I do not support this anymore, it is only for showcase. I recommend to use Retrofit or Ion.
SlimRequest is tiny library for android network handling. Not use any 3rd party library, it has zero dependencies, has no other layers, not working of top of some other library. Only the top of HttpURLConnection. It has a 28 kB size and has 160 methods only.
- can call basic HTTP/HTTPS request: GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE
- can check internet availability, returns NETWORK error, you don't need to check it yourself
- you don't have to worry about main thread using
- can set a base url for REST api
- can set content type like "application/json; charset=utf-8"
- can add params for the requests with key/value pair, like addParam("name", "Josh")
- can add header for the requests with key/value pair, same as param
- can add a JSONObject for the request body
- can set username/password with Authenticator
- can say every https is trusted, can be risky ;)
- can load a SSL cert from assets for HTTPS calls
- can set return type, types: STRING, JSON_OBJECT, JSON_ARRAY, BYTES, FILE
- can set connection timeout for the request
- can set read timeout for the request
- can set chunk size, for upload/download
- can add a file to upload with multipart entity, has progress handling as well
- can add a download target, has progress handling as well
- can handle a session: save, add, clear
- can add multiple request to a stack, the stack runs all request async and returns when all is done, with all response
- can add multiple request to a chain, can create Transfers between the requests, with a Transfer you can call the next request with the previous response
- can cancel a request, but can cancel a stack or a chain too
- always returns one type of result for request success or request fail, the results has info about:
- response code
- data, that you need
- error type
- error msg
- all response headers, if needed
- run time in milliseconds
- bytes uploaded
- bytes downloaded
- skipped (will explain with stacks)
Android api 4.3+ and permissions:
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
Add to dependencies:
compile 'com.github.gerp83:SlimRequest:1.04'
Get request
SlimRequest.get("http://someapiurl.com").run(this, new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//do something with result
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
Post request
SlimRequest.post("http://someapiurl.com").addParam("someParam", "someValue").run(this, new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//do something with result
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
Put request
SlimRequest.put("http://someapiurl.com").addParam("someParam", "someValue").run(this, new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//do something with result
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
Patch request
SlimRequest.patch("http://someapiurl.com").addParam("someParam", "someValue").run(this, new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//do something with result
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
Delete request
SlimRequest.delete("http://someapiurl.com").run(this, new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//do something with result
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
Download and progress
SlimRequest.get("http://someapiurl.com").downloadToFile(new File("file to path")).run(this,
new SlimProgressCallback() {
public void onProgress(int chuckBytes, int totalBytes) {
//do something with progress
new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//do something with result
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
Upload and progress
SlimRequest.post("http://someapiurl.com").setUploadFile(new SlimFile("name", new File("file to path"))).run(this,
new SlimProgressCallback() {
public void onProgress(int chuckBytes, int totalBytes) {
//do something with progress
new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//do something with result
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
Request with every options
.addParam("someParam", "someValue")
.addHeader("someParam", "someValue")
.setBasicAuthentication("username", "password")
.run(this, new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//do something with result
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
Session handling
new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//get session from headers
Object sessionValue = result.getHeaders().get("sessionKey");
SlimRequest.saveSession(context, "sessionKey", sessionValue);
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
//next time if you need the session just add addSession(context)
new SlimRequestCallback() {
public void onSuccess(SlimResult result) {
//do something with result
public void onFail(SlimResult result) {
//do something with error
Base url for REST api, just set somewhere into your code like Application.
public class TestApplication extends Application{
public void onCreate() {
SlimRequest.setBaseUrl(this, "https://api.someurl.com/");
//you can simple cancel a request by cancel()
With SlimStack you can add multiple request to a stack, SlimStack runs all request async and returns when all is done, with all response. Also you can cancel a SlimStack by call cancelAll().
.push(SlimRequest.post("http://someapiurl.com").addParam("paramName", "paramValue"))
.push(SlimRequest.put("http://someapiurl.com").addParam("paramName", "paramValue"))
.run(this, new SlimStackCallback() {
public void onResult(ArrayList<SlimResult> results) {
//do something with results
You can add null values to a SlimStack, those will skipped this way, so you can handle different stacks with same callback.
With SlimChain you add multiple request to a chain, can create a SlimTransfer between the requests, with a SlimTransfer you can call the next request with the previous response. Also you can cancel a SlimChain by call cancelAll(). Rules:
- if you add a SlimTransfer to the SlimChain, always add a SlimRequest after it
- do not add a SlimTransfer last to the SlimChain
- you can add multiple SlimRequest after each other
class TestSlimTransfer implements SlimTransfer{
String gatheredValue;
public void gather(SlimResult result) {
//gather needed data from result
gatheredValue = result.getStringData();
public void pass(SlimRequest slimRequest) {
//pass the data to the next request and call it
slimRequest.addParam("paramName", gatheredValue);
.push(new TestSlimTransfer())
.run(this, new SlimChainCallback() {
public void onResult(ArrayList<SlimResult> results) {
//do something with results
I hope this can make your job easier, happy network calling!