
+ ) -> None:
+ # use default configuration if none is provided
+ if configuration is None:
+ configuration = Configuration.get_default()
+ self.configuration = configuration
+ self.rest_client = rest.RESTClientObject(configuration)
+ self.default_headers = {}
+ if header_name is not None:
+ self.default_headers[header_name] = header_value
+ self.cookie = cookie
+ # Set default User-Agent.
+ self.user_agent = 'OpenAPI-Generator/0.0.1a1/python'
+ self.client_side_validation = configuration.client_side_validation
+ def __enter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+ pass
+ @property
+ def user_agent(self):
+ """User agent for this API client"""
+ return self.default_headers['User-Agent']
+ @user_agent.setter
+ def user_agent(self, value):
+ self.default_headers['User-Agent'] = value
+ def set_default_header(self, header_name, header_value):
+ self.default_headers[header_name] = header_value
+ _default = None
+ @classmethod
+ def get_default(cls):
+ """Return new instance of ApiClient.
+ This method returns newly created, based on default constructor,
+ object of ApiClient class or returns a copy of default
+ ApiClient.
+ :return: The ApiClient object.
+ """
+ if cls._default is None:
+ cls._default = ApiClient()
+ return cls._default
+ @classmethod
+ def set_default(cls, default):
+ """Set default instance of ApiClient.
+ It stores default ApiClient.
+ :param default: object of ApiClient.
+ """
+ cls._default = default
+ def param_serialize(
+ self,
+ method,
+ resource_path,
+ path_params=None,
+ query_params=None,
+ header_params=None,
+ body=None,
+ post_params=None,
+ files=None, auth_settings=None,
+ collection_formats=None,
+ _host=None,
+ _request_auth=None
+ ) -> RequestSerialized:
+ """Builds the HTTP request params needed by the request.
+ :param method: Method to call.
+ :param resource_path: Path to method endpoint.
+ :param path_params: Path parameters in the url.
+ :param query_params: Query parameters in the url.
+ :param header_params: Header parameters to be
+ placed in the request header.
+ :param body: Request body.
+ :param post_params dict: Request post form parameters,
+ for `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data`.
+ :param auth_settings list: Auth Settings names for the request.
+ :param files dict: key -> filename, value -> filepath,
+ for `multipart/form-data`.
+ :param collection_formats: dict of collection formats for path, query,
+ header, and post parameters.
+ :param _request_auth: set to override the auth_settings for an a single
+ request; this effectively ignores the authentication
+ in the spec for a single request.
+ :return: tuple of form (path, http_method, query_params, header_params,
+ body, post_params, files)
+ """
+ config = self.configuration
+ # header parameters
+ header_params = header_params or {}
+ header_params.update(self.default_headers)
+ if self.cookie:
+ header_params['Cookie'] = self.cookie
+ if header_params:
+ header_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(header_params)
+ header_params = dict(
+ self.parameters_to_tuples(header_params,collection_formats)
+ )
+ # path parameters
+ if path_params:
+ path_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(path_params)
+ path_params = self.parameters_to_tuples(
+ path_params,
+ collection_formats
+ )
+ for k, v in path_params:
+ # specified safe chars, encode everything
+ resource_path = resource_path.replace(
+ '{%s}' % k,
+ quote(str(v), safe=config.safe_chars_for_path_param)
+ )
+ # post parameters
+ if post_params or files:
+ post_params = post_params if post_params else []
+ post_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(post_params)
+ post_params = self.parameters_to_tuples(
+ post_params,
+ collection_formats
+ )
+ if files:
+ post_params.extend(self.files_parameters(files))
+ # auth setting
+ self.update_params_for_auth(
+ header_params,
+ query_params,
+ auth_settings,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ request_auth=_request_auth
+ )
+ # body
+ if body:
+ body = self.sanitize_for_serialization(body)
+ # request url
+ if _host is None or self.configuration.ignore_operation_servers:
+ url = self.configuration.host + resource_path
+ else:
+ # use server/host defined in path or operation instead
+ url = _host + resource_path
+ # query parameters
+ if query_params:
+ query_params = self.sanitize_for_serialization(query_params)
+ url_query = self.parameters_to_url_query(
+ query_params,
+ collection_formats
+ )
+ url += "?" + url_query
+ return method, url, header_params, body, post_params
+ def call_api(
+ self,
+ method,
+ url,
+ header_params=None,
+ body=None,
+ post_params=None,
+ _request_timeout=None
+ ) -> rest.RESTResponse:
+ """Makes the HTTP request (synchronous)
+ :param method: Method to call.
+ :param url: Path to method endpoint.
+ :param header_params: Header parameters to be
+ placed in the request header.
+ :param body: Request body.
+ :param post_params dict: Request post form parameters,
+ for `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`, `multipart/form-data`.
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request.
+ :return: RESTResponse
+ """
+ try:
+ # perform request and return response
+ response_data = self.rest_client.request(
+ method, url,
+ headers=header_params,
+ body=body, post_params=post_params,
+ _request_timeout=_request_timeout
+ )
+ except ApiException as e:
+ raise e
+ return response_data
+ def response_deserialize(
+ self,
+ response_data: rest.RESTResponse,
+ response_types_map: Optional[Dict[str, ApiResponseT]]=None
+ ) -> ApiResponse[ApiResponseT]:
+ """Deserializes response into an object.
+ :param response_data: RESTResponse object to be deserialized.
+ :param response_types_map: dict of response types.
+ :return: ApiResponse
+ """
+ msg = "RESTResponse.read() must be called before passing it to response_deserialize()"
+ assert response_data.data is not None, msg
+ response_type = response_types_map.get(str(response_data.status), None)
+ if not response_type and isinstance(response_data.status, int) and 100 <= response_data.status <= 599:
+ # if not found, look for '1XX', '2XX', etc.
+ response_type = response_types_map.get(str(response_data.status)[0] + "XX", None)
+ # deserialize response data
+ response_text = None
+ return_data = None
+ try:
+ if response_type == "bytearray":
+ return_data = response_data.data
+ elif response_type == "file":
+ return_data = self.__deserialize_file(response_data)
+ elif response_type is not None:
+ match = None
+ content_type = response_data.getheader('content-type')
+ if content_type is not None:
+ match = re.search(r"charset=([a-zA-Z\-\d]+)[\s;]?", content_type)
+ encoding = match.group(1) if match else "utf-8"
+ response_text = response_data.data.decode(encoding)
+ return_data = self.deserialize(response_text, response_type, content_type)
+ finally:
+ if not 200 <= response_data.status <= 299:
+ raise ApiException.from_response(
+ http_resp=response_data,
+ body=response_text,
+ data=return_data,
+ )
+ return ApiResponse(
+ status_code = response_data.status,
+ data = return_data,
+ headers = response_data.getheaders(),
+ raw_data = response_data.data
+ )
+ def sanitize_for_serialization(self, obj):
+ """Builds a JSON POST object.
+ If obj is None, return None.
+ If obj is SecretStr, return obj.get_secret_value()
+ If obj is str, int, long, float, bool, return directly.
+ If obj is datetime.datetime, datetime.date
+ convert to string in iso8601 format.
+ If obj is decimal.Decimal return string representation.
+ If obj is list, sanitize each element in the list.
+ If obj is dict, return the dict.
+ If obj is OpenAPI model, return the properties dict.
+ :param obj: The data to serialize.
+ :return: The serialized form of data.
+ """
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ elif isinstance(obj, Enum):
+ return obj.value
+ elif isinstance(obj, SecretStr):
+ return obj.get_secret_value()
+ elif isinstance(obj, self.PRIMITIVE_TYPES):
+ return obj
+ elif isinstance(obj, list):
+ return [
+ self.sanitize_for_serialization(sub_obj) for sub_obj in obj
+ ]
+ elif isinstance(obj, tuple):
+ return tuple(
+ self.sanitize_for_serialization(sub_obj) for sub_obj in obj
+ )
+ elif isinstance(obj, (datetime.datetime, datetime.date)):
+ return obj.isoformat()
+ elif isinstance(obj, decimal.Decimal):
+ return str(obj)
+ elif isinstance(obj, dict):
+ obj_dict = obj
+ else:
+ # Convert model obj to dict except
+ # attributes `openapi_types`, `attribute_map`
+ # and attributes which value is not None.
+ # Convert attribute name to json key in
+ # model definition for request.
+ if hasattr(obj, 'to_dict') and callable(getattr(obj, 'to_dict')):
+ obj_dict = obj.to_dict()
+ else:
+ obj_dict = obj.__dict__
+ return {
+ key: self.sanitize_for_serialization(val)
+ for key, val in obj_dict.items()
+ }
+ def deserialize(self, response_text: str, response_type: str, content_type: Optional[str]):
+ """Deserializes response into an object.
+ :param response: RESTResponse object to be deserialized.
+ :param response_type: class literal for
+ deserialized object, or string of class name.
+ :param content_type: content type of response.
+ :return: deserialized object.
+ """
+ # fetch data from response object
+ if content_type is None:
+ try:
+ data = json.loads(response_text)
+ except ValueError:
+ data = response_text
+ elif content_type.startswith("application/json"):
+ if response_text == "":
+ data = ""
+ else:
+ data = json.loads(response_text)
+ elif content_type.startswith("text/plain"):
+ data = response_text
+ else:
+ raise ApiException(
+ status=0,
+ reason="Unsupported content type: {0}".format(content_type)
+ )
+ return self.__deserialize(data, response_type)
+ def __deserialize(self, data, klass):
+ """Deserializes dict, list, str into an object.
+ :param data: dict, list or str.
+ :param klass: class literal, or string of class name.
+ :return: object.
+ """
+ if data is None:
+ return None
+ if isinstance(klass, str):
+ if klass.startswith('List['):
+ m = re.match(r'List\[(.*)]', klass)
+ assert m is not None, "Malformed List type definition"
+ sub_kls = m.group(1)
+ return [self.__deserialize(sub_data, sub_kls)
+ for sub_data in data]
+ if klass.startswith('Dict['):
+ m = re.match(r'Dict\[([^,]*), (.*)]', klass)
+ assert m is not None, "Malformed Dict type definition"
+ sub_kls = m.group(2)
+ return {k: self.__deserialize(v, sub_kls)
+ for k, v in data.items()}
+ # convert str to class
+ if klass in self.NATIVE_TYPES_MAPPING:
+ klass = self.NATIVE_TYPES_MAPPING[klass]
+ else:
+ klass = getattr(chris_oag.models, klass)
+ if klass in self.PRIMITIVE_TYPES:
+ return self.__deserialize_primitive(data, klass)
+ elif klass == object:
+ return self.__deserialize_object(data)
+ elif klass == datetime.date:
+ return self.__deserialize_date(data)
+ elif klass == datetime.datetime:
+ return self.__deserialize_datetime(data)
+ elif klass == decimal.Decimal:
+ return decimal.Decimal(data)
+ elif issubclass(klass, Enum):
+ return self.__deserialize_enum(data, klass)
+ else:
+ return self.__deserialize_model(data, klass)
+ def parameters_to_tuples(self, params, collection_formats):
+ """Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting collections.
+ :param params: Parameters as dict or list of two-tuples
+ :param dict collection_formats: Parameter collection formats
+ :return: Parameters as list of tuples, collections formatted
+ """
+ new_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ if collection_formats is None:
+ collection_formats = {}
+ for k, v in params.items() if isinstance(params, dict) else params:
+ if k in collection_formats:
+ collection_format = collection_formats[k]
+ if collection_format == 'multi':
+ new_params.extend((k, value) for value in v)
+ else:
+ if collection_format == 'ssv':
+ delimiter = ' '
+ elif collection_format == 'tsv':
+ delimiter = '\t'
+ elif collection_format == 'pipes':
+ delimiter = '|'
+ else: # csv is the default
+ delimiter = ','
+ new_params.append(
+ (k, delimiter.join(str(value) for value in v)))
+ else:
+ new_params.append((k, v))
+ return new_params
+ def parameters_to_url_query(self, params, collection_formats):
+ """Get parameters as list of tuples, formatting collections.
+ :param params: Parameters as dict or list of two-tuples
+ :param dict collection_formats: Parameter collection formats
+ :return: URL query string (e.g. a=Hello%20World&b=123)
+ """
+ new_params: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
+ if collection_formats is None:
+ collection_formats = {}
+ for k, v in params.items() if isinstance(params, dict) else params:
+ if isinstance(v, bool):
+ v = str(v).lower()
+ if isinstance(v, (int, float)):
+ v = str(v)
+ if isinstance(v, dict):
+ v = json.dumps(v)
+ if k in collection_formats:
+ collection_format = collection_formats[k]
+ if collection_format == 'multi':
+ new_params.extend((k, str(value)) for value in v)
+ else:
+ if collection_format == 'ssv':
+ delimiter = ' '
+ elif collection_format == 'tsv':
+ delimiter = '\t'
+ elif collection_format == 'pipes':
+ delimiter = '|'
+ else: # csv is the default
+ delimiter = ','
+ new_params.append(
+ (k, delimiter.join(quote(str(value)) for value in v))
+ )
+ else:
+ new_params.append((k, quote(str(v))))
+ return "&".join(["=".join(map(str, item)) for item in new_params])
+ def files_parameters(self, files: Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]]):
+ """Builds form parameters.
+ :param files: File parameters.
+ :return: Form parameters with files.
+ """
+ params = []
+ for k, v in files.items():
+ if isinstance(v, str):
+ with open(v, 'rb') as f:
+ filename = os.path.basename(f.name)
+ filedata = f.read()
+ elif isinstance(v, bytes):
+ filename = k
+ filedata = v
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unsupported file value")
+ mimetype = (
+ mimetypes.guess_type(filename)[0]
+ or 'application/octet-stream'
+ )
+ params.append(
+ tuple([k, tuple([filename, filedata, mimetype])])
+ )
+ return params
+ def select_header_accept(self, accepts: List[str]) -> Optional[str]:
+ """Returns `Accept` based on an array of accepts provided.
+ :param accepts: List of headers.
+ :return: Accept (e.g. application/json).
+ """
+ if not accepts:
+ return None
+ for accept in accepts:
+ if re.search('json', accept, re.IGNORECASE):
+ return accept
+ return accepts[0]
+ def select_header_content_type(self, content_types):
+ """Returns `Content-Type` based on an array of content_types provided.
+ :param content_types: List of content-types.
+ :return: Content-Type (e.g. application/json).
+ """
+ if not content_types:
+ return None
+ for content_type in content_types:
+ if re.search('json', content_type, re.IGNORECASE):
+ return content_type
+ return content_types[0]
+ def update_params_for_auth(
+ self,
+ headers,
+ queries,
+ auth_settings,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ request_auth=None
+ ) -> None:
+ """Updates header and query params based on authentication setting.
+ :param headers: Header parameters dict to be updated.
+ :param queries: Query parameters tuple list to be updated.
+ :param auth_settings: Authentication setting identifiers list.
+ :resource_path: A string representation of the HTTP request resource path.
+ :method: A string representation of the HTTP request method.
+ :body: A object representing the body of the HTTP request.
+ The object type is the return value of sanitize_for_serialization().
+ :param request_auth: if set, the provided settings will
+ override the token in the configuration.
+ """
+ if not auth_settings:
+ return
+ if request_auth:
+ self._apply_auth_params(
+ headers,
+ queries,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ request_auth
+ )
+ else:
+ for auth in auth_settings:
+ auth_setting = self.configuration.auth_settings().get(auth)
+ if auth_setting:
+ self._apply_auth_params(
+ headers,
+ queries,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ auth_setting
+ )
+ def _apply_auth_params(
+ self,
+ headers,
+ queries,
+ resource_path,
+ method,
+ body,
+ auth_setting
+ ) -> None:
+ """Updates the request parameters based on a single auth_setting
+ :param headers: Header parameters dict to be updated.
+ :param queries: Query parameters tuple list to be updated.
+ :resource_path: A string representation of the HTTP request resource path.
+ :method: A string representation of the HTTP request method.
+ :body: A object representing the body of the HTTP request.
+ The object type is the return value of sanitize_for_serialization().
+ :param auth_setting: auth settings for the endpoint
+ """
+ if auth_setting['in'] == 'cookie':
+ headers['Cookie'] = auth_setting['value']
+ elif auth_setting['in'] == 'header':
+ if auth_setting['type'] != 'http-signature':
+ headers[auth_setting['key']] = auth_setting['value']
+ elif auth_setting['in'] == 'query':
+ queries.append((auth_setting['key'], auth_setting['value']))
+ else:
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ 'Authentication token must be in `query` or `header`'
+ )
+ def __deserialize_file(self, response):
+ """Deserializes body to file
+ Saves response body into a file in a temporary folder,
+ using the filename from the `Content-Disposition` header if provided.
+ handle file downloading
+ save response body into a tmp file and return the instance
+ :param response: RESTResponse.
+ :return: file path.
+ """
+ fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.configuration.temp_folder_path)
+ os.close(fd)
+ os.remove(path)
+ content_disposition = response.getheader("Content-Disposition")
+ if content_disposition:
+ m = re.search(
+ r'filename=[\'"]?([^\'"\s]+)[\'"]?',
+ content_disposition
+ )
+ assert m is not None, "Unexpected 'content-disposition' header value"
+ filename = m.group(1)
+ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), filename)
+ with open(path, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(response.data)
+ return path
+ def __deserialize_primitive(self, data, klass):
+ """Deserializes string to primitive type.
+ :param data: str.
+ :param klass: class literal.
+ :return: int, long, float, str, bool.
+ """
+ try:
+ return klass(data)
+ except UnicodeEncodeError:
+ return str(data)
+ except TypeError:
+ return data
+ def __deserialize_object(self, value):
+ """Return an original value.
+ :return: object.
+ """
+ return value
+ def __deserialize_date(self, string):
+ """Deserializes string to date.
+ :param string: str.
+ :return: date.
+ """
+ try:
+ return parse(string).date()
+ except ImportError:
+ return string
+ except ValueError:
+ raise rest.ApiException(
+ status=0,
+ reason="Failed to parse `{0}` as date object".format(string)
+ )
+ def __deserialize_datetime(self, string):
+ """Deserializes string to datetime.
+ The string should be in iso8601 datetime format.
+ :param string: str.
+ :return: datetime.
+ """
+ try:
+ return parse(string)
+ except ImportError:
+ return string
+ except ValueError:
+ raise rest.ApiException(
+ status=0,
+ reason=(
+ "Failed to parse `{0}` as datetime object"
+ .format(string)
+ )
+ )
+ def __deserialize_enum(self, data, klass):
+ """Deserializes primitive type to enum.
+ :param data: primitive type.
+ :param klass: class literal.
+ :return: enum value.
+ """
+ try:
+ return klass(data)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise rest.ApiException(
+ status=0,
+ reason=(
+ "Failed to parse `{0}` as `{1}`"
+ .format(data, klass)
+ )
+ )
+ def __deserialize_model(self, data, klass):
+ """Deserializes list or dict to model.
+ :param data: dict, list.
+ :param klass: class literal.
+ :return: model object.
+ """
+ return klass.from_dict(data)
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/api_response.py b/python/chris_oag/api_response.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bc7c11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/api_response.py
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+"""API response object."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Optional, Generic, Mapping, TypeVar
+from pydantic import Field, StrictInt, StrictBytes, BaseModel
+T = TypeVar("T")
+class ApiResponse(BaseModel, Generic[T]):
+ """
+ API response object
+ """
+ status_code: StrictInt = Field(description="HTTP status code")
+ headers: Optional[Mapping[str, str]] = Field(None, description="HTTP headers")
+ data: T = Field(description="Deserialized data given the data type")
+ raw_data: StrictBytes = Field(description="Raw data (HTTP response body)")
+ model_config = {
+ "arbitrary_types_allowed": True
+ }
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/configuration.py b/python/chris_oag/configuration.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f9a386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/configuration.py
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import copy
+import logging
+from logging import FileHandler
+import multiprocessing
+import sys
+from typing import Optional
+import urllib3
+import http.client as httplib
+ 'multipleOf', 'maximum', 'exclusiveMaximum',
+ 'minimum', 'exclusiveMinimum', 'maxLength',
+ 'minLength', 'pattern', 'maxItems', 'minItems'
+class Configuration:
+ """This class contains various settings of the API client.
+ :param host: Base url.
+ :param ignore_operation_servers
+ Boolean to ignore operation servers for the API client.
+ Config will use `host` as the base url regardless of the operation servers.
+ :param api_key: Dict to store API key(s).
+ Each entry in the dict specifies an API key.
+ The dict key is the name of the security scheme in the OAS specification.
+ The dict value is the API key secret.
+ :param api_key_prefix: Dict to store API prefix (e.g. Bearer).
+ The dict key is the name of the security scheme in the OAS specification.
+ The dict value is an API key prefix when generating the auth data.
+ :param username: Username for HTTP basic authentication.
+ :param password: Password for HTTP basic authentication.
+ :param access_token: Access token.
+ :param server_index: Index to servers configuration.
+ :param server_variables: Mapping with string values to replace variables in
+ templated server configuration. The validation of enums is performed for
+ variables with defined enum values before.
+ :param server_operation_index: Mapping from operation ID to an index to server
+ configuration.
+ :param server_operation_variables: Mapping from operation ID to a mapping with
+ string values to replace variables in templated server configuration.
+ The validation of enums is performed for variables with defined enum
+ values before.
+ :param ssl_ca_cert: str - the path to a file of concatenated CA certificates
+ in PEM format.
+ :param retries: Number of retries for API requests.
+ :Example:
+ API Key Authentication Example.
+ Given the following security scheme in the OpenAPI specification:
+ components:
+ securitySchemes:
+ cookieAuth: # name for the security scheme
+ type: apiKey
+ in: cookie
+ name: JSESSIONID # cookie name
+ You can programmatically set the cookie:
+conf = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ api_key={'cookieAuth': 'abc123'}
+ api_key_prefix={'cookieAuth': 'JSESSIONID'}
+ The following cookie will be added to the HTTP request:
+ Cookie: JSESSIONID abc123
+ HTTP Basic Authentication Example.
+ Given the following security scheme in the OpenAPI specification:
+ components:
+ securitySchemes:
+ http_basic_auth:
+ type: http
+ scheme: basic
+ Configure API client with HTTP basic authentication:
+conf = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username='the-user',
+ password='the-password',
+ """
+ _default = None
+ def __init__(self, host=None,
+ api_key=None, api_key_prefix=None,
+ username=None, password=None,
+ access_token=None,
+ server_index=None, server_variables=None,
+ server_operation_index=None, server_operation_variables=None,
+ ignore_operation_servers=False,
+ ssl_ca_cert=None,
+ retries=None,
+ *,
+ debug: Optional[bool] = None
+ ) -> None:
+ """Constructor
+ """
+ self._base_path = "http://localhost" if host is None else host
+ """Default Base url
+ """
+ self.server_index = 0 if server_index is None and host is None else server_index
+ self.server_operation_index = server_operation_index or {}
+ """Default server index
+ """
+ self.server_variables = server_variables or {}
+ self.server_operation_variables = server_operation_variables or {}
+ """Default server variables
+ """
+ self.ignore_operation_servers = ignore_operation_servers
+ """Ignore operation servers
+ """
+ self.temp_folder_path = None
+ """Temp file folder for downloading files
+ """
+ # Authentication Settings
+ self.api_key = {}
+ if api_key:
+ self.api_key = api_key
+ """dict to store API key(s)
+ """
+ self.api_key_prefix = {}
+ if api_key_prefix:
+ self.api_key_prefix = api_key_prefix
+ """dict to store API prefix (e.g. Bearer)
+ """
+ self.refresh_api_key_hook = None
+ """function hook to refresh API key if expired
+ """
+ self.username = username
+ """Username for HTTP basic authentication
+ """
+ self.password = password
+ """Password for HTTP basic authentication
+ """
+ self.access_token = access_token
+ """Access token
+ """
+ self.logger = {}
+ """Logging Settings
+ """
+ self.logger["package_logger"] = logging.getLogger("chris_oag")
+ self.logger["urllib3_logger"] = logging.getLogger("urllib3")
+ self.logger_format = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s'
+ """Log format
+ """
+ self.logger_stream_handler = None
+ """Log stream handler
+ """
+ self.logger_file_handler: Optional[FileHandler] = None
+ """Log file handler
+ """
+ self.logger_file = None
+ """Debug file location
+ """
+ if debug is not None:
+ self.debug = debug
+ else:
+ self.__debug = False
+ """Debug switch
+ """
+ self.verify_ssl = True
+ """SSL/TLS verification
+ Set this to false to skip verifying SSL certificate when calling API
+ from https server.
+ """
+ self.ssl_ca_cert = ssl_ca_cert
+ """Set this to customize the certificate file to verify the peer.
+ """
+ self.cert_file = None
+ """client certificate file
+ """
+ self.key_file = None
+ """client key file
+ """
+ self.assert_hostname = None
+ """Set this to True/False to enable/disable SSL hostname verification.
+ """
+ self.tls_server_name = None
+ """SSL/TLS Server Name Indication (SNI)
+ Set this to the SNI value expected by the server.
+ """
+ self.connection_pool_maxsize = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 5
+ """urllib3 connection pool's maximum number of connections saved
+ per pool. urllib3 uses 1 connection as default value, but this is
+ not the best value when you are making a lot of possibly parallel
+ requests to the same host, which is often the case here.
+ cpu_count * 5 is used as default value to increase performance.
+ """
+ self.proxy: Optional[str] = None
+ """Proxy URL
+ """
+ self.proxy_headers = None
+ """Proxy headers
+ """
+ self.safe_chars_for_path_param = ''
+ """Safe chars for path_param
+ """
+ self.retries = retries
+ """Adding retries to override urllib3 default value 3
+ """
+ # Enable client side validation
+ self.client_side_validation = True
+ self.socket_options = None
+ """Options to pass down to the underlying urllib3 socket
+ """
+ self.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z"
+ """datetime format
+ """
+ self.date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
+ """date format
+ """
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+ cls = self.__class__
+ result = cls.__new__(cls)
+ memo[id(self)] = result
+ for k, v in self.__dict__.items():
+ if k not in ('logger', 'logger_file_handler'):
+ setattr(result, k, copy.deepcopy(v, memo))
+ # shallow copy of loggers
+ result.logger = copy.copy(self.logger)
+ # use setters to configure loggers
+ result.logger_file = self.logger_file
+ result.debug = self.debug
+ return result
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
+ @classmethod
+ def set_default(cls, default):
+ """Set default instance of configuration.
+ It stores default configuration, which can be
+ returned by get_default_copy method.
+ :param default: object of Configuration
+ """
+ cls._default = default
+ @classmethod
+ def get_default_copy(cls):
+ """Deprecated. Please use `get_default` instead.
+ Deprecated. Please use `get_default` instead.
+ :return: The configuration object.
+ """
+ return cls.get_default()
+ @classmethod
+ def get_default(cls):
+ """Return the default configuration.
+ This method returns newly created, based on default constructor,
+ object of Configuration class or returns a copy of default
+ configuration.
+ :return: The configuration object.
+ """
+ if cls._default is None:
+ cls._default = Configuration()
+ return cls._default
+ @property
+ def logger_file(self):
+ """The logger file.
+ If the logger_file is None, then add stream handler and remove file
+ handler. Otherwise, add file handler and remove stream handler.
+ :param value: The logger_file path.
+ :type: str
+ """
+ return self.__logger_file
+ @logger_file.setter
+ def logger_file(self, value):
+ """The logger file.
+ If the logger_file is None, then add stream handler and remove file
+ handler. Otherwise, add file handler and remove stream handler.
+ :param value: The logger_file path.
+ :type: str
+ """
+ self.__logger_file = value
+ if self.__logger_file:
+ # If set logging file,
+ # then add file handler and remove stream handler.
+ self.logger_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(self.__logger_file)
+ self.logger_file_handler.setFormatter(self.logger_formatter)
+ for _, logger in self.logger.items():
+ logger.addHandler(self.logger_file_handler)
+ @property
+ def debug(self):
+ """Debug status
+ :param value: The debug status, True or False.
+ :type: bool
+ """
+ return self.__debug
+ @debug.setter
+ def debug(self, value):
+ """Debug status
+ :param value: The debug status, True or False.
+ :type: bool
+ """
+ self.__debug = value
+ if self.__debug:
+ # if debug status is True, turn on debug logging
+ for _, logger in self.logger.items():
+ logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ # turn on httplib debug
+ httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
+ else:
+ # if debug status is False, turn off debug logging,
+ # setting log level to default `logging.WARNING`
+ for _, logger in self.logger.items():
+ logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
+ # turn off httplib debug
+ httplib.HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 0
+ @property
+ def logger_format(self):
+ """The logger format.
+ The logger_formatter will be updated when sets logger_format.
+ :param value: The format string.
+ :type: str
+ """
+ return self.__logger_format
+ @logger_format.setter
+ def logger_format(self, value):
+ """The logger format.
+ The logger_formatter will be updated when sets logger_format.
+ :param value: The format string.
+ :type: str
+ """
+ self.__logger_format = value
+ self.logger_formatter = logging.Formatter(self.__logger_format)
+ def get_api_key_with_prefix(self, identifier, alias=None):
+ """Gets API key (with prefix if set).
+ :param identifier: The identifier of apiKey.
+ :param alias: The alternative identifier of apiKey.
+ :return: The token for api key authentication.
+ """
+ if self.refresh_api_key_hook is not None:
+ self.refresh_api_key_hook(self)
+ key = self.api_key.get(identifier, self.api_key.get(alias) if alias is not None else None)
+ if key:
+ prefix = self.api_key_prefix.get(identifier)
+ if prefix:
+ return "%s %s" % (prefix, key)
+ else:
+ return key
+ def get_basic_auth_token(self):
+ """Gets HTTP basic authentication header (string).
+ :return: The token for basic HTTP authentication.
+ """
+ username = ""
+ if self.username is not None:
+ username = self.username
+ password = ""
+ if self.password is not None:
+ password = self.password
+ return urllib3.util.make_headers(
+ basic_auth=username + ':' + password
+ ).get('authorization')
+ def auth_settings(self):
+ """Gets Auth Settings dict for api client.
+ :return: The Auth Settings information dict.
+ """
+ auth = {}
+ if 'DownloadTokenInQueryString' in self.api_key:
+ auth['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = {
+ 'type': 'api_key',
+ 'in': 'header',
+ 'key': 'download_token',
+ 'value': self.get_api_key_with_prefix(
+ 'DownloadTokenInQueryString',
+ ),
+ }
+ if self.username is not None and self.password is not None:
+ auth['basicAuth'] = {
+ 'type': 'basic',
+ 'in': 'header',
+ 'key': 'Authorization',
+ 'value': self.get_basic_auth_token()
+ }
+ if 'cookieAuth' in self.api_key:
+ auth['cookieAuth'] = {
+ 'type': 'api_key',
+ 'in': 'cookie',
+ 'key': 'sessionid',
+ 'value': self.get_api_key_with_prefix(
+ 'cookieAuth',
+ ),
+ }
+ if 'tokenAuth' in self.api_key:
+ auth['tokenAuth'] = {
+ 'type': 'api_key',
+ 'in': 'header',
+ 'key': 'Authorization',
+ 'value': self.get_api_key_with_prefix(
+ 'tokenAuth',
+ ),
+ }
+ return auth
+ def to_debug_report(self):
+ """Gets the essential information for debugging.
+ :return: The report for debugging.
+ """
+ return "Python SDK Debug Report:\n"\
+ "OS: {env}\n"\
+ "Python Version: {pyversion}\n"\
+ "Version of the API: 0.0.0+unknown\n"\
+ "SDK Package Version: 0.0.1a1".\
+ format(env=sys.platform, pyversion=sys.version)
+ def get_host_settings(self):
+ """Gets an array of host settings
+ :return: An array of host settings
+ """
+ return [
+ {
+ 'url': "",
+ 'description': "No description provided",
+ }
+ ]
+ def get_host_from_settings(self, index, variables=None, servers=None):
+ """Gets host URL based on the index and variables
+ :param index: array index of the host settings
+ :param variables: hash of variable and the corresponding value
+ :param servers: an array of host settings or None
+ :return: URL based on host settings
+ """
+ if index is None:
+ return self._base_path
+ variables = {} if variables is None else variables
+ servers = self.get_host_settings() if servers is None else servers
+ try:
+ server = servers[index]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Invalid index {0} when selecting the host settings. "
+ "Must be less than {1}".format(index, len(servers)))
+ url = server['url']
+ # go through variables and replace placeholders
+ for variable_name, variable in server.get('variables', {}).items():
+ used_value = variables.get(
+ variable_name, variable['default_value'])
+ if 'enum_values' in variable \
+ and used_value not in variable['enum_values']:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The variable `{0}` in the host URL has invalid value "
+ "{1}. Must be {2}.".format(
+ variable_name, variables[variable_name],
+ variable['enum_values']))
+ url = url.replace("{" + variable_name + "}", used_value)
+ return url
+ @property
+ def host(self):
+ """Return generated host."""
