This guide explains how to set up a FireWorks agent on remote compute sites using a Python environment and configuration files.
- Python 3.9 (available on the remote compute site)
- Access to remote compute sites (e.g., ORNL, NERSC)
Important: Perform all the following steps on the remote compute site.
SSH into the remote compute site.
Create a new directory for your FireWorks agent:
mkdir fw-agent cd fw-agent
Copy the
file into this directory (you may need to transfer it from your local machine):click==8.0.3 FireWorks==1.9.7 Flask==2.0.2 flask-paginate==2021.12.28 gunicorn==20.1.0 itsdangerous==2.0.1 Jinja2==3.0.3 MarkupSafe==2.0.1 monty==2023.11.3 prettytable==3.10.0 pymongo==3.12.3 python-dateutil==2.8.2 ruamel.yaml==0.17.20 ruamel.yaml.clib==0.2.6 six==1.16.0 tabulate==0.8.9 tqdm==4.62.3 wcwidth==0.2.13 Werkzeug==2.0.2 requests==2.26.0
Create a virtual environment and activate it (using Python 3.9 available on the remote site):
python3.9 -m venv jrm_launcher source jrm_launcher/bin/activate
Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create the
directory and the necessary configuration files:mkdir fw_config cd fw_config
: Defines the FireWorks worker settingscategory: < this must be the same as the site name in fw-lpad/FireWorks/jrm_launcher/site_config_template.yaml > name: < recommended to be the same as the category > query: '{}'
: Configures the queue adapter for job submission_fw_name: CommonAdapter _fw_q_type: SLURM _fw_template_file: < path to the queue_template.yaml > rocket_launch: rlaunch -c < path to the fw_config > singleshot nodes: walltime: constraint: account: job_name: logdir: < path to the logs > pre_rocket: post_rocket:
: Specifies the LaunchPad connection detailshost: localhost logdir: < path to the logs > mongoclient_kwargs: {} name: <fireworks database name > password: <fireworks database password> port: 27017 strm_lvl: INFO uri_mode: false user_indices: [] username: <fireworks database username> wf_user_indices: []
Please refer to the created database in fw-lpad and fill in the correct information.
: Template for job submission scripts.Notice that the variables in "slurm:" in fw-lpad site_config_template.yaml overwrites the ones in this template. Other than that, the rest of the variables are defined here.
#!/bin/bash -l #SBATCH --nodes=$${nodes} #SBATCH --ntasks=$${ntasks} #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=$${ntasks_per_node} #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=$${cpus_per_task} #SBATCH --mem=$${mem} #SBATCH --gres=$${gres} #SBATCH --qos=$${qos} #SBATCH --time=$${walltime} #SBATCH --partition=$${queue} #SBATCH --account=$${account} #SBATCH --job-name=$${job_name} #SBATCH --license=$${license} #SBATCH --output=$${job_name}-%j.out #SBATCH --error=$${job_name}-%j.error #SBATCH --constraint=$${constraint} #SBATCH --reservation=$${reservation} $${pre_rocket} cd $${launch_dir} $${rocket_launch} $${post_rocket} # CommonAdapter (SLURM) completed writing Template
To run the FireWorks agent on the remote compute site:
Ensure you're still connected to the remote compute site.
Navigate to your
directory on the remote site. -
Activate the virtual environment:
source jrm_launcher/bin/activate
Test the connection to the LaunchPad database:
lpad -c <path to the fw_config> reset
If you see the prompt "Are you sure? This will RESET your LaunchPad. (Y/N)", then your setup is correct and the connection is working. Type 'N' to cancel the reset operation.
Run the FireWorks qlaunch command:
qlaunch -c <path to the fw_config> -r rapidfire
Make sure you check
qlaunch -h
for more options.
This command will start the FireWorks rapid-fire mode on the remote site, which will continuously pull and run jobs from the LaunchPad.
The fw_config
directory contains site-specific configuration files:
: Defines the FireWorks worker settingsmy_qadapter.yaml
: Configures the queue adapter for job submissionmy_launchpad.yaml
: Specifies the LaunchPad connection detailsqueue_template.yaml
: Template for job submission scripts
Ensure you use the correct configuration files for your target compute site.
- Make sure your FireWorks LaunchPad is accessible from the remote compute site.
- Verify that the Python environment has all the necessary dependencies installed.
For more detailed information on FireWorks configuration and usage, refer to the FireWorks documentation.