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KonH edited this page Feb 23, 2018 · 5 revisions


Input/output helpers

public static class UDBase.Utils.IOTool

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
Boolean CopyFile(String originPath, String destinationPath, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for File.Copy (silent = 'no log output')
Boolean CreateDirectory(String path, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for Directory.CreateDirectory (silent = 'no log output')
Boolean CreateFile(String path, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for File.Create (silent = 'no log output')
Boolean DeleteDirectory(String path, Boolean recursive, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for Directory.Delete (silent = 'no log output')
Boolean DeleteFile(String path, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for File.Delete (silent = 'no log output')
FileInfo[] GetDirFiles(String path, String searchPattern, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for new DirectoryInfo().GetFiles(); (silent = 'no log output')
Boolean Open(String path, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for open file/directory (silent = 'no log output')
String[] ReadAllLines(String path, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for File.ReadAllLines (silent = 'no log output')
String ReadAllText(String path, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for File.ReadAllText (silent = 'no log output')
void WriteAllLines(String path, IEnumerable<String> contents, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for File.WriteAllLines (silent = 'no log output')
void WriteAllText(String path, String contents, Boolean silent = False) Exception-safe helper for File.WriteAllText (silent = 'no log output')


public class UDBase.Utils.NetUtils
    : MonoBehaviour, ILogContext


Type Name Summary
void AddHeader(UnityWebRequest request, String name, String value)
void AddHeaders(UnityWebRequest request, Dictionary<String, String> headers)
String CreateBasicAuthorization(String userName, String userPassword)
void SendDeleteRequest(String url, Single timeout = 10, Dictionary<String, String> headers = null, Action<Response> onComplete = null)
void SendGetRequest(String url, Single timeout = 10, Dictionary<String, String> headers = null, Action<Response> onComplete = null)
void SendJsonPostRequest(String url, String data, Single timeout = 10, Dictionary<String, String> headers = null, Action<Response> onComplete = null)
void SendPostRequest(String url, String data, Single timeout = 10, Dictionary<String, String> headers = null, Action<Response> onComplete = null)
void SendRequest(UnityWebRequest request, Single timeout = 10, Dictionary<String, String> headers = null, Action<Response> onComplete = null)

Static Fields

Type Name Summary
Single DefaultTimeout


Helper methods for PlayerPrefs usage

public static class UDBase.Utils.PlayerPrefsUtils

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
Boolean GetBool(String key, Boolean defaultValue) Get boolean value in int representation (1 = true, 0 = false)
void SetBool(String key, Boolean value, Boolean save = True) Set boolean value in int representation (1 = true, 0 = false)


Set of random helper methods

public static class UDBase.Utils.RandomUtils

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
T GetEnumValue()
T GetItem(List<T> items)
T GetItem(T[] items)
Int32 RangeExcluded(Int32 min, Int32 max, Int32[] exclusions) Returns random value in [min, max] interval without exclusion items Throws InvalidOperationException when all items is excluded


Utils for text processing

public static class UDBase.Utils.TextUtils

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
String EnsureString(String value) Returns given value or non-null empty string if value is null
Boolean EqualsIgnoreWhitespaces(String leftStr, String rightStr, StringComparison comparison = Ordinal) Check given strings is equals without all white-spaces and control chars inside
String RemoveWhitespaces(String str) Remove all white-spaces and control chars from given string
String TrimQuotes(String text) Trim all single and double quotes from given string


Helper methods for DG.Tween/Sequence usage

public static class UDBase.Utils.TweenHelper

Static Methods

Type Name Summary
Sequence Replace(Sequence seq, Boolean complete = False) Reset given sequence and replace it with new
Sequence Reset(Sequence seq, Boolean complete = False) Reset given sequence


public class UDBase.Utils.WebClient


Type Name Summary
Boolean HasAuthorization
Boolean InProgress


Type Name Summary
void ApplyAuthHeader(String value)
void SendDeleteRequest(String url, Single timeout = 10, Dictionary<String, String> headers = null, Action<Response> onComplete = null)
void SendGetRequest(String url, Single timeout = 10, Dictionary<String, String> headers = null, Action<Response> onComplete = null)
void SendJsonPostRequest(String url, String data, Single timeout = 10, Dictionary<String, String> headers = null, Action<Response> onComplete = null)
void SendPostRequest(String url, String data, Single timeout = 10, Dictionary<String, String> headers = null, Action<Response> onComplete = null)