+ return self.get_host_from_settings(self.server_index, variables=self.server_variables)
+ @host.setter
+ def host(self, value):
+ """Fix base path."""
+ self._base_path = value
+ self.server_index = None
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/exceptions.py b/python/chris_oag/exceptions.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..877c37b
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+++ b/python/chris_oag/exceptions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from typing import Any, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class OpenApiException(Exception):
+ """The base exception class for all OpenAPIExceptions"""
+class ApiTypeError(OpenApiException, TypeError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, path_to_item=None, valid_classes=None,
+ key_type=None) -> None:
+ """ Raises an exception for TypeErrors
+ Args:
+ msg (str): the exception message
+ Keyword Args:
+ path_to_item (list): a list of keys an indices to get to the
+ current_item
+ None if unset
+ valid_classes (tuple): the primitive classes that current item
+ should be an instance of
+ None if unset
+ key_type (bool): False if our value is a value in a dict
+ True if it is a key in a dict
+ False if our item is an item in a list
+ None if unset
+ """
+ self.path_to_item = path_to_item
+ self.valid_classes = valid_classes
+ self.key_type = key_type
+ full_msg = msg
+ if path_to_item:
+ full_msg = "{0} at {1}".format(msg, render_path(path_to_item))
+ super(ApiTypeError, self).__init__(full_msg)
+class ApiValueError(OpenApiException, ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, path_to_item=None) -> None:
+ """
+ Args:
+ msg (str): the exception message
+ Keyword Args:
+ path_to_item (list) the path to the exception in the
+ received_data dict. None if unset
+ """
+ self.path_to_item = path_to_item
+ full_msg = msg
+ if path_to_item:
+ full_msg = "{0} at {1}".format(msg, render_path(path_to_item))
+ super(ApiValueError, self).__init__(full_msg)
+class ApiAttributeError(OpenApiException, AttributeError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, path_to_item=None) -> None:
+ """
+ Raised when an attribute reference or assignment fails.
+ Args:
+ msg (str): the exception message
+ Keyword Args:
+ path_to_item (None/list) the path to the exception in the
+ received_data dict
+ """
+ self.path_to_item = path_to_item
+ full_msg = msg
+ if path_to_item:
+ full_msg = "{0} at {1}".format(msg, render_path(path_to_item))
+ super(ApiAttributeError, self).__init__(full_msg)
+class ApiKeyError(OpenApiException, KeyError):
+ def __init__(self, msg, path_to_item=None) -> None:
+ """
+ Args:
+ msg (str): the exception message
+ Keyword Args:
+ path_to_item (None/list) the path to the exception in the
+ received_data dict
+ """
+ self.path_to_item = path_to_item
+ full_msg = msg
+ if path_to_item:
+ full_msg = "{0} at {1}".format(msg, render_path(path_to_item))
+ super(ApiKeyError, self).__init__(full_msg)
+class ApiException(OpenApiException):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ status=None,
+ reason=None,
+ http_resp=None,
+ *,
+ body: Optional[str] = None,
+ data: Optional[Any] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self.status = status
+ self.reason = reason
+ self.body = body
+ self.data = data
+ self.headers = None
+ if http_resp:
+ if self.status is None:
+ self.status = http_resp.status
+ if self.reason is None:
+ self.reason = http_resp.reason
+ if self.body is None:
+ try:
+ self.body = http_resp.data.decode('utf-8')
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ self.headers = http_resp.getheaders()
+ @classmethod
+ def from_response(
+ cls,
+ *,
+ http_resp,
+ body: Optional[str],
+ data: Optional[Any],
+ ) -> Self:
+ if http_resp.status == 400:
+ raise BadRequestException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ if http_resp.status == 401:
+ raise UnauthorizedException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ if http_resp.status == 403:
+ raise ForbiddenException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ if http_resp.status == 404:
+ raise NotFoundException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ if 500 <= http_resp.status <= 599:
+ raise ServiceException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ raise ApiException(http_resp=http_resp, body=body, data=data)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Custom error messages for exception"""
+ error_message = "({0})\n"\
+ "Reason: {1}\n".format(self.status, self.reason)
+ if self.headers:
+ error_message += "HTTP response headers: {0}\n".format(
+ self.headers)
+ if self.data or self.body:
+ error_message += "HTTP response body: {0}\n".format(self.data or self.body)
+ return error_message
+class BadRequestException(ApiException):
+ pass
+class NotFoundException(ApiException):
+ pass
+class UnauthorizedException(ApiException):
+ pass
+class ForbiddenException(ApiException):
+ pass
+class ServiceException(ApiException):
+ pass
+def render_path(path_to_item):
+ """Returns a string representation of a path"""
+ result = ""
+ for pth in path_to_item:
+ if isinstance(pth, int):
+ result += "[{0}]".format(pth)
+ else:
+ result += "['{0}']".format(pth)
+ return result
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/__init__.py b/python/chris_oag/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d6f3c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# flake8: noqa
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+# import models into model package
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token_request import AuthTokenRequest
+from chris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+from chris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+from chris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+from chris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from chris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+from chris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+from chris_oag.models.ftype_enum import FtypeEnum
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+from chris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+from chris_oag.models.group import Group
+from chris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+from chris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from chris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+from chris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+from chris_oag.models.note import Note
+from chris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from chris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+from chris_oag.models.patient_sex_enum import PatientSexEnum
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from chris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+from chris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+from chris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from chris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from chris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+from chris_oag.models.user import User
+from chris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from chris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from chris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from chris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from chris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/auth_token.py b/python/chris_oag/models/auth_token.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d4d964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/auth_token.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class AuthToken(BaseModel):
+ """
+ AuthToken
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ token: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["token"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of AuthToken from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "token",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of AuthToken from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "token": obj.get("token")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/auth_token_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/auth_token_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0601365
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/auth_token_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class AuthTokenRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ AuthTokenRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["username", "password"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of AuthTokenRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of AuthTokenRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "username": obj.get("username"),
+ "password": obj.get("password")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/blank_enum.py b/python/chris_oag/models/blank_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68c25e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/blank_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class BlankEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ BlankEnum
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ EMPTY = ''
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of BlankEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/bool_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/bool_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c794b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/bool_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class BoolParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ BoolParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: StrictBool
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of BoolParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of BoolParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/chris_instance.py b/python/chris_oag/models/chris_instance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47c0d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/chris_instance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class ChrisInstance(BaseModel):
+ """
+ ChrisInstance
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ uuid: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ job_id_prefix: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "name", "uuid", "job_id_prefix", "description"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ChrisInstance from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ChrisInstance from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "uuid": obj.get("uuid"),
+ "job_id_prefix": obj.get("job_id_prefix"),
+ "description": obj.get("description")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/comment.py b/python/chris_oag/models/comment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66cd78f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/comment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Comment(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Comment
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ content: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ feed: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "title", "owner_username", "content", "feed"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Comment from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "owner_username",
+ "feed",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Comment from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "content": obj.get("content"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/comment_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/comment_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a099944
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/comment_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class CommentRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ CommentRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ content: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["title", "content"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of CommentRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of CommentRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "content": obj.get("content")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/compute_resource.py b/python/chris_oag/models/compute_resource.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dff590
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/compute_resource.py
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class ComputeResource(BaseModel):
+ """
+ ComputeResource
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ modification_date: datetime
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ compute_url: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=300)]
+ compute_auth_url: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=350)]] = None
+ compute_innetwork: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ max_job_exec_seconds: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "modification_date", "name", "compute_url", "compute_auth_url", "compute_innetwork", "description", "max_job_exec_seconds"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ComputeResource from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "modification_date",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ComputeResource from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "modification_date": obj.get("modification_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "compute_url": obj.get("compute_url"),
+ "compute_auth_url": obj.get("compute_auth_url"),
+ "compute_innetwork": obj.get("compute_innetwork"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "max_job_exec_seconds": obj.get("max_job_exec_seconds")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/compute_resource_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/compute_resource_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1dac13a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/compute_resource_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class ComputeResourceRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ ComputeResourceRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ compute_url: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=300)]
+ compute_auth_url: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=350)]] = None
+ compute_innetwork: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ compute_user: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ compute_password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=8, strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ compute_auth_token: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=500)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ max_job_exec_seconds: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "compute_url", "compute_auth_url", "compute_innetwork", "compute_user", "compute_password", "compute_auth_token", "description", "max_job_exec_seconds"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ComputeResourceRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of ComputeResourceRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "compute_url": obj.get("compute_url"),
+ "compute_auth_url": obj.get("compute_auth_url"),
+ "compute_innetwork": obj.get("compute_innetwork"),
+ "compute_user": obj.get("compute_user"),
+ "compute_password": obj.get("compute_password"),
+ "compute_auth_token": obj.get("compute_auth_token"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "max_job_exec_seconds": obj.get("max_job_exec_seconds")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b85f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingBoolParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b459e66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ value: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["value"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "value": obj.get("value")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99ce88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingFloatParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fd40f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_float_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictFloat, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ value: Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["value"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "value": obj.get("value")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa78ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingIntParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingIntParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b0c545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_int_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ value: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["value"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "value": obj.get("value")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab1dbca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingStrParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingStrParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..798bdd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/default_piping_str_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ value: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["value"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if value (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.value is None and "value" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['value'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "value": obj.get("value")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/feed.py b/python/chris_oag/models/feed.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61315be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/feed.py
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Feed(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Feed
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ modification_date: datetime
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ folder_path: Optional[StrictStr]
+ created_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'created' status.")
+ waiting_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'waiting' status.")
+ scheduled_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'scheduled' status.")
+ started_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'started' status.")
+ registering_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'registeringFiles' status.")
+ finished_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedSuccessfully' status.")
+ errored_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedWithError' status.")
+ cancelled_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'cancelled' status.")
+ folder: StrictStr
+ note: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ tags: StrictStr
+ taggings: StrictStr
+ comments: StrictStr
+ plugin_instances: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "modification_date", "name", "public", "owner_username", "folder_path", "created_jobs", "waiting_jobs", "scheduled_jobs", "started_jobs", "registering_jobs", "finished_jobs", "errored_jobs", "cancelled_jobs", "folder", "note", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "tags", "taggings", "comments", "plugin_instances", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Feed from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "modification_date",
+ "owner_username",
+ "folder_path",
+ "created_jobs",
+ "waiting_jobs",
+ "scheduled_jobs",
+ "started_jobs",
+ "registering_jobs",
+ "finished_jobs",
+ "errored_jobs",
+ "cancelled_jobs",
+ "folder",
+ "note",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "tags",
+ "taggings",
+ "comments",
+ "plugin_instances",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if folder_path (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.folder_path is None and "folder_path" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['folder_path'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Feed from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "modification_date": obj.get("modification_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "folder_path": obj.get("folder_path"),
+ "created_jobs": obj.get("created_jobs"),
+ "waiting_jobs": obj.get("waiting_jobs"),
+ "scheduled_jobs": obj.get("scheduled_jobs"),
+ "started_jobs": obj.get("started_jobs"),
+ "registering_jobs": obj.get("registering_jobs"),
+ "finished_jobs": obj.get("finished_jobs"),
+ "errored_jobs": obj.get("errored_jobs"),
+ "cancelled_jobs": obj.get("cancelled_jobs"),
+ "folder": obj.get("folder"),
+ "note": obj.get("note"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "tags": obj.get("tags"),
+ "taggings": obj.get("taggings"),
+ "comments": obj.get("comments"),
+ "plugin_instances": obj.get("plugin_instances"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/feed_group_permission.py b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a5617
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedGroupPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedGroupPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ feed_id: StrictInt
+ feed_name: StrictStr
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ feed: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "feed_id", "feed_name", "group_id", "group_name", "feed", "group"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedGroupPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "feed_id",
+ "feed_name",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "feed",
+ "group",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedGroupPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "feed_id": obj.get("feed_id"),
+ "feed_name": obj.get("feed_name"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed"),
+ "group": obj.get("group")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/feed_group_permission_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78e5433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedGroupPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ grp_name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["grp_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedGroupPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "grp_name": obj.get("grp_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/feed_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42aebb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "public"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "public": obj.get("public")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/feed_user_permission.py b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6eb7da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedUserPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedUserPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ feed_id: StrictInt
+ feed_name: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ feed: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "feed_id", "feed_name", "user_id", "user_username", "feed", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedUserPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "feed_id",
+ "feed_name",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "feed",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedUserPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "feed_id": obj.get("feed_id"),
+ "feed_name": obj.get("feed_name"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/feed_user_permission_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86ff6ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/feed_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FeedUserPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FeedUserPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c99154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "fname", "fsize", "public", "owner_username", "file_resource", "parent_folder", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "owner_username",
+ "file_resource",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d955b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileGroupPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ file_id: StrictInt
+ file_fname: StrictStr
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ file: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "file_id", "file_fname", "group_id", "group_name", "file", "group"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "file_id",
+ "file_fname",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "file",
+ "group",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "file_id": obj.get("file_id"),
+ "file_fname": obj.get("file_fname"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "file": obj.get("file"),
+ "group": obj.get("group")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8de1b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ grp_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "grp_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "grp_name": obj.get("grp_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..849034c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictBytes, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ fname: Optional[Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ new_file_path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["fname", "public", "new_file_path"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "new_file_path": obj.get("new_file_path")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b401561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileUserPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ file_id: StrictInt
+ file_fname: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "file_id", "file_fname", "user_id", "user_username", "file", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "file_id",
+ "file_fname",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "file",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "file_id": obj.get("file_id"),
+ "file_fname": obj.get("file_fname"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "file": obj.get("file"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec9a9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ username: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b822d9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolder(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolder
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ parent: StrictStr
+ children: StrictStr
+ files: StrictStr
+ link_files: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "path", "public", "owner_username", "parent", "children", "files", "link_files", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolder from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "owner_username",
+ "parent",
+ "children",
+ "files",
+ "link_files",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolder from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "path": obj.get("path"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "parent": obj.get("parent"),
+ "children": obj.get("children"),
+ "files": obj.get("files"),
+ "link_files": obj.get("link_files"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3bea8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ folder_id: StrictInt
+ folder_path: StrictStr
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ folder: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "folder_id", "folder_path", "group_id", "group_name", "folder", "group"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "folder_id",
+ "folder_path",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "folder",
+ "group",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "folder_id": obj.get("folder_id"),
+ "folder_path": obj.get("folder_path"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "folder": obj.get("folder"),
+ "group": obj.get("group")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e954ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ grp_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "grp_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "grp_name": obj.get("grp_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8dcd732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["path", "public"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "path": obj.get("path"),
+ "public": obj.get("public")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ada67af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderUserPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ folder_id: StrictInt
+ folder_path: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ folder: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "folder_id", "folder_path", "user_id", "user_username", "folder", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "folder_id",
+ "folder_path",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "folder",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "folder_id": obj.get("folder_id"),
+ "folder_path": obj.get("folder_path"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "folder": obj.get("folder"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c484a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ username: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14fa245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ linked_folder: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the linked folder if the ChRIS link points to a folder.")
+ linked_file: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the linked file if the ChRIS link points to a file.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "path", "fname", "fsize", "public", "owner_username", "file_resource", "linked_folder", "linked_file", "parent_folder", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "owner_username",
+ "file_resource",
+ "linked_folder",
+ "linked_file",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "path": obj.get("path"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "linked_folder": obj.get("linked_folder"),
+ "linked_file": obj.get("linked_file"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7b32e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ link_file_id: StrictInt
+ link_file_fname: StrictStr
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ link_file: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "link_file_id", "link_file_fname", "group_id", "group_name", "link_file", "group"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "link_file_id",
+ "link_file_fname",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "link_file",
+ "group",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "link_file_id": obj.get("link_file_id"),
+ "link_file_fname": obj.get("link_file_fname"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "link_file": obj.get("link_file"),
+ "group": obj.get("group")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfcfb66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ grp_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "grp_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "grp_name": obj.get("grp_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd8c1c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictBytes, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ fname: Optional[Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ new_link_file_path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["path", "fname", "public", "new_link_file_path"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "path": obj.get("path"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "new_link_file_path": obj.get("new_link_file_path")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87c8a34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ link_file_id: StrictInt
+ link_file_fname: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ link_file: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "permission", "link_file_id", "link_file_fname", "user_id", "user_username", "link_file", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "link_file_id",
+ "link_file_fname",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "link_file",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "link_file_id": obj.get("link_file_id"),
+ "link_file_fname": obj.get("link_file_fname"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "link_file": obj.get("link_file"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6bb942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ permission: Optional[PermissionEnum] = None
+ username: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["permission", "username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "permission": obj.get("permission"),
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_download_token.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_download_token.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..930613b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_download_token.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileDownloadToken(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileDownloadToken
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ token: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "token", "owner_username", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileDownloadToken from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "owner_username",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileDownloadToken from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "token": obj.get("token"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/file_download_token_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/file_download_token_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f44f675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/file_download_token_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FileDownloadTokenRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ token: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["token"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileDownloadTokenRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FileDownloadTokenRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "token": obj.get("token")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/float_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/float_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6992dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/float_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Union
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FloatParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ FloatParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FloatParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of FloatParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/ftype_enum.py b/python/chris_oag/models/ftype_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f82f4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/ftype_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class FtypeEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `yaml` - YAML file * `json` - JSON file
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ YAML = 'yaml'
+ JSON = 'json'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of FtypeEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba4eb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GenericDefaultPipingParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the correct url for the serialized object regardless of its type.")
+ id: StrictInt
+ value: GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_piping_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping_title: StrictStr
+ previous_plugin_piping_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ param_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_piping: StrictStr
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "value", "type", "plugin_piping_id", "plugin_piping_title", "previous_plugin_piping_id", "param_name", "param_id", "plugin_piping", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_id", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_piping_id",
+ "plugin_piping_title",
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id",
+ "param_name",
+ "param_id",
+ "plugin_piping",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of value
+ if self.value:
+ _dict['value'] = self.value.to_dict()
+ # set to None if previous_plugin_piping_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_plugin_piping_id is None and "previous_plugin_piping_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_plugin_piping_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "value": GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.from_dict(obj["value"]) if obj.get("value") is not None else None,
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_piping_id": obj.get("plugin_piping_id"),
+ "plugin_piping_title": obj.get("plugin_piping_title"),
+ "previous_plugin_piping_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_piping_id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "param_id": obj.get("param_id"),
+ "plugin_piping": obj.get("plugin_piping"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py b/python/chris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d021ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import pprint
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr, ValidationError, field_validator
+from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
+from pydantic import StrictStr, Field
+from typing import Union, List, Set, Optional, Dict
+from typing_extensions import Literal, Self
+class GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Overriden to get the default parameter value regardless of its type.
+ """
+ # data type: str
+ oneof_schema_1_validator: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ # data type: int
+ oneof_schema_2_validator: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ # data type: float
+ oneof_schema_3_validator: Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]] = None
+ # data type: bool
+ oneof_schema_4_validator: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ actual_instance: Optional[Union[bool, float, int, str]] = None
+ one_of_schemas: Set[str] = { "bool", "float", "int", "str" }
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if args:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, only 1 is allowed to set `actual_instance`")
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, keyword arguments cannot be used.")
+ super().__init__(actual_instance=args[0])
+ else:
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ @field_validator('actual_instance')
+ def actual_instance_must_validate_oneof(cls, v):
+ instance = GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # validate data type: str
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_1_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: int
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_2_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: float
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_3_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: bool
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_4_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when setting `actual_instance` in GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when setting `actual_instance` in GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return v
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Self:
+ return cls.from_json(json.dumps(obj))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Returns the object represented by the json string"""
+ instance = cls.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # deserialize data into str
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_1_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_1_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into int
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_2_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_2_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into float
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_3_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_3_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into bool
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_4_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_4_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when deserializing the JSON string into GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when deserializing the JSON string into GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return instance
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return "null"
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_json") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_json):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_json()
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(self.actual_instance)
+ def to_dict(self) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], bool, float, int, str]]:
+ """Returns the dict representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return None
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_dict") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_dict):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_dict()
+ else:
+ # primitive type
+ return self.actual_instance
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the actual instance"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump())
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/generic_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/generic_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe1f80a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/generic_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GenericParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GenericParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the correct url for the serialized object regardless of its type.")
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GenericParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of value
+ if self.value:
+ _dict['value'] = self.value.to_dict()
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GenericParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.from_dict(obj["value"]) if obj.get("value") is not None else None,
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/group.py b/python/chris_oag/models/group.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0eeacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Group(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Group
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=150)]
+ users: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "name", "users"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Group from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "users",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Group from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "users": obj.get("users")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/group_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/group_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4f4fce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/group_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GroupRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GroupRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=150)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/group_user.py b/python/chris_oag/models/group_user.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43b7bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/group_user.py
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GroupUser(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GroupUser
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ group_id: StrictInt
+ group_name: StrictStr
+ user_id: StrictInt
+ user_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ user_email: StrictStr
+ group: StrictStr
+ user: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "group_id", "group_name", "user_id", "user_username", "user_email", "group", "user"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupUser from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "group_id",
+ "group_name",
+ "user_id",
+ "user_username",
+ "user_email",
+ "group",
+ "user",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupUser from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "group_id": obj.get("group_id"),
+ "group_name": obj.get("group_name"),
+ "user_id": obj.get("user_id"),
+ "user_username": obj.get("user_username"),
+ "user_email": obj.get("user_email"),
+ "group": obj.get("group"),
+ "user": obj.get("user")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/group_user_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/group_user_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5836ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/group_user_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class GroupUserRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ GroupUserRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["username"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupUserRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of GroupUserRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "username": obj.get("username")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/int_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/int_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..575470c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/int_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class IntParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ IntParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of IntParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of IntParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/note.py b/python/chris_oag/models/note.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7c7c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/note.py
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Note(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Note
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ content: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ feed: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "title", "content", "feed"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Note from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "feed",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Note from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "content": obj.get("content"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/note_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/note_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e617c0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/note_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class NoteRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ NoteRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ content: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["title", "content"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of NoteRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of NoteRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "content": obj.get("content")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/pacs_file.py b/python/chris_oag/models/pacs_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7af3231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/pacs_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PACSFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PACSFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ fname: StrictStr
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "fname", "fsize", "public", "owner_username", "file_resource", "parent_folder", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PACSFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "owner_username",
+ "file_resource",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PACSFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/pacs_series.py b/python/chris_oag/models/pacs_series.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dbe9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/pacs_series.py
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import date, datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PACSSeries(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PACSSeries
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ patient_id: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)] = Field(alias="PatientID")
+ patient_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=150)]] = Field(default=None, alias="PatientName")
+ patient_birth_date: Optional[date] = Field(default=None, alias="PatientBirthDate")
+ patient_age: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = Field(default=None, alias="PatientAge")
+ patient_sex: Optional[PACSSeriesPatientSex] = Field(default=None, alias="PatientSex")
+ study_date: date = Field(alias="StudyDate")
+ accession_number: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = Field(default=None, alias="AccessionNumber")
+ modality: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=15)]] = Field(default=None, alias="Modality")
+ protocol_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=64)]] = Field(default=None, alias="ProtocolName")
+ study_instance_uid: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)] = Field(alias="StudyInstanceUID")
+ study_description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=400)]] = Field(default=None, alias="StudyDescription")
+ series_instance_uid: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)] = Field(alias="SeriesInstanceUID")
+ series_description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=400)]] = Field(default=None, alias="SeriesDescription")
+ pacs_identifier: StrictStr
+ folder: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "PatientID", "PatientName", "PatientBirthDate", "PatientAge", "PatientSex", "StudyDate", "AccessionNumber", "Modality", "ProtocolName", "StudyInstanceUID", "StudyDescription", "SeriesInstanceUID", "SeriesDescription", "pacs_identifier", "folder"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PACSSeries from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "pacs_identifier",
+ "folder",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of patient_sex
+ if self.patient_sex:
+ _dict['PatientSex'] = self.patient_sex.to_dict()
+ # set to None if patient_birth_date (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.patient_birth_date is None and "patient_birth_date" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['PatientBirthDate'] = None
+ # set to None if patient_age (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.patient_age is None and "patient_age" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['PatientAge'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PACSSeries from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "PatientID": obj.get("PatientID"),
+ "PatientName": obj.get("PatientName"),
+ "PatientBirthDate": obj.get("PatientBirthDate"),
+ "PatientAge": obj.get("PatientAge"),
+ "PatientSex": PACSSeriesPatientSex.from_dict(obj["PatientSex"]) if obj.get("PatientSex") is not None else None,
+ "StudyDate": obj.get("StudyDate"),
+ "AccessionNumber": obj.get("AccessionNumber"),
+ "Modality": obj.get("Modality"),
+ "ProtocolName": obj.get("ProtocolName"),
+ "StudyInstanceUID": obj.get("StudyInstanceUID"),
+ "StudyDescription": obj.get("StudyDescription"),
+ "SeriesInstanceUID": obj.get("SeriesInstanceUID"),
+ "SeriesDescription": obj.get("SeriesDescription"),
+ "pacs_identifier": obj.get("pacs_identifier"),
+ "folder": obj.get("folder")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/pacs_series_patient_sex.py b/python/chris_oag/models/pacs_series_patient_sex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d672518
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/pacs_series_patient_sex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import pprint
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr, ValidationError, field_validator
+from typing import Any, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+from chris_oag.models.patient_sex_enum import PatientSexEnum
+from pydantic import StrictStr, Field
+from typing import Union, List, Set, Optional, Dict
+from typing_extensions import Literal, Self
+class PACSSeriesPatientSex(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PACSSeriesPatientSex
+ """
+ # data type: PatientSexEnum
+ oneof_schema_1_validator: Optional[PatientSexEnum] = None
+ # data type: BlankEnum
+ oneof_schema_2_validator: Optional[BlankEnum] = None
+ actual_instance: Optional[Union[BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum]] = None
+ one_of_schemas: Set[str] = { "BlankEnum", "PatientSexEnum" }
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if args:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, only 1 is allowed to set `actual_instance`")
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, keyword arguments cannot be used.")
+ super().__init__(actual_instance=args[0])
+ else:
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ @field_validator('actual_instance')
+ def actual_instance_must_validate_oneof(cls, v):
+ instance = PACSSeriesPatientSex.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # validate data type: PatientSexEnum
+ if not isinstance(v, PatientSexEnum):
+ error_messages.append(f"Error! Input type `{type(v)}` is not `PatientSexEnum`")
+ else:
+ match += 1
+ # validate data type: BlankEnum
+ if not isinstance(v, BlankEnum):
+ error_messages.append(f"Error! Input type `{type(v)}` is not `BlankEnum`")
+ else:
+ match += 1
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when setting `actual_instance` in PACSSeriesPatientSex with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when setting `actual_instance` in PACSSeriesPatientSex with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return v
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Self:
+ return cls.from_json(json.dumps(obj))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Returns the object represented by the json string"""
+ instance = cls.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # deserialize data into PatientSexEnum
+ try:
+ instance.actual_instance = PatientSexEnum.from_json(json_str)
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into BlankEnum
+ try:
+ instance.actual_instance = BlankEnum.from_json(json_str)
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when deserializing the JSON string into PACSSeriesPatientSex with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when deserializing the JSON string into PACSSeriesPatientSex with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return instance
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return "null"
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_json") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_json):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_json()
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(self.actual_instance)
+ def to_dict(self) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], BlankEnum, PatientSexEnum]]:
+ """Returns the dict representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return None
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_dict") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_dict):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_dict()
+ else:
+ # primitive type
+ return self.actual_instance
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the actual instance"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump())
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_comment_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_comment_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c7449e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_comment_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedCommentList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedCommentList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Comment]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedCommentList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedCommentList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Comment.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_compute_resource_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_compute_resource_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d5eaf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_compute_resource_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedComputeResourceList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedComputeResourceList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[ComputeResource]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedComputeResourceList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedComputeResourceList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [ComputeResource.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..974b140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FeedGroupPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FeedGroupPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_feed_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_feed_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..385829d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_feed_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFeedList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFeedList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Feed]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Feed.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4812a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FeedUserPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FeedUserPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc0a61d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7343f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cbb0468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFileUserPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbbbce2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..599c9bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFolder]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFolder.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6299475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e3be4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8581781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserLinkFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserLinkFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..902d9bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_download_token_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_download_token_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3561a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_file_download_token_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[FileDownloadToken]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [FileDownloadToken.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7310a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[GenericDefaultPipingParameter]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [GenericDefaultPipingParameter.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_generic_parameter_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_generic_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5871c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_generic_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedGenericParameterList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedGenericParameterList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[GenericParameter]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGenericParameterList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGenericParameterList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [GenericParameter.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_group_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_group_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04bf1b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_group_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.group import Group
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedGroupList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedGroupList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Group]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGroupList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGroupList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Group.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_group_user_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_group_user_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b768e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_group_user_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedGroupUserList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedGroupUserList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[GroupUser]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGroupUserList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedGroupUserList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [GroupUser.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_file_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34abb36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPACSFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPACSFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PACSFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPACSFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPACSFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PACSFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_series_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_series_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61a8aee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pacs_series_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPACSSeriesList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PACSSeries]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPACSSeriesList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPACSSeriesList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PACSSeries.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b8e1cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPipelineList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPipelineList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Pipeline]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPipelineList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPipelineList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Pipeline.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89fd4de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PipelineSourceFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PipelineSourceFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_admin_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_admin_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40227d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_admin_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginAdminList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginAdminList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginAdmin]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginAdminList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginAdminList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginAdmin.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65cbe19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginInstanceList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginInstance]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginInstance.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d783193
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginInstanceSplit]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginInstanceSplit.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81d6623
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Plugin]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Plugin.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_meta_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_meta_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b43d8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_meta_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginMetaList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginMetaList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginMeta]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginMetaList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginMetaList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginMeta.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55e5a03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginParameterList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginParameterList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginParameter]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginParameterList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginParameterList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginParameter.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_piping_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_piping_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..868b3ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_plugin_piping_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedPluginPipingList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedPluginPipingList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[PluginPiping]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginPipingList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedPluginPipingList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [PluginPiping.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_tag_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_tag_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af1aacd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_tag_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedTagList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedTagList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Tag]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedTagList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedTagList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Tag.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_tagging_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_tagging_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c08d43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_tagging_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedTaggingList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedTaggingList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Tagging]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedTaggingList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedTaggingList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Tagging.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_user_file_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_user_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5342a1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_user_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedUserFileList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedUserFileList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[UserFile]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedUserFileList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedUserFileList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [UserFile.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_user_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_user_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de99504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_user_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.user import User
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedUserList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedUserList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[User]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedUserList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedUserList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [User.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_workflow_list.py b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_workflow_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3266a23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/paginated_workflow_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PaginatedWorkflowList(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PaginatedWorkflowList
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ count: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ next: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ results: Optional[List[Workflow]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["count", "next", "previous", "results"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedWorkflowList from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of each item in results (list)
+ _items = []
+ if self.results:
+ for _item_results in self.results:
+ if _item_results:
+ _items.append(_item_results.to_dict())
+ _dict['results'] = _items
+ # set to None if next (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.next is None and "next" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['next'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PaginatedWorkflowList from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "count": obj.get("count"),
+ "next": obj.get("next"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "results": [Workflow.from_dict(_item) for _item in obj["results"]] if obj.get("results") is not None else None
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/path_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/path_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..725b979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/path_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PathParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PathParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=16000)]
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PathParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PathParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/patient_sex_enum.py b/python/chris_oag/models/patient_sex_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c92622e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/patient_sex_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PatientSexEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ M = 'M'
+ F = 'F'
+ O = 'O'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of PatientSexEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/permission_enum.py b/python/chris_oag/models/permission_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83097e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/permission_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PermissionEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `r` - Read * `w` - Write
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ R = 'r'
+ W = 'w'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of PermissionEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline.py b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cdb315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Pipeline(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Pipeline
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ locked: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ authors: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ category: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=800)]] = None
+ owner_username: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ creation_date: datetime
+ modification_date: datetime
+ plugins: StrictStr
+ plugin_pipings: StrictStr
+ default_parameters: StrictStr
+ workflows: StrictStr
+ json_repr: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "name", "locked", "authors", "category", "description", "owner_username", "creation_date", "modification_date", "plugins", "plugin_pipings", "default_parameters", "workflows", "json_repr"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Pipeline from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "owner_username",
+ "creation_date",
+ "modification_date",
+ "plugins",
+ "plugin_pipings",
+ "default_parameters",
+ "workflows",
+ "json_repr",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if owner_username (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.owner_username is None and "owner_username" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['owner_username'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Pipeline from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "locked": obj.get("locked"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "modification_date": obj.get("modification_date"),
+ "plugins": obj.get("plugins"),
+ "plugin_pipings": obj.get("plugin_pipings"),
+ "default_parameters": obj.get("default_parameters"),
+ "workflows": obj.get("workflows"),
+ "json_repr": obj.get("json_repr")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_custom_json.py b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_custom_json.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc3d2d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_custom_json.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PipelineCustomJson(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineCustomJson
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ locked: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ authors: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ category: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=800)]] = None
+ plugin_tree: StrictStr = Field(description="Overriden to get the plugin_tree JSON string.")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "name", "locked", "authors", "category", "description", "plugin_tree"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineCustomJson from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "plugin_tree",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineCustomJson from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "locked": obj.get("locked"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "plugin_tree": obj.get("plugin_tree")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17396cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PipelineRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ locked: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ authors: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ category: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=800)]] = None
+ plugin_tree: Optional[Any] = None
+ plugin_inst_id: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(strict=True, ge=1)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "locked", "authors", "category", "description", "plugin_tree", "plugin_inst_id"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if plugin_tree (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.plugin_tree is None and "plugin_tree" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['plugin_tree'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "locked": obj.get("locked"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "plugin_tree": obj.get("plugin_tree"),
+ "plugin_inst_id": obj.get("plugin_inst_id")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file.py b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c064839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PipelineSourceFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineSourceFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ fname: StrictStr
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ ftype: Optional[PipelineSourceFileFtype]
+ uploader_username: Optional[StrictStr] = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ pipeline_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr]
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "fname", "fsize", "public", "ftype", "uploader_username", "owner_username", "pipeline_id", "pipeline_name", "file_resource", "parent_folder", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineSourceFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "uploader_username",
+ "owner_username",
+ "pipeline_id",
+ "pipeline_name",
+ "file_resource",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of ftype
+ if self.ftype:
+ _dict['ftype'] = self.ftype.to_dict()
+ # set to None if ftype (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.ftype is None and "ftype" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['ftype'] = None
+ # set to None if uploader_username (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.uploader_username is None and "uploader_username" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['uploader_username'] = None
+ # set to None if pipeline_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.pipeline_id is None and "pipeline_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['pipeline_id'] = None
+ # set to None if pipeline_name (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.pipeline_name is None and "pipeline_name" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['pipeline_name'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineSourceFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "ftype": PipelineSourceFileFtype.from_dict(obj["ftype"]) if obj.get("ftype") is not None else None,
+ "uploader_username": obj.get("uploader_username"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "pipeline_id": obj.get("pipeline_id"),
+ "pipeline_name": obj.get("pipeline_name"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_ftype.py b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_ftype.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88cef0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_ftype.py
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import pprint
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictStr, ValidationError, field_validator
+from typing import Any, List, Optional
+from chris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+from chris_oag.models.ftype_enum import FtypeEnum
+from pydantic import StrictStr, Field
+from typing import Union, List, Set, Optional, Dict
+from typing_extensions import Literal, Self
+class PipelineSourceFileFtype(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineSourceFileFtype
+ """
+ # data type: FtypeEnum
+ oneof_schema_1_validator: Optional[FtypeEnum] = None
+ # data type: BlankEnum
+ oneof_schema_2_validator: Optional[BlankEnum] = None
+ actual_instance: Optional[Union[BlankEnum, FtypeEnum]] = None
+ one_of_schemas: Set[str] = { "BlankEnum", "FtypeEnum" }
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if args:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, only 1 is allowed to set `actual_instance`")
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, keyword arguments cannot be used.")
