This simple helper facilitates testing CDK constructs from Python unit tests, by wrapping the CDK executable and exposing convenience methods to set up fixtures, execute CDK commands, and parse their output.
It allows for different types of tests: lightweight tests that only use CDK synthesize
to ensure code is syntactically
correct and the right number and type of resources should be created, or full-fledged tests that run the full deploy
and can then be used to test the actual created resources.
This tool is heavily inspired by this project: terraform-python-testing-helper.
The tests
folder contains simple examples on how to
write tests for both synth
and deploy
This is a test that uses synth output on an actual module:
import pytest
import cdktest
import json
def output(fixtures_dir):
cdk = cdktest.CDKTest("custom", fixtures_dir, binary="npx cdk")
return cdk.synthesize()
def test_vpc_count(output):
assert len(output.resources["AWS::EC2::VPC"]) == 1
def test_subnet_type(output):
subnet_output = output.resources["AWS::EC2::Subnet"]
tag_list = map(lambda x: x["Tags"], subnet_output)
type_count = Counter(
for sublist in tag_list
for item in sublist
if item["Key"] == "aws-cdk:subnet-type"
assert (
type_count["Private"] == 2
), f'Expected number of Private subnet is 2, got {type_count["Private"]}'
assert (
type_count["Public"] == 2
), f'Expected number of Public subnet is 2, got {type_count["Public"]}'
The CDKTest synthesize and deploy methods have the ability to cache its associate output to a local .cdktest-cache directory. This cache directory
will work as a flag. For subsequent calls of the method, the cached folder will be recognized and avoid calling the actual underlying cdk
again and again. Using the cache flag can be significantly faster than running the cdk
command again especially if the command is time-intensive.
The benefits of the caching feature include:
- Faster setup time for testing cdk constructs that don't change between testing sessions
Please see the following example for how to use it:
import pytest
import cdktest
def cdk(request, fixtures_dir):
cdk = cdktest.CDKTest(
binary="npx cdk",
yield cdk
_LOGGER.debug("Removing cache dir")
except FileNotFoundError:
_LOGGER.debug("%s does not exists", cdk.cache_dir)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cdk", [True], indirect=True)
def test_use_cache(cdk):
Ensures cache is used and runs the execute_command() for first call of the
method only
for method in cache_methods:
with patch.object(
cdk, "execute_command", wraps=cdk.execute_command
) as mock_execute_command:
for _ in range(2):
getattr(cdk, method)(use_cache=True)
assert mock_execute_command.call_count == 1
Tests use the pytest
framework and have no other dependency except on the Python cdk library.