This setup guides you through the installations needed to run Here2OSM. Examples are for Windows(x64).
This code works best with IntelliJ, but feel free to use your favourite IDE. You should use a JDK >= 11.
- QGIS is free and open source geographic information system, which is used to visualise test data
- Download QGIS and install
- Choose the matching download for your system, e.g. if you are on a Windows machine, use the first Link under Download for Windows
- Download and Install PostgreSQL with PostGIS and pgrouting extension: PostgreSQL
- Alternatively: Download and install PostgreSQL
- Click the first Link in the Windows column
- In the Application Stack Builder during installation of PostgreSQL, choose your PostgreSQL > install the latest PostGIS Bundle (under Spatial Extensions)
Download and install DBeaver
- Take the 64 bit installer under Windows
- Sign up for Freemium Plan
- Create a REST API Key
- Create a
file as described in the section identity & access management (OAuth tokens)
- Download the prebuild binaries (
- extract the zip and copy the Path to the bin folder
- Add the bin to your Path
- type "View advanced system Settings" in the Start Menu and open it
- click Environment Variables in the bottom right, than Path in the top List and Edit
- click new in the top right and paste the Path you copied earlier
- click ok on all opened Windows
- Download an osm *.pbf file of your choice
- It is highly recommended to just get a city-file for beginners, e.g. hamburg-latest
- Create the data base
- Start DBeaver
- click New Connection (top left) and choose PostgreSQL, than Next
- insert your PostgreSQL-Password and click Done
- Add extensions
- under postgres\DB's doubleclick postgres
- click SQL (next to New Connection) and write
create extension postgis; create extension pgrouting; create extension hstore;
- run the script with run SQL script (third button to the left)
- Transfer the osm data into DB
- execute in Command Prompt:
osm2pgsql -c -d postgres -U postgres -H localhost -W --hstore -S <Path to>\osm2pgsql-bin\ <Path to>\<filename>.osm.pbf
- remember to use quotation marks around paths with Spaces.
Now you should have these public tables:
- Run one of these two scripts in your DB client to generate a routable OSM road network:
INSERT INTO openlr.metadata(map_name, map_owner) VALUES
('Hamburg', 'OSM');
After running your database should look as follows:
- Under Files click the Binary zip archive Link and unzip the Downloaded archive
- Add to your Environment Variables:
- Variable name: MAVEN_HOME value: PathTo\apache-maven-x.x.x
- %MAVEN_HOME%\bin to the Path variable
- Clone this project
- Fork it (optional)
- click Code (green button) and copy the HTTP-Adress
- In a Command Prompt navigate to a location you want the project in and execute
git clone <HTTP-Adress>
- Set your dbname, user and password at src\main\java\DataBase\ (line 23+2) and pom.xml (line 236+2)
- go back to the Command Prompt and execute
cd openlr
mvn clean install
Copy the already generated
file to the subfolder target
of the project.
Move to the subfolder target
and run from there:
java -jar here2osm.jar
- supply the bounding box of your chosen region in the format: SW Long,SW Lat,NE Long,NE Lat (counterclockwise) hamburg for example has 9.850,53.500,10.130,53.600