+ super().__init__(actual_instance=args[0])
+ else:
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ @field_validator('actual_instance')
+ def actual_instance_must_validate_oneof(cls, v):
+ if v is None:
+ return v
+ instance = PipelineSourceFileFtype.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # validate data type: FtypeEnum
+ if not isinstance(v, FtypeEnum):
+ error_messages.append(f"Error! Input type `{type(v)}` is not `FtypeEnum`")
+ else:
+ match += 1
+ # validate data type: BlankEnum
+ if not isinstance(v, BlankEnum):
+ error_messages.append(f"Error! Input type `{type(v)}` is not `BlankEnum`")
+ else:
+ match += 1
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when setting `actual_instance` in PipelineSourceFileFtype with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, FtypeEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when setting `actual_instance` in PipelineSourceFileFtype with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, FtypeEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return v
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Self:
+ return cls.from_json(json.dumps(obj))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: Optional[str]) -> Self:
+ """Returns the object represented by the json string"""
+ instance = cls.model_construct()
+ if json_str is None:
+ return instance
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # deserialize data into FtypeEnum
+ try:
+ instance.actual_instance = FtypeEnum.from_json(json_str)
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into BlankEnum
+ try:
+ instance.actual_instance = BlankEnum.from_json(json_str)
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when deserializing the JSON string into PipelineSourceFileFtype with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, FtypeEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when deserializing the JSON string into PipelineSourceFileFtype with oneOf schemas: BlankEnum, FtypeEnum. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return instance
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return "null"
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_json") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_json):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_json()
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(self.actual_instance)
+ def to_dict(self) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], BlankEnum, FtypeEnum]]:
+ """Returns the dict representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return None
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_dict") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_dict):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_dict()
+ else:
+ # primitive type
+ return self.actual_instance
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the actual instance"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump())
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86f0849
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/pipeline_source_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictBytes, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PipelineSourceFileRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ fname: Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ type: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["fname", "public", "type"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineSourceFileRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PipelineSourceFileRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "type": obj.get("type")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c1fa9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Plugin(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Plugin
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ name: StrictStr
+ version: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=10)]
+ dock_image: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=500)]
+ public_repo: StrictStr
+ icon: StrictStr
+ type: PluginType
+ stars: Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]
+ authors: StrictStr
+ title: StrictStr
+ category: StrictStr
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=2000)]] = None
+ documentation: StrictStr
+ license: StrictStr
+ execshell: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=50)]
+ selfpath: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=512)]
+ selfexec: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=50)]
+ min_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ min_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ meta: StrictStr
+ parameters: StrictStr
+ instances: StrictStr
+ compute_resources: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "name", "version", "dock_image", "public_repo", "icon", "type", "stars", "authors", "title", "category", "description", "documentation", "license", "execshell", "selfpath", "selfexec", "min_number_of_workers", "max_number_of_workers", "min_cpu_limit", "max_cpu_limit", "min_memory_limit", "max_memory_limit", "min_gpu_limit", "max_gpu_limit", "meta", "parameters", "instances", "compute_resources"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Plugin from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "name",
+ "public_repo",
+ "icon",
+ "type",
+ "stars",
+ "authors",
+ "title",
+ "category",
+ "documentation",
+ "license",
+ "meta",
+ "parameters",
+ "instances",
+ "compute_resources",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if min_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_number_of_workers is None and "min_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if max_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_number_of_workers is None and "max_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if min_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_cpu_limit is None and "min_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_cpu_limit is None and "max_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_memory_limit is None and "min_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_memory_limit is None and "max_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_gpu_limit is None and "min_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_gpu_limit is None and "max_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_gpu_limit'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Plugin from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "version": obj.get("version"),
+ "dock_image": obj.get("dock_image"),
+ "public_repo": obj.get("public_repo"),
+ "icon": obj.get("icon"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "stars": obj.get("stars"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "documentation": obj.get("documentation"),
+ "license": obj.get("license"),
+ "execshell": obj.get("execshell"),
+ "selfpath": obj.get("selfpath"),
+ "selfexec": obj.get("selfexec"),
+ "min_number_of_workers": obj.get("min_number_of_workers"),
+ "max_number_of_workers": obj.get("max_number_of_workers"),
+ "min_cpu_limit": obj.get("min_cpu_limit"),
+ "max_cpu_limit": obj.get("max_cpu_limit"),
+ "min_memory_limit": obj.get("min_memory_limit"),
+ "max_memory_limit": obj.get("max_memory_limit"),
+ "min_gpu_limit": obj.get("min_gpu_limit"),
+ "max_gpu_limit": obj.get("max_gpu_limit"),
+ "meta": obj.get("meta"),
+ "parameters": obj.get("parameters"),
+ "instances": obj.get("instances"),
+ "compute_resources": obj.get("compute_resources")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_admin.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_admin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c6bccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_admin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginAdmin(BaseModel):
+ """
+ A Plugin serializer for the PluginAdminList JSON view.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ name: StrictStr
+ version: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ dock_image: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ public_repo: StrictStr
+ icon: StrictStr
+ type: PluginType
+ stars: Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]
+ authors: StrictStr
+ title: StrictStr
+ category: StrictStr
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=2000)]] = None
+ documentation: StrictStr
+ license: StrictStr
+ execshell: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ selfpath: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ selfexec: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ min_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ min_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ meta: StrictStr
+ parameters: StrictStr
+ instances: StrictStr
+ compute_resources: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "name", "version", "dock_image", "public_repo", "icon", "type", "stars", "authors", "title", "category", "description", "documentation", "license", "execshell", "selfpath", "selfexec", "min_number_of_workers", "max_number_of_workers", "min_cpu_limit", "max_cpu_limit", "min_memory_limit", "max_memory_limit", "min_gpu_limit", "max_gpu_limit", "meta", "parameters", "instances", "compute_resources"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginAdmin from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "name",
+ "public_repo",
+ "icon",
+ "type",
+ "stars",
+ "authors",
+ "title",
+ "category",
+ "documentation",
+ "license",
+ "meta",
+ "parameters",
+ "instances",
+ "compute_resources",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if min_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_number_of_workers is None and "min_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if max_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_number_of_workers is None and "max_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if min_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_cpu_limit is None and "min_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_cpu_limit is None and "max_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_memory_limit is None and "min_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_memory_limit is None and "max_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_gpu_limit is None and "min_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_gpu_limit is None and "max_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_gpu_limit'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginAdmin from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "version": obj.get("version"),
+ "dock_image": obj.get("dock_image"),
+ "public_repo": obj.get("public_repo"),
+ "icon": obj.get("icon"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "stars": obj.get("stars"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "documentation": obj.get("documentation"),
+ "license": obj.get("license"),
+ "execshell": obj.get("execshell"),
+ "selfpath": obj.get("selfpath"),
+ "selfexec": obj.get("selfexec"),
+ "min_number_of_workers": obj.get("min_number_of_workers"),
+ "max_number_of_workers": obj.get("max_number_of_workers"),
+ "min_cpu_limit": obj.get("min_cpu_limit"),
+ "max_cpu_limit": obj.get("max_cpu_limit"),
+ "min_memory_limit": obj.get("min_memory_limit"),
+ "max_memory_limit": obj.get("max_memory_limit"),
+ "min_gpu_limit": obj.get("min_gpu_limit"),
+ "max_gpu_limit": obj.get("max_gpu_limit"),
+ "meta": obj.get("meta"),
+ "parameters": obj.get("parameters"),
+ "instances": obj.get("instances"),
+ "compute_resources": obj.get("compute_resources")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_admin_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_admin_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c316a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_admin_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBytes, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginAdminRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ A Plugin serializer for the PluginAdminList JSON view.
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ version: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ dock_image: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ description: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=2000)]] = None
+ execshell: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ selfpath: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ selfexec: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ min_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ min_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ max_memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ min_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ max_gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ fname: Optional[Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]] = None
+ plugin_store_url: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]] = None
+ compute_names: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=2000)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["version", "dock_image", "description", "execshell", "selfpath", "selfexec", "min_number_of_workers", "max_number_of_workers", "min_cpu_limit", "max_cpu_limit", "min_memory_limit", "max_memory_limit", "min_gpu_limit", "max_gpu_limit", "fname", "plugin_store_url", "compute_names"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginAdminRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if min_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_number_of_workers is None and "min_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if max_number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_number_of_workers is None and "max_number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if min_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_cpu_limit is None and "min_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_cpu_limit is None and "max_cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_memory_limit is None and "min_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_memory_limit is None and "max_memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if min_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.min_gpu_limit is None and "min_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['min_gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if max_gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.max_gpu_limit is None and "max_gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['max_gpu_limit'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginAdminRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "version": obj.get("version"),
+ "dock_image": obj.get("dock_image"),
+ "description": obj.get("description"),
+ "execshell": obj.get("execshell"),
+ "selfpath": obj.get("selfpath"),
+ "selfexec": obj.get("selfexec"),
+ "min_number_of_workers": obj.get("min_number_of_workers"),
+ "max_number_of_workers": obj.get("max_number_of_workers"),
+ "min_cpu_limit": obj.get("min_cpu_limit"),
+ "max_cpu_limit": obj.get("max_cpu_limit"),
+ "min_memory_limit": obj.get("min_memory_limit"),
+ "max_memory_limit": obj.get("max_memory_limit"),
+ "min_gpu_limit": obj.get("min_gpu_limit"),
+ "max_gpu_limit": obj.get("max_gpu_limit"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "plugin_store_url": obj.get("plugin_store_url"),
+ "compute_names": obj.get("compute_names")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a17e295
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from chris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginInstance(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginInstance
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ compute_resource_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ plugin_type: PluginType
+ feed_id: StrictInt
+ start_date: datetime
+ end_date: datetime
+ output_path: Optional[StrictStr]
+ status: Optional[StatusEnum] = None
+ pipeline_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ pipeline_name: Optional[StrictStr]
+ workflow_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ summary: StrictStr
+ raw: StrictStr
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ size: Annotated[int, Field(le=9223372036854775807, strict=True, ge=-9223372036854775808)]
+ error_code: StrictStr
+ output_folder: StrictStr
+ previous: Optional[StrictStr]
+ feed: StrictStr
+ plugin: StrictStr
+ workflow: Optional[StrictStr]
+ compute_resource: StrictStr
+ descendants: StrictStr
+ parameters: StrictStr
+ splits: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "title", "previous_id", "compute_resource_name", "plugin_id", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "plugin_type", "feed_id", "start_date", "end_date", "output_path", "status", "pipeline_id", "pipeline_name", "workflow_id", "summary", "raw", "owner_username", "cpu_limit", "memory_limit", "number_of_workers", "gpu_limit", "size", "error_code", "output_folder", "previous", "feed", "plugin", "workflow", "compute_resource", "descendants", "parameters", "splits"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstance from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "previous_id",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "plugin_type",
+ "feed_id",
+ "start_date",
+ "end_date",
+ "output_path",
+ "pipeline_id",
+ "pipeline_name",
+ "workflow_id",
+ "summary",
+ "raw",
+ "owner_username",
+ "size",
+ "error_code",
+ "output_folder",
+ "previous",
+ "feed",
+ "plugin",
+ "workflow",
+ "compute_resource",
+ "descendants",
+ "parameters",
+ "splits",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if previous_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_id is None and "previous_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_id'] = None
+ # set to None if output_path (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.output_path is None and "output_path" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['output_path'] = None
+ # set to None if pipeline_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.pipeline_id is None and "pipeline_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['pipeline_id'] = None
+ # set to None if pipeline_name (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.pipeline_name is None and "pipeline_name" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['pipeline_name'] = None
+ # set to None if workflow_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.workflow_id is None and "workflow_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['workflow_id'] = None
+ # set to None if cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.cpu_limit is None and "cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.memory_limit is None and "memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.number_of_workers is None and "number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.gpu_limit is None and "gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if previous (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous is None and "previous" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous'] = None
+ # set to None if workflow (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.workflow is None and "workflow" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['workflow'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstance from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "previous_id": obj.get("previous_id"),
+ "compute_resource_name": obj.get("compute_resource_name"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "plugin_type": obj.get("plugin_type"),
+ "feed_id": obj.get("feed_id"),
+ "start_date": obj.get("start_date"),
+ "end_date": obj.get("end_date"),
+ "output_path": obj.get("output_path"),
+ "status": obj.get("status"),
+ "pipeline_id": obj.get("pipeline_id"),
+ "pipeline_name": obj.get("pipeline_name"),
+ "workflow_id": obj.get("workflow_id"),
+ "summary": obj.get("summary"),
+ "raw": obj.get("raw"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "cpu_limit": obj.get("cpu_limit"),
+ "memory_limit": obj.get("memory_limit"),
+ "number_of_workers": obj.get("number_of_workers"),
+ "gpu_limit": obj.get("gpu_limit"),
+ "size": obj.get("size"),
+ "error_code": obj.get("error_code"),
+ "output_folder": obj.get("output_folder"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed"),
+ "plugin": obj.get("plugin"),
+ "workflow": obj.get("workflow"),
+ "compute_resource": obj.get("compute_resource"),
+ "descendants": obj.get("descendants"),
+ "parameters": obj.get("parameters"),
+ "splits": obj.get("splits")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c924e1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginInstanceRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginInstanceRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ compute_resource_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ status: Optional[StatusEnum] = None
+ cpu_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ memory_limit: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ number_of_workers: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ gpu_limit: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ previous_id: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=1)]] = None
+ additional_properties: Dict[str, Any] = {}
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["title", "compute_resource_name", "status", "cpu_limit", "memory_limit", "number_of_workers", "gpu_limit", "previous_id"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * Fields in `self.additional_properties` are added to the output dict.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "additional_properties",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # puts key-value pairs in additional_properties in the top level
+ if self.additional_properties is not None:
+ for _key, _value in self.additional_properties.items():
+ _dict[_key] = _value
+ # set to None if cpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.cpu_limit is None and "cpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['cpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if memory_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.memory_limit is None and "memory_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['memory_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if number_of_workers (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.number_of_workers is None and "number_of_workers" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['number_of_workers'] = None
+ # set to None if gpu_limit (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.gpu_limit is None and "gpu_limit" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['gpu_limit'] = None
+ # set to None if previous_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_id is None and "previous_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "compute_resource_name": obj.get("compute_resource_name"),
+ "status": obj.get("status"),
+ "cpu_limit": obj.get("cpu_limit"),
+ "memory_limit": obj.get("memory_limit"),
+ "number_of_workers": obj.get("number_of_workers"),
+ "gpu_limit": obj.get("gpu_limit"),
+ "previous_id": obj.get("previous_id")
+ })
+ # store additional fields in additional_properties
+ for _key in obj.keys():
+ if _key not in cls.__properties:
+ _obj.additional_properties[_key] = obj.get(_key)
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8fbb4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginInstanceSplit(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginInstanceSplit
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ filter: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ plugin_inst_id: StrictInt
+ created_plugin_inst_ids: StrictStr
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "filter", "plugin_inst_id", "created_plugin_inst_ids", "plugin_inst"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceSplit from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "plugin_inst_id",
+ "created_plugin_inst_ids",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceSplit from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "filter": obj.get("filter"),
+ "plugin_inst_id": obj.get("plugin_inst_id"),
+ "created_plugin_inst_ids": obj.get("created_plugin_inst_ids"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d7c61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_instance_split_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginInstanceSplitRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ filter: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ compute_resource_name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["filter", "compute_resource_name"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceSplitRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginInstanceSplitRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "filter": obj.get("filter"),
+ "compute_resource_name": obj.get("compute_resource_name")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_meta.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_meta.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45df1f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_meta.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginMeta(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginMeta
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ modification_date: datetime
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=400)]] = None
+ stars: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(le=2147483647, strict=True, ge=-2147483648)]] = None
+ public_repo: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=300)]] = None
+ license: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=50)]] = None
+ type: Optional[PluginType] = None
+ icon: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=300)]] = None
+ category: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ authors: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=200)]] = None
+ documentation: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=800)]] = None
+ plugins: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "modification_date", "name", "title", "stars", "public_repo", "license", "type", "icon", "category", "authors", "documentation", "plugins"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginMeta from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "modification_date",
+ "plugins",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginMeta from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "modification_date": obj.get("modification_date"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "stars": obj.get("stars"),
+ "public_repo": obj.get("public_repo"),
+ "license": obj.get("license"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "icon": obj.get("icon"),
+ "category": obj.get("category"),
+ "authors": obj.get("authors"),
+ "documentation": obj.get("documentation"),
+ "plugins": obj.get("plugins")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10eba8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ name: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=50)]
+ type: Optional[PluginParameterType] = None
+ optional: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ default: Optional[PluginParameterDefault]
+ flag: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=52)]
+ short_flag: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=52)]] = None
+ action: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=20)]] = None
+ help: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ ui_exposed: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ plugin: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "name", "type", "optional", "default", "flag", "short_flag", "action", "help", "ui_exposed", "plugin"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "plugin",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # override the default output from pydantic by calling `to_dict()` of default
+ if self.default:
+ _dict['default'] = self.default.to_dict()
+ # set to None if default (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.default is None and "default" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['default'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "optional": obj.get("optional"),
+ "default": PluginParameterDefault.from_dict(obj["default"]) if obj.get("default") is not None else None,
+ "flag": obj.get("flag"),
+ "short_flag": obj.get("short_flag"),
+ "action": obj.get("action"),
+ "help": obj.get("help"),
+ "ui_exposed": obj.get("ui_exposed"),
+ "plugin": obj.get("plugin")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_default.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_default.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..27dccb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_default.py
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+import pprint
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictFloat, StrictInt, StrictStr, ValidationError, field_validator
+from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
+from pydantic import StrictStr, Field
+from typing import Union, List, Set, Optional, Dict
+from typing_extensions import Literal, Self
+PLUGINPARAMETERDEFAULT_ONE_OF_SCHEMAS = ["bool", "float", "int", "str"]
+class PluginParameterDefault(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Overriden to get the default parameter value regardless of type.
+ """
+ # data type: str
+ oneof_schema_1_validator: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ # data type: int
+ oneof_schema_2_validator: Optional[StrictInt] = None
+ # data type: float
+ oneof_schema_3_validator: Optional[Union[StrictFloat, StrictInt]] = None
+ # data type: bool
+ oneof_schema_4_validator: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ actual_instance: Optional[Union[bool, float, int, str]] = None
+ one_of_schemas: Set[str] = { "bool", "float", "int", "str" }
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ if args:
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, only 1 is allowed to set `actual_instance`")
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("If a position argument is used, keyword arguments cannot be used.")
+ super().__init__(actual_instance=args[0])
+ else:
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ @field_validator('actual_instance')
+ def actual_instance_must_validate_oneof(cls, v):
+ if v is None:
+ return v
+ instance = PluginParameterDefault.model_construct()
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # validate data type: str
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_1_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: int
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_2_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: float
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_3_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # validate data type: bool
+ try:
+ instance.oneof_schema_4_validator = v
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when setting `actual_instance` in PluginParameterDefault with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when setting `actual_instance` in PluginParameterDefault with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return v
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Self:
+ return cls.from_json(json.dumps(obj))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: Optional[str]) -> Self:
+ """Returns the object represented by the json string"""
+ instance = cls.model_construct()
+ if json_str is None:
+ return instance
+ error_messages = []
+ match = 0
+ # deserialize data into str
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_1_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_1_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into int
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_2_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_2_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into float
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_3_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_3_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ # deserialize data into bool
+ try:
+ # validation
+ instance.oneof_schema_4_validator = json.loads(json_str)
+ # assign value to actual_instance
+ instance.actual_instance = instance.oneof_schema_4_validator
+ match += 1
+ except (ValidationError, ValueError) as e:
+ error_messages.append(str(e))
+ if match > 1:
+ # more than 1 match
+ raise ValueError("Multiple matches found when deserializing the JSON string into PluginParameterDefault with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ elif match == 0:
+ # no match
+ raise ValueError("No match found when deserializing the JSON string into PluginParameterDefault with oneOf schemas: bool, float, int, str. Details: " + ", ".join(error_messages))
+ else:
+ return instance
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return "null"
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_json") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_json):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_json()
+ else:
+ return json.dumps(self.actual_instance)
+ def to_dict(self) -> Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], bool, float, int, str]]:
+ """Returns the dict representation of the actual instance"""
+ if self.actual_instance is None:
+ return None
+ if hasattr(self.actual_instance, "to_dict") and callable(self.actual_instance.to_dict):
+ return self.actual_instance.to_dict()
+ else:
+ # primitive type
+ return self.actual_instance
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the actual instance"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump())
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_type.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db98145
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_parameter_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginParameterType(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `string` - String values * `float` - Float values * `boolean` - Boolean values * `integer` - Integer values * `path` - Path values * `unextpath` - Unextracted path values
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ STRING = 'string'
+ FLOAT = 'float'
+ BOOLEAN = 'boolean'
+ INTEGER = 'integer'
+ PATH = 'path'
+ UNEXTPATH = 'unextpath'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of PluginParameterType from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_piping.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_piping.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70f7334
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_piping.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginPiping(BaseModel):
+ """
+ PluginPiping
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ previous_id: Optional[StrictInt]
+ title: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ plugin_id: StrictInt
+ plugin_name: StrictStr
+ plugin_version: StrictStr
+ pipeline_id: StrictInt
+ previous: StrictStr
+ plugin: StrictStr
+ pipeline: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "previous_id", "title", "plugin_id", "plugin_name", "plugin_version", "pipeline_id", "previous", "plugin", "pipeline"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginPiping from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "previous_id",
+ "plugin_id",
+ "plugin_name",
+ "plugin_version",
+ "pipeline_id",
+ "previous",
+ "plugin",
+ "pipeline",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if previous_id (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.previous_id is None and "previous_id" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['previous_id'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of PluginPiping from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "previous_id": obj.get("previous_id"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "plugin_id": obj.get("plugin_id"),
+ "plugin_name": obj.get("plugin_name"),
+ "plugin_version": obj.get("plugin_version"),
+ "pipeline_id": obj.get("pipeline_id"),
+ "previous": obj.get("previous"),
+ "plugin": obj.get("plugin"),
+ "pipeline": obj.get("pipeline")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_type.py b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efdad9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/plugin_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class PluginType(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `ds` - Data synthesis * `fs` - Feed synthesis * `ts` - Topology synthesis
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ DS = 'ds'
+ FS = 'fs'
+ TS = 'ts'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of PluginType from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/status_enum.py b/python/chris_oag/models/status_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3de54d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/status_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import json
+from enum import Enum
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class StatusEnum(str, Enum):
+ """
+ * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+ """
+ """
+ allowed enum values
+ """
+ CREATED = 'created'
+ WAITING = 'waiting'
+ SCHEDULED = 'scheduled'
+ STARTED = 'started'
+ REGISTERINGFILES = 'registeringFiles'
+ FINISHEDSUCCESSFULLY = 'finishedSuccessfully'
+ FINISHEDWITHERROR = 'finishedWithError'
+ CANCELLED = 'cancelled'
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Self:
+ """Create an instance of StatusEnum from a JSON string"""
+ return cls(json.loads(json_str))
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/str_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/str_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1256da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/str_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class StrParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ StrParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=600)]] = None
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of StrParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of StrParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/tag.py b/python/chris_oag/models/tag.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29701ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/tag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Tag(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Tag
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ color: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=20)]
+ feeds: StrictStr
+ taggings: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "name", "owner_username", "color", "feeds", "taggings"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Tag from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "owner_username",
+ "feeds",
+ "taggings",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Tag from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "color": obj.get("color"),
+ "feeds": obj.get("feeds"),
+ "taggings": obj.get("taggings")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/tag_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/tag_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d7addd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/tag_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class TagRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ TagRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ name: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ color: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=20)]
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["name", "color"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of TagRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of TagRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "name": obj.get("name"),
+ "color": obj.get("color")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/tagging.py b/python/chris_oag/models/tagging.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e02843e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/tagging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Tagging(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Tagging
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ tag_id: StrictInt
+ feed_id: StrictInt
+ tag: StrictStr
+ feed: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "tag_id", "feed_id", "tag", "feed"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Tagging from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "tag_id",
+ "feed_id",
+ "tag",
+ "feed",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Tagging from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "tag_id": obj.get("tag_id"),
+ "feed_id": obj.get("feed_id"),
+ "tag": obj.get("tag"),
+ "feed": obj.get("feed")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/unextpath_parameter.py b/python/chris_oag/models/unextpath_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95b7433
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/unextpath_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class UnextpathParameter(BaseModel):
+ """
+ UnextpathParameter
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ param_name: StrictStr
+ value: Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=16000)]
+ type: PluginParameterType
+ plugin_inst: StrictStr
+ plugin_param: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "param_name", "value", "type", "plugin_inst", "plugin_param"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UnextpathParameter from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "param_name",
+ "type",
+ "plugin_inst",
+ "plugin_param",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UnextpathParameter from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "param_name": obj.get("param_name"),
+ "value": obj.get("value"),
+ "type": obj.get("type"),
+ "plugin_inst": obj.get("plugin_inst"),
+ "plugin_param": obj.get("plugin_param")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/user.py b/python/chris_oag/models/user.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da88fe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/user.py
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class User(BaseModel):
+ """
+ User
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ email: StrictStr
+ is_staff: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Designates whether the user can log into this admin site.")
+ groups: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "username", "email", "is_staff", "groups"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of User from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "groups",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of User from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "username": obj.get("username"),
+ "email": obj.get("email"),
+ "is_staff": obj.get("is_staff"),
+ "groups": obj.get("groups")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/user_file.py b/python/chris_oag/models/user_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19ed485
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/user_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class UserFile(BaseModel):
+ """
+ UserFile
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ fname: Optional[StrictStr] = None
+ fsize: StrictInt = Field(description="Get the size of the file in bytes.")
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ file_resource: StrictStr = Field(description="Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource.")
+ parent_folder: StrictStr
+ group_permissions: StrictStr
+ user_permissions: StrictStr
+ owner: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "fname", "fsize", "public", "owner_username", "file_resource", "parent_folder", "group_permissions", "user_permissions", "owner"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserFile from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "fsize",
+ "owner_username",
+ "file_resource",
+ "parent_folder",
+ "group_permissions",
+ "user_permissions",
+ "owner",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserFile from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "fsize": obj.get("fsize"),
+ "public": obj.get("public"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "file_resource": obj.get("file_resource"),
+ "parent_folder": obj.get("parent_folder"),
+ "group_permissions": obj.get("group_permissions"),
+ "user_permissions": obj.get("user_permissions"),
+ "owner": obj.get("owner")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/user_file_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/user_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8546f72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/user_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool, StrictBytes, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Union
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class UserFileRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ UserFileRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ upload_path: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True, max_length=1024)]] = None
+ fname: Optional[Union[StrictBytes, StrictStr]] = None
+ public: Optional[StrictBool] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["upload_path", "fname", "public"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserFileRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserFileRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "upload_path": obj.get("upload_path"),
+ "fname": obj.get("fname"),
+ "public": obj.get("public")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/user_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/user_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8256dfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/user_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictBool
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class UserRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ UserRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ username: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=4, strict=True, max_length=32)]
+ email: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=1, strict=True)]
+ password: Annotated[str, Field(min_length=8, strict=True, max_length=100)]
+ is_staff: Optional[StrictBool] = Field(default=None, description="Designates whether the user can log into this admin site.")
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["username", "email", "password", "is_staff"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of UserRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "username": obj.get("username"),
+ "email": obj.get("email"),
+ "password": obj.get("password"),
+ "is_staff": obj.get("is_staff")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/workflow.py b/python/chris_oag/models/workflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e7e29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/workflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from datetime import datetime
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, StrictInt, StrictStr
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class Workflow(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Workflow
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ url: StrictStr
+ id: StrictInt
+ creation_date: datetime
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ pipeline_id: StrictInt
+ pipeline_name: StrictStr
+ owner_username: StrictStr = Field(description="Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only.")
+ created_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'created' status.")
+ waiting_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'waiting' status.")
+ scheduled_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'scheduled' status.")
+ started_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'started' status.")
+ registering_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'registeringFiles' status.")
+ finished_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedSuccessfully' status.")
+ errored_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedWithError' status.")
+ cancelled_jobs: StrictInt = Field(description="Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'cancelled' status.")
