该模块基于 RFC4226 (HOTP:基于计数器的一次性密码算法)和 RFC6238(TOTP:基于时间的一次性密码算法)实现
- 随机生成base32加密的字符串
- 将base32加密后的字符串生成otpauth链接,可用来生成二维码
- 创建可验证的HOTP对象
- 验证HOTP密码
- 创建可验证的TOTP对象
- 验证TOTP密码
npm install jsotp
const jsotp = require('jsotp');
// import
const jsotp = require('jsotp');
// Create TOTP object
const totp = jsotp.TOTP('BASE32ENCODEDSECRET');
totp.now(); // => 432143
// Verify for current time
totp.verify(432143); // => true
// Verify after 30s
totp.verify(432143); // => false
// import
const jsotp = require('jsotp');
// Create HOTP object
const hotp = jsotp.HOTP('BASE32ENCODEDSECRET');
hotp.at(0); // => 432143
hotp.at(1); // => 231434
hotp.at(2132); // => 242432
// Verify with a counter
hotp.verify(242432, 2132); // => true
hotp.verify(242432, 2133); // => false
// import
const jsotp = require('jsotp');
// Generate
const b32_secret = jsotp.Base32.random_gen();
param: length
type: int
default: 16
return: String
desc: the length of random base32 encoded string.
param: secret
type: string
return: TOTP
desc: generate TOTP instance.
return: String
desc: get the one-time password with current time.
param: totp
type: string
return: Boolean
desc: verify the totp code.
param: issuer
type: string
return: string
desc: generate url with TOTP instance
param: secret
type: string
return: HOTP
desc: generate HOTP instance.
param: counter
type: int
return: String
desc: generate one-time password with counter.
param: hotp
type: string
param: count
type: int
return: Boolean
desc: verify the hotp code.
param: issuer
type: string
return: string
desc: generate url with HOTP instance
- 克隆代码并安装依赖
git clone [email protected]:LanceGin/jsotp.git
npm install
- 在
npm run build
- 单元测试
npm test