implemented skipping frames based on frame load total time
implemented skipping frames based on frame load total time
implemented backwards interval annotating/erasing
implemented backwards interval annotating/erasing
some changes
some changes
Added dropping interval annotation pin, server error handling, jumpin…
Added dropping interval annotation pin, server error handling, jumpin…
Data communication migrated from DB to client memory
Data communication migrated from DB to client memory
Deleted branch
Deleted branch
Deleted branch
minor changes
minor changes
fix minor bugs
fix minor bugs
implemented interval annotation, annotation chart, interval erasing
implemented interval annotation, annotation chart, interval erasing
modified readme
modified readme
added comments to readme
added comments to readme
added more comments to readme
added more comments to readme
minor change
minor change
new demo
new demo
fix bugs
fix bugs
implemented DropdownMenu
implemented DropdownMenu
implemented DropdownMenu
implemented DropdownMenu
fixed bugs for multiple additionalData, added hideRange, halfRange, d…
fixed bugs for multiple additionalData, added hideRange, halfRange, d…
implemented drawing addtionalData on canvas
implemented drawing addtionalData on canvas
implemented addtionalData communication, draw data on chart
implemented addtionalData communication, draw data on chart
implemented upload config and annotation files and update data in db
implemented upload config and annotation files and update data in db
minor changes
minor changes
added modal confirmation for uploading data
added modal confirmation for uploading data
added WindowMonitor, fixed bugs
added WindowMonitor, fixed bugs
fixed create, remove canvas obj bug when upload project config data, …
fixed create, remove canvas obj bug when upload project config data, …
implemented save project annotation
implemented save project annotation
implemented getFrameAnnotation, postFrameAnnotation when switch frame…
implemented getFrameAnnotation, postFrameAnnotation when switch frame…