+ pipeline: StrictStr
+ plugin_instances: StrictStr
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["url", "id", "creation_date", "title", "pipeline_id", "pipeline_name", "owner_username", "created_jobs", "waiting_jobs", "scheduled_jobs", "started_jobs", "registering_jobs", "finished_jobs", "errored_jobs", "cancelled_jobs", "pipeline", "plugin_instances"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Workflow from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ * OpenAPI `readOnly` fields are excluded.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ "url",
+ "id",
+ "creation_date",
+ "pipeline_id",
+ "pipeline_name",
+ "owner_username",
+ "created_jobs",
+ "waiting_jobs",
+ "scheduled_jobs",
+ "started_jobs",
+ "registering_jobs",
+ "finished_jobs",
+ "errored_jobs",
+ "cancelled_jobs",
+ "pipeline",
+ "plugin_instances",
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of Workflow from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "url": obj.get("url"),
+ "id": obj.get("id"),
+ "creation_date": obj.get("creation_date"),
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "pipeline_id": obj.get("pipeline_id"),
+ "pipeline_name": obj.get("pipeline_name"),
+ "owner_username": obj.get("owner_username"),
+ "created_jobs": obj.get("created_jobs"),
+ "waiting_jobs": obj.get("waiting_jobs"),
+ "scheduled_jobs": obj.get("scheduled_jobs"),
+ "started_jobs": obj.get("started_jobs"),
+ "registering_jobs": obj.get("registering_jobs"),
+ "finished_jobs": obj.get("finished_jobs"),
+ "errored_jobs": obj.get("errored_jobs"),
+ "cancelled_jobs": obj.get("cancelled_jobs"),
+ "pipeline": obj.get("pipeline"),
+ "plugin_instances": obj.get("plugin_instances")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/models/workflow_request.py b/python/chris_oag/models/workflow_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c9c63ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/models/workflow_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from __future__ import annotations
+import pprint
+import re # noqa: F401
+import json
+from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional
+from typing_extensions import Annotated
+from typing import Optional, Set
+from typing_extensions import Self
+class WorkflowRequest(BaseModel):
+ """
+ WorkflowRequest
+ """ # noqa: E501
+ title: Optional[Annotated[str, Field(strict=True, max_length=100)]] = None
+ previous_plugin_inst_id: Optional[Annotated[int, Field(strict=True, ge=1)]] = None
+ nodes_info: Optional[Any] = None
+ __properties: ClassVar[List[str]] = ["title", "previous_plugin_inst_id", "nodes_info"]
+ model_config = ConfigDict(
+ populate_by_name=True,
+ validate_assignment=True,
+ protected_namespaces=(),
+ )
+ def to_str(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the string representation of the model using alias"""
+ return pprint.pformat(self.model_dump(by_alias=True))
+ def to_json(self) -> str:
+ """Returns the JSON representation of the model using alias"""
+ # TODO: pydantic v2: use .model_dump_json(by_alias=True, exclude_unset=True) instead
+ return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of WorkflowRequest from a JSON string"""
+ return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
+ def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Return the dictionary representation of the model using alias.
+ This has the following differences from calling pydantic's
+ `self.model_dump(by_alias=True)`:
+ * `None` is only added to the output dict for nullable fields that
+ were set at model initialization. Other fields with value `None`
+ are ignored.
+ """
+ excluded_fields: Set[str] = set([
+ ])
+ _dict = self.model_dump(
+ by_alias=True,
+ exclude=excluded_fields,
+ exclude_none=True,
+ )
+ # set to None if nodes_info (nullable) is None
+ # and model_fields_set contains the field
+ if self.nodes_info is None and "nodes_info" in self.model_fields_set:
+ _dict['nodes_info'] = None
+ return _dict
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> Optional[Self]:
+ """Create an instance of WorkflowRequest from a dict"""
+ if obj is None:
+ return None
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ return cls.model_validate(obj)
+ _obj = cls.model_validate({
+ "title": obj.get("title"),
+ "previous_plugin_inst_id": obj.get("previous_plugin_inst_id"),
+ "nodes_info": obj.get("nodes_info")
+ })
+ return _obj
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/py.typed b/python/chris_oag/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/python/chris_oag/rest.py b/python/chris_oag/rest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2eed6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/chris_oag/rest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import io
+import json
+import re
+import ssl
+import urllib3
+from chris_oag.exceptions import ApiException, ApiValueError
+SUPPORTED_SOCKS_PROXIES = {"socks5", "socks5h", "socks4", "socks4a"}
+RESTResponseType = urllib3.HTTPResponse
+def is_socks_proxy_url(url):
+ if url is None:
+ return False
+ split_section = url.split("://")
+ if len(split_section) < 2:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return split_section[0].lower() in SUPPORTED_SOCKS_PROXIES
+class RESTResponse(io.IOBase):
+ def __init__(self, resp) -> None:
+ self.response = resp
+ self.status = resp.status
+ self.reason = resp.reason
+ self.data = None
+ def read(self):
+ if self.data is None:
+ self.data = self.response.data
+ return self.data
+ def getheaders(self):
+ """Returns a dictionary of the response headers."""
+ return self.response.headers
+ def getheader(self, name, default=None):
+ """Returns a given response header."""
+ return self.response.headers.get(name, default)
+class RESTClientObject:
+ def __init__(self, configuration) -> None:
+ # urllib3.PoolManager will pass all kw parameters to connectionpool
+ # https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/blob/f9409436f83aeb79fbaf090181cd81b784f1b8ce/urllib3/poolmanager.py#L75 # noqa: E501
+ # https://github.com/shazow/urllib3/blob/f9409436f83aeb79fbaf090181cd81b784f1b8ce/urllib3/connectionpool.py#L680 # noqa: E501
+ # Custom SSL certificates and client certificates: http://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html # noqa: E501
+ # cert_reqs
+ if configuration.verify_ssl:
+ cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
+ else:
+ cert_reqs = ssl.CERT_NONE
+ pool_args = {
+ "cert_reqs": cert_reqs,
+ "ca_certs": configuration.ssl_ca_cert,
+ "cert_file": configuration.cert_file,
+ "key_file": configuration.key_file,
+ }
+ if configuration.assert_hostname is not None:
+ pool_args['assert_hostname'] = (
+ configuration.assert_hostname
+ )
+ if configuration.retries is not None:
+ pool_args['retries'] = configuration.retries
+ if configuration.tls_server_name:
+ pool_args['server_hostname'] = configuration.tls_server_name
+ if configuration.socket_options is not None:
+ pool_args['socket_options'] = configuration.socket_options
+ if configuration.connection_pool_maxsize is not None:
+ pool_args['maxsize'] = configuration.connection_pool_maxsize
+ # https pool manager
+ self.pool_manager: urllib3.PoolManager
+ if configuration.proxy:
+ if is_socks_proxy_url(configuration.proxy):
+ from urllib3.contrib.socks import SOCKSProxyManager
+ pool_args["proxy_url"] = configuration.proxy
+ pool_args["headers"] = configuration.proxy_headers
+ self.pool_manager = SOCKSProxyManager(**pool_args)
+ else:
+ pool_args["proxy_url"] = configuration.proxy
+ pool_args["proxy_headers"] = configuration.proxy_headers
+ self.pool_manager = urllib3.ProxyManager(**pool_args)
+ else:
+ self.pool_manager = urllib3.PoolManager(**pool_args)
+ def request(
+ self,
+ method,
+ url,
+ headers=None,
+ body=None,
+ post_params=None,
+ _request_timeout=None
+ ):
+ """Perform requests.
+ :param method: http request method
+ :param url: http request url
+ :param headers: http request headers
+ :param body: request json body, for `application/json`
+ :param post_params: request post parameters,
+ `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`
+ and `multipart/form-data`
+ :param _request_timeout: timeout setting for this request. If one
+ number provided, it will be total request
+ timeout. It can also be a pair (tuple) of
+ (connection, read) timeouts.
+ """
+ method = method.upper()
+ assert method in [
+ 'GET',
+ 'HEAD',
+ 'POST',
+ 'PUT',
+ 'PATCH',
+ ]
+ if post_params and body:
+ raise ApiValueError(
+ "body parameter cannot be used with post_params parameter."
+ )
+ post_params = post_params or {}
+ headers = headers or {}
+ timeout = None
+ if _request_timeout:
+ if isinstance(_request_timeout, (int, float)):
+ timeout = urllib3.Timeout(total=_request_timeout)
+ elif (
+ isinstance(_request_timeout, tuple)
+ and len(_request_timeout) == 2
+ ):
+ timeout = urllib3.Timeout(
+ connect=_request_timeout[0],
+ read=_request_timeout[1]
+ )
+ try:
+ if method in ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS', 'DELETE']:
+ # no content type provided or payload is json
+ content_type = headers.get('Content-Type')
+ if (
+ not content_type
+ or re.search('json', content_type, re.IGNORECASE)
+ ):
+ request_body = None
+ if body is not None:
+ request_body = json.dumps(body)
+ r = self.pool_manager.request(
+ method,
+ url,
+ body=request_body,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ headers=headers,
+ preload_content=False
+ )
+ elif content_type == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
+ r = self.pool_manager.request(
+ method,
+ url,
+ fields=post_params,
+ encode_multipart=False,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ headers=headers,
+ preload_content=False
+ )
+ elif content_type == 'multipart/form-data':
+ # must del headers['Content-Type'], or the correct
+ # Content-Type which generated by urllib3 will be
+ # overwritten.
+ del headers['Content-Type']
+ # Ensures that dict objects are serialized
+ post_params = [(a, json.dumps(b)) if isinstance(b, dict) else (a,b) for a, b in post_params]
+ r = self.pool_manager.request(
+ method,
+ url,
+ fields=post_params,
+ encode_multipart=True,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ headers=headers,
+ preload_content=False
+ )
+ # Pass a `string` parameter directly in the body to support
+ # other content types than JSON when `body` argument is
+ # provided in serialized form.
+ elif isinstance(body, str) or isinstance(body, bytes):
+ r = self.pool_manager.request(
+ method,
+ url,
+ body=body,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ headers=headers,
+ preload_content=False
+ )
+ elif headers['Content-Type'] == 'text/plain' and isinstance(body, bool):
+ request_body = "true" if body else "false"
+ r = self.pool_manager.request(
+ method,
+ url,
+ body=request_body,
+ preload_content=False,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ headers=headers)
+ else:
+ # Cannot generate the request from given parameters
+ msg = """Cannot prepare a request message for provided
+ arguments. Please check that your arguments match
+ declared content type."""
+ raise ApiException(status=0, reason=msg)
+ # For `GET`, `HEAD`
+ else:
+ r = self.pool_manager.request(
+ method,
+ url,
+ fields={},
+ timeout=timeout,
+ headers=headers,
+ preload_content=False
+ )
+ except urllib3.exceptions.SSLError as e:
+ msg = "\n".join([type(e).__name__, str(e)])
+ raise ApiException(status=0, reason=msg)
+ return RESTResponse(r)
diff --git a/python/docs/AuthToken.md b/python/docs/AuthToken.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cb77b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/AuthToken.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# AuthToken
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**token** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of AuthToken from a JSON string
+auth_token_instance = AuthToken.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+auth_token_dict = auth_token_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of AuthToken from a dict
+auth_token_from_dict = AuthToken.from_dict(auth_token_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/AuthTokenApi.md b/python/docs/AuthTokenApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e26faeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/AuthTokenApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# chris_oag.AuthTokenApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**auth_token_create**](AuthTokenApi.md#auth_token_create) | **POST** /api/v1/auth-token/ |
+# **auth_token_create**
+> AuthToken auth_token_create(username, password)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.AuthTokenApi(api_client)
+ username = 'username_example' # str |
+ password = 'password_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.auth_token_create(username, password)
+ print("The response of AuthTokenApi->auth_token_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling AuthTokenApi->auth_token_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **username** | **str**| |
+ **password** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data, application/json
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/AuthTokenRequest.md b/python/docs/AuthTokenRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9773815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/AuthTokenRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# AuthTokenRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**username** | **str** | |
+**password** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token_request import AuthTokenRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of AuthTokenRequest from a JSON string
+auth_token_request_instance = AuthTokenRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+auth_token_request_dict = auth_token_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of AuthTokenRequest from a dict
+auth_token_request_from_dict = AuthTokenRequest.from_dict(auth_token_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/BlankEnum.md b/python/docs/BlankEnum.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..569c661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/BlankEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# BlankEnum
+## Enum
+* `EMPTY` (value: `''`)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/BoolParameter.md b/python/docs/BoolParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..874a905
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/BoolParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# BoolParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **bool** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of BoolParameter from a JSON string
+bool_parameter_instance = BoolParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+bool_parameter_dict = bool_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of BoolParameter from a dict
+bool_parameter_from_dict = BoolParameter.from_dict(bool_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/ChrisAdminApi.md b/python/docs/ChrisAdminApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca962be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/ChrisAdminApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,848 @@
+# chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create) | **POST** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy) | **DELETE** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_create**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_create) | **POST** /chris-admin/api/v1/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_destroy**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_destroy) | **DELETE** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_list**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_list) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve) | **GET** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+[**chris_admin_api_v1_update**](ChrisAdminApi.md#chris_admin_api_v1_update) | **PUT** /chris-admin/api/v1/{id}/ |
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create**
+> ComputeResource chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create(compute_resource_request)
+A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ compute_resource_request = chris_oag.ComputeResourceRequest() # ComputeResourceRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create(compute_resource_request)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **compute_resource_request** | [**ComputeResourceRequest**](ComputeResourceRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy**
+> chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy(id)
+A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list**
+> PaginatedComputeResourceList chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A JSON view for the collection of compute resources that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new compute resource through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve**
+> ComputeResource chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve(id)
+A JSON view for a compute resource that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the compute resource through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_create**
+> PluginAdmin chris_admin_api_v1_create(plugin_admin_request)
+A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ plugin_admin_request = chris_oag.PluginAdminRequest() # PluginAdminRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_create(plugin_admin_request)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **plugin_admin_request** | [**PluginAdminRequest**](PluginAdminRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_destroy**
+> chris_admin_api_v1_destroy(id)
+A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_list**
+> PaginatedPluginAdminList chris_admin_api_v1_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A JSON view for the collection of plugins that can be used by ChRIS admins to register plugins through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve**
+> PluginAdmin chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve(id)
+A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **chris_admin_api_v1_update**
+> PluginAdmin chris_admin_api_v1_update(id, plugin_admin_request)
+A JSON view for a plugin that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the plugin through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisAdminApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ plugin_admin_request = chris_oag.PluginAdminRequest() # PluginAdminRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.chris_admin_api_v1_update(id, plugin_admin_request)
+ print("The response of ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisAdminApi->chris_admin_api_v1_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **plugin_admin_request** | [**PluginAdminRequest**](PluginAdminRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/ChrisInstance.md b/python/docs/ChrisInstance.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f508650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/ChrisInstance.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# ChrisInstance
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**uuid** | **str** | | [optional]
+**job_id_prefix** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of ChrisInstance from a JSON string
+chris_instance_instance = ChrisInstance.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+chris_instance_dict = chris_instance_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of ChrisInstance from a dict
+chris_instance_from_dict = ChrisInstance.from_dict(chris_instance_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/ChrisinstanceApi.md b/python/docs/ChrisinstanceApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..016e6df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/ChrisinstanceApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# chris_oag.ChrisinstanceApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**chrisinstance_retrieve**](ChrisinstanceApi.md#chrisinstance_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/chrisinstance/{id}/ |
+# **chrisinstance_retrieve**
+> ChrisInstance chrisinstance_retrieve(id)
+A compute resource view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ChrisinstanceApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.chrisinstance_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of ChrisinstanceApi->chrisinstance_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ChrisinstanceApi->chrisinstance_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/Comment.md b/python/docs/Comment.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6914c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/Comment.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Comment
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**content** | **str** | | [optional]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Comment from a JSON string
+comment_instance = Comment.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+comment_dict = comment_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Comment from a dict
+comment_from_dict = Comment.from_dict(comment_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/CommentRequest.md b/python/docs/CommentRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e63725b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/CommentRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# CommentRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**content** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of CommentRequest from a JSON string
+comment_request_instance = CommentRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+comment_request_dict = comment_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of CommentRequest from a dict
+comment_request_from_dict = CommentRequest.from_dict(comment_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/CommentsApi.md b/python/docs/CommentsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba53bd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/CommentsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+# chris_oag.CommentsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**comments_create**](CommentsApi.md#comments_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/comments/ |
+[**comments_destroy**](CommentsApi.md#comments_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+[**comments_list**](CommentsApi.md#comments_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/comments/ |
+[**comments_retrieve**](CommentsApi.md#comments_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+[**comments_search_list**](CommentsApi.md#comments_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/comments/search/ |
+[**comments_update**](CommentsApi.md#comments_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/comments/{id}/ |
+# **comments_create**
+> Comment comments_create(id, comment_request=comment_request)
+A view for the collection of comments.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from chris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ comment_request = chris_oag.CommentRequest() # CommentRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.comments_create(id, comment_request=comment_request)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **comment_request** | [**CommentRequest**](CommentRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_destroy**
+> comments_destroy(id)
+A comment view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.comments_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_list**
+> PaginatedCommentList comments_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of comments.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.comments_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_retrieve**
+> Comment comments_retrieve(id)
+A comment view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.comments_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_search_list**
+> PaginatedCommentList comments_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feed-specific comments resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.comments_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **comments_update**
+> Comment comments_update(id, comment_request=comment_request)
+A comment view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+from chris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.CommentsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ comment_request = chris_oag.CommentRequest() # CommentRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.comments_update(id, comment_request=comment_request)
+ print("The response of CommentsApi->comments_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling CommentsApi->comments_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **comment_request** | [**CommentRequest**](CommentRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/ComputeResource.md b/python/docs/ComputeResource.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e23db6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/ComputeResource.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# ComputeResource
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**modification_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**compute_url** | **str** | |
+**compute_auth_url** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_innetwork** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**max_job_exec_seconds** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of ComputeResource from a JSON string
+compute_resource_instance = ComputeResource.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+compute_resource_dict = compute_resource_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of ComputeResource from a dict
+compute_resource_from_dict = ComputeResource.from_dict(compute_resource_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/ComputeResourceRequest.md b/python/docs/ComputeResourceRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..75d7cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/ComputeResourceRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# ComputeResourceRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | |
+**compute_url** | **str** | |
+**compute_auth_url** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_innetwork** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**compute_user** | **str** | |
+**compute_password** | **str** | |
+**compute_auth_token** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**max_job_exec_seconds** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of ComputeResourceRequest from a JSON string
+compute_resource_request_instance = ComputeResourceRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+compute_resource_request_dict = compute_resource_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of ComputeResourceRequest from a dict
+compute_resource_request_from_dict = ComputeResourceRequest.from_dict(compute_resource_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md b/python/docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6afbef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/ComputeresourcesApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+# chris_oag.ComputeresourcesApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**computeresources_list**](ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_list) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/ |
+[**computeresources_retrieve**](ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/{id}/ |
+[**computeresources_search_list**](ComputeresourcesApi.md#computeresources_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/computeresources/search/ |
+# **computeresources_list**
+> PaginatedComputeResourceList computeresources_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of compute resources.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ComputeresourcesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.computeresources_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **computeresources_retrieve**
+> ComputeResource computeresources_retrieve(id)
+A compute resource view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ComputeresourcesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.computeresources_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **computeresources_search_list**
+> PaginatedComputeResourceList computeresources_search_list(description=description, id=id, limit=limit, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, offset=offset, plugin_id=plugin_id)
+A view for the collection of compute resources resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.ComputeresourcesApi(api_client)
+ description = 'description_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ plugin_id = 'plugin_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.computeresources_search_list(description=description, id=id, limit=limit, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, offset=offset, plugin_id=plugin_id)
+ print("The response of ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling ComputeresourcesApi->computeresources_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **plugin_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DefaultApi.md b/python/docs/DefaultApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d746d2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/DefaultApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+# chris_oag.DefaultApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**root_destroy**](DefaultApi.md#root_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+[**root_list**](DefaultApi.md#root_list) | **GET** /api/v1/ |
+[**root_retrieve**](DefaultApi.md#root_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+[**root_update**](DefaultApi.md#root_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/{id}/ |
+# **root_destroy**
+> root_destroy(id)
+A feed view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.DefaultApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.root_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->root_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **root_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList root_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feeds. This is also the API's \"homepage\".
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.DefaultApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.root_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of DefaultApi->root_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->root_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **root_retrieve**
+> Feed root_retrieve(id)
+A feed view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.DefaultApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.root_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of DefaultApi->root_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->root_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **root_update**
+> Feed root_update(id, feed_request=feed_request)
+A feed view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+from chris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.DefaultApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ feed_request = chris_oag.FeedRequest() # FeedRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.root_update(id, feed_request=feed_request)
+ print("The response of DefaultApi->root_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DefaultApi->root_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **feed_request** | [**FeedRequest**](FeedRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameter.md b/python/docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22356dc
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameter from a JSON string
+default_piping_bool_parameter_instance = DefaultPipingBoolParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_bool_parameter_dict = default_piping_bool_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameter from a dict
+default_piping_bool_parameter_from_dict = DefaultPipingBoolParameter.from_dict(default_piping_bool_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.md b/python/docs/DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.md
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**value** | **bool** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest from a JSON string
+default_piping_bool_parameter_request_instance = DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_bool_parameter_request_dict = default_piping_bool_parameter_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest from a dict
+default_piping_bool_parameter_request_from_dict = DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.from_dict(default_piping_bool_parameter_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameter.md b/python/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b06c6da
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+++ b/python/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **float** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameter from a JSON string
+default_piping_float_parameter_instance = DefaultPipingFloatParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_float_parameter_dict = default_piping_float_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameter from a dict
+default_piping_float_parameter_from_dict = DefaultPipingFloatParameter.from_dict(default_piping_float_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md b/python/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a9cb1
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+++ b/python/docs/DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**value** | **float** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest from a JSON string
+default_piping_float_parameter_request_instance = DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_float_parameter_request_dict = default_piping_float_parameter_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest from a dict
+default_piping_float_parameter_request_from_dict = DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.from_dict(default_piping_float_parameter_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameter.md b/python/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19b7ce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# DefaultPipingIntParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **int** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameter from a JSON string
+default_piping_int_parameter_instance = DefaultPipingIntParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_int_parameter_dict = default_piping_int_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameter from a dict
+default_piping_int_parameter_from_dict = DefaultPipingIntParameter.from_dict(default_piping_int_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md b/python/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9eb883f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**value** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest from a JSON string
+default_piping_int_parameter_request_instance = DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_int_parameter_request_dict = default_piping_int_parameter_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest from a dict
+default_piping_int_parameter_request_from_dict = DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.from_dict(default_piping_int_parameter_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameter.md b/python/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0947b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# DefaultPipingStrParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **str** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameter from a JSON string
+default_piping_str_parameter_instance = DefaultPipingStrParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_str_parameter_dict = default_piping_str_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameter from a dict
+default_piping_str_parameter_from_dict = DefaultPipingStrParameter.from_dict(default_piping_str_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md b/python/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e301afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**value** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest from a JSON string
+default_piping_str_parameter_request_instance = DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+default_piping_str_parameter_request_dict = default_piping_str_parameter_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest from a dict
+default_piping_str_parameter_request_from_dict = DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.from_dict(default_piping_str_parameter_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/DownloadtokensApi.md b/python/docs/DownloadtokensApi.md
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index 0000000..7191b4b
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+++ b/python/docs/DownloadtokensApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+# chris_oag.DownloadtokensApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**downloadtokens_create**](DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_create) | **POST** /api/v1/downloadtokens/ |
+[**downloadtokens_list**](DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_list) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/ |
+[**downloadtokens_retrieve**](DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/{id}/ |
+[**downloadtokens_search_list**](DownloadtokensApi.md#downloadtokens_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/downloadtokens/search/ |
+# **downloadtokens_create**
+> FileDownloadToken downloadtokens_create(file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request)
+A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.DownloadtokensApi(api_client)
+ file_download_token_request = chris_oag.FileDownloadTokenRequest() # FileDownloadTokenRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.downloadtokens_create(file_download_token_request=file_download_token_request)
+ print("The response of DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **file_download_token_request** | [**FileDownloadTokenRequest**](FileDownloadTokenRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **downloadtokens_list**
+> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList downloadtokens_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.DownloadtokensApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.downloadtokens_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **downloadtokens_retrieve**
+> FileDownloadToken downloadtokens_retrieve(id)
+A file download token view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.DownloadtokensApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.downloadtokens_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **downloadtokens_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList downloadtokens_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of user-specific file download tokens resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.DownloadtokensApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.downloadtokens_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling DownloadtokensApi->downloadtokens_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
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diff --git a/python/docs/Feed.md b/python/docs/Feed.md
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+# Feed
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**modification_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**folder_path** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**created_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'created' status. | [readonly]
+**waiting_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'waiting' status. | [readonly]
+**scheduled_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'scheduled' status. | [readonly]
+**started_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'started' status. | [readonly]
+**registering_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'registeringFiles' status. | [readonly]
+**finished_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedSuccessfully' status. | [readonly]
+**errored_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedWithError' status. | [readonly]
+**cancelled_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'cancelled' status. | [readonly]
+**folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**note** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**tags** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**taggings** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**comments** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_instances** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Feed from a JSON string
+feed_instance = Feed.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_dict = feed_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Feed from a dict
+feed_from_dict = Feed.from_dict(feed_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FeedGroupPermission.md b/python/docs/FeedGroupPermission.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# FeedGroupPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedGroupPermission from a JSON string
+feed_group_permission_instance = FeedGroupPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_group_permission_dict = feed_group_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedGroupPermission from a dict
+feed_group_permission_from_dict = FeedGroupPermission.from_dict(feed_group_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**grp_name** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+feed_group_permission_request_instance = FeedGroupPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_group_permission_request_dict = feed_group_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedGroupPermissionRequest from a dict
+feed_group_permission_request_from_dict = FeedGroupPermissionRequest.from_dict(feed_group_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FeedRequest.md b/python/docs/FeedRequest.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FeedRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedRequest from a JSON string
+feed_request_instance = FeedRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_request_dict = feed_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedRequest from a dict
+feed_request_from_dict = FeedRequest.from_dict(feed_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FeedUserPermission.md b/python/docs/FeedUserPermission.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# FeedUserPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedUserPermission from a JSON string
+feed_user_permission_instance = FeedUserPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_user_permission_dict = feed_user_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedUserPermission from a dict
+feed_user_permission_from_dict = FeedUserPermission.from_dict(feed_user_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FeedUserPermissionRequest.md b/python/docs/FeedUserPermissionRequest.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# FeedUserPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**username** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FeedUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+feed_user_permission_request_instance = FeedUserPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+feed_user_permission_request_dict = feed_user_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FeedUserPermissionRequest from a dict
+feed_user_permission_request_from_dict = FeedUserPermissionRequest.from_dict(feed_user_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserFile.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8be3a21
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+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# FileBrowserFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**fname** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFile from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_instance = FileBrowserFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_dict = file_browser_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFile from a dict
+file_browser_file_from_dict = FileBrowserFile.from_dict(file_browser_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**file_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**file_fname** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**file** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_group_permission_instance = FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_group_permission_dict = file_browser_file_group_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermission from a dict
+file_browser_file_group_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.from_dict(file_browser_file_group_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**grp_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_group_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_group_permission_request_dict = file_browser_file_group_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_file_group_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_file_group_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserFileRequest.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserFileRequest.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# FileBrowserFileRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**fname** | **bytearray** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**new_file_path** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_request_instance = FileBrowserFileRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_request_dict = file_browser_file_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileRequest from a dict
+file_browser_file_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFileRequest.from_dict(file_browser_file_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermission.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserFileUserPermission.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**file_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**file_fname** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_user_permission_instance = FileBrowserFileUserPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_user_permission_dict = file_browser_file_user_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermission from a dict
+file_browser_file_user_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserFileUserPermission.from_dict(file_browser_file_user_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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+# FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**username** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_file_user_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_file_user_permission_request_dict = file_browser_file_user_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_file_user_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_file_user_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserFolder.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolder.md
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+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolder.md
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+# FileBrowserFolder
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**parent** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**children** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**files** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**link_files** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolder from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_instance = FileBrowserFolder.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_dict = file_browser_folder_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolder from a dict
+file_browser_folder_from_dict = FileBrowserFolder.from_dict(file_browser_folder_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**folder_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**folder_path** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_instance = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_dict = file_browser_folder_group_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission from a dict
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.from_dict(file_browser_folder_group_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e229567
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**grp_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_dict = file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_folder_group_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderRequest.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01290d8
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+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_request_instance = FileBrowserFolderRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_request_dict = file_browser_folder_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderRequest from a dict
+file_browser_folder_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderRequest.from_dict(file_browser_folder_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4594293
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+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**folder_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**folder_path** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_instance = FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_dict = file_browser_folder_user_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermission from a dict
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.from_dict(file_browser_folder_user_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d14735f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**username** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_dict = file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_folder_user_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFile.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb84f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fname** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**linked_folder** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the linked folder if the ChRIS link points to a folder. | [readonly]
+**linked_file** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the linked file if the ChRIS link points to a file. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFile from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_instance = FileBrowserLinkFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_dict = file_browser_link_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFile from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFile.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd5d6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**link_file_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**link_file_fname** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**link_file** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_dict = file_browser_link_file_group_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_group_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79bcb18
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+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**grp_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_dict = file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6910b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fname** | **bytearray** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**new_link_file_path** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_request_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_request_dict = file_browser_link_file_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileRequest from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_request_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c204e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**link_file_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**link_file_fname** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**link_file** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_dict = file_browser_link_file_user_permission_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_user_permission_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99981a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**permission** | [**PermissionEnum**](PermissionEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**username** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest from a JSON string
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_instance = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_dict = file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest from a dict
+file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_from_dict = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.from_dict(file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileDownloadToken.md b/python/docs/FileDownloadToken.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81603c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FileDownloadToken.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# FileDownloadToken
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**token** | **str** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileDownloadToken from a JSON string
+file_download_token_instance = FileDownloadToken.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_download_token_dict = file_download_token_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileDownloadToken from a dict
+file_download_token_from_dict = FileDownloadToken.from_dict(file_download_token_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FileDownloadTokenRequest.md b/python/docs/FileDownloadTokenRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..672ae7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FileDownloadTokenRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# FileDownloadTokenRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**token** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FileDownloadTokenRequest from a JSON string
+file_download_token_request_instance = FileDownloadTokenRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+file_download_token_request_dict = file_download_token_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FileDownloadTokenRequest from a dict
+file_download_token_request_from_dict = FileDownloadTokenRequest.from_dict(file_download_token_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FilebrowserApi.md b/python/docs/FilebrowserApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9b45d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/FilebrowserApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5042 @@
+# chris_oag.FilebrowserApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**filebrowser_children_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_children_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/children/ |
+[**filebrowser_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/ |
+[**filebrowser_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/files/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_retrieve_0**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/. |
+[**filebrowser_files_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/files/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_grouppermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/linkfiles/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/. |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/linkfiles/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/ |
+[**filebrowser_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_create**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/filebrowser/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+[**filebrowser_userpermissions_update**](FilebrowserApi.md#filebrowser_userpermissions_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/filebrowser/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+# **filebrowser_children_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList filebrowser_children_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of folders that are the children of this folder.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_children_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_children_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_children_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_create**
+> FileBrowserFolder filebrowser_create(file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request)
+A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ file_browser_folder_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFolderRequest() # FileBrowserFolderRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_create(file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **file_browser_folder_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderRequest**](FileBrowserFolderRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_destroy**
+> filebrowser_destroy(id)
+A ChRIS folder view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.filebrowser_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_destroy**
+> filebrowser_files_destroy(id)
+A ChRIS file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.filebrowser_files_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request)
+A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a file's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_name = 'group_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request)
+A view for a file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_group_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_file_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileList filebrowser_files_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of all the files directly under this folder.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFile filebrowser_files_retrieve(id)
+A ChRIS file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray filebrowser_files_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (DownloadTokenInQueryString):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: DownloadTokenInQueryString
+configuration.api_key['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth), [DownloadTokenInQueryString](../README.md#DownloadTokenInQueryString)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_update**
+> FileBrowserFile filebrowser_files_update(id, file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request)
+A ChRIS file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFileRequest() # FileBrowserFileRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_update(id, file_browser_file_request=file_browser_file_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_request** | [**FileBrowserFileRequest**](FileBrowserFileRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserFileUserPermission filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request)
+A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a file's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFileUserPermission filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserFileUserPermission filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request)
+A view for a file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_file_user_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_file_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_file_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission filebrowser_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request)
+A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a folder's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList filebrowser_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a folder's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a folder's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of folder-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_name = 'group_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_grouppermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission filebrowser_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request)
+A view for a folder's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_group_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_folder_group_permission_request=file_browser_folder_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_grouppermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy**
+> filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy(id)
+A ChRIS link file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request)
+A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create(id, file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a link file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a link file's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a link file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of link file-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_name = 'group_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request)
+A view for a link file's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update(id, file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList filebrowser_linkfiles_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of all the ChRIS link files directly under this folder.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserLinkFile filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve(id)
+A ChRIS link file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (DownloadTokenInQueryString):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: DownloadTokenInQueryString
+configuration.api_key['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth), [DownloadTokenInQueryString](../README.md#DownloadTokenInQueryString)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_update**
+> FileBrowserLinkFile filebrowser_linkfiles_update(id, file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request)
+A ChRIS link file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_update(id, file_browser_link_file_request=file_browser_link_file_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request)
+A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a link file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a link file's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a link file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of link file-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request)
+A view for a link file's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request=file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList filebrowser_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the initial page of the collection of file browser folders. The returned collection only has a single element.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFolder filebrowser_retrieve(id)
+A ChRIS folder view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList filebrowser_search_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of file browser folders resulting from a query search. The returned collection only has at most one element.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_search_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_update**
+> FileBrowserFolder filebrowser_update(id, file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request)
+A ChRIS folder view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFolderRequest() # FileBrowserFolderRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_update(id, file_browser_folder_request=file_browser_folder_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderRequest**](FileBrowserFolderRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_create**
+> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission filebrowser_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request)
+A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_create(id, file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy**
+> filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a folder's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList filebrowser_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a folder's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve**
+> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a folder's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of folder-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **filebrowser_userpermissions_update**
+> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission filebrowser_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request)
+A view for a folder's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.FilebrowserApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ file_browser_folder_user_permission_request = chris_oag.FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest() # FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.filebrowser_userpermissions_update(id, file_browser_folder_user_permission_request=file_browser_folder_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling FilebrowserApi->filebrowser_userpermissions_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **file_browser_folder_user_permission_request** | [**FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest**](FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FloatParameter.md b/python/docs/FloatParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab2e9f3
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+++ b/python/docs/FloatParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# FloatParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **float** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of FloatParameter from a JSON string
+float_parameter_instance = FloatParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+float_parameter_dict = float_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of FloatParameter from a dict
+float_parameter_from_dict = FloatParameter.from_dict(float_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/FtypeEnum.md b/python/docs/FtypeEnum.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01b7be2
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+++ b/python/docs/FtypeEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# FtypeEnum
+* `yaml` - YAML file * `json` - JSON file
+## Enum
+* `YAML` (value: `'yaml'`)
+* `JSON` (value: `'json'`)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md b/python/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/python/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | Custom method to get the correct url for the serialized object regardless of its type. | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**value** | [**GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue**](GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md) | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping_title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous_plugin_piping_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**param_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_piping** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameter from a JSON string
+generic_default_piping_parameter_instance = GenericDefaultPipingParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+generic_default_piping_parameter_dict = generic_default_piping_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameter from a dict
+generic_default_piping_parameter_from_dict = GenericDefaultPipingParameter.from_dict(generic_default_piping_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md b/python/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a763f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+Overriden to get the default parameter value regardless of its type.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue from a JSON string
+generic_default_piping_parameter_value_instance = GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+generic_default_piping_parameter_value_dict = generic_default_piping_parameter_value_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue from a dict
+generic_default_piping_parameter_value_from_dict = GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.from_dict(generic_default_piping_parameter_value_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/GenericParameter.md b/python/docs/GenericParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..001fff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/GenericParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# GenericParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | Custom method to get the correct url for the serialized object regardless of its type. | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | [**GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue**](GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue.md) | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GenericParameter from a JSON string
+generic_parameter_instance = GenericParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+generic_parameter_dict = generic_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GenericParameter from a dict
+generic_parameter_from_dict = GenericParameter.from_dict(generic_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/Group.md b/python/docs/Group.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a8f0cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/Group.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# Group
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**users** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.group import Group
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Group from a JSON string
+group_instance = Group.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+group_dict = group_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Group from a dict
+group_from_dict = Group.from_dict(group_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/GroupRequest.md b/python/docs/GroupRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ccdb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/GroupRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# GroupRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GroupRequest from a JSON string
+group_request_instance = GroupRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+group_request_dict = group_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GroupRequest from a dict
+group_request_from_dict = GroupRequest.from_dict(group_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/GroupUser.md b/python/docs/GroupUser.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a12256
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/GroupUser.md
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# GroupUser
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**group_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**user_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**user_email** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GroupUser from a JSON string
+group_user_instance = GroupUser.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+group_user_dict = group_user_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GroupUser from a dict
+group_user_from_dict = GroupUser.from_dict(group_user_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/GroupUserRequest.md b/python/docs/GroupUserRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dba5c74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/GroupUserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# GroupUserRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**username** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of GroupUserRequest from a JSON string
+group_user_request_instance = GroupUserRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+group_user_request_dict = group_user_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of GroupUserRequest from a dict
+group_user_request_from_dict = GroupUserRequest.from_dict(group_user_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md b/python/docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6216c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/GrouppermissionsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# chris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**grouppermissions_create**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**grouppermissions_destroy**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**grouppermissions_list**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/ |
+[**grouppermissions_retrieve**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/grouppermissions/{id}/ |
+[**grouppermissions_search_list**](GrouppermissionsApi.md#grouppermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/grouppermissions/search/ |
+# **grouppermissions_create**
+> FeedGroupPermission grouppermissions_create(id, feed_group_permission_request)
+A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ feed_group_permission_request = chris_oag.FeedGroupPermissionRequest() # FeedGroupPermissionRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.grouppermissions_create(id, feed_group_permission_request)
+ print("The response of GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **feed_group_permission_request** | [**FeedGroupPermissionRequest**](FeedGroupPermissionRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **grouppermissions_destroy**
+> grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a feed's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.grouppermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **grouppermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a feed's collection of group permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.grouppermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **grouppermissions_retrieve**
+> FeedGroupPermission grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a feed's group permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.grouppermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **grouppermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feed-specific group permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GrouppermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_name = 'group_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.grouppermissions_search_list(id, group_name=group_name, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GrouppermissionsApi->grouppermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/GroupsApi.md b/python/docs/GroupsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5018a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/GroupsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+# chris_oag.GroupsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**groups_create**](GroupsApi.md#groups_create) | **POST** /api/v1/groups/ |
+[**groups_destroy**](GroupsApi.md#groups_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/groups/{id}/ |
+[**groups_list**](GroupsApi.md#groups_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/ |
+[**groups_retrieve**](GroupsApi.md#groups_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/ |
+[**groups_search_list**](GroupsApi.md#groups_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/search/ |
+[**groups_users_create**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_create) | **POST** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/ |
+[**groups_users_destroy**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/groups/users/{id}/ |
+[**groups_users_list**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/ |
+[**groups_users_retrieve**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/users/{id}/ |
+[**groups_users_search_list**](GroupsApi.md#groups_users_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/groups/{id}/users/search/ |
+# **groups_create**
+> Group groups_create(group_request)
+A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.group import Group
+from chris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ group_request = chris_oag.GroupRequest() # GroupRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.groups_create(group_request)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **group_request** | [**GroupRequest**](GroupRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_destroy**
+> groups_destroy(id)
+A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.groups_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_list**
+> PaginatedGroupList groups_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of groups that can be used by ChRIS admins to add a new group through a REST API (alternative to the HTML-based admin site).
