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Open Lab

Thank you to the Jr. DevLeague team for providing publicly accessible projects for 6th - 12th graders!


Difficulty Title (Link) Description
Beginner Wish List Intro to Lists
Beginner Eagle Justice League Intro to HTML Structure and Basic Styling
Beginner Portals Intro to Links and Page Jumps
Beginner IG-Profile Basics of HTML, CSS Project
Beginner Video Player Basics of HTML, CSS Project
Beginner Spotify Playlist Basics of HTML, CSS Project
Beginner Escape Room File Paths, Linking Files, Links, Images, Multiple HTML / CSS files.
Beginner Pet Store Intro to HTML/CSS
Beginner Mondrain Project Intro to HTML/CSS
Beginner Cookie Monster Navigation bar, lists, divs and links with some CSS styling
Beginner Goals Card Ordered Lists, Divs, and Headers
Beginner Interactive Storybook HTML Divs, CSS Position Properties, CSS Keyframe Animation.
Intermediate Designer Calendar Flexbox, Font Manipulation, and Design.
Intermediate CSS Pseudoselectors Intro to CSS Pseudoselectors
Intermediate CSS Animate Intro to CSS Animations and Transform


Difficulty Title Description
Beginner Beginner Javascript Intro to JS
Beginner pokeDom Intro to DOM and Chrome Dev Tools
Beginner my-Pokedex Intro to DOM
Beginner Camping Accident Beginner DOM Manipulation
Beginner Youtuber Problems Intro to HTML5 Video Player
Beginner Word Puzzle Warmup on arrays, functions, and if statements.
Beginner I Spy Intro to Objects
Beginner Eat Humans Beginner Array/Conditionals
Beginner C3 Example JS Beginner Data Visualization with C3.js
Beginner Open the Presents Event Listener Warmup
Beginner Compliment Generator Intro to Functions, Arrays, Math.floor, and Math.random
Beginner Iffy Introduction to If Statements and Input Tags
Beginner Conditionals Loops Functions Intro to Functions, Nested Conditionals, and For Loops
Beginner Secret Messages Intro to Functions, Conditionals, and For Loops
Beginner Walk Like A Caveman Warmup on If Statements and Keyboard Events.
Beginner Lunchtime Warmup exercise for Arrays, Math.Random, and Objects
Beginner All the Likes Introduction to Local Storage
Beginner My Favorite Things Exercise with for loops, arrays, and Event Listeners.
Beginner Guess Who Exercise with Event Listeners.
Intermediate 1D Array Intro to 1D Arrays
Intermediate Objects 2D Arrays and Intro to Objects
Intermediate Earth Melting Mathematical Function
Intermediate Red Ristan Mathematical Function
Intermediate Loopy Conditions String Manipulation, Functions, Arrays
Intermediate Array-For-Loops Intermediate Array/DOM/For Loop
Intermediate Fake Binary Intro to Binary Concepts with String Manipulation
Intermediate Escape the Matrix Intro to Objects
Intermediate Robot Objects Intro to Object Prototypes and Instances
Intermediate Objects, Arrays, DOM, Oh My 1D Arrays, Objects, and DOM
Intermediate I Need Pizza Objects and Accessing Nested Objects Exercise
Intermediate Functions Scavenger Hunt Warmup Exercise to Review Functions, Arrays, and Objects
Intermediate Webstorm Local Storage practice with Math.random, Input Tags, and Keyboard Events.
Advanced Deeper Objects Objects in Arrays, Arrays in Objects, Creating Objects/Object Methods
Advanced Music Jump Phaser JS game
Advanced Wheeler Phaser Phaser JS game


Difficulty Title Description
Beginner Button Clicker Game Intro to Event handlers
Beginner Random Goal Generator Arrays, Math.random, Events
Beginner Red Alert Intro to Event Handlers
Beginner Greeting Card Positioning Elements, CSS Shapes, Design
Beginner Chatbot Cutie Design Focused Project with Event Handlers and DOM Manipulation
Beginner Hamster Dance Intro to Keyboard Events and Switch Statement
Beginner Witch Brew Event Listeners, If Statements, Comparison Operators and Keyframe Animations.
Beginner Mix Master Event Listeners and Audio Elements.
Beginner Boom Warmup to Event Listeners and Audio
Beginner Save the Date Divs, Headers, Flexbox and Prompt.
Beginner Coqui Frogs Introduction to setTimeout.
Beginner Trick or Treat Introduction to Event Listeners and Events.
Intermediate Fish Tank MouseEvent ClientX/Y Properties, CSS Positioning
Intermediate Coming Soon Introduction to Parallax and using CSS and JS to create various front end effects.
Intermediate Custom Kanban HTML Drag and Drop, Keyboard Events, Appending Elements.
Intermediate Array Click Gallery Intro to Arrays with DOM
Intermediate Welcome to the Zoo Introduction to Object Methods.
Intermediate Rando Bieb Intro to For Loops with Arrays and DOM
Intermediate Alternate Ending Objects, Arrays, If Statements and Click Handling
Intermediate Cake Decorating HTML Select, JS Switch Statements, Event Handling, Drag and Drop.
Intermediate CMD CTR Intro to Event Handlers
Intermediate Fortune Cookie Generator Intermediate DOM Manipulation
Intermediate Ghibli Film Fest XHR, Creating and Appending Elements
Intermediate Pixel Painter Event Handlers with DOM Manipulation
Intermediate My Lit Keyboard Audio, Styling, Event Handlers
Intermediate Pop Up Penguin DOM, Basic Functions, CSS Pseudo Selectors Project
Intermediate Build a Pet Forms, Event Listeners, Objects, DOM
Intermediate Rock Paper Scissors Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
Intermediate Devmon Audio, Event Listeners, Functions, Conditionals
Intermediate Candy Crusher Random, setInterval, CSS Animations, Appending Elements
Intermediate Fireflies MouseEvent ClientX/Y Properties, CSS Changes with JavaScript, CSS Keyframes, Arrays, DOM Hierarchy
Intermediate Night of the Zombies Objects (Constructors, Methods), Arrays, Keyboard Events
Intermediate Christmas Countdown Introduction to the JS Date Object, setInterval, and CSS Keyframe Animations.
Intermediate O Christmas Tree Introduction to HTML Drag and Drop.
Intermediate Pumpkin Flip JavaScript Logic, Functions, DOM
Intermediate Catch em all XHR, Keyboard Events
Intermediate Flashtyper String Methods, Event Handlers, Arrays, and Nodelists.
Intermediate Character Puzzle Append Child, Math Methods, Functions, setInterval.
Intermediate Treehouse HTML Forms, Input Fields, Validation.
Intermediate Whack a Mole setInterval, appendChild, and Functions Exercise.
Advanced Don't Leave Me Hanging Hangman variation using Conditionals, DOM manipulation, JavaScript event listeners, key codes, arrays, For loops
Advanced Match Maker Advanced CSS and Intermediate JS
Advanced Sort Display Sort Display
Advanced Where's My Change Functions, Returning Objects, Math Methods, IIFE, Scope.