Some example usage
]LINK.Create pnm /Users/ldbeth/Public/Projects/pnmaster/APL_code
pngtopnm input.png > out.ppm
The program automatically decides whether it outputs PPM or PGM, in case the PNG image only uses gray scale. The NetPBM programs always write output to standard ourput.
Use pgmtoppm
to promote an PGM image to PPM, or in the APL,
input←pnm.readpnm 'input.pgm'
bit pnm.writepnm 'P4' 'output.pbm' ⍝ PBM file.
grey pnm.writepnm 'P5' 'output.pgm' ⍝ PGM file.
color pnm.writepnm 'P6' 'output.ppm' ⍝ PPM file.
Generate a blue noise pattern of specified radius for dithering:
⍴pnm.Image.Bluenoise.mkda 13
26 26
⍴pnm.Image.Bluenoise.MASK64 ⍝ Precomputed pattern
64 64
Convert the PGM to PBM using dithering:
pbm←pnm.Image.(Bluenoise.MASK64⍤Dither.dither) pgm
out←pnm.(Pgm.quantize∘Image.curva) in
out←pnm.Image.(Bluenoise.MASK32∘Dither.diffuse) in
lab←pnm.Ppm.cielab pnm.readpnm 'b.ppm'
bin←pnm.readpnm 'o.pbm' ⍝ binary image to hide
pnm.Image.Stega.histo lab ⍝ Find the direction that occurs less
t←pnm.Image.Stega.direc 95
out←lab (t pnm.Image.Stega.gdb 3) bin
ppm←pnm.Ppm.delab out
ppm pnm.writepnm 'P6' 'o.ppm'
decode←pnm.Ppm.cielab pnm.readpnm 'o.ppm'
r←95 pnm.Image.Stega.decode decode
r pnm.writepnm 'P4' 'dec95.pbm'