This is a high level overview of MeroChat sources.
Server side code (to be run with node.js) lies in src/Server. Likewise, client code (to be loaded by a browser) is located in src/Client. There is an extra folder under src namely Shared which contains code used by both server and client side.
On client side there is a folder for each entry point. These entry points are bundled with webpack.
External pages are accessed by non logged in users (if a logged in user tries to access an external page, they will be redirected to /im). Each page has their own route, .e.g login is at /login, landing page is at /, password recovery is at /recover, etc, and a Main file that is compiled as the entry point.
External pages might use browsers API for DOM manipulation instead of a framework.
Internal pages require login to be accessed. Non logged users are redirected to /login upon trying to access them. However, there is only a single entry point exposed to the user, /im. The IM page lazy loads other entry points (like user settings, karma leaderboard or user profile edition) and renders them without URL changes.
IM uses purescript-flame as web framework. Client.Im.Main
kickstarts the application, wires document/window events, handles websocket events and call the appropriated methods for each ImMessage
. Most logical page divisions have its own file to process given ImMessage
s, e.g., there is a contact list, history, chat etc module.
Lazy loaded pages also have their own Main
module (e.g. Client.Profile.Main
) that will handle events and message updates.
Resource urls (like CSS or JS files) are not hardcoded, there is a function to set the correct path for production or development
Most direct DOM manipulation is in Dom.purs and other files under src/Client/Common
HTTP request are performed by the client generated by purescript-payload. Incorrect paths, missing parameters etc will be type errors
All pages are server side rendered and only hydrated on client side
Besides base and external.css, each entry point has it own css file (e.g., im.css, settings.css, etc)
The web server framework is purescript-payload. Routes and their query string, request body, response, access level (a.k.a logged in or not guard) are typed with the Shared.Spec
module. The handler of each route is set at Server.Handler
. Guards are at Server.Guard
There is a folder for each route (e.g. /im, /landing etc). Each folder always has a Handler
module for taking care of routes and other HTTP logic, an Action
module for domain logic, a Template
module for rendering markup, and sometimes a Database
module for SQL queries.
If a type is used by both server and client side, then it should be located under the folder Shared
Pages are always rendered server side so
modules useview
s from the Shared folder -
Sessions are cookie based. The logged in user id is always available to
modules viaguards :: { loggedUserId :: Int }
in case of internal pages -
There is a server for HTTP requests and another for websockets. The websocket server uses a wrapper for the ws library