This package can be used with or without ROS (as described in the main Readme).
This demo contains a minimalistic usage example based on roscpp_tutorials add_two_ints_server
Build and run the provided demo Docker image:
cd demo
docker compose -f docker-compose.ros.yaml build
docker compose -f docker-compose.ros.yaml run --rm util_caching_ros
There, you'll find a built catkin workspace in /home/blinky/catkin_ws
and a roscore running in the background.
To run the demo:
blinky@253f3b320ece:~/catkin_ws$ cd catkin_ws
blinky@253f3b320ece:~/catkin_ws$ source devel/setup.bash
blinky@253f3b320ece:~/catkin_ws$ rosrun roscpp_tutorials add_two_ints_server &
blinky@253f3b320ece:~/catkin_ws$ rosservice call /add_two_ints 3 5
[ INFO] [1707157423.856703322]: request: x=3, y=5
[ INFO] [1707157423.857378676]: not found in cache, computing...
[ INFO] [1707157423.857390462]: sending back response: [8]
sum: 8
blinky@253f3b320ece:~/catkin_ws$ rosservice call /add_two_ints 3 5
[ INFO] [1707157427.556043566]: request: x=3, y=5
[ INFO] [1707157427.556130000]: found in cache, skipping computation
[ INFO] [1707157427.556155233]: sending back response: [8]
sum: 8
blinky@253f3b320ece:~/catkin_ws$ rosservice call /add_two_ints 3 1
[ INFO] [1707157432.368645502]: request: x=3, y=1
[ INFO] [1707157432.368712881]: not found in cache, computing...
[ INFO] [1707157432.368757645]: sending back response: [4]
sum: 4