Timber Lengths, Sawlogs, Billets
Small wood
Measurement of stacked timber
This method is applicable to unifrom length timber, mostly material intended for fragementation (pulop, woodwool, chipboards) and is an alternative to measurement by weight.
In some situations, the stacked volume, derived from the average height, width and length of a stack, may be used directly in sales.
It ismore usual, however, to convert the stacked volume to solid volume by applying an appropriate conversion factor (solid/stacked volume ratio) and to value the material on the basis of a price per unit solid volume.
The establishment of solid/stcked volme conversion factors is considered separately from the measurement aspect of stacked timber.
The widtrh of the stack should be measured at parallel to the base of the stack.
The height of the stack should be measured at right angles to the base of the stack.
In measuring height and width, the extremities of each measurement line should be take at the point at which the line crosses the common tangent of adjacent billets.
The volume of the stakc is calculated as mean length multiplied by mean height, multiplied by mean width, and expressed in cubic metres to two decimal places.