Multiobjective Solver with ML Models for routing and packing.
This is the code for paper "Machine Learning Assisted Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Routing and Packing" online version out soon
Multi-objective split delivery vehicle routing problem with 3-dimensional loading constraints (M3LSDVRP)
Framework of multiobjective routing packing solver
Compile a jar file named [name.jar] with as the entrance
Usage: Examples and guidelines on how to use the project.
java -jar name.jar ./ 4 2 1 60 0.4 1
arg 0 : path of inputs and outputs and ML models (default current path "./")
arg 1: type of ML models (default 4)
arg 2: type of packing heuristic (default 2)
arg 3: number of repeat, invalid, maximum running time is set to be the stopping criteria (default 1)
arg 4: maximum running time (default 60)
arg 5: theta (default 0.4)
arg 6: encoding strategy (default 1)
String input_directory = args[0]+"/data/inputs"; String output_directory = args[0]+"/data/outputs"; String model_directory = args[0]+"/model/"; classifier_type = Integer.valueOf(args[1]).intValue(); // type of classifier: 0=linear, 1=MNB, 2=logistic regression, 3=svm_rbf, 4=CART, 5=random forest 10,6=random forest 20,7=random forest 50 packing_type = Integer.valueOf(args[2]).intValue(); // type of packing: 0=simpleHeuristic, 1=simpleHeuristic+newHeuristic1, 2=simpleHeuristic+newHeuristic1+newHeuristic2 n_repeat = Integer.valueOf(args[3]).intValue(); n_repeat = 10000; // number of repeats: 1 TIME_LIMITS = Integer.valueOf(args[4]).intValue(); // time limit: 60 theta = Double.valueOf(args[5]); // theta: 0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,0.6,0.7 encoding_strategy = Integer.valueOf(args[6]).intValue(); // encoding strategies: 1: full, 2, 3, 4
An online visualization platform is provided by HUAWEI in
The results can be loaded in the platform for visualization and analysis
License: MIT