$ composer require --dev kocal/symfony-mailer-testing
This testing library try to be the more framework-agnostic possible. You don't have to use the Symfony Framework to use this library, as long as a bridge is available, it should work for you.
However, it requires manual installation depending on your needs.
Import the bundle:
// config/bundles.php
return [
// ...
Kocal\SymfonyMailerTesting\Bridge\Symfony\SymfonyMailerTestingBundle::class => ['test' => true],
- You have to make sure FriendsOfBehat/SymfonyExtension is installed and configured.
- Then import
in your Behat configuration file:
# behat.yml.dist
FriendsOfBehat\SymfonyExtension: ~
# Import the context
- Kocal\SymfonyMailerTesting\Bridge\Behat\MailerContext
ℹ️ If you want to add more assertions but can't extend from MailerContext
, you can use the interface MailerContextInterface
and trait MailerContextTrait
Available steps:
@Then I select email #:index
@Then I select email #:index from transport :transport
@Then I debug this email
@Then :count email(s) should have been sent
@Then :count email(s) should have been sent in transport :transport
@Then :count email(s) should have been queued
@Then :count email(s) should have been queued in transport :transport
@Then this email is queued
@Then this email is not queued
@Then this email has :count attachment(s)
@Then this email text body matches :regex
@Then this email text body not matches :regex
@Then this email HTML body contains :text
@Then this email HTML body not contains :text
@Then this email HTML body matches :regex
@Then this email HTML body not matches :regex
@Then this email has header :headerName
@Then this email has no header :headerName
@Then this email header :headerName has value :value
@Then this email header :headerName has not value :value
@Then this email contains address :headerName :address
@Then this email subject has value :text
@Then this email subject contains :text
@Then this email subject matches :regex
this email [...]
requires you to call I select email #...
Feature: Testing my feature
Scenario: An email should be sent
When <use one of your step that send an email>
Then 1 email should have been sent
And I select email #0
And I debug this email # will print a lot of information about the selected email
And this email text body contains "Hello world!"
And this email contains address "From" "[email protected]"
And this email contains address "To" "[email protected]"