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.groups_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_retrieve**
+> Group groups_retrieve(id)
+A view for a group that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete the group through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.group import Group
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.groups_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_search_list**
+> PaginatedGroupList groups_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, name=name, name_icontains=name_icontains, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of groups resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_icontains = 'name_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.groups_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, name=name, name_icontains=name_icontains, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_create**
+> GroupUser groups_users_create(id, group_user_request)
+A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from chris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ group_user_request = chris_oag.GroupUserRequest() # GroupUserRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.groups_users_create(id, group_user_request)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_users_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **group_user_request** | [**GroupUserRequest**](GroupUserRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_destroy**
+> groups_users_destroy(id)
+A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.groups_users_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_list**
+> PaginatedGroupUserList groups_users_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a group-specific collection of group users.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.groups_users_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_users_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_retrieve**
+> GroupUser groups_users_retrieve(id)
+A view for a group-user relationship that can be used by ChRIS admins to delete a user from a group through a REST API.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.groups_users_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_users_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **groups_users_search_list**
+> PaginatedGroupUserList groups_users_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of group users resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.GroupsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.groups_users_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of GroupsApi->groups_users_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling GroupsApi->groups_users_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/IntParameter.md b/python/docs/IntParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bb0cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/IntParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# IntParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **int** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of IntParameter from a JSON string
+int_parameter_instance = IntParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+int_parameter_dict = int_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of IntParameter from a dict
+int_parameter_from_dict = IntParameter.from_dict(int_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/Note.md b/python/docs/Note.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d124e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/Note.md
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Note
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**content** | **str** | | [optional]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.note import Note
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Note from a JSON string
+note_instance = Note.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+note_dict = note_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Note from a dict
+note_from_dict = Note.from_dict(note_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/NoteApi.md b/python/docs/NoteApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf4a100
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/NoteApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+# chris_oag.NoteApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**note_retrieve**](NoteApi.md#note_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/note{id}/ |
+[**note_update**](NoteApi.md#note_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/note{id}/ |
+# **note_retrieve**
+> Note note_retrieve(id)
+A note view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.note import Note
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.NoteApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.note_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of NoteApi->note_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling NoteApi->note_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **note_update**
+> Note note_update(id, note_request=note_request)
+A note view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.note import Note
+from chris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.NoteApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ note_request = chris_oag.NoteRequest() # NoteRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.note_update(id, note_request=note_request)
+ print("The response of NoteApi->note_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling NoteApi->note_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **note_request** | [**NoteRequest**](NoteRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/NoteRequest.md b/python/docs/NoteRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0579e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/NoteRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# NoteRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**content** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of NoteRequest from a JSON string
+note_request_instance = NoteRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+note_request_dict = note_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of NoteRequest from a dict
+note_request_from_dict = NoteRequest.from_dict(note_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PACSFile.md b/python/docs/PACSFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b39ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PACSFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# PACSFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**fname** | **str** | |
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PACSFile from a JSON string
+pacs_file_instance = PACSFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pacs_file_dict = pacs_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PACSFile from a dict
+pacs_file_from_dict = PACSFile.from_dict(pacs_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PACSSeries.md b/python/docs/PACSSeries.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d2b9d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PACSSeries.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# PACSSeries
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**patient_id** | **str** | |
+**patient_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**patient_birth_date** | **date** | | [optional]
+**patient_age** | **int** | | [optional]
+**patient_sex** | [**PACSSeriesPatientSex**](PACSSeriesPatientSex.md) | | [optional]
+**study_date** | **date** | |
+**accession_number** | **str** | | [optional]
+**modality** | **str** | | [optional]
+**protocol_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**study_instance_uid** | **str** | |
+**study_description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**series_instance_uid** | **str** | |
+**series_description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**pacs_identifier** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PACSSeries from a JSON string
+pacs_series_instance = PACSSeries.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pacs_series_dict = pacs_series_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PACSSeries from a dict
+pacs_series_from_dict = PACSSeries.from_dict(pacs_series_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PACSSeriesPatientSex.md b/python/docs/PACSSeriesPatientSex.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8579c2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PACSSeriesPatientSex.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# PACSSeriesPatientSex
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PACSSeriesPatientSex from a JSON string
+pacs_series_patient_sex_instance = PACSSeriesPatientSex.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pacs_series_patient_sex_dict = pacs_series_patient_sex_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PACSSeriesPatientSex from a dict
+pacs_series_patient_sex_from_dict = PACSSeriesPatientSex.from_dict(pacs_series_patient_sex_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PacsApi.md b/python/docs/PacsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db5e27c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PacsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,718 @@
+# chris_oag.PacsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**pacs_files_list**](PacsApi.md#pacs_files_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/ |
+[**pacs_files_retrieve**](PacsApi.md#pacs_files_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/ |
+[**pacs_files_retrieve_0**](PacsApi.md#pacs_files_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/{id}/. |
+[**pacs_files_search_list**](PacsApi.md#pacs_files_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/files/search/ |
+[**pacs_series_list**](PacsApi.md#pacs_series_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/ |
+[**pacs_series_retrieve**](PacsApi.md#pacs_series_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/{id}/ |
+[**pacs_series_search_list**](PacsApi.md#pacs_series_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pacs/series/search/ |
+# **pacs_files_list**
+> PaginatedPACSFileList pacs_files_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of PACS files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pacs_files_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_files_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_files_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_files_retrieve**
+> PACSFile pacs_files_retrieve(id)
+A PACS file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pacs_files_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_files_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_files_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_files_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray pacs_files_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (DownloadTokenInQueryString):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: DownloadTokenInQueryString
+configuration.api_key['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pacs_files_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_files_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_files_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth), [DownloadTokenInQueryString](../README.md#DownloadTokenInQueryString)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_files_search_list**
+> PaginatedPACSFileList pacs_files_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique, fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of PACS files resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ fname = 'fname_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_exact = 'fname_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains = 'fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains_topdir_unique = 'fname_icontains_topdir_unique_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_nslashes = 'fname_nslashes_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pacs_files_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, fname_icontains_topdir_unique=fname_icontains_topdir_unique, fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_files_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_files_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **fname** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains_topdir_unique** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_nslashes** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_series_list**
+> PaginatedPACSSeriesList pacs_series_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of PACS Series.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pacs_series_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_series_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_series_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_series_retrieve**
+> PACSSeries pacs_series_retrieve(id)
+A PACS Series view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pacs_series_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_series_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_series_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pacs_series_search_list**
+> PaginatedPACSSeriesList pacs_series_search_list(accession_number=accession_number, patient_age=patient_age, patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date, patient_id=patient_id, patient_name=patient_name, patient_sex=patient_sex, protocol_name=protocol_name, series_description=series_description, series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid, study_date=study_date, study_description=study_description, study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid, id=id, limit=limit, max_patient_age=max_patient_age, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_patient_age=min_patient_age, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier)
+A view for the collection of PACS Series resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PacsApi(api_client)
+ accession_number = 'accession_number_example' # str | (optional)
+ patient_age = 56 # int | (optional)
+ patient_birth_date = '2013-10-20' # date | (optional)
+ patient_id = 'patient_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ patient_name = 'patient_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ patient_sex = 'patient_sex_example' # str | * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other (optional)
+ protocol_name = 'protocol_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ series_description = 'series_description_example' # str | (optional)
+ series_instance_uid = 'series_instance_uid_example' # str | (optional)
+ study_date = '2013-10-20' # date | (optional)
+ study_description = 'study_description_example' # str | (optional)
+ study_instance_uid = 'study_instance_uid_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_patient_age = 56 # int | (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_patient_age = 56 # int | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ pacs_identifier = 'pacs_identifier_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pacs_series_search_list(accession_number=accession_number, patient_age=patient_age, patient_birth_date=patient_birth_date, patient_id=patient_id, patient_name=patient_name, patient_sex=patient_sex, protocol_name=protocol_name, series_description=series_description, series_instance_uid=series_instance_uid, study_date=study_date, study_description=study_description, study_instance_uid=study_instance_uid, id=id, limit=limit, max_patient_age=max_patient_age, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_patient_age=min_patient_age, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, pacs_identifier=pacs_identifier)
+ print("The response of PacsApi->pacs_series_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PacsApi->pacs_series_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **accession_number** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **patient_age** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **patient_birth_date** | **date**| | [optional]
+ **patient_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **patient_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **patient_sex** | **str**| * `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other | [optional]
+ **protocol_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **series_description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **series_instance_uid** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **study_date** | **date**| | [optional]
+ **study_description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **study_instance_uid** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_patient_age** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_patient_age** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **pacs_identifier** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedCommentList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedCommentList.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedCommentList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedCommentList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Comment]**](Comment.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedCommentList from a JSON string
+paginated_comment_list_instance = PaginatedCommentList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_comment_list_dict = paginated_comment_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedCommentList from a dict
+paginated_comment_list_from_dict = PaginatedCommentList.from_dict(paginated_comment_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedComputeResourceList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedComputeResourceList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c4a477
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedComputeResourceList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedComputeResourceList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[ComputeResource]**](ComputeResource.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedComputeResourceList from a JSON string
+paginated_compute_resource_list_instance = PaginatedComputeResourceList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_compute_resource_list_dict = paginated_compute_resource_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedComputeResourceList from a dict
+paginated_compute_resource_list_from_dict = PaginatedComputeResourceList.from_dict(paginated_compute_resource_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5820bb
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FeedGroupPermission]**](FeedGroupPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_feed_group_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_feed_group_permission_list_dict = paginated_feed_group_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_feed_group_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_feed_group_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFeedList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFeedList.md
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFeedList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFeedList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Feed]**](Feed.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedList from a JSON string
+paginated_feed_list_instance = PaginatedFeedList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_feed_list_dict = paginated_feed_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedList from a dict
+paginated_feed_list_from_dict = PaginatedFeedList.from_dict(paginated_feed_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FeedUserPermission]**](FeedUserPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_feed_user_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_feed_user_permission_list_dict = paginated_feed_user_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_feed_user_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_feed_user_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFileGroupPermission]**](FileBrowserFileGroupPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f72306
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFile]**](FileBrowserFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_file_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFileList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.md
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index 0000000..4fc60d1
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFileUserPermission]**](FileBrowserFileUserPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04580cd
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission]**](FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecdabab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFolder]**](FileBrowserFolder.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_folder_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_folder_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_folder_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d535403
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+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserFolderUserPermission]**](FileBrowserFolderUserPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62ea246
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission]**](FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..77e5d75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserLinkFile]**](FileBrowserLinkFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_link_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50916da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission]**](FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_instance = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_dict = paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList from a dict
+paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList.from_dict(paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef05d6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[FileDownloadToken]**](FileDownloadToken.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList from a JSON string
+paginated_file_download_token_list_instance = PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_file_download_token_list_dict = paginated_file_download_token_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList from a dict
+paginated_file_download_token_list_from_dict = PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList.from_dict(paginated_file_download_token_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe5fad3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[GenericDefaultPipingParameter]**](GenericDefaultPipingParameter.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList from a JSON string
+paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_instance = PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_dict = paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList from a dict
+paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_from_dict = PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList.from_dict(paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedGenericParameterList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedGenericParameterList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a81833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedGenericParameterList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedGenericParameterList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[GenericParameter]**](GenericParameter.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedGenericParameterList from a JSON string
+paginated_generic_parameter_list_instance = PaginatedGenericParameterList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_generic_parameter_list_dict = paginated_generic_parameter_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedGenericParameterList from a dict
+paginated_generic_parameter_list_from_dict = PaginatedGenericParameterList.from_dict(paginated_generic_parameter_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedGroupList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedGroupList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e2edbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedGroupList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedGroupList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Group]**](Group.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedGroupList from a JSON string
+paginated_group_list_instance = PaginatedGroupList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_group_list_dict = paginated_group_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedGroupList from a dict
+paginated_group_list_from_dict = PaginatedGroupList.from_dict(paginated_group_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedGroupUserList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedGroupUserList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dac9fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedGroupUserList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedGroupUserList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[GroupUser]**](GroupUser.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedGroupUserList from a JSON string
+paginated_group_user_list_instance = PaginatedGroupUserList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_group_user_list_dict = paginated_group_user_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedGroupUserList from a dict
+paginated_group_user_list_from_dict = PaginatedGroupUserList.from_dict(paginated_group_user_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPACSFileList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPACSFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4370b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPACSFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPACSFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PACSFile]**](PACSFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPACSFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_pacs_file_list_instance = PaginatedPACSFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_pacs_file_list_dict = paginated_pacs_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPACSFileList from a dict
+paginated_pacs_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedPACSFileList.from_dict(paginated_pacs_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPACSSeriesList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPACSSeriesList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0dc545
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPACSSeriesList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PACSSeries]**](PACSSeries.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPACSSeriesList from a JSON string
+paginated_pacs_series_list_instance = PaginatedPACSSeriesList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_pacs_series_list_dict = paginated_pacs_series_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPACSSeriesList from a dict
+paginated_pacs_series_list_from_dict = PaginatedPACSSeriesList.from_dict(paginated_pacs_series_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPipelineList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPipelineList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..541fed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPipelineList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPipelineList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Pipeline]**](Pipeline.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPipelineList from a JSON string
+paginated_pipeline_list_instance = PaginatedPipelineList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_pipeline_list_dict = paginated_pipeline_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPipelineList from a dict
+paginated_pipeline_list_from_dict = PaginatedPipelineList.from_dict(paginated_pipeline_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9f9b39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PipelineSourceFile]**](PipelineSourceFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_instance = PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_dict = paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList from a dict
+paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList.from_dict(paginated_pipeline_source_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPluginAdminList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginAdminList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b1406b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginAdminList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginAdminList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginAdmin]**](PluginAdmin.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginAdminList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_admin_list_instance = PaginatedPluginAdminList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_admin_list_dict = paginated_plugin_admin_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginAdminList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_admin_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginAdminList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_admin_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cac0a65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginInstance]**](PluginInstance.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_instance_list_instance = PaginatedPluginInstanceList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_instance_list_dict = paginated_plugin_instance_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_instance_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginInstanceList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_instance_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3b2f6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginInstanceSplit]**](PluginInstanceSplit.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_instance = PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_dict = paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_instance_split_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPluginList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d50046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Plugin]**](Plugin.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_list_instance = PaginatedPluginList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_list_dict = paginated_plugin_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPluginMetaList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginMetaList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29478ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginMetaList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginMetaList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginMeta]**](PluginMeta.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginMetaList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_meta_list_instance = PaginatedPluginMetaList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_meta_list_dict = paginated_plugin_meta_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginMetaList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_meta_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginMetaList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_meta_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPluginParameterList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginParameterList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38b69e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginParameterList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginParameterList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginParameter]**](PluginParameter.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginParameterList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_parameter_list_instance = PaginatedPluginParameterList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_parameter_list_dict = paginated_plugin_parameter_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginParameterList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_parameter_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginParameterList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_parameter_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedPluginPipingList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginPipingList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df9c58a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedPluginPipingList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedPluginPipingList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[PluginPiping]**](PluginPiping.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginPipingList from a JSON string
+paginated_plugin_piping_list_instance = PaginatedPluginPipingList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_plugin_piping_list_dict = paginated_plugin_piping_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedPluginPipingList from a dict
+paginated_plugin_piping_list_from_dict = PaginatedPluginPipingList.from_dict(paginated_plugin_piping_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedTagList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedTagList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c4cb94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedTagList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedTagList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Tag]**](Tag.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedTagList from a JSON string
+paginated_tag_list_instance = PaginatedTagList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_tag_list_dict = paginated_tag_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedTagList from a dict
+paginated_tag_list_from_dict = PaginatedTagList.from_dict(paginated_tag_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedTaggingList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedTaggingList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b3218f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedTaggingList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedTaggingList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Tagging]**](Tagging.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedTaggingList from a JSON string
+paginated_tagging_list_instance = PaginatedTaggingList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_tagging_list_dict = paginated_tagging_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedTaggingList from a dict
+paginated_tagging_list_from_dict = PaginatedTaggingList.from_dict(paginated_tagging_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedUserFileList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedUserFileList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1053f18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedUserFileList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedUserFileList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[UserFile]**](UserFile.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedUserFileList from a JSON string
+paginated_user_file_list_instance = PaginatedUserFileList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_user_file_list_dict = paginated_user_file_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedUserFileList from a dict
+paginated_user_file_list_from_dict = PaginatedUserFileList.from_dict(paginated_user_file_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PaginatedUserList.md b/python/docs/PaginatedUserList.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3357c9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PaginatedUserList.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedUserList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[User]**](User.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedUserList from a JSON string
+paginated_user_list_instance = PaginatedUserList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_user_list_dict = paginated_user_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedUserList from a dict
+paginated_user_list_from_dict = PaginatedUserList.from_dict(paginated_user_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# PaginatedWorkflowList
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**count** | **int** | | [optional]
+**next** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous** | **str** | | [optional]
+**results** | [**List[Workflow]**](Workflow.md) | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PaginatedWorkflowList from a JSON string
+paginated_workflow_list_instance = PaginatedWorkflowList.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+paginated_workflow_list_dict = paginated_workflow_list_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PaginatedWorkflowList from a dict
+paginated_workflow_list_from_dict = PaginatedWorkflowList.from_dict(paginated_workflow_list_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# PathParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **str** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PathParameter from a JSON string
+path_parameter_instance = PathParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+path_parameter_dict = path_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PathParameter from a dict
+path_parameter_from_dict = PathParameter.from_dict(path_parameter_dict)
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+# PatientSexEnum
+* `M` - Male * `F` - Female * `O` - Other
+## Enum
+* `M` (value: `'M'`)
+* `F` (value: `'F'`)
+* `O` (value: `'O'`)
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diff --git a/python/docs/PermissionEnum.md b/python/docs/PermissionEnum.md
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+++ b/python/docs/PermissionEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# PermissionEnum
+* `r` - Read * `w` - Write
+## Enum
+* `R` (value: `'r'`)
+* `W` (value: `'w'`)
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+# Pipeline
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**locked** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**authors** | **str** | | [optional]
+**category** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**modification_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**plugins** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_pipings** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**default_parameters** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**workflows** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**json_repr** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Pipeline from a JSON string
+pipeline_instance = Pipeline.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_dict = pipeline_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Pipeline from a dict
+pipeline_from_dict = Pipeline.from_dict(pipeline_dict)
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diff --git a/python/docs/PipelineCustomJson.md b/python/docs/PipelineCustomJson.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# PipelineCustomJson
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**locked** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**authors** | **str** | | [optional]
+**category** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugin_tree** | **str** | Overriden to get the plugin_tree JSON string. | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineCustomJson from a JSON string
+pipeline_custom_json_instance = PipelineCustomJson.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_custom_json_dict = pipeline_custom_json_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineCustomJson from a dict
+pipeline_custom_json_from_dict = PipelineCustomJson.from_dict(pipeline_custom_json_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PipelineRequest.md b/python/docs/PipelineRequest.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# PipelineRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | |
+**locked** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**authors** | **str** | | [optional]
+**category** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugin_tree** | **object** | | [optional]
+**plugin_inst_id** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineRequest from a JSON string
+pipeline_request_instance = PipelineRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_request_dict = pipeline_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineRequest from a dict
+pipeline_request_from_dict = PipelineRequest.from_dict(pipeline_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PipelineSourceFile.md b/python/docs/PipelineSourceFile.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# PipelineSourceFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**fname** | **str** | |
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**ftype** | [**PipelineSourceFileFtype**](PipelineSourceFileFtype.md) | |
+**uploader_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**pipeline_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFile from a JSON string
+pipeline_source_file_instance = PipelineSourceFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_source_file_dict = pipeline_source_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFile from a dict
+pipeline_source_file_from_dict = PipelineSourceFile.from_dict(pipeline_source_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PipelineSourceFileFtype.md b/python/docs/PipelineSourceFileFtype.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# PipelineSourceFileFtype
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFileFtype from a JSON string
+pipeline_source_file_ftype_instance = PipelineSourceFileFtype.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_source_file_ftype_dict = pipeline_source_file_ftype_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFileFtype from a dict
+pipeline_source_file_ftype_from_dict = PipelineSourceFileFtype.from_dict(pipeline_source_file_ftype_dict)
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diff --git a/python/docs/PipelineSourceFileRequest.md b/python/docs/PipelineSourceFileRequest.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# PipelineSourceFileRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**fname** | **bytearray** | |
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**type** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFileRequest from a JSON string
+pipeline_source_file_request_instance = PipelineSourceFileRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+pipeline_source_file_request_dict = pipeline_source_file_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PipelineSourceFileRequest from a dict
+pipeline_source_file_request_from_dict = PipelineSourceFileRequest.from_dict(pipeline_source_file_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PipelinesApi.md b/python/docs/PipelinesApi.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,3070 @@
+# chris_oag.PipelinesApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**all_workflows_list**](PipelinesApi.md#all_workflows_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/ |
+[**pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_boolean_parameter_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_boolean_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_create**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/ |
+[**pipelines_destroy**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_float_parameter_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_float_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_integer_parameter_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_integer_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_json_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_json_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/json/ |
+[**pipelines_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/ |
+[**pipelines_parameters_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/parameters/ |
+[**pipelines_pipings_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_pipings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/pipings/ |
+[**pipelines_pipings_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_pipings_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/pipings/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_plugins_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/plugins/ |
+[**pipelines_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_search_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/search/ |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_create**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/ |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/ |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/{id}/. |
+[**pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/sourcefiles/search/ |
+[**pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_string_parameter_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_string_parameter_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_create**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_create) | **POST** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_destroy**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/plugininstances/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_retrieve**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_search_list**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/search/ |
+[**pipelines_workflows_update**](PipelinesApi.md#pipelines_workflows_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/pipelines/workflows/{id}/ |
+[**workflows_list**](PipelinesApi.md#workflows_list) | **GET** /api/v1/pipelines/{id}/workflows/ |
+# **all_workflows_list**
+> PaginatedWorkflowList all_workflows_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of all workflows.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.all_workflows_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->all_workflows_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->all_workflows_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve**
+> DefaultPipingBoolParameter pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_boolean_parameter_update**
+> DefaultPipingBoolParameter pipelines_boolean_parameter_update(id, default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request)
+A view for a boolean default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ default_piping_bool_parameter_request = chris_oag.DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest() # DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_boolean_parameter_update(id, default_piping_bool_parameter_request=default_piping_bool_parameter_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_boolean_parameter_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_boolean_parameter_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **default_piping_bool_parameter_request** | [**DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest**](DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_create**
+> Pipeline pipelines_create(pipeline_request)
+A view for the collection of pipelines.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ pipeline_request = chris_oag.PipelineRequest() # PipelineRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_create(pipeline_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **pipeline_request** | [**PipelineRequest**](PipelineRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_destroy**
+> pipelines_destroy(id)
+A pipeline view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.pipelines_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve**
+> DefaultPipingFloatParameter pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_float_parameter_update**
+> DefaultPipingFloatParameter pipelines_float_parameter_update(id, default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request)
+A view for a float default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ default_piping_float_parameter_request = chris_oag.DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest() # DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_float_parameter_update(id, default_piping_float_parameter_request=default_piping_float_parameter_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_float_parameter_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_float_parameter_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **default_piping_float_parameter_request** | [**DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest**](DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve**
+> DefaultPipingIntParameter pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_integer_parameter_update**
+> DefaultPipingIntParameter pipelines_integer_parameter_update(id, default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request)
+A view for an integer default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ default_piping_int_parameter_request = chris_oag.DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest() # DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_integer_parameter_update(id, default_piping_int_parameter_request=default_piping_int_parameter_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_integer_parameter_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_integer_parameter_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **default_piping_int_parameter_request** | [**DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest**](DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_json_retrieve**
+> PipelineCustomJson pipelines_json_retrieve(id)
+A pipeline with a custom JSON view resembling the originally submitted pipeline data.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_json_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_json_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_json_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_list**
+> PaginatedPipelineList pipelines_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipelines.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_parameters_list**
+> PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList pipelines_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin parameters' defaults.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_parameters_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_parameters_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_pipings_list**
+> PaginatedPluginPipingList pipelines_pipings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipeline-specific plugin pipings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_pipings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_pipings_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_pipings_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_pipings_retrieve**
+> PluginPiping pipelines_pipings_retrieve(id)
+A plugin piping view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_pipings_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_pipings_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_pipings_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_plugins_list**
+> PaginatedPluginList pipelines_plugins_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a pipeline-specific collection of plugins.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_plugins_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_plugins_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_plugins_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_retrieve**
+> Pipeline pipelines_retrieve(id)
+A pipeline view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_search_list**
+> PaginatedPipelineList pipelines_search_list(authors=authors, category=category, description=description, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+A view for the collection of pipelines resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ authors = 'authors_example' # str | (optional)
+ category = 'category_example' # str | (optional)
+ description = 'description_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_search_list(authors=authors, category=category, description=description, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **authors** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_create**
+> PipelineSourceFile pipelines_sourcefiles_create(pipeline_source_file_request)
+A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ pipeline_source_file_request = chris_oag.PipelineSourceFileRequest() # PipelineSourceFileRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_create(pipeline_source_file_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **pipeline_source_file_request** | [**PipelineSourceFileRequest**](PipelineSourceFileRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_list**
+> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList pipelines_sourcefiles_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipeline source files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve**
+> PipelineSourceFile pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve(id)
+A pipeline source file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list**
+> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, uploader_username=uploader_username)
+A view for the collection of pipeline source files resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ fname = 'fname_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_exact = 'fname_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains = 'fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ uploader_username = 'uploader_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, uploader_username=uploader_username)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **fname** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **uploader_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve**
+> DefaultPipingStrParameter pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_string_parameter_update**
+> DefaultPipingStrParameter pipelines_string_parameter_update(id, default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request)
+A view for a string default value for a plugin parameter in a pipeline's plugin piping.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ default_piping_str_parameter_request = chris_oag.DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest() # DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_string_parameter_update(id, default_piping_str_parameter_request=default_piping_str_parameter_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_string_parameter_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_string_parameter_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **default_piping_str_parameter_request** | [**DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest**](DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_update**
+> Pipeline pipelines_update(id, pipeline_request)
+A pipeline view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ pipeline_request = chris_oag.PipelineRequest() # PipelineRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_update(id, pipeline_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **pipeline_request** | [**PipelineRequest**](PipelineRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_create**
+> Workflow pipelines_workflows_create(id, workflow_request=workflow_request)
+A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from chris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ workflow_request = chris_oag.WorkflowRequest() # WorkflowRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_workflows_create(id, workflow_request=workflow_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **workflow_request** | [**WorkflowRequest**](WorkflowRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_destroy**
+> pipelines_workflows_destroy(id)
+A workflow view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.pipelines_workflows_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances that compose the workflow.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_retrieve**
+> Workflow pipelines_workflows_retrieve(id)
+A workflow view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_workflows_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_search_list**
+> PaginatedWorkflowList pipelines_workflows_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username, pipeline_name=pipeline_name, title=title)
+A view for the collection of workflows resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ pipeline_name = 'pipeline_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ title = 'title_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_workflows_search_list(id=id, limit=limit, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username, pipeline_name=pipeline_name, title=title)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **pipeline_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **title** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **pipelines_workflows_update**
+> Workflow pipelines_workflows_update(id, workflow_request=workflow_request)
+A workflow view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+from chris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ workflow_request = chris_oag.WorkflowRequest() # WorkflowRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.pipelines_workflows_update(id, workflow_request=workflow_request)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->pipelines_workflows_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **workflow_request** | [**WorkflowRequest**](WorkflowRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **workflows_list**
+> PaginatedWorkflowList workflows_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of pipeline-specific workflows.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PipelinesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.workflows_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PipelinesApi->workflows_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PipelinesApi->workflows_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/Plugin.md b/python/docs/Plugin.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..063e95c
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+++ b/python/docs/Plugin.md
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Plugin
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**version** | **str** | |
+**dock_image** | **str** | |
+**public_repo** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**icon** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**type** | [**PluginType**](PluginType.md) | | [readonly]
+**stars** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**authors** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**category** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**documentation** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**license** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**execshell** | **str** | |
+**selfpath** | **str** | |
+**selfexec** | **str** | |
+**min_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**meta** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**parameters** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**instances** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**compute_resources** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Plugin from a JSON string
+plugin_instance = Plugin.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_dict = plugin_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Plugin from a dict
+plugin_from_dict = Plugin.from_dict(plugin_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginAdmin.md b/python/docs/PluginAdmin.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..457c476
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PluginAdmin.md
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# PluginAdmin
+A Plugin serializer for the PluginAdminList JSON view.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**version** | **str** | | [optional]
+**dock_image** | **str** | | [optional]
+**public_repo** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**icon** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**type** | [**PluginType**](PluginType.md) | | [readonly]
+**stars** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**authors** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**category** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**documentation** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**license** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**execshell** | **str** | | [optional]
+**selfpath** | **str** | | [optional]
+**selfexec** | **str** | | [optional]
+**min_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**meta** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**parameters** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**instances** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**compute_resources** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginAdmin from a JSON string
+plugin_admin_instance = PluginAdmin.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_admin_dict = plugin_admin_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginAdmin from a dict
+plugin_admin_from_dict = PluginAdmin.from_dict(plugin_admin_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginAdminRequest.md b/python/docs/PluginAdminRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcae3bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PluginAdminRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# PluginAdminRequest
+A Plugin serializer for the PluginAdminList JSON view.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**version** | **str** | | [optional]
+**dock_image** | **str** | | [optional]
+**description** | **str** | | [optional]
+**execshell** | **str** | | [optional]
+**selfpath** | **str** | | [optional]
+**selfexec** | **str** | | [optional]
+**min_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**min_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**max_gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**fname** | **bytearray** | | [optional]
+**plugin_store_url** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_names** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginAdminRequest from a JSON string
+plugin_admin_request_instance = PluginAdminRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_admin_request_dict = plugin_admin_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginAdminRequest from a dict
+plugin_admin_request_from_dict = PluginAdminRequest.from_dict(plugin_admin_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginInstance.md b/python/docs/PluginInstance.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e35f16
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+++ b/python/docs/PluginInstance.md
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# PluginInstance
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**compute_resource_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_type** | [**PluginType**](PluginType.md) | | [readonly]
+**feed_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**start_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**end_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**output_path** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**status** | [**StatusEnum**](StatusEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**pipeline_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**workflow_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**summary** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**raw** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**size** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**error_code** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**output_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**previous** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**workflow** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**compute_resource** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**descendants** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**parameters** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**splits** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginInstance from a JSON string
+plugin_instance_instance = PluginInstance.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_instance_dict = plugin_instance_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginInstance from a dict
+plugin_instance_from_dict = PluginInstance.from_dict(plugin_instance_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginInstanceRequest.md b/python/docs/PluginInstanceRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e01ad3b
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+++ b/python/docs/PluginInstanceRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# PluginInstanceRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_resource_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**status** | [**StatusEnum**](StatusEnum.md) | | [optional]
+**cpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**memory_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**number_of_workers** | **int** | | [optional]
+**gpu_limit** | **int** | | [optional]
+**previous_id** | **int** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceRequest from a JSON string
+plugin_instance_request_instance = PluginInstanceRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_instance_request_dict = plugin_instance_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceRequest from a dict
+plugin_instance_request_from_dict = PluginInstanceRequest.from_dict(plugin_instance_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginInstanceSplit.md b/python/docs/PluginInstanceSplit.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0192bd4
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+++ b/python/docs/PluginInstanceSplit.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# PluginInstanceSplit
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**filter** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugin_inst_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**created_plugin_inst_ids** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceSplit from a JSON string
+plugin_instance_split_instance = PluginInstanceSplit.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_instance_split_dict = plugin_instance_split_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceSplit from a dict
+plugin_instance_split_from_dict = PluginInstanceSplit.from_dict(plugin_instance_split_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginInstanceSplitRequest.md b/python/docs/PluginInstanceSplitRequest.md
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**filter** | **str** | | [optional]
+**compute_resource_name** | **str** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceSplitRequest from a JSON string
+plugin_instance_split_request_instance = PluginInstanceSplitRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_instance_split_request_dict = plugin_instance_split_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginInstanceSplitRequest from a dict
+plugin_instance_split_request_from_dict = PluginInstanceSplitRequest.from_dict(plugin_instance_split_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginMeta.md b/python/docs/PluginMeta.md
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index 0000000..64fd347
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+++ b/python/docs/PluginMeta.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# PluginMeta
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**modification_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**stars** | **int** | | [optional]
+**public_repo** | **str** | | [optional]
+**license** | **str** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginType**](PluginType.md) | | [optional]
+**icon** | **str** | | [optional]
+**category** | **str** | | [optional]
+**authors** | **str** | | [optional]
+**documentation** | **str** | | [optional]
+**plugins** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginMeta from a JSON string
+plugin_meta_instance = PluginMeta.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_meta_dict = plugin_meta_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginMeta from a dict
+plugin_meta_from_dict = PluginMeta.from_dict(plugin_meta_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginParameter.md b/python/docs/PluginParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cad412
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+++ b/python/docs/PluginParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# PluginParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [optional]
+**optional** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**default** | [**PluginParameterDefault**](PluginParameterDefault.md) | |
+**flag** | **str** | |
+**short_flag** | **str** | | [optional]
+**action** | **str** | | [optional]
+**help** | **str** | | [optional]
+**ui_exposed** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**plugin** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginParameter from a JSON string
+plugin_parameter_instance = PluginParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_parameter_dict = plugin_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginParameter from a dict
+plugin_parameter_from_dict = PluginParameter.from_dict(plugin_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginParameterDefault.md b/python/docs/PluginParameterDefault.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..690de72
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+++ b/python/docs/PluginParameterDefault.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# PluginParameterDefault
+Overriden to get the default parameter value regardless of type.
