- To start a Nats source, we need the following objects:
- A Nats connection.
// A Conn represents a bare connection to a nats-server.
// It can send and receive []byte payloads.
// The connection is safe to use in multiple Go routines concurrently.
- A Nats subscription.
// Subscription represents interest in a given subject.
- When creating a Nats source, we follow the steps below:
We need to configure
natslib.MaxReconnects(-1) natslib.ReconnectWait(3 * time.Second) natslib.DisconnectHandler(func(c *natslib.Conn) { n.logger.Info("Nats disconnected") }) natslib.ReconnectHandler(func(c *natslib.Conn) { n.logger.Info("Nats reconnected") }) // If TLS enabled c := TLS CONFIG opt = append(opt, natslib.Secure(c)) // If Auth enabled // 1. Basic auth which contains a user name and a password opt = append(opt, natslib.UserInfo(username, password)) // or 2. Token auth opt = append(opt, natslib.Token(token)) // or 3. NKey auth opt = append(opt, natslib.NkeyOptionFromSeed(nkeyFile)) // Connect to nats service... n.logger.Info("Connecting to nats service...") if conn, err := natslib.Connect(source.URL, opt...); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to nats server, %w", err) } else { n.natsConn = conn } // Start the subscription if sub, err := n.natsConn.QueueSubscribe(source.Subject, source.Queue, func(msg *natslib.Msg) { readOffset := isb.NewSimpleStringPartitionOffset(uuid.New().String(), vertexInstance.Replica) m := &isb.ReadMessage{ Message: isb.Message{ Header: isb.Header{ // TODO: Be able to specify event time. MessageInfo: isb.MessageInfo{EventTime: time.Now()}, ID: readOffset.String(), }, Body: isb.Body{ Payload: msg.Data, }, }, // TODO: Be able to specify an ID for dedup? ReadOffset: readOffset, } n.messages <- m }); err != nil { n.natsConn.Close() return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to QueueSubscribe nats messages, %w", err) } else { n.sub = sub }