- Tested against version 4.6.27 of IrAuthor
- Earlier versions have not been tested but and v > 4.6 should work
Adds support for undo/redo of delete and insert operations within irAuthor. If there are actions that can be undone/redone, the appropriate button will enable itself.
- (modification) default buffer size is now set to 5
- (new!) Redo functionality added. Whenever you undo an action, it is now possible to Redo that action
- (improvement) most authoring elements are now supported for undo/redo
- (fixed) Crash when creating various elements - e.g. Vocabulary template
- Assembly version properties added. Be careful when comparing to previous release using version numbers in DLL as previous release used default value of
- Entity tab - Def index in the RuleElements collection is being reported back as -1 for all FieldDef elements. Undoing a delete will not preserve the original order of fields, however the operation will complete normally
- (currently) Unsupported types
- Vocab template
- UDF libraries
- Data elements
- EndPoints
- Schemas