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginParameterDefault from a JSON string
+plugin_parameter_default_instance = PluginParameterDefault.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_parameter_default_dict = plugin_parameter_default_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginParameterDefault from a dict
+plugin_parameter_default_from_dict = PluginParameterDefault.from_dict(plugin_parameter_default_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginParameterType.md b/python/docs/PluginParameterType.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b338c9
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+++ b/python/docs/PluginParameterType.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# PluginParameterType
+* `string` - String values * `float` - Float values * `boolean` - Boolean values * `integer` - Integer values * `path` - Path values * `unextpath` - Unextracted path values
+## Enum
+* `STRING` (value: `'string'`)
+* `FLOAT` (value: `'float'`)
+* `BOOLEAN` (value: `'boolean'`)
+* `INTEGER` (value: `'integer'`)
+* `PATH` (value: `'path'`)
+* `UNEXTPATH` (value: `'unextpath'`)
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diff --git a/python/docs/PluginPiping.md b/python/docs/PluginPiping.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a9d4ac
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+++ b/python/docs/PluginPiping.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# PluginPiping
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**previous_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | |
+**plugin_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_version** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**previous** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of PluginPiping from a JSON string
+plugin_piping_instance = PluginPiping.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+plugin_piping_dict = plugin_piping_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of PluginPiping from a dict
+plugin_piping_from_dict = PluginPiping.from_dict(plugin_piping_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginType.md b/python/docs/PluginType.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcb2aba
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+++ b/python/docs/PluginType.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# PluginType
+* `ds` - Data synthesis * `fs` - Feed synthesis * `ts` - Topology synthesis
+## Enum
+* `DS` (value: `'ds'`)
+* `FS` (value: `'fs'`)
+* `TS` (value: `'ts'`)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PlugininstancesApi.md b/python/docs/PlugininstancesApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3d2c2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PlugininstancesApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+# chris_oag.PlugininstancesApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**plugininstances_list**](PlugininstancesApi.md#plugininstances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/plugininstances/ |
+# **plugininstances_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList plugininstances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feed-specific plugin instances.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PlugininstancesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugininstances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PlugininstancesApi->plugininstances_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PlugininstancesApi->plugininstances_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PluginsApi.md b/python/docs/PluginsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c8907a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PluginsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2738 @@
+# chris_oag.PluginsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**all_plugins_instances_list**](PluginsApi.md#all_plugins_instances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/ |
+[**plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/boolean-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_computeresources_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_computeresources_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/computeresources/ |
+[**plugins_float_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_float_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/float-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_instances_create**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_create) | **POST** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/ |
+[**plugins_instances_descendants_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_descendants_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/descendants/ |
+[**plugins_instances_destroy**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_instances_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/instances/ |
+[**plugins_instances_parameters_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/parameters/ |
+[**plugins_instances_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_instances_search_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/search/ |
+[**plugins_instances_splits_create**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_create) | **POST** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/ |
+[**plugins_instances_splits_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/splits/ |
+[**plugins_instances_splits_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_splits_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/instances/splits/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_instances_update**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_instances_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/plugins/instances/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/integer-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/ |
+[**plugins_metas_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/ |
+[**plugins_metas_plugins_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_plugins_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/plugins/ |
+[**plugins_metas_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_metas_search_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_metas_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/metas/search/ |
+[**plugins_parameters_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_parameters_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/parameters/ |
+[**plugins_parameters_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_parameters_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/parameters/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_path_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_path_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/path-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_search_list**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/search/ |
+[**plugins_string_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_string_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/string-parameter/{id}/ |
+[**plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve**](PluginsApi.md#plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/plugins/unextpath-parameter/{id}/ |
+# **all_plugins_instances_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList all_plugins_instances_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of all plugin instances.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.all_plugins_instances_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->all_plugins_instances_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->all_plugins_instances_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve**
+> BoolParameter plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A boolean parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_computeresources_list**
+> PaginatedComputeResourceList plugins_computeresources_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a plugin-specific collection of compute resources.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_computeresources_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_computeresources_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_computeresources_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_float_parameter_retrieve**
+> FloatParameter plugins_float_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A float parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_float_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_float_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_float_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_create**
+> PluginInstance plugins_instances_create(id, plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ plugin_instance_request = chris_oag.PluginInstanceRequest() # PluginInstanceRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_create(id, plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **plugin_instance_request** | [**PluginInstanceRequest**](PluginInstanceRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_descendants_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList plugins_instances_descendants_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances that are a descendant of this plugin instance.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_descendants_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_descendants_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_descendants_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_destroy**
+> plugins_instances_destroy(id)
+A plugin instance view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.plugins_instances_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList plugins_instances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_parameters_list**
+> PaginatedGenericParameterList plugins_instances_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of parameters that the plugin instance was run with.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_parameters_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_parameters_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_retrieve**
+> PluginInstance plugins_instances_retrieve(id)
+A plugin instance view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_search_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceList plugins_instances_search_list(feed_id=feed_id, id=id, limit=limit, max_end_date=max_end_date, max_start_date=max_start_date, min_end_date=min_end_date, min_start_date=min_start_date, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username, plugin_id=plugin_id, plugin_name=plugin_name, plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact, plugin_version=plugin_version, previous_id=previous_id, root_id=root_id, status=status, title=title, workflow_id=workflow_id)
+A view for the collection of plugin instances resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ feed_id = 'feed_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_end_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ max_start_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_end_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_start_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ plugin_id = 'plugin_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ plugin_name = 'plugin_name_example' # str | (optional)
+ plugin_name_exact = 'plugin_name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ plugin_version = 'plugin_version_example' # str | (optional)
+ previous_id = 'previous_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ root_id = 'root_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ status = 'status_example' # str | * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled (optional)
+ title = 'title_example' # str | (optional)
+ workflow_id = 'workflow_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_search_list(feed_id=feed_id, id=id, limit=limit, max_end_date=max_end_date, max_start_date=max_start_date, min_end_date=min_end_date, min_start_date=min_start_date, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username, plugin_id=plugin_id, plugin_name=plugin_name, plugin_name_exact=plugin_name_exact, plugin_version=plugin_version, previous_id=previous_id, root_id=root_id, status=status, title=title, workflow_id=workflow_id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **feed_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_end_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **max_start_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_end_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_start_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **plugin_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **plugin_name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **plugin_name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **plugin_version** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **previous_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **root_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **status** | **str**| * `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled | [optional]
+ **title** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **workflow_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_splits_create**
+> PluginInstanceSplit plugins_instances_splits_create(id, plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request)
+A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ plugin_instance_split_request = chris_oag.PluginInstanceSplitRequest() # PluginInstanceSplitRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_splits_create(id, plugin_instance_split_request=plugin_instance_split_request)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **plugin_instance_split_request** | [**PluginInstanceSplitRequest**](PluginInstanceSplitRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_splits_list**
+> PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList plugins_instances_splits_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of splits for a plugin instance.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_splits_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_splits_retrieve**
+> PluginInstanceSplit plugins_instances_splits_retrieve(id)
+A view for a plugin instance split.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_splits_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_splits_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_instances_update**
+> PluginInstance plugins_instances_update(id, plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request)
+A plugin instance view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ plugin_instance_request = chris_oag.PluginInstanceRequest() # PluginInstanceRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_instances_update(id, plugin_instance_request=plugin_instance_request)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_instances_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_instances_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **plugin_instance_request** | [**PluginInstanceRequest**](PluginInstanceRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve**
+> IntParameter plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve(id)
+An integer parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_list**
+> PaginatedPluginList plugins_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugins.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_metas_list**
+> PaginatedPluginMetaList plugins_metas_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin metas.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_metas_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_metas_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_metas_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_metas_plugins_list**
+> PaginatedPluginList plugins_metas_plugins_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of meta-specific plugins.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_metas_plugins_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_metas_plugins_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_metas_plugins_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_metas_retrieve**
+> PluginMeta plugins_metas_retrieve(id)
+A plugin meta view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_metas_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_metas_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_metas_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_metas_search_list**
+> PaginatedPluginMetaList plugins_metas_search_list(authors=authors, category=category, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, name_authors_category=name_authors_category, name_exact=name_exact, name_title_category=name_title_category, offset=offset, title=title, type=type)
+A view for the collection of plugin metas resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ authors = 'authors_example' # str | (optional)
+ category = 'category_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_authors_category = 'name_authors_category_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_title_category = 'name_title_category_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ title = 'title_example' # str | (optional)
+ type = 'type_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_metas_search_list(authors=authors, category=category, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, name_authors_category=name_authors_category, name_exact=name_exact, name_title_category=name_title_category, offset=offset, title=title, type=type)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_metas_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_metas_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **authors** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_authors_category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_title_category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **title** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **type** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_parameters_list**
+> PaginatedPluginParameterList plugins_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of plugin parameters.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_parameters_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_parameters_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_parameters_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_parameters_retrieve**
+> PluginParameter plugins_parameters_retrieve(id)
+A plugin parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_parameters_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_parameters_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_parameters_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_path_parameter_retrieve**
+> PathParameter plugins_path_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A path parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_path_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_path_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_path_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_retrieve**
+> Plugin plugins_retrieve(id)
+A plugin view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_search_list**
+> PaginatedPluginList plugins_search_list(category=category, compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id, description=description, dock_image=dock_image, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_title_category=name_title_category, offset=offset, title=title, type=type, version=version)
+A view for the collection of plugins resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ category = 'category_example' # str | (optional)
+ compute_resource_id = 'compute_resource_id_example' # str | (optional)
+ description = 'description_example' # str | (optional)
+ dock_image = 'dock_image_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_title_category = 'name_title_category_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ title = 'title_example' # str | (optional)
+ type = 'type_example' # str | (optional)
+ version = 'version_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_search_list(category=category, compute_resource_id=compute_resource_id, description=description, dock_image=dock_image, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_title_category=name_title_category, offset=offset, title=title, type=type, version=version)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **compute_resource_id** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **description** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **dock_image** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_title_category** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **title** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **type** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **version** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_string_parameter_retrieve**
+> StrParameter plugins_string_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A string parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_string_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_string_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_string_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve**
+> UnextpathParameter plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve(id)
+A unextpath parameter view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PluginsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of PluginsApi->plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PluginsApi->plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/PublicfeedsApi.md b/python/docs/PublicfeedsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f9e5a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/PublicfeedsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+# chris_oag.PublicfeedsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**publicfeeds_list**](PublicfeedsApi.md#publicfeeds_list) | **GET** /api/v1/publicfeeds/ |
+[**publicfeeds_search_list**](PublicfeedsApi.md#publicfeeds_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/publicfeeds/search/ |
+# **publicfeeds_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList publicfeeds_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of public feeds.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PublicfeedsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.publicfeeds_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PublicfeedsApi->publicfeeds_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PublicfeedsApi->publicfeeds_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **publicfeeds_search_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList publicfeeds_search_list(files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, max_id=max_id, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, min_id=min_id, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_startswith=name_startswith, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of public feeds resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.PublicfeedsApi(api_client)
+ files_fname_icontains = 'files_fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ max_id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_startswith = 'name_startswith_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.publicfeeds_search_list(files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, max_id=max_id, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, min_id=min_id, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_startswith=name_startswith, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of PublicfeedsApi->publicfeeds_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling PublicfeedsApi->publicfeeds_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **files_fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **max_id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/SchemaApi.md b/python/docs/SchemaApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3eed18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/SchemaApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# chris_oag.SchemaApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**schema_retrieve**](SchemaApi.md#schema_retrieve) | **GET** /schema/ |
+# **schema_retrieve**
+> Dict[str, object] schema_retrieve(format=format, lang=lang)
+OpenApi3 schema for this API. Format can be selected via content negotiation. - YAML: application/vnd.oai.openapi - JSON: application/vnd.oai.openapi+json
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.SchemaApi(api_client)
+ format = 'format_example' # str | (optional)
+ lang = 'lang_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.schema_retrieve(format=format, lang=lang)
+ print("The response of SchemaApi->schema_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling SchemaApi->schema_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **format** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **lang** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+**Dict[str, object]**
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/vnd.oai.openapi, application/yaml, application/vnd.oai.openapi+json, application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/SearchApi.md b/python/docs/SearchApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a19b519
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/SearchApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+# chris_oag.SearchApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**search_list**](SearchApi.md#search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/search/ |
+# **search_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList search_list(files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, max_id=max_id, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, min_id=min_id, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_startswith=name_startswith, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of feeds resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.SearchApi(api_client)
+ files_fname_icontains = 'files_fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ max_id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_exact = 'name_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ name_startswith = 'name_startswith_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.search_list(files_fname_icontains=files_fname_icontains, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, max_id=max_id, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, min_id=min_id, name=name, name_exact=name_exact, name_startswith=name_startswith, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of SearchApi->search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling SearchApi->search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **files_fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **max_id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **name_startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/StatusEnum.md b/python/docs/StatusEnum.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76e8904
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/StatusEnum.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# StatusEnum
+* `created` - Default initial * `waiting` - Waiting to be scheduled * `scheduled` - Scheduled on worker * `started` - Started on compute env * `registeringFiles` - Registering output files * `finishedSuccessfully` - Finished successfully * `finishedWithError` - Finished with error * `cancelled` - Cancelled
+## Enum
+* `CREATED` (value: `'created'`)
+* `WAITING` (value: `'waiting'`)
+* `SCHEDULED` (value: `'scheduled'`)
+* `STARTED` (value: `'started'`)
+* `REGISTERINGFILES` (value: `'registeringFiles'`)
+* `FINISHEDSUCCESSFULLY` (value: `'finishedSuccessfully'`)
+* `FINISHEDWITHERROR` (value: `'finishedWithError'`)
+* `CANCELLED` (value: `'cancelled'`)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/StrParameter.md b/python/docs/StrParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c53450f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/StrParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# StrParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **str** | | [optional]
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of StrParameter from a JSON string
+str_parameter_instance = StrParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+str_parameter_dict = str_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of StrParameter from a dict
+str_parameter_from_dict = StrParameter.from_dict(str_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/Tag.md b/python/docs/Tag.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09b05ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/Tag.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Tag
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**color** | **str** | |
+**feeds** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**taggings** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Tag from a JSON string
+tag_instance = Tag.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+tag_dict = tag_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Tag from a dict
+tag_from_dict = Tag.from_dict(tag_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/TagRequest.md b/python/docs/TagRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cc6637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/TagRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# TagRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**name** | **str** | | [optional]
+**color** | **str** | |
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of TagRequest from a JSON string
+tag_request_instance = TagRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+tag_request_dict = tag_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of TagRequest from a dict
+tag_request_from_dict = TagRequest.from_dict(tag_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/Tagging.md b/python/docs/Tagging.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d08efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/Tagging.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Tagging
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**tag_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**feed_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**tag** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**feed** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Tagging from a JSON string
+tagging_instance = Tagging.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+tagging_dict = tagging_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Tagging from a dict
+tagging_from_dict = Tagging.from_dict(tagging_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/TaggingsApi.md b/python/docs/TaggingsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39fef0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/TaggingsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+# chris_oag.TaggingsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**taggings_create**](TaggingsApi.md#taggings_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/taggings/ |
+[**taggings_destroy**](TaggingsApi.md#taggings_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/taggings/{id}/ |
+[**taggings_list**](TaggingsApi.md#taggings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/taggings/ |
+[**taggings_retrieve**](TaggingsApi.md#taggings_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/taggings/{id}/ |
+# **taggings_create**
+> Tagging taggings_create(id)
+A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TaggingsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.taggings_create(id)
+ print("The response of TaggingsApi->taggings_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TaggingsApi->taggings_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **taggings_destroy**
+> taggings_destroy(id)
+A tagging view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TaggingsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.taggings_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TaggingsApi->taggings_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **taggings_list**
+> PaginatedTaggingList taggings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the feed-specific collection of taggings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TaggingsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.taggings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TaggingsApi->taggings_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TaggingsApi->taggings_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **taggings_retrieve**
+> Tagging taggings_retrieve(id)
+A tagging view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TaggingsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.taggings_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of TaggingsApi->taggings_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TaggingsApi->taggings_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/TagsApi.md b/python/docs/TagsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b7e91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/TagsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,963 @@
+# chris_oag.TagsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**feed_tags_list**](TagsApi.md#feed_tags_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/tags/ |
+[**tags_create**](TagsApi.md#tags_create) | **POST** /api/v1/tags/ |
+[**tags_destroy**](TagsApi.md#tags_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+[**tags_feeds_list**](TagsApi.md#tags_feeds_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/feeds/ |
+[**tags_list**](TagsApi.md#tags_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/ |
+[**tags_retrieve**](TagsApi.md#tags_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+[**tags_search_list**](TagsApi.md#tags_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/search/ |
+[**tags_taggings_create**](TagsApi.md#tags_taggings_create) | **POST** /api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/ |
+[**tags_taggings_list**](TagsApi.md#tags_taggings_list) | **GET** /api/v1/tags/{id}/taggings/ |
+[**tags_update**](TagsApi.md#tags_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/tags/{id}/ |
+# **feed_tags_list**
+> PaginatedTagList feed_tags_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a feed-specific collection of user-specific tags.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.feed_tags_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->feed_tags_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->feed_tags_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_create**
+> Tag tags_create(tag_request)
+A view for the collection of tags.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from chris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ tag_request = chris_oag.TagRequest() # TagRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.tags_create(tag_request)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **tag_request** | [**TagRequest**](TagRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_destroy**
+> tags_destroy(id)
+A tag view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.tags_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_feeds_list**
+> PaginatedFeedList tags_feeds_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the tag-specific collection of feeds.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.tags_feeds_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_feeds_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_feeds_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_list**
+> PaginatedTagList tags_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of tags.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.tags_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_retrieve**
+> Tag tags_retrieve(id)
+A tag view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.tags_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_search_list**
+> PaginatedTagList tags_search_list(color=color, id=id, limit=limit, name=name, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+A view for the collection of tags resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ color = 'color_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ name = 'name_example' # str | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.tags_search_list(color=color, id=id, limit=limit, name=name, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **color** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **name** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_taggings_create**
+> Tagging tags_taggings_create(id)
+A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.tags_taggings_create(id)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_taggings_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_taggings_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_taggings_list**
+> PaginatedTaggingList tags_taggings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of tag-specific taggings.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.tags_taggings_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_taggings_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_taggings_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **tags_update**
+> Tag tags_update(id, tag_request)
+A tag view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+from chris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.TagsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ tag_request = chris_oag.TagRequest() # TagRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.tags_update(id, tag_request)
+ print("The response of TagsApi->tags_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling TagsApi->tags_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **tag_request** | [**TagRequest**](TagRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/UnextpathParameter.md b/python/docs/UnextpathParameter.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ac4f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/UnextpathParameter.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# UnextpathParameter
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**param_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**value** | **str** | |
+**type** | [**PluginParameterType**](PluginParameterType.md) | | [readonly]
+**plugin_inst** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_param** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of UnextpathParameter from a JSON string
+unextpath_parameter_instance = UnextpathParameter.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+unextpath_parameter_dict = unextpath_parameter_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of UnextpathParameter from a dict
+unextpath_parameter_from_dict = UnextpathParameter.from_dict(unextpath_parameter_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/User.md b/python/docs/User.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..343872f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/User.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# User
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**username** | **str** | |
+**email** | **str** | |
+**is_staff** | **bool** | Designates whether the user can log into this admin site. | [optional]
+**groups** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.user import User
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of User from a JSON string
+user_instance = User.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+user_dict = user_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of User from a dict
+user_from_dict = User.from_dict(user_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/UserFile.md b/python/docs/UserFile.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81b9d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/UserFile.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# UserFile
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**fname** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fsize** | **int** | Get the size of the file in bytes. | [readonly]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**file_resource** | **str** | Custom method to get the hyperlink to the actual file resource. | [readonly]
+**parent_folder** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**group_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**user_permissions** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of UserFile from a JSON string
+user_file_instance = UserFile.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+user_file_dict = user_file_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of UserFile from a dict
+user_file_from_dict = UserFile.from_dict(user_file_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/UserFileRequest.md b/python/docs/UserFileRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c501e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/UserFileRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# UserFileRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**upload_path** | **str** | | [optional]
+**fname** | **bytearray** | | [optional]
+**public** | **bool** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of UserFileRequest from a JSON string
+user_file_request_instance = UserFileRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+user_file_request_dict = user_file_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of UserFileRequest from a dict
+user_file_request_from_dict = UserFileRequest.from_dict(user_file_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/UserRequest.md b/python/docs/UserRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df3a9a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/UserRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+# UserRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**username** | **str** | |
+**email** | **str** | |
+**password** | **str** | |
+**is_staff** | **bool** | Designates whether the user can log into this admin site. | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of UserRequest from a JSON string
+user_request_instance = UserRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+user_request_dict = user_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of UserRequest from a dict
+user_request_from_dict = UserRequest.from_dict(user_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/UserfilesApi.md b/python/docs/UserfilesApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0777e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/UserfilesApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,681 @@
+# chris_oag.UserfilesApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**userfiles_create**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_create) | **POST** /api/v1/userfiles/ |
+[**userfiles_destroy**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+[**userfiles_list**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_list) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/ |
+[**userfiles_retrieve**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+[**userfiles_retrieve_0**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_retrieve_0) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/. |
+[**userfiles_search_list**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/userfiles/search/ |
+[**userfiles_update**](UserfilesApi.md#userfiles_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/userfiles/{id}/ |
+# **userfiles_create**
+> UserFile userfiles_create(user_file_request=user_file_request)
+A view for the collection of user files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from chris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ user_file_request = chris_oag.UserFileRequest() # UserFileRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userfiles_create(user_file_request=user_file_request)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **user_file_request** | [**UserFileRequest**](UserFileRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_destroy**
+> userfiles_destroy(id)
+A user file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.userfiles_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_list**
+> PaginatedUserFileList userfiles_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for the collection of user files.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userfiles_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_retrieve**
+> UserFile userfiles_retrieve(id)
+A user file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userfiles_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_retrieve_0**
+> bytearray userfiles_retrieve_0(id)
+Overriden to be able to make a GET request to an actual file resource.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (DownloadTokenInQueryString):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: DownloadTokenInQueryString
+configuration.api_key['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['DownloadTokenInQueryString'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ id = 'id_example' # str |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userfiles_retrieve_0(id)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_retrieve_0:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_retrieve_0: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **str**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth), [DownloadTokenInQueryString](../README.md#DownloadTokenInQueryString)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: */*
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_search_list**
+> PaginatedUserFileList userfiles_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple, fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+A view for the collection of user files resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ fname = 'fname_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_exact = 'fname_exact_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains = 'fname_icontains_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_icontains_multiple = 'fname_icontains_multiple_example' # str | (optional)
+ fname_nslashes = 'fname_nslashes_example' # str | (optional)
+ id = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ max_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ min_creation_date = '2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00' # datetime | (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ owner_username = 'owner_username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userfiles_search_list(fname=fname, fname_exact=fname_exact, fname_icontains=fname_icontains, fname_icontains_multiple=fname_icontains_multiple, fname_nslashes=fname_nslashes, id=id, limit=limit, max_creation_date=max_creation_date, min_creation_date=min_creation_date, offset=offset, owner_username=owner_username)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **fname** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_exact** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_icontains_multiple** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **fname_nslashes** | **str**| | [optional]
+ **id** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **max_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **min_creation_date** | **datetime**| | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **owner_username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userfiles_update**
+> UserFile userfiles_update(id, user_file_request=user_file_request)
+A user file view.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+from chris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserfilesApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ user_file_request = chris_oag.UserFileRequest() # UserFileRequest | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userfiles_update(id, user_file_request=user_file_request)
+ print("The response of UserfilesApi->userfiles_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserfilesApi->userfiles_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **user_file_request** | [**UserFileRequest**](UserFileRequest.md)| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/UserpermissionsApi.md b/python/docs/UserpermissionsApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e29e586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/UserpermissionsApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+# chris_oag.UserpermissionsApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**userpermissions_create**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_create) | **POST** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**userpermissions_destroy**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_destroy) | **DELETE** /api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**userpermissions_list**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/ |
+[**userpermissions_retrieve**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/userpermissions/{id}/ |
+[**userpermissions_search_list**](UserpermissionsApi.md#userpermissions_search_list) | **GET** /api/v1/{id}/userpermissions/search/ |
+# **userpermissions_create**
+> FeedUserPermission userpermissions_create(id, feed_user_permission_request)
+A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ feed_user_permission_request = chris_oag.FeedUserPermissionRequest() # FeedUserPermissionRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userpermissions_create(id, feed_user_permission_request)
+ print("The response of UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **feed_user_permission_request** | [**FeedUserPermissionRequest**](FeedUserPermissionRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userpermissions_destroy**
+> userpermissions_destroy(id)
+A view for a feed's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_instance.userpermissions_destroy(id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_destroy: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+void (empty response body)
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: Not defined
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**204** | No response body | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userpermissions_list**
+> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a feed's collection of user permissions.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userpermissions_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userpermissions_retrieve**
+> FeedUserPermission userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+A view for a feed's user permission.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userpermissions_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **userpermissions_search_list**
+> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+A view for the collection of feed-specific user permissions resulting from a query search.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UserpermissionsApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ id2 = 56 # int | (optional)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ username = 'username_example' # str | (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.userpermissions_search_list(id, id2=id2, limit=limit, offset=offset, username=username)
+ print("The response of UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_search_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UserpermissionsApi->userpermissions_search_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **id2** | **int**| | [optional]
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+ **username** | **str**| | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/UsersApi.md b/python/docs/UsersApi.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e65bb8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/UsersApi.md
@@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
+# chris_oag.UsersApi
+All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
+Method | HTTP request | Description
+------------- | ------------- | -------------
+[**users_create**](UsersApi.md#users_create) | **POST** /api/v1/users/ |
+[**users_groups_list**](UsersApi.md#users_groups_list) | **GET** /api/v1/users/{id}/groups/ |
+[**users_list**](UsersApi.md#users_list) | **GET** /api/v1/users/ |
+[**users_retrieve**](UsersApi.md#users_retrieve) | **GET** /api/v1/users/{id}/ |
+[**users_update**](UsersApi.md#users_update) | **PUT** /api/v1/users/{id}/ |
+# **users_create**
+> User users_create(user_request)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.user import User
+from chris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ user_request = chris_oag.UserRequest() # UserRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.users_create(user_request)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_create:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_create: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **user_request** | [**UserRequest**](UserRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**201** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **users_groups_list**
+> PaginatedGroupList users_groups_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+A view for a user-specific collection of groups.
