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Specifying log file location using .json runner #2699

Answered by trevorhardy
dhamilt6uvm asked this question in Q&A
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Looking at the code in "" in PyHELICS, it doesn't look like there's a way to configure the location of the logging file.

BUT, I decided to add it as a feature since it seemed within my programming ability to achieve. I've added the feature in the "add_runner_logging_path" branch and have a PR in place now.

To use it just add "logging_path" at the root of the JSON and specify the location of where you'd like the logging files (relative the runner.json) to land. The path has to already exist; that is, this feature won't make folders for you, you have to get them in place yourself.

Here's an example of a modified runner for the "fundamental_default" example that puts the logs in a fold…

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