jupyter | ||||||||||||||||||||
- Description: A demo for using jdaviz for creating region files from an image during data analysis.
- Level: Beginner.
- Data: NuSTAR observation of 3C 382 (ObsID 60001084002).
- Requirements:
- Credit: Kavitha Arur (Jun 2023).
- Support: Contact the HEASARC helpdesk.
- Last verified to run: 02/01/2024.
jdaviz is a package of astronomical data analysis visualization tools based on the Jupyter platform. These GUI-based tools link data visualization and interactive analysis.
includes several tools. Here, we will focus on using Imviz
, which is a tool for visualization and quick-look analysis for 2D astronomical images, so it can be used to analyze images, create and modify regions files such as those needed in many X-ray analysis pipelines.
We will walk through the simple steps of using Imviz
on Sciserver. For more details on using the tool, please refer to the main jdaviz site.
When running this notebook inside Sciserver, make sure the HEASARC data drive is mounted when initializing the Sciserver compute container. See details here.
Also, this notebook requires
and jdaviz
, which are available in the (heasoft) conda environment. You should see (heasoft) at the top right of the notebook. If not, click there and select it.
Running Outside Sciserver:
If running outside Sciserver, some changes will be needed, including:
• Make sure heasoftpy and heasoft are installed (Download and Install heasoft).
• Unlike on Sciserver, where the data is available locally, you will need to download the data to your machine.
We need the following python modules:
# import heasoftpy to use for image extraction
import heasoftpy as hsp
# Imviz for working with the images
from jdaviz import Imviz
# WCS is need to handle image coordinates
from astropy.wcs import WCS
Say we are analyzing NuSTAR data of some point source and we want to extract the spectra. We typically need to either pass the source and background selection as RA and DEC positions along with selection region information such as the radius, or we can create the region files for the source and backgorund and pass those to the extraction pipeline. In this example, we will use the latter.
For the purpose of this example, we will copy the cleaned event file for the FMPA detector from the archive. We will use observation 60001084002
of 3C 382
Using xamin
to search for NuSTAR observations of 3C 382
, we find that the data for this obsid is located in: /FTP/nustar/data/obs/00/6//60001084002/
First, we use the extractor
tool from heasoftpy
to extract an image from the event file
evt_file = '/FTP/nustar/data/obs/00/6//60001084002/event_cl/nu60001084002A01_cl.evt.gz'
inPars = {
'filename' : evt_file,
'eventsout' : 'NONE',
'imgfile' : 'nu_image.fits',
'phafile' : 'NONE',
'xcolf' : 'X',
'ycolf' : 'Y',
# noprompt is set so the tool does not prompt for additional parameters
'noprompt' : True
# run the task
res = hsp.extractor(**inPars)
After the image is extracted, we use Imviz
to load the image, so we can create the region files.
We now proceed by creating a source and background region.
These are named by default: Subset 1
and Subset 2
This can be done by first selecting the region button (the circle with two dots inside, the third from the right in the top menu), then creating a region around the source (this will be designated Subset1). To create a new region for the background, select 'No Selection (create new)' from the dropdown list next to 'Import Data', as shown in the following image:
# initlialize the tool
imviz = Imviz()
viewer = imviz.default_viewer
# load the image
# display the tool
# customize the viewer
if viewer.shape is not None:
viewer.stretch = 'sqrt'
viewer.cuts = [.5, 30]
We now proceed by creating a source and background region.
These are named by default: Subset 1
and Subset 2
The regions can be saved using the following:
regions = imviz.get_interactive_regions()
# The following write region files in image units
regions['Subset 1'].write('source.reg', format='ds9', overwrite=True)
regions['Subset 2'].write('background.reg', format='ds9', overwrite=True)
# let's check the created region files:
!cat source.reg
!cat background.reg
# To save the image files in WCS coordinates, we can use WCS from astropy
wcs = WCS('nu_image.fits')
regions['Subset 1'].to_sky(wcs=wcs).write('source_wcs.reg', format='ds9', overwrite=True)
regions['Subset 2'].to_sky(wcs=wcs).write('background_wcs.reg', format='ds9', overwrite=True)
# let's check the created region files:
!cat source_wcs.reg
!cat background_wcs.reg
These files can now be passed to the nuproduct
tool to extract the source and background spectra or light curves, as shown in the NuSTAR light curve notebook.
More details on using jdaviz can be found in the pacakge documentation.