Column name | Description |
CuspID | GeoNet event identification number |
Origin time | Origin time of earthquake in UTC |
Record | Record name |
Mw | Moment magnitude |
MwUncert | Uncertainty in moment magnitude estimate |
TectClass | Tectonic classification, either 'crustal', 'interface' or 'slab' |
Mech | Focal mechanism, as defined by McVerry et al., (2006) |
S → strike-slip, with rake angle δ, −33 ≤ δ ≤ 33, 147 ≤ δ ≤ 180, −180 ≤ δ ≤ −147 | |
N → normal, −146 ≤ δ ≤ −34 | |
R → reverse, 67 ≤ δ ≤ 123 | |
O → oblique with a reverse component, 34 ≤ δ ≤ 66, 124 ≤ δ ≤ 146 | |
U → unknown | |
PreferredFaultPlane | 1 if one fault plane orientation is preferred out of the two conjugate fault planes in the moment tensor |
0 if the preferred fault plane is unknown | |
Strike | Strike angle (degrees) |
If PreferredFaultPlane = 1, this is the likely fault strike, otherwise it is only one of two possible strikes | |
Dip | Dip angle (degrees) |
Rake | Rake angle (degrees) |
Location | Reference for the preferred location |
special → special studies (see references) | |
geonet → standard GeoNet catalogue | |
nlloc → relocation using the NonLinLoc algorithm | |
simulps → relocation using the SimulPS algorithm | |
irisdmc → the IRIS DMC catalogue (mostly for older events) | |
HypLat | Hypocenter latitude |
HypLon | Hypocenter longitude |
StationLat | Latitude of recording station |
StationLon | Longitude of recording station |
HypN | Northing of hypocenter in NZMG co-ordinates (metres) |
HypE | Easting of hypocenter in NZMG co-ordinates (metres) |
StationN | Northing of recording station in NZMG co-ordinates (metres) |
StationE | Easting of recording station in NZMG co-ordinates (metres) |
LENGTH_km | Inferred rupture length along strike (km) |
WIDTH_km | Inferred down-dip rupture width (km) |
Repi_km | Epicentral distance (km) |
Rhyp_km | Hypocentral distance (km) |
Rjb_km | Joyner-Boore distance (km) |
Rrup_km | Closest distance from station to rupture plane (km) |
Rx_km | Hanging wall distance metric Rx (km) |
Ry_km | Hanging wall distance metric Ry (km) |
Rvol_km | Volcanic path distance (km) |
HypDepth_km | Hypocenter depth (km) |
ZTOR_km | Depth to top of rupture plane (km) |
HWFW | Hanging wall flag |
hw → Station located on hanging wall | |
fw → Station located on foot wall | |
nu → No hanging wall effects | |
SiteCode | GeoNet station identifier |
SiteClass1170 | NZS1170.5:2004 site classification |
Vs30 | Time-averaged shear-wave velocity in the top 30 m (m/s) |
Vs30Uncert | Quality of VS30 estimate |
Tsite | Low-strain fundamental site period (s) |
TsiteUncert | Quality of Tsite estimate |
Z1 | Depth below ground surface to a shear-wave velocity of 1 km/s (m) |
Z1Uncert | Quality of Z1 estimate |
Directivity | Identified directivity pulse |
1 → pulse-like motions have been identified | |
0 → pulse-like motions have not been identified | |
Pulse_or | Orientation of identified directivity pulse |
either equals the component orientation in degrees, or -99999 if not applicable | |
Pulse_T | Period of identified directivity pulse |
either equals the period in seconds, or -99999 if not applicable | |
S_Trigger_Flag | Flag indicating whether the recording triggered between the P and S arrivals |
1 → the recording triggered after the P-arrival (beginning of recording may not be captured) | |
0 → a clear P-arrival was observed | |
fcButterHP | Corner frequency of Butterworth high-pass filter (Hz) |
finiLP | Initiation frequency of the low-pass sinuosoidal transition filter (Hz) |
fmin | Minimum usable frequency of the recording (Hz) |
fmax | Maximum usable frequency of the recording (Hz) |
References | Published references associated with the event location, moment tensor, fault plane solution etc. |
The columns of ground motion data then follow. For example ‘f100.0000SA_RotD50’ is the spectral acceleration for a SDOF oscillator with resonant frequency of 100 Hz, and the definition of horizontal component is RotD50. Ground motion values of -99999 represent oscillator frequencies outside the minimum usable frequency of a given recording. PSA values are given in units of g, peak ground velocities are given in m/s and Fourier amplitudes are in g · s. For the significant duration flatfile, the data are provided for D5−75%, D5−95% and D20−80%, for the two as-recorded horizontal components (H1 and H2), as well as for the geometric mean (GM). All duration data are provided in units of seconds.