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.users_groups_list(id, limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_groups_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_groups_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **users_list**
+> PaginatedUserList users_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ limit = 56 # int | Number of results to return per page. (optional)
+ offset = 56 # int | The initial index from which to return the results. (optional)
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.users_list(limit=limit, offset=offset)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_list:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_list: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **limit** | **int**| Number of results to return per page. | [optional]
+ **offset** | **int**| The initial index from which to return the results. | [optional]
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **users_retrieve**
+> User users_retrieve(id)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.user import User
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.users_retrieve(id)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_retrieve:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_retrieve: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: Not defined
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
+# **users_update**
+> User users_update(id, user_request)
+### Example
+* Basic Authentication (basicAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (tokenAuth):
+* Api Key Authentication (cookieAuth):
+import chris_oag
+from chris_oag.models.user import User
+from chris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+from chris_oag.rest import ApiException
+from pprint import pprint
+# Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
+# See configuration.py for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ host = "http://localhost"
+# The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
+# in accordance with the API server security policy.
+# Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
+# satisfies your auth use case.
+# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basicAuth
+configuration = chris_oag.Configuration(
+ username = os.environ["USERNAME"],
+ password = os.environ["PASSWORD"]
+# Configure API key authorization: tokenAuth
+configuration.api_key['tokenAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['tokenAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Configure API key authorization: cookieAuth
+configuration.api_key['cookieAuth'] = os.environ["API_KEY"]
+# Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
+# configuration.api_key_prefix['cookieAuth'] = 'Bearer'
+# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
+with chris_oag.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
+ # Create an instance of the API class
+ api_instance = chris_oag.UsersApi(api_client)
+ id = 56 # int |
+ user_request = chris_oag.UserRequest() # UserRequest |
+ try:
+ api_response = api_instance.users_update(id, user_request)
+ print("The response of UsersApi->users_update:\n")
+ pprint(api_response)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print("Exception when calling UsersApi->users_update: %s\n" % e)
+### Parameters
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+ **id** | **int**| |
+ **user_request** | [**UserRequest**](UserRequest.md)| |
+### Return type
+### Authorization
+[basicAuth](../README.md#basicAuth), [tokenAuth](../README.md#tokenAuth), [cookieAuth](../README.md#cookieAuth)
+### HTTP request headers
+ - **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
+ - **Accept**: application/json
+### HTTP response details
+| Status code | Description | Response headers |
+**200** | | - |
+[[Back to top]](#) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/Workflow.md b/python/docs/Workflow.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba07db0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/Workflow.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Workflow
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**url** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**creation_date** | **datetime** | | [readonly]
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**pipeline_id** | **int** | | [readonly]
+**pipeline_name** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**owner_username** | **str** | Required. 150 characters or fewer. Letters, digits and @/./+/-/_ only. | [readonly]
+**created_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'created' status. | [readonly]
+**waiting_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'waiting' status. | [readonly]
+**scheduled_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'scheduled' status. | [readonly]
+**started_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'started' status. | [readonly]
+**registering_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'registeringFiles' status. | [readonly]
+**finished_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedSuccessfully' status. | [readonly]
+**errored_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'finishedWithError' status. | [readonly]
+**cancelled_jobs** | **int** | Overriden to get the number of plugin instances in 'cancelled' status. | [readonly]
+**pipeline** | **str** | | [readonly]
+**plugin_instances** | **str** | | [readonly]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of Workflow from a JSON string
+workflow_instance = Workflow.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+workflow_dict = workflow_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of Workflow from a dict
+workflow_from_dict = Workflow.from_dict(workflow_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/docs/WorkflowRequest.md b/python/docs/WorkflowRequest.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e411abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/docs/WorkflowRequest.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+# WorkflowRequest
+## Properties
+Name | Type | Description | Notes
+------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
+**title** | **str** | | [optional]
+**previous_plugin_inst_id** | **int** | | [optional]
+**nodes_info** | **object** | | [optional]
+## Example
+from chris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+# TODO update the JSON string below
+json = "{}"
+# create an instance of WorkflowRequest from a JSON string
+workflow_request_instance = WorkflowRequest.from_json(json)
+# print the JSON string representation of the object
+# convert the object into a dict
+workflow_request_dict = workflow_request_instance.to_dict()
+# create an instance of WorkflowRequest from a dict
+workflow_request_from_dict = WorkflowRequest.from_dict(workflow_request_dict)
+[[Back to Model list]](../README.md#documentation-for-models) [[Back to API list]](../README.md#documentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to README]](../README.md)
diff --git a/python/git_push.sh b/python/git_push.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f53a75d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/git_push.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# ref: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-an-existing-project-to-github-using-the-command-line/
+# Usage example: /bin/sh ./git_push.sh wing328 openapi-petstore-perl "minor update" "gitlab.com"
+if [ "$git_host" = "" ]; then
+ git_host="github.com"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_host to $git_host"
+if [ "$git_user_id" = "" ]; then
+ git_user_id="GIT_USER_ID"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_user_id to $git_user_id"
+if [ "$git_repo_id" = "" ]; then
+ git_repo_id="GIT_REPO_ID"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$git_repo_id to $git_repo_id"
+if [ "$release_note" = "" ]; then
+ release_note="Minor update"
+ echo "[INFO] No command line input provided. Set \$release_note to $release_note"
+# Initialize the local directory as a Git repository
+git init
+# Adds the files in the local repository and stages them for commit.
+git add .
+# Commits the tracked changes and prepares them to be pushed to a remote repository.
+git commit -m "$release_note"
+# Sets the new remote
+git_remote=$(git remote)
+if [ "$git_remote" = "" ]; then # git remote not defined
+ if [ "$GIT_TOKEN" = "" ]; then
+ echo "[INFO] \$GIT_TOKEN (environment variable) is not set. Using the git credential in your environment."
+ git remote add origin https://${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git
+ else
+ git remote add origin https://${git_user_id}:"${GIT_TOKEN}"@${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git
+ fi
+git pull origin master
+# Pushes (Forces) the changes in the local repository up to the remote repository
+echo "Git pushing to https://${git_host}/${git_user_id}/${git_repo_id}.git"
+git push origin master 2>&1 | grep -v 'To https'
diff --git a/python/pyproject.toml b/python/pyproject.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c0831d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/pyproject.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+name = "chris_oag"
+version = "0.0.1a1"
+description = "ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API"
+authors = ["Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging Developmental Science Center "]
+license = "MIT"
+readme = "README.md"
+repository = "https://github.com/GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID"
+keywords = ["OpenAPI", "OpenAPI-Generator", "ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API"]
+include = ["chris_oag/py.typed"]
+python = "^3.7"
+urllib3 = ">= 1.25.3"
+python-dateutil = ">=2.8.2"
+pydantic = ">=2"
+typing-extensions = ">=4.7.1"
+pytest = ">=7.2.1"
+tox = ">=3.9.0"
+flake8 = ">=4.0.0"
+types-python-dateutil = ">="
+mypy = "1.4.1"
+requires = ["setuptools"]
+build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
+[tool.pylint.'MESSAGES CONTROL']
+extension-pkg-whitelist = "pydantic"
+files = [
+ "chris_oag",
+ #"test", # auto-generated tests
+ "tests", # hand-written tests
+# TODO: enable "strict" once all these individual checks are passing
+# strict = true
+# List from: https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/existing_code.html#introduce-stricter-options
+warn_unused_configs = true
+warn_redundant_casts = true
+warn_unused_ignores = true
+## Getting these passing should be easy
+strict_equality = true
+strict_concatenate = true
+## Strongly recommend enabling this one as soon as you can
+check_untyped_defs = true
+## These shouldn't be too much additional work, but may be tricky to
+## get passing if you use a lot of untyped libraries
+disallow_subclassing_any = true
+disallow_untyped_decorators = true
+disallow_any_generics = true
+### These next few are various gradations of forcing use of type annotations
+#disallow_untyped_calls = true
+#disallow_incomplete_defs = true
+#disallow_untyped_defs = true
+### This one isn't too hard to get passing, but return on investment is lower
+#no_implicit_reexport = true
+### This one can be tricky to get passing if you use a lot of untyped libraries
+#warn_return_any = true
diff --git a/python/requirements.txt b/python/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc85509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+python_dateutil >= 2.5.3
+setuptools >= 21.0.0
+urllib3 >= 1.25.3, < 2.1.0
+pydantic >= 2
+typing-extensions >= 4.7.1
diff --git a/python/setup.cfg b/python/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11433ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/python/setup.py b/python/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0d05c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+from setuptools import setup, find_packages # noqa: H301
+# To install the library, run the following
+# python setup.py install
+# prerequisite: setuptools
+# http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools
+NAME = "chris-oag"
+VERSION = "0.0.1a1"
+ "urllib3 >= 1.25.3, < 2.1.0",
+ "python-dateutil",
+ "pydantic >= 2",
+ "typing-extensions >= 4.7.1",
+ name=NAME,
+ version=VERSION,
+ description="ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API",
+ author="Fetal-Neonatal Neuroimaging Developmental Science Center",
+ author_email="dev@babymri.org",
+ url="",
+ keywords=["OpenAPI", "OpenAPI-Generator", "ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API"],
+ install_requires=REQUIRES,
+ packages=find_packages(exclude=["test", "tests"]),
+ include_package_data=True,
+ license="MIT",
+ long_description_content_type='text/markdown',
+ long_description="""\
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ """, # noqa: E501
+ package_data={"chris_oag": ["py.typed"]},
diff --git a/python/test-requirements.txt b/python/test-requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e6d8cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test-requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/python/test/__init__.py b/python/test/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/python/test/test_auth_token.py b/python/test/test_auth_token.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d83dac3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_auth_token.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token import AuthToken
+class TestAuthToken(unittest.TestCase):
+ """AuthToken unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> AuthToken:
+ """Test AuthToken
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `AuthToken`
+ """
+ model = AuthToken()
+ if include_optional:
+ return AuthToken(
+ token = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return AuthToken(
+ token = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testAuthToken(self):
+ """Test AuthToken"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_auth_token_api.py b/python/test/test_auth_token_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0810504
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_auth_token_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.auth_token_api import AuthTokenApi
+class TestAuthTokenApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """AuthTokenApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = AuthTokenApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_auth_token_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for auth_token_create
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_auth_token_request.py b/python/test/test_auth_token_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bc0acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_auth_token_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.auth_token_request import AuthTokenRequest
+class TestAuthTokenRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """AuthTokenRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> AuthTokenRequest:
+ """Test AuthTokenRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `AuthTokenRequest`
+ """
+ model = AuthTokenRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return AuthTokenRequest(
+ username = '0',
+ password = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return AuthTokenRequest(
+ username = '0',
+ password = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testAuthTokenRequest(self):
+ """Test AuthTokenRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_blank_enum.py b/python/test/test_blank_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9034c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_blank_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.blank_enum import BlankEnum
+class TestBlankEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """BlankEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testBlankEnum(self):
+ """Test BlankEnum"""
+ # inst = BlankEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_bool_parameter.py b/python/test/test_bool_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e219204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_bool_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.bool_parameter import BoolParameter
+class TestBoolParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """BoolParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> BoolParameter:
+ """Test BoolParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `BoolParameter`
+ """
+ model = BoolParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return BoolParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = True,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return BoolParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = True,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testBoolParameter(self):
+ """Test BoolParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_chris_admin_api.py b/python/test/test_chris_admin_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be9906e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_chris_admin_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.chris_admin_api import ChrisAdminApi
+class TestChrisAdminApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ChrisAdminApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = ChrisAdminApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_computeresources_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_chris_admin_api_v1_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chris_admin_api_v1_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_chris_instance.py b/python/test/test_chris_instance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e506509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_chris_instance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.chris_instance import ChrisInstance
+class TestChrisInstance(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ChrisInstance unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> ChrisInstance:
+ """Test ChrisInstance
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `ChrisInstance`
+ """
+ model = ChrisInstance()
+ if include_optional:
+ return ChrisInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ uuid = '',
+ job_id_prefix = '',
+ description = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return ChrisInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ )
+ """
+ def testChrisInstance(self):
+ """Test ChrisInstance"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_chrisinstance_api.py b/python/test/test_chrisinstance_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbcf104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_chrisinstance_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.chrisinstance_api import ChrisinstanceApi
+class TestChrisinstanceApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ChrisinstanceApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = ChrisinstanceApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_chrisinstance_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for chrisinstance_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_comment.py b/python/test/test_comment.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62f3c4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_comment.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.comment import Comment
+class TestComment(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Comment unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Comment:
+ """Test Comment
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Comment`
+ """
+ model = Comment()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Comment(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ content = '',
+ feed = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Comment(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ feed = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testComment(self):
+ """Test Comment"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_comment_request.py b/python/test/test_comment_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6812a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_comment_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.comment_request import CommentRequest
+class TestCommentRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """CommentRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> CommentRequest:
+ """Test CommentRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `CommentRequest`
+ """
+ model = CommentRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return CommentRequest(
+ title = '',
+ content = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return CommentRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testCommentRequest(self):
+ """Test CommentRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_comments_api.py b/python/test/test_comments_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bde6789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_comments_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.comments_api import CommentsApi
+class TestCommentsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """CommentsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = CommentsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_comments_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_comments_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for comments_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_compute_resource.py b/python/test/test_compute_resource.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d874dd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_compute_resource.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource import ComputeResource
+class TestComputeResource(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ComputeResource unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> ComputeResource:
+ """Test ComputeResource
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `ComputeResource`
+ """
+ model = ComputeResource()
+ if include_optional:
+ return ComputeResource(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ compute_url = '',
+ compute_auth_url = '',
+ compute_innetwork = True,
+ description = '',
+ max_job_exec_seconds = -2147483648
+ )
+ else:
+ return ComputeResource(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ compute_url = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testComputeResource(self):
+ """Test ComputeResource"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_compute_resource_request.py b/python/test/test_compute_resource_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb7d633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_compute_resource_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.compute_resource_request import ComputeResourceRequest
+class TestComputeResourceRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ComputeResourceRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> ComputeResourceRequest:
+ """Test ComputeResourceRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `ComputeResourceRequest`
+ """
+ model = ComputeResourceRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return ComputeResourceRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ compute_url = '0',
+ compute_auth_url = '',
+ compute_innetwork = True,
+ compute_user = '0123',
+ compute_password = '01234567',
+ compute_auth_token = '0',
+ description = '',
+ max_job_exec_seconds = -2147483648
+ )
+ else:
+ return ComputeResourceRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ compute_url = '0',
+ compute_user = '0123',
+ compute_password = '01234567',
+ )
+ """
+ def testComputeResourceRequest(self):
+ """Test ComputeResourceRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_computeresources_api.py b/python/test/test_computeresources_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4efb1a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_computeresources_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.computeresources_api import ComputeresourcesApi
+class TestComputeresourcesApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ComputeresourcesApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = ComputeresourcesApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_computeresources_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for computeresources_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_computeresources_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for computeresources_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_computeresources_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for computeresources_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_default_api.py b/python/test/test_default_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c29d049
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_default_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.default_api import DefaultApi
+class TestDefaultApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = DefaultApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_root_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for root_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_root_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for root_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_root_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for root_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_root_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for root_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter.py b/python/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..069be80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter import DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+class TestDefaultPipingBoolParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingBoolParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingBoolParameter:
+ """Test DefaultPipingBoolParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingBoolParameter`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingBoolParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingBoolParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = True,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingBoolParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingBoolParameter(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingBoolParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py b/python/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4586e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_default_piping_bool_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_bool_parameter_request import DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+class TestDefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest:
+ """Test DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(
+ value = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingBoolParameterRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter.py b/python/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdab0f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter import DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+class TestDefaultPipingFloatParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingFloatParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingFloatParameter:
+ """Test DefaultPipingFloatParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingFloatParameter`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingFloatParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingFloatParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = 1.337,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingFloatParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingFloatParameter(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingFloatParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter_request.py b/python/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd9c378
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_default_piping_float_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_float_parameter_request import DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+class TestDefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest:
+ """Test DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(
+ value = 1.337
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingFloatParameterRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter.py b/python/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a854d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter import DefaultPipingIntParameter
+class TestDefaultPipingIntParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingIntParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingIntParameter:
+ """Test DefaultPipingIntParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingIntParameter`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingIntParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingIntParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = -2147483648,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingIntParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingIntParameter(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingIntParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter_request.py b/python/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8015f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_default_piping_int_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_int_parameter_request import DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+class TestDefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest:
+ """Test DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(
+ value = -2147483648
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingIntParameterRequest(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingIntParameterRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter.py b/python/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..012dab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter import DefaultPipingStrParameter
+class TestDefaultPipingStrParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingStrParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingStrParameter:
+ """Test DefaultPipingStrParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingStrParameter`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingStrParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingStrParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingStrParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingStrParameter(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingStrParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter_request.py b/python/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83550c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_default_piping_str_parameter_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.default_piping_str_parameter_request import DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+class TestDefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest:
+ """Test DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest`
+ """
+ model = DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(
+ value = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testDefaultPipingStrParameterRequest(self):
+ """Test DefaultPipingStrParameterRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_downloadtokens_api.py b/python/test/test_downloadtokens_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64659ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_downloadtokens_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.downloadtokens_api import DownloadtokensApi
+class TestDownloadtokensApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """DownloadtokensApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = DownloadtokensApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_downloadtokens_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for downloadtokens_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_downloadtokens_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for downloadtokens_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_downloadtokens_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for downloadtokens_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_downloadtokens_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for downloadtokens_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_feed.py b/python/test/test_feed.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2010093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_feed.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.feed import Feed
+class TestFeed(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Feed unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Feed:
+ """Test Feed
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Feed`
+ """
+ model = Feed()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Feed(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ folder_path = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ folder = '',
+ note = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ tags = '',
+ taggings = '',
+ comments = '',
+ plugin_instances = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Feed(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ owner_username = '',
+ folder_path = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ folder = '',
+ note = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ tags = '',
+ taggings = '',
+ comments = '',
+ plugin_instances = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeed(self):
+ """Test Feed"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_feed_group_permission.py b/python/test/test_feed_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b990e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_feed_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission import FeedGroupPermission
+class TestFeedGroupPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedGroupPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedGroupPermission:
+ """Test FeedGroupPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedGroupPermission`
+ """
+ model = FeedGroupPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ feed = '',
+ group = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ feed = '',
+ group = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedGroupPermission(self):
+ """Test FeedGroupPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_feed_group_permission_request.py b/python/test/test_feed_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..150843d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_feed_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission_request import FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+class TestFeedGroupPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedGroupPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedGroupPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FeedGroupPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedGroupPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FeedGroupPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedGroupPermissionRequest(
+ grp_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedGroupPermissionRequest(
+ grp_name = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedGroupPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FeedGroupPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_feed_request.py b/python/test/test_feed_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0447123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_feed_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.feed_request import FeedRequest
+class TestFeedRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedRequest:
+ """Test FeedRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedRequest`
+ """
+ model = FeedRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedRequest(
+ name = '',
+ public = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedRequest(self):
+ """Test FeedRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_feed_user_permission.py b/python/test/test_feed_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d96bfd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_feed_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission import FeedUserPermission
+class TestFeedUserPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedUserPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedUserPermission:
+ """Test FeedUserPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedUserPermission`
+ """
+ model = FeedUserPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ feed = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ feed = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedUserPermission(self):
+ """Test FeedUserPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_feed_user_permission_request.py b/python/test/test_feed_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..634dd5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_feed_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission_request import FeedUserPermissionRequest
+class TestFeedUserPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FeedUserPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FeedUserPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FeedUserPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FeedUserPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FeedUserPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FeedUserPermissionRequest(
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FeedUserPermissionRequest(
+ username = '0123',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFeedUserPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FeedUserPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_file.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c042d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file import FileBrowserFile
+class TestFileBrowserFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFile:
+ """Test FileBrowserFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFile`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fsize = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFile(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..052fcef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission import FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+class TestFileBrowserFileGroupPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileGroupPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileGroupPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileGroupPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileGroupPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ file = '',
+ group = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ file = '',
+ group = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileGroupPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileGroupPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32213ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ grp_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileGroupPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_file_request.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..226fedb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_request import FileBrowserFileRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFileRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileRequest(
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ public = True,
+ new_file_path = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55366c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission import FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+class TestFileBrowserFileUserPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileUserPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileUserPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileUserPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileUserPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ file = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ file = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileUserPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileUserPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b62984f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_file_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFileUserPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_folder.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f29a87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder import FileBrowserFolder
+class TestFileBrowserFolder(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolder unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolder:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolder
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolder`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolder()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolder(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ path = '',
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ parent = '',
+ children = '',
+ files = '',
+ link_files = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolder(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ owner_username = '',
+ parent = '',
+ children = '',
+ files = '',
+ link_files = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolder(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolder"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa6b8fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+class TestFileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ folder = '',
+ group = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ folder = '',
+ group = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53f3481
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ grp_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_request.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1226636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_request import FileBrowserFolderRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFolderRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderRequest(
+ path = '0',
+ public = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50e0837
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission import FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+class TestFileBrowserFolderUserPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderUserPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderUserPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderUserPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderUserPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ folder = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ folder = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderUserPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderUserPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94ca2a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_folder_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission_request import FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserFolderUserPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3227d9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file import FileBrowserLinkFile
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFile:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFile`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ path = '',
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ linked_folder = '',
+ linked_file = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fsize = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ linked_folder = '',
+ linked_file = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFile(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68dd1ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ group = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ group = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aeef2fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ grp_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_request.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40c6557
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_request import FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileRequest(
+ path = '0',
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ public = True,
+ new_link_file_path = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42be493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5a8c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission_request import FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+class TestFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest:
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(
+ permission = 'r',
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest(self):
+ """Test FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_download_token.py b/python/test/test_file_download_token.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9551e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_download_token.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token import FileDownloadToken
+class TestFileDownloadToken(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileDownloadToken unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileDownloadToken:
+ """Test FileDownloadToken
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileDownloadToken`
+ """
+ model = FileDownloadToken()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileDownloadToken(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ token = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileDownloadToken(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ owner_username = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileDownloadToken(self):
+ """Test FileDownloadToken"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_file_download_token_request.py b/python/test/test_file_download_token_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..108ef00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_file_download_token_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.file_download_token_request import FileDownloadTokenRequest
+class TestFileDownloadTokenRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FileDownloadTokenRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FileDownloadTokenRequest:
+ """Test FileDownloadTokenRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FileDownloadTokenRequest`
+ """
+ model = FileDownloadTokenRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FileDownloadTokenRequest(
+ token = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return FileDownloadTokenRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testFileDownloadTokenRequest(self):
+ """Test FileDownloadTokenRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_filebrowser_api.py b/python/test/test_filebrowser_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5050ec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_filebrowser_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.filebrowser_api import FilebrowserApi
+class TestFilebrowserApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FilebrowserApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = FilebrowserApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_children_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_children_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_grouppermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_files_userpermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_grouppermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_grouppermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_grouppermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_linkfiles_userpermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_filebrowser_userpermissions_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for filebrowser_userpermissions_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_float_parameter.py b/python/test/test_float_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe3f086
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_float_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.float_parameter import FloatParameter
+class TestFloatParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FloatParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> FloatParameter:
+ """Test FloatParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `FloatParameter`
+ """
+ model = FloatParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return FloatParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = 1.337,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return FloatParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = 1.337,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testFloatParameter(self):
+ """Test FloatParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_ftype_enum.py b/python/test/test_ftype_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b40c6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_ftype_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.ftype_enum import FtypeEnum
+class TestFtypeEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """FtypeEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testFtypeEnum(self):
+ """Test FtypeEnum"""
+ # inst = FtypeEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter.py b/python/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b669e8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter import GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+class TestGenericDefaultPipingParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GenericDefaultPipingParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GenericDefaultPipingParameter:
+ """Test GenericDefaultPipingParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GenericDefaultPipingParameter`
+ """
+ model = GenericDefaultPipingParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GenericDefaultPipingParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = None,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return GenericDefaultPipingParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = None,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGenericDefaultPipingParameter(self):
+ """Test GenericDefaultPipingParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py b/python/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..02c9cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_generic_default_piping_parameter_value.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter_value import GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+class TestGenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue:
+ """Test GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue`
+ """
+ model = GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(
+ )
+ else:
+ return GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(
+ )
+ """
+ def testGenericDefaultPipingParameterValue(self):
+ """Test GenericDefaultPipingParameterValue"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_generic_parameter.py b/python/test/test_generic_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcec6eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_generic_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.generic_parameter import GenericParameter
+class TestGenericParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GenericParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GenericParameter:
+ """Test GenericParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GenericParameter`
+ """
+ model = GenericParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GenericParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = None,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return GenericParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = None,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGenericParameter(self):
+ """Test GenericParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_group.py b/python/test/test_group.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1624e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_group.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.group import Group
+class TestGroup(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Group unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Group:
+ """Test Group
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Group`
+ """
+ model = Group()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Group(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ users = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Group(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ users = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGroup(self):
+ """Test Group"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_group_request.py b/python/test/test_group_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5df1856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_group_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.group_request import GroupRequest
+class TestGroupRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GroupRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GroupRequest:
+ """Test GroupRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GroupRequest`
+ """
+ model = GroupRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GroupRequest(
+ name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return GroupRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGroupRequest(self):
+ """Test GroupRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_group_user.py b/python/test/test_group_user.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0ec494
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_group_user.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.group_user import GroupUser
+class TestGroupUser(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GroupUser unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GroupUser:
+ """Test GroupUser
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GroupUser`
+ """
+ model = GroupUser()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GroupUser(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ user_email = '',
+ group = '',
+ user = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return GroupUser(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ user_email = '',
+ group = '',
+ user = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGroupUser(self):
+ """Test GroupUser"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_group_user_request.py b/python/test/test_group_user_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..561c5a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_group_user_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.group_user_request import GroupUserRequest
+class TestGroupUserRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GroupUserRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> GroupUserRequest:
+ """Test GroupUserRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `GroupUserRequest`
+ """
+ model = GroupUserRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return GroupUserRequest(
+ username = '0123'
+ )
+ else:
+ return GroupUserRequest(
+ username = '0123',
+ )
+ """
+ def testGroupUserRequest(self):
+ """Test GroupUserRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_grouppermissions_api.py b/python/test/test_grouppermissions_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92bca10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_grouppermissions_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.grouppermissions_api import GrouppermissionsApi
+class TestGrouppermissionsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GrouppermissionsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = GrouppermissionsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_grouppermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for grouppermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_groups_api.py b/python/test/test_groups_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c5b269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_groups_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.groups_api import GroupsApi
+class TestGroupsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """GroupsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = GroupsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_groups_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_groups_users_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for groups_users_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_int_parameter.py b/python/test/test_int_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1322155
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_int_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.int_parameter import IntParameter
+class TestIntParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """IntParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> IntParameter:
+ """Test IntParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `IntParameter`
+ """
+ model = IntParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return IntParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = -2147483648,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return IntParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = -2147483648,
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testIntParameter(self):
+ """Test IntParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_note.py b/python/test/test_note.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c8c37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_note.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.note import Note
+class TestNote(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Note unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Note:
+ """Test Note
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Note`
+ """
+ model = Note()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Note(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ content = '',
+ feed = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Note(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testNote(self):
+ """Test Note"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_note_api.py b/python/test/test_note_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72cdb78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_note_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.note_api import NoteApi
+class TestNoteApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """NoteApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = NoteApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_note_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for note_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_note_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for note_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_note_request.py b/python/test/test_note_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..42c0928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_note_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.note_request import NoteRequest
+class TestNoteRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """NoteRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> NoteRequest:
+ """Test NoteRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `NoteRequest`
+ """
+ model = NoteRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return NoteRequest(
+ title = '',
+ content = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return NoteRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testNoteRequest(self):
+ """Test NoteRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pacs_api.py b/python/test/test_pacs_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dd82f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pacs_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.pacs_api import PacsApi
+class TestPacsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PacsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PacsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_files_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_files_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_files_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_files_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_files_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_files_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_files_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_files_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_series_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_series_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_series_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_series_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pacs_series_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pacs_series_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pacs_file.py b/python/test/test_pacs_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9adacfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pacs_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_file import PACSFile
+class TestPACSFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PACSFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PACSFile:
+ """Test PACSFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PACSFile`
+ """
+ model = PACSFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PACSFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PACSFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPACSFile(self):
+ """Test PACSFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pacs_series.py b/python/test/test_pacs_series.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46455c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pacs_series.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series import PACSSeries
+class TestPACSSeries(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PACSSeries unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PACSSeries:
+ """Test PACSSeries
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PACSSeries`
+ """
+ model = PACSSeries()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PACSSeries(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ patient_id = '',
+ patient_name = '',
+ patient_birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ patient_age = -2147483648,
+ patient_sex = None,
+ study_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ accession_number = '',
+ modality = '',
+ protocol_name = '',
+ study_instance_uid = '',
+ study_description = '',
+ series_instance_uid = '',
+ series_description = '',
+ pacs_identifier = '',
+ folder = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PACSSeries(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ patient_id = '',
+ study_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ study_instance_uid = '',
+ series_instance_uid = '',
+ pacs_identifier = '',
+ folder = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPACSSeries(self):
+ """Test PACSSeries"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pacs_series_patient_sex.py b/python/test/test_pacs_series_patient_sex.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dbe2ae0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pacs_series_patient_sex.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.pacs_series_patient_sex import PACSSeriesPatientSex
+class TestPACSSeriesPatientSex(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PACSSeriesPatientSex unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PACSSeriesPatientSex:
+ """Test PACSSeriesPatientSex
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PACSSeriesPatientSex`
+ """
+ model = PACSSeriesPatientSex()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PACSSeriesPatientSex(
+ )
+ else:
+ return PACSSeriesPatientSex(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPACSSeriesPatientSex(self):
+ """Test PACSSeriesPatientSex"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_comment_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_comment_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df9e87b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_comment_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_comment_list import PaginatedCommentList
+class TestPaginatedCommentList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedCommentList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedCommentList:
+ """Test PaginatedCommentList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedCommentList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedCommentList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedCommentList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.comment.Comment(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ content = '',
+ feed = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedCommentList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedCommentList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedCommentList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_compute_resource_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_compute_resource_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2a48d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_compute_resource_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_compute_resource_list import PaginatedComputeResourceList
+class TestPaginatedComputeResourceList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedComputeResourceList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedComputeResourceList:
+ """Test PaginatedComputeResourceList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedComputeResourceList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedComputeResourceList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedComputeResourceList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.compute_resource.ComputeResource(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ compute_url = '',
+ compute_auth_url = '',
+ compute_innetwork = True,
+ description = '',
+ max_job_exec_seconds = -2147483648, )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedComputeResourceList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedComputeResourceList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedComputeResourceList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a5dc45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_feed_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_group_permission_list import PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.feed_group_permission.FeedGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ feed = '',
+ group = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFeedGroupPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_feed_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_feed_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1d185f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_feed_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_list import PaginatedFeedList
+class TestPaginatedFeedList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFeedList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFeedList:
+ """Test PaginatedFeedList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFeedList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFeedList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFeedList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.feed.Feed(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ folder_path = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ folder = '',
+ note = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ tags = '',
+ taggings = '',
+ comments = '',
+ plugin_instances = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFeedList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFeedList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFeedList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed4563f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_feed_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_feed_user_permission_list import PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.feed_user_permission.FeedUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ feed_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ feed = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFeedUserPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFeedUserPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e5a147
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_group_permission.FileBrowserFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ file = '',
+ group = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileGroupPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4eecd50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_browser_file.FileBrowserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0349be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_browser_file_user_permission.FileBrowserFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ file_id = 56,
+ file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ file = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFileUserPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ea4e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_group_permission.FileBrowserFolderGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ folder = '',
+ group = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderGroupPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ab2d5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder.FileBrowserFolder(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ path = '',
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ parent = '',
+ children = '',
+ files = '',
+ link_files = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFolderList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ed2d53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_folder_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_browser_folder_user_permission.FileBrowserFolderUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ folder_id = 56,
+ folder_path = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ folder = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserFolderUserPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e002c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_group_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_group_permission.FileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ group = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileGroupPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7868988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file.FileBrowserLinkFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ path = '',
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ linked_folder = '',
+ linked_file = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b709c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_browser_link_file_user_permission_list import PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+class TestPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_browser_link_file_user_permission.FileBrowserLinkFileUserPermission(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ permission = 'r',
+ link_file_id = 56,
+ link_file_fname = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ link_file = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileBrowserLinkFileUserPermissionList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_file_download_token_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_file_download_token_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13fd600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_file_download_token_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_file_download_token_list import PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+class TestPaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList:
+ """Test PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.file_download_token.FileDownloadToken(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ token = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedFileDownloadTokenList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedFileDownloadTokenList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..258fd87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_default_piping_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+class TestPaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList:
+ """Test PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.generic_default_piping_parameter.GenericDefaultPipingParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ value = null,
+ type = null,
+ plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping_title = '',
+ previous_plugin_piping_id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ param_id = 56,
+ plugin_piping = '',
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_param = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedGenericDefaultPipingParameterList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_generic_parameter_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_generic_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d6fc08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_generic_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_generic_parameter_list import PaginatedGenericParameterList
+class TestPaginatedGenericParameterList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedGenericParameterList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedGenericParameterList:
+ """Test PaginatedGenericParameterList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedGenericParameterList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedGenericParameterList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedGenericParameterList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.generic_parameter.GenericParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = null,
+ type = null,
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedGenericParameterList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedGenericParameterList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedGenericParameterList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_group_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_group_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..529fd54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_group_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_list import PaginatedGroupList
+class TestPaginatedGroupList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedGroupList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedGroupList:
+ """Test PaginatedGroupList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedGroupList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedGroupList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedGroupList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.group.Group(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ users = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedGroupList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedGroupList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedGroupList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_group_user_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_group_user_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..926014d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_group_user_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_group_user_list import PaginatedGroupUserList
+class TestPaginatedGroupUserList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedGroupUserList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedGroupUserList:
+ """Test PaginatedGroupUserList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedGroupUserList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedGroupUserList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedGroupUserList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.group_user.GroupUser(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ group_id = 56,
+ group_name = '',
+ user_id = 56,
+ user_username = '',
+ user_email = '',
+ group = '',
+ user = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedGroupUserList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedGroupUserList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedGroupUserList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_pacs_file_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_pacs_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be80c38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_pacs_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_file_list import PaginatedPACSFileList
+class TestPaginatedPACSFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPACSFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPACSFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedPACSFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPACSFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPACSFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPACSFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.pacs_file.PACSFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPACSFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPACSFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPACSFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_pacs_series_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_pacs_series_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8b73c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_pacs_series_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pacs_series_list import PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+class TestPaginatedPACSSeriesList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPACSSeriesList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPACSSeriesList:
+ """Test PaginatedPACSSeriesList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPACSSeriesList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPACSSeriesList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPACSSeriesList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.pacs_series.PACSSeries(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ patient_id = '',
+ patient_name = '',
+ patient_birth_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ patient_age = -2147483648,
+ patient_sex = null,
+ study_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('1975-12-30', '%Y-%m-%d').date(),
+ accession_number = '',
+ modality = '',
+ protocol_name = '',
+ study_instance_uid = '',
+ study_description = '',
+ series_instance_uid = '',
+ series_description = '',
+ pacs_identifier = '',
+ folder = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPACSSeriesList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPACSSeriesList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPACSSeriesList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_pipeline_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_pipeline_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dd658f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_pipeline_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_list import PaginatedPipelineList
+class TestPaginatedPipelineList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPipelineList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPipelineList:
+ """Test PaginatedPipelineList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPipelineList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPipelineList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPipelineList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.pipeline.Pipeline(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ locked = True,
+ authors = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ plugins = '',
+ plugin_pipings = '',
+ default_parameters = '',
+ workflows = '',
+ json_repr = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPipelineList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPipelineList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPipelineList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4d4ad9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_pipeline_source_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_pipeline_source_file_list import PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+class TestPaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file.PipelineSourceFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ ftype = null,
+ uploader_username = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPipelineSourceFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPipelineSourceFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_admin_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_admin_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6d4e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_admin_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_admin_list import PaginatedPluginAdminList
+class TestPaginatedPluginAdminList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginAdminList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginAdminList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginAdminList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginAdminList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginAdminList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginAdminList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.plugin_admin.PluginAdmin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = null,
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginAdminList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginAdminList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginAdminList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20c5a9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+class TestPaginatedPluginInstanceList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginInstanceList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginInstanceList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginInstanceList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginInstanceList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginInstanceList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.plugin_instance.PluginInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ previous_id = 56,
+ compute_resource_name = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_type = null,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ output_path = '',
+ status = 'created',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ workflow_id = 56,
+ summary = '',
+ raw = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ cpu_limit = 56,
+ memory_limit = 56,
+ number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ size = -9223372036854775808,
+ error_code = '',
+ output_folder = '',
+ previous = '',
+ feed = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ workflow = '',
+ compute_resource = '',
+ descendants = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ splits = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginInstanceList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginInstanceList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginInstanceList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b970ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_instance_split_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_instance_split_list import PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+class TestPaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split.PluginInstanceSplit(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ filter = '',
+ plugin_inst_id = 56,
+ created_plugin_inst_ids = '',
+ plugin_inst = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginInstanceSplitList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a5c88f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_list import PaginatedPluginList
+class TestPaginatedPluginList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.plugin.Plugin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = null,
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_meta_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_meta_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b4fb2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_meta_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_meta_list import PaginatedPluginMetaList
+class TestPaginatedPluginMetaList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginMetaList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginMetaList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginMetaList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginMetaList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginMetaList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginMetaList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.plugin_meta.PluginMeta(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ title = '',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ public_repo = '',
+ license = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ icon = '',
+ category = '',
+ authors = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ plugins = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginMetaList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginMetaList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginMetaList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c09c142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_parameter_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_parameter_list import PaginatedPluginParameterList
+class TestPaginatedPluginParameterList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginParameterList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginParameterList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginParameterList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginParameterList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginParameterList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginParameterList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter.PluginParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ optional = True,
+ default = null,
+ flag = '',
+ short_flag = '',
+ action = '',
+ help = '',
+ ui_exposed = True,
+ plugin = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginParameterList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginParameterList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginParameterList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_piping_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_piping_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52c3937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_plugin_piping_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_plugin_piping_list import PaginatedPluginPipingList
+class TestPaginatedPluginPipingList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedPluginPipingList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedPluginPipingList:
+ """Test PaginatedPluginPipingList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedPluginPipingList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedPluginPipingList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedPluginPipingList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.plugin_piping.PluginPiping(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ previous_id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ previous = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ pipeline = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedPluginPipingList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedPluginPipingList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedPluginPipingList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_tag_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_tag_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad50df1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_tag_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tag_list import PaginatedTagList
+class TestPaginatedTagList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedTagList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedTagList:
+ """Test PaginatedTagList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedTagList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedTagList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedTagList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.tag.Tag(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ color = '',
+ feeds = '',
+ taggings = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedTagList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedTagList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedTagList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_tagging_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_tagging_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..babaf90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_tagging_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_tagging_list import PaginatedTaggingList
+class TestPaginatedTaggingList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedTaggingList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedTaggingList:
+ """Test PaginatedTaggingList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedTaggingList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedTaggingList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedTaggingList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.tagging.Tagging(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ tag_id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ tag = '',
+ feed = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedTaggingList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedTaggingList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedTaggingList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_user_file_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_user_file_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b14c42c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_user_file_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_file_list import PaginatedUserFileList
+class TestPaginatedUserFileList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedUserFileList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedUserFileList:
+ """Test PaginatedUserFileList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedUserFileList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedUserFileList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedUserFileList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.user_file.UserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedUserFileList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedUserFileList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedUserFileList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_user_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_user_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bda811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_user_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_user_list import PaginatedUserList
+class TestPaginatedUserList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedUserList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedUserList:
+ """Test PaginatedUserList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedUserList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedUserList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedUserList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.user.User(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '',
+ is_staff = True,
+ groups = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedUserList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedUserList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedUserList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_paginated_workflow_list.py b/python/test/test_paginated_workflow_list.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82065a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_paginated_workflow_list.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.paginated_workflow_list import PaginatedWorkflowList
+class TestPaginatedWorkflowList(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PaginatedWorkflowList unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PaginatedWorkflowList:
+ """Test PaginatedWorkflowList
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PaginatedWorkflowList`
+ """
+ model = PaginatedWorkflowList()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PaginatedWorkflowList(
+ count = 123,
+ next = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=400&limit=100',
+ previous = 'http://api.example.org/accounts/?offset=200&limit=100',
+ results = [
+ chris_oag.models.workflow.Workflow(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ title = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ pipeline = '',
+ plugin_instances = '', )
+ ]
+ )
+ else:
+ return PaginatedWorkflowList(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPaginatedWorkflowList(self):
+ """Test PaginatedWorkflowList"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_path_parameter.py b/python/test/test_path_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d13599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_path_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.path_parameter import PathParameter
+class TestPathParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PathParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PathParameter:
+ """Test PathParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PathParameter`
+ """
+ model = PathParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PathParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PathParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPathParameter(self):
+ """Test PathParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_patient_sex_enum.py b/python/test/test_patient_sex_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb04e9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_patient_sex_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.patient_sex_enum import PatientSexEnum
+class TestPatientSexEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PatientSexEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testPatientSexEnum(self):
+ """Test PatientSexEnum"""
+ # inst = PatientSexEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_permission_enum.py b/python/test/test_permission_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c17f4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_permission_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.permission_enum import PermissionEnum
+class TestPermissionEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PermissionEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testPermissionEnum(self):
+ """Test PermissionEnum"""
+ # inst = PermissionEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pipeline.py b/python/test/test_pipeline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09572d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pipeline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline import Pipeline
+class TestPipeline(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Pipeline unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Pipeline:
+ """Test Pipeline
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Pipeline`
+ """
+ model = Pipeline()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Pipeline(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ locked = True,
+ authors = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ plugins = '',
+ plugin_pipings = '',
+ default_parameters = '',
+ workflows = '',
+ json_repr = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Pipeline(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ plugins = '',
+ plugin_pipings = '',
+ default_parameters = '',
+ workflows = '',
+ json_repr = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipeline(self):
+ """Test Pipeline"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pipeline_custom_json.py b/python/test/test_pipeline_custom_json.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..458a398
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pipeline_custom_json.py
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_custom_json import PipelineCustomJson
+class TestPipelineCustomJson(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineCustomJson unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineCustomJson:
+ """Test PipelineCustomJson
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineCustomJson`
+ """
+ model = PipelineCustomJson()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineCustomJson(
+ url = '',
+ name = '',
+ locked = True,
+ authors = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ plugin_tree = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineCustomJson(
+ url = '',
+ name = '',
+ plugin_tree = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineCustomJson(self):
+ """Test PipelineCustomJson"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pipeline_request.py b/python/test/test_pipeline_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba77cbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pipeline_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_request import PipelineRequest
+class TestPipelineRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineRequest:
+ """Test PipelineRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineRequest`
+ """
+ model = PipelineRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ locked = True,
+ authors = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ plugin_tree = None,
+ plugin_inst_id = 1
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineRequest(
+ name = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineRequest(self):
+ """Test PipelineRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pipeline_source_file.py b/python/test/test_pipeline_source_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b262500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pipeline_source_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file import PipelineSourceFile
+class TestPipelineSourceFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineSourceFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineSourceFile:
+ """Test PipelineSourceFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineSourceFile`
+ """
+ model = PipelineSourceFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineSourceFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ ftype = None,
+ uploader_username = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineSourceFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ ftype = None,
+ uploader_username = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineSourceFile(self):
+ """Test PipelineSourceFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pipeline_source_file_ftype.py b/python/test/test_pipeline_source_file_ftype.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db8ab6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pipeline_source_file_ftype.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_ftype import PipelineSourceFileFtype
+class TestPipelineSourceFileFtype(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineSourceFileFtype unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineSourceFileFtype:
+ """Test PipelineSourceFileFtype
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineSourceFileFtype`
+ """
+ model = PipelineSourceFileFtype()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineSourceFileFtype(
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineSourceFileFtype(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineSourceFileFtype(self):
+ """Test PipelineSourceFileFtype"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pipeline_source_file_request.py b/python/test/test_pipeline_source_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edd2cd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pipeline_source_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.pipeline_source_file_request import PipelineSourceFileRequest
+class TestPipelineSourceFileRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelineSourceFileRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PipelineSourceFileRequest:
+ """Test PipelineSourceFileRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PipelineSourceFileRequest`
+ """
+ model = PipelineSourceFileRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PipelineSourceFileRequest(
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ public = True,
+ type = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return PipelineSourceFileRequest(
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ )
+ """
+ def testPipelineSourceFileRequest(self):
+ """Test PipelineSourceFileRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_pipelines_api.py b/python/test/test_pipelines_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2931e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_pipelines_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.pipelines_api import PipelinesApi
+class TestPipelinesApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PipelinesApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PipelinesApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_all_workflows_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for all_workflows_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_boolean_parameter_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_boolean_parameter_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_float_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_float_parameter_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_float_parameter_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_integer_parameter_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_integer_parameter_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_json_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_json_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_parameters_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_parameters_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_pipings_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_pipings_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_pipings_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_pipings_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_plugins_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_plugins_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_sourcefiles_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_string_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_string_parameter_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_string_parameter_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_plugininstances_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_pipelines_workflows_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for pipelines_workflows_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_workflows_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for workflows_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin.py b/python/test/test_plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..299bf93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin import Plugin
+class TestPlugin(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Plugin unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Plugin:
+ """Test Plugin
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Plugin`
+ """
+ model = Plugin()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Plugin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Plugin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPlugin(self):
+ """Test Plugin"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_admin.py b/python/test/test_plugin_admin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cbee01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_admin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin import PluginAdmin
+class TestPluginAdmin(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginAdmin unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginAdmin:
+ """Test PluginAdmin
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginAdmin`
+ """
+ model = PluginAdmin()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginAdmin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ version = '',
+ dock_image = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ description = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ execshell = '',
+ selfpath = '',
+ selfexec = '',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginAdmin(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ public_repo = '',
+ icon = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ authors = '',
+ title = '',
+ category = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ license = '',
+ meta = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ instances = '',
+ compute_resources = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginAdmin(self):
+ """Test PluginAdmin"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_admin_request.py b/python/test/test_plugin_admin_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0bc7d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_admin_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_admin_request import PluginAdminRequest
+class TestPluginAdminRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginAdminRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginAdminRequest:
+ """Test PluginAdminRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginAdminRequest`
+ """
+ model = PluginAdminRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginAdminRequest(
+ version = '0',
+ dock_image = '0',
+ description = '',
+ execshell = '0',
+ selfpath = '0',
+ selfexec = '0',
+ min_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ max_number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ min_cpu_limit = 56,
+ max_cpu_limit = 56,
+ min_memory_limit = 56,
+ max_memory_limit = 56,
+ min_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ max_gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ plugin_store_url = '0',
+ compute_names = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginAdminRequest(
+ compute_names = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginAdminRequest(self):
+ """Test PluginAdminRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_instance.py b/python/test/test_plugin_instance.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d0367d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_instance.py
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance import PluginInstance
+class TestPluginInstance(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginInstance unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginInstance:
+ """Test PluginInstance
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginInstance`
+ """
+ model = PluginInstance()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ previous_id = 56,
+ compute_resource_name = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_type = 'ds',
+ feed_id = 56,
+ start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ output_path = '',
+ status = 'created',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ workflow_id = 56,
+ summary = '',
+ raw = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ cpu_limit = 56,
+ memory_limit = 56,
+ number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ size = -9223372036854775808,
+ error_code = '',
+ output_folder = '',
+ previous = '',
+ feed = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ workflow = '',
+ compute_resource = '',
+ descendants = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ splits = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginInstance(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ previous_id = 56,
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ plugin_type = 'ds',
+ feed_id = 56,
+ start_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ end_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ output_path = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ workflow_id = 56,
+ summary = '',
+ raw = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ size = -9223372036854775808,
+ error_code = '',
+ output_folder = '',
+ previous = '',
+ feed = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ workflow = '',
+ compute_resource = '',
+ descendants = '',
+ parameters = '',
+ splits = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginInstance(self):
+ """Test PluginInstance"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_instance_request.py b/python/test/test_plugin_instance_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cb4902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_instance_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_request import PluginInstanceRequest
+class TestPluginInstanceRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginInstanceRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginInstanceRequest:
+ """Test PluginInstanceRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginInstanceRequest`
+ """
+ model = PluginInstanceRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginInstanceRequest(
+ title = '',
+ compute_resource_name = '0',
+ status = 'created',
+ cpu_limit = 56,
+ memory_limit = 56,
+ number_of_workers = -2147483648,
+ gpu_limit = -2147483648,
+ previous_id = 1
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginInstanceRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginInstanceRequest(self):
+ """Test PluginInstanceRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_instance_split.py b/python/test/test_plugin_instance_split.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6274f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_instance_split.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split import PluginInstanceSplit
+class TestPluginInstanceSplit(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginInstanceSplit unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginInstanceSplit:
+ """Test PluginInstanceSplit
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginInstanceSplit`
+ """
+ model = PluginInstanceSplit()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginInstanceSplit(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ filter = '',
+ plugin_inst_id = 56,
+ created_plugin_inst_ids = '',
+ plugin_inst = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginInstanceSplit(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ plugin_inst_id = 56,
+ created_plugin_inst_ids = '',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginInstanceSplit(self):
+ """Test PluginInstanceSplit"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_instance_split_request.py b/python/test/test_plugin_instance_split_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa8d6a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_instance_split_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_instance_split_request import PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+class TestPluginInstanceSplitRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginInstanceSplitRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginInstanceSplitRequest:
+ """Test PluginInstanceSplitRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginInstanceSplitRequest`
+ """
+ model = PluginInstanceSplitRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginInstanceSplitRequest(
+ filter = '',
+ compute_resource_name = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginInstanceSplitRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginInstanceSplitRequest(self):
+ """Test PluginInstanceSplitRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_meta.py b/python/test/test_plugin_meta.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..214eb1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_meta.py
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_meta import PluginMeta
+class TestPluginMeta(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginMeta unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginMeta:
+ """Test PluginMeta
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginMeta`
+ """
+ model = PluginMeta()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginMeta(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ title = '',
+ stars = -2147483648,
+ public_repo = '',
+ license = '',
+ type = 'ds',
+ icon = '',
+ category = '',
+ authors = '',
+ documentation = '',
+ plugins = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginMeta(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ modification_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ name = '',
+ plugins = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginMeta(self):
+ """Test PluginMeta"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_parameter.py b/python/test/test_plugin_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ea0d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter import PluginParameter
+class TestPluginParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginParameter:
+ """Test PluginParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginParameter`
+ """
+ model = PluginParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ optional = True,
+ default = None,
+ flag = '',
+ short_flag = '',
+ action = '',
+ help = '',
+ ui_exposed = True,
+ plugin = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ default = None,
+ flag = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginParameter(self):
+ """Test PluginParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_parameter_default.py b/python/test/test_plugin_parameter_default.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46b184b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_parameter_default.py
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_default import PluginParameterDefault
+class TestPluginParameterDefault(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginParameterDefault unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginParameterDefault:
+ """Test PluginParameterDefault
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginParameterDefault`
+ """
+ model = PluginParameterDefault()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginParameterDefault(
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginParameterDefault(
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginParameterDefault(self):
+ """Test PluginParameterDefault"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_parameter_type.py b/python/test/test_plugin_parameter_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb8128
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_parameter_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_parameter_type import PluginParameterType
+class TestPluginParameterType(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginParameterType unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testPluginParameterType(self):
+ """Test PluginParameterType"""
+ # inst = PluginParameterType()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_piping.py b/python/test/test_plugin_piping.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5cbf538
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_piping.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_piping import PluginPiping
+class TestPluginPiping(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginPiping unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> PluginPiping:
+ """Test PluginPiping
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `PluginPiping`
+ """
+ model = PluginPiping()
+ if include_optional:
+ return PluginPiping(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ previous_id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ previous = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ pipeline = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return PluginPiping(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ previous_id = 56,
+ title = '',
+ plugin_id = 56,
+ plugin_name = '',
+ plugin_version = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ previous = '',
+ plugin = '',
+ pipeline = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testPluginPiping(self):
+ """Test PluginPiping"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugin_type.py b/python/test/test_plugin_type.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e6fd324
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugin_type.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.plugin_type import PluginType
+class TestPluginType(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginType unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testPluginType(self):
+ """Test PluginType"""
+ # inst = PluginType()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugininstances_api.py b/python/test/test_plugininstances_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cd9f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugininstances_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.plugininstances_api import PlugininstancesApi
+class TestPlugininstancesApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PlugininstancesApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PlugininstancesApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_plugininstances_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugininstances_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_plugins_api.py b/python/test/test_plugins_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6921ec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_plugins_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.plugins_api import PluginsApi
+class TestPluginsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PluginsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PluginsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_all_plugins_instances_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for all_plugins_instances_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_boolean_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_computeresources_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_computeresources_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_float_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_float_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_descendants_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_descendants_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_parameters_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_parameters_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_splits_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_splits_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_splits_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_splits_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_splits_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_splits_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_instances_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_instances_update
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_integer_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_metas_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_metas_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_metas_plugins_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_metas_plugins_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_metas_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_metas_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_metas_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_metas_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_parameters_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_parameters_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_parameters_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_parameters_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_path_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_path_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_string_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_string_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for plugins_unextpath_parameter_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_publicfeeds_api.py b/python/test/test_publicfeeds_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f31b13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_publicfeeds_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.publicfeeds_api import PublicfeedsApi
+class TestPublicfeedsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """PublicfeedsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = PublicfeedsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_publicfeeds_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for publicfeeds_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_publicfeeds_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for publicfeeds_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_schema_api.py b/python/test/test_schema_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ed36fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_schema_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.schema_api import SchemaApi
+class TestSchemaApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """SchemaApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = SchemaApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_schema_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for schema_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_search_api.py b/python/test/test_search_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb93039
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_search_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.search_api import SearchApi
+class TestSearchApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """SearchApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = SearchApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_status_enum.py b/python/test/test_status_enum.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..233396c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_status_enum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.status_enum import StatusEnum
+class TestStatusEnum(unittest.TestCase):
+ """StatusEnum unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def testStatusEnum(self):
+ """Test StatusEnum"""
+ # inst = StatusEnum()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_str_parameter.py b/python/test/test_str_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..560b97b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_str_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.str_parameter import StrParameter
+class TestStrParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """StrParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> StrParameter:
+ """Test StrParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `StrParameter`
+ """
+ model = StrParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return StrParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return StrParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testStrParameter(self):
+ """Test StrParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_tag.py b/python/test/test_tag.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3338dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_tag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.tag import Tag
+class TestTag(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tag unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Tag:
+ """Test Tag
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Tag`
+ """
+ model = Tag()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Tag(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ color = '',
+ feeds = '',
+ taggings = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Tag(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ color = '',
+ feeds = '',
+ taggings = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testTag(self):
+ """Test Tag"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_tag_request.py b/python/test/test_tag_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..388ef1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_tag_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.tag_request import TagRequest
+class TestTagRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """TagRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> TagRequest:
+ """Test TagRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `TagRequest`
+ """
+ model = TagRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return TagRequest(
+ name = '',
+ color = '0'
+ )
+ else:
+ return TagRequest(
+ color = '0',
+ )
+ """
+ def testTagRequest(self):
+ """Test TagRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_tagging.py b/python/test/test_tagging.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffa796a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_tagging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.tagging import Tagging
+class TestTagging(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tagging unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Tagging:
+ """Test Tagging
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Tagging`
+ """
+ model = Tagging()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Tagging(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ tag_id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ tag = '',
+ feed = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Tagging(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ tag_id = 56,
+ feed_id = 56,
+ tag = '',
+ feed = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testTagging(self):
+ """Test Tagging"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_taggings_api.py b/python/test/test_taggings_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3af19f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_taggings_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.taggings_api import TaggingsApi
+class TestTaggingsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """TaggingsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = TaggingsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_taggings_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for taggings_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_taggings_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for taggings_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_taggings_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for taggings_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_taggings_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for taggings_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_tags_api.py b/python/test/test_tags_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..942d53e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_tags_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.tags_api import TagsApi
+class TestTagsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """TagsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = TagsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_feed_tags_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for feed_tags_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_feeds_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_feeds_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_taggings_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_taggings_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_taggings_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_taggings_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_tags_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for tags_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_unextpath_parameter.py b/python/test/test_unextpath_parameter.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e327cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_unextpath_parameter.py
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.unextpath_parameter import UnextpathParameter
+class TestUnextpathParameter(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UnextpathParameter unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> UnextpathParameter:
+ """Test UnextpathParameter
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `UnextpathParameter`
+ """
+ model = UnextpathParameter()
+ if include_optional:
+ return UnextpathParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return UnextpathParameter(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ param_name = '',
+ value = '',
+ type = 'string',
+ plugin_inst = '',
+ plugin_param = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testUnextpathParameter(self):
+ """Test UnextpathParameter"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_user.py b/python/test/test_user.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5503e6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_user.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.user import User
+class TestUser(unittest.TestCase):
+ """User unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> User:
+ """Test User
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `User`
+ """
+ model = User()
+ if include_optional:
+ return User(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '',
+ is_staff = True,
+ groups = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return User(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '',
+ groups = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testUser(self):
+ """Test User"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_user_file.py b/python/test/test_user_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..510f90b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_user_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.user_file import UserFile
+class TestUserFile(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserFile unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> UserFile:
+ """Test UserFile
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `UserFile`
+ """
+ model = UserFile()
+ if include_optional:
+ return UserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fname = '',
+ fsize = 56,
+ public = True,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return UserFile(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ fsize = 56,
+ owner_username = '',
+ file_resource = '',
+ parent_folder = '',
+ group_permissions = '',
+ user_permissions = '',
+ owner = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testUserFile(self):
+ """Test UserFile"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_user_file_request.py b/python/test/test_user_file_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a861ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_user_file_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.user_file_request import UserFileRequest
+class TestUserFileRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserFileRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> UserFileRequest:
+ """Test UserFileRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `UserFileRequest`
+ """
+ model = UserFileRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return UserFileRequest(
+ upload_path = '0',
+ fname = bytes(b'blah'),
+ public = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return UserFileRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testUserFileRequest(self):
+ """Test UserFileRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_user_request.py b/python/test/test_user_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4e2a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_user_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.user_request import UserRequest
+class TestUserRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> UserRequest:
+ """Test UserRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `UserRequest`
+ """
+ model = UserRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return UserRequest(
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '0',
+ password = '01234567',
+ is_staff = True
+ )
+ else:
+ return UserRequest(
+ username = '0123',
+ email = '0',
+ password = '01234567',
+ )
+ """
+ def testUserRequest(self):
+ """Test UserRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_userfiles_api.py b/python/test/test_userfiles_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e98c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_userfiles_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.userfiles_api import UserfilesApi
+class TestUserfilesApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserfilesApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = UserfilesApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_retrieve_0(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_retrieve_0
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userfiles_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userfiles_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_userpermissions_api.py b/python/test/test_userpermissions_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb30829
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_userpermissions_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.userpermissions_api import UserpermissionsApi
+class TestUserpermissionsApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UserpermissionsApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = UserpermissionsApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_destroy(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_destroy
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_userpermissions_search_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for userpermissions_search_list
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_users_api.py b/python/test/test_users_api.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d9a4c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_users_api.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.api.users_api import UsersApi
+class TestUsersApi(unittest.TestCase):
+ """UsersApi unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self) -> None:
+ self.api = UsersApi()
+ def tearDown(self) -> None:
+ pass
+ def test_users_create(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_create
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_users_groups_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_groups_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_users_list(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_list
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_users_retrieve(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_retrieve
+ """
+ pass
+ def test_users_update(self) -> None:
+ """Test case for users_update
+ """
+ pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_workflow.py b/python/test/test_workflow.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7051b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_workflow.py
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.workflow import Workflow
+class TestWorkflow(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Workflow unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> Workflow:
+ """Test Workflow
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `Workflow`
+ """
+ model = Workflow()
+ if include_optional:
+ return Workflow(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ title = '',
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ pipeline = '',
+ plugin_instances = ''
+ )
+ else:
+ return Workflow(
+ url = '',
+ id = 56,
+ creation_date = datetime.datetime.strptime('2013-10-20 19:20:30.00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'),
+ pipeline_id = 56,
+ pipeline_name = '',
+ owner_username = '',
+ created_jobs = 56,
+ waiting_jobs = 56,
+ scheduled_jobs = 56,
+ started_jobs = 56,
+ registering_jobs = 56,
+ finished_jobs = 56,
+ errored_jobs = 56,
+ cancelled_jobs = 56,
+ pipeline = '',
+ plugin_instances = '',
+ )
+ """
+ def testWorkflow(self):
+ """Test Workflow"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/test/test_workflow_request.py b/python/test/test_workflow_request.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f12db47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/test/test_workflow_request.py
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+ ChRIS Research Integration System: Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) API
+ The ChRIS Ultron BackEnd (CUBE) is the core backend API of ChRIS. It manages ChRIS users, plugins, pipelines, and the provenance of data analyses as ChRIS feeds.
+ The version of the OpenAPI document: 0.0.0+unknown
+ Contact: dev@babymri.org
+ Generated by OpenAPI Generator (https://openapi-generator.tech)
+ Do not edit the class manually.
+""" # noqa: E501
+import unittest
+from chris_oag.models.workflow_request import WorkflowRequest
+class TestWorkflowRequest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """WorkflowRequest unit test stubs"""
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def make_instance(self, include_optional) -> WorkflowRequest:
+ """Test WorkflowRequest
+ include_optional is a boolean, when False only required
+ params are included, when True both required and
+ optional params are included """
+ # uncomment below to create an instance of `WorkflowRequest`
+ """
+ model = WorkflowRequest()
+ if include_optional:
+ return WorkflowRequest(
+ title = '',
+ previous_plugin_inst_id = 1,
+ nodes_info = None
+ )
+ else:
+ return WorkflowRequest(
+ )
+ """
+ def testWorkflowRequest(self):
+ """Test WorkflowRequest"""
+ # inst_req_only = self.make_instance(include_optional=False)
+ # inst_req_and_optional = self.make_instance(include_optional=True)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/python/tox.ini b/python/tox.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..620491d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/tox.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+envlist = py3
+ -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
+ pytest --cov=chris_oag
diff --git a/semver2pep440.sh b/semver2pep440.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..000c3f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/semver2pep440.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+# Converts alpha/beta version suffix from semantic versioning 2.0.0 to PEP 440
+sed 's/-beta\./b/' | sed 's/-alpha\./a/'
diff --git a/test_semver2pep440.sh b/test_semver2pep440.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c888213
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_semver2pep440.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+set -e
+assert () {
+ if [ "$1" != "$2" ]; then
+ echo "$1 != $2"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+assert "$(echo 1.2.3 | ./semver2pep440.sh)" '1.2.3'
+assert "$(echo 1.2.3-alpha.4 | ./semver2pep440.sh)" '1.2.3a4'
+assert "$(echo 1.2.3-beta.5 | ./semver2pep440.sh)" '1.2.3b5'
diff --git a/version.txt b/version.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..457ec10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/version.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@