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How to configure the search engine in a new environment

Martha Thompson edited this page Sep 26, 2018 · 6 revisions


Set up I14y


  1. In the search-gov rails console, create an I14y drawer with the handle 'searchgov':
> I14yDrawer.create!(handle: 'searchgov', description: 'drawer containing documents for the search engine')

That should generate a new Elasticsearch index:

$ curl localhost:9256/_cat/indices/*searchgov*/?v
health status index                                   uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   development-i14y-documents-searchgov-v1 7Xam03R8RzOyEzinjV3rcA   1   1          0            0       162b           162b
  1. Populate the drawer
  • With Resque running, add a new domain on the Domains super admin page.
  • The SearchgovDomainPreparerJob will run in the background to set the domain scheme and status, and begin indexing the sitemap urls. (Note, when testing, it helps to test a domain with a limited number of sitemap URLs, such as
  • Refresh the " Domains" page to verify that the "URLs count" for your domain has increased. The "Unfetched URLs Count" will decrease as the URLs are indexed.
  1. Create a test affiliate
  • On the "Sites" super admin page, create a new affiliate.
  • Edit that affiliate and set the search engine to "SearchGov".
  • Visit the site admin Domains page for that affiliate (/sites/<affiliate id>/domains), and add your test domain.
  • Visit the search page for your test affiliate (/search?affiliate=<affiliate name>), and run a test search. You should see search results for your test domain, and "Powered by" in the bottom right.