This is a toy simulation of how a virus spreads.
Note: There isn't argparser now, so you'll need to change parameters directly from the file
GREEN - not infected
BLUE - recovered
RED - infected(shade indicates how bad is the condition)
BlACK - dead
We have following parameters to play with:
BOARD_HEIGHT (default: 50)
BOARD_WIDTH (default: 50)
INFECTION_CHANCE (default: 0.8) Chance of being infected from a neighbor INFECTING_OPTION (default: "line") Defines the common element of two neighbors; either “line” or “point” INITIAL_INFECTED (default: 2)
SEVERNES (default: 0.3) How hard it is to cure patients RECOVERY_RATE (default: 0.3) SEVERNESS_DECAY (default: 0.95) Rate by which VIRUS_SEVERNES drops after we begin recovering
START_DEEPENING (default: 4) - after N th day the health will slowly get worse
START_EMERGENCY (default: 8) - we drop the transportation and number of people treveling
START_RECOVERING (default: 9) - People start to recover
PLOT_RESULTS - weather to save the results Currently, we save the gif by default
###not globals but parameters to run_simulation
shuffle_every (def: 1), - Every n day people change their location shuffle_qunatity (def :BOARD_HEIGHT * BOARD_WIDTH // 10) how many people to shuffle
transportation_drop (def : 3) - After emergancy was declared how many times to decrease shuffle_quantitu infection_drop( def: 2) - like transportation drop but with virus severness