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238 lines (207 loc) · 9.12 KB



The Minishell project at 42 involves creating a simplified replica of a Unix shell that can interpret and execute commands, handle signals, pipes, redirections, and environment variables.

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Minishell is a project done in pairs to familiarize ourselves with working collaboratively. It is well-known for being one of the first real challenges at 42, and many developers encounter significant difficulties while working on it. This project is essential for every developer as it teaches crucial skills in the field of development.

"When you think you’ve finished, that’s just the beginning of the project."

  • The shell will work only in interactive mode (no scripts, i.e. the executable takes no arguments)
  • Run simple commands with absolute, relative path (e.g. /bin/ls, ../bin/ls)
  • Run simple commands without a path (e.g. ls, cat, grep, etc…)
  • Have a working history (you can navigate through commands with up/down arrows)
  • Implement pipes (|)
  • Implement redirections (<, >, >>)
  • Implement the here-doc (<<)
  • Handle double quotes ("") and single quotes (''), which should escape special characters, beside $ for double quotes.
  • Handle environment variables ($ followed by a sequence of characters).
  • Handle signals like in bash (ctrl + C, ctrl + , ctrl + D).
  • Implement the following built-ins:
    • echo (option -n only)
    • exit
    • env (with no options or arguments)
    • export (with no options)
    • unset (with no options)
    • cd
    • pwd


This project is quite extensive, with numerous specific cases to consider. The first challenge I encountered was wondering, "Where do I start?"

I began Minishell two weeks before Poid-lourd could join me. During that time, I worked on the builtins and the initial parsing. Naturally, I had to create an execution base that Poid-lourd completely redid at the end of his two weeks. Over time, we quickly defined who should do what and how to do it.

  • Poid-lourd: Complete execution, redirections (<, <<, >>), and heredoc, which we more or less shared for ease.

  • Me: Complete parsing, builtins, signals.

We managed error handling and everything else I haven't mentioned together to ensure a solid foundation and consistent logic. We quickly realized that our two real challenges would be parsing and execution due to the numerous specific cases in BASH.

The project is very rewarding and allowed us to develop crucial skills in programming and collaboration. Working in a pair on such a complex project taught us how to communicate well, effectively distribute tasks, and overcome obstacles together.


# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd Minishell

# To compile the program
$ make

# Execution example
$ ./minishell

# Removes all generated files and the executable for a thorough cleanup.
$ make fclean

# Removes generated object files and the executable.
$ make clean



Requirements for Linux

Readline (Install: sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev)

File Structure

└── 📁minishell-git
    └── Makefile
    └── 📁includes
        └── .DS_Store
        └── exec.h
        └── 📁libft
            └── Makefile
            └── 📁char
                └── ft_isalnum.c
                └── ft_isalpha.c
                └── ft_isascii.c
                └── ft_isdigit.c
                └── ft_isprint.c
                └── ft_tolower.c
                └── ft_toupper.c
            └── 📁conv
                └── ft_atoi.c
                └── ft_itoa.c
            └── 📁gnl
                └── get_next_line.c
            └── 📁includes
                └── libft.h
            └── 📁lst
                └── ft_lstadd_back_bonus.c
                └── ft_lstadd_front_bonus.c
                └── ft_lstclear_bonus.c
                └── ft_lstdelone_bonus.c
                └── ft_lstiter_bonus.c
                └── ft_lstlast_bonus.c
                └── ft_lstmap_bonus.c
                └── ft_lstnew_bonus.c
                └── ft_lstsize_bonus.c
            └── 📁mem
                └── ft_bzero.c
                └── ft_calloc.c
                └── ft_memchr.c
                └── ft_memcmp.c
                └── ft_memcpy.c
                └── ft_memmove.c
                └── ft_memset.c
            └── 📁printf
                └── ft_conv_primary.c
                └── ft_conv_specifies.c
                └── ft_conv_suit.c
                └── ft_printf.c
            └── 📁put
                └── ft_putchar.c
                └── ft_putchar_fd.c
                └── ft_putendl_fd.c
                └── ft_putnbr.c
                └── ft_putnbr_fd.c
                └── ft_putstr.c
                └── ft_putstr_fd.c
            └── 📁str
                └── ft_split.c
                └── ft_split_tkn.c
                └── ft_strchr.c
                └── ft_strdup.c
                └── ft_striteri.c
                └── ft_strjoin.c
                └── ft_strjoin_fs.c
                └── ft_strlcat.c
                └── ft_strlcpy.c
                └── ft_strlen.c
                └── ft_strmapi.c
                └── ft_strncmp.c
                └── ft_strnstr.c
                └── ft_strrchr.c
                └── ft_strtrim.c
                └── ft_substr.c
        └── minishell.h
    └── 📁srcs
        └── .DS_Store
        └── 📁builtins
            └── built_external.c
            └── builtins_base.c
            └── builtins_utils.c
            └── export_unset_bis.c
            └── export_unset_built.c
            └── out_cd_built.c
            └── out_cd_built_bis.c
        └── 📁errors
            └── errors.c
            └── errors_operators.c
            └── free.c
        └── 📁execution
            └── execution.c
            └── single_execution.c
            └── sub_exec.c
        └── minishell.c
        └── 📁parsing
            └── delete_quote.c
            └── quote.c
            └── redirect_quote.c
            └── token_value.c
            └── var_env.c
            └── var_env_bis.c
            └── verify_operators.c
        └── 📁redirections
            └── here_doc.c
            └── here_doc_bis.c
            └── redirection.c
            └── redirection_utils.c
        └── 📁signals
            └── signals.c
            └── signals_handle.c
            └── signals_heredoc.c
        └── 📁utils
            └── builtins_utils.c
            └── execution_utils.c
            └── execution_utils2.c
            └── execution_utils3.c
            └── free_utils.c
            └── function_utils.c
            └── init_list.c
            └── list_utils.c
            └── single_exec_utils.c




Below you will find the links used for this project: