2024 GDSC Solution Challenge IFU Repository.
This Repository follows the following Convention.
Commit type | Description |
Feat | Add new features |
Fix | Fix bugs |
Docs | Modifying documents |
Style | Code formatting, missing semicolons, no change of code itself |
Refactor | Code Refactoring |
Test | Test code, add refactoring test code |
Chore | Modifying Package Manager, Other Modifications ex) .gitignore |
Design | Change user UI design such as CSS |
Comment | Add and change required annotations |
Rename | Only to modify or move a file or folder name |
Remove | If you have only done the job of deleting a file |
!BREAKING CHANGE | For large API changes |
!HOTFIX | If you need to fix a fatal bug in a hurry |
Icon | Code | Description |
🧑🏻🎨 | :art | Structure/Form Improvement of Code |
⚡️ | :zap | Performance Improvement |
🔥 | :fire | Delete Code/File |
🐛 | :bug | bug fix |
🚑 | :ambulance | Urgent Correction |
✨ | :sparkles | New Features |
💄 | :lipstick | UI/Style File Add/Modify |
⏪ | :rewind | Revolve Changes |
🔀 | :twisted_rightwards_arrows | Branch Merger |
💡 | :bulb | add/modify annotations |
🗃 | :card_file_box | Database-related modifications |
flutter pub get
We require the following environmental variables.
GEMINI_API_KEY = It is your Gemini api key
Recommend OS is IOS or Android
flutter run IOS
flutter run Android
If you want to run IFU-Web
yarn && yarn start
sdk: flutter
cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2
flutter_native_splash: ^2.3.10
get: ^4.6.6
flutter_localization: ^0.2.0
dotenv: ^4.2.0
flutter_dotenv: ^5.1.0
intl: ^0.18.1
flutter_svg: ^2.0.9
webview_flutter: ^4.7.0
url: https://github.com/kurtyoon/flutter_chat_ui.git
ref: main
dio: ^5.4.1
speech_to_text: ^6.6.0
flutter_tts: ^3.8.5
uuid: ^4.3.3
google_generative_ai: ^0.2.0
@angular/animations: ^17.1.0,
@angular/common: ^17.1.0,
@angular/compiler: ^17.1.0,
@angular/core: ^17.1.0,
@angular/forms: ^17.1.0,
@angular/platform-browser: ^17.1.0,
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic: ^17.1.0,
@angular/router: ^17.1.0,
rxjs: ~7.8.0,
tslib: ^2.3.0,
zone.js: ~0.14.3