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File metadata and controls

83 lines (55 loc) · 4.73 KB


You can either edit/add documents through the GitHub Web GUI and request a merge with the main repository or you can edit/add documents through the terminal and merge them yourself, however this requires more advanced usage.

Once you've completed the steps above:

  • In the main repo navigate to where you want to add a new file e.g _posts/ and click "Add file" at the top. Or navigate to a file already in the repo and click the little pen icon in the top right "Edit this file".
  • (sign in GitHub) and edit then content
  • Scroll down to commit changes (create a new branch) -> make a pull request
  • Assign a reviewer who will then merge and push to the master branch
  • After merging to the master branch of the repository a pull request will then be made to the main website.

Of course all of the above can be done through the terminal as well:

  • Clone the repository git clone
  • Create and switch to a new branch git checkout -b <new-branch>
  • Do your changes / Add your files. The changes you've made can be previewed with git status.
  • Add and commit your new files git add <files> git commit -m <message>
  • Push your changes to the repository git push origin <new-branch>
  • Then navigate to the GitHub page:
  • You may see a message <new-branch> has had recent changes, this is a quick way to switch to your branch.
  • You can create a "Pull request" by clicking on Contribute at the top of the repository. You will want to select to merge into FiQCI/ from<new-branch.

base repository: FiQCI/ base:master <-- head repository: FiQCI/ compare: <new-branch>

Please check Adding/Editing the website below for details on where to add new files such that they do not break the site.

Adding to or Editing the website

This website is built using Jekyll with the minimal mistakes theme, thus the layout of the site is very particular.

The _pages/ directory contains directly loading pages on the website. These can be edited and added to in markdown format + frontmatter following the layout already provided. Additional files to this directory should generally not be made without prior checking as it will affect the rest of the website.

The _pages/ file will automatically generate content placed into the _posts/ and _publications/ directories.

The _posts/ directory contains markdown (or html) files for content regarding short posts. New markdown files can be added/created in this directory on GitHub by navigating to and clicking "Add file" in the top right. Please see below for a short style guide as new files added to this folder must have a certain name style.

The _publications/ directory contains markdown (or html) files for content regarding publications about FiQCI. New markdown files can be added/created in this directory on GitHub by navigating to and clicking "Add file" in the top right. Please see below for a short style guide as new files added to this folder must have a certain name style.

If you have made a change to the _config.yml file you will need to delete _site (e.g rm -r _site/) and rebuild.

To find out more about jekyll, take a look at the docs:

Posts and Publications

Posts and Publications can be in either html or markdown format and must be located in either _posts or _publications. Posts must be created with the following format in order to render correctly on the webpage. You can also include front matter to set the layout and provide additional information

title: 'Blog Post number 1'
date: 2012-08-14
permalink: /posts/2012/08/blog-post-1/
  teaser: /assets/images/about-icon.jpg
published: true
  - url: /assets/images/about-icon.jpg
    image_path: /assets/images/about-icon.jpg
    title: Before and after comparison
  - cool posts
  - category1
  - category2

In this example the front matter variables such as gallery can be displayed in the main body of the text via {% include gallery%}. A teaser image or thumbnail can also be attached which will display on the posts and publications page. See the templates/ directory for example posts and publications.

For further information:

Template files can be found under templates/.