Extra attention is needed
Pull requests that update Java code. This is currently assigned and created by GitHub
Issue or PR is a bug in existing functionality
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This issue or pull request already exists
Issue or PR is an enhancement to an existing functionality
Issue or PR is a new feature request
Issue is a question that can be addressed via pointers to documentation or user education
Issue or PR needs discussion during triage meeting
Creator of the issue or PR needs to add more information in order to be meaningfully triaged.
Issue or PR yet to be triaged. Add more labels or details that will help during triage review
Causes full outage, breakage, or major function unavailability for everyone, without a workaround.
Issue or PR significantly impacts majority of users; Workaround is partial or overly painful
Issue or PR is important to majority of users, Currently workaround exists
Issue or PR is relevant to core functions, but does not impede progress. Important, but not urgent
Minor issue or PR is not relevant to core functions, or relates to the usability of system
Issue or PR addresses a very minor concern. Not planned for active development. Will not be fixed.
Issue or PR has sufficient details and it is ready for triage review
Issue or PR is fully triaged
This will not be worked on