Mainly notes for when I have to install my next machine sometime in the future
Support for viewing rendered Markdown files in Mac's preview / QuickLook link
Markdown editor designed for coders and web developers. Mou
Possible alternatives:
##SublimeText This is a whole chapter unto itself, for later expanding
Se separate
Obviously I use HomeBrew.
My current list of installed brews, generated with brew list | pbcopy
(Includes those I use, and some that I might just have installed for testing or dependencies)
autoconf automake bash-completion boost catdoc dos2unix exiftool fuzzy-find gd gdbm gettext git git-extras git-flow git-flow-avh gnu-getopt gnuplot gradle highlight htop-osx hub jetty jpeg libpng libtool lighttpd lua maven mongodb neo4j node pcre pdftohtml pkg-config play python q readline sbt smlnj sqlite tig ag (the silver surfer - ack/